We don’t have a choice?
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
spike78 20-Feb-24
Groundhunter 20-Feb-24
HDE 20-Feb-24
Zbone 20-Feb-24
Beendare 20-Feb-24
70lbDraw 20-Feb-24
jjs 20-Feb-24
spike78 20-Feb-24
HDE 20-Feb-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 20-Feb-24
Bent arrow 20-Feb-24
Beendare 21-Feb-24
Beendare 21-Feb-24
Glunt@work 21-Feb-24
Olde style 22-Feb-24
Missouribreaks 22-Feb-24
Olde style 22-Feb-24
Beendare 22-Feb-24
Beendare 22-Feb-24
Mint 23-Feb-24
Olde style 23-Feb-24
Beendare 25-Feb-24
From: spike78

spike78's Link
Here is the illegal immigrant situation in MA. The governor a Dem said we don’t have a choice. Hmm we have a few choices! Thank you Uncle Joe.

From: Groundhunter
Another lost state. My mother was from Worcester MA... she came out here with my dad, thought this was the wild west. Ha ha. RIP mom.

From: HDE
Oh, the dems had a choice and they made it foolishly in 2020...

From: Zbone
Wonder if MA is giving these illegal immigrants a voting ballot?

From: Beendare
How stupid are people that believe that governor?

Probably the same ones that don't realize giving everyone free stuff upon entering the US isn't going to get back to the Millions back in their home country by a simple phone call, “ come and get it…the US is handing out free money” . It's an Effing dinner bell.

Go on some of the Conservative news sites that the MSM ignores- to see the hoards of military age Syrians that came through into San Diego this week alone.

Anyone believing the Democrats didn't initiate all of this has their heads in the sand. Same goes for folks believing Biden, "I don't have the power" What a load of bullpuckey....but he has the power to have Federal Border agents lift and cut the razor wire Texas installed to let them in- [face palm]

'Democrat voter' will soon become synonymous with Treason if this keeps up.... luckily, many are wising up. Even the biggest libs like Bill Maher are calling the Dems out.

From: 70lbDraw
Lol! Michigan is asking its residents to open their homes to illegal aliens! Let’s see how many democrats jump on that offer!

From: jjs
Beendare, Susan Rice is the controlling factor of this, just doing Obama's work.

From: spike78
Zbone it doesn’t matter if they do as the Dems pretty much win 60% to 40% every election. In fact, I was thinking about voting for RFK here just because I knew Trump had zero chance!

From: HDE
"How stupid are people that believe that governor?"

Well, they voted for biden so...pretty stupid.

Timex I was around it along time, know many great hard working fisherman who taught me a ton.. unfortunatly they are the polar opposite of the govt that controls the state they call home…

From: Bent arrow
Hang um high. FJB

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
Biden has the power....Congressional hearing to inform the Democrats that keep repeating that Biden can't, blah, blah, blah

Link has video of the exchange where an Immigration attorney gives them the Statute giving the president the power....Btw, Trump is the one that fought for that Statute in the Supreme Court when the Dems tried to shut him down. Its part of immigration law, 1182F

That's going to tick off the TDS'ers....that Trump has their back and then Dem party doesn't.

From: Beendare

Beendare's embedded Photo
USDA Chart on food costs in the US, currently at the highest % of household budget since 1990
Beendare's embedded Photo
USDA Chart on food costs in the US, currently at the highest % of household budget since 1990
No that's not the Illegal Immigrant chart during Bidens presidency....its food prices.

Sure there are multiple reasons...but its silly to claim that the hijacked Dem party doesn't have a lot to do with this....

From: Glunt@work
Pretty safe to bet the party that spent the last 3 years telling us there is no crisis and the border is secure, isn't on a big hurry to start doing what's right just because they suddenly decided it is a crisis and want to use it.

I see now the national guard has been requested for one of their high schools due to out of control illegal migrant students/ rapes,violence,drugs.Both sides of the parties are to blame in my opinion but the Dems are just more beholden because they just stole and sold out more to foreign nations and from us.( COVID money) Just like a drug addict or gambler this bankrupt government will do ANYTHING to keep itself in power -History repeats—ROME in the END

Far more illegals entered under Biden than under the Trump administration.

No argument there that man has been the only individual to bring back the US. to the shining star on the hill.He has EARNED his wealth and is up against those that steal and spend others- to bluster their importance.Very hard for only a handful of people to stop the swamp here and abroad.UN agenda 2030 is in progress and is accelerating from fear that people are waking up .I pray for him and others to do well but I am aware of history and could easily slide the other way.New wave of controlled violence by illegals -Marshal law ( for your protection) -new escape goats ( middle class ) -new policing led by ( people let out of prison ) -illegals wanting work very angry and violent- new courts run by corrupt money-ammunition and guns supplied by stockpiles within government agencies-centralized food,energy,medical,travel , money/banks ,information, a wall being used to keep you in /not out.History ( German nazi ) repeats itself no matter how many statues and books you destroy.I am sure the color of the shirts ( brown and black ) may change but these people are just as evil and are WHORES for power .Been going on since the beginning of time - human nature.Bible states if you leave GOD behind He will bring terrorist -History repeats.I pray and GOD bless all - we will see

From: Beendare
Timex- what you are missing about the Covid crisis is it was a bad policy decision to shut everything down…and then later to literally pay people to do nothing.

Trump started it due to advice from Fauchi…then Biden and politicians like Newsom took it to new heights. Ca was one of the last states to send kids back to school.

All while common sense guys like Dr Rand Paul was saying this is lunacy- he was right.

Countries like Sweden didn’t have the degree of problems the US had because they used common sense.

Saying it was “Covid” is wrong. It was BAD POLICY AND MONEY PRINTING DURING COVID- inflation went wild.

Then the Dems continued massive deficit spending after covid which contributed to inflation. Look at the money the US gov printed during covid- trillions.


From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
Heres another example; Biden passed the “ Inflation Reduction Act” Its a total lie….misrepresenting what it does.

The latest CBO report says the energy component alone accelerates inflation by $466b.

Excerpt; The cost estimate of Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act coupled with EPA mandates, just jumped by $466 billion.

CBO Budget Outlook The new emission rule will cost about $280 billion through 2033, including $200 billion through 2031, if finalized in its current form.

With the emission rule in place, energy-related provisions from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will cost almost $870 billion through 2031, more than double the original $400 billion estimate.

Of the total increase, about two-fifths would be the result of the emission rule and the rest is due to a mixture of laxer-than-expected regulations on new credits, higher-than-expected demand for green technologies, and other economic and technical changes. ———

The Democrats lie….inflation reduction- not even close. Link is to - Mishtalk.com a common sense econ guy- full analysis for folks that want to know the truth on how bad this current crop of Rep and Dem politicians have screwed us.

From: Mint
It's tough to beat someone acting like Santa and pushing the bills off to the grand children. They estimated that 450 billion dollars has been spent on illegals for welfare etc not including law enforcement, prisons etc. that's three times the yearly Army budget or medicaid. Biden and his policies have knocked us down quite a bit and i don't see it getting any better soon. trump will help postpone the inevitable for awhile but we are in for a harsh awakening.

I agree with bad policy statements but I don’t agree that they ( both parties) are stupid- they are well educated and know exactly what they are doing.They have sold out the American people for the love of money and power.In the end thou after they drain us dry they will turn on themselves.No place to hide and no one wins - Do the best you can and let God sort it out

From: Beendare
Oh the folks pulling the strings aren’t stupid…its a big % of the avg American voter thats stupid.

Anyone with half a brain knows what Biden was going in.

How does someone like Maxine Waters get elected? Or Santos…or Omar?

Its not Fiscal Conservatives voting for those folks. The Dem political platform is as plain as the nose on your face;

The Democrat puppet masters are willing to tank the US to stay in power…and they count on bias, freebies and stupidity to do it. And there are enough RINOs willing to go with the flow as they benefit too.

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