onX Maps
Our weapons are useless!
Contributors to this thread:
ki-ke out 22-Oct-13
ki-ke out 22-Oct-13
ki-ke out 22-Oct-13
ki-ke out 22-Oct-13
ki-ke out 22-Oct-13
ki-ke out 22-Oct-13
Salagi 22-Oct-13
t-roy 22-Oct-13
orionsbrother 22-Oct-13
Rick M 22-Oct-13
drycreek 22-Oct-13
Norseman 22-Oct-13
DC 23-Oct-13
IdyllwildArcher 23-Oct-13
rtkreaper 23-Oct-13
Barty1970 23-Oct-13
Ole Coyote 23-Oct-13
Teeton 23-Oct-13
Ace of Spades 23-Oct-13
GhostBird 23-Oct-13
Fuzzy 23-Oct-13
elkmtngear 23-Oct-13
sir misalots 23-Oct-13
Surfbow 23-Oct-13
swede 23-Oct-13
Medicinemann 23-Oct-13
scentman 23-Oct-13
TD 23-Oct-13
thrasher 23-Oct-13
GRoe 23-Oct-13
Don K 23-Oct-13
Z Barebow 23-Oct-13
Teeton 23-Oct-13
rtkreaper 23-Oct-13
city hunter 23-Oct-13
Ace of Spades 23-Oct-13
JLS 23-Oct-13
sitO 23-Oct-13
spike buck 24-Oct-13
Nick Muche 24-Oct-13
ki-ke out 24-Oct-13
Fuzzy 24-Oct-13
Z Barebow 24-Oct-13
Z Barebow 24-Oct-13
Doubleforky 24-Oct-13
Teeton 24-Oct-13
stick slinger 24-Oct-13
TD 24-Oct-13
Jaquomo_feral 25-Oct-13
Rick M 25-Oct-13
Brotsky 25-Oct-13
Don K 26-Oct-13
Don K 26-Oct-13
Hotm00n 26-Oct-13
ki-ke out 26-Oct-13
Don K 27-Oct-13
Don K 27-Oct-13
From: ki-ke out

ki-ke out's embedded Photo
ki-ke out's embedded Photo
I have 2 awesome sons that LOVE the woods. The eldest (14) it's already a successful whitetail killer and the youngest (9) is heck with a stick bow and wants to hunt polar bear as his first hunt. He also wants to be an. Orthodontist, so it could happen.

The little guy, Zack, is also a master craftsman of all things Lego. He creates stuff with those little blocks that are absolutely amazing.

On the night before I left for my NM elk hunt this year, Zack handed me a complete Lego scene! consisting of a tree, a ground blind, a whitetail buck and a bowhunter, complete with a back quiver, binoculars and a cool hat! He wanted me to take it to New Mexico for good luck. I explained to him while the scene was totally awesome, that it wouldn't survive in my pack and that maybe I should just take the hunter. He obliged and I took the little bowhunter guy that my Zack built just for me.

Well, I have to admit that I left him at camp a couple days during the hunt. When I reviewed the pics on my camera, I couldn't believe what I found! That little guy got BUSY!!

Anyone that hunted the Gila this season likely got to experience the man eating grasshoppers that plagued the area. They were absolutely freaky. Thee were uncountable numbers of them. I killed at least 7,000 every day just walking. They tried to eat my rangefinder case. They put holes in my flip flops. When we killed them at camp, other grasshoppers came and ate them! It was like something out of a B horror movie from the 60's.

I guess the Lego bowhunter feared for his life and took action.

From: ki-ke out

ki-ke out's embedded Photo
ki-ke out's embedded Photo
I have no idea who was taking the photos.....no one in camp but Lego man...

From: ki-ke out

ki-ke out's embedded Photo
ki-ke out's embedded Photo
They must have attacked from "piggyback" position. How afraid he mutts have been....

From: ki-ke out
MUST have been, can't edit from my ipad...

From: ki-ke out

ki-ke out's embedded Photo
ki-ke out's embedded Photo
Like armored robo hoppers, they came at him mounted on each other like something from a nightmare!

From: ki-ke out

ki-ke out's embedded Photo
ki-ke out's embedded Photo
In the end, good prevailed and our hero emerged victorious!

From: Salagi
Good job Lego man!

From: t-roy
How many grasshopper points did it take to draw the tag! Or was it an OTC tag:))

Did you enjoy the backstraps?

And did Legoman use the gutless method? The rib roll would be tough on that one I think.

From: Rick M
That is good stuff:)

From: drycreek
Always stick the tongue back in before taking hero pics lego man !

From: Norseman
Frontal shot? That's risky....

From: DC
What kind of broadhead was he using to penetrate that armor?

2 blade broadhead... Good choice against an exoskeleton.

From: rtkreaper
Gonna need a world class taxidermist to mount that one! Rory

From: Barty1970
This has to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a very long time

As a small boy I absolutely adored playing with Lego...every Christmas morning, I would be up at 4am shaking the boxes under the tree; if it rattled, then it was Lego and Daddy would be woken up to help build

Thanks a million for sharing...and be careful out there, brave Lego Archer

From: Ole Coyote
Are we bored, get out there and hunt! LMAO

From: Teeton
lmao,,, This story needs to go viral. tHANKS FOR MAKING MY MORNING A GOOD ONE. Dam cap lock!

Good job Lego man!

From: GhostBird
Did he put the ol Alabama Hamblaster shot on him?

From: Fuzzy
great pics! can I "harvest" one of them? ( a pic) funny stuff!

From: elkmtngear

I remember those days...my Son will turn 15 on Friday.

Enjoy that little guy while you can!

Best of Luck, Jeff

From: sir misalots
Love it

Best post I've seen in a while reminds me of those old 50's horror movies Just watched the Black Scorpion a few days ago Too funny

From: Surfbow
Lego man appears to be holding his bow upside down, I think you need to take him to the range before the next hunt and explain some things...

From: swede
Those are nice long spikes on Lego man's kill. Lego man needs to tag it quick.

From: Medicinemann
That was some good stuff!!

From: scentman
His antennas are drooping.

From: TD
I think I saw that on Starship Troopers..... only good bug is a dead bug....

From: thrasher
How many points to draw that tag?

From: GRoe
Great post! Love the comments too. People have a great sense of humor...

From: Don K
Great post, good pictures, love it. Had to show my wife as she sells Lego parts and our house is a Napa parts house but for Lego's.

From: Z Barebow
DIY, solo, stick and string during the hopper rut! Is it September yet?

From: Teeton
Definitely high fence. They don't grow that big in the wild..

From: rtkreaper
Full body mount? Rory

From: city hunter
great stuff can lego man to a live hunt !!!

A live hunt with Lego man would be really cool!

From: JLS
This Bud's for you, Mr. Brave Lego Archer Man.

From: sitO
That's an SCI hopper...good stuff little man!

From: spike buck
Must have used a rage hypodermic broadhead. Good story!!!

From: Nick Muche

Very witty, I like it!

From: ki-ke out
You guys are stinkin funny as heck...

I spoke to Lego man this morning. He likes the idea of doing a semi live, hunt. He said he is not a fan of most of the "live" hunts on BS. His hunts are too action packed to be jerking around with a phone every time a squirrel walks by, he says. That, and the fact that is is difficult to press the little keys on his phone with C's for hands....

He wouldn't tell me what he was currently chasing, only that as dangerous as the hoppers were, this animal makes them look like Pikachu, the cute and cuddly.

He couldn't talk long. Apparently, he packed in deep and was worried about the battery on his sat phone, but he answered a few of your questions.

Draw or OTC for the tag?

It was an "any hopper, lubber or flying" OTC tag.

High fence?

please. Lego man is an adventurer who lives on the edge! His motto, "I came, I killed and I left". Kill or be killed is how he likes to hunt. Can't do that in a pen.


LM crafts his own, of course. To keep it in perspective, remember LM. Is 1-1/4" tall. Please don't tell him I told you this. He is a bit sensitive about his height. What is really amazing is his strength to size ratio. He is at least as strong as a carpenter ant! He can lift 6 times his own weight! He packed out that hopper and all his gear 6 miles, one way! (6 miles to scale, of course. Hell, remember he's only 1-1/4" tall..)

So, to scale (1-1/4" equals 6')

His longbow draws 364 lbs. Arrows are the equivalent of #5 rebar and weigh, in lbs., not grains, 3.5! Broad heads are solid steel, 2 blade, custom made by VPA, of course. The combo achieved full penetration on the hopper with a full on frontal, entering just under the mandible and exiting the exoskeleton just beyond the thorax. Fletchings are hand cut tweety bird, harvested by LM himself.

He also makes his own clothing.

LM eats what he kills. Hopper meat was nasty, he said.

Lego man is not interested in record books. He hunts, therefore, he is. That is enough for him.

A bit more about Legoman.....;

LM wants to hunt with Bustaribs, cuz who has a better handle than that. The guy MUST be cool!, BPM (because, hey, what Lego man doesn't like pizza) and Jaquomo, because Lou also likes to sip the good stuff after a long day of chasing plains critters in a frozen wasteland, like LM did in that Star Wars episode.

Famous in his little world, LM has courted the likes of Princess Leia, from Star Wars fame, and that cute chick, the kings daughter, from Lord of the Rings. He digs chicks that know how to wield swords and light sabers......

I'll let you know when Lego man is ready to post a semi live hunt detailing his current adventure.

From: Fuzzy

From: Z Barebow
Keep the wind in your face LegoMan!

I heard he was seen on the set of "Hunger Games II" with Jennifer Lawrence in tow. Not sure if it a long term thing or if she is just a groupie.

You are living the life LM!

From: Z Barebow

Z Barebow's embedded Photo
Z Barebow's embedded Photo

From: Doubleforky
With those grasshoppers jumping on, attacking each other, eating your gear and also eating the dead ones I would consider them as dangerous game :)

From: Teeton
I bet he's out hunting the north american shrew. I hear they're bad ass..


stick slinger's embedded Photo
stick slinger's embedded Photo
reminds me of this little guy that tagged along a moose hunt a few years ago. He was easily excited

From: TD
I hear you fry the hopper crispy and dip it in chocolate it'snot bad.... can eat dirt if it's dipped in mayo or chocolate....

um.... I think LM might be E.T. on earth safari....

Steve, this is great stuff! Thanks for bringing a smile on a stressed-out Friday!

From: Rick M
He is: "The most interesting Lego man in the world"

Livin the dream LM, livin the dream!!

From: Brotsky
Looks like LM would bend over backwards for a good adventure!

From: Don K

Don K's embedded Photo
Don K's embedded Photo
Talked with a guide the other day and learned Lego man purchased a Landowner tag and spent 10 days chasing the mighty Praying Mantis. He was nice enough to show me the pic of the one he missed at 15 yards.

From: Don K

Don K's embedded Photo
Don K's embedded Photo
But this is where it gets disturbing as Lego Man got so upset he packed away his bow and switched over to the dark side.......

Yep here is a picture of the new weapon he was practicing with. Seeing another side of L.M may just change your thinking of him

From: Hotm00n
love it!!

From: ki-ke out

You shouldn't have said those awful things about LM.

I couldn't stop him. Zack made him a vehicle and the Lego man is on his way to Illinois now. You should be afraid. Very afraid........

He has never hunted protected species and has CERTAINLY never used a crossbow for hunting.

From: Don K

The Praying Mantis is not protected here in Illinois. As far as the Crossbow I got the picture from his hunting guide........

From: Don K

Don K's embedded Photo
Don K's embedded Photo
And the pictures keep coming in............

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