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Discuss Interactive Bloodtrail 35 Here
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
wkochevar 03-Jun-13
greenmountain 03-Jun-13
Fabow 04-Jun-13
GotBowAz 04-Jun-13
GotBowAz 04-Jun-13
BowSniper 04-Jun-13
sitO 04-Jun-13
Toby 04-Jun-13
txhunter58 04-Jun-13
fuzzy 05-Jun-13
Knife2sharp 05-Jun-13
PreacherT 05-Jun-13
Shiras 05-Jun-13
Bou'bound 05-Jun-13
loprofile 06-Jun-13
Brotsky 06-Jun-13
Panhandle Bob 06-Jun-13
Fabow 06-Jun-13
tradmt 06-Jun-13
Nick Muche 06-Jun-13
Stan NJ 06-Jun-13
passing... thru 06-Jun-13
loprofile 06-Jun-13
tradmt 06-Jun-13
MJH 06-Jun-13
grizzlyadam 06-Jun-13
wolfgang510 06-Jun-13
nijimasu 07-Jun-13
MDW 07-Jun-13
wkochevar 07-Jun-13
Scrub_buck 07-Jun-13
steve 07-Jun-13
hunt'n addict 07-Jun-13
hunt'n addict 07-Jun-13
BowSniper 07-Jun-13
loprofile 07-Jun-13
bumpinblaze4x4 07-Jun-13
jhansen851819 07-Jun-13
ducksoup 07-Jun-13
archer 07-Jun-13
limbhanger 07-Jun-13
HockeyDad 07-Jun-13
wkochevar 07-Jun-13
Limbhanger2604 07-Jun-13
Panhandle Bob 07-Jun-13
tradmt 07-Jun-13
helfy 07-Jun-13
tradmt 08-Jun-13
archer 08-Jun-13
Treefarm 08-Jun-13
caribou77 08-Jun-13
luckychucky 08-Jun-13
vinnyb 08-Jun-13
Jack Harris 08-Jun-13
horseshoe 09-Jun-13
southernbeagle 09-Jun-13
archer 09-Jun-13
Treefarm 09-Jun-13
greenmountain 09-Jun-13
Nick Muche 09-Jun-13
Knife2sharp 09-Jun-13
tradmt 10-Jun-13
fuzzy 10-Jun-13
coelker 10-Jun-13
passing... thru 10-Jun-13
greenmountain 10-Jun-13
Knife2sharp 10-Jun-13
MJH 11-Jun-13
stickflngr 11-Jun-13
greenmountain 11-Jun-13
Mad_Angler 11-Jun-13
Knife2sharp 11-Jun-13
snapcrackpop 11-Jun-13
archer 11-Jun-13
itshot 11-Jun-13
neil 16-Jun-13
Medicinemann 16-Jun-13
BUCKeye 20-Jun-13
hmaxims 01-Jul-13
153 03-Jul-13
terriergal 16-Aug-13
terriergal 16-Aug-13
terriergal 16-Aug-13
terriergal 16-Aug-13
From: wkochevar
I was wondering when one of these was coming back up? I love these things, especially all the whining when someone gets one wrong.....LOL Thanks for the "GAME"!! Kip

There are two good choices based on the angle. I guessed right but I could have been persuaded.

From: Fabow
you got me over thinking already, it didn't smack as loud as I thought it would and having so many shoulder blade choices I had to say no shoulder blade, dang, the twang of the bow string seemed a little loud too

From: GotBowAz
Based just off of the blood trail I got the first answer wrong, I cannot get anything on youtube here at work so I took a guess for question 2 also based just off of the blood trail and was 100 percent correct. Looks like this game could be fun but I will have to play it at home if youtube will be used for the remainder of the game. ?

From: GotBowAz
Awesome, thanks!

From: BowSniper
Is there a lot of human noise faintly in the distance, like suburban archery hunting? Deer was really on edge.

From: sitO
I'm always amazed at how many people from my state play these...but have NEVER made a single comment on the state page, or anywhere else for that matter? Are they real?

From: Toby
so far, so good!!!!!

From: txhunter58
Hit the near shoulder blade

From: fuzzy
excellent ahot by the way. nailed it. your boy is a killer Pat :-)

From: Knife2sharp
May I suggest that after you answer a question and get your results, a link is available to go back to the Bloodtrail Challenge page where you select the clues. It doesn't feel right to click the back button, thinking it won't save your last answer. Kind of like clicking the back button after posting and getting double posts.

From: PreacherT
Following this one from Texas. Kinda makes a fella want to find a deer blind!

From: Shiras

That's a really interesting stat. Due to lack of postings I never even visit the NE state site anymore.

From: Bou'bound
saying some of the visitors to this place are unique is the understatement of the millenium to this point.

From: loprofile
I cry foul on zero points for "immediately" answer to clue number 3. Under the same circumstances I would have quietly gotten down from the tree and slowly followed the track. She was obviously not gut shot and if I had seen her favoring the right side and wobbling I see little risk in an immediate tracking job. If I did not find her within 100 yards I would back off for a while. No problem with the wait an hour 9 points but I can't see zero for immediately.

From: Brotsky
I agree with lopro 100%....the past coyote experience from that stand in my opinion eliminates any other option based upon the evidence provided.


From: Fabow
Pat, it sounds and looks like you and your hunting buddies need to do some serious coyote hunting

From: tradmt
Can we say 'ass end' on here? 8^)

From: Nick Muche
"...and it begins. :-) "

Which is why I waited two or three clues into the game before coming to this thread! Gotta let it brew a little :)

From: Stan NJ
The 'whining' is the best part of these bloodtrails :)

Sounds like Pat likes to feed coyotes...again. If the last buck was eaten within an hour, why would it be any different for a fatally shot doe? Me and lopro are grilling straps.

From: loprofile
Less weight to drag out of the woods I suppose

From: tradmt
I failed clue 4!!

Good thing im not a bow ed instructor, with my un- perfect score and all.

From: MJH
"The motion of the deer's shoulder with the arrow in place caused it to break."

Yeah, but its not gonna be the near side with that much arrow covered in blood from the point of the break, and the amount of arrow still intact.

From: grizzlyadam
There is more quiet learning going on with these bloodtrails than there is the annoying whining. It's worth the trade off.

From: wolfgang510
Blood on the fletching led me to choose wrong. Depends on what you mean by "profusley." I think that is a pretty significant positive sign. Since question 3 was the far shoulder blade I didn't think it would be the answer again. Over thought it I guess.

From: nijimasu
I'm crying foul on number four. The question askes "what can YOU deduce..." not "What can a smart person deduce..." !!!

From: MDW
So far, this reminds me of a buck my son shot this past fall. The shot, the arrow, running off. When we got in sight of him three hours later, the angle was more severe then first thought. We could see the exit hole in front of the off shoulder. We backed out for another three hours. When we caught up with him again, he was trying to mount a doe. Think he is alive to this day.

From: wkochevar
...And, HEY, who says a solid rib hit can't sound as loud as a shoulder hit?? Especially for those of us who are practically deef ;-) LOL

From: Scrub_buck
X2 Wolfgang and Dave.... my thoughts exactly.

#4 is busted for me, maybe I'll get the rest of them right. Its a good thing my hunter's ed card will still be valid after missing this clue.

From: steve
I say the arrow was in 10 in then no blood on the arrow but the feathers are red how did it get there ?I say pumping out blood .Steve. ps I hate this game .LOL

When is Bowsite going to add that "Like" button? I could use it now. I don't feel like copying all the comments that I agree with. Then again if we do that enough, Pat will add the button.

BTW, why doesn't Pat have a perfect score? He was there right?

From: BowSniper
I like these "textbook" games best. The tricky wording and deceptive clues I can do without. Enjoying this one very much, thanks Pat!

From: loprofile
I have found a relatively large number of deer over the years but consistently failed The Bowsite blood trails. Each clue is like playing the lottery. In this case I assumed from the video picture and sound that it hit the far shoulder but since it obviously did not pass through the blood on the fletching would have indicated some profuse bleeding. On the other hand, if I had been on the trail I would not have needed the arrow to tell me if there were external bleeding.


Maybe i missed it but for clue #3 i would have really liked to know what time the deer was shot. I correctly guessed 1 hour thinking thats what i would do but i would also adjust my strategy based on the time of day of the shot. I assumed since it was an early season hunt that it was likely an afternoon set and based on this i would probably look for sign within an hour of the shot simply because of 1. daylight available and 2. coyotes. If this deer was shot during a morning set then i would likely wait a few hours before getting down/pursuing the trail depending on the stand set and the ability to exit the set without spooking the deer (if alive). What time of day was the shot taken?

I never get the travel direction questions correct. Any links to help me better understand?

From: ducksoup
say whatever you want, on that hit with that temp and that many c-dogs in the area, I take up the trail asap EVERY TIME. Seen way too many good hit deer lost to , coytoes because shooter was too afraid of loosing a deer from tracking too soon. Unless you are shooting a 30# bow that hit =dead dear

From: archer
#5 being c is questionable. You can see blood further up in the pic indicating A (up and down). The leaf is bent downward so how can you say it's going right to left?

From: limbhanger
Archer my thinking exactly!

From: HockeyDad
Augh. Screwed up on #4. But like others I want to know how blood on the fletch/nock and lots runninbg down shaft doesn't constitute bleeding profusly!

From: wkochevar
Spatter usually indicates the direction the drop was heading when it hits the ground....simple physics.

I also am thrown off with # 5, very questionable

Profuse bleeding, in my experience, means tons of blood...if the deer was bleeding profusely, you would see blood on the ground around the arrow, not just the arrow itself :)

From: tradmt
Its the point at the end of the small drop on the top leaf that gives it away, you can see it in the big drop to but that one is a little deceiving because it had some run-off I think. It also spattered off and to the left of that leaf, indicating direction.

I'm not a bowhunter ed instructor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn. Just sayin'

From: helfy
missed #4 could not see any blood sucks to be color blind

From: tradmt
Ok, clue six was pretty lame.

Yes, I got it wrong and that's half the reason its lame!

From: archer
Yeah, 6 got me also. The tail could have been a rock.

From: Treefarm
It must have died curled up. It looks like it's head and bedded. But then I saw the blood in the bottom left corner of D.

From: caribou77
I to see what looks like blood in the bottom left corner of D and on a leaf in D. Far easier to see than the "tail?". Then again I've seen a MILLION leaves that "look" like blood when actually trailing.

From: luckychucky
The thing is you wouldn't be looking through the viewfinder of a camera (tunnel vision) to track. Scanning like radar would be more like it.

From: vinnyb
i saw the tail in the section A but thought it may have been a rock instead.i thought i saw a reflection of an eye in section C in the trees.

From: Jack Harris
I had perfect score but thought I saw blood in grid D.. Initially I did think there was a tail in "A" but that seemed too easy...

From: horseshoe
Half the fun of these things is trying to figure out when Pat is messing with us!


"I never get the travel direction questions correct. Any links to help me better understand?"

If the deer is moving fast the blood drops will 'point' the direction of travel with little 'fingers' of blood that extend off like little rivers.

Go back and look again at the blood drops clue and you will see the fingers of blood pointing the direction.

Hold your hand out in front of you and look down at it.

Your palm would be the main blood droplet and your fingers would be pointing the direction the deer is traveling.

From: archer
Jack, my thoughts also.

From: Treefarm
All 50 States have participated in this latest BT Challenge. We're missing Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Yukon, NW Territories, Nunavut, Labrador, and PEI from Canada.

I saw what looked like blood in D but there was something in A that was amiss. I went with my gut and got it right.

From: Nick Muche
I love the whiners!

From: Knife2sharp
Perfect score until the where's Waldo clue. I thought I saw eyes through the leaves in B.

From: tradmt
Is it blood in D? That's what it looks like to me.

I thought A looked like the tip of a tail but I figured if that's the tail then the whole deer would be visible unless someone or something covered it up.

From: fuzzy
Crap, I blew #7 by clicking on the wrong selection on the dropdown. And as far as #3 I answered with what I'd do, rather than what I know Pat would do..LOL "my bad" :-) love these!

From: coelker
So the one that got me was the deer tail, etc. In that pic a person can see a bunch of clues. IN d there is blood, in C some, in B a little blood and 2 broken limbs in a all I could not find anything, but assumed the tail to be a rock.

That pic. is pretty cool. A 90 degree out of the blood trail. Usually all I see is the line...

a little disappointed Snookie was not up in one of the trees... thats tail - right?

I anticipate the final question will be how far did she go after the hit. From my experience deer do not follow hard and fast rules. A heart shot normally results in a mad dash while double lungs means a short walk. I shot a doe a couple years ago who went a quarter mile after I put an arrow through both lungs and nicked the heart. Go figure.

From: Knife2sharp
Look at all the blood in both nostrils. Both lungs collapsed and the deer likely suffocated before bleeding to death, hence a short mad dash through the woods, likely 75 yards or less. The video of the shot sounds like the deer almost went down within sight, or at least within microphone range.

From: MJH
No way, perfect score! Thats a first.

From: stickflngr
Ive played every one of these and this is the first time Ive ever got a perfect score.... Thanks Pat

I got the last one right only because of the deer's attitude before the shot.

From: Mad_Angler

Sorry I gotta brag. I think I'll done all 35 of these bloodtrails. This is my first perfect score...\

Thanks Pat. These are great exercises.

From: Knife2sharp
No perfect score for me, it's rigged!

From: snapcrackpop
Based upon info given I would have looked at the arrow and blood trail right away, but might have stopped there if it was sparse.

I agree with Jack about the "tail".

From: archer
I'm a dumbass. Based on the fact that the previous correct answer of a shoulder shot was correct, it would be impossible for the arrow to hit only the heart, which I answered. Though 5 and 6 were not obvious, #7 was.

From: itshot
perfect score til #8 then ruined it

obviously pat's yardstick is broken

always fun though

From: neil
fun to do these. Picked D for the blood sign, only mistake. Thanks for doing these Pat.

From: Medicinemann
Just for grins and giggles, I took the test with out watching the clues.....just posting answers based on peoples comments in the thread.....and missed two, but should have only missed one, as I missed a comment posted about one of the questions....

From: BUCKeye
Question 1- if I shoot that deer at spot 3 it dies within sight.

From: hmaxims
Neil wrote <>

I did too. I thought the tail looked like it could be the tail, but from the photo it looks more like the rocks nearby. There is blood in grid D.

From: 153
Love these blood trials Pat. Thanks for posting these. I use these for Bow ed instuction so as to show students what NOT to do. And of course, what TO DO!

And also that no matter how much or how little experience one may have, there are always going to be those who simply do things different.

From: terriergal
As far as direction of travel from that particular blood spot, um, no, you can't see enough to tell. I guessed D, but it appears to have landed almost straight up and down on the leaf and then run down the curve of the leaf. It's really hard to tell IMO.

From: terriergal
And on the deer in the picture, I did see the white tail, but how the heck in a picture are you supposed to be able to tell what that is? When you're looking at it in the woods you aren't going to have just the tail showing there with a hard edge to the picture.

From: terriergal
Both lungs? Too high? It was a downward angle. Why wouldn't it nick the heart? I had this exact same thing happen to me last year (except from the right side) and I nicked the heart.

From: terriergal
Also wondering why after the first couple clues I never get email updates telling me the next clue has been posted. Sigh. I always end up coming back after it's all over.

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