wheat, canola and turnip food plot?
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
bo_hunter22 17-Sep-08
fuzzy 17-Sep-08
fuzzy 17-Sep-08
PAGuardian 17-Sep-08
bo_hunter22 18-Sep-08
LW 18-Sep-08
badlander 18-Sep-08
badlander 18-Sep-08
LW 18-Sep-08
From: bo_hunter22
I was just wondering what you all thought of wheat, canola and turnips as a food plot..

From: fuzzy
I think it's great!

From: fuzzy
I think it's great!

From: PAGuardian
I have never tried wheat or canola but turnips can work out really great. I think the mix you are suggesting would be even better because it would likely draw deer in for a longer period of time compared to a single plant plot.

From: bo_hunter22
Well I planted about an acre of all this. it's about 1/2 wheat and 1/4 of both the other...

From: LW

LW's embedded Photo
LW's embedded Photo
I planted some oats/brassica (both rape & turnips) on August 3rd, and here is how they are doing today.

From: badlander

badlander's embedded Photo
badlander's embedded Photo
Turnips, winter wheat, rye grass, planted and fertilized the same weekend as LW.

It took us 2 years to get this plot ready with chain saws, a Stihl brush mower and finally a back hoe for the stumps - but a 132" buck was taken off of it the first night hunting.

From: badlander

badlander's embedded Photo
badlander's embedded Photo

From: LW
Looks great badlander, and congrats!

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