Moultrie Mobile

Long story..took two months to recover. I thought I missed the buck because I watched him walk off through my binos and no sign of being hit. At the spot of shot no hair, blood or arrow. Figured arrow deflected off something and burried in snow. Looked for blood next few days and neighbor saw blood by his bird feeder. The buck never showed up on trail camera, figured he left the area. Had looked several times and had probably walked within 20 yards of him a couple times. Weekend of 2/29 found deer leg next to field edge and found the buck 15 yards away by some brush. Neighbors blood wasn't from the buck and he probably died that night or early next morning. I thought my shot was low because I thought he was 30 instead of 37 yards, so I may have clipped his back leg. There was one bed 80 yards from the shot and one other small blood pool 50 yards from bed. Too many deer tracks in snow to follow foot prints. I know it's my buck because I watched him to 2.5 hours two days before and we have trail cam photos of him. Feel bad I didn't recover him much sooner. He was the biggest bodied buck we had on camera, probably 200+ dressed.

Details about Rydog Overson 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 12/20/2009
State - WI
County - St. Croix
Time of Day - Afternoon
Sex - M
Whitetail Deer

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - Elite Z28
Broadhead - Maguns Snuffer SS
Arrow - Carbon/Graphite

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear