RFK jr VP pick Nicole Shanahan
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Stix 26-Mar-24
sundowner 26-Mar-24
sundowner 26-Mar-24
Dale06 26-Mar-24
BoggsBowhunts 26-Mar-24
IdyllwildArcher 26-Mar-24
Jim Moore 27-Mar-24
12yards 27-Mar-24
BoggsBowhunts 27-Mar-24
RonP 27-Mar-24
Will 27-Mar-24
DanaC 27-Mar-24
DanaC 27-Mar-24
BowSniper 27-Mar-24
Mint 27-Mar-24
BowSniper 27-Mar-24
Glunt@work 27-Mar-24
TonyBear 27-Mar-24
Nyati 28-Mar-24
Nyati 28-Mar-24
Curvebow 28-Mar-24
Franzen 31-Mar-24
From: Stix
For all of you who think RFK jr is a good alternative, Nicole Shanahan is to the left of Karl Marx.

From: sundowner
Personally I hope Kennedy turns out to be very popular with radical crazy Dem voters.

From: sundowner
Kennedy is an envirowacko too.

From: Dale06
At first glance, this seems to be a positive for conservatives. However there’s lots of time and twists and turns before November.

Was likely advised that he was drawing too many right wing voters and wasn’t drawing enough left wing voters. Obviously, I’m not a fan of this pick. I still think voting for him is a better option than the “I got more votes than Biden last time and it didn’t work, but just vote harder for me this time and it’ll work I promise” guy

And his VP pick is an important one as she could very well end up as POTUS if history is any guide to the progression of Kennedy political careers.

From: Jim Moore
I don't think the marionettes yanking Bidums strings are going to allow Kennedy into the ball game myself. They have a very compliant tool that will sign his name to anything they throw in front of him.

"For all of you who think RFK jr is a good alternative, Nicole Shanahan is to the left of Karl Marx."

i think its a great pick.

it should put to rest any fantasy that rfk jr is in any way a good alternative for anyone not wanting to vote for the big bad orange man. kennedy is a liberal democrat through and through...and his vp pick shows it.

its amazing to me how so many people will latch on to one issue (like vaccines in kennedys case) and automatically declare a person the second coming...without ever looking into their stance on any other topic.

people here were actually suggesting that rfk jr would make a good running mate for trump.

From: 12yards
RTCG, you are right. I was considering Kennedy. Not anymore.

By the way, Ricky, I know you despise how I stood my ground by not taking an experimental jab that the government attempted to force on me and am confident I lost my GI Bill for a totally fair reason. Figured you’d hate to know that the discharge appeal I filed 14 months ago that you so desperately wanted to fail because of the basis on which I submitted it got approved yesterday. All rights restored including my GI Bill to the value of right at $100k.

One issue voters (which I’m not, I like a wide array of Kennedy’s stances including his environmental stances, transparency stances, stances against corporations preying on the working class, stances against corporate ownership of single family homes, stances against the healthcare system profiting by keeping us sick, stances against globalism and the concentration of supply chains that has created reliance on cities within small towns, stances reducing executive agency power, the list goes on) have every right to be one issue voters when both parties did nothing to stop an experimental medicinal mandate from stripping them of their jobs, stripping them of $100k+ in benefits, not allowing them to eat at restaurants, and not allowing them to have a beer with their buddies after work unless they had physical proof that they were jabbed with a product of Trump’s operation warp speed that has resulted in countless vaccine injuries. Were German’s that opposed their 1930s leader “one issue voters” for not supporting the Holocaust? There are many arguments against RFK voters - this VP pick being one - but saying that all his supporters are one issue voters is ridiculous considering a wide array of voters for both parties are one issue voters and if a mainstream candidate took a courageous stance against any non-mainstream issue it would gain/lose them a lot of “one issue voters”.

As far as not looking into any other topic, I hope you realize that EVERYONE that votes for Trump this go round is doing so full and well knowing that he believes he got more votes than Biden in 2020, yet lost; and is running again for what reason? To get more votes than Biden again and still lose? “Just vote for me harder this time, bro! It didn’t work last time but it totally will this time despite no election integrity reform taking place!”

From: RonP
i am surprised by this pick. regardless of his politics, i thought he was smart enough to pick someone that would increase his chances. this does not, as i see it anyway.

From: Will
As a resident non-MAGA, who is maybe too confident he knows and interacts with more left to very far-left people daily than almost anyone on this site, I can happily assure you that RFKjr is seen as somewhere between bat poop crazy and a complete sack of poop by most moderate to liberal folks. (There are always a few exceptions)

I'll put it this way: Of all the humans I interact with, the only ones who have even considered voting for the guy or shown ANY level of "interest" in him are almost all on this forum and appear to really like DJT. The couple others are extremely religious alternative health providers who otherwise LOVE DJT and seem to believe polio and measles are "just a good workout for the immune system". Actually, it's RFK's vaccination position ("there is no safe vaccine," according to him) vs DJT's success with operation warp speed, which has them wanting to vote for RFK.

Now, that's clearly super biased - it's just my observation of the center to left world.


lets get a couple things crystal clear.

"By the way, Ricky, I know you despise how I stood my ground by not taking an experimental jab that the government attempted to force on me and am confident I lost my GI Bill for a totally fair reason. Figured you’d hate to know that the discharge appeal I filed 14 months ago that you so desperately wanted to fail because of the basis on which I submitted it got approved yesterday. All rights restored including my GI Bill to the value of right at $100k "

not only do i not despise your position on taking the vaccine...in no way...ever...did i suggest i did...or that you did the wrong thing for you. i was never in support of a covid vaccine mandate in any way...shape...or form...period...paragraph...end of story. i hope you get your benefits restored. i hope anyone who lost their job due to the mandate can somehow find a way to be compensated. is there any possible way i can be more clear about that?

furthermore...trump had nothing whatsoever to do with said mandate...nothing...period...paragraph...end of story. the covid vaccine mandate was 100% bidens doing...and the fact that trump helped in clearing the paths to get it developed more quickly is completely irrelevant.

your anger...while justified...is directed at the wrong person. as i said before...blaming trump for bidens mandate is akin to blaming glock when some criminal uses one of their pistols to shoot someone.

no matter how many times you repeat the same falsehoods...they are still false.

From: DanaC
"In 2023, Shanahan held a "love ceremony" of commitment with Jacob Strumwasser, who is an advisor at Lightning Labs, a bitcoin software company. She described the event as a handfasting ceremony influenced by Druidic tradition.[40] The pair met at the Burning Man festival in summer 2022.[40][41] "

From wikipedia. Kook with more dollars than sense. Sounds like the perfect running mate for him...

From: DanaC
One thing is for sure, no matter which side wins, these two will be the most hated people in American politics for "influencing" the outcome.

From: BowSniper
This VP pick seemingky hurts, rather than helps, any interest in RFK.

"This VP pick seemingky hurts, rather than helps, any interest in RFK."

i think that actually depends on the demographic. i think it hurts rfk when it comes to enticing anyone right of center. however...i think it can help him when it comes to the uber woke young people...especially the college crowd...that are disenchanted with biden and harris.

From: Mint
I'm not surprised at all, RFK is a progressive in most things and so is she.

From: BowSniper

BowSniper's Link
Trump posts about the RFK VP pick....

From: Glunt@work
A Kennedy making the powers in DC mad...

He may be getting a cancellation letter from his life insurance company soon.

From: TonyBear
Reminiscent of 1992 Ross Perot, except this time it will hurt the Democrats.

From: Nyati
Go Kennedy and what’s her name !! Split up the democratic vote

From: Nyati

Nyati 's embedded Photo
Nyati 's embedded Photo

From: Curvebow
I was listening to a Jocko Willink podcast today and RFK, Jr. is the guest on it. How can anyone listen to that guys voice? It was a job to understand him and it was like listening to grating on a chalk board. Twice I switched to another podcast to get a break.

I really like Jocko's podcast, but I'm not looking forward to 2 more hours of this.....


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
it would appear shanahan checks a number of boxes for kennedy. sex...race..."womens health"...environment...criminal justice reform...and at least 15 or 20 million others.

"Shanahan, 38, is a California lawyer and philanthropist. Shanahan leads the Bia-Echo Foundation, an organization she founded to direct money toward issues including women’s reproductive science, criminal justice reform and environmental causes.

Kennedy also said that, in part, Shanahan’s heritage played at least some role in his selection of her.

“I wanted someone who would honor the traditions our nation, as a nation of immigrants, but who also understands that to be a nation, we need to secure borders,”

...as a candidate for vice president, Shanahan can give unlimited sums to the campaign directly. That’s potentially a huge boost for Kennedy’s expensive push to get on the ballot in all 50 states, an endeavor he has said will cost $15 million and require collecting more than 1 million signatures."

I think Kennedy will take never trumpers also. As a protest vote.

Maybe more from trump than Biden.

Democrats get in line. they like getting in line. So will stay in line for Biden. Republicans are more independent minded. So I’m thinking Kennedy will hurt Trump more. That is why Trump is attacking him.

I would much rather listen to Kennedy with a medical condition.

Than Biden or Clamydia

"I think Kennedy will take never trumpers also. As a protest vote. Maybe more from trump than Biden."

in my opinion...any republican...conservative...or any person leaning right of center that votes for kennedy is either suffering from tds...ignorant...or both. it is a classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

From: Franzen
Boggs, while I can agree with you on the general thought process that Trump should not have ran again, he is running. Thus, I don't understand your sticking point on what he said as being a reason not to vote for him versus the other "options"... not only that, but to legitimately consider RFK. I would of course have to admit that I had a lot of similar concerns about Trump when he was running the first time, as he had historically been a liberal best I could tell.

Aside from that, I'm glad you are getting your GI back, and wish this type of thing would get some play in the media. We owe it to you. Thanks for your service.

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