onX Maps

This Stamina Staggering Pope and Young Pronghorn had rushed in to a water hole I was watching and scared off a smaller buck in a hurry. He was standing broadside bobbing his head down and up quickly in that characteristic nervous behavior of this species. When his head was down for that “pause that refreshes,” I drew my PSE Laser Flite to my anchor and released. The 2114 Easton Gamegetter arrow tipped with a Bear razorhead broadhead hit low behind the last rib. Not the best shot, which caused hime to run of and bed down...I waited for over an hour then had to stalk him across the arid Colorado Plains for over two hours b4 landing the finishing shot. When I got to him I realized he was a Real P&Y Trophy. Scored 70".

Details about Robert Solimena 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 08/10/1989
State - Co
County - Moffat
Time of Day - Mid Day
Sex - M

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - PSE LaserFlight
Broadhead - Bear Raozorhead
Arrow - Aluminum

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear