Here we go again (caution-trans content)
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
JusPassin 20-May-24
spike78 20-May-24
stealthycat 20-May-24
SteveB 20-May-24
TonyBear 20-May-24
Will 20-May-24
SteveB 20-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 20-May-24
DConcrete 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
smarba 20-May-24
Nyati 20-May-24
4nolz@work 20-May-24
Bwhnt 20-May-24
Live2Hunt 20-May-24
drycreek 20-May-24
Mint 20-May-24
Orion 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
Will 20-May-24
Will tell 20-May-24
HDE 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
drycreek 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
BoggsBowhunts 20-May-24
Nyati 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
Nyati 20-May-24
spike78 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
Rut-N-Strut 20-May-24
Nyati 20-May-24
redneck hunter 20-May-24
bigeasygator 20-May-24
Tejas 20-May-24
Mhg825 21-May-24
Nyati 21-May-24
4nolz@work 21-May-24
DL 21-May-24
csalem 21-May-24
drycreek 21-May-24
bigeasygator 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 21-May-24
bigeasygator 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 21-May-24
bigeasygator 21-May-24
Rut-N-Strut 21-May-24
bigeasygator 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 21-May-24
Doughboy 22-May-24
bigeasygator 22-May-24
Al Dente Laptop 22-May-24
bigeasygator 22-May-24
Lost Arra 22-May-24
bigeasygator 22-May-24
DanaC 22-May-24
bigeasygator 22-May-24
bigeasygator 22-May-24
Lost Arra 22-May-24
drycreek 22-May-24
Nyati 22-May-24
Nyati 22-May-24
bigeasygator 22-May-24
Nyati 22-May-24
shade mt 22-May-24
Beendare 23-May-24
Shaft2Long 23-May-24
Shaft2Long 23-May-24
Shaft2Long 23-May-24
Shaft2Long 23-May-24
bigeasygator 23-May-24
Mhg825 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
spike78 23-May-24
bigeasygator 23-May-24
drycreek 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
shade mt 24-May-24
shade mt 24-May-24
drycreek 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
Nyati 24-May-24
CaptMike 24-May-24
Orion 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
Grey Ghost 24-May-24
bigeasygator 24-May-24
t-roy 24-May-24
Grey Ghost 24-May-24
Nyati 24-May-24
bigeasygator 25-May-24
CaptMike 25-May-24
Nyati 25-May-24
sawtooth 25-May-24
CaptMike 25-May-24
sawtooth 25-May-24
Nyati 25-May-24
bigeasygator 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Nyati 25-May-24
bigeasygator 25-May-24
CaptMike 25-May-24
Nyati 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
bigeasygator 25-May-24
Nyati 25-May-24
bigeasygator 25-May-24
Orion 25-May-24
Nyati 25-May-24
bigeasygator 25-May-24
sawtooth 25-May-24
Orion 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Orion 25-May-24
CaptMike 26-May-24
bigeasygator 26-May-24
Nyati 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Nyati 26-May-24
bigeasygator 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Nyati 26-May-24
bigeasygator 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
bigeasygator 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Nyati 26-May-24
csalem 26-May-24
bigeasygator 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
bigeasygator 26-May-24
KSflatlander 26-May-24
CaptMike 26-May-24
Beendare 26-May-24
Nyati 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
BoggsBowhunts 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
KSflatlander 26-May-24
bigeasygator 27-May-24
DanaC 27-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 27-May-24
Grey Ghost 27-May-24
KSflatlander 27-May-24
DConcrete 27-May-24
bigeasygator 27-May-24
DConcrete 27-May-24
bigeasygator 27-May-24
DConcrete 27-May-24
bigeasygator 27-May-24
KSflatlander 27-May-24
Nyati 27-May-24
DConcrete 27-May-24
Catscratch 27-May-24
bigeasygator 27-May-24
KSflatlander 27-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 27-May-24
KSflatlander 27-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 27-May-24
CaptMike 27-May-24
KSflatlander 27-May-24
CaptMike 27-May-24
bigeasygator 27-May-24
Grey Ghost 27-May-24
DConcrete 27-May-24
CaptMike 28-May-24
Mike B 28-May-24
Orion 28-May-24
RK 28-May-24
Grey Ghost 28-May-24
RK 28-May-24
Grey Ghost 28-May-24
Nyati 29-May-24
CaptMike 29-May-24
Beendare 02-Jun-24
Nyati 04-Jun-24
bigeasygator 09-Jun-24
nchunter 09-Jun-24
csalem 09-Jun-24
bigeasygator 09-Jun-24
bigeasygator 09-Jun-24
bigeasygator 09-Jun-24
CaptMike 10-Jun-24
Nyati 12-Jun-24
Beendare 18-Jun-24
Nyati 18-Jun-24
CaptMike 18-Jun-24
Beendare 24-Jun-24
4nolz@work 24-Jun-24

Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
a few days ago...a 10th grade biological male...who has never competed in a track and field event until 2 months ago...won the oregon girls state championship in the 200 meters.

for those interested...this might be the one of the most fair and balanced pieces ive read on the subject.

"Visceral Reactions To Transgendered Athlete Winning Girls 200 Meters Title At Oregon State Meet Should Force OSAA To Revisit Policy"

"Trans athletes such as Gallagher lining up against cisgender girls is not level. The male sex hormone testosterone, which increases muscle mass and bone mass, is an undeniable advantage that post-pubescent teenage boys hold over most girls."

"Are we supposed to believe that someone who started competing in track and field two months ago, who is male in every way besides identified gender, is the fastest girl to ever come out of Portland, Oregon?"

From: JusPassin
I can only hope the pendulum has swung as far to the left as it's going to and will start to go the other way soon. Sad how madness can be contagious.

"I can only hope the pendulum has swung as far to the left as it's going to and will start to go the other way soon."

i think the pendulum has already started its swing back. a year or two ago...many people took the opinion that "this is never going to affect me or my i'll just keep my head down...and my mouth shut." no that it is happening with more and more frequency...and people are realizing that can and actually does happen more often that what people originally thought...keeping ones head down and mouth shut is no longer an option.

the same is true for people who lose a loved one as the result of someone being in this country illegally. eventually it reaches a point of critical mass...people will have had enough...and needed change will happen.

From: spike78
What cracks me up is the libs on here laugh when it comes to conspiracy theories like they never could happen but yet here we are with trans people competing against women. Oddly enough that’s less strange to them than a conspiracy theory.

From: stealthycat
who'd have thought .... in 2024 men are beating women in women's sports, beauty contests, woman of the year awards, they're getting endorsements for women's products ....

men are beating women at being women ....

"What cracks me up is the libs on here laugh when it comes to conspiracy theories like they never could happen..."

the trans "movement" is not a "conspiracy theory"...but it is most definitely a conspiracy. a very well orchestrated one at that.

there is a difference.

From: SteveB
Don't forget "women" Jeopardy champions.

From: TonyBear
My son started shooting my wife's pink fletched arrows 12 years ago cause they flew well out of his kids recurve bow. Grown into a fine Conservative gentleman now, shoots recurve exclusively, wears pink and purple occasionally although he is a "flaming heterosexual" in college (lucky guy). My daughter went from a small longbow to her Parker Sidekick about 10 years ago and still shoots it. Wears a lot of black has several LBGT friends from HS and college. Trends Liberal. They compete against each other in weight-lifting, my son ALWAYS wins. When we shoot 3-D or Technohunt it can be almost a 3- way tie.

Both were in HS sports including soccer, track and Cross Country, etc. agree the biological male in biological women's sports situation is screwed up. That said, my son works out with several women in Judo/Ju-Jitsu that can kick the average man's butt.

From: Will
This kills me every time. Trans people should have the full set of rights we all do... to work, go to school, live their lives as best they can. Sports is an area, though, where it just won't work, for sure, if the person experienced male puberty. It sucks for trans folks because people just want to live their lives, and if they love sports, obviously, they would hope to continue that after the transition.

M to F just comes with too many things that ultimately impact performance and allow a low-mid-level male to suddenly be an upper-level women's/girls' competitor.

This is not fair to female competitors.

That said, given the massive challenge of going through a transition, the line that people are doing this to be better in sports is very weak. Frankly, that's a political "get mad" line. While I'm sure some example somewhere could be found, the reality just doesnt add up.

In the end, I think that changes will happen. It's new enough to deal with now that people are led by politics and opinions—despite most in the performance world being able to lay down nuanced and solid opinions. Nuance doesn't work anymore. People want clicks and to be on the "right" side, which may mean comments or approaches based on right—or left-wing talking points. And that sucks, because it takes most rational answers off the table.

In this context, M-F trans athletes, regrettably for them as humans, either need their own category OR to compete with males.

From: SteveB
I vote they get their own "Trans" category....and see who comes to watch. Let's see how many tickets they sell. Although I believe a person needs to go by their birth gender, I say let them live how they want, but don't flaunt it, or expect the rest of society to accept it as normal or mainstream - because it isn't.

"That said, given the massive challenge of going through a transition, the line that people are doing this to be better in sports is very weak."

what "transition?"

according to the "transition" is least in oregon. it would appear in this case..."identify" is all that is necessary.

Will, you moron, there is no transition. There is male/boy/man and female/girl/woman. Sterilization hormones, chemical castration and surgical mutilation can’t change it!

And any “transitioning” of an innocent child before puberty should be a considered a serious criminal offence!!

They should get the mental help they need not be subjected to chemical and physical mutilation, and experimentation.

From: DConcrete
Can anyone tell me what rights I have that trans don’t?

I’ll wait.

From: bigeasygator
"Will, you moron, there is no transition. There is male/boy/man and female/girl/woman"

Hmmm, whose word to take. The hunting outfitter in Canada or the vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world...damn, that's a tough one...

"Can anyone tell me what rights I have that trans don’t?"

no...but i can tell you some that they have that you dont.

"I vote they get their own "Trans" category....and see who comes to watch. Let's see how many tickets they sell. Although I believe a person needs to go by their birth gender, I say let them live how they want, but don't flaunt it, or expect the rest of society to accept it as normal or mainstream - because it isn't."

in my opinion...that is how the vast majority of americans (including many in the medical community) feel...if of course they were allowed to say so confidentially.

those who think otherwise are a very...very...very vocal minority.

From: bigeasygator
"those who think otherwise are a very...very...very vocal minority."

LOL says the man who has started dozens of trans-related threads (and injects trans related content into threads that aren't trans related) on a bowhunting forum. Haven't come across someone nearly as vocal on the topic as you, Ricky.

From: smarba
Easy to predict who would chime in and support this topic. Since I happen to identify as a bowhunter, I'll go ahead and use a 6.5 Creedmoor during archery season, it's all good. Same concept as dudes racing against women. Absolutely ridiculous...

From: Nyati
When I graduated medical school 41 years ago the science was crystal clear on what differentiates a male and a female. Now 41 years later the science is still crystal clear on that , what is less clear is what the liberal academic elites have done with the education of the latest wave of medical graduates.

From: 4nolz@work
People were silenced by PC/woke culture but they've had enough now.The whole lgbtq+ whatever has been given free reign out of fear of speaking up but finally people are done being silenced by cowardly politicians and the Media.These people are a vocal tiny minority.

From: Bwhnt
My daughter is on a track team. I watch her meets, and the effort those young ladies put into running those races will bring a tear to your eye. To put a male in the race to compete with them is a complete slap in their face and people that support it should hang their head in shame.

From: Live2Hunt
This and many other things in TV show content, News, commercials is why I quit watching TV programs and news years ago. I figured I did not have to watch or listen to this kind of crap so I quit. A lot of the shows my wife and I try to watch on Netflix and such is also angering with this WOKE society crap. So, she gets mad when I stop watching shows that start promoting it. I stick with YouTube mostly now, I can watch what I want to see.

From: drycreek
There are two sexes, male and female. If you don’t believe that get your eggs from a rooster and your milk from a bull. Just because you want to be a different sex doesn’t mean you are. It only means you are not quite right.

"LOL says the man who has started dozens of trans-related threads (and injects trans related content into threads that aren't trans related) on a bowhunting forum."

lol...says the man who claimed "I’m done posting on sex and gender"...not to mention is one of the most prolific posters of non-bowhunting related posts on the site.

From: Mint
"Hmmm, whose word to take. The hunting outfitter in Canada or the vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world...damn, that's a tough one..."

The same type of medical and health professionals told us : It was impossible for covid to come from a lab there is no gain of function research and we didn't fund it. Wear a mask Two weeks to stop the spread You can safely protest george floyd and not worry about covid. Natural immunity is false Sorry, the medical professionals blew all their credibility with Covid.

From: Orion
Big easy you think biological men should be competing against biological females?

From: bigeasygator
"Big easy you think biological men should be competing against biological females?"

I've said it multiple times. No, I don't believe males should compete with females. My thoughts echo Will's.

From: Will
BEG, I appreciate your follow-up. I almost didn't open this again. It is fun, though, to be called a moron for generally being in agreement with the spirit of the thread; M-F just doesn't work in sports. There are too many differences, and however long/much you have chemically changed, you can't change the base structure. So regrettably, in sports, M-F either needs to compete in separate categories or compete with the guys.

Nuance matters. But if I'm a moron for recognizing nuance, I'm cool with that.

From: Will tell
Here we go again down the rabbit hole.

"Nuance matters. But if I'm a moron for recognizing nuance, I'm cool with that."

i dont think youre a moron...but i also dont think there is much nuance.

in my mind...a person is welcome to "identify" as anything they want...just dont expect everyone else to take part in your delusion...or welcome you in spaces reserved for the opposite sex...especially by law or fiat.

From: HDE
"Hmmm, whose word to take...vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world..."

Cite your source. Vast majority means 8 to 9 out of 10. Sorry. Not that many agree...

From: bigeasygator
“It was impossible for covid to come from a lab”

Never seen anyone say it’s impossible. Saw people say it’s unlikely it originated in a lab. The consensus still seems to be it was naturally created. That also doesn’t mean it couldn’t have spread through a lab leak.

“there is no gain of function research”

Who said there is no gain of function research? It’s done all the time.

“Wear a mask”

And? No one ever said a mask was going to stop the spread of COVID. It was about slowing it. Some masks are more effective than others at doing so.

“Two weeks to stop the spread”

It was never two weeks to stop the thread. It was two weeks to slow the spread. Regardless, it’s also pretty easy to arm chair quarterback in hindsight decisions made in the midst of dealing with a new and novel virus. That doesn’t mean the preventative measures that we were being asked to do were “wrong.”

“Natural immunity is false”

Who has said that? I’ve never heard that come out of the mouth of anyone. What I heard was natural immunity carries more risk with it than vaccine acquired immunity.

I think it’s pretty clear from Mint’s post that despite listening to what the medical professionals are saying, too many people either don’t understand it or completely misinterpret it.

From: bigeasygator
“Cite your source. Vast majority means 8 to 9 out of 10. Sorry. Not that many agree...”

“A total of 1323 European internists responded to the survey of which 57% were women, mostly young or middle-aged (78%), and practicing in public general medicine services (74.5%). The majority (79%) recognized that sex and gender are not interchangeable terms“

In terms of within the US, please show me one major healthcare or medical association or institution that doesn’t draw a distinction between a person’s sex and their gender.

From: drycreek
Who said there was no gain of function research, why the High Priest of Covid Dr. Fauci himself said it, that’s who. If you didn’t hear that you didn’t care to listen.

From: bigeasygator
“the High Priest of Covid Dr. Fauci himself said it, that’s who. If you didn’t hear that you didn’t care to listen.”

Show me the quote where he said gain of function research didn’t exist in Wuhan or anywhere for that matter (and not a quote where he said they didn’t fund it).

Ricky’s fetish with trans content is what keeps me coming back to bowsite! I hate that there have been some archery-related threads lately. This is what the community wants! Thank you for your contribution to bowsite!

From: Nyati

Nyati 's Link

From: bigeasygator
Well, Nyati failed.

You want to try drycreek? Show me a quote where Fauci said “there was no gain of function research” like Mint claimed (presumably at Wuhan, but I’ll take any lab), not a quote about what was or wasn’t funded.

From: Nyati
BEG, do you think Fauci lied to the American people?

And if he knew they were doing gain of function research then why did he continue to provide funding?

From: spike78
Fauci lied through his teeth are we really having this conversation? I would have liked to see perjury since he lied before Congress but it’s all rigged so I didn’t expect that. You did make it look good though Senator Cruz.

From: bigeasygator
“do you think Fauci lied to the American people?”

It seems to all come down to how you define gain of function (GOF) research, which is a pretty subjective term. Funding continued because they didn’t feel the research being funded - given to Ecohealth - wasn’t gain of function. The previous threshold to meet the GOF ban excluded testing on naturally occurring viruses that wasn’t reasonably expected to result in increases to transmissibility or pathogenicity. Regardless, even if you want to take the other side and say it did qualify as gain of function research, it has nothing to do with the actual COVID-19 outbreak, so I struggle to see the relevance. Again, he’s clearly of a different opinion as to whether it was GOF as are plenty of other members of the scientific community.

In short, the whole Fauci lied thing IMO is nothing but people are grasping at straws for a gotcha moment over something that had nothing to do with the pandemic, namely research that the scientific community is split over whether it qualified as GOF.

From: Rut-N-Strut

Rut-N-Strut's Link

From: Nyati
dr Robert Redfield the CDC director at the time didn’t seem to have any reservations that it was GOF. Several other virologists didn’t seem to either until they were awarded huge NIH grants then suddenly their opinions seem to change

This is a stupid, sad issue and the fact it's even up for discussion is the proof. The bigger issue is who really cares about most sports anyway. We have far bigger issues.

From: bigeasygator
lol at Rut-n-strut’s post. We know the virus came from a lab because the director committed suicide. Okay.

“dr Robert Redfield the CDC director at the time didn’t seem to have any reservations that it was GOF”

That what was gain of function? I’ve never seen any comments from him addressing the Ecohealth work that was the subject of Fauci lying. Regarding COVID-19 being the result of GOF work, what evidence has he put forward?

“Several other virologists didn’t seem to either”

They didn’t seem to what?

From: Tejas
Sad we’ve let our country come to this. Men in women’s sports is just stupid. And the people that support this crap are crazy!

"... who really cares about most sports anyway. We have far bigger issues."

youre right. the "bigger issue" isnt about sports at all. its about being law or take part in anothers delusion. sports are just one window into the situation.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo

Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Trans Athlete Who Won Junior Olympics Race in Cashmere Sparks Backlash"

"According to the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, or OSPI, public schools must allow all students to participate in physical education and athletics that correspond to their gender identity."

to my knowledge...washington state doesnt have any medical requirements or any "transition" at all. all that is required is that one "identifies" as a certain gender.

From: Mhg825
Complete joke that it is allowed ! What is so difficult to understand it's WOMENS sports. These real women are being screwed over .their rights are just as important as the freaks people are catering to.

From: Nyati
A lot of people (both men and women) fought long and hard for women to have equal rights in society, title 9 rights, etc., now that they got them which they 100% deserve a small minority are ok with men taking limited opportunities away from women . That’s not ok, and it’s definitely not normal .

It’s delusional, and they want society to accept their delusion. That’s not going to work in the long run

From: 4nolz@work
It's damaged the Gay movement

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo

From: csalem
Good for her. Certainly the right decision by the court

One day all this nonsense will be reversed.

From: drycreek
BEG, sorry, I’ve been on my tractor all day putting in a food plot. I think your question has been answered though. Fauci, under oath, danced around the straight questions and gave crooked answers to Congress. He’s a fake, a fraud, and a charlatan, just like Biden. End of story !

“Good for her.”

yes…good for her but bad for the taxpayers of that school district as it is them who will ultimately pay.

if the administration who fired her was held personally responsible…this stuff would change quickly.

From: bigeasygator
I see you can’t point to a quote either, drycreek. Thanks for playing.

Bigeasy, the “professionals” tell me a woman can have a beard and a penis. And a man can have a vagina and can get pregnant!

So with their, and your, professional logic, a “woman” can get a “man” pregnant!! And the baby is of undetermined “gender” until he/she decides what gender they would like to be, and it can be done as early as 5-6 yrs old. And can be changed back and forth, woman to man, gender fluid, or even just be non binary, no gender at all. That’s how bloody stupid you and them are!

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
Just for you Mike, *kissy face emoji*

Exactly bigeasy, you can’t even deny what I’m pointing out! You agree with it all but then say, but a tranny woman shouldn’t be allowed in sports so you don’t look like a complete idiot.

From: bigeasygator
Those ideas are not mutually exclusive, Mike. You can respect, tolerate, and support transgender people for who they are while at the same time recognize that being a trans woman also provides undeniably unfair biological advantages in certain sports.

From: Rut-N-Strut
Family photo BEG?

From: bigeasygator
Nah, Rut-n-Strut.

Well, bigeasy your beloved gender professionals want the tranny men in female sports, whether you do or not, and they want them in women’s change rooms, and in female only prison cells overnight with real females.

They also want teachers and therapists to only affirm kids gender dysphoria, keep it secret from their parents. Make it illegal to encourage youth to wait and see if they feel differently in a year or two. They want Christian Pastors charged for hate crimes for even questioning a confused youth about their gender and quoting the Bible. Yes that’s illegal in Canada, a law enacted by gender professionals.

They want innocent kids on powerful, hormone blocking drugs with, unknown side effects, surgically mutilate them. The crazy list goes on and on and all they need is clueless people like you to simply show your respect and support of the whole Evil, Leftist, Marxist gender ideology movement. The “professionals” will take care of all the Evil details themselves and silence the ones that don’t agree.

" You can respect, tolerate, and support transgender people for who they are..."


we can "respect, tolerate, and support transgender people" in the same way we should any other mentally ill person. thats completely different from being law or "affirm" or participate in said mental illness.

From: Doughboy
The girls could end it quickly. Refuse to compete if there is a freak show also competing. I have a daughter that wrestles and will not step on the mat to compete against a freak. She practices with boys so that’s not the issue. There is no transitioning as said earlier. If your born a boy you always will be a boy.

From: bigeasygator
“we can "respect, tolerate, and support transgender people" in the same way we should any other mentally ill person”

And again, I’ll turn to the health professionals of the world when appropriate for the best way to do that. But I know you don’t care about what they have to say, Ricky - you still keep calling transgenderism a mental illness even though they’ve unequivocally said it isn’t. Best to get your advice from politicians, amiright?

I am positive that there will be a rise in prostate and testicular cancer in women's sports. Not sure why though? Maybe Wuhan? Believe the science!


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"And again, I’ll turn to the health professionals of the world when appropriate for the best way to do that. But I know you don’t care about what they have to say, Ricky - you still keep calling transgenderism a mental illness even though they’ve unequivocally said it isn’t. Best to get your advice from politicians, amiright?" are not right.

yeah i keep saying there is a difference between "transgenderism" and "gender dysphoria" but an honest person knows it is a distinction without a difference. i dont need a politician to tell me that. the critical thinking process spells it out rather clearly.

"The American Psychiatric Association stated that gender nonconformity is not the same thing as gender dysphoria, and that "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition."

what is "gender dysphoria?" (see link)

"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR)1 provides for one overarching diagnosis of gender dysphoria with separate specific criteria for children and for adolescents and adults.

The DSM-5-TR defines gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults as a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and their assigned gender, lasting at least 6 months, as manifested by at least two of the following:

A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender (or in young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)'

A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

who in the hell would go through the process of attempting "transition" if there wasnt "significant distress associated with the condition." that argument is nonsensical.

feel free to dance on the head of that pin if you want...but you and i both know it is intellectually dishonest.

From: bigeasygator
It certainly is spelled out pretty clearly.

"The American Psychiatric Association stated that gender nonconformity is not the same thing as gender dysphoria, and that "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder."

Again, not sure how it can be stated any clearer. The disorder is not the feelings of gender nonconformity. The disorder is the stress associated with feeling this way. In short, it's okay to feel this way, it's not okay to feel bad about it. "The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition." You conveniently left the last part out of the DSM definition. The DSM specifically says "In order to meet criteria for the diagnosis, the condition must also be associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

You can have all those symptoms, without significant distress or impairment it's not gender dysphoria.

"who in the hell would go through the process of attempting "transition" if there wasnt "significant distress associated with the condition." that argument is nonsensical." Plenty. "Not All Trans People Experience Gender Dysphoria"

Here's a question for you, since you want to hold up the American Psychiatric Association as an expert on gender nonconformity and gender dysphoria, what do they have to say about gender nonconformity, gender dysphoria, and how to treat it? Hmmmm...

"The term “transgender” refers to a person whose sex assigned at birth (i.e. the sex assigned at birth, usually based on external genitalia) does not align their gender identity (i.e., one’s psychological sense of their gender). Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not experience it until after puberty or much later." Notice how they say "some" and not "all" people who are transgender experience gender dysphoria? "A distinction without a difference". LOL Clearly that's false. Let's move on to recommended course of care...

"Support for people with gender dysphoria may include open-ended exploration of their feelings and experiences of gender identity and expression, without the therapist having any pre-defined gender identity or expression outcome defined as preferable to another. Psychological attempts to force a transgender person to be cisgender (sometimes referred to as gender identity conversion efforts or so-called “gender identity conversion therapy”) are considered unethical and have been linked to adverse mental health outcomes.

Support may also include affirmation in various domains. Social affirmation may include an individual adopting pronouns, names, and various aspects of gender expression that match their gender identity. Legal affirmation may involve changing name and gender markers on various forms of government identification. Medical affirmation may include pubertal suppression for adolescents with gender dysphoria and gender-affirming hormones like estrogen and testosterone for older adolescents and adults. Medical affirmation is not recommended for prepubertal children. Some adults (and less often adolescents) may undergo various aspects of surgical affirmation.

Family and societal rejection of gender identity are some of the strongest predictors of mental health difficulties among people who are transgender. Family and couples’ therapy can be important for creating a supportive environment that will allow a person’s mental health to thrive. Parents of children and adolescents who are transgender may benefit from support groups. Peer support groups for transgender people themselves are often helpful for validating and sharing experiences."

So let's summarize what the APA, that Ricky clearly held up as an expert body, says...gender nonconformity and transgenderism are not the same as gender dysphoria, not all transgender individuals experience gender dysphoria, and the recommended treatments sure use the word "affirm" a lot...

From: Lost Arra
Sports and athletic competition should be separate from how one thinks about transgender people in general. Too much emotion and hate spewing from both sides. If a sport has rules that prohibit performance enhancing drugs then trans women should not be allowed to participate in women's competition. Years of testosterone supplements would never be allowed for a biological female athlete.

If a sport has separate categories for men and women then it is accepted that there is an inherent advantage for males and for the sake of competition that advantage is eliminated from the women's competition by keeping males out. If there were no categories then almost every sport would be dominated by males age 25-35 years. The same could be said for other category divisions such as body weight. If there were no categories for body weight in say weightlifting then the big guys always win. Weight categories eliminate that advantage (plus get more entrants and give more trophies).

The best example of separating one's "feelings" about trans people and athletics is Caitlyn Jenner, a trans female and past Olympic champion as a male, and Martina Navratilova, a gay woman and champion women's tennis player. Both are accepting of trans people but adamantly against trans women participating in women's sports because they know the competitive advantage exists and will destroy women's sports .

I coached a women's sport for almost 20 years. Now retired. I'm so glad I'm out of it now. The venom spouted from both sides eliminates any rational conversation on the issue. Doughboy is correct. The women will have to solve this by refusing to compete against trans females. When that happens enough the governing bodies will eventually have to take action to prevent a compete mockery of their competitions.

From: bigeasygator
Well stated, Lost Arra.

"Here's a question for you, since you want to hold up the American Psychiatric Association as an expert on gender nonconformity and gender dysphoria..."

nice try...but your 8th grade debate tactics are pretty obvious.

it is you that holds them out as the me. im just quoting them to illustrate how what they (and you) are saying is a distinction without a difference.

by the way, i thought you were "done posting on sex and gender?" lol

From: DanaC
"The women will have to solve this by refusing to compete against trans females. When that happens enough the governing bodies will eventually have to take action to prevent a compete mockery of their competitions."

Nothing stopping the women who feel from forming their own governing associations with their own rules. *

* yes, I realize some government dipstick could attempt to make this illegal. I'd all argue that all the way to the Supreme Court on grounds of "freedom of association."

From: bigeasygator
“ im just quoting them to illustrate how what they (and you) are saying is a distinction without a difference.”

APA: gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity are not the same thing. Not all transgender individuals experience gender dysphoria.

Ricky: Nuh-uh

“by the way, i thought you were "done posting on sex and gender?" lol”

On an economics thread.

"Ricky: Nuh-uh"

actually its the apa that is arguing against itself.

pay close attention to what they say is necessary for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

" manifested by at least two or more of the following:"

"Criteria: Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults 1

- A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, of at least six months’ duration, as manifested by at least two or more of the following:

- A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

- A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender (or in young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

- A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

** - A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

** - A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

- A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

The condition is associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

what thinking person doesnt realize that the two bullet points marked with ** are present in every "transgender" person out there.

From: bigeasygator
It's guidelines for a psychiatric diagnosis. Those first bullets all describe the symptoms of gender identity and gender nonconformity that are relevant to the "gender" portion of a gender dysphoria diagnosis. Yes, many of those are present in every transgender person in the world.

Then they cover the dysphoria half..."In order to meet criteria for the diagnosis, the condition must also be associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

In short, you need both for gender dysphoria. If I have dysphoria but I don't have those other feelings or conditions, it's not gender dysphoria. And if I have those feelings or conditions without distress or impairment, it's also not gender dysphoria.

It's really, really not that hard Ricky.

From: Lost Arra
>>Nothing stopping the women who feel from forming their own governing associations with their own rules. *<<

Good point Dana. The trans women should have their own sports competition organizations and they could start from the ground up incorporating rules they see as important.

“It's really, really not that hard…”

I agree. we just disagree on what constitutes “Criteria: Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults” and what the practical meaning of “significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning” is.

like I said, a distinction without a difference.

you are more than welcome to disagree…as I know you will.

From: drycreek
BEG, again, sorry to be late, been in the ER with a bad nose bleed. I see a close associate of Fauci’s is on the hot seat, right now, for encouraging his compadres to use private emails to dodge FOIA requests. Ha, the whole damn bunch are liars and crooks ! The CDC has been corrupt for years starting way back when they tried to list gun ownership as a disease.

From: Nyati
Rand Paul has been saying this for years. Fauci and NIH were funding gain of function research at Wuhan. Fauci lied under oath in front of congress. They were using private e-mails between themselves and deleting it, but now congress has the deleted e-mails.

Also the sacred 6-ft social distancing was made up . Collins the former head of NIH admitted there was no science behind it . But it was presented as having science behind it. The concept was promoted by one of the big teacher unions allegedly because they knew with the number of students and the size of the classrooms that the schools would have to be shut down . Is that the case? IDK but it’s been proposed as the basis of the 6-ft distance. The teachers unions were heavily involved in Covid policy decisions.

We’ll see where this leads. Referrals to DOJ have already been made. It’s unlikely to be picked up by Biden’s DOJ but if Trump wins this fall ?????

From: Nyati
Rand Paul has been saying this for years. Fauci and NIH were funding gain of function research at Wuhan. Fauci lied under oath in front of congress. They were using private e-mails between themselves and deleting it, but now congress has the deleted e-mails.

Also the sacred 6-ft social distancing was made up . Collins the former head of NIH admitted there was no science behind it . But it was presented as having science behind it. The concept was promoted by one of the big teacher unions allegedly because they knew with the number of students and the size of the classrooms that the schools would have to be shut down . Is that the case? IDK but it’s been proposed as the basis of the 6-ft distance. The teachers unions were heavily involved in Covid policy decisions.

We’ll see where this leads. Referrals to DOJ have already been made. It’s unlikely to be picked up by Biden’s DOJ but if Trump wins this fall ?????

From: bigeasygator
"I see a close associate of Fauci’s is on the hot seat, right now, for encouraging his compadres to use private emails to dodge FOIA requests"

drycreek, you responded that Fauci said there was no gain of function research. I said show me a quote where Fauci said gain of function research wasn't occurring (at Wuhan or anywhere). You still haven't.

"Rand Paul has been saying this for years"

Gotcha. A politician was saying it.

"Fauci and NIH were funding gain of function research at Wuhan. Fauci lied under oath in front of congress"

Again, based on what. What Rand Paul said? Again, the scientific community seems very split on what constitutes gain of function research, and per the definition of the 2014 ban - which is also very subjective - plenty of scientists have said the Ecohealth work in question most certainly wasn't gain of function research.

From: Nyati
Again, we’ll see how it plays out. Health and Human services cutting funding to Ecohealth is an indication that something is going on.

Government officials having secret e-mails that are not subject to FOIA and deleting them is usually a reliable indication that something is not above board.

From: shade mt
You know there was a time we didn't even discuss this....didn't have to.

bunch a fruitcakes.

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
Link is to senate hearing Kennedy injecting facts into the case of the dangerous convicted pedo that transitioned …and just got put into a womens prison.

My god, the facts of this are shocking.

Video of the hearing at X link

From: Shaft2Long
“ Hmmm, whose word to take. The hunting outfitter in Canada or the vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world...damn, that's a tough one...”

Not really. If you were born a male, you are a male. No matter what the doctor cuts off.

I don’t see you jumping in on the professional side for professionals that call this a mental disorder.

From: Shaft2Long
“ Hmmm, whose word to take. The hunting outfitter in Canada or the vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world...damn, that's a tough one...”

Not really. If you were born a male, you are a male. No matter what the doctor cuts off.

I don’t see you jumping in on the professional side for professionals that call this a mental disorder.

From: Shaft2Long
“ Hmmm, whose word to take. The hunting outfitter in Canada or the vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world...damn, that's a tough one...”

Not really. If you were born a male, you are a male. No matter what the doctor cuts off.

I don’t see you jumping in on the professional side for professionals that call this a mental disorder.

From: Shaft2Long
“ Hmmm, whose word to take. The hunting outfitter in Canada or the vast majority of medical and health professionals in the developed world...damn, that's a tough one...”

Not really. If you were born a male, you are a male. No matter what the doctor cuts off.

I don’t see you jumping in on the professional side for professionals that call this a mental disorder.

From: bigeasygator
"Not really. If you were born a male, you are a male. No matter what the doctor cuts off."


"I don’t see you jumping in on the professional side for professionals that call this a mental disorder."

When the American Psychiatric Association, American Medical Association, Mayo Clinic, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Pediatricians, etc start to agree with those professionals, I will too.

funny...i agree with those organizations also.

take mayo clinic for example...

"Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics."

"Gender dysphoria might cause adolescents and adults to experience a marked difference between inner gender identity and assigned gender that lasts for at least six months. The difference is shown by at least two of the following:

A difference between gender identity and genitals or secondary sex characteristics, such as breast size, voice and facial hair. In young adolescents, a difference between gender identity and anticipated secondary sex characteristics.

A strong desire to be rid of these genitals or secondary sex characteristics, or a desire to prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics.

A strong desire to have the genitals and secondary sex characteristics of another gender.

A strong desire to be or to be treated as another gender.

A strong belief of having the typical feelings and reactions of another gender.

Gender dysphoria may also cause significant distress that affects how you function in social situations, at work or school, and in other areas of life.

Gender dysphoria might start in childhood and continue into adolescence and adulthood. Or you might have periods in which you no longer experience gender dysphoria. You might also experience gender dysphoria around the time of puberty or much later in life."

no matter how you slice it...dice it...or massage it...if you are confused about your are mentally ill.

From: Mhg825
Don't wish I'll will on anybody . They probably are searching for something they will never achieve inside, goes along with the high suicide rate associated with these lost people.

"Don't wish I'll will on anybody."

i dont either. i dont wish ill will on the mentally ill...but i also dont wish ill will on those who are having their spaces invaded and opportunities curtailed by people of the opposite sex.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Here’s the big picture on all of this. Bigeasy never wants to address the true reason for Marxist, gender identity ideology. It’s just one of the methods being used to destroy the Western World.

“Know thy enemy”, wonder who it is on bowsite, doing his duty??

From: spike78
Mike the company I work for a huge corporation sent out an email saying they hired a Director of DEI. After seeing that I knew all this was legit and for real. This is all part of Agenda 2030 and is 100% not a conspiracy theory. If companies don’t abide by this they get destroyed.

From: bigeasygator
Hey, spike, our next 2030 Agenda meeting is next week. If you want I can forward you the invite. We discussed the trans movement last meeting, so don’t think that’ll be on the agenda. Pretty sure we’re due to talk about expediting the destruction of the Western World via Marxism next week if you want to dial in.

From: drycreek
BEG, there is no quote because Fauci is a liar and dodged questions from senators like a real pro. He’s a liar, plain and simple. You know that, you just won’t admit it, like the good liberal that you are.

So bigeasy, since you are against tranny men in female sports, which is against the recommendation of gender “professionals” by the way. They fully recommend fake men in female sports.

How do you feel about these fake men in woman’s change rooms? The ones where the women are naked with a pretend woman/tranny man? You good with that?! How about if under 18 yr old girls are present? Good with it? Yes or No

And then how about tranny men in women’s prison cells, ones where they sleep overnight with females? You good with that too?! Yes or No

Because “gender professionals” say that they should allow the tranny men in women’s change rooms and prisons. It’s being done by law in California and Canada. Laws recently changed by well who knows who changed them…, couldn’t have been lefty, Marxists after a group meeting could it, to cause chaos and confusion? Naw, that’s just silly.

From: shade mt
I don't know about all the conspiracy stuff....what i do know?

Karl Marx....was not your average guy on bowsite

Quoted...."The education of all children,from the moment they can get along without a mothers care, shall be in state institutions"

Marxist theories of gender are fundamentally concerned with analyzing the relation between class exploitation and gender inequality. Women's oppression is regarded as the product of the economic, political, and social structures of capitalism.

While the "equality" theory sounds noble to many, the underlying danger in marxism is it destroys the GOD given pattern for the family structure which involves.....Mother, father, children and their respective roles within the family.

and the GOD given pattern for husband and wife.

A man leaves his parents and "cleaves to his wife"..."and they become one"

The pattern of one woman....together have children, and become a family, is without a doubt normal, healthy and good for society.

The promotion of same sex marriage and the gender idenity crisis.....on the contrary will tear down society by creating problems and mental instability.

Like a cancer it infiltrates the body of society, and destroys.

We must view people effected by abnormality with kindness and compassion but most certainly we cannot allow such things to effect others, for in doing so we destroy the sacred foundation of the family.

These things in the end not only destroy the individual....but society as a whole.

From: shade mt
I better add......when using the term "equality".....nobody is saying a woman is not equal to man, the problem is not "equality"....the problem is confusing what it is to be a "man" and a "woman"....and their roles.

"So bigeasy, since you are against tranny men in female sports..."

think about how disingenuous that is. how can you "respect, tolerate, and support transgender people for who they are..."

and then say...

"No, I don't believe males should compete with females."

what you are really saying is "while ill pay lip service to you...and while ill virtue signal for the end of the day you arent really who or what you think you are. ill say i respect and support you as a woman...but not so much that i will allow you to do all the things that women can do."

either trans women are women or they are not. you cant pick and choose when you want them to be women and when you want them to be men. you cant split the baby.

we can "respect, tolerate, and support" them for their humanity but men are not women and never will be.

From: drycreek
BEG, there is no quote because Fauci is a liar and dodged questions from senators like a real pro. He’s a liar, plain and simple. You know that, you just won’t admit it, like the good liberal that you are.

Excellent comments shade mt!

From: Nyati

Nyati 's embedded Photo
Nyati 's embedded Photo
I think this sums up Faucis credibility

From: CaptMike
"We discussed the trans movement last meeting..." Typical lib, wasting company time.

From: Orion
After reading some of these responses I'm glad some of these guys don't have kids especially daughters.

Gotta love it when bigeasy shuts up! He sure doesn’t want to answer my questions, or respond to Ricky’s latest great comments or the excellent, intelligent write up of Marxism by shade mtn. Bigeasy will ignore it all and respond to something else.

From: Grey Ghost
They’re missing you BEG. Apparently their backslapping isn't satisfying enough.

From: bigeasygator
Ignore it all? lol whatever, Mike. The reality is I have a life outside of the bowsite forums and sometimes that means I don’t get to respond to every question right away.

But to your questions, I honestly don’t know wtf a “change room” is. But if you’re talking about bathrooms, yes, I have no problem with individuals using the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Generally speaking, it’s the same with locker rooms. My wife finds it incredibly weird and incredibly uncomfortable when she has to share a bathroom with someone who is clearly a different gender than she is, and I tend to put a lot of weight in her opinion. I frankly feel the same way. Like it’s super weird thinking that I’d be forced to share a locker room with Caitlyn Jenner, and no doubt it’s weird for her.

But I’ve told you this countless times. You keep asking me the same question. The answer and the rationale hasn’t changed. So I’ve just concluded you’re a really horrible listener.

And Ricky’s comments regarding virtue signaling? It’s laughable. Again, I’ve formed my opinions based on what I’ve lived and seen and based on the perspectives of people that matter to me, period. Saying that I’m disingenuous or only giving lip service because I think the biological differences between sexes means that athletics shouldn’t take a gender based approach is laughable. Speaking of her, I guess Caitlyn Jenner is only virtue signaling too then (props to her for taking her “lip service” as far as she did - pun intended).

Edit: must’ve been typing at the same time as you, GG. I just hope they don’t start charging me rent for all the time I spend in their heads.

From: t-roy
Maybe bitchslapping you would be more satisfying, GG.

From: Grey Ghost
Undoubtedly, T-Roy.

its interesting that caitlyn jenner was brought up.

the reason caitlyn doesnt think "trans women" should compete against women is because caitlyn doesnt think they are women.

caitlyn considers herself a "trans person"

the fact that shes a trump supporter is just a cherry on top. (no pun intended)


From: Nyati
I have no problem if an ADULT man wants to pretend they’re a woman and visa-versa. It should be illegal for kids and teenagers under the age of consent to be prescribed medication to block or change puberty to change gender or have gender reassignment surgery.

Biologic males should not compete against biologic females .

Biologic males and females should use bathrooms or locker rooms based on biologic sex. If they want to lobby to have their own trans person bathrooms and locker rooms then go for it. Women should not have to share those areas with someone that has a penis.

And that’s right they are trans people , a male doesn’t turn into a female and a female doesn’t turn into a male. if they go thru gender assignment surgery I’ll accept them for what they are trans people, Otherwise just because a man dresses like a woman or a women dresses like a man and they want to live in a fantasy world fine, whatever just don’t demand that everyone else has to live that fantasy with them.

From: bigeasygator
“And that’s right they are trans people , a male doesn’t turn into a female and a female doesn’t turn into a male”

Nobody is saying they do.

From: CaptMike
Call them whatever you want, bottom line is they have some sort of mental disease.

From: Nyati
BEG, yes they do . They call themselves that and demand that rest of society does by using the appropriate pronoun when addressing them

From: sawtooth
They are basically just cross dressers, and yes they have a mental disease. A male simply dressing as a female should not be in the womens room, or playing in their dedicated sport. I know there are many versions and different definitions, but the basics are the same. If you have testicles, you are not a women.

From: CaptMike
Saw, a simple concept that some have been conditioned to ignore.

From: sawtooth
Perhaps I should state, if you were born with tesiticles, you are not a women and did not develop as one. Chopping them off after puberty does not make you a women either. Mental disease is rampent these days.

From: Nyati
BEG, yes they do . They call themselves that and demand that rest of society does by using the appropriate pronoun when addressing them

" I see this trans women are real you're not." - Caitlyn Jenner

From: bigeasygator
“BEG, yes they do”

No they don’t. They call themselves women, not females.

“"I see this trans women are real you're not." - Caitlyn Jenner”

And yet she’s said she lives her life as a woman, has had all her gender markers changed on her IDs, and has stated she now uses women’s public restrooms. So…

No bigeasy you didn’t answer my questions at all!

“How do you feel about these fake men in woman’s change rooms? The ones where the women are naked with a pretend woman/tranny man? You good with that?! How about if under 18 yr old girls are present? Good with it? Yes or No”

“And then how about tranny men in women’s prison cells, ones where they sleep overnight with females? You good with that too?! Yes or No”

The professional gender people, they fully support both of those things and many more crazy ideas. You support the virtue signaling idea of transgenders but then you selectively agree or ignore the professionals.

You with Bruce Jenner naked, hahahaha. It’s a naked man with fake breasts, who may have had his wiener cut off? Who cares? Such a stupid example and everyone knows it. I’m talking about a 14 yr old girl being forced to get naked in front of a fake woman, a male! I do have to admire you stuck on your blind, ridiculous opinions that no one else on bowsite agrees with, such an idiot.

Even a doufus like Grey Ghost doesn’t agree with your opinions on fake men being allowed to invade protected female spaces.

From: Nyati
BEG, it appears our newest Supreme Court Justice can’t define what a woman is, do you want to give it a try ?

What is a woman?

From: bigeasygator
“ What is a woman?”

Someone who identifies as such based on what is important to them as an individual. A woman is someone who errs towards the feminine relative to gender roles (at home, professionally in places, etc), behavior, and expression. Society - not biology - defines what a woman is, and it varies from place to place and culture to culture.

Again, it’s gender (not biology) vs sex (biology). Plenty of great resources out there that spell out the difference e between the two and it’s not really hard.

From: CaptMike
Tomato… tomaato. Mentally diseased people looking for labels to hide their illness does not make them normal. BEG, you got the disease or are you simply profiting from pushing a warped mentality?

From: Nyati
BEG, no, it really isn’t that hard . It’s actually pretty simple but you don’t appear to understand.

If a kid thinks and acts, and dresses like a furry , for example a cat. Is the kid an actual cat or is it a kid that thinks it’s a cat and acts, and dresses like a cat ?

CaptMike, I agree, you gotta wonder after a while. Is bigeasy a paid professional, lefty Marxist or just mentally ill? He’s just glosses over everything where he’s clearly shown to be so ridiculous and wrong and even Evil. He could care less about a write up on Marxism like shade mtn did. I guarantee bigeasy doesn’t mention any of his leftist opinions in a hunting camp, if he’s even a hunter?

Some people may not agree with me but at least I’m consistent and not completely contradictory and nonsensical.

For example according to bigeasy, and gender professionals, not me, I could identify as a man today and a woman tomorrow. It would all depend on my sincere belief in my mind, that’s it, am I feminine or masculine, nothing else needed. Or I could just be undecided, “non binary” or “gender fluid”! And my fellow humans would need to figure out how to address me today or tomorrow? Sir or Ma’am, or to avoid confusion go with Comrade Mike.

From: bigeasygator
“CaptMike, I agree, you gotta wonder after a while. Is bigeasy a paid professional, lefty Marxist or just mentally ill?”


From: Nyati
BEG, is a “furry” really a cat, dog, rabbit, or whatever or is a person that dresses and acts like an animal?

From: bigeasygator
No, Nyati.

From: Orion
So big easy according to your replies you are good with a man in the women's locker room as long as he believes he is female is that correct?

From: Nyati
BEG, explain the difference. A man identifies as a women which is biologically different than what they were born as. Their psyche and identity revolves around identifying as a woman.

A kid identifies as a cat, which is biologically different than what they were born as. Their psyche and identity revolves around identifying as a cat.

Are their rights any different or less important than a man which chooses to identify as a woman . Who are we to question the validity of what they choose to identify as ?

Isn’t it demeaning , offensive , and judgmental to the cat identifier to suggest otherwise?

I mean it’s what they identify as that’s important , right?

From: bigeasygator
“So big easy according to your replies you are good with a man in the women's locker room as long as he believes he is female is that correct?”

Based on your question, it’s clear you still don’t understand the difference between sex and gender, Orion. But to answer your question how it is written, I don’t really have any issue with a female in a women’s locker room.

“BEG, explain the difference. A man identifies as a women which is biologically different than what they were born as”

Because the concept of species and gender are quite different, and history has shown there’s a lengthy track record of individuals whose gender has not matched their sex, and science and healthcare has supported the notion that a mismatch between gender identity and biological sex is a not uncommon condition of the human experience.

From: sawtooth
I would think sex hormones, male and female, play a role in modifying certain behaviors and abilities.

From: Orion
I do BEG but then you end up with Lia Thomas hanging out in the women's locker room with a hard on. I'm glad you don't have a daughter

Orion, that’s what bigeasy supports, he’s just messing around with woman/female terminology.

He wants males who identify as women, like Lia Thomas, naked in women’s locker rooms watching women and young teenage girls, 13,14 yrs or younger getting naked. This is what bigeasy gets off on, he could easily be one of the men doing it.

He also supports men who identify as woman in woman’s prison cells where they can rape the real women. Bigeasy and gender professionals support both of these ideas and are getting them enshrined in laws. That’s the leftist/Marxist part of all this.

You would think we wouldn’t have to read comments from the mind of a pedophile but I guess we do. Sexualizing children is another Marxist philosophy.

"And yet she’s said she lives her life as a woman, has had all her gender markers changed on her IDs, and has stated she now uses women’s public restrooms. So…"

"so"...after all that...she still believes shes not a real woman...nor are any of the other trans people.

From: Orion
Yeah nobody with a penis needs to be in the locker room with my daughter nobody what gender they think they are. Again, I'm glad people like bigeasy don't have daughters

From: CaptMike
This entire idea is nothing more than liberals pandering for votes while at the same time, dumbing down that same population. Either BEG is an unwitting jester who has been indoctrinated and acts as a useful idiot or he is higher up the food chain of the unscrupulous liberals who have found monetary value in using their fellow Americans for their own gain. My guess is the first choice.

From: bigeasygator
And you’d be wrong Mike. I used to hold beliefs similar to a lot of other posters on this thread, influenced by what I was hearing from the talking heads. But then I actually worked and interacted with trans individuals and have seen firsthand the challenges they face and heard from them firsthand about how they want to be seen and treated as people, and my perspective changed. Not sure what you’re a captain of Mike, but I’m gonna guess based on your comments these aren’t realities you’ve had to confront much if at all in your life, just like a hunting outfitter in Canada.

From: Nyati
BEG, what about the challenges that female athletes have against biological male athletes. What about the challenges that a young child goes to a public bathroom and having to watch a trans person whip out their penis to take a piss ? What about the challenges parents of young girls have to consider when letting them go to a public or school bathroom. Or are those challenges not a concern for you ?

I know u said they shouldn’t compete in sports . Good for you but what about the other challenges?

And don’t say they’re hypothetical. Remember at the beginning of this a “trans” sexually assaulted a girl in Loudoun county VA, then instead of anything being done got sent to another school where he proceeded to sexually assault another girl. These are real problems. To the girls and families this happened to it is more than a challenge.

Bigeasy you don’t change all of society in some misguided effort to try to help .001% of the population and directly endanger the other 50%. As Nyati points out you refuse to acknowledge the danger of males in protected female spaces. You want it, you crave it.

And in my experience as a hunting outfitter in Canada I’ve spoken to many females who all say they don’t want a naked man in their locker room. And my daughter doesn’t want to face that when she goes to college.

From: Nyati
Democrats want to scream “a threat to democracy “ about this election. IMO, because they don’t have anything else to run on, but I digress. Isn’t the real threat to a democracy a situation in which less than 1% of the population can dictate to the other 99% what they can and can’t do, what they can and can’t say. That is the definition of a threat to democracy.

From: bigeasygator
“What about the challenges that a young child goes to a public bathroom and having to watch a trans person whip out their penis to take a piss ?”

Huh?? I’m assuming you’re talking about a woman’s bathroom, so in what world is this even a real concern? A trans man walks into a stall in the woman’s bathroom that is completely private and this is a danger to young child? Makes me think you don’t even know how bathrooms work.

“And don’t say they’re hypothetical. Remember at the beginning of this a “trans” sexually assaulted a girl in Loudoun county VA, then instead of anything being done got sent to another school where he proceeded to sexually assault another girl”

Yes I remember. You should spend five minutes and research what actually happened in that case. They were a couple that had previous sexual encounters, the boy wasn’t trans, they planned to meet up in the bathroom, and then the pre-arranged hookup turned into an assault. Hardly random. Hardly someone trying to take advantage of bathroom laws to commit a crime.

“As Nyati points out you refuse to acknowledge the danger of males in protected female spaces. You want it, you crave it.”

Bullshit, Mike. You’re falling for the propaganda. Whatever you're fearful of is a myth. There are bathroom access laws on the books in many places around the country, and these assaults or whatever you think are going to happen aren’t happening. Furthermore, if someone is deranged enough to dress up like a woman strictly to assault someone in a bathroom, having a law banning trans individuals from certain bathrooms won’t stop that.

Thanks bigeasy for easing my fears. I’ll let my daughter know that when she is alone, in a locker room naked, and some 6 ft tall, 220 lb man walks in and stares at her and strips of all his clothes that she has nothing to fear, it’s all good. He’s probably a woman in his mind so it’s safe.

From: Nyati

Nyati 's Link
I did read up on it. The guy has been found criminally responsible for 2 acts of forced sodomy and there is currently a 30 million dollar lawsuit working its way thru the process.

It doesn’t sound as innocent as you portrayed it

From: bigeasygator
I think we should treat spaces where nudity is highly likely a bit different than bathrooms.

And I think of your daughter is alone anywhere - locker room or not - and a 6’4” 220 lb man walks in she should probably be on a heightened level of awareness.

He’s legally allowed to be there because of new tranny laws! If she complains at a YWCA she will get kicked out. It’s happened in Ontario, Canada. Women have been escorted out by security and permanently banned for yelling at the naked man, and telling him to get out!! She gets kicked out, the naked man gets to stay.

And once again you are selectively going against gender professionals advice.

Now answer the female prison question where the woman is legally locked in a cell with a man overnight on the advice of gender professionals. Imagine that?! It’s being done right now every day. Directly answer it or just shut up.

From: bigeasygator
“Now answer the female prison question where the woman is legally locked in a cell with a man overnight on the advice of gender professionals. Imagine that?! It’s being done right now every day”

And what’s happening? There’s like a rash of rapes or assaults by these male prisoners? Question, how much do you worry about the non-trans assaults and rapes that take place in prisons?

I say let em. I tend not to get terribly fussed about prison life.

“Directly answer it or just shut up.”

Such an angry elf.

So much compassion for the trannies but you could care less about the 190,000 women who are in prison in the USA. No matter their crime, that’s their new risk, rape by a man legally put in their prison cell.

Can you imagine being the prison guard closing the cell on a crying, terrified female, stuck with a very strange, mentally ill man overnight?! Gender professionalism and bigeasy at work!

From: Nyati
That’s how it works in USA Mike. Dems don’t care about the consequences just if they can push thru their policies.

Don’t care about women in sports or bathrooms as long as they can get a trans person in there

Don’t care about murders, rapes, employment, flow of drugs, as long as they get their open border

Don’t care about inflation just so they can spend more money on pet projects

Don’t care about electricity and energy prices just so then can try and end fossil fuels.

Don’t care about baby’s lives just so they can get abortions

Don’t care that the education system is failing , just concerned about keeping teachers unions happy and keep the money flowing to democrats I could go on but I figure u know it

From: csalem
but…but…but…BEG is not a Dem. He will be around in a few to tell us Rubes once again what he is, in the hope that maybe we will believe him this time. He is for sure one of the most Woke on the bowsite.

“He is for sure one of the most Woke on the bowsite.”


virtue signaler…i think so.

“woke”…I doubt it.

From: bigeasygator
Ricky, maybe y'all can huddle up and decide what I am. Here are the things I’ve been labeled just in this thread (I probably missed a few). Let me know which ones y’all decide on…

unwitting jester, useful idiot, leftist/Marxist, paid professional, mentally ill, Dem, liberal, completely contradictory, nonsensical, [not] even a hunter, ridiculous, Evil, warped mentality, doufus, an idiot, Typical lib, disingenuous, ideologue, virtue signaller.

I’m glad you summed it all up for all of us on bowsite! Thanks!!

Now what I would love to see is an in person gathering of a random 100 bowsite guys along with bigeasy wearing a t-shirt saying, “Hi I’m bigeasygator” That would be fun to watch!

From: bigeasygator
Why? Some of my best friends are here on bowsite. Been on multiple hunts with them, including people who have hunted with you. Been to multiple hunting conventions with them. Will be going to Greenland and back to Kodiak with a number of them later this year. Most people I know aren’t so judgmental that they feel they can’t be friends with someone just because they harbor different viewpoints on certain issues.

Been around random bowsiters a bunch, and despite you questioning whether I hunt, I post trophy photos and hunt recaps and there are plenty of pics of my face to go along with my screen name. I don’t hide behind a screen.

From: KSflatlander
"Now what I would love to see is an in person gathering of a random 100 bowsite guys along with bigeasy wearing a t-shirt saying, “Hi I’m bigeasygator” That would be fun to watch!"

BEG wouldn't have to stand alone? I'd stand with him. I'm sure others would too.

Very telling that Mike U needs 100 friends to interact with BEG. I'd trust BEG much more than you with my kids. Mike, you got some mental health issues yourself.

From: CaptMike
"But then I actually worked and interacted with trans individuals and have seen firsthand the challenges they face and heard from them firsthand about how they want to be seen and treated as people, and my perspective changed. Did it ever dawn on you that they face challenges only due to their choices? I in no way think they are evil incarnate but I completely believe they suffer mental issues. And rather than be an enabler and attempt to transform society to fit their mental condition, I'd rather they be helped to cure them of their mental issues.

From: Beendare
Another psycho Trans just stabbed some people in Mass. Is the gov going to start keeping track? Or are they going to do as Channel 7 did and not report it was a Trans. They did note that the same car was at the scene of a previous incident.

Seems like such a small % of the population is responsible for these attacks;

Massachusetts Trans “Woman” Goes on Stabbing Rampage at Massachusetts Movie Theater – Stabs 4 Girls Ages 9 to 17 without Warning

"Ricky, maybe y'all can huddle up and decide what I am."

no need. i can form my own opinions and come to my own conclusions. i dont need anyone to stand with me.


From: Nyati
Yeah, no psychological issues there probably just “challenged” and misunderstood.

Flatlander, you and bigeasy wouldn’t be standing for long! You both want naked men in front of our under 18 yr old daughters, that’s all that needs to be said…

Well, other than I thought it would be fun to have 100 guys there to see how many times you have to get up?

164 comments in six days all by the same handful of posters. Not a single mind changed or opinion slightly altered. Not a single person whose day was made better by this thread. Moderators, any reason to not lock the comments here? Or is the revenue too good as high quality posters who actually contribute hunting content get driven away from the site because of this nonsense? Absurd.

As for the posters, this is really how you spend your Memorial Day weekend? Do you think those who died for your freedom would want you spending this weekend arguing with strangers online or enjoying reality and spending time with your family? No one on here cares about what you all have to say. No one besides you guys wakes up caring about your opinions or what your most recent reply is - because the replies have just been copy pasted for the past 2 years on here. Grow up and go smell the roses - when you’re on your death beds I don’t think you’re gonna say “man, I sure wish I spent more of my life posting my political opinions on bowsite”, but you’re likely gonna regret spending all weekend posting 20 times on a political thread instead of being present with those who love you. Although if some of you act in person the same as you do on here, people who love you might be few and far between.

I agree Boggsbowhunts. All the trans threads should be shut down immediately. But as long as they are running I will fight the good fight against the Evil narrative.

From: KSflatlander
"You both want naked men in front of our under 18 yr old daughters, that’s all that needs to be said…"

No I don't. Never said that.

From: bigeasygator
“"You both want naked men in front of our under 18 yr old daughters, that’s all that needs to be said…"

Not sure how you got that out of “I think we should treat spaces where nudity is highly likely a bit different than bathrooms.” You don’t really listen do you?

From: DanaC
On the bright side, no animals were harmed in the making of this thread >;-)

If you support tranny men being recognized as women you are supporting them getting in ALL protected female and young girl spaces. It’s that simple.

The EVIL of the gender ideology movement will take care of the details. They just need your virtue signalling support.

From: Grey Ghost
Curious if any of you hand-wringers worry about trans females in protected male spaces?

From: KSflatlander
"If you support tranny men being recognized as women you are supporting them getting in ALL protected female and young girl spaces. It’s that simple."

No it doesn't. I support life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as long as you not violating the civil rights of others. "We the people" does not exclude LBGTQ folks.

"We the people" does not include you Mike. I still hope you find peace someday Mike as you have some serious anger problems.

From: DConcrete
We the people doesn’t exclude the trans folks. You’re right. Now please tell me what rights I have that they don’t? And don’t try to sell me on some garbage about trans men should be able to play in women’s sports.

So….I’ll wait. What rights do I have that they do not?

Additionally, ghost, yes I do have concerns for that as well.

But while we’re talking about that being another subject, I’ll go ahead and say, most men can hold their own against the tranny crowd. Not sure I’d want to try to use the strongest portion of our population (men) in an argument that the weakest segment of our population (women) need to suck it up and deal with it.

And….I’ll also say, here in Utah, we are getting plenty of bathrooms that were once women only, and now are any sex. And it bugs the living piss out of me that my wife and 2 daughters have to sit down on a toilet where another man has had his hairy ass and balls and dick flopping all over.

From: bigeasygator
“And it bugs the living piss out of me that my wife and 2 daughters have to sit down on a toilet where another man has had his hairy ass and balls and dick flopping all over.”

What do you do at home? Or at friend’s houses? Or anywhere where thwre are portapottys? Are you equally bugged??

From: DConcrete
Don’t play dumb.

From: bigeasygator
Dumb? I wanna know if you’re equally infuriated by all unisex bathrooms if the thought of someone’s hairy ass on a toilet seat bugs the living piss outta you.

From: DConcrete
You’re going to equate my own home, to a friends home,

To a bathroom that is out in the general public, that literally every Tom, dick and harry are using.

Of course, you also lost the argument with your definition of a woman. Generally, you have some Points that are worth considering. On this thread, none.

As far as Porto potties go, let’s not start confusing situations where there are no other options with, inviting it all in and having all spaces made for men and women.

It’s okay to separate the 2 of them and let the ladies in our lives have privacy.

Again, what rights do I have? I’ll wait.

From: bigeasygator
“You’re going to equate my own home, to a friends home, To a bathroom that is out in the general public, that literally every Tom, dick and harry are using.”

Seems like a man’s balls and ass may touch any of those, which you said bugs the hell out of you. Just trying to understand what really upsets you. Frankly, getting upset about the thought of your wife or daughter having to use a toilet that could have been used by a male at some point seems completely irrational to me. On the list of things that cross my mind let alone upset me that one doesn’t even register. But as bowsite has proven over and over, people will get outraged by anything these days.

“Again, what rights do I have? I’ll wait.”

How about…The right to use the bathroom that corresponds with your gender identity.

From: KSflatlander
To live their lives freely without being marginalized and demonized. Trans folks can still be discriminated against when it comes to housing/rent among other things.

Don't play dumb...

From: Nyati
And if a guy can’t win competing against other guys simply switch to the girls team to win a trophy and national attention.

From: DConcrete
Housing and renting oh bull shit.

You can live in your own fantasy all you want but it’s utter horse shit and you damn well know it.

Bigeasy, your argument is lost. Get over it.

Kansas, find me something real. We’re all discriminated against in one way or another.

Get over yourselves.

From: Catscratch
""We the people" does not include you Mike."

Dang, that's kind of harsh (even for a guy who's every other statement is to call someone, or worse... to marginalize an entire group as idiots)! Joking of course as from the context I think you meant to say "exclude". Maybe the edit button would be appropriate in this case?

From: bigeasygator
“Bigeasy, your argument is lost”

Nice try, DC.

From: KSflatlander
Catscratch- Mike is not an American. That was the point. It wasn't meant to be disrespectful.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
“Trans folks can still be discriminated against when it comes to housing/rent among other things.”

pretty sure the fair housing act doesn’t allow that.

My wife and kids are dual citizens so I care about their welfare, especially with a daughter going to to a USA or Canadian college where she may be forced to endure a man walking into the locker room while she may be naked and she can’t do a damn thing about it! That’s where my anger issues come from. You and bigeasy and your kind helped to make it happen.

Now imagine if she did something dumb or accidental and ended up in prison. You good with tranny men in female prisons too flatlander? Remember the gender professionals highly recommend it! Hate to go against them.

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
Mike- No I don't.

Ricky- kind of but not officially until 2020 when SCOTUS Bostock v. Clayton Cty decision. Pretty recent.

"An estimated 8.1 million LGBT workers age 16 and older live in the United States. Nearly half of these workers—3.9 million people—live in states without statutory protections against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in employment.

There are over 3.5 million LGBT students age 15 and older in the U.S. About 2 million live in states without statutory protections against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in education.

There are an estimated 13 million LGBT people age 13 and older in the U.S. Approximately 6.5 million live in states that do not statutorily prohibit sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in public accommodations.

There are an estimated 11 million LGBT adults in the U.S. Over 5.4 million live in states without statutory protections against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in housing and 7.7 million lack such protections in credit."

“Ricky- kind of but not officially until 2020 when SCOTUS Bostock v. Clayton Cty decision. Pretty recent.”

recently or not…your statement wasn’t accurate.

As to the rest…federal law supersedes state law.

Good to hear you selectively go against the professionals and your buddy, bugeasy, he likes females getting raped in prison by men.

How about the mutilation surgeries for minors, good with those flatlander? You know 16 yr old girls getting their breasts cut off, and then sterilized, they couldn’t possibly regret that would they? Another source of my crazy anger.

From: CaptMike
So what KS is saying is that we have a mental health crises in this country.

From: KSflatlander
I'm empathetic with those young teens that struggle with gender identity crisis. I think it's best to leave that decision to the person involved, the parents, and medical professionals.

From: CaptMike
Really, what about the teachers who push this crap? What about the books and curriculum that push this crap? Don’t forget some disturbed parents that also contribute to this. Now, do you really think some grade schooler and even some high schoolers have the mental capacity to make these life affecting choices?

From: bigeasygator
“he likes females getting raped in prison by men.”

Never said that. Guessing you didn’t do very well in reading comprehension, did you Mike? I said I’m fine with trans women sharing prison space with cis women.

Nonetheless, you good with trans women getting raped by men in prison, Mike? What do you think is a higher risk situation for assault...a male that identifies as a woman in a female prison, or a male that identifies as a woman in a male prison?

From: Grey Ghost
Mike, if your daughter is college age , I’m betting she’s seen a penis or 2. It’s reality bud. I’m betting you saw a pussy or 2 before you were her age. I could be wrong.

From: DConcrete
Is that how we justify it now?

She *might* have seen a penis in her personal life willingly, so allow men in the dressing room?

Give me a phucking break.

Under that logic, then maybe we shouldn’t penalize OBGYN’s who abuse patients either. After all, they went to the dr and removed their clothes.

"I'm empathetic with those young teens that struggle with gender identity crisis."

so am i. i think most people are. having said that...there is a big difference between empathy and affirmation.

"Mike, if your daughter is college age , I’m betting she’s seen a penis or 2. It’s reality bud."

spoken by someone who obviously doesnt have a daughter. what a foolish statement.

its all about consent.

if you cant differentiate between seeing a penis by choice and seeing one unexpectedly in a space reserved for need help.

thats reality bud.

From: CaptMike
Disgusting comment from GG

From: Mike B
I just don't get the fixation y'all have over these transmission people. I seriously doubt any are bowhunters.

From: Orion
The only thing to gather on this thread is that Grey Ghost, Big Easy and the flatlander are cool if a dude goes in the locker room with their wives and daughters as long as he thinks his gender is female.

From: RK
You absolutely nailed it Orion!! Sad as that is.

From: Grey Ghost
The only thing to gather from this thread is there are a lot of paranoid chicken little hand wringers worrying about a tiny fraction of our society.

From: RK
Is that fraction larger or smaller than the dreaded outfitters that you handwring over. Be honest GG

From: Grey Ghost
RK, it’s all relative if you’re more concerned about hunting or gender identity. I know which one I worry about more.

From: Nyati
That’s the problem, a tiny fraction of our society is dictating policy to the rest of society. That is not what democracy is supposed to be.

Everything that is rare is not a concern until it happens to you and your family then it’s 100%

From: CaptMike
Freaks and people with mental illness attempting to get society to make them appear normal. What might motivate someone like GG to help them push this agenda? Is he one of them? Is he profiting from them? Is he simply confused and allowing his emotions to overrule his common sense? We can only guess...

"Everything that is rare is not a concern until it happens to you and your family then it’s 100%"

it doesnt even have to happen to us personally. at the end of the day...this is about the country and the world we want our children and grandchildren to live in. in my opinion, that is infinitely more important than hunting.

are our daughters and granddaughters going to be afforded the same opportunities and protections that previous generations have enjoyed? are we going to be able to tell our kids and grandkids that we pushed back against this lunacy...or are we going to say sorry kids...i know youve lost all your private spaces and title nine protections...but at least we fought like hell to keep crossbows out of bow season and spoke out about the evils of outfitters.

listened to a podcast at the gym this morning with rfk would appear that either he has come to his senses or has seen the writing on the wall and has taken a complete 180 on a number of things but as it pertains to this thread...he is now saying he would support a complete ban on medical procedures like hormone therapy (puberty blockers and cross sex hormones) and surgery for those under the age of 18. apparently after reading the cass report..."with horror" he completely changed his mind.

he also stated that he is against the changes biden made to title 9 protections through executive order.

not a fan of rfk jr at all...but im glad to see he is willing to see this crap for what it is.

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
This radical trans LGBTQ activist who pushed for “safe spaces” for LGBTQ people was just charged for k*IIing his husband with a samurai sword.

You can’t make this up....but they keep trying to tell us people like this are totally normal.

Video at link.....


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"This radical trans LGBTQ activist who pushed for “safe spaces” for LGBTQ people was just charged for k*IIing his husband with a samurai sword. You can’t make this up....but they keep trying to tell us people like this are totally normal."

did you notice this is the comments?

transphobic horses. thats funny...i dont care who you are.



Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Transgender athlete complains about lack of sportsmanship from fellow runners after winning girls state title"

"Veronica Garcia, a transgender high school athlete in Washington who won the state championship in the girls 400-meter race last month, complained about the lack of "sportsmanship" shown after winning the race and receiving a medal for it.

Garcia, of East Valley High School, ran the race in 55.75 seconds, which was one second better than the second-place finisher's time of 56.75, according to the Pacific Northwest Track and Field Officials' track scoreboard.

However, Garcia told The Spokesman-Review the lack of a congratulations from other runners at the meet "somewhat hurt."

"I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called. So I guess I expected to get that reciprocated," Garcia told the paper. "But I didn’t get that."

gosh...i wonder what he expected? did he expect the biological girls and all the fans to cheer for a biological male that just beat them?


From: Nyati


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
“wow??” What exactly is the “wow” for??

“The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States, founded in 2002. The group advocates against abortion rights and rights for LGBT people. ACPeds promotes conversion therapy. As of 2022, its membership has been reported at about 700 physicians.”

For comparison, the American Academy of Pediatrics has 67,000 members.

From: nchunter
To steal a quote from Drycreek--When one’s head is so enlarged, one tends to forget that some people enjoy pics of wildlife and the interaction of same. One has to wonder how that enlarged head gets so far up his ass. Different subject but the gist is the same and boy does it fit.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
“ What exactly is the “wow” for??”


From: csalem
nchunter. So True !

From: bigeasygator

And you didn’t mean to express some sort of surprise or astonishment. Ok lol


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
"And you didn’t mean to express some sort of surprise or astonishment."

actually no.

truth be known...i was simply repeating what elon musk said about it. his twitter feed is where i saw the video.

having said that...i always like it when someone like you (whos hubris seems to know no bounds) tells me what i think about something or why i posted it.

From: bigeasygator
Well, let me just say whether it’s you or Elon, the American College of Pediatrics (a medical organization formed solely to push socially conservative issues and who tries to argue on their FAQ page of their website why they aren’t anti-LGBTQ+) putting out a video against gender affirming care - a position they’ve argued for years - is the least “wow” thing I’ve seen all day. Perhaps you and Elon should both better vet your sources.

thanks for the transsplaining…it’s always much appreciated.

From: bigeasygator
Wow :)


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Trans school shooter Audrey Hale who killed 6 — including 3 kids — wrote about ‘imaginary penis’ in screed"

it took more than a year...but more of the transgender tennessee school shooters writings are being revealed. the following statement was quite telling...

' “My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m a male,” Hale, who had started to go by Aiden at the time of the shooting, wrote on one page in their diary...'

apparently this mentally ill person didnt get the "trans has nothing to do with sex" memo.

if only someone was available to 'trans-splain' the difference between "gender" and "sex" to might have prevented a lot deaths...including her own.


From: CaptMike
Trans issues are simply mental issues. Anyone who cannot see that might be clouded by their own mental issues. It is sad when certain people need to form their thoughts and perspectives based on organizations and other sources while ignoring common sense. Most probably a result of the indoctrination and general dumbing down many school systems have been implementing.

"Trans issues are simply mental issues."



Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Gender dysphoria and eating disorders have skyrocketed since pandemic, report reveals: ‘Ripple effects"

"Americans are in the midst of a mental health crisis, which lingered well before and was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic," the researchers wrote in the report.

"The initial trauma and continued ripple effects from the pandemic are still negatively impacting Americans’ mental health, particularly teens and young adults."

Why the spike in gender dysphoria?

Multiple factors have led to the sharp uptick in gender dysphoria, according to Abbey Jo Schrage, a licensed psychotherapist who runs her own practice in Idaho and provides virtual mental health services.

"The first is the simple fact of awareness of gender identity issues," she told Fox News Digital.

"Youth have newfound, and constant, access to information and language regarding issues such as gender identity via countless apps and websites." anyone surprised?

lock children in their a very vulnerable time in their development...with nothing to do but spend hours upon hours each day on social media/apps/websites that promote all sorts of abnormalities as normal.

what could possibly go wrong?

can anyone say "social contagion?"


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Lia Thomas' Olympics dreams dashed after legal challenge to World Aquatics' transgender policy fails"

"Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer who created controversy during the 2022 season with a win at the NCAA championships, lost a legal battle over rules that prevented trans swimmers who have been through male puberty from competing in elite women’s events.

The Court for Arbitration of Sport dismissed Thomas’ request for arbitration with World Aquatics, according to a ruling released Wednesday. The governing body in swimming made its ruling in 2022, which essentially banned transgender swimmers from competing in female events. World Aquatics also created an "open" category for transgender athletes."

From: Nyati


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Federal judge blocks Biden Title IX rule in 4 states: 'Abuse of power'"

"Federal judge in Louisiana calls President Biden's mandatory protections for 'gender identity' a 'threat to democracy'"

appears to be just another example bidens overreach.

"for the constitution."

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
The US continues to push bad policy in our schools- its criminal.

Here is the youtube link to the American college of Pediatrics stating that US policy is bad and contradicts the science from multiple studies….but US policy makers know best.

From: Nyati

Nyati 's Link
Federal judge shut Biden’s title 9 changes in another 6 states

From: CaptMike
The court should have then ordered this Thomas queer in for psychiatric examination.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Florida, Oklahoma instruct schools to ignore Biden's Title IX changes, pending legal challenges"

"In a letter sent to state school leaders this week, Walters said he consulted "with several other state education leaders and legal counsel" regarding "serious concerns with the legality of these rule changes, especially as it relates to its redefinition of 'sex' to include gender identity."

what i find particularly ironic (read hypocritical) is how those that are constantly trying to trans-splain the difference between sex and gender...are now conflating the two when its convenient for them to do so.

gender is not sex...until we need it to be.

From: Beendare
Here in Ca we have some of the worst performing schools in the nation. So do they put more emphasis on reading, writing and math- nope, they focus on telling kindergarteners about gender.

There is over 700 pages of curricula on gender and sex issues.

Then CA just passed a law that says the school system can take gender measures without informing the parents- cutting parenting out of the mix.

This is what Liberal Democrat policy gets us- its crazy.

From: 4nolz@work

4nolz@work's embedded Photo
4nolz@work's embedded Photo

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