Moultrie Mobile

Spotted this deer feeding in an alfalfa field with 6 other bucks. I belly- crawled thru 3' grass for about 200 yds. to the edge of the field. He walked right to me heading for his bed. I drew my bow on my back, did a sit-up, and whacked him at 7 yds. He lunged forward right when the shot went off and the arrow him well back. Fortunately, he stopped at 35 yds and looked back at me. The second shot was money.

Details about Matt Teter 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 10/15/2000
State - Co
County - Elbert
Time of Day - Morning
Sex - M
Mule Deer

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - Matthew Conquest
Broadhead - Muzzy 100 gr.
Arrow - Carbon/Graphite

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear