Sitka Gear

It was hot and dry for the first couple of days of the hunt and the bulls were screaming every morning only until 7:00-7:30. We were stalking elk in the mornings and calling them from the canyons in the evenings. One evening I called in a nice bull to 50 yards but he was between two Ponderosa Pines and I did not want to chance the arrow deflecting off one of the hanging braches and wounding him so we waited till dark and left to hoping meet up with him the next day. The next morning were working two bulls in the same canyon but they stopped bugling and we did not even get get a look at them so we decided to back out come in the evening. In the mean time we deciede to check out a water hole that my cousin Victor had scouted out a couple of days earlier. We were at the water hole for about 45 minutes when a cow showed up, followed by a bull and then another cow. The lead cow walked over to the fence near the water hole, snorted and then ran across the field looking directly at the tree we were under. We stayed still and after a minute she was satisfied and ran back to the fence, hopped over and started to drink. I drew back, put my 40 yard pin on her and got ready to release when out of the corner of my eye I noticed the bulls rack drop as he got ready to jump over the fence so I waited and as he began to drink I let the arrow fly. I knew he was hit hard because he barely made it back over the fence and he stopped after only going 60 yards and went down.

Details about julian lucero 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 09/21/2011
State - NM
County - New Mexico
Time of Day - Mid Day
Sex - M

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - 2009 Ross Carnivore
Broadhead - Slick Trick Standard
Arrow - Carbon/Graphite

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear