Moultrie Mobile

I haven't been out hunting more than 4 hours since opening day. So I made some time this evening and got in late to a small 6 acre piece in Lyme. I jumped 2 or more deer under my tree, but setup there anyways. Just before last light I passed on a 2 year old 6 point buck, and right after that had 4 deer work their way down to me,and I took the one that presented the best shot. Deer lived 3 seconds. A little tender meat for the freezer.

Details about Isaac Heath 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 10/08/2011
State - Ct
County - Lyme
Time of Day - Afternoon
Sex - F
Whitetail Deer

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - Hoyt
Broadhead - Blackout from redhead
Arrow - Carbon/Graphite

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear