Sitka Gear

Stalked bugling bull to 58 yards, froze for several minutes when a cow detected my presence. Cow eventually walked off feeding. I then closed distance to 35 yards behind tree cover, drew bow, stepped out from behind tree and held for a few seconds until elk presented a quartering away profile while racking tree with antlers. Held on far leg and mid body and released. Elk ran off behind tree cover. I blew the worst ever cow call, really loud. Bull stopped looked around and stood in place for a couple of minutes with its head sticking out of cover. The bull then crashed off behind cover. I sat down for five minutes got up and went to looking for bull and found zero blood trail. I looked behind the cover and there I found the expired bull. Arrow entered high on the 12th left rib and stopped on the right elbow. Zero blood trail.

Details about Tim Halloran 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 08/31/2014
State - Co
County - Hinsdale
Time of Day - Afternoon
Sex - M

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - HCA X10 #65, 27.5", 275FPS, Whisker Biscuit
Broadhead - 100 GN G5 Striker
Arrow - Carbon/Graphite

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear