Sitka Gear
Discuss our Semi-Live Mt Goat Bowhunt
Mountain Goat
Contributors to this thread:
Stekewood 12-Sep-11
ORARCHER 12-Sep-11
Bowbender 12-Sep-11
miller1 12-Sep-11
kota-man 12-Sep-11
ozarkmanp 12-Sep-11
OFFHNTN 12-Sep-11
Florida Mike 12-Sep-11
Owl 13-Sep-11
Bowboy 13-Sep-11
MaBow 13-Sep-11
Toby 13-Sep-11
OFFHNTN 13-Sep-11
Shiras 13-Sep-11
brettpsu 13-Sep-11
Spencer Broshko 13-Sep-11
brettpsu 13-Sep-11
OregonArcher 13-Sep-11
Mad Trapper 14-Sep-11
OFFHNTN 15-Sep-11
kota-man 15-Sep-11
nelson 15-Sep-11
kickstand 16-Sep-11
MaBow 17-Sep-11
Hawkeye 17-Sep-11
Florida Mike 17-Sep-11
passing... thru 17-Sep-11
Bou'bound 17-Sep-11
kickstand 17-Sep-11
Bowboy 17-Sep-11
JusPassin 18-Sep-11
kota-man 18-Sep-11
Snakeeater 18-Sep-11
Snakeeater 18-Sep-11
keep 18-Sep-11
jerseyjohn 19-Sep-11
huntmaster 19-Sep-11
HerdManager 19-Sep-11
kota-man 19-Sep-11
HerdManager 19-Sep-11
MaBow 19-Sep-11
kota-man 19-Sep-11
leo17 19-Sep-11
leo17 19-Sep-11
leo17 19-Sep-11
leo17 19-Sep-11
kota-man 19-Sep-11
kickstand 19-Sep-11
Gaur 19-Sep-11
swp 20-Sep-11
kota-man 20-Sep-11
ericolson 20-Sep-11
Ken 20-Sep-11
Gaur 20-Sep-11
Bou'bound 20-Sep-11
hunt'n addict 20-Sep-11
Mac 20-Sep-11
rooster 20-Sep-11
kj 20-Sep-11
Rubberfist 20-Sep-11
ColoradoDan 21-Sep-11
Hawkeye 21-Sep-11
kickstand 22-Sep-11
Gaur 22-Sep-11
Larv 22-Sep-11
Fred Richter 22-Sep-11
TC 23-Sep-11
kota-man 23-Sep-11
joshuaf 23-Sep-11
OFFHNTN 23-Sep-11
Ambush 23-Sep-11
antarcher 24-Sep-11
keep 24-Sep-11
Hawkeye 24-Sep-11
huntmaster 24-Sep-11
MF 24-Sep-11
muskeg 24-Sep-11
Treefarm 24-Sep-11
midwest 24-Sep-11
buckhunter 24-Sep-11
Thunderflight 24-Sep-11
Gaur 25-Sep-11
loopmtz 25-Sep-11
DonSchultz 25-Sep-11
Bou'bound 25-Sep-11
Jimbob 25-Sep-11
Bendog 25-Sep-11
deer tracker 26-Sep-11
Mad Trapper 26-Sep-11
jerseyjohn 26-Sep-11
bartman 26-Sep-11
OFFHNTN 26-Sep-11
MaBow 26-Sep-11
Horn Donkey 26-Sep-11
jerseyjohn 26-Sep-11
Hawkeye 26-Sep-11
ColoradoDan 27-Sep-11
ColoradoDan 27-Sep-11
kota-man 28-Sep-11
passing... thru 28-Sep-11
Nelly 28-Sep-11
Owl 29-Sep-11
Goat Guide 22-Oct-11
Medicinemann 22-Oct-11
city hunter 22-Oct-11
Bou'bound 22-Oct-11
TCOguide 29-Aug-12
From: Stekewood
Oh man. This is going to be great! Can't wait.

Good luck !!!! And thanks !!!

From: Bowbender
This is gonna be a wild ride. Thanks for bringing it to us. Good luck!

From: miller1
sounds awsome, im ready for more.

From: kota-man
I've been especially waiting for this one for sometime now...I'll be doing the same hunt in August next year! On with the show...

From: ozarkmanp
My Dream Hunt..............Mountain Goat!!!

My dream hunt as well! I will be watching and reading this one closely!


From: Florida Mike
It's about time! Everybodies been asking me if Pat killed a goat. I should have known Pat would do something special with his hunt. I thought the first day was great! I want to do a goat hunt too but walking uphill 5 hours with a 60 lb pack ain't makin me get ready. Anyway, goodluck y'all, shoot straight, Mike

From: Owl
"I was mildly hypothermic." You forgot to add, "...and loving every minute of it." lol

Best of luck with the conditions, gravity and the goats. Thanks for bringing us along.

From: Bowboy
Good luck! I'm leaving next Monday for my BC goat hunt!

From: MaBow
I did this hunt 3 weeks ago with Jack. It was cold, rainy,windy and miserable. I forgot to mention it was the best thing I have ever done!

From: Toby
This is going to be real good particular for all of us that are planning to hunt mounting goat

C'mon Pat!!! Where is day 2?!


From: Shiras
Hoping to put a deposit down next spring! Good luck!

From: brettpsu
I'm doing this hunt Aug 15-21 2012 with Jack and Lloyd. Can't wait!!!!

brett your in for a great hunt !

From: brettpsu
Nice goat Spencer. I'm sure it was extra special to do it with your father along.

Pat, WAKE UP!!!! I think you slept through day two.

From: OregonArcher
good luck and shoot straight.

From: Mad Trapper
Good Luck boys! I am with you in spirit.

LOVE it so far! But it's taking way to long! I know you are doing that on purpose Pat. :)

From: kota-man
Yeah, this one is a bit of a "yawner" so far. Looks like a great adventure though. Can't wait until they get into action.

From: nelson
"walking uphill 5 hours with a 60 lb pack"

doesn't the guide to all the heavy lifting??

From: kickstand
I was hunting Mt Goat with Johnnie Laird (Muskeg) at this same time in SE Alaska, The weather that's coming is unbelievable. We did not get our first day of hunting till the 8th day. The weather man said 25 inches of rain in the first 8 days of Sept. I don't know how far away Pat is from Ketchakan but should get some of that also. Its good they can hunt low when the weather hits

From: MaBow
Congrats Kent. Fantastic looking goat!

From: Hawkeye
Congrats Kent!

From: Florida Mike
Nice goat! I know videos and pictures can be deceiving but it looked like a stalkable goat to me, especially with the wind blowing the grass back an forth to hide movement. But each to his own. Funny how Pat started off talking about he didn't care if he got to hunt or not and now he's saying it gonna be a last minute deal because of weather. Funny how the predator comes out when we get on the mountain... Mike

Thanks for taking us along... great billy for Kent!

From: Bou'bound
good job on the giant goat.

bow / gun it matters not it is a beauty and so well earned.

anyway, doesn't the "BOW" in Bowsite stand for "Break Out Winchester" LOL

From: kickstand
I ended up taking mine with a gun last week but don't really feel right posting story or picture on Bowsite. But now that I know what BOW stands for.

From: Bowboy
Kent congrats! That's a true trophy gun or bow!

From: JusPassin
Would have been a heck of a traditional trophy wouldn't it!

From: kota-man
Heck of a trophy no matter what the method. Congrats, awesome animal.

From: Snakeeater
An aside about Pat's comment doing mountain training with a pack. This is definitely a necessary thing to include in your training if you will be hunting in the maountains. It does two things for you; first, you get used to higher altitudes and less oxygen, and second, you get used to hauling a heavy weight up and down a slope, which running alone will not give you. If you don't have mountains nearby to train in you can still go to a local football stadium or a highrise office building and do stairs up and down.

From: Snakeeater

BTW, I for one would like to know what MR pack you were using and what you guys carried with you to hang out in the mountains.

Good luck on your quest for goat, bear, and whatever else!


From: keep
This is a great read and unbelievably helpful. I'm booked with Jack for the first week of Aug next year and am starting to get the gear together. To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to be as physically demanding as it seems from past stories that it was an "easier" goat hunt. Also Pat, thanks for ruling out that un-bowhuntable new area. Hopefully we don't try that again next year.

From: jerseyjohn
I am looking forward to the goat hunt with Jack. I am going the end of August 2012. I need to start doing as much as possible to lose weight and train. Thanks for the insight on the area. JJ

From: huntmaster
Standing 6 yards above you...I can picture your faces. Good Read so far.

From: HerdManager
Great goat, little confused as to why he picked up the rifle on the very first stalk of the hunt...

From: kota-man
I am sure it had something to do with the weather forcast and the size of the goat. I WILL do the same thing in a heartbeat.

Really shouldn't be any "confusion"...He wanted to shoot the goat with the rifle, so he did. Really nothing to be confused about.

From: HerdManager
Confused because he is described as being a dedicated bowhunter. Dedicated bowhunters generally are, well, dedicated to taking an animal with a bow.

There is a reason people are proud to lay their bow across the animal, and why many gun kills do not have the rifle laying across the animal. It's the same reason this site exists.

From: MaBow
Hey Pat. How many times did you and Jack stop at Tim Hortons for coffee and food. Tim Hortons is like crack to Jack he can not go by without stopping. LOL

From: kota-man
You've got to be kidding me. I missed the section of the "Dedicated Bowhunter Manual" that says, one can't pick up a rifle.

Now I'm confused...Especially by your second sentence about that mularky about being proud.

Kent has every reason to be "proud" of this kill. If you think rifle hunters aren't "proud" of their kills because they don't lay the rifle across the animal, you're sniffing a little too much from the elitest pot.

From: leo17
Hey Pat I booked with babine for sept 10-20 2013. What do you think about these dates? Would you go later or earlier on Your next trip? Im also interested in hearing what was in your pack.

From: leo17
Hey Pat I booked with babine for sept 10-20 2013. What do you think about these dates? Would you go later or earlier on Your next trip? Im also interested in hearing what was in your pack.

From: leo17
Hey Pat I booked with babine for sept 10-20 2013. What do you think about these dates? Would you go later or earlier on Your next trip? Im also interested in hearing what was in your pack.

From: leo17
sorry for the multi post

From: kota-man
Great Pat...I was going to PM you for your equipment list. My hunt is Aug. 23-29 next fall...I've got a "pack hunt" equipment list but would love to compare it to yours. Nice bull JJ

From: kickstand

kickstand's embedded Photo
kickstand's embedded Photo
SE Alaska Sept 9th

From: Gaur
Thanks for lugging the camera gear along for us Pat. Enjoying the hunt. Would love to see a video if you took one of the goat going up that rock face "like spiderman".

Good luck on the rest of the hunt.

From: swp
Look at the ears on that grouse...something is suspicious here!!!

From: kota-man
That appears to be a Midwestern Turkey Grouse. They eat fawns up here.

From: ericolson
I am just loving this hunt! Did the grouse taste good?

From: Ken
As punishment for the grouse prank you should be required to post Day 10 today. :)

From: Gaur
Had me going. That was good.

From: Bou'bound
I am just impressed that when presented that opportunity at hunting immortality you passed up the shotgun and stuck with the bow.

Nice grouse! What ddi the skull measure out at? 2-4/8" on the PLF scale?

From: Mac

Mac's embedded Photo
Mac's embedded Photo
I don't know if it's a world record, but it's for sure record class. way to go Pat!!!

From: rooster
The "grouse curse" has run it's evil corse. I'd go with the full body mount, or maybe just shake and bake!

From: kj
You guys should have been there for the photo session. The hunt for the day was pretty much over. The next day Jack and Pat went back on the goat mtn, and Lloyd fried that grouse for our supper. Kent

From: Rubberfist
Gratz on the new world record grouse!

This thread has me seriously pumped for my upcoming goat hunt!

From: ColoradoDan
Pat, can you tell me how you liked the Stormfront Lite Jacket and Pants? I am looking for a go-to set of packable rain gear. I hunt the high country for elk and find myself still trecking up the mountain in the rain. How did these perform during times of exertion? I am assuming you wore the pants over another set of Sitka pants? Thanks.

From: Hawkeye
Great hunt Pat. I was curious on your merino wool clothing, was that your base as I would assume it Got pretty soaked with perspiration each day?

Did it dry well with the low humidity or would You still prefer synthetics on hunts like this such as the traverse and crew as a base? Seems you wore both but which one dried faster, was warmer or the one you'd pick overall for physical hunts? Thanks.

From: kickstand
Looks like a lot of fun for Kent, and a lot of climbing for you Pat. Im sure its all worth it

From: Gaur
Watch you steps on the last two days. Looks intense. Looking forward to seeing the conclusion.

From: Larv
Pat, a great hunt! Thx for taking us along!

Having said that I fine myself a little offended by one of your comments. I love oatmeal! I've never tried goat vomit and am curious how you came to the conclusion that it is better than oatmeal? Just wonderin'. LOL


From: Fred Richter
Thanks Pat for posting your Sitka clothing list. I'm booked for a goat hunt next fall with Bolen Lewis and your input on clothing and gear is appreciated. I've got more hunting clothes and gear than I should, but I don't think I have much for mountain hunting.If you don't mind I'd like to touch base with you after you get back. Good luck!

From: TC
Pat, with your day 11 post my respect for you as a story teller just officially went off the charts. This story belongs with some of the great ones out there. Ditto that for "warts and all" recounting of the story. To have balls enough to fess up to being about ready to mess your pants, in my mind, increases my respect for you as a man immensely. I have been on that hunt where the guide you swear is a cross between a mule and spyderman and I came to the conclusion that there are just some things us mere mortals can't or shouldn't do.

You are the man! Really am praying you stumble on something tomorrow.

From: kota-man
Holy Crap Pat...I just went from being excited about my goat hunt next year to be a terrified little girl.

From: joshuaf
Pat, you are one crazy motha':) I've never been all that interested in hunting mountain goats and I have now officially crossed them off my list:)

I hope you're blocking your wife's computer so she can't read this live hunt....;)

Wow.........I have sweaty plams reading about Day 12!!! Great writing Pat! I'm not counting you out yet! One day to go!


From: Ambush
Being a resident, I hunt those same mountains for goats. And the one thing that always amazes me when viewing the pics and vids later is that they never show how steep it really is. If you think it looks steep in Pat's video, it's WAY steeper in real life!! I agree [now that I'm older] wholeheartedly that no goat is worth your life or limbs. The exceptional goat might be worth some blood and skin, but that's it. I got blown off and drowned out, this year, north of Smither's, so I'm rooting for you!!

I'm getting a little queasy from the video, and it has nothing to do with it being shaky. Day 12 just about burnt me out reading about it. Be safe!

From: antarcher
The only good thing coming out of that last read pat is knowing that you are still alive to tell this tale of your adventure. If it wasn't for it being semi live, then I think many of us here would have felt much fear for your well being. Outside of all that, another excellent adventure and presentation and I am sure you are inspiring many to try the same, myself included.

From: keep
Kota-man- "Holy Crap Pat...I just went from being excited about my goat hunt next year to be a terrified little girl."

I'm feeling about like kota-man on this. I sure hope Jack and Lloyd have a beginners course for the goat hunting rookies.

I had an excited/ go for broke manner while reading this till Pat mentioned "All I could think about was my Alaska incident where I almost orphaned my kids while trying to kill some stupid goat." It has since changed my perspective.(still excited just have a healthy respect for the slopes after reading this)

From: Hawkeye
Holy cow..that was a hunt!!!! I started laughing last night at midnight reading Day 12 as I know EXACTLY the fear he was talking about after my Alaska goat hunt. I HATE heights also and locked up a few times-often thinking-WHAT AM I DOING HERE :(

Still-one of the best memories and toughest hunt there is. Pat did justice to goat hunting with this hunt. Well done sir.

From: huntmaster
What a great hunt!! Kill or not, you gave it every effort trying to get close. That's all you can do.

This is a hunt that I REALLY want to do and you helped reinforce why I really want to hunt mountain goats.

Congrats on a great adventure.

From: MF
Wow! I been on here from the git go and have to say that was probably the best hunt yet. Awesome, man, awesome. I don't think I'll ever get to do that but Man Do Lin!!

From: muskeg
Great hunt story Pat .....

From: Treefarm
That there fellow bowhunters was one of the most enjoyable hunts I have lived vicariously through. Although my legs would never allow me to traverse a mountain like Pat did, I felt like I was THERE. Thanks so much Pat!

From: midwest
The best semi-live I've read so far. Great stuff!

From: buckhunter
WOW that was an amazing read.I new goat hunting was tough I did not know is was that tough! A great hunt and story!Pat what a wonderful job you did telling us this story I appreciate the no BS approach!GREAT JOB VERY WELL DONE!

Pat, thanks for sharing the adventure. As always it was GREAT!

From: Gaur
I agree with what others said. Great hunt. thanks for making the effort to bring it to us.

From: loopmtz
Awesome, thanks for sharing.

From: DonSchultz
Very happy for your wife and kids that you are heading home, not in a box.

From: Bou'bound
great story.

if it was as hairy as you describe it is not worth it. not even close.

glad all ended up well.

From: Jimbob
I want Tv shows for a little entertainment BUT tuning into and following the hunts on bowsite is whole nother level. I learn a tonne about different types of hunting and I feel like I am experiencing these epic adventures. Thanks Pat for brings us along, this is way above TV.

From: Bendog
Great job palms were sweating just reading about it......and I immediately went out and hiked one of our Adirondack peaks in preparation for my own goat hunt, which WILL happen – if not in 2012 then 2013

From: deer tracker
I really enjoyed your hunt! Thanks for sharing your experience.

From: Mad Trapper
Great hunt Pat! Really brought back memories. Goats were my Achilles heel. There is something about goat hunting that is particularly rewarding. Perhaps it is the amount of preparation and work required for an old guy to get to the alpine. Then there are the views when you finally get there. Several puckers from time to time as you navigate through ledges that no human ever passed or should have passed. The wind, rain and blackflies round out the adventure. I would do it every year if I wasn't getting too old!

From: jerseyjohn
Thanks Pat, Great hunt and story! I don't know if I would do the things you did on your goat hunt. Jack is going to have a problem trying to convince me of doing that. Better yet, I need to go to a different mountain to hunt altogether. JJ

From: bartman
Pat - I usually do not reply to your features. I absolutely enjoy every one but generally stay quiet. This hunt and your writing was spectacular. I truly enjoyed every word and could hardly wait for the next day's update. What an amazing hunt - thanks so very much in sharing with us. Even though no goat for you, congratulations are still in order...I could not last 1 day in that environment. Bart

Great job Pat! Sorry you didn't get it done, but your attitude is spot on. Thanks for taking the time to do this again!!!


From: MaBow
To add to what Pat mentioned. Babine has a quota for each mountain that runs for 5 years. This was year 5 of their quota so next year the 5 year clock resets.

From: Horn Donkey
Pat---As usual a terrific feature. I couldn't wait to see the updates.

As to your comment at the end of day 13......Personally, I look forward to semi-live hunts much more than I do for TV shows.

Keep em coming! I'm hoping we see Kent again real soon in Kansas?!?

From: jerseyjohn
Mabow, If it resets next year, it opens up options to hunt any mountain. I like that. I am glad I booked with Jack to hunt a Mt. Goat. This is a trip of a lifetime and I believe bowsiters have found a good one. JJ

From: Hawkeye
Thanks for the info Pat.

From: ColoradoDan
Pat, thanks for the insight regarding the Stormfront Lite pants and jacket. One last question...did you always wear other pants under the stormfront lite pants or just simply long johns? Thanks again for taking us along!

From: ColoradoDan
Pat, thanks for the info. That is exactly what I was looking for.

From: kota-man
Pat...Thanks for the information. Just what I need to know for my upcoming hunt. I echo your statements regarding the Mountain Pants. My favorite hunting pants by far. I think I will leave the Merino at home and just go with the Synthetic Sitka Shirts and the Traverse Shirt. I sweat so bad, that Merino will never dry out.

Just finished reading day 13 and Pat's closing comments. I will take one of these semi live hunts over a year subscription to the tv bs. Thanks Pat.

From: Nelly
absolutely love the semi-live hunts. Great job

From: Owl
Thanks for clarifying the terrain issue a bit, Pat. I am risk tolerant but I cannot abide being so close to a 200 foot free fall. Though mostly round, I do not bounce very well. Great writing, BTW. I have no doubt the color ran from my face while reading that excerpt.

That stated, this thread has wreaked editorial havoc on my bucket list.;)

From: Goat Guide

Goat Guide's embedded Photo
Goat Guide's embedded Photo
Finally have some time between groups of hunters and wanted to thank Pat for all the kind words. Just wish we could have had more luck. Kent and Pat were both a real pleasure to take hunting which was a good thing with all the time we spent in a tent together. I was impressed by the quality of whitetails shot by Pat in Kent's hunting area. I thought this was a cool picture of Kent on our way up the mountain. Good luck to everyone this season. Jack

From: Medicinemann
I have just returned from the Yukon Territory, and while I was up there I heard that there have been three fatalities this Fall.....all were Mt. Goat hunters.....I believe that they were in Alaska. If I can remember who told me that, I will get verification and pass on the specifics as they are made available.

From: city hunter
Pat loves the MT pants with the kneepads built in ,,Toooooo funny

What really happened up in them mountains .. Wow Pat no wonder your legs were weak hahaha

From: Bou'bound
There have been more than three fatalities so far this year in the states from treestand falls.

From: TCOguide
Man, I enjoyed your story. I may never get the chance to hunt goats in the high country, but your story took me there. You made my lungs burn and my legs hurt. Thanks so much for sharing your hunt. As a mid-western whitetail outfitter it made me realize my guiding is cake-walk. Thanks again.

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