So what did Fred Eichler See
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
howler 04-Mar-08
Bou'bound 04-Mar-08
TradTech 04-Mar-08
gutshot 04-Mar-08
timberjack 04-Mar-08
Owl 04-Mar-08
TradTech 04-Mar-08
howler 04-Mar-08
howler 04-Mar-08
TD 04-Mar-08
'Ike' 04-Mar-08
Archerontario 04-Mar-08
CurveBow 05-Mar-08
Bowboy 05-Mar-08
blackwolf 05-Mar-08
TradTech 05-Mar-08
bigswivle 05-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 06-Mar-08
AHunter35 06-Mar-08
Bx3 06-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 06-Mar-08
Shaft2Long 07-Mar-08
BuckSlayer 07-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 07-Mar-08
LostInTheWoods 07-Mar-08
Ks bowman 07-Mar-08
midwest 07-Mar-08
MF 07-Mar-08
tjh 07-Mar-08
mack_trucks_usa 07-Mar-08
Mercury 07-Mar-08
bowriter 07-Mar-08
fishmagician 07-Mar-08
Estesparkhunter 07-Mar-08
Owl 07-Mar-08
Sito 07-Mar-08
carbonarcher 07-Mar-08
McCree 07-Mar-08
Mercury 07-Mar-08
Bob 07-Mar-08
Slider, 07-Mar-08
Stik'n String 07-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 07-Mar-08
SANDMAN 07-Mar-08
chip 07-Mar-08
Owl 07-Mar-08
Ed Conolly 07-Mar-08
Mercury 07-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 07-Mar-08
deadhorse 07-Mar-08
Owl 07-Mar-08
TD 07-Mar-08
Stik'n String 07-Mar-08
RK 07-Mar-08
HCAshooter 07-Mar-08
4ks 07-Mar-08
flint 07-Mar-08
'Ike' 07-Mar-08
Rob 07-Mar-08
Tradbow 07-Mar-08
LostInTheWoods 07-Mar-08
TXHunter 07-Mar-08
Rob in VT 07-Mar-08
BSBD 08-Mar-08
Shaft2Long 08-Mar-08
weighttrain_2000 08-Mar-08
herd bull 08-Mar-08
Shooter 08-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 08-Mar-08
Thumper 08-Mar-08
bowriter 08-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 08-Mar-08
leftee 08-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 08-Mar-08
153 08-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 08-Mar-08
juneaulongbow 08-Mar-08
RK 08-Mar-08
Deadly Pistolero 08-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 08-Mar-08
midwest 08-Mar-08
Deacon Dave 08-Mar-08
Deacon Dave 08-Mar-08
masemaamed 08-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 08-Mar-08
NewHunter1 08-Mar-08
NewHunter1 08-Mar-08
LostInTheWoods 09-Mar-08
Cornbread 09-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 09-Mar-08
chip 09-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 09-Mar-08
chip 09-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 09-Mar-08
Deadly Pistolero 09-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 09-Mar-08
Deadly Pistolero 09-Mar-08
Deadly Pistolero 09-Mar-08
Striker@home 09-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 09-Mar-08
wild1 09-Mar-08
howler 09-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 09-Mar-08
White Falcon 09-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 09-Mar-08
White Falcon 09-Mar-08
4ks 09-Mar-08
howler 09-Mar-08
herd bull 09-Mar-08
leftee 09-Mar-08
CAMPER 09-Mar-08
razor 09-Mar-08
Deadly Pistolero 09-Mar-08
masemaamed 09-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 10-Mar-08
pescarconganas 10-Mar-08
POWMAK 10-Mar-08
POWMAK 10-Mar-08
BowSniper 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Holepuncher 10-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 10-Mar-08
Shaft2Long 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Owl 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
RK 10-Mar-08
DeerSlayer08 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Shaft2Long 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Big Foot 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Brotsky 10-Mar-08
smarba 10-Mar-08
razor 10-Mar-08
mission man 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Striker@home 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Striker@home 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Big Foot 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
BowSniper 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Big Foot 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Big Foot 10-Mar-08
Shooter 10-Mar-08
Big Foot 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
buglemaster 10-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 10-Mar-08
Scotman 10-Mar-08
Africanbowhunter 11-Mar-08
pescarconganas 11-Mar-08
tonyo6302 11-Mar-08
leftee 11-Mar-08
PoconoSteve 11-Mar-08
smarba 11-Mar-08
BowSniper 11-Mar-08
DeerSlayer08 11-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 11-Mar-08
BowSniper 11-Mar-08
bowriter 11-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 11-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 11-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 11-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 11-Mar-08
Beev 11-Mar-08
TD 11-Mar-08
Owl 11-Mar-08
Big Foot 11-Mar-08
VAL 11-Mar-08
carbonarcher 11-Mar-08
Owl 11-Mar-08
Big Foot 11-Mar-08
Owl 11-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 11-Mar-08
Owl 11-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 11-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 12-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 12-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 12-Mar-08
LostInTheWoods 12-Mar-08
Big Foot 12-Mar-08
Sanctum 12-Mar-08
BowSniper 12-Mar-08
BowSniper 12-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 12-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 12-Mar-08
broadside 12-Mar-08
Owl 12-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 12-Mar-08
Big Foot 12-Mar-08
Gray Ghost 12-Mar-08
Owl 12-Mar-08
Litewolf 13-Mar-08
BowSniper 13-Mar-08
Sanctum 13-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 13-Mar-08
MF 13-Mar-08
Big Foot 13-Mar-08
BowSniper 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
Owl 13-Mar-08
kman 13-Mar-08
broadside 13-Mar-08
Sanctum 13-Mar-08
Big Foot 13-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 13-Mar-08
BowSniper 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 13-Mar-08
Big Foot 13-Mar-08
Sanctum 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
TD 13-Mar-08
BowSniper 13-Mar-08
Big Foot 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
broadside 13-Mar-08
broadside 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
Sixby 13-Mar-08
Big Foot 13-Mar-08
Jimbob 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
Big Foot 13-Mar-08
Litewolf 13-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 13-Mar-08
BowSniper 14-Mar-08
Big Foot 14-Mar-08
BowSniper 14-Mar-08
Big Foot 14-Mar-08
Sanctum 14-Mar-08
Jimbob 14-Mar-08
BowSniper 14-Mar-08
DRR324 14-Mar-08
Striker@home 14-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 14-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 14-Mar-08
Big Foot 14-Mar-08
cbeard64 14-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 14-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 14-Mar-08
DRR324 14-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 14-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 14-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 14-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 14-Mar-08
Striker@home 14-Mar-08
BowSniper 14-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 14-Mar-08
Striker@home 14-Mar-08
Sanctum 14-Mar-08
Owl 14-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 14-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 14-Mar-08
Sanctum 14-Mar-08
Owl 14-Mar-08
BowSniper 14-Mar-08
Owl 14-Mar-08
TXHunter 14-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 14-Mar-08
juneaulongbow 14-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 14-Mar-08
Shaft2Long 14-Mar-08
Big Foot 14-Mar-08
Jeff McCormick 14-Mar-08
HerdManager 14-Mar-08
HerdManager 14-Mar-08
Big Foot 14-Mar-08
TXHunter 14-Mar-08
wvkruk 14-Mar-08
Sixby 14-Mar-08
FlatbowMB 14-Mar-08
wild1 14-Mar-08
HCAshooter 14-Mar-08
TD 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
antarcher 15-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 15-Mar-08
Big Foot 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
txhunter58 15-Mar-08
Big Foot 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
juneaulongbow 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
wild1 15-Mar-08
TD 15-Mar-08
txhunter58 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
BowSniper 15-Mar-08
BowSniper 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
Buckeye Bowhunter 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
Big Foot 15-Mar-08
Big Foot 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
Sixby 15-Mar-08
rdrake18 15-Mar-08
HerdManager 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
Sixby 15-Mar-08
Bobbinhood 15-Mar-08
Big Foot 15-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 15-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 16-Mar-08
Buckeye Bowhunter 16-Mar-08
Labdad 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
deadhorse 16-Mar-08
MF 16-Mar-08
FlatbowMB 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
Labdad 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
Big Foot 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
elkherder 16-Mar-08
Labdad 16-Mar-08
elkherder 16-Mar-08
Labdad 16-Mar-08
Sixby 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
deadhorse 16-Mar-08
Labdad 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
Butternut40 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
elkherder 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
elkherder 16-Mar-08
FlatbowMB 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 16-Mar-08
Sixby 16-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 16-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 16-Mar-08
Butternut40 16-Mar-08
deadhorse 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 16-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
Slay 16-Mar-08
Big Foot 16-Mar-08
BowSniper 16-Mar-08
wild1 16-Mar-08
Big Foot 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
BowSniper 16-Mar-08
BowSniper 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
chip 16-Mar-08
BowSniper 16-Mar-08
BowSniper 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
FlatbowMB 16-Mar-08
HerdManager 16-Mar-08
Sixby 16-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 16-Mar-08
Big Foot 17-Mar-08
BowSniper 17-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 17-Mar-08
Owl 17-Mar-08
Labdad 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 17-Mar-08
Bowhunt302 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
heartshot 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
BowSniper 17-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 17-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Blaise 17-Mar-08
Blaise 17-Mar-08
BowSniper 17-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 17-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Sanctum 17-Mar-08
Eric Krewson 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Sixby 17-Mar-08
Believer 17-Mar-08
Owl 17-Mar-08
Big Foot 17-Mar-08
Big Foot 17-Mar-08
Big Foot 17-Mar-08
BowSniper 17-Mar-08
Big Foot 17-Mar-08
foot_chase 17-Mar-08
foot_chase 17-Mar-08
Eric Krewson 17-Mar-08
chip 17-Mar-08
Ton 17-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
Big Foot 18-Mar-08
Sanctum 18-Mar-08
elkherder 18-Mar-08
chip 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
Owl 18-Mar-08
BowSniper 18-Mar-08
BowSniper 18-Mar-08
MF 18-Mar-08
Believer 18-Mar-08
Believer 18-Mar-08
Sixby 18-Mar-08
Believer 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
Sanctum 18-Mar-08
bullelkklr 18-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 18-Mar-08
razor 18-Mar-08
Sanctum 18-Mar-08
Joey Ward 18-Mar-08
BowSniper 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
BowSniper 18-Mar-08
TXHunter 18-Mar-08
Labdad 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
Labdad 18-Mar-08
stan420 18-Mar-08
stan420 18-Mar-08
Labdad 18-Mar-08
Sixby 18-Mar-08
Labdad 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
Labdad 18-Mar-08
HerdManager 18-Mar-08
Sixby 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
TXHunter 18-Mar-08
deadhorse 18-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 18-Mar-08
stan420 18-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
Owl 19-Mar-08
gahuntnut 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
Sanctum 19-Mar-08
stan420 19-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
Horn Donkey 19-Mar-08
Sanctum 19-Mar-08
Sanctum 19-Mar-08
Owl 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 19-Mar-08
Sanctum 19-Mar-08
Sixby 19-Mar-08
Blaise 19-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 19-Mar-08
Sanctum 19-Mar-08
Sanctum 19-Mar-08
mist-a-hog 19-Mar-08
Believer 19-Mar-08
Owl 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
Believer 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
Owl 19-Mar-08
Believer 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 19-Mar-08
HerdManager 19-Mar-08
Owl 19-Mar-08
Sixby 19-Mar-08
razor 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
razor 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
timberghost 19-Mar-08
Big Foot 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
dougfoot 19-Mar-08
BowSniper 19-Mar-08
dougfoot 19-Mar-08
Sixby 20-Mar-08
dougfoot 20-Mar-08
dougfoot 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Sanctum 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
Believer 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
Believer 20-Mar-08
Sanctum 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
HerdManager @ Work 20-Mar-08
Bou'bound 20-Mar-08
Sanctum 20-Mar-08
Believer 20-Mar-08
Sanctum 20-Mar-08
wild1 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
Believer 20-Mar-08
Sanctum 20-Mar-08
Sixby 20-Mar-08
dougfoot 20-Mar-08
Sanctum 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
[email protected] 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Believer 20-Mar-08
Big Foot 20-Mar-08
Labdad 20-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 20-Mar-08
Bou'bound 20-Mar-08
HerdManager 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
chip 20-Mar-08
HerdManager 20-Mar-08
HerdManager 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
BowSniper 20-Mar-08
dougfoot 20-Mar-08
old smoky ghost 20-Mar-08
HerdManager 20-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 20-Mar-08
Sixby 21-Mar-08
Joe D 21-Mar-08
NEsportsman 21-Mar-08
Sixby 21-Mar-08
Labdad 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
Sanctum 21-Mar-08
Owl 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
Believer 21-Mar-08
Labdad 21-Mar-08
Believer 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 21-Mar-08
mizzoukispot 21-Mar-08
BowSniper 21-Mar-08
MultipleEncounters 21-Mar-08
Blaise 21-Mar-08
Big Foot 21-Mar-08
Labdad 21-Mar-08
From: howler
Just saw an epesode of Easton Bowhunting with Fred Eichler and he stalked and killed a nice bear. At the end of the show he got pretty serious and said that they had some stealth cams out and on one particular camera they had something that looked pretty weird, Fred wouldn't say what he thought it was but it looked as if it had a long hairy arm and walked upright. We couldn't see it very well and only got partial view. this is suppose to be no guff.

From: Bou'bound
probably one of those bigfoots. they are all over the place out there.

From: TradTech
I just saw it too....guess booking with Fred will get ya' closer to the answer. ;?)

From: gutshot
I guess that will teach me to turn the channel right after the recovery huh?

My ex-mother in-law?

From: Owl
where was he hunting?


SERBIANSHARK's embedded Photo
SERBIANSHARK's embedded Photo
he saw me!!!

From: TradTech
he said he was skeeeeered. Musta' been Hillary!

From: howler
well Dan I hate to say it but there was a slight resemblence, If you got as much hair on your arms as you do your chin I'd say is was a lock BUT maybe not.

He was hunting in Colorado, Owl.

From: howler
I was going to say it may have been a wolf, kind of looked like a rear end of a wolf and the arm looking thing could have been a tail, ?????

From: TD
Naw SERB, he said "walked upright".... that and they would have seen the knuckle marks from em being drug on the ground.


From: 'Ike'
Sas-squash himself...That was pretty good!


Joe by the 3 rivers's embedded Photo
Joe by the 3 rivers's embedded Photo

he seen one of those samsquanchs ricky!

From: CurveBow
Fred saw the arm of the apre escaped from the zoo. Just after he reset teh camera, he saw Chuck Adams....... (fill in the blank)


From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Is this the footage!

From: blackwolf
No, that is not the footage, Fred had just a quick 7-9 frames of "something" Jim

From: TradTech
He said he felt as though something was watching him while hunting....hmmmmmm

Shoulda' used the "other Brand X" trail camera! I'm sure the trigger speed woulda' shown more. ;?)

From: bigswivle
Pordacorphus Mordacorphi, very rare

Hey guys,

I tried to provide you some information on the subject last year remember? You guys are around these creatures more then you can imagine. Fred got lucky and got a few clips which are now posted on his site.

I hope the mods come to realize that what he caught on video is something you should be able to talk about openly here. Some of you may encounter one just as I did 4 years ago while hunting. Some of you probably have as well, but don't feel safe talking about it here. I've seen these creatures in the field and I knew how to act when I had that scary encounter which turned out to be a peaceful encounter. Just bare in mind, to attempt to harm one, well you probably wouldn't make it out of the woods alive.

You talk about how you interact with bears, wolves, moose, etc here. As I also recall, there were a few members here who had even personally encountered the subject of the video. Well, being able to discuss the different ways to behave during an encounter with one of these creatures would only benefit everyone don't ya think? Sure for most of you it requires an open mind because you haven't seen one, but you never know, it could happen to you. Believe it or not, these yet to be classified creatures ARE out there with you in the woods. They are masters of camouflage and stealth. They generally avoid us but they are also curious. And believe it or not, most of you come across their sign often, but you don't know what to look for. Some of you have heard them but didn't know what you were listening to.

Well now one of your own has some fairly compelling footage if you all believe he is legitimate, which I suspect you do, then you can further question the reality of these unusual creatures known as bigfoot.


From: AHunter35
What website has the pics?

From: Bx3
Nice writing Dave did you used to right scripts for "Unsolved Mysterys"? JK I just watched to footage from the show. It is on the HuntTv website right now. Either some one is playing a joke on Fred or there was a bigfoot wondering around out there. Kinda hard to not take Fred seriously since he has always seemed to be a straight shooter. He seemed pretty taken back by the footage. It is funny that it didnt walk in front of the center of the camera. They never do... :|

Here's where he has it posted AHunter35.

Nope Bx3, never wrote scripts for anything. I'm a hunter just like you, only I still use a rifle. Don't hold that against me though, I know plenty of bowhunters and I hunt like one too.

No question the vid isn't the final evidence but he probably has much better quality video then he posted too.

From: Shaft2Long
That last shot was pretty crazy. If it was someone playing a joke I think they would have walked right in front of the camera to be seen.

I don't think its all that unreasonable to think that something like this could be out in the woods. Its just another animal of some kind. It could happen.

From: BuckSlayer

I searched your user name in Bowsites database, and just like the elusive "bigfoot" it hardly appears, in fact it appears only twice. Yea, twice, and they are both on this thread. Now I'm not sure, but it seems that anyone could google "Bigfoot" and it could lead you to this site and this exact forum. And as you were honest enough to inform us that you're a hunter, but a gun hunter, which is great, at least you hunt, but I gotta wonder. What's a guy who doesn't bowhunt doing on a primarily bowhunting website and talking about a creature that humans, with all the technology and brain power available to us, has yet to actually prove exists? I see some plot holes here man. But i'm expecting some sever rebuttal from an intelligent "bigfoot" fanatic as to how vain I must be for thinking that we could possibly have discovered all the species that inhabit the world around us. Believe me, if I ever do have a "bigfoot" encounter while hunting, I will gladly eat crow! But I'll be doing it while posting Pictures and the story of the wierdest wall mount you guys have all ever seen!! LMAO!!!

Hey Buckslayer,

Well, as I said, the thread where I came on last year was entirely removed, so it's no surprise you can't find anything from me here. I was disappointed to see an entire thread removed when so many were interested in the subject, and because the subject can affect hunters in the field. As a hunter, who knows plenty of bowhunters, one of which had an encounter of his own, I came here last year because there were questions about sasquatch. So I only tried to answer questions. I am sure there are a few here who will eventually chime in who remember.

But yes, it is amazing that there has been so few images with all the technology we have. I concur! But guess what, hunters of all types still run into them, it doesn't matter the type of hunter. But being bowhunters try to be extra quiet in their technique, it is relevant. There have been plenty of bowhunters who have had encounters.

Yes even I will say they are intelligent but I too find it uncanny that we can't seem to outsmart them as well. I put out cameras as well but still no luck.

Anyway, I'll check in periodically to respond to questions. I appreciate the opportunity.


Even though I've had "the feeling" many times throughout my outdoor career, I think someone's playing a joke of old Fred.

I'm interested in what brother Multiple really does! No pics of BF, but you've had some close encounters?!

From: Ks bowman
At first i just thought it was a bear and didnt think any more about it then me and the kids put it in very slow motion a few times. Then it did look like something walking upright and pretty tall.

make your own decisions on what it was


From: midwest
"If it was someone playing a joke I think they would have walked right in front of the camera to be seen."

It would be too easy to prove a fake then.

From: MF
My experience with trail cams is pretty limited but I think it would be difficult to trigger the cam right on the edge of the frame and only for a few seconds. Looks like a suit to me though.

From: tjh
my mother-in-law has arms like that

It looks like a guy in a gillie suit. It does seem a little weird where the camera was triggered. If you notice the picture kinda jumps a little when "Bigfoot" appears, that usually means that someone touched the camera to start it recording. Just a big fat hoax to gain some viewers!

From: Mercury
I have a gillie suit from Cabelas. I dont see a hood behind the head and the suit fibers are much longer. I don't see this as a gillie suit.

Hoax to gain viewers? With the obvious lack of enthusiasm on the board, why would a reputable guide/hunter with sponser responsibility risk alienating his target audience just to gain some hits on his website from "crazy BF" chasers? Risk doesn't meet the rewards.

1) A trick agains't R.E.? Sure. If it was, he didn't know about it. So you got a guy, on his own running around guys with guns and hungary bears to pull a childish prank.

Kind of risky in my book.

2) Unknown bi-pedal creature. Does this mean BF? No. Just an unidentified walking creature. Interesting non the less.

(For clarification- Not only do I bow hunt/rifle hunt for 5-6 months out of the year, I also post on the same forum as Multiple in regards to BF).

From: bowriter
My first impression was that it was far too upright to be anything but a human. The neck was too long and too well defined. But that's just my opinion.

However, Fred is in an area that has had "Bigfoot" sightings before.

From: fishmagician
I'm not able to get the program on my cable service and the website posted above didn't show any suspicious photographs. Is there another spot where I can find them..????

Fred should have been sponsored by Cuddeback! If he had been using the No Flash he would have got him!

The wife says its a Bear in the Tree, I say since Fred lives near Trinidad its one of those Pre -Op she'ms.

From: Owl
Someone's joke on Fred has taken on new dimensions.

From: Sito

Sito's Link
Here's the "Jack" link...

From: carbonarcher
Ok, guys, where on the link is this footage? Everyone posts a link to his site, but whats the footage listed under?

From: McCree
Go to Sito's supporting link and it's the latest video screen on the left side of the page. I think it's brown or has a brown background maybe.

From: Mercury

Bottom of main page left side. small video window with a title about unknown caught on stealth cam

From: Bob
Thats pretty cool!

From: Slider,
First Survivorman bumps into something that sound like a Gorilla in Alaska and now Fred? Ya they don't exsist!!!

Geez, that is convincing footage. Maybe it was the Tooth Fairy or the Ghost of Christmas Past?

I can't believe some of you guys actually believe in Big Foot. If a large, hairy ape-like creature is inhabiting North America, where is the fossil record? The DNA testing results of hair caught in a fence? I would personally like to know something like Big Foot does exist. I just don't believe it. Someone is pulling a prank on Senor Eichler and for good reason. We are talking about his show aren't we? How many of us visited his website for the first time to watch the video clip?

Next we will have a Stealth Cam clip taken in the NW Territories while scouting for polar bear "inadvertently" capturing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit...

LostInTheWoods and others,

The few times I've seen these things, I sure wasn't looking for them. The first time back in the mid 1970's about 2 AM just finishing up a 6 hour drive to Yosemite where I was lived. No camera, I don't even think I owned one.

Second sighting in mid '80's, deer hunting with a friend. No camera with me.

Third one the most scary of all. Had my German Shepherd with me. Was sitting inside a clearcut for the last hour of daylight. No camera, but if I had a camera, I would have been too scared to try and use it. You can't even comprehend the fear I experienced with this one after having to approach him in order to get back to my vehicle.

Fourth and most recent sighting this last November. Hunting elk solo in NE Oregon during 12 day hunt. Pulling gear out of trailer and saw something dark and upright in grassy area about 200' away. Did a double-take and it began walking sideways. Didn't get much of a look. Grabbed spotlight but it was gone. I sure wasn't going to go running after it with my digital camera with what little light there was. Let's see, I would have to get within 20 feet for a flash pic. I don't suspect he would like the flash either.

What I do? Well up until a few months ago I was working with a local taxidermist (and bowhunter) doing graphic work. Also sold a few items for him to Cabelas. Got to visit the Reno store before opening, which was cool. A few of the mounts there will partly be due to yours truly (not that I shot the animal, but coordinated the sale). Let's see, one of this taxidermist's clients is a very well known bowhunter to you all, but I will refrain from name dropping. I am also doing some graphics for a new client of mine, a guide I have known for a few decades. I also do some computer consulting (Mac) for a few other clients.

It is only in the last 2 years that I have decided to take up this bigfoot issue. Believe me, I tried avoiding it for the last 25 years prior due to 'what people would think' stigma. But you know what, screw em. For whatever reason, I have a knack for finding them, (or they find me). These creatures are real and they are by far the most fascinating mystery on this planet. Bar none! So now I spend lots of time in the woods when I can with cameras and audio gear in hand. If I had another face to face but in daylight conditions, would I raise a camera up and point it at him with the risk of a flash going off? I can't say I would, and until someone has been in the shoes of seeing one of these creatures, you can't imagine what it is like.

Re the video in question. No question that with the quality of vid we can view, we just can't tell enough. But if he has something like 640 X 480, then that needs a closer look. I don't know Mr. Eichler either just for clarification but I did email the program yesterday just to touch bases.

There are some filed reports to various organizations by bowhunters of their encounters with these creatures that some of you may be interested in. I will see if I can locate a few of these over the next few days. There are plenty of your peers who have encountered them.


It doesn't say much for the Stealth Cam

From: chip
Stik'n String- You better watch your step!!! Make any more comments about a "white-bearded man in a red suit" and you will find yourself losing more that a star or two!!!

From: Owl
Too bad the Patterson film is the closest thing Bigfoot believers have in the way of credible evidence. Thus far, anyway.

Really, I believe Bigfoot exists. Of course, I believe one day I'll have 6 pack abs...I think we'll prove the existence of Bigfoot first:)

From: Ed Conolly
Giggle. Giggle. If you know Fred...he will bust your chops at every turn. Either Fred's just joking around AGAIN or someone's getting some payback. Looks like a guy to me. Manyencounters - "Know how to act around them"??? "Wouldn't want to trigger an attack?" Heck, Mighty Mouse will save me!! How come NOBODY's been attacked yet...ever!! ...Shanking my head and and laughing.

From: Mercury
DNA fossil. There are thousands of bears in PA alone. How many dead bears from natural causes do you find? Now apply that same ratio (found dead animals to actual population) to what experts believe are 3000 to 5000 TOTAL population NORTH AMERICA wide.

Hair. Yes they have found hair. They have done a DNA test. Results state that while it is similiar to both primate and man, it does not match either one.

There are also recorded sounds that experts in the field of North AMerican animals (And these experts are NOT BF enthusiasts) cannot match to any known animal. The standard MT. Gorilla was just discovered in the 50's. To say that it doesn't exist......

Have your fun, it comes with the territory.

As told by late President Theodore Roosevelt

There are others who have been attacked but it is usually because the people were aggressive first.

From: deadhorse
have no fear guys -the boogie man lives at home under your bed --

From: Owl
Good point about the bears, Mercury.

Still think Fred or someone else is having fun with this "footage"...

From: TD
Somebody's dogs would have treed em by now.

At first I thought they were too close to a meth lab. But the guy in the pic isn't skinny enough. Maybe the big coat makes him look fatter.

I just received a mysterious email from the North Pole. Something about coal in my stocking this Christmas season?

Kodiak, there is a fat guy that offices in my building. I am pretty sure he is Elvis. Dude even drives a Caddilac. No positive sighting of the peanut butter and banana sandwich, though. I think the CIA has him in some sort of witness protection program since he knows who the second shooter was in the grassy knoll and threatened to turn over his information to the Warren Commission.

hubba, hubba, hubba. Thank you, thank you very much.

From: RK
Do just guys with bows see these critters or does bigfoot ever present himself to some of the elephant killing rifle hunters? I know I will never see one but I do have a place in the trophy room picked out with a plaque that says Big Foot sitting in front of an empty space.

This is One of the best pratical jokes you can play on the "believers". We have done the Chupa Cabra trick several times on trail cams of guys that "believe". The results are really cool...some do not want to go back into the brush. It is amazing what a little professional makeup can do.


From: HCAshooter
Ive seen snowboarders with full body gorilla suits- pretty cool and realistic too. Bunch of goof balls is my guess...

From: 4ks
My wife says its my cousin john

From: flint
ever notice how you never get a great photo of these critters Hmmmm

From: 'Ike'
I believe, I believe....I've had that feeling, you know the one that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up...You just never know when you're being watched!

From: Rob
"have no fear guys -the boogie man lives at home under your bed"

Not mine. I cut the legs off my bed so he couldn't get under there anymore. I sleep good now.


From: Tradbow
its my first wife!!

Thanks Dave.

From: TXHunter
Yawn.Could be anything.Mythical creatures are as old as mankind. Call me when someone brings in a dead one.

From: Rob in VT
Does anyone know where this footage was shot? Is it in Colorado?

. . . Rob

From: BSBD
I have a good friend who is a long time hunting buddy and swears he's seen both Bigfoot and grizzly bears in New Mexico. He recently bought a trail cam for watching game and whatever else might happen to come by. This year it is my personal mission to make sure he gets pics of a Bigfoot, grizzly, chupacabra and maybe even a jackalope if I can find the time. It's gonna be fun.

From: Shaft2Long
No griz in NM and it better stay that way

Sharpstick, good point. You would think with the exact location, via the stelth cam photo they would be able to invesitigate and verify whether or not it actually was a BF. I personally have never had an encounter with BF.

From: herd bull
Man...... (heavy sigh) some people really need to back away from the puter and find something to do. LOL. BIGFOOT...LOL, and then little blue rubber monkeys flew outta my behinder.

From: Shooter
Seems to me that the angle that the "BigFoot" is walking there should be a little more footage. The creature just appears on the edge of the screen for a second, or 9 frames as Fred says. What triggered the camera, not much of a chance of the camera being tiggered from that far off center. I guess that it is possible the the creature walked all the way in front of the camera and the slow trigger time is responsible for the short amount of footage. BUT, at the range that the creature was walking from the camera and considering the angel that he appears to be walking that is not likely.

Most probally there was a complete family group of them working their way through the area picking berries eating Jacklinks and performing breeding rituals, its a shame that Fred isn't sponsored by a better game camera with a better trigger speed or we could have seen a brief glimse into the fasinating world of the Bigfoot creature.

I hope ya'll get the sarcasim.

There is a growing concern by some that in Fred's lack of understanding of what may have been captured on film, he and his team did not take the appropriate steps into investigating the site. This is likely new territory to him, and I don't mean the region he is hunting either. Did they do a search for tracks to cast? Did they take proper distance and height measurements from the cam location, taking additional photos with something of measurable scale within the frames at the same distances as the subject? Did they know to look for sasquatch 'sign', etc? Hopefully he was contacted by someone who has knowledge. Problem is, when was the footage actually taken. Is there any evidence left?

Guys, I realize this subject is difficult for some of you to come to grips with. But understand that there are things that not all of you are familiar with. Your lack of familiarity doesn't make these creatures a myth.

It is very odd that the camera 'begins' in mid frame. I suppose the air temperatures could of had something to do with it, thus resulting in slow activation of the camera? Some of you who got to see the better quality images on TIVO were able to see a whole lot more detail then what is posted on the site. I think it would really behoove Mr. Eichler to post a higher quality video at this point since he has elected to give a taste with a lesser quality version. This lesser quality one only adds questions and not enough detail can be analyzed.

Trust me when I say this fellow hunters, these creatures are real! Whether what they captured is legitimate needs further investigation. It needs to be thoroughly analyzed by those in the filed who know what they are doing, and not by those who are unfamiliar with the subject. Yes, there is a field of study into these creatures. There are serious scientists and other professionals involved who are deeply invested in trying to solve this ongoing mystery. Even Primatologist Jane Goodall has admitted her belief in these creatures existence. Believe me, there is a lot more serious research going on here then most of you guys are aware of. While I realize some of you already have an open mind, to the rest I ask that you try, and recognize there may be things you are not knowledgeable about.

To humble you guys a little bit in the field. These sasquatch are masters at concealment and stealth. Trust me, ya ain't gonna get the sneak on them! The woods are their living-room. If there are any in an area you hunt, they usually know of your approach as you pull up in your vehicle. Have any of you heard loud wood knocks at some time during a hunt? I don't mean something caused by a woodpecker either. But sounding like someone big was swinging hard at a hollow tree with an heavy axe handle. Of course you'd have to rule out other people too as the cause, but if you know the country and access points, it is worth consideration.

Here's another sign that many of you have seen but couldn't figure out. Recall the sapling you found that was broken or twisted off between 5'- 8' up in the air, but you couldn't figure out what caused it? We're talking 3"-5" diameter at the break and usually living when the break happened as evidenced by the tearing bark. Of course, one has to rule out that there were no claw or antler scrapes on it? Notice that there was also no bending of the tree as would be caused by heavy snow, or that no adjacent saplings were damaged, nor any trees fell on it? They also leave breaks on smaller saplings, which I know many of you HAVE seen, but you didn't realize what it was caused by. We haven't figured out what all these mean yet, but we are fairly certain it is a form of 'sign' these use.

Guys, I'm just asking that you have an open mind here. So just like you are more knowledgeable about your respective fields, some of us who have made the decision to venture into this field, have become much more knowledgeable about these creatures then you realize. I was reluctant to get into it for 20 years because of the stigma and ridicule that was often attached. But you know, all great discoveries throughout time were exactly the same. Still with all of our combined knowledge, they remain a mystery to us too.

From: Thumper
Bowhunters are supposed to be excellent trackers, where's the foot prints?

From: bowriter
My personal opinion, and that's all it is, far too upright in body position and too long in the neck. However, that is in an area of several reported, Bigfoot sightings.

I'm pretty sure it isn't Michelle.

Hey Thumper,

There's been thousands of prints and casts of the prints taken. As for at the video site? We don't know. Did they look? Did they only examine the footage after getting home a few days later? This being the case, did they walk all over the area and disturb existing tracks? There's a couple of possibilities here.

In case your question is more broadly stated, here's a page from a Professor Meldrum at Idaho State University in regards to print and other skeletal morphology:

The other thing to realize is that sasquatch are soft soled like us and don't have claws that leave impression. The size of their foot also displaces the weight. So no question finding tracks is still rare. I have found tracks at my research site, but only a few shallow ones because the soil type is hard, rocky and with plenty of organic matter. Still tracks can be found if you look hard.

There is another factor with respect to tracks that gets into another level of discussion. One that lends to their intelligence. We in the field believe they are fully aware that they leave tracks and are very careful about it when humans are near so we don't find them. Still tracks are found often when you know where and what to look for.

They are THE apex predator out there but they are also mostly benevolent towards us, that is unless some yahoo attempts to harm one while deep in the field. They are much better predator then any of us, I guarantee it. They are also the most elusive and it seems built into their brains to stay away from humans.

Like I said everyone, I will do my best to try and answer questions. I don't know all the answers but I can still be of help here if you want to know more. That said, the subject of this thread is still what was caught on cam and so the jury is still out pending further investigation of both the video and the site. I also suspect that many of you here would like to know more if there is something to it, and to have a basic understanding of the issue in order to make a better decision on what is being viewed. I just wish we had higher resolution video to talk about.

From: leftee
Can't believe I even read this.Then I realized a few are serious.Now that is scary.

As to 'risk'for a joke,ha,what risk?I know some guys that were going to rent the suit and do exactly this on a Canadian fishing video.Figured it would help sales,even get them on 'myth busters'and god knows whatother shows.Now they'll wish they had.Look at the press on this joke.

Hey, some have rented suits or made them themselves. But they don't get everywhere in the woods, and they would have to be pretty darn stupid to do so during hunting season. And for those who encounter one of these up close, ya know pretty seriously it isn't anybody in a suit while you're shaking in your boots. I've been real close to one with rifle in hand, and my rifle felt about 6" long. I was praying that he meant me no harm because if he did, I wouldn't be writing this today.

I know there will be jokes here and that's cool. Just have that open mind too because what we talk about could be of value to you guys some time in the future when you're out there and have that unexpected encounter of your own.

Hopefully Mercury will continue adding tidbits here and there as well. I don't know him but as he mentioned, we post on the same bigfoot forum, which I only joined a few months ago. Anyway, I will try not to overwhelm you with info but at the same time, don't be afraid to ask questions. Again, we don't know all the answers that for sure, but will try and provide what we do know to you guys. After all, you are in the field often and knowing what to look for may even advance our overall knowledge of this species.


From: 153
The Fred Eichler footage is a hoax.

Anyone ever heard of infrared?

The military does this periodically for some of our WMA's and trust me, you can see the animals heat signature.

How hard could it possibly be to find a creature that large if someone really wanted to and had the technology?

I'd say it would be impossible because these creatures do not exist.


If you were real close to one with rifle in hand-why did you not deflate it`s lungs?You could have been the only man in history to finally bring down the mighty beast.You would be a hero to the scientific community and just imagine the mount it would make.I ran across a Yeti once while scouting in the Yukon.He was lost so I showed him the way back to his vehicle-a 1974 Dodge Duster with flames painted on the fenders.He was really freindly.He spoke only in French.

You're doing a great job MultipleEncounters but these guys don't want to learn anything they just visit this thread to make jokes. It's embarrassing how unfunny and unoriginal they are.

From: RK
If you are in the woods with a rifle and are scared of anything, then you should not be in the woods with a rifle. But then again that is just me. Juneaualaska, I love to learn new things and about new things but I also do require some sense of reason applied to it. Kodiak pretty well summed up the big foot stuff for most rational people. But then again they found a wolverine in California recently, which is no longer supposed to live there. But we know wolverines actually exist.


It's a joke! You guys are SUCKERS!!!!!!

Boy you guys can be a tough crowd ya know? :) I suppose there are some kids here too who haven't come to realize life is full of mysteries? Kodiak, I hate to say this, but you are wrong on so many of your points.

The guy who claimed he was in the ape suit was discounted long ago.

There is DNA evidence but it is not a complete sequence. Their hair lacks the Medulla, which is where the full DNA strand is normally located. However some blood analyses is still running.

No question we lack quality photographic evidence, but it does exist. There IS other video out there but has not yet been released for various reasons.

There is much more to the dermal ridges and they are not so easily faked especially when there are numerous prints in line where slight movements in the foot change the entire pattern based on the terrain. In fact, there is a Texas police officer and Fingerprint Expert who does work for the FBI and DEA named Jimmy Chilcutt, who used to not believe and set out to disprove the prints. He has changed his mind. Will you take him seriously?

Remains, you are correct as far as I know or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Fecal Evidence, there is plenty. The problem is, it usually also contains dna from other animals, so there is contamination.

Physical Evidence, there's actually been plenty of physical evidence, it just depends on type. If you know what to look for, it is out there.

As for Thermal Imagery, there is successful thermal imagery by a few organizations but no, it is not the best quality. If you are referring to government satellite, well I don't suspect the govt would be in any hurry to prove there is a large primitive bipedal species walking around the woods at night. Especially with the potential impacts they fear it will have to the logging industry and economy.

RK, you have no idea how massive these things are. I was only carrying a 30-30, plus it was dusk and I was on the defense being he was between me and my vehicle. I had to approach this creature to within 22' in order to pass. You have no idea of the true essence of fear for you to say otherwise. It's not like it was a familiar Grizzly. I also understood enough about ballistics but their strength to know that I would be dead had I shot at him, and knowing he may not have been alone. He could have reached me in one single jump. I'm not a fool.

I guess for those who don't want to accept the possibility of something like sasquatch, well you won't until you see one for yourself. But at least be mature enough to recognize that you may not be aware of everything on this planet either. Its easy to have fun with the subject and that's cool. But take the time to research the evidence and existing professional opinions objectively as well.

Above you have the name of a highly regarded crime scene investigator whose reputation is on the line daily in his field of forensic analysis. Do you really think someone with his reputation would become so involved in the subject if he didn't become convinced himself? Maybe someone here wants to call him a hoaxer?

From: midwest
Insert music from "Twilight Zone" here...


From: Deacon Dave
I can't beleive I'm even reading this thread. Has anyone mentioned the beast that Fred shot that is pictured in Eastmans' BOWHUNTING Journal? Check out the March-April edition on page 25. That one did not get away. DD

From: Deacon Dave
I guess after killing at least one of each of the 28 North American big game species you look elsewhere.

From: masemaamed

MultipleEncounters I thinks its great that you shared your experience here.Thank you I hope you continue to share more. I would like to learn more.

Probley 90% of the people on this site believe in something that science says can't or doesn't exist so dont let them get you down. :)

Thank you juneaulongbow and masemaamed, I appreciate the encouragement. I realize its tough for some to take a subject seriously when it is so foreign to their experiences. It's all OK though, I've got tough skin from plenty of my own life experiences.

A few years ago I never thought I would even discuss this issue like I am now, but after what I have seen and experienced myself, its hard not to anymore.

I hope that everyone reads my above post where I addressed certain issues, that you review the fingerprint experts work and realize you can't say much negative about his work or that of some of the scientists involved.

Something else I realized about the stealthcam footage and lack of more frames. I wonder if the sunlight had an effect on triggering the infrared part of the system? Notice the beams of sunlight that shine downward.

Anyway, until we can review better quality footage, its hard to make too much of an opinion.

From: NewHunter1

PM sent to you.


From: NewHunter1
another PM sent your way.

ME: Could you describe your encounter with BF. You said you got to within 22' so you should have got quite an eyeful. I'm just curious, not saying yea or nay here becuase you never know ;)

From: Cornbread
Just watched the show. Looks like nothing more than the hind leg of a bear to me. Wish it was a pic of "sassy" though

Hello LostInTheWoods,

The only issue I can see with my going into detail is that it would significantly alter the intended focus of this thread more then we have. What has been posted thus far is one thing, and the intent was to encourage open-mindedness in order to fairly consider what Mr. Eichler may have caught on camera. But to get into details of my encounters would definitely stray the thread beyond that. I've been on quite a few forums over the years, and I understand the importance of not getting too off-track within a thread

However, if the Mods were open, I would be willing to begin a thread for that purpose. Heck, then some here could pile all over me again. lol But if I did, I wouldn't want to see it removed either afterwards because I am not a bow hunter. Oh wait, I do have two recurves in the closet. :) Anyway, the mods have seen how I have kept things on track despite all the fun some have had. So if they were open to a separate thread to discuss 'A Hunter's Sasquatch Encounter', then I would do so. Does that sound fair?


From: chip
I'm all for it so let it happen. We could all use a break from which broadhead or what will my deer score.

Hi Chip, can I assume you are one of the Mods here then? Sorry I am not familiar with everyone here.

If so, I will work on it and post a little later.



From: chip
You can assume I am one of the Mods but your assumption is wrong. I am one of the happy customers on this site speaking my peace about what I would like to see or hear. I don't think you will have any problem posting your stories and encounters here.

Thanks but I'd prefer to hear it from them first. As I mentioned last there there was a long thread I joined about the subject and everything was deleted. Lots of info lost, including many of your members who had encounters of their own.

I'd just prefer to follow the rules here and wait to see what they have to say beforehand.


Multiple Encounters,

Thanks for the laughs.

Deadly Pistolero,

Sorry to hear you didn't gain anything positive from what was posted. I suppose it just comes with the territory that there are closed-minded people. But clearly there are some who have an interest and I appreciate their feedback..


HA,HA,HA,HA........You're killin' me, man!

Holy crap! Multiple Encounters......I just saw bigfoot in my backyard! If only I had my camera!

From: Striker@home
Some simply choose to believe what they want to. The fact there are those in our society who are willing to spend millions in research, man hours, and equipment for something that exists only in the imagination of men is truly pathetic. I guess we all need a cause, but what an empty and worthless one to cling to. That money would be so much better used to solve truly important issues that have a direct bearing on society and mankind. Yet some insist it is important we find the "truth." To what end? If it were ever proven that such lived, which it won't be, what have we gained? In reality, it would burst the bubble of intrigue and mystery and then there would be nothing to talk about on crazy, silly internet forums. Laughable!

Not going to play Pistolero, you're just too quick witted for me. But maybe since you are so sure of yourself, you should take me up on what I said earlier? Would you have the confidence to call the fingerprint expert who works for DEA & FBI, or the scientist, a hoaxer or worse? You see, at least they are very serious (and mature) in their research of these creatures.

From: wild1
I'm pretty sure mountain lions are far more cunning and stealth than Bigfoot - yet we see plenty of those (clealy) on trail cams. My bet is that sometime this month bigfoot will be getting a visit from the Easter bunny, the Lochness monster will evolve into a polywog, sprout legs and will be seen having a pint in a local pub, crop circles will reveal ompa loompas were responsible, B. Obama will make a campaign speech at Area 51 and admit he's "other worldly" and my local pet shop will starting selling live Tyanosaurus Rex marketed as cute lizards. But hey, anything is possible.....or is it ?

From: howler
just as point of interest, the indians had over a 100 different names for bigfoot from the northern reaches of Alaska to the southern most points of South America, to have that many people from a time span of hundreds of years talk about "something" Well its dose make you wonder,

Yes Howler, NA's and First Nation's people had all different names and this was long before the telephone or internet. I know both a Federal and Reservation officer who have both seen them and even today deal with reports from tribal members.

Elders don't seem to want to share what they know because white man cannot be trusted. They probably have good reason to feel this way, look at how some here have treated what is really the most fascinating mystery on this planet.

Wild1, I've seen big cats in the wild only a few times. They don't use the same strategy in cunning or stealth. BF has em beat. BF appears to use rational thinking and communication with others in their decisions and movement. They are self aware.

From: White Falcon
There are people today that don't think there was a man on the moon or that millions of Jews, Pols, Italians were killed during WW2. Some people live in their own little world. They are the ones that stand there when a crime happens and won't setp in to help. It,s not there problem!!! Just my $.2 M.E. Grant

White Falcon-your analogy is ridiculous.There is concrete evidence that proves(as clear as day)that the lunar landings and the holocaust relly happened.Some noodlhead running around in a gorilla suit or blurry out of focus pictures and people saying they saw some 9 foot tall ape like creature is not evidence.In all the years that this myth has been circulating you mean to tell me not one person can come up with some piece of physical evidence.I saw a spaceship land in my backyard last night.

From: White Falcon
O S G, you missed the point!! "some people don't beleave even with the evidence!!

From: 4ks
Why would fred make this up,he stands nothing to gain but alot to use if 1 client is to scared to hunt there now he has now lost money that is my two cents

From: howler
there ain't a bowhunter alive who's afraid of a bigfoot,

From: herd bull

you crack me up - lol. You had to go and do it..... now you brought the oompa loompas into this thing. - lol.

I laugh every time I come back to the thread. It makes me giggle and every now and then I launch something outta my mouth at the screen while trying to hold back the uncontrollable laughter that ensues.

From: leftee
Just got the facts from an FBI friend.They are 90% certain its the long sought after DB Cooper.Keep it quiet please.

someone in a bug suit. Is not that the proper gear up there?

From: razor
I suppose some of you also believe in the Lock Ness Monster(sp) and that aleins crash landed in Roswell. Oh, and we're also causing global warming. That's a good one. Let's make Al Gore richer than he already was and give him the Nobel Peace Prize. It's obviously a hoax. Whoever is playing the joke or pretending to be a big foot walking around in front of stealth cams needs to get a life.


From: masemaamed
How many go to a building on Sundays to talk or worship to something that science says didnt happen or doesnt exist. There are alot of people that say thats crazy...

I think MultipleEncounters has a point about keeping a open mind. Dont be so quick to judge.

I do think this video is incomplete like a lot of BF vids though. Its hard to tell. Ill say BF exists when I see it myself or one of us has it hanging up at

From: Horn Donkey
I think we're going to need a designated BF Thread so that ya'll can discuss further...this is excellent entertainment.

hard to double lung bigfoot, his broaside isnt as big as an elks! As a scientist, i need a specimen to be convinced. No specimen, no bigfoot. Plain and simple

They said that the Cavemen died out thousands of years ago and now they have their own Television show and do comercials. And did anyone ever get a pic of one on a trail cam?

Maybe BF was auditioning for the next hit sitcom or Geico commercial.

They said that the Cavemen died out thousands of years ago and now they have their own Television show and do comercials. And did anyone ever get a pic of one on a trail cam?

Maybe BF was auditioning for the next hit sitcom or Geico commercial.

From: BowSniper
I can understand the reason people like MultipleEncounters are so passionate about this subject. They think they see a bigfoot up close with total certainty, but need the real scientific proof to ease thier conscience and to be able to show the world they are not really crazy. But the push for validation is bordering on desperate. Its starting to sound like scientology! SO WHAT if you know one FBI guy who believes in bigfoot. Would you agree that for every one of him there are a hundred (if not a thousand) others that do not? There are still a bunch of people who deny that evolution is real. And how about global warming!?!? Radical concepts are hard to sell, and they cannot be force fed.

Your hair that just happens to be missing the key DNA strand (you'd think they can get DNA from a single cell); the blood analysis you have still running (how long can that possibly take?); the "other" video evidence that is not yet released (of course with mysterious unnamed reasons for it being withheld); the fecal evidence of which you claim plenty (but yet again fails to prove anything).

Its darn near impossible to prove something does NOT exist, but its pretty clear that we have enough science and technology to have found real proof by now. And if bigfoot does really exist (and that would be cool) its up to you and your pals on the other forums, who obsess over every snippet of blurry video, to come up with that better proof. That proof may already exist, or may yet be found, but you can't try to force its acceptance with obscure science and tangential references. In other words, this Fred Eichler video clip is another swing and a miss... but that doesn't mean you should give up hope. Just start looking elsewhere.

Bowsniper and others, I came here because I wanted to provide you guys with a basic understanding of the subject so you can make an educated opinion of whatever Mr. Eichler recorded. Sadly, this is a topic many here lack even an open mind about, never mind the tiresome one liners. I do appreciate that there were some who do have an open mind, and even a few who have had some form of encounter. Last year several were willing to post them, this time there seems to be a lack of maturity to be able to have a rational discussion.

But what worries me is how your response here will affect one of your own peers. Have you guys even given that a second thought? What if he actually had more footage but only revealed a few frames in order to gauge response? Well if the jokes made here are any indication...

People once laughed at the idea of man ever reaching the moon. People once laughed at there being another land that we call America. It was only in the last century that the Gorilla was proven to be real. New species are being found every day somewhere in the world. Maybe its the bowhunter who are stuck in their own world? But now its one of your own who has something to question your self being. What will you do when that world comes crashing down?

You know, there are plenty of bowhunters who have had encounters and they reported them. Like you, they didn't believe these creatures could exist beforehand but it changed their life afterwards. They were just like you!

From: Holepuncher
As for myself, I have never had an encounter with BF, does that mean he doesn't exist? I think not.Do I believe that an animal or Primate can go undetected in the wild / yes.does BF exist? I surely hope so. I have asked myself what I would do if I encountered a BF. and after much soul searching and in all seriousness, I would get the hell away from it.I could care less if I got proof and for their sake , it would be best if they stayed undocumented.JMO

From: Horn Donkey
Its interesting that they only discovered Gorillas in the last Century. I guess the animals described by some of the venerable writers of the 18th and 19th century (Livingstone, Stanley, Kipling) really didn't know what they were talking about.

Humans have known about the moon since there were humans. People were populating "America" before there was an America. New species are being found in the most remote stretches of the globe every year, but I would challenge you to find a bipedal 250-450 lb ape looking creature in any of those discovery disclosures.

Yes, most radical ideas come up against opposition. However, I find it very interesting that all Big Foot hunters/enthusiasts' evidence is tainted or fraudulent.

Bottom line is that you sir are a moron. I have a problem with someone who has a boat load of evidence, and claims that there is just one thing wrong with each piece of evidence.

From: Shaft2Long
The only bad thing about big foot threads is all the people that throw out the one liners like "its my mother in law", or "thats my uncle Harry". Its not even funny and people just keep doing it, even when the previous comics postings were completely ignored.

Mr. Donkey, I never claimed to have a boat load of evidence, so if you perceive that, well you are mistaken and only wish to inflame things.

As for gorillas, yes I should have been more careful, being there are two types and one WAS only formally documented in 1847. Before that, it was stories like you referenced. (Oh wait, kind of like the stories that exist of sasquatch, how ironic!) But of course the Mountain variety of gorilla was discovered much more recent too. And my point about America, I was referring to people in Europe who didn't believe there was another continent, oh yeah, that's when the world was flat, and yet, there were native people here all along. Whom as well, know these creatures have existed amongst them for millennia.

The bottom line is, you guys aren't thinking about what you say here can impact Mr. Eichler and what he has. But I guess closed minded people usually can't see the whole picture.

What will you do if Mr. Eichler comes forward and states without hesitation that "it would appear we have captured what people refer to as a sasquatch on film"? What will happen to the comfortable world you live in when it is turned upside down by one of your own?

From: Owl

For the record, I believe Horn Donkey's "moron" comment was out of line.

I am a BF skeptic but I will say no one has discredited the Patterson film, yet.

Thanks Owl, you are a wise one.. :)

From: RK

The one liners come with the territory and you know you should expect that. Bowsniper has some very valid points and all of us including you should read them again. Not to be critical but your keeping an open mind is as important as your accusing us of not doing the same.

Your analogy using the gorilla is baseless at best. The Phonecians documented the lowland gorilla 2000 years ago and in regard to the highland gorilla that was possibly discovered in and around 1902 by "white men", that beast was actually documented by german soldier in about 1833. In addition before that animal was seen alive there were skulls and parts that were displayed.

You may actually be right, and it may actually be proven one day that this mythological beast exists but the secretive nature of the "evidence" certainly is suspect at best as much of the information regarding BF is. If Eichler has film, pictures etc. that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt of the existence of BF he would be the first person in history to do so and they would be out in a heartbeat making him very very famous and bringing a positive beneficial spotlight on bowhunters (by him not killing it) and thus promoting the sport beyond any measurable amount.The goodwill to bowhunters would be greater than anything he could do now as a bow pro.

Keep an open mind and a tough skin and keep up your research and maybe you will be able to "prove" your point someday, dreams are a good thing. Until then expect the critisism and sarcasm. How could you expect anything else given the nature of the subject and the less than stellar evidence over the decades that has been presented.

Good luck on your adventure.


From: DeerSlayer08
As we can see Mr. Eichler isn't going to come forward and say that because he doesn't have defineate proof of that. If he did it would be at the taxidermist right now.

"How many go to a building on Sundays to talk or worship to something that science says didnt happen or doesnt exist. There are alot of people that say thats crazy..." and as for this statement we at least have documentation from the first century about a man who was cruxified and then rose from the dead. When people drag bigfoot back to camp that is when I choose to believe. I have a lot more to gain by believing in God then I do believing in BF. There is no comparison masemaamed.

RK, thanks for some level headedness and I understand the points and will address. Heck, you don't think I know to expect some sarcasm? What else would I be doing here? Yeah I've got tough skin. But I have hope that the majority will come to grips with the possibility that there may indeed be something out there.

In regards to gorillas, the distinction being made should be looked at from two different levels. Knowledge by 'modern science', or before that 'knowledge by those who have seen them', which were the occasional explorer and the natives. Guess what, the latter is exactly what is happening with sasquatch and science is slowly catching up. Tales of gorillas BEGAN with nothing more then stories, and it evolved into science.

Today we see the early stories of gorillas as 'documentation' because they were since proven real. But before that, they were just stories nobody believed, again like the present subject.

Native Americans have tons of 'documentation' of these creatures in their stories and petroglyphs, but it's not yet seen as that because 'modern science' has not yet classified the species. Native Americans and First Nations people are the Phonecians here. Of course so are thousands of whites too from every walk of life.

Some of what Bowsniper raised has been addressed like the DNA. Try pulling the hairs out in your arms, they don't come out easy and they don't always come out with the complete root either. So it's not like they leave hairs to carpet the forest. But like I also said earlier, there is DNA being analyzed (from blood) but it takes time. Its not the same level of analyses you find on csi either. The problem is, what do they compare it to? It simply doesn't match any known animal, and that is what the results have been with previous DNA analyses.

So yeah, I have an open mind, but when some here make comparisons, well they need to realize they may not have all the information either. I'm just trying to help guys, not trying to force anything.

Unless Mr. Eichler has more footage, no the existing material probably won't solve the mystery, I never thought this. But maybe its enough to open everyone's eyes here a little bit?

From: Shaft2Long
multiple encounters, I posted the "one liners" post but did not in any way argue to the negative on your experiences. I think you have my post and someone elses confused.

I've got a very open mind on the subject. If real, its just another as of yet, undiscovered animal with a very small population. Not that hard at all for me to believe and I wouldn't be surprised at all. Its just an ape.

I don't remember the exact data but there was an ape in Asia that fit this description that is recently(by scientific terms) extint. So, its not all that hard to make the jump to some of those surviving here.

I do appreciate those here who are trying to have a mature discussion. I'll hang in there if you do. (Shaft2Long, I didn't see anything negative in what you said at all, nor do I believe any pertinent response of mine related to your post. No worries...)

Anyway, I'll offer a little more science to the mix.

Based on existing fossil records, it wasn't that long ago (in geological time) that there were other hominid species on earth along the same family tree as us. Accepted by Modern Science if you will. If you look at the timeline, you can see that we and others weren't that far apart. There IS fossil evidence to support the existence of these early humans and some of them were rather large. Please notice how close the timelines of the various species truly are.

Interestingly, there is no proof that all of these other SUB-SPECIES of HUMANS actually died off. We really don't know what they were like. Some used tools, some didn't. Could a line of them still be with us? What if they are still here and have adapted to the night because us modern humans did not tolerate them because of their differences? Maybe because early Homo sapiens were continually in conflict with them in centuries past (that would be before the internet), they learned to survive where we can't and thus remain wild. Is there enough room in your world to consider this as a possibility?

Of course there is also the school of thought that sasquatch is a giant ape species known as Gigantopithecus. Again, fossil evidence has been found in China, and like is hypothesized about humans, maybe they crossed the land bridge to the Americas long ago as well. (I personally don't follow the Giganto theory because I have witnessed more intelligence from these creatures.) But, I remain open minded. In fact, the original scientist who discovered the first fossils originally ascribed them into the hominid tree, but this changed because of PRESSURE from his peers.

Anyway, here is a link, a find generally supported by a world of scientists.

For those of you who have a religious upbringing, did you know that there are 80 references to Giants in the Bible? I'm not saying what is described there are sasquatch, but only that it should give you something to think about. I personally know a Pastor and prior 'bowhunter' who encountered one back in the 80's. He's afraid of them today and we have some interesting conversations.

There are even a number of fossilized very-large human footprints found around the world that look very similar to the topic of our conversation. Here is one site in Texas that are 18" long along side dinosaur tracks:

Ape prints and human prints look very different as well. So what could these be and why are they so similar to the prints being found throughout the continent today?

None of this PROVES it is sasquatch, but clearly it also allows for the possibility.

From: Big Foot
It was me. I didn't know the camera was there.

See, now there is a good one liner! lol

From: Brotsky
I hope turkey season get's here before Godzilla shows up.....

From: smarba
I have a personal friend who claims to have seen BF first-hand. To see/hear him tell the story, I don't doubt to his credibility. I've read a lot on the topic and feel that there is compelling evidence.

IF BF is all a hoax, why aren't there hundreds of hoaxes of unicorns or Santa Claus reported every year?

IF BF is a hoax, why is it that the vast majority of reports come from hunters (sneaking through the woods in camo) and not casual hikers?

IF BF is a hoax, why do credible people risk public humiliation (tons of examples on this thread) to tell their story for absolutely zero benefit to themsselves?

There was a guy who used to post on Bowsite years ago, K Foster, who had a lot of interesting information along with personal accounts. Darn intriguing reading.

I look at it this way. There are tons of cougars in the woods, yet I've never seen one. Something that is much rarer and with a lot more intelligence, perhaps exclusively nocturnal, would rarely be seen...

Thanks for the interesting info Multiple.

Bah humbug to many of you others for nothing but wise-crack comments.

Debate, counter-theories, yes, thanks. But name calling and rudeness I can live without.


From: razor
OK, I'm open minded now and I still think it's a hoax. Funny how this species is always seen alone. Funny how the video footage is always questionable and all we ever find is footprints. IF it did exist surely it would have multiplied ten fold by now and we would be seeing more proof of it's existance. Or let me guess, they don't multiply, they just live to be hundreds of years old and they never come down out of the mountains to get a good steak and a cold beer.

From: mission man
people "see" what they want to see------------I think it was rosie o'donnel!

Carl, as evidenced by the above photo, I do have to wonder if a serious discussion is possible?

I also remember the name KFoster and I think he have came into the thread last year (or was it the year before?) that was removed. A search brings up some of his threads. Interestingly, there does seem to be more people then admitting they heard or seen something. I wonder why the downward trend?

But I'm hangin in there. :)

From: Striker@home
I'll repost my earlier comments because they were simply ignored by those clinging to a bogus hope.

"Some simply choose to believe what they want to. The fact there are those in our society who are willing to spend millions in research, man hours, and equipment for something that exists only in the imagination of men is truly pathetic. I guess we all need a cause, but what an empty and worthless one to cling to. That money would be so much better used to solve truly important issues that have a direct bearing on society and mankind. Yet some insist it is important we find the "truth." To what end? If it were ever proven that such lived, which it won't be, what have we gained? In reality, it would burst the bubble of intrigue and mystery and then there would be nothing to talk about on crazy, silly internet forums. Laughable!"

I'll finish by showing my cynicism and close mindedness...WHO CARES?

Well Striker, maybe with discovery of another hominid creature on this planet, we humans won't think so grandiose of ourselves. Maybe we will evolve within our own self realization? Maybe, just maybe, we can learn something from such a species? Maybe we will realize that we aren't the only intelligent species on this planet and that we might take care of a few things better then we have? MAYBE, it will help us to understand where WE come from? Not that this is important of course.

If you don't care, then why post something that seems only intended to demean what may actually be one of the most fantastic mysteries on this planet?

Razor, they aren't always seen alone. There are plenty of filed reports of multiple creatures and multiple witnesses. Just keep that little bit of open mindedness but even I'll say, be patient too. Proof could happen tomorrow or it could be a few more years.

The bottom line is, they are intelligent! More intelligent then all other animals in the woods. You can't expect them to behave like bears or big cats.

As for the poor quality photos you see, here's a quote that sums it up in a comical way:

"I think Bigfoot is naturally blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographers fault. And that's extra scary to me, because there's a large out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside." ~ Mitch Hedberg ~ Comedian

From: Striker@home
I love the hypotheticals like "maybe", "may", "might", "could", "possibly" "perhaps". All speculation and conjecture that feed a sad dillusion. The real world in which we all live is plagued by so many real problems. The energies and resources of humankind would be much better put to use trying to solve, or at least ease, those problems then chasing through the woods in search of a ghost that has existed but in the minds of men for centuries.

Yes Cotman, like any footage, it all adds to the growth of evidence. But like here, people there are waiting for higher resolution footage so that it can be more closely examined and a thorough conclusion developed.

I have also opened up another thread asking for members to provide me with cases where bowhunters (not bigfoot researchers) have encountered sasquatch. I hope you guys will be able to relate to them.

Yes a few here have been Cotman and they've prevented the rest from being able to have a sincere discussion. Is that lying?

From: Big Foot
I encounter bowhunters all of the time. Some are even tasty!

Here's one of your threads where bigfoot was discussed, including comments from Kfoster. Seems he was well respected but of course he was given a hard time too. :)

Its interesting how many then admitted to seeing or hearing screams or something in those threads.

From: BowSniper
But the real question is what, if anything, is shown in the Fred Eichler images... and I don't see anything other than another hunter walking by in a 3D leaf suit. No mystery, no conspiracy. Just a blurry photo that makes people haunted by their own visions (real or otherwise) come out of the woodwork looking for support and affirmation. Other people see Elvis in the shopping mall, or the Virgin Mary on a piece of toast. For having "multiple encounters" you sure aren't able to present a whole lot of first hand proof yourself. When the super scientific "evidence" (that we are too closeminded and naive to ever comprehend) goes from the front page of National Enquirer to the Washington Times, please let me know.

Very nice KaThunk. That's some of the best I've read, in fact some pertaining to life in general.

On a separate note, here is the link I tried to post but didn't work due to the brackets I hope.

From: Big Foot

If you spent as much time looking for me as you do at your computer, you'd have plenty of photos (some compromising) by now.

Those unidentifiable sounds you speak of are from Mrs. Big Foot when we are making Sasquach luv.

Bigfoot, tell you what I'll make you a deal. You hold still for 5 minutes, promise not to eat me, and I'll get some real nice photos and video of you.

Actually, its Winter time and I'm pretty much snowed out of the mountains where I spend time. So yeah, I must sit here with a laptop on my lap.

From: Big Foot
Poor baby! Your stuck at home in your comfy lazy boy and I'm stuck in a snowned in cave. Oh well, at least I have Mrs. Big Foot. Maybe I'll make some Little Foots.

From: Shooter
Has anybody really considered the implications of a verified documented bigfoot. They would immediatley be put on the "protected" species list. The areas that they are known to inhabit would be closed that that they could continue to "live in a peaceful environment" without the encroachment of "humans".

Your favorite elk or mule deer hunting area just became Bigfoots sanctuary.

If they do exist it would be in our best interest as hunters and outdoorsman if it were never proven.

From: Big Foot
Just think, I could have all of those elk and mule deer to myself!!!!!

How did you know I had a Lazy Boy? You been looking in my windows again?

Seriously though, as many here realize, we need to wait for better quality images in order to judge what is there. And we should wait to see what further analyses reveals by those who know what they are doing too.

From: buglemaster
I dunno, but it looks alot like Hillary to me.That husband of hers has been known to bring out the animal in her...

Shooter, its difficult to say what kind of implications there will be. It has been heavily discussed in various forums. It could improve things for hunters in that some of the few remaining native forests will remain standing. Protection would also 'protect' the species themselves from being hunted and harassed. I very much doubt it will cause reserves to be created that will keep people out because we haven't had to do this so far. We seem to be able to coexist just fine.

There are however a few groups out there trying to hunt them and a few have been injured, but the sas seems to have the edge in these confrontations even when guys use all their high tech gear.

The sad part is, IF they are some form of early human ancestor, we the human race, simply cannot begin hunting our predecessors in this modern age.

From: Scotman

Scotman's embedded Photo
Scotman's embedded Photo
I don't know whether I believe or not all I know is there are animals never seen with the camera in the remote parts of the world. Whether it be deep in the rain forest or deep in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Which recently they found huge falls up there they never knew existed. You can zoom in on Fred's footage on his website but this is what I did and here is a unedited zoom pic of the "head".

Fred is well known as a practial joker

he like to jump on people scram. and do strange thigns to grosss them out

Sound like one of his Jokes.

I am a skeptic of many things... Bigfoot, Aliens, Nessie, and God. If i don't have proof, how can I believe in anything. The only reason I still believe in gravity is because i keep dropping things and still have to pick them up! Imagine if you woke up one morning, dropped your coffe mug and it didn't hit the ground? What would you think of gravity then?

From: tonyo6302
. . . and yet, some of these BF non-believers have several sets of Scentlok hanging in their closet . . .

They do not believe in something that has not been scientifically proven, but yet they believe in somthing that has been disproven by science (carbon regeneration in a home cloths dryer)!



From: leftee
Just gotta tighten them borders!

From: PoconoSteve
My fellow avid bowhunters,

For the record I am new to this forum, but I will share w/ you what prompted me to sign on. First off let me explain to you, my fellow peers, my "qualifications". I'm 33 y/o and have been hunting for 18 years, bowhunting for the last 15 years. While I mostly hunt my home state of PA, I've also bowhunted Quebec, MD, NH, TX, SC, and CO. In fact, I go elk hunting almost every year in an area not far from the Eichler footage. Additionally, I was a Boy Scout for several years in my teens (spent many nights camping)and was an Environmental Studies major in college (Studied evolution, adaptation, etc...) So why am I "tooting my own horn"? Well, I suppose it's because I don't want to be called an "ignorant idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about" for what I'm about to say.

The Eichler footage is either a Bigfoot or a person. I think we can all agree on this, even if most of you believe it's the latter. That's fine. What's not fine w/ me is the close-mindedness on the whole Bigfoot issue. Folks, these creatures ARE REAL! Read that again if you need to, but I ask that you let go of your egos, not shrug me off and follow along w/ me for a few lines.

The Mountain Gorilla of Africa was the "Bigfoot" of the early 1900s so to speak. People ventured into the forests and some came out saying that there are large hairy creatures in there. While I'm positive that they were ridiculed just the same as many of you riducule others today, guess what? These large hairy creatures turned out to be real ("officially" discovered in the 50s I believe) and are very well documented today. Without going into numerous examples, there have been numerous creature in our history as humans that were thought to be extinct but turned out to actually still exist. I'm sure many of you, like me are fishermen as well. Do a search on the history of the Coelacanth. Anyway, w/ regards to Bigfoot, thousands of years ago there was a large ape that was thought to walk upright and stand 8-10' tall called Gigantopithecus. Does that description sound familiar? If there have been numerous creatures that we thought to have been extinct, but since discovered to still exist, is it not possible that the thousands and thousands of CREDIBLE reported sightings from all over N. America (And Asia) could possibly be some decendant of Gigantopithecus? Let us also consider that it's estimated that only about 10% of sightings ever get officially reported! Why? Because of the atmosphere that society has created w/ regards to Bigfoot and other cryptids (undiscovered creatures).

I'm willing to bet that many of you hecklers out there have fellow hunting buddies that have had sightings or incidents in the woods w/ these creatures but will not tell a soul about it because of the way they'll be treated by not just Joe Smoe on the street, but even their own friends and family! Does that answer your question of "Well, then why don't we see them more?"

Why do I have such conviction about this topic? Well, guess what........I've never seen one, nor have I ever heard one or had an interaction w/ one, BUT I have researched the topic extensively w/ an open mind and in doing so have come to the realization that while these creatures are extremely rare, they do actually exist! And I know this to be w/ ever fiber of my body. I'm as convinced of it as I am that the next time a bruiser walks under my stand, my heart will be trying to jump out of my chest. For those of you that riducule and make fun of anyone who has the bravery to say that they've seen one or believe they exist, I ask how convinced you are that they DON'T exist?! We're is your proof that these creatures aren't wandering our forests?

Were is my proof that they do exist? While DNA evidence is not enough to some, we have it. We have it from hair and scat samples. The Patterson-Gimlin footage is the definitive video footage of these creatures. I'm sure some of you have watched the show on Discovery that analysed the movement of the creature and then tried to recreate that movement w/ a human only to come to the conclusion that IT CAN'T BE RECREATED BECAUSE HUMANS DON'T MOVE THAT WAY! We don't have more footage of them because if you take the time to do your research you'll find that they are INCREDIBLY adept at avoiding humans and staying hidden. We don't have more footage because they are very rare for one thing! We don't have more footage because if you read the reports of sightings you'll learn that even for those that have a camera on them at the time of the sighting the last thing that goes through their mind is "Get a picture". No, it's usually "I can't believe I'm seeing this", or "I'm getting the hell out of here". Think about how you'd react to seeing one, and I direct this question especially towards the non-believers. Finally, we don't have more footage, because of people like many of you! Would your hunting buddies show you a fuzzy picture of a fleeting Bigfoot when they knew how much flack they'd take? My point is, don't be surprised that we don't have more footage.

All I'm asking is that for those of you that don't believe and continue to ridicule those that do, either back down to the position of "I don't know if they exist because I haven't really learned much about the topic" or go out and learn about the topic and THEN come back and tell us that "You're crazy". We'd be a lot more accepting of your ridicule after you educate yourself (w/ an open mind) to what you're commenting on instead of just brushing it off as "craziness".

In the meantime, I'd like to commend Fred Eichler for having the intestinal fortitude to put this footage on his show even though he probably knew he was opening himself up to a lot of verbal abuse.

I'm not saying that what we see on this footage is definitely a Bigfoot, but rather that it could be. At least be open to the possibility of that!

From: smarba

Well said. I appreciate your open-minded thoughtful comment.

And KaThunk - Amen brother!

I'm in the same boat as Pocono. I've read a lot on the subject, seen things like the Discover channel analysis of the Patterson film, etc. and come to the same conclusion as you. I have perhaps the advantage of a friend who saw BF first hand and have heard his story, which helps when you have an immediate person whom you trust/believe.

It should come as no surprise that this thread has a bunch of posts that frankly are of absolutely no value. Read any other Bowsite post and you'll see roughly the same amount of frivolous posts.

Guys, it's fine to not think BF is real. But please try to post information and rebuttals that are valid and relate to the topic.

It's getting to be a pain wading through the junk just to find the nuggets that relate to the original topic.

Based on what I saw of Fred's film on TV, it was worthless - I think the film was set up for wide format and my TV cut off the edge, where the only glimpse of the "thing" was. But when I watched on the computer, it seems obvious that this is either a person or something that isn't a bear...

It will be interesting to hear what Fred has to say in the future. Whether he comes out and says his buddy admitted to playing a prank or if he sticks to his original comments that it is something he can't explain.


From: BowSniper
The images in the Eichler video are either a bigfoot or another hunter in a cammo suit.

Reasons not to be bigfoot? All of the so-called evidence for bigfoot (giant creature, longer arms than a person, cranial ridge, hunched posture, swinging gait, etc.) do not appear in this video. YOur own evidence to prove other bigfoot sightings DISPROVE this one.

Reasons to be just some hunter: It was hunting season at a hunting site with a trail cam set up. It was the right season for 3D cammo suits. Walking upright, human size, human arm length, pronounced human sized head, appear to be carrying something on its back, etc.

I think it clear, other than some REAL wishful thinking, that the vast majority of open minded people have determined that this particular video clip is just another hunter.

But that is not to say the whole idea of Bigfoot can't be real. Most people just find it unlikely. Like the Ron Paul presidential campaign. He still has many dedicated passioante supporters, but the other 95% of the country thinks he's just a bit nuts!

As for the other exciting bigfoot images:

I think alot of current hunters people saw the infamous Jacobs Creature, and the vast majority have again concluded that it was two bears in a strange posture. It just so happens that there were two little bears the same size at that same exact tree just 1/2 hour before the mysterious "baby bigfoot" pictures were taken. Hard to think that it wasn't those same two bears.

As for the most famous Patterson footage, it looks like a guy in a gorilla suit. More like a hollywood gorilla than an actual descendent of the human line. Some BF followers say it can;t be repeated, but I think that is silly. Hollywood did it in all the Planet of the Apes movies, and don;t forget Harry and the Hendersons. Or the Sasquatch in the 6-Million Dollar Man episodes!! Piece of cake. Here is an article that researched the costume makers in Hollywood.

Basically, nothing says it can't possibly be real. Some people doubt we ever landed on the moon. But at some point you have to balance reason and science. Its doubtful at best, but not impossible. I wish you the best in your quest, and let us know when you have something worth really getting excited about.

From: DeerSlayer08
PoconoSteve........ I would think that if you studied evolution then you should know that it is a hoax as well. My biggest question is if there are so many of these BF that people see them all over the US why have they not overpopulated to the point they are taking over small towns. A lot of people in Oklahoma see BF in the SE part of the state. Most of these are Native American. Have you ever been to a pow wow. Puff puff pass is all I can say.


MultipleEncounters's Link
Bowsniper, re these things "All of the so-called evidence for bigfoot (giant creature, longer arms than a person, cranial ridge, hunched posture, swinging gait, etc.) do not appear in this video."

In the images, it can't be determined what position the arm is in, it could be angled slightly. Too hard to determine.

Giant Creature - we have absolutely no reference of scale at this time. We need measuring device placed in same spot with camera as well.

Cranial Ridge - Again, not enough detail. Not all bigfoot have this either. They are as individual in characteristics as we are. The Patterson subject is NOT the Absolute Mold for what all bigfoot look like in detail.

Hunched Posture - Same as above.

Swinging Gait - Not enough footage to verify this, but it could explain the odd arm position where we only see a shortened silhouette.

You forgot one: No neck - Many hold to the claim that bigfoot have no necks. Well those are the people who have never seen one and who rely on one piece of film. I've seen a few. The first one some 31 years ago that I almost ran into in my pickup truck, turned his head 90° and looked down at me, then looked BACK at me a second time. Lack of neck, like other features, is not a rule.

I've provided a link to the Jacobs Images taken by a hunter's trailcam, not a bowhunter. While the first image may be questionable as possible bear, the same cannot be said about the second. It does NOT fit a bear's profile. Compare it to the first few cubs in the images.

I'd address more but there's time.


From: BowSniper
Multiple - if all the things I mentioned cannot be seen clearly in this video, then there is no way the same images can be used in any way as as evidence FOR bigfoot either. Thus, by your own admissions there is nothing at all to be gained from these images, and the Eichler video should never be mentioned again. Please pass the word to your other bigfoot pals.

It has been a lively and fun debate, and I hope there is some other new discovery available soon that will once and for all settle the bigfoot debate. You should perhaps start a separate thread for any other piece of "evidence" that is worth discussing.

From: bowriter
Multiple- I have a question. A couple years ago I wrote a completely fictional article about a Bigfoot encounter. It must have been pretty convincing because somebody with some Bigfoot organization contacted me and wanted more details. Was that you?

BTW- I have a very open mind. On an almost daily basis species we thought to be extinct or did not know existed are being discovered.

A few years ago, an aging hippie (may have had a toke or two over the line) living in Cortez, CO made mention of an encounter with an animal he could not identify. The description he gave fit, of course, Bigfoot.

This guy is an addicted traditional bowhunter and turkey hunter and lives on the mountain. He is also a pretty good freelance writer. According to him, he was elk hunting, returning to his house at dusk and something crossed the logging road 30-40 yards in front of him. He saw it for 3-4 seconds in the wide open of the road. It walked upright, was not a bear and he claimed after crossing the road, he could hear it following him for some distance. he said his dog would not leave the house for several days.

Who knows? Maybe it was Fred?

DeerSlayer08, Evolution, Adaptation, Creation? That's one that definitely won't be solved here. But there are fossils of various large bipeds similar to modern humans from long ago. That can't be denied.

They do multiply but they also die. But WE may be the greatest hindrance in any form of overpopulation risk. They are spread out and we fill in the gaps geographically with our cities. They may not be able to risk having 'communities' because of us. Whether it's an intended thing or simply because of their nature, they are fewer. But there are more of them out there then you can imagine.

I've gathered a few reports from some hunters who have had encounters. A few bowhunters, a few rifle hunters. The above Jacobs images were taken by a rifle hunter's gamecam who wasn't interested in bigfoot. The following (which will need to be pasted into your url location) can't be dismissed as from some crazy bigfoot guys. They are from savvy hunters just like everyone here. They weren't looking for an encounter. But it sure changed their outlook on things afterwards. They were forced to change their view on things after having these encounters. Sometimes it just takes being slapped in the face with truth before you believe.

These reports were made to the BFRO who ultimately investigated them. I know there are others out there, but these should provide a little reading for those who are interested. The first one is a pretty scary encounter. They are encounters from normal hunters just like everyone here.

BowSniper, you're jumping the gun a little. As I tried to explain somewhere above, thus far, we are only looking at some images that have been posted on his website at very low resolution. Some who have looked at the HiDef TV version said they can see much more detail. But what needs to take place is the original images and the site need to be shared with some investigators who know what to do and what to look for. So no, the Eichler images are not ruled out by any means.

Bowriter, nope, wasn't me.

BTW, I'm not here to promote the BFRO in case anybody wonders this. I only began posting there a few months ago. I have no affiliation other then that. I only 'reluctantly' began researching because I could no longer avoid the subject, especially having faced one of these creatures 4 yrs ago in VERY close quarters while out hunting myself. Believe me, I've always tried to avoid the topic except with close friends. Now after talking more freely about it, numerous hunters have admitted to me their encounters. I guess that's the nature of these things and few want to admit they've seen 'em until they feel it is safe to do so.

From: Horn Donkey
To all Bigfoot people on this thread:

I did as I was told and have been researching the bigfoot information online most of the morning. How amazing. It seems that with the advent of the internet this amazing religion has taken hold and truly taken off. I am a skeptic, but still think there is a possibility there could be an unidentified humanoid populating North America.

However, I think what truly troubles me about the people who are Bigfoot Zealots is your insistence in recruiting other Zealots to the cause.

Site after site that I visited had proported "proof" of bigfoots exsistence. However, there was never anything conclusive in any of the sites that I visited. Person after person had really seen the big guy, but just like Multiple Encounters' sightings they were at dusk or from hundreds of feet away. Each piece of evidence was tainted in just one way. Each piece had almost solved the mystery.

Many an afternoon I have watched the sun fade through the tree tops waiting on the buck of a lifetime to step through the trees. Waiting until pitch dark, the sounds of the woods envelope me and envoke my innermost desire to see him. Somehow in those ghostly minutes between day and night, apparitions appear. I see fleeting glimpses, hear deer sounds, feel his presence.

My point here is that I think a large proportion of the Bigfoot followers want it to be so. Although each video clip that I watched shows a different looking animal. Although prints range widely in size and shape. This religion of Bigfoot followers wants it to be true so badly that they will try to recruit people to their way of thinking.

Best of luck in your search. Please contact me when there is real evidence, as I will be the first to congratulate you.

Horn Donkey, I appreciate your reading more about the subject but there is only a limited amount of knowledge that one can get from internet reports. It's in the field where the fun begins. And no there is no 'religion' here. It is the simple pursuit of truth, and a fascinating one at that.

One of the reasons I posted in this thread was because one of your own captured 'something' on film. We do not yet know what it is because the material is still premature. The higher resolution images are not yet publicly available. On the HuntTv website, you get to see a lot of pixilation.

More to the point, yes, you guys are out there silently stalking the woods just like I do, but maybe you do so a little more stealthily. That being said, they are much more stealthy then anyone here, but they make mistakes too. I can say that without a doubt. My point is, if bowhunters knew what to look for, understood a little more about their behavior, and had an open mind while out there, some of you might actually be positioned to see one as well. Heck, you might even have a camera on you and not be so afraid to use it. This pursuit is not for everybody that's for sure. But it takes is an open mind and to know what kind of signs these creatures leave in the woods. Yes, they leave sign and they communicate with one another. Many of you have heard them but you didn't know what you were hearing. So I guess its all about knowledge too.

From: Beev
Weather Fred is joking or not, it's still a cool video. Think I'll wait for a while to bite though. I'm still stinging over new "world record badger" photo posted in TBMag back in the 90's. Fell hard for that one. Damn fine joke though!

From: TD
"understood a little more about their behavior" ?????

Exactly how would a person go about studying their behavior? That would mean someone actually found one to study? Or had some solid physical evidence they even exist? From all I've seen from looking at these sites, there is none.

Oops, I forgot. You have to use your open mind to study them. =D

Might as well study the behavior of Hobbits. At least there's a textbook for that.

Fred must be ROTFLHAO right about now...

From: Owl
"How amazing. It seems that with the advent of the internet this amazing religion has taken hold and truly taken off."

- To be fair, what hasn't exploded since the advent of the internet?

"However, I think what truly troubles me about the people who are Bigfoot Zealots is your insistence in recruiting other Zealots to the cause."

- If ME's behavior is any indicator, they are merely asking to avail yourself to science. I think that is quite bold considering the science, thusfar, is specious at best. To me, that denotes confidence and fairness.

"Site after site that I visited had proported "proof" of bigfoots exsistence."

- Likewise, I read some of what could be presented as credible but that isn't nearly conclusive. However, I will admit, if I found myself in the situation of seeing one, I could not kill it for the sake of providing a specimen.

Again, to be fair, there is footage that cannot be discredited. For myself, I'd have to see one at high noon doing jumping jacks in an open meadow at 10 yards before I'll believe:) But my own skepticism doesn't prove anything.

From: Big Foot
I can't believe you guys are still talking about me.

From: VAL
I believe that BF is real. I also believe that wrestling is not fake and there are aliens in Crawford Texas.

From: carbonarcher
There is enough belief that Bigfoot is real that the state of Oregon actually passed a law making it illegal to kill one.

I have a friend who has personally seen one, I was with him that day, before and after he saw it, and he's no greenhorn. And I know this, he believed that he saw a Bigfoot and would never return to the area. I never had any cause not to trust things he said prior to that day, and no cause not to believe him after that day.

I hunted for 22 years before I ever saw a Mountain lion in the woods, I know men who've hunted there whole lives and never seen one. I've never found a carcus of a dead Mountain lion either, doesn't mean they are not real. How many of you have hunted your whole lives in country a Wolverine inhabits? How many of you have ever seen one? Ever found a Wolverine carcus?

Do I believe in Bigfoot? I know I have a friend who most certainly does, and I have no reason to call him a liar. I'm also smart enough to know that just because I've never seen him doesn't mean he doesn't exist, doesn't mean that he does, but certainly doesn't mean he doesn't.

From: Owl
"I believe that BF is real. I also believe that wrestling is not fake and there are aliens in Crawford Texas."

-I concur. As tangential evidence to the latter, I offer every subdivision that has been built on the VA Peninsula since the mid '90s:)

Big Foot, you really should be flattered. However, I'll caution not to ever stand still for a photo or, worse yet, get shot. That would ruin your mystique...

I consider myself an interested skeptic. I would like to think they are out there. I would like for there to be proof. That way, when I break wind in a tent at night, I can more credibly blame the stench on an approaching bigfoot!

From: Big Foot

I resent that!!!!

From: Owl
I appreciate those BF proponents out there for their sense of humor and thick skin. In the interest of balance, I include the following link:

A decent place to start looking for yourselves.

From: mizzoukispot
Reading through the thread was interesting. All I know is that I saw the family, of the famous bigfoot movie, admit it was a hoax on tv. Then, bigfoot believers said that they were "forced" to say it was a hoax. I am also of the school of thought that man, no matter what generation that he is from, thinks that he has it all figured out. Could there be a bigfoot? Sure. Are most of the big foot followers actually onto that actual bigfoot that exists? Probably not.

From: Owl
"I am also of the school of thought that man, no matter what generation that he is from, thinks that he has it all figured out. "

That is one of the most astute comments on this thread. I bet God gets a good belly laugh at our egocentrism...


MultipleEncounters's Link
Hey Big Foot,

I'm curious, is your stick structure wired or do you need to stand in line to use one of these?

I won't try to trace your IP Address, I promise.

KaThunk, the reason why I didn't want to post it in this thread was because I didn't want to derail the subject of the thread any more then it was. So I had asked if the mods would mind a separate one for it instead. There are one or two bigfoot threads in the archive so its not entirely foreign here.

You pm'd me asking to hear my encounters but I also said that I'd rather wait for when more people were interested. Whether that happens or not, I don't know. I would hope you could appreciate this because believe it or not, these encounters had a major impact on me. You seemed like a very spiritual person based on your earlier post. I complimented you for this in my pm reply to you.

I also stated above in my reply to Horn Donkey why I was posting here. You guys are out there in the field. The issue has a lot to do with bowhunting because believe it or not, you guys get close to them but often you don't even know it. Sometimes you hear them but you can't explain what you heard. Sometimes you see their various sign but you don't even know what made it since nobody ever explained it to you. Some of you have even see them, but few DARE share what they've seen with their peers here.

Today I got to meet with a bowhunter I've known for a few decades. We talked for about 45 minutes. I never before shared with him my experiences because of the stigma factor. Today after I shared a few of my stories, then he opened up and shared two encounters he once had. He didn't know what it was he saw until we talked. He didn't know what caused some of the sign he has seen in the woods until today. He didn't know what once followed him out of the woods after dark while he was packing a quarter. He didn't know what the yellow eyes were that he once seen, or the bad feeling he got at the time to just get the hell out of there. The same feeling Fred Eichler described. The same feeling hundreds of bowhunters and rifle hunters have experienced. Maybe tis something that can be learned here that has impacted many a bowhunters hunt.

I posted here because if you guys come to understand some of what your peers have experienced, some of what is known about these creatures, you might even play an important role in someday solving this great mystery. And depending on what Fred Eichler ends up with in his footage after it is analyzed, he may have taken another step in that direction. But I've seen here how some can't take the subject seriously and I appreciate those who are sincerely interested. Still its difficult to discuss when you don't know what crack remark is next.

What if Fred Eichler ends up finding more compelling evidence? Could he even discuss it with his peers here without being laughed at? Right now, I doubt it. But you guys have so much potential in this matter that I feel its worth the effort.

Oh and I'm told that this month's issue of the Bugle has stories in there from people who have had some encounters. Oh yeah, they were bowhunter's experiences too.


Bad example. There's a few reasons why you won't find any new postings from me at that forum.

And sorry you feel he was playing a joke. I'm sure he would appreciate hearing that too.


You seem to be putting words in my mouth there KaThunk..

Under normal circumstances my explanation two posts up would have been enough. I'm not sure what you are after.


ME: Pm sent and if you don't use those recurves in your closet, you can send them to me if you like ;)

From: Big Foot
Still talking about me. WOW! All this attention is wearing me out. Maybe I should go on vacation. I know! Surfs up in Hawaii! As I always say to Mrs. Big Foot, "kindawantolaya".

From: Sanctum
I've never seen a Sasquatch. I've never hunted with a bow. But I do want to support Dave in what Dave is trying to do.

KaThunk asked what MultipleEncounters was doing here. I'll tell you what I think he was doing. He came here because he thought that this population might be a mature one. He thought that, maybe here, he could gather more evidence from CREDIBLE witnesses. He thought maybe some of YOU would have some stories to share. The majority of the responses he got for his trouble were one liners, people calling him a liar and calling BF enthusiast a bunch of lunatics.

It took a lot of guts for him to come into a new forum and express his opinions and ask for help. I have a lot of respect for Dave. He is a mature, well informed, nature lover who just happens to have seen Sasquatch.

To those of you who have called the evidence scarce. You obviously have not done your research. Because of your close-mindedness you have no idea:

1) DNA: There is DNA evidence from multiple independent witnesses and analyzed by multiple independent labs. In most cases DNA retrieved is positively identified as a known animal or human. In some cases it is contaminated and can't be positively identified. The smallest amount of DNA comes back positively as UNKNOW PRIMATE! There is your DNA evidence...there is just nothing to compare it too!

2) Footprints: The most compelling evidence comes from the thousands and thousands of Bigfoot tracks and casts. Some of these casts do have dermal ridges (fingerprints) These prints ARE NOT human or known primate. They run in patters not indicative of human or ANY primate dermal ridges. Jimmy Chilcutt is the leading authority on primate fingerprints. It would be very difficult to fool him. He is highly regarded by agents of the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and state and local law enforcement agencies for his innovative techniques and ability to find fingerprints where others fail. But in doing what comes naturally, being careful and thorough, he ended up rocking his own skepticism Sasquatch.

3) Video and Photographic Evidence: There are literally thousands of films and pictures of unknown bipedal primates. Some hoax, most blurry and inconclusive but one has pretty much stood the test of time. The best photographic evidence we have today is the 1967 patterson-Gimlin film. People have claimed they donned a suit for that film. Most of them have a history of pathological running cons or have been shown to be pathological liars. The suit was claimed to have been fabricated by Special Effects guru John Chambers. He emphatically denied that he had anything to do with it and that it would take someone much better than him to pull it off. It doesn’t make since that two broke cowboys who actually captured the creature on film had the money to commission the best costume maker to come up with something even better then what he designed for Planet of the Apes. Remember how “real” the movie apes looked with seams and stitches, by his own admission, hidden by clothing. If there was a suit of…where is it now? Why can’t the footage be duplicated using 1967 technology? The one high dollar attempt to duplicate the footage by BBC was a miserable failure.

4) Thousands of sighting all over the world: I know…I know…all liars, misidentified upright bears with broad shoulders and shadows in the night.

5) What the experts say: Every year more and more primotologist, biologist, locomotion experts, fingerprint experts, videographers, and countless other scientist and experts in their field concede that they are stumped by the amount of credible physical evidence.

On Friday, September 27, 2002, during National Public Radio's (NPR) Talk of the Nation: Science Friday with Ira Flatow, Dr. Jane Goodall made a striking comment on her strong beliefs that large "undiscovered" primates, such as the Yeti or Sasquatch, do indeed exist.

No matter what evidence is presented, there will always be non-believers out there. That’s ok! What is not ok is making fun of those that have different beliefs than your own. It takes a big man, (um) person, to admit with an open mind that the science is changing the way the world is viewed and a bigger person to approach the skeptics and take the abuse they are capable of dishing out. Personally…I’d rather face Sasquatch.

From: BowSniper
WOW, this is like debating scientology with Tom Cruise!

We hear your points, and then offer counter points. You ignore what anyone else says and roll ever forward on the great bigfoot train, looking at the world only through those red furry glasses.

So you know one FBI guy what believes in the footprints. But AGAIN would you not say there are hundred other scientists who do not??!? And its mroe than a bit disingenuous to throw all the weight of your arguments behind the 1% and happily ignore the 99%.

We are not saying it CAN'T be true, but rather that the video "evidence" you have presented so far is weak at best (silly to most). I can't say anything to counter the direct personal encounters you BF guys have had, other than to suggest that if you "see" the same things in these obvious fake/mistaken pictures, then your vision is subject as well as your reasoning.

Still, I am interested and open to the possiblities. If you really saw the beast up close and personal it would seem likely that a good verifiable photo isn't far behind. In fact, its quite strange that the personal proof FAR outweighs any real scientific proof. And thus we come full circle yet again!

From: BowSniper
Or to put it another way, more in line with what some others are saying...

If you wanted to know what other stories real bowhunters could add to bigfoot story, you could ask simply that, and then listen. But instead you push push push your pseudo science. As if saying it more often will somehow make it more true. There are other forums specifically created just for that purpose. Why here and in that manner?

As I tried to say in a few of my above posts, I only joined so that maybe you guys would be able to discuss the Eichler images intelligently. Unfortunately such a discussion is premature anyhow without being able to view the higher quality images he has. Some have seen them on Tivo and say they can see even hairs. I don't know, I haven't.

I'm not here to 'gather' reports from bowhunters for any group. I'm not here to force anything on anybody. But I do know that many here don't know very much about these creatures that are out there with you that you are unaware of. Its also unfortunate that many here wouldn't dare share your experiences openly because you know how some here will react. Its really sad because so many bowhunters have had some kind of encounter but you don't want to share them because you are afraid what others will think.

KaThunk, I don't know much about those bearwolf claims, nor have I ever seen on, they may just be a subspecies of bigfoot? Those claims seem to mostly come from the east coast.

Everyone, above I provided some links to reports filed by bowhunters (ad a riflehunter) who had encounters. Except for one, they had no prior interest in bigfoot. They were just hunting and had something happen to them that they did not expect. Something that scared the hell out of them and they HAD to tell someone about. They probably couldn't tell of their account here though and that's unfortunate.

Finally, I don't WANT to share my encounter here. I OFFERED to share them. It's just another encounter like many encounters out there. But I was also trying to be considerate by not wanting to post it in this thread because it had already strayed far enough from Eichler's. But for you guys to be able to talk about Eichler's footage knowledgeably if detailed footage raises more questions, then increasing your basic understanding of sasquatch seemed a reasonable goal. I didn't begin posting here to try and convert anyone. However you guys are out there and you come across evidence and don't know it. It would seem you would like to know more? (I also can see that there are quite a few here who do from the pm's and posts here, and I appreciate your sincerity, but I am still hopeful we get beyond the atmosphere above instead.) Maybe then an intelligent conversation can take place that everyone can gain something from.

Fred Eichler, if you are reading this, I don't know what you caught on film either. I do know these creatures exist because I have seen them myself a few times in the last 31 years. I know numerous bowhunters who have also had encounters but few are willing to talk about it openly, like here. Bowhunting itself I suppose requires a sort of paradigm shift in realizing there is another animal out there to contend with. It will obviously take time and persistence to reach this stage. Please share the higher quality footage with the public because the present poor quality only fuels doubt and questions about the footage, and gets us nowhere. If you are reading, thank you for having the guts to share it in the first place with your peers.


From: mizzoukispot
BF is truly BS. Sorry, had to say it. There is no "other animal to contend with" when we are bowhunting. Other than cats, bears and wolves.

From: broadside
i have to agree with you mizzou. this is by far the craziest and funniest thread i have read on here in a while. I really find it hard to imagine that with all the hunters, hikers, birdwatchers, forest rangers, loggers, etc that are in the woods on a daily basis that not one of them or a group of them can not come up with a better picture or video of a BF if they encounter one, or any other evidence for that matter. with all the cameras, cell phone cameras/videos or just a plain hand held video recorders a better quality picture would have come forward by now that would actually be credible. if we can discover a new insect the size of a piss ant in a tropical rainforest im sure that we would have been able to discover a creature 8' tall in america by now. thats my two cents worth.

From: Owl
"I really find it hard to imagine that with all the hunters, hikers, birdwatchers, forest rangers, loggers, etc that are in the woods on a daily basis that not one of them or a group of them can not come up with a better picture or video of a BF if they encounter one, or any other evidence for that matter."

- I believe this has been addressed very well. The vast majority of those that go afield can't manage a glimpse of a cougar, much less anything that is purportedly more elusive and much less populous. Furthermore, there is actually quite a lot of video footage. The Patterson video is quite clear (and studied to the nth degree). It is just many choose to doubt or not to believe.

From: kfoster........ ....... Date: 27-Aug-05

"Bigfoot is all funny and laughable until you step into the track of one of them.

I ask you to read the full evaluations of tracks made my Docters Krantz, Meldrum, and Farenbach at the University of Washington, Idaho and the North America Primate Reseach Center (a medical research center) before deciding that sasquatch is all myth. I ask you to read evalutations by law enforcement officer Jimmy Chilcutt, one of America's premier authorities on primate dermal ridges, before deciding. It is easy to dismiss sasquatch as nothing but lore if you have not seen their track yourself. People who sit at city desks and type on city computers and think all native Americans are completely stupid should be thrown into a cage of hungry sasquatch.

I too have trouble believing that American sasquatch are real, but I have seen their tracks in person. Once accidently and a couple of times after they were found by someone else and I was called to investigate. I, several biologists and a handful of law officers in Colorado have no trouble believing that the tracks of sasquatch are real here from time to time after critical evaluation. It is the creature itself that we have trouble swallowing.

Not all sasquatch sightings are real, and I seriously doubt sightings where no tracks are left at the scene that fit known criterea. But that does not mean that all sasquatch sightings are false. It is easy to sit in a city office and say sasquatch is all bunk and hoax. It is less easy to deny sasquatch after spending a week in a sleeping bag under the stars in Canyon Diablo. If you want to meet a sasquatch, I can drop you off in a helicopter there if your legs or heart are too frail to hike there yourself, and pick you up a month later to ask you about sasquatch. Surely after a month in the wilderness a sasquatch will have wandered by to check you out in the Canyon. You will not find sasquatch in the city or on paper. You have walk a thousand miles with a bow in hand in sasquatch country to meet one, just like the natives that once bowhunted this land for a living once did. Jeez.

Just beecause you have never seen a lynx or wolverine doesn't mean they don't exist. I spent 300 days in tents in the South San Juan Wilderness of Colorado before finding a whole line of 17 inch long sasquatch tracks, only once. How may nights have you slept and hiked there? Don't tell me from some city office what exists in that there wilderness.

Be skeptical, be critical of sign, but put that sign through critical scientific analysis and then decide what you think about it. Discounting sasquatch because you think all historical native Americans were stupid or because you think that it is an impossibility is a mistake. Sasquatch still leaves tracks, in Colorado at least. I too am skeptical and don't trust sightings where tracks are not found, so I am with the skeptics in that regard. But skepticism based on preconception of what you believe to be true is not science, it is citified bull pucky. I think you guys need to leave your city jobs and get into the western wilderness more. I spent 4th of July weekend at a timberline lake and fished for trout measured in pounds instead of inches and never saw another human the whole time. Where did you spend that weekend? If you think every trail is paved in North America, you are going to the wrong places. It takes a day or two of hiking with a heavy pack to get to the real North America. Yes it still exists if you are willing to use a topo map and go to the places where a simple short mile on the map ends up to be a full days hike and you can not find the marked trails. That is where sasquatch still leaves tracks for you to find.

Instead of retiring to rot in an old folks home when I am too old to pull back my flatbow, I am going on a walkabout in some remote area of B.C. to answer some quetions I still have about sasquatch. It is fitting however that skeptical citified bowhunters rot in an old folks home when elderly and never experience such excitement as the old pine apes and their natural habits. You probably don't believe in God either, even though you can see his fingerprints on every natural thing around you. It's really easy to reject what you have never seen with your own eyes, or what you don't want to see. Easier for sure than carrying a 70 pound backpack uphill all day. Better visit those wilderness areas while you are young, because once you age the trails get longer and longer. Sasquatch usually spends it's time at the end of a very long trail. They hate human company." END QUOTE kfoster

The above was written by one of your own kfoster a few years ago right here in this Bowsite forum. Hope he doesn't mind that I re-share his words. I don't think anybody could have stated the predicament some here are in with respect to open-mindedness, I didn't/don't know him but I surely would have liked to. Too bad somebody can't find him and tell him the topic is on. He might have some fascinating things to add after the last few years. Without knowing him, I can HONESTLY say I hope he has seen a sasquatch.

Reading some of his other posts, I also say too bad more of us can't more like him. But maybe now he is up in B.C. and knows the truth he was back-then open minded to. If he lived near me here in Oregon, he is someone I would be honored to have taken out into the woods to share what I have learned about these creatures, and I've never taken another person to where I do my research.

For those who can't open their minds to what I write, then at least do so for someone who was here before I suspect most of you. He was probably a pretty good bow hunter too.


From: Big Foot
Knowing the Bowsite the way I do, I'm surprised nobody has asked, "what do you think he will score".

My feelings are hurt.

From: Gray Ghost
I had an open mind, once. But my common sense kept falling out, so I closed it back up.


From: Owl
"Knowing the Bowsite the way I do, I'm surprised nobody has asked, "what do you think he will score"."

- No one really has an objectionable point of reference and, thusly, is not qualified to...oh, nevermind, you did say "Bowsite" didn't you? Yeah, BF, I'd be emotionally wounded, too.

From: Litewolf
Ok folks - since BF doesn't exsist then I suppose this doesn't either?

Let's see? It's very elusive, walks upright like man, is over 6 feet tall. Sound familiar?

Then again these folks probably aren't very credible either? O yea and not many pictures or video too.

From: BowSniper
Litewolf -

All three of your articles talk about a new ape found in Africa. Tropical Africa. Ya, know... where other wild apes have always been found. We have no similar climate in America, especially not the cold north west. There are no bone records or history of bones to ever show that ape-like creatures of any kind were ever in North America. If the links you provide are evidence FOR a bigfoot-type creature existing, it also works AGAINST the possibility of it existing anywhere around here.

The greatest big foot evidence for North America is the Patterson film. Looks like a guy in a suit to me. You can find articles about how "genuine" the Patterson video is on any BigFoot web site (imagine that ?!?!?).

Or you can do a wider search on the internet and find evidence of a giant hoax. Try here for example:

Again ... not saying it can't be possible, but just that it defies logic. Also, the video/picture evidence presented so far has been terrible to the point of embarrassing. The Jacob's Creature claim is silly (with a little black bear the same size at the same tree just a half hour earlier!).

People can "hear" anything, and see the strangest things. We are talking about real "proof" of a giant mystery creature living among hundreds of millions of people in the most advanced nation on Earth. We have better photos from the surface of other planets than we are finding of bigfoot in our own backyard??!!?

And Tom Cruise is "sure" he can heal all man's problems if you just open your mind and listen to him.

From: Sanctum

I'm only pointing you out because you are the last post and I don't want to respond to them all individually. I have to say that like many of your colleagues you are misinformed about certain "facts." I'm sure you got your knowledge about the Jacobs Photos second hand. Like many of your peers here, you have come up with a false argument to support your personal conclusions based on hearsay. I'm not saying the Jabobs photos are those of a Sasquatch but they are definitely NOT the same size or shape as the cubs photographed half an hour earlier.

I wouldn't offer those photos as proof anyway. They are too inconclusive. They do however tip the scales in the favor of Sasquatch if only by a tiny amount. The same goes for Fred Eichleres video footage (which is why we are here) and several thousand other videos and pictures of blobsquatch. Individually they mean nothing...Collectively??? We are collecting pieces of a puzzle.

I got slammed for posting facts that can't be refuted. Irrefutable evidence doesn't make it so. It only makes it plausible that it COULD be so. I only posted facts because guys on this site ASKED where the evidence was and to correct some of the erroneous conclusions indicated by false (misinformed) statements.

Dave and I got accused of trying to convert people to a new religion. I assure you...We could care less if you believe in Sasquatch. I don't believe in Sasquatch. Belief infers Faith. I have Faith in GOD.

I find the evidence for a bipedal North American primate compelling and 99% conclusive. That same evidence you guys fail to seriously consider because what little you know is tabloid sensationalism. You, for whatever reason, refuse to follow up with real research.

Regardless of whether you want to do homework on the subject or not (and I don't blame you for not wanting to.) It is poor form to turn in a paper that isn't fully researched. At least have the courtesy of being informed about a subject you so hotly want to debate and debunk.

Dave came here looking for people that might have knowledge on the subject at hand. He posted in a thread that was ALREADY started in this forum by one of your own members. I know he accepted that he would get flack for his post but that doesn't make it right. When you ask a question about bow hunting do you expect someone with no experience chime in with one liners about how retarded bow hunting is or offer advice about which arrow you should use with your new bow when they haven't got a clue? Of course not!

At least the people with the one-liners, in most cases, are just being funny by playing to the majority crowd. They have an opinion but, being uninformed; they know better then to even try to support it with false information. They just go along with the flow like lemmings.

What Dave is looking for, are the people who have actual experiences. Thank you to all BOWHUNTERS who have pm'd him with useful information and experiences. I'm only sad you don't feel comfortable doing it in your own home here on these forums.

From: mizzoukispot
...hey, didnt tom berenger find a "lost" tribe of indians in some movie? Maybe this BF thing is for real!

From: MF
Hey all you naysayers, Just to get some perspective, would the guys like mizzoukispot, BowSniper, broadside, and all the rest post how many days you have spent in a western wilderness area over the last 5 years or so? I'm talkin' real wilderness like the Frank Church or Bob Marshall not truck camping in the state park.

From: Big Foot
But what will he score????

From: BowSniper
Sanctum -

I think it is you and your pal Dave you are missing the entire argument against the bigfoot myth, and that perhaps it is you two guys who are not "open minded" to the truth. You have decided long ago that bigfoot is real, and no logical reasoning can show you the light. Its become a cult of fiction.

I did not get my info on the Jacob's pic second hand. Its easy enough to google the pics and see them anywhere, including the BFRO. Three pics. The first an obvious little black bear. The second two a strange looking animal the same size and color at the same exact tree. For 95% of the population, the same size, color, and location a mere half hour apart makes this an open and shut case. The second two pictures were just a black bear in a weird position we are not accustomed to seeing in a still photo. The PA game commission officially labeled it a skinny bear with mange. BF enthusiasts (and them alone) see the object of their imagination and desire.

Its like playing the lottery and believing you are going to win against the incredible odds. Somehow you think we can't understand how you are going to prove us all wrong and win the lottery, just look at Aunt Mable down the road who had a second cousin who won millions last year! For the rest of the world, the lottery is just a tax on people who are bad at math. Remember the movie "Dumb and Dumber" when the hot chick tells Jim Carrey that there is barely a one in a million chance she will date him, and he screams happily "YES, there is a chance!!" That is you guys.

The point I, and others, and trying to make is that all of the BF "evidence" is strikingly weak. You guys add up 100 reports that have 1% clarity, possiblity, or chance and you add them up to 100% certainty. The vast majority of the world looks at 1% evidence 100 times and knows that information still yields a 1% likelyhood and can understand you are just left with a bigger pile of 1% crap. Its night and day. Two different ways of looking at the same information and coming up with two TOTALLY different conclusions. Only one can be right in the end.

If you or Dave really saw a bigfoot, and want the truth to ever be believed, the best thing you can do is DISTANCE yourself from the nonsense evidence and stick to the absolutes. It makes your real sighting less believable if you also happen to see (with the same portrayed sincerity) bigfoot in every cloud and clump of mashed potatoes.

The guy who wore the bigfoot suit in the Patterson Video (claimed to be the best proof) already confessed AND passed a lie detector on national TV.

Finding apes in Africa is hardly an earth shaking discovery. Its about as shocking as finding a hunter walk by a hunting camera in full bug-net cammo in bear season.

Thank you Sanctum. One thing I would like to clarify however is that I'm not even here to hear or collect bowhunter's encounters. I only want to see 'bowhunters' be able to talk about their encounters amongst themselves, without fear of ridicule. I know many here have had an encounter of some kind, its just sad that peer pressure can be so powerful that an experience can't be shared amongst adult peers.

All the bowhunters I know are good people with open minds and some with encounters of their own. When I feel comfortable with posting my own encounter here, then I guess it will be a sign that things have improved in this regard. I hope most of you scroll up and read a few posts I made, especially the quote of one of your own kfoster a few years ago. He knew.

"who are not "open minded" to the truth. You have decided long ago that bigfoot is real, and no logical reasoning can show you the light."

BowSniper, 31 years ago I almost ran into one of these things while in my pickup truck with a roommate down in Yosemite National Park. We didn't tell a sole about it. Four years ago I was confronted by one of these creatures in VERY close quarters. I had my rifle on him the entire time and was more scared then you can EVER comprehend in your life. The term 'open minded' needs some redefinition here I think.

When I posted in the beginning of this thread, I did not just join and the mods will know this. The fact of the matter is, there are many amongst yourselves who have had encounters but don't DARE post them for their peers to read.

From: Owl
"The guy who wore the bigfoot suit in the Patterson Video (claimed to be the best proof) already confessed AND passed a lie detector on national TV."

-Will you pass on any information that I can research? I was always under the impression the many different "ape suit" claimants were all discredited.

From: kman
Big said you were married. That means you don't get to score:)

From: broadside
MF i will be the first to admit that i havent spent one night in any of the areas you mentioned. but i still do not believe in BF and until someone brings one in dead or captured alive i will continue to think of it as a big hoax. like someone mentioned above my common sense prevails over just being open minded.

From: Sanctum

All the claimants have been discredited and none could produce a suit. If even one of them had been considered creditable then the Patterson-Gimlin film would no longer remain the strongest piece of video evidence STILL being studied by professionals across a broad spectrum of scientific and technical fields.


The Jacobs creature is much larger than he bear cubs. I suggest you, and anyone doubting that, look at the pictures again.

Also, I'm interested in the evidence you say you have concerning proof that the Patterson-Gimlin footage is fake. As far as I know, all people out there claiming to be the subject in the film were discredited beyond a doubt. To this day...No expert have not been able to prove that the film is fake and most that study it thoroughly can not see how it could be a fake.

If you want to continue this topic (evidence other then the Fred E video) then perhaps it would be best to do it through pm's or visit an appropriate forum. I feel that we have gotten this topic off track. While it is relevant to whether BF is real or not it is not relevant to what was actually caught on the Fred E video.

I apologize to all concerned for cluttering up this thread with off topic discussion.

Back on topic and so no one is confused. My stance on the Fred E video is that it is of an unknown bipedal primate (man is a bipedal primate.) The footage I have seen secondhand is too blurry to be conclusive. I understand the original footage is much better. It does not appear to be man in a ghillie suit but I’m sure Fred has seen many ghillie suits and would not put his reputation on the line if that is what he thought it was. (I also have military experience spotting snipers wear various ghillie suits during survival training as part of officer candidate school) It could be a hoax, but I think the odds of that are slim considering the source and the reputation of the man who came forward with the evidence in this instance. Again, he has more to lose than he has to gain.

From: Big Foot

Between you and me......well.......let's just say I love it when the black bear sows go into heat. I really love the cinnamon colored girls!

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

Funny how with TENS OF MILLIONS of gun hunters in the woods every year, not one bigfoot has ever been shot. Oh, that's right, they are intelligent. Do they choose to live in the wild rather than join us in society? If they are so adept at avoiding us, why do we "see" them all the time? It really doesn't make sense.

I'd love to see a graph of when sightings occur during the calendar year. I have a feeling they drop off DRAMATICALLY during gun seasons. Which would be the opposite of what should really happenn. With all those hunters in the woods, they should be seen more often.

Do you all remember the guy that took the picture of the Loch Ness monster, which was shown more often than that footage of bigoot? He admitted on his deathbed it was all a hoax. Some miniature toy or something. That photo was analyzed more than that video, and many people believed it.

It is a hoax that PEOPLE are perpetrating. It is sad, because now I am seeing new TV shows about people devoting their lives to finding bigfoot. And guess what, they won't.

Think about this. If they exist and are primates like us, then they don't hibernate. Go out after a fresh snow and find tracks and FOLLOW them. It shouldn't be that hard to follow footprints and find one. Why has no one done this?

From: BowSniper
MultipleE - you should read again what I have written. I understand you say you saw a bigfoot up close. That is an amazing story. My point is that you appear to believe anything even remotely supporting bigfoot as real, thus making your story appear less believable.

Sanctum and Owl... and for those of you reading along and keeping score, try these links regarding the Patterson footage.

Research into making the fake Patterson bigfoot suit

Resarch on the Patterson hoax in general

Polygraph for guy who was in the bigfoot suit

General Patterson bigfoot summary

As for the Jacobs pictures, you can believe you see anything you want in the Jacobs pics, but just understand you are in the Tom Cruise minority on that one. The spokesman for the PA game association said it best, "There is no question it is a bear with a severe case of mange."

You tube comparison of bear pics

So in conclusion, these forums are a great place to say what we saw or heard in the woods. Even if strange and hard to believe. But lets not confuse opinion with fact, or let passion overcome reason.

BowSniper, you got one thing wrong in that no, I don't believe everything is bigfoot. Some are hoaxes. Some are misidentifications. But I also know from my own experiences, some are real.

As I recall there is more then one person who claimed to be the Patterson Bigfoot. Gee, maybe they were both in the suit, that's why she was so much bigger then an average human.

HerdManager, you haven't done your research just as many others here haven't.

They have been shot and there are more sightings during hunting season. Most just can't pull the trigger because they look so human. Others who have shot at them, well when you understand just how powerful an animal they are, you will understand why they don't just go down. I will try to find an existing graph of sightings related to hunters and post it for you guys.

Also, I have a neighbor, today an avid bowhunter, maybe he is even a member of this forum, I don't know? Again, after I shared my interest and encounters with him over a year ago, he opened up to me. (This seems to be the common thread with being able to admit an encounter, you need to feel safe about doing so.) Anyway, the short version, apparently 25 years ago when he lived in Idaho, two guys were riding in the back of their pickup at night doing the rabbit hunting thing. Then the female driver sped ahead and the guys fell back into the bed. Yelling at her she responded she had to because they were being followed by something. Then they turned around and it comes walking up. So they opened fire on it. One had a 357 rifle and the other a 22 auto. They said it didn't even flinch but could have killed them anytime it wanted. They also seen a second one off to the side just standing there. This neighbor has a good job with the government as an electrician and as mentioned, an avid bowhunter. Apparently he hadn't even told his wife about it until after he was able to share it with me.

The big problem here I see, is you guys don't allow your own peers to talk about their encounters without feeling like they will be blasted here.

Re following tracks, until you understand a little more about them, I guess you can't know that you don't catch up to a sasquatch by following their tracks. Not only is their stride a good 6' but they move three times as fast as we do. Plus, they seem to move to lower elevations during heavy snows but don't seem to have a problem with bare feet either in snow. Not something many people I know can accomplish.

Also re tracks, they are soft soled just like us, and with larger feet to displace their heavier weight. In other words, no hooves to leave deep impressions on hard or debris laden surface. Finally, they are self aware and do not leave tracks often near humans.

Face it, there is a lot that many here are not knowledgeable about these creatures.

What I do know is that if Mr. Eichler did capture one on film and he realizes this because he has the higher quality footage, well can you guys even support a statement from him if that's what he admits it looks like it is?

Wow!! Bullet-proof! Impossible to track even in snow. And we even know they have soft-soled feet? And they are self-aware? That's a lot of knowledge about an imaginary creature.

I don't care if they have a 10' stride. Dogs could catch them. So why don't you just go out this winter and find one? You'd be famous forever.

From: Big Foot
MultipleEncounters and I love playing hide and go seek. We've been doing it for years. Maybe someday I'll let him catch me.

From: Sanctum
Ok, since you refuse to go to private I’ll respond…

At least you attempted to do some homework. I’ll give you a C+ because you showed a little effort. Even though they suck, I’ll only use the sources you supplied as reference since I don’t even have to go any further.


The whole article hangs on the assumption and belief in Hollywood that John Chambers made the suit. This article is filled with “I heard that John Chambers created the suite.” And “It is common knowledge that John Chambers created the suit.” John Chambers never told anyone he created the suit. No one saw the suit he supposedly created and the initial rumor appears to have started with Rick Baker.

John Chambers, by the way, is the guy who created the original Planet of the Apes costumes and the reason the rumor started was because Rick Baker said something like “If anyone can create a suit like that it would be John Chambers.” John Chambers denied that he made the suit and said it was beyond his capabilities. The seams and stitches in his creations were concealed by clothing. Furthermore the makeup required hours to put on in optimal conditions. You think two redneck cowboys could do that in the middle of the some of the harshest wilderness imaginable miles from any roads?

The first paragraph of the conclusion of your supporting link, had you bothered to read it, was that Rick Baker, who started the rumor and believe it at one time, no longer believes John Chambers designed the suit. That pretty much discredits the John Chambers created the suit theory.


Resarch on the Patterson hoax in general

The second link hinges on the word of Bob Heironimus. Interesting enough…He says the suit was not made by John Chambers but was a homemade jobby made of horse hide. By the way a costume designer who Bob claims was paid $1,000 by Roger Patterson to make the suite said it was made of a synthetic material. Yeah…it looks like something cobbled together out of horsehide and synthetic fur to me. Which was it…horsehide or synthetic? This story contradicts itself. Did you notice that your supporting links contradict each other as to where the suit actually came from? That happens a lot when different people make the same claim. Oh about Bob…His story is so full of holes and contradictions that no-one takes him seriously except gullible journalist. His claims have been thoroughly debunked on so many sites I wouldn’t even know where to begin. This article covers so much ground that, like the other one, it contradicts itself so much you don’t know what to believe.


You have got to be kidding me. You are going by the TV show “Lie Detector” results. I have an uncle who administers polygraphs for law enforcement agencies. He won’t even watch the show. We already established that Bob Heironimus and his story have way too many inconsistencies to be considered credible. After 41 years though, he may actually believe his own story. Or stories…there are so many versions. I’d like to see the actual transcripts of the show. What questions were asked?


Some guys wrote a book and is trying to sell it. Great…I look forward to reading it. His argument is that you can’t PROVE that Bob Heironimus did NOT wear the suit. You can’t PROVE that Phillip Morris did not create the suit therefore they are telling a true story about Patterson and Gimlin perpetuating a great hoax. What kind of reverse logic is that. That is the same crap that people get onto the BF community for. It is a simple matter to prove if true…show us THE suit.

Let me get this clear…Earlier you said the Jacobs creature was proven to be the cubs because it was the exact same size and shape. When I told you to check again you provide a clip that shows just the opposite. Who’s side are you on?

The round thing the clip claims is a bear cub is actually a tree stump. I can provide links to daytime photos superimposed over the night time stills that clearly show this. Again…Just a matter of research. The bear head that was pasted into that clip is pretty funny. I can’ probably show you a hundred versions just like that with BF enhancements. It doesn’t make it real. The tail point is valid. I never liked that argument either. Hard to see a dark tail on a dark beast in a dark photo. Again…I never claimed the Jacobs photo was a young Sasquatch. I just told you were wrong in your conclusion that it was a bear cub from previous video. It could be another bear, a sasquatch or some practical joker. I am inconclusive about what it actually is but I did a lot of research before I came to that inconclusion. I didn’t accept or deny it on hearsay nor did I make false statements regarding said video as you did.


I realize that none of this proves a thing except that the world is full of stories. Some true…some false…some a combination of the two…but nothing you have shown to prove BF doesn’t exist is even remotely as conclusive as the evidence that shows that he is a definite possibility. Posting different stories to prove the same thing do not help your cause. I am aware of hoaxes but if even one photo or print is real then all the hoaxes in the world do not change the fact that an unknown bipedal primate still exists. I do not believe the Patterson/Gimlin film is a hoax. It has not been proven to be one yet. You will not be able to dig up any information on about this film that shows it to be a hoax that I have not already read, researched and dismissed.

I’ll refrain from answering any future posts on this thread not directly related to The Fred E film. It only leads to circular arguments that can’t be concluded and, while I enjoy the debate, this is not the forum to have it.

HerdManager, there are bear hunters whose dogs have chased em. Lead dog is never the same and often others are killed or run off. Dogs are no match. You lack the information HerdManager. Do some homework first.

No not necessarily bullet-proof but extremely muscular. I shoot a .338 magnum, a very powerful round. One year I hit an elk broadside but high and in the backstrap from only about 200 yds. Maybe because of the tension of the back muscle combined with tightness of the skin there, but the bullet didn't even enter the spine. I suspect it may have something to do with muscle tension but also muscle mass? And if you have ever seen a sasquatch, you would know what I was talking about. But you don't and without your having a frame of reference here, its difficult to argue the point.

Big Foot, you never answered my question above about the kiosks? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

From: TD
Jeremiah Johnson. They say he's up there still ya know.....

From: BowSniper
Speaking of circular logic... your bigfoot looks so human that hunters are reluctant to shoot it?? But then the Patterson film which is supposed to be real shows a giant ape. Who mastered the arms of walking without the buttocks muscles moving at all. Who lives in the wild with perfectly combed hair (combed over the zipper!)

And if the mysterious bigfoot is so elusive, it is contrary to your logic to believe it would let itself be seen by two knuckleheads on horseback with a movie camera in broad daylight... and then walk away. No running away? Not even an urgent scamper? I guess that is hard to do with a heavy costume and helmet.

I am not saying there can't be a bigfoot, its just hard to believe. And none of the so-called evidence has yet impressed the scientific world in a meaningful way. The idea that there is bigfoot in America is still a National Enquirer story instead of National Geographic. Luckily Al Gore invented the internet so I can research this nonsense.

Here is an answer to the bigfoot hair samples:

The bigfoot community is like the chiropracter. If you go looking for a chiropracter how much do you want to bet he finds some terrible problem with your back?? Its a self-fullfilling prophecy.

From: Big Foot

Amongst my Sasquatch "people", we often have Jeremiah Johnson sightings. I'm sad to report that no Sasquatch has succesfuly photgraphed "JJ", as we refer to him, yet.

We know he's out there!

It's the IDEA of bigfoot that 'most of' modern science can't swallow. Kind of like here.

The main reason for many not being able to shoot is that the person and the subject have looked one another in the eyes. Those are the ones who don't fire. Hunters who have had their deer carried off and seen it taking place have shot several times.

Patty (Patterson subject) headed for the brush. If she ran, you'd be saying the same thing only of how quickly she disappeared so we can't get a better look.

I've debated Radford a bit on one site and there was one question he wouldn't answer but I can't even recall what it was at the moment & would have to do a search for it. Anyway, he gets paid to write the debunking stuff. I don't get paid for being here to put up with a lot of denial.

Hmm, Skeptical Inquirer, kinda rhymes with National Inquirer don't ya think?

From: broadside
keep it up guys. im logging on 3x more each day just to read this thread. to quote from other threads 'pass the popcorn and beer'.

From: broadside
by the way if i did happen to see one, which will never happen........why the heck would i be to afraid of what others thought to tell someone about it. i surely wouldnt keep it from my wife or best friends. sure they may laugh but hell they laugh at me for other reasons anyway. oh yeah if they have been shot why no blood samples? you can say i need to educate myself on all this stuff but i really dont care to take up that much of my time doing all the info that doesnt amount to a hill of beans, i would just rather read about it on this forum from some of you believers.

KaThunk, you got one hell of a way of putting things. Love it! Some things we agree on, some things we don't. But I'm glad to see you keep an open mind.

Next time in the deep woods, have a good close look at those tree breaks and rule out all possible natural/animal causes. Keep your ears and eyes open too. Can't say you will ever see one but maybe after knowing what to look for you will.

That goes for all you bear humpers too.

From: Sixby
There are a couple of things I have noticed in this thread. #1 The intense need in some people to Lord it over and denigerize other people.#2. If a person does not have the same experience they express intense disbelief in the other persons experience to the point of calling them morons, liars and do every thing in their power to discredit them. The little man syndrome.#3. That there are a few seasoned woodsmen that agree that they do not know everything and are smart enough to reserve an opinion until further proof or disproof is given.

What I do not really understand is this need to make fun of a person because they have seen something that you do not personally believe in. For instance Christians have a relationship with God,. You cannot see God so you not only express your disbelief in God but you count them inferior to you. Seems like a lot of the same people that disrespect Christians disrespect anyone that does not adhere to their own set of so called scientific dogma whether or not that dogma is a truth or a theory.

Scientist at OSU happen to have studied bigfoot quite extensively and they say that they have not reached a conclusion but that evidently something does exist that is neither bear or human that is leaving scat and tracks. HMMMMMMMM I have hunted in Bigfoot country for over 40 years and have run hounds for bear and couger. I have seen dogs quit a hot track suddenly for no obvious reason and come in with tail between legs. These same dogs would die fighting a bear or a couger. I have never seen a sign that I would call a bigfoot. I have seen over 20 cougers and inumerable bears without using the dogs but in over 40 years have only only found one dead bear and no dead cougers. I live in the Rogue Unit which has one of the highest populations of cougers in the USA and have never found a dead couger. Hmmmmmmm, So cougers do not exist?

I have to keep an open mind on this one because I know that as good a woodsman as I am and as many years as I have spent that I still do not know it all. I sure don't feel like I have to show how superior a human being I am by making fun of other people.

From: Big Foot
"bear humpers"

I resent that!

My girlfriend, Coco (Mrs. Big foot knows nothing about) is a cinnammon colored black bear.

From: Jimbob
I don't think they exist. If they did I think it would be proven by now. Is it possible they exist? For sure.

But when people start stating all these facts about big foot it really makes me wonder how credible they are.

Bigfoot is self aware, they avoid humans, they know how to cover their tracks, they can take bullets with no effects, they don't leave tracks cause their feet are so big and so soft etc.

To say bigfoot doesn't leave tracks in the snow is the most absurd comment I ever heard. Go put on a pair of big snowshoes and see what happens.

How about you prove they're real before you make a bunch of riduculous claims about them. I mean common how in the world do you have any idea what their feet are like?

if bigfoot belivers keep making wild claims about how much they know about bigfoot then its just makes their stories less and less believable.

Hey I'm pulling for you guys though. I think it would be really cool if bigfoot was real. I think about the only way it will be proved is if a dead bigfoot is found or someone kills one. Untill then I say they're just a myth.

Jimbob, please don't twist things. I didn't say they don't make tracks in the snow, nor that they don't leave tracks. I never said they can take bullets with "no effects".

I've seen tracks, others here have. But they are careful about where they step if there are humans around. Its easy to walk around the woods and not leave tracks, if you don't know how, then well.. Please don't twist my words Jimbob!

From: Big Foot
I usually just sweep my tracks away in the snow with a pine's like I was never really there...........but I am.

From: Litewolf
While the debate over BF could go on and on forever (at least till proved or disproved). It has accomplished one thing here which tells me the interest is defineately "there", whether your on the belief or non-belief side of the camp.

Fact is that looks to me this thread is the largest and most active this site has seen at least in a long time if ever? So that expresses to me that no matter if just for fun or in all seriousness, there is indeed some interest in this overall subject?

Very Interesting...

KaThunk, could he have been talking about something like a 50 Cal? I could see how an agency like the USFS might have a problem with it but I never looked into it either? At first I thought he might have been referring to having a rifle out of season, but that didn't quite fit either.

Sixby, a very good post you made. Thank you for being open minded on the topic. Your dog behavior describes what others have also experienced, some have identified the reason however. If you would ever like me to come on down for a weekend this Summer, I can share a few things with you out in the field.

Jimbob, sorry I jumped on you too.


From: BowSniper
Sixby - I don't understand why the cougar analogy is being used. Sure people see cougars in the woods, and may not find any bones... BUT WE HAVE real proof of cougars. We have them in zoos, we have perfectly clear pictures of them on trail cams, we have home video that is not blurry from a mile away, we eat them, we stuff them, we hang them on the wall. Anytime we want, we can track their footprints in the snow until we find them and kill them. They are real. See the difference?

No one likes being talked down to, and that includes us hunters. Take a look at how these self righteous bigfoot experts talk about the hunters in this very forum when among themselves: (see multipleencounters on March 10th, 1:20pm for an example)

There is as much proof for bigfoot as there is for elvis still running around, and as a matter of fact the sightings and people who see him sound very similar:

There is a crazy conspiracy for everything that ever happens. There are just as many people who claim that the twin towers were demo'ed on 9/11 as an inside job to start the war, or who think no plane ever hit the pentagon (try to find any photo of the pentagon tragedy with a single piece of an airplane in the picture!!) But we all know what really happened and chasing fairy tales takes time away from chasing the real enemy (or real animals) which is what we should really be doing instead.

From: Big Foot
C'mon guys! The Jeremiah Johnson joke was funny. You guys are WAAAAAAAAAY TOOOOOOOOOOO serious.

Big Foot not happy right now!

From: BowSniper
BigFoot - My apologies. You have been VERY funny thoughout this whole thing!! Most excellent stuff !

From: Big Foot
Thank you.

Big Foot now happy!

From: Sanctum

All I see from ME on the link you posted is respect for bow hunters and hunters in general. He makes one comment about the frivolous posts in this thread cluttering up the intent but, you have to admit there is a lot of that going on in this thread. This is the longest thread in your formum and over half of it is name calling and junk posts. Since you link to our forum to point out Daves post, I'll quote it:

"As a few of you know, I have been posting over on Bowsite about sasquatch in general in order to enable them to have some basic knowledge of the subject as they discuss the footage. Last year I did the same, but that thread was completely wiped from existence. Even that time there were some members there who admitted to having encounters. This time the mods seem to have a slightly more open mind about it, but I suspect that is mainly because one of their peers has captured 'something' on camera.

A few there have contacted me privately with their accounts in the woods and I don't blame them for not daring to say so in the thread. I've seen immaturity in some bigfoot forums, but wow. Of course there are some there too who want to know more, but its like they are drowned out by a bunch of kids.

Sadly, while we recognize that hunters are on the front lines where sasquatch is found, if what I have seen over on that site is any indication of the field in general, they have a long ways to go. This is difficult for me to say being I know plenty of bowhunters and knowing how they hunt. While they see themselves as stealthy, frankly they cannot comprehend the true stealth of a sasquatch.

The other thing that concerns me now is how their general response will impact Fred Eichler, being he or his own members may follow the site too. They are his peers as well, but sadly the majority of their responses to the possibility of what his footage may be, won't be a positive influence upon him, at this stage anyhow I just hope he and his team recognizes that his peers are not knowledgeable about this issue, and therefore reaches out to those who have experience in the field. I just hope they make the right choice.

So Jimws, while most people on this site have an open mind, the majority in the bowhunting field may not. I however remain hopeful that the handful of individuals who want to learn more over there, will get a little angry with the majority who can only crack jokes. They literally can't fathom the possibility sasquatch are real, its quite amazing actually. I'll continue trying however, because there are still arguments to make and a handful who want to learn more. It all comes down to them, and I don't want to say too much to overwhelm an already, um somewhat 'clueless' group. But again, there are some there who are open minded, and a few with their own experiences, so hopefully they will come around."

The only negative things he says are about hunters in general is the lack of understanding you, as a group, have about BF. That's not a crime. In fact...he indicates he is trying to rectify that. Many BFRO forum members are hunters including ME. Why do you conntinue to paint Dave and other BF hunters as zealots? It isn't enough for you to stand by your have to attack anyone that doesn't think like you. What are you afraid of?

From: Jimbob
ME no problem for jumping on me.

I just find it very very weird that you guys no so much about bigfoot yet there is no proof it exists. You've seen "bigfoot" three times for a total of what a minute? Everything is just speculation yet you guys talk like you've been studying a specimen of this species for years. That's my problem with the bigfoot believers.

There is no way for me to discredit your encounters though. I have no way or right to tell you what you saw. But when you start making wild claims about bigfoot then that's a different story.

When the ground is covered with snow there is only one option leave prints, great big bigfoot prints. Unless they know how to leap from tree top to tree top then tracks in the snow are a gaurantee.

I just don't understand where you guys get all your info about bigfoot.

From: BowSniper
Sanctum, understand clearly that I am not afraid of anything... especially people who think they have monsters as imaginary friends. Or the notion that their self-invented Cryptozoology science is going to turn my rational world of real science upside down.

I just don't like our group being referred to as "clueless" when the exact opposite appears to be the case when debating with the BigFoot fanclub. I find your organized incursion from that forum to here, bringing along several of your bigfoot loving pals along to confirm each others pseudo-science, a bit offensive.

If you have your happy little dungeons and dragons fantasy club on the other bigfoot forums, why try to infect us here?

That said, the original thread is a good one. Fred Eichler is THE MAN, and his video clip is interesting and worth extensive debate at any level and on any forum. What I object to are the tangential and irrelevant references to unproven "evidence" (that only devout bigfoot followers are still peddling) as being in any way valid or relevant to this new piece of footage. You can't quote the boogeyman as an eyewitness.

From: DRR324
Everyone thinks Fred is smiling- I think Pat is the real one smiling, look at the thread- keeping us visiting daily....

I'll start by saying I'm on the fence, I think humans evolved over time, and the possibility that other species are still evolving is a possibility. I wonder though- why the BF foundation has not utilized thermal imagery technology to its fullest- fly night missions from high above. Once unknown images are located- close in the next day and find more evidence. Apparently they are aware of us- but a FEW of us are smarter than they are, we should be able to out wit one at some point and at the very least- find overwhelming evidence of their exsistance. With our satelitte technology, and tracking systems- there really is no place for hide. They must hunt- eat, move around etc- I doubt they live in tunnel systems. If they are topside- they must leave sign that someone can find. The pics of the snow capped mountain photos-why didn't anyone follow up immediately- fly in with a chopper to record the tracks? Our human fear factor would override common sense during a close encounter- but really, to the point of not being able to return to the area the next day with a group of individuals to do an exhaustive search? I think the Fred footage is someone in a bug suit yanking everyones chain, and Fred is running the meter up on hits to the website, but than again.... maybe not. And by the way- the Michigan DNR says there are NO COUGARS in our state- all the sightings and pictures etc, are manufactured, why would they want cougars to eat our over populated deer herd???

From: Striker@home

You're making a valiant effort representing the majority. Know that many believe exactly what you are saying. Your points are spot-on, logical, backed by science and cannot be countered other than through conjecture and opinion. Just don't let these others get under your skin. No matter how rationale your explanations or how logical your science, if it doesn't mesh with their skewed perception of reality, there is some far out explanation for how it happened. At this point I'd suggest letting it die, even if you don't like what's being said. This thread is already ridiculously long and has given these folks an audience that feeds their dillusions. They won't convince us and we won't convince them. It's time to agree to disagree and let this fade away.


MultipleEncounters's Link
Jimbob, I realize how difficult it can be to accept something that there is such debate on as to whether or not they exist. I also understand why it makes no sense that there has not been a body. Actually there may have been but like BowSniper infers above, there are conspiracies and bodies disappear, just like human bodies disappear when certain interests want it. Enough of the conspiracies.

Yes they do leave tracks in the snow, and many have found them. But they are often in the backcountry, how far can people follow tracks when you must have all the gear you need on your back, especially if you are alone? Or when nightfall comes? These creatures easily outpace us and there is NO way to catch up to one if they know you are there, and they usually know. I wish you could spend time with someone in the field who has a working knowledge of them, you would better understand the problem.

I offered to drive down I-5 this Summer to show Sixby some of their sign, and if you were closer, I'd do the same. Of course I could never promise anyone would see one. I wish it were that easy. But like with any subject there is, understanding only comes with being educated on a topic. Once you know what to look for, and what they sound like, you begin to understand more about them and HOW they are so elusive. You might even get a glimpse, but if you do, it may not be safe to share it here. Anyway, let's use the Cougar analogy here if you will. Those who understand a cat's behavior, have learned to exploit this knowledge and become successful in pursuing them. It's similar with this subject but yes they are much more cunning and you can't count on dogs to get one at bay. The dogs usually cower when they get close. Also leave room for an intelligence that maybe even equals ours, but in a more primal sense. The woods are THEIR living room not ours, and they can run circles around us while we stumble along looking at the forest floor trying to find tracks.

I've actually now seen them 4 times now. The last time was just this last November while on a 13 day solo elk hunt in NE Oregon. It was pre-dawn and I was pulling my gear out of my trailer. I was the only camp on that side of the mountain and on the only access road up there. The sighting was very brief and light was very poor, but a shadow caught my attention a few hundred feet away. I did a double take and then the shadow began walking to the left in an upright position. I only got to see it take a few steps. I ran inside to grab my spotlight but he was gone. For what it's worth, a spotlight will usually run them off. Well the ground was frozen so hard and the air was so dry, that on my way up I couldn't even find prints as there wasn't even any frost. A very uneventful sighting.

As I was saying, like with any subject, the more one becomes familiar with a subject the more one understands. Percentage wise, there are only a handful of the population who develop the knowledge about them. Some are also frauds, some even crazies. But many are real and credentialed researchers. Like with any group, one must differentiate those who tell the truth from those who make things up. Will you ever see one? No way to know. But I would put money that a few bowhunters here have, but in this environment, they can't share their experiences. Can you guys understand that you're not even leaving room for your own people to be truthful about this?

BowSniper, you didn't say much in regards to kfoster's quote I posted above. He summed it all up. Can you at least try to have an open mind? You might even discover something in the wild someday that changes your whole outlook on things. If you don't want to know that there is something bigger then you walking around the woods when you are alone, well maybe that's a healthy fear on your part? But they are out there.

For what it's worth, I will apologize for calling some of the group here clueless. It was posted with the perspective for the individuals over there because you guys were really pounding me while you were ill informed on the subject. So I said one thing that offended you, how many things were said about me here before that which should have offended me? But you know what, I allowed them to bounce off of me, and I stand here with the same conviction now as when I first entered the thread. I have also been as cordial as possible despite the personal attacks. But yes, some people here are extremely closed minded and that's never a good thing. For what it's also worth, once some attention was given to the discussion taking place over here at BFRO, I also previously requested that people there not just come over here and begin posting. I try to understand your perspective. There were a few however whom I knew had worthwhile knowledge that did post and I appreciate this fact. BowSniper, please re-read kfoster's quote. He had some good things to say about being open minded here.

In case everyone hadn't seen this, I've included a somewhat better quality version of Fred Eichler's footage. It's still not the best and a little pixellated, but better then the previous. You can go full frame on it and toggle back n forth a little.

I ask again, what are you guys going to do if Eichler eventually comes forward with further evidence and a statement that they may have caught a bigfoot on camera? What if they also have prints? I just think you guys need to come to terms with the fact that there is something out there in the woods that you don't understand.


From: Horn Donkey
Here here Bowsniper.

BTW, Some posts that have quite a significant number of posts. Just in the elk forum. I can think of a couple more in recent months. But the fact that there is no big game bow hunting going on right now may play a bit of a role in this. Maybe.

For being "clueless" I think we have been pretty hospitable. But that's just some dumb hick talking. What tickles me about this whole forum is the idea of bringing an open mind to the subject. It would seem from your post on your own forum and the posts that you have made here, that the only truly closed minded thinking is coming from the Bigfoot crowd.


You asked for me to do some research...I complied. Results were inconclusive. Open minded of me to look yes? Could you be open minded enough to think for one second that what you saw was not bigfoot? Could you ever have one shred of doubt? You my friend are the one with the closed mind.

From: Big Foot
You guys know that if this post gets 300 hits, I'm gonna change my name from Big Foot to Big Head.

From: cbeard64
I'm sorry, but Eichler's video clip is a big bag of inconclusive nothing.Could be anything. I'll lay better than even odds it is all a big joke which he is more than a little embarrassed about at this point.

There's really nothing about it to merit serious debate IMO.

From: mizzoukispot
"I ask again, what are you guys going to do if Eichler eventually comes forward with further evidence and a statement that they may have caught a bigfoot on camera? What if they also have prints?"

If "ifs" and "buts" where cans of nuts, we would all be rich at christmas!

It is not gonna happen and we should not even consider what we might do.

Dude, GET A JOB!


MultipleEncounters's Link
Yes Horn Donkey I too was going to comment that there were many more threads that had more posts then this one. I took the time to look. I don't know who Litewolf is either but didn't see the merit of claiming this thread was larger then others.

When you've seen something with your own eyes, heard it breath, smelled it, then you may have a little different outlook. Try telling your friends here what you've seen here and it may be tough. OF COURSE results are inclusive, what do you expect? Pictures of a body? That's why we are still discussing it and the mystery remains unresolved. Hey, there are even people on bigfoot forums who don't believe they exist. How 'bout that? Mizzoukispot, the point is, you guys are offending one of your own peers even before you know all the facts by not being open to the possibility of what he may have captured on film. Don't you see this? Several here have called it a joke. That maybe someone is performing a prank? But none of you here know all the facts of his footage or if he has over evidence, but you have already passed judgement on the possibility of what it is. You don't know how remote his camera was. You don't know if he captured other animals in subsequent shots which when put side by side, would offer scale as to the size of the upright figure. You haven't even seen the same high resolution footage he has and yet you've already made up your mind. Now tell me what Open Mindedness really is!

To lighten the mood, here is a clip of one of Big Foot's homies. :)

From: DRR324
ME, how about a response to my post- can you answer some of my questions in regards to immediate response to a sighting, or the use of technology?

Now the bigfoots are smarter than humans?????

We all know they will take all the high-paying jobs once they come out of the woods.

Darn it. Going to have to go back to school and get my Doctorate. My master's degree won't mean squat once them bigfoots are in the workplace. I mean, they are out there right doing Calc and Dif-Eq's, just waiting to pounce on the lazy human workers.

Will they fit into a Hummer, or will the auto industry have to make larger vehicles?

Someone better start making Sasquatch clothing.

Those hair removal salons better get ready for a goldrush!!!!!

Imagine going to the movies and who sits down in front of you!!!


And we'll have to change the load ratings on all the elevators. 5 Sasquatch would send an elevator plummeting. Oh wait, they don't need the elevator.

They can get to work without us seeing them. We'll never figure out how they do it......


DRR324, OK will do, may have to be later this evening though. Have to do some er.. work. Don't mean to overlook subjects but obviously there is a lot going on in this thread. It also may be that one of the knowledgeable individuals who has been on some of the expeditions may will better address the technology issue. Either way, I will touch on what I can later this evening alright?


From: Striker@home
ME-You want a meaningful discussion. Yet, this isn't really a discussion, it's an attempt at indoctrination. You have an answer for everything, no matter how flaky or illogical it seems. Case in point: tracks in the snow. Your response was:

"Yes they do leave tracks in the snow, and many have found them. But they are often in the backcountry, how far can people follow tracks when you must have all the gear you need on your back, especially if you are alone? Or when nightfall comes? These creatures easily outpace us and there is NO way to catch up to one if they know you are there, and they usually know."

Give me a break. You must know these tracks were found because someone said something, which must mean they have no problems talking about their "experiences", which should also mean they must buy into the theory of BF to admit they found tracks of one. Therefore, once such tracks were encountered, these same individuals could so easily have returned to civilization and then gone back to the area in a snowmobile, or even with an aircraft within a very short time frame.

I can already here your counter argument--well, they were in a wilderness where no motorized vehicles are allowed, or, a freak windstorm wiped out the tracks, or, it thawed overnight and removed all trace, or, they couldn't find the area again (despite their own tracks in the snow and the frequent use of GPS units by most outdoors people), or, they didn't tell anyone until months later. I'm sure you have some explanation. You always do, it's just that your explanations don't have a shred of logic to them.

Let's face it, until we all "surrender" and support your viewpoint, you will continue to spout your silly propanganda, cloaking it in the guise of meaningful discussion. I'd be better off talking to the wall.

From: BowSniper
Thanks back to Striker and HornDonkey. I wasn't sure if my logic and reasoning was coming across clearly... ya know, for those willing to listen to logic and reasoning ;-)

MultE - I read everything you guys have written, and have argued only against the beliefs and opinions that were presented as if fact. There is nothing much to say about kfoster's message. Its his personal opinion, and he is not trying to convince me using blurry home movies from known con-artists as if it were real evidence. He was also not trying to support his personal opinion using junk science and stories from Africa. Foot prints are cool. I hope they lead to a real bigfoot one day and we get proof positive. I am just saying that has not happened yet. Not even a little. If the Patterson video is the best you guys have, with the story behind that mess, and nothing better in 50 years... well, every man has his own rationale for what he truly believes.

You can argue against the truth, or choose to ignore it, but that does not mean it isn't there. One important concept is breeding. To perpetuate the chain of animals for whatever thousands of years, there needs to be enough of a population to breed and reproduce in some reasonable proximity to each other. You can't just have an occasional bigfoot here and there to maintain a sustainable colony. You need a bunch together to perpetuate the species or they would become extinct. So its more than just believing the occasional smart bigfoot (like the one that posts here) is able to stay ahead of our technology with primative techniques... but that MANY cannot be found. Pehaps they all lie in the water on a special signal (wood knocking) breathing through straws when the helicopters with FLIR imaging come by. Believe what you want.

For a less exciting, but very much REAL mystery, I'll try and start a new thread with a picture I got on my own trailcam. Smaller animal, but nothing I can identify. Lets chat about that.

Striker, there are several here who want to be able to have a discussion but some of you guys won't allow it. You just don't have room that something may exist out there.

I wish I could take you out in the field to a spot I know and let you stay there overnight by yourself. THEN talk to me.

I see a gang mentality developing here with a vocal few trying to close out the discussion, but you really haven't done your homework with what is only on the net. Because yes, there is debate everywhere on the subject and the answers aren't all there. They are where many of you hunt but some here have no desire to look. I just wish more of your long time hunters here, who have experienced stuff would be willing to come forward. But they won't because several of you have made it something to scoff instead.

Will chat later...

From: Striker@home
Wow, it only gets better! Now you can essentially guarantee to me that one night in the woods in the spot of your choice will leave me with a changed perspective on the matter of BF. I am left with no choice but to infer from that comment that you must "know" where one of these illusive BF happens to live. So I ask, why the heck don't you have the place littered with trailcams, IR heat imaging devices, sound reorders and any other form of detection possible? Why haven't you taken other "experts" with similar equipment there to document the existence of this particular BF, or is it two, or three, or twelve that must hang in this one spot, despite the fact that you obviously know about it and all of your other posts would suggest that if they know you know, then staying there would be a no-no for them. (Now that was a mouthful!) If you can nearly guarantee me such an experience, why haven't you been the first to confirm their existence? That's got to be worth millions. this simply the place where you and your buddies take poor, unsuspecting non-believers for indoctrination. They spend the night while you prance through the woods in various costumes while making unatural sounds?

Now, I'd better take the advice I gave BowSniper and let this thread die. It certainly has, though, been a great source of entertainment!

From: Sanctum
Bowstriker wrote:

"MultE - I read everything you guys have written, and have argued only against the beliefs and opinions that were presented as if fact."

I believe I called you out on this one already. You have presented misinformation as fact. We only corrected your misconceptions.

Bowstriker wrote: "You can argue against the truth, or choose to ignore it, but that does not mean it isn't there."

Who's truth? Yours?

Bowstriker wrote: "One important concept is breeding. To perpetuate the chain of animals for whatever thousands of years, there needs to be enough of a population to breed and reproduce in some reasonable proximity to each other. You can't just have an occasional bigfoot here and there to maintain a sustainable colony. You need a bunch together to perpetuate the species or they would become extinct. So its more than just believing the occasional smart bigfoot (like the one that posts here) is able to stay ahead of our technology with primative techniques... but that MANY cannot be found." are right about a breeding population. What you fail to consider is the vast range these creatures probably have. They have been encountered in small groups and, most believe, they live in small family units. They may or may not be migratory. They may or may travel vast distances to breed. The loud vocalizations that have been reported make more sense of creatures that need a means to find one another in a vast wilderness.

Bowsniper wrote: "Pehaps they all lie in the water on a special signal (wood knocking) breathing through straws when the helicopters with FLIR imaging come by. Believe what you want."

There are many reports of BF swimming. But, I have to admit the breathing straw part is funny.

Bowsniper wrote: "For a less exciting, but very much REAL myst" Could be a porcupine: Here is a pic of one in the same position.

Could be a North American badger (which eats porcupines btw) but I cant find a rear view of one of those. We have them in our local zoo though so next time I go I'll take a pic if they are out.

Edited by me to remove long link messing up forum width.

From: Owl
The BF proponents are trying to prove a point and present information. I have not seen one shred of attempted 'indoctrination'. Just because someone disagrees some folks take offense??? I really do not get that.

I've read some of the Patterson debunking links and I really cannot believe some offer that as proof that there was a man in a suit. The stories read even more specious and circumstantial than a set of casts or eye witness BF accounts.

Still, my biggest issue with Patterson was that he set out to video a BF for a financial project and actually managed to pull it off when so many for decades have not. That coincidence flies in the face of reason. Having said that, if it is fake, it is the best falsification of anything on film.

Finally, ME, I appreciate your posting and everyone else who is willing to have a reasonable discourse without the ugliness. This thread and subject are intriquing enough without the grade school dramatics.

From: Horn Donkey
Owl--A couple of points that are not getting through nor answered are:

1. How can they (Bigfoot Believers) be so much more educated about a mythylogical creature than we are. Even after several of us have gone out and looked at the available information ourselves.

2. How can they claim that we are closed minded when their only retorts to our inquiries are "you people are closed minded?"

3. Wouldn't the fact that they are absolute believers in an unconfirmed animal make them the closed minded among us?

From ME--"I see a gang mentality developing here with a vocal few trying to close out the discussion, but you really haven't done your homework with what is only on the net. Because yes, there is debate everywhere on the subject and the answers aren't all there. They are where many of you hunt but some here have no desire to look. I just wish more of your long time hunters here, who have experienced stuff would be willing to come forward. But they won't because several of you have made it something to scoff instead. "

Having been a member of this community for many years, it would be my opinion that if someone had seen a bigfoot, they would have said something. The argument that someone wouldn't say they've seen a bigfoot because of social ridicule flies in the face of the individuality of the people on this site.

And ME, I apologize for calling you a moron.

From: mizzoukispot
im with bigfoot. we are partying on the patio right now.

From: Sanctum
Horn Donkey wrote: "1. How can they (Bigfoot Believers) be so much more educated about a mythological creature than we are. Even after several of us have gone out and looked at the available information ourselves."

Some of us have years of field research under our belts. There is no way you can even begin to canvas the available information in a couple of days. The closest comparison would be if we were to look at a couple of links from "fringe" hunting sites and offered proof that there is no such thing as scent cover or that it is impossible to bring a bear down with a bow. You would KNOW we were not fully educated on the subject you all are experts at.

Horn Donkey wrote: "2. How can they claim that we are closed minded when their only retorts to our inquiries are "you people are closed minded?"

I believe that has even been the main retort. The close-mindedness doesn't even matter to us. It is the arguments without solid representation that bothers us. Maybe you should go back and read the last 290+ posts again.

Horn Donkey wrote: "3. Wouldn't the fact that they are absolute believers in an unconfirmed animal My friend...there are several things that could explain BF sightings."

Fact...there is an abundance of sightings, footprints and physical evidence spanning centuries in North America.


A) There is something to these sightings, evidence and science and a large bipedal primate does exist.


B) Thousands of people have been able to perpetuate, over centuries and with consistant data that stands up to scientific scrutiny by hundred of expert, a great hoax. (This implies a longstanding secret society of people who spend much more time creating and perpetuating the hoaxes than goes into researching them. The astronomical odds against the coincidental fit of the footprints into a proper bell curve alone make this improbable.)

C) Some form of psychological phenomena is causing people to experience these sightings. That alone might be subject for research but it doesn't explain the evidence. And how come these sightings go beck hundreds of years and include cultures that have never even seen an ape?

Ockham’s Razor states: " The least complicated and simplest reasoning is usually the right reasoning and the rest is offal to be sliced away."

Which choice would an open mind select?

Horn Donkey wrote: "Having been a member of this community for many years, it would be my opinion that if someone had seen a Bigfoot, they would have said something. The argument that someone wouldn't say they've seen a Bigfoot because of social ridicule flies in the face of the individuality of the people on this site."

Isn't that just what happened in the Fred E video? Also...everyone that has claimed to see an BF has been called a liar and harassed in other ways by members of this forum. I wouldn't be surprised at all if people kept their stories to themselves here. If there did want to share an encounter they would go to a forum more inclined to believe their encounter. Oh yeah!....BFRO has several reports from Bow Hunters. Duh!

From: Owl
"1. How can they (Bigfoot Believers) be so much more educated about a mythylogical creature than we are. Even after several of us have gone out and looked at the available information ourselves."

-They offer differing opinions and, perhaps, different information. They refer their sources; however, that is not a claim of "more education".

2. How can they claim that we are closed minded when their only retorts to our inquiries are "you people are closed minded?"

- You folks are not making inquiries so much as personal judgements. The proponents have have been mostly fair and open to our cynacism. Frankly, personal judgements are the only viewpoints, thusfar. You are no more qualified or informed to disprove Bigfoot than they are in your mind to prove its existence.

3. Wouldn't the fact that they are absolute believers in an unconfirmed animal make them the closed minded among us?

- How resolute would believe if you saw one - or, at the least, convinced you saw one???

From ME--"I see a gang mentality developing here with a vocal few trying to close out the discussion, but you really haven't done your homework with what is only on the net. Because yes, there is debate everywhere on the subject and the answers aren't all there. They are where many of you hunt but some here have no desire to look. I just wish more of your long time hunters here, who have experienced stuff would be willing to come forward. But they won't because several of you have made it something to scoff instead. "

Having been a member of this community for "many years, it would be my opinion that if someone had seen a bigfoot, they would have said something. The argument that someone wouldn't say they've seen a bigfoot because of social ridicule flies in the face of the individuality of the people on this site. "

- Geez o' Pete, man why would they say anything in face of so much scrutiny. Frankly, if I saw one, I wouldn't say a thing for that very reason. I have been a member of this site for many years, as well. I know, at best, any meaningful report would be, at best, comically disputed.

From: BowSniper
To the Bigfoot proponents writing here (ME, Sanctum, Mercury, etc):

If we are getting things so wrong with misinformation, please remedy that.

What would YOU say are the 3 absolute BEST images of an actual bigfoot that we can look at with open minds? Something the bigfoot community has already vetted, and that you are personally presenting as the best possible evidence of its existance. Not an anecdote or story... but images that have been reviewed by the scientific community, major newspapers, etc. and are accepted as the best possible evidence that bigfoot might really exist. Your best stuff.

Just give us enough background (location, source, date) so that we can look into its credibility. Let us know if anyone outside of the bigfoot fanclub has looked at the stuff and rendered an opinion in some offical capacity. Your BEST images. The proverbial "clue" so that we could become less clueless.

We have exhausted and long since given up on getting anything meaningful from the Eichler images. The crowd seems to be entertained and begging for more.

From: Owl
To date, no one can scientifically debunk the Patterson-Gimlin film. People can opine but they cannot emperically refute it...

From: TXHunter
It's too sloppy, jumpy, out-of-focus and inconclusive to emperically refute IMO. Somebody come up with a clear one and then we can talk.

From: Horn Donkey
Sanctum--If I missed a post somewhere where Fred Eichler was being slammed by someone here, please get me that quote.

I'll stand by what I said before. I believe that there is a chance Bigfoot is out there. Until there is a body of this animal, assuming someone isn't too scared to pull the trigger (ME's words not mine) I don't buy it.

What you are implying is that if someone doesn't agree with your (or your sect's) opinion, they are closed minded.

And by the way, I will choose option C: "Some form of psychological phenomena is causing people to experience these sightings. That alone might be subject for research but it doesn't explain the evidence. And how come these sightings go beck hundreds of years and include cultures that have never even seen an ape?"

Owl: When someone refers to me as clueless, I guess I jump to the conclusion that they think they know more than me. Sorry man, that's right out of ME's words. I have read or looked at each piece of information that these guys has put up here, and it really amounts to a big question mark?

The question was simple, and you skirted around it. Because they absolutely believe in Bigfoot, does that make them closed minded?

Owl--it is a VIDEO. All conjecture of the subject is just an opinion, bottom line. Without a real specimen, this is all conjecture.

1. Read Grover Krantz' Bigfoot Sasquatch Evidence 2. Watch Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (has stabalized Patterson Footage & Freeman Footage.) 3. Read Dr. John Bindernagel's Sasquatch: North America's Great Ape & magazine article Sasquatch in Our Woods. 4. If you're still interested read some individual reports on

From: mizzoukispot
Im too busy reading about a guy that knows a guy that was picked up by a flying saucer.....

From: Shaft2Long
Striker@home says, "WHO CARES". Take a minute to think about what it would be like if everyone had your attitude. EVERYTHING we enjoy is a useless pursuit to somebody else.

To keep it concise and to the point: What if nobody cared enough about archery, to dedicate their time to improving archery equipment, to the best of their cababilties, to prove wrong the once strong sentiment that archery tackle was not an effective way killing big game, and was illegal in most States? We wouldn't have ANY of the stuff we've come to love so much.

You can make that example with a million different things. Think about it.

From: Big Foot
10 days later, and this thread is still going strong.LOL. I guess I'm just a downright popular beast. Next thing you know, Hollywierd will be making a movie (Disney, of course), The Adventures of MultipleEncounters and Big Foot.....starring Shaqueille O'Niel as me, and Elmer Fudd as......

Any of you guys remember the Bigfoot seriously thread??This thread is good but that one was great.I wonder where KFoster is now.For the record I have been reading and watching anything I can about this subject for a long time and I happen to believe that there may very well be an undiscovered Ape living in North America.People are convicted of crimes every day by our legal system on far less evidence than we have on the Sasquach.

From: HerdManager
I actually went back and scanned this entire thread.

The total number of people on this thread who claim to have seen a BF is ONE. Guess who, the guy who claims his .338 cannot penetrate a elk tenderlion. Maybe he grabbed his nerf bullets by accident......


People on this site are not shy about stating their mind. If they saw something, they would say so. So where are they?

From: HerdManager
And why no BF getting hit by a car/truck? EVER.

And no BF having a heart attack while on a logging road or trail. I'm not buying the "we don't find dead bear" argument. We kill tens of thousands of bears in North America every year.

It is a MYTH. Myths have a life of their own. Mermaids, sea monsters, Greek gods, etc. There are thousands of myths with a common theme. They are not factual or real.

End of story. Until I see a BF being interviewed by Dr. Phil...........

From: Big Foot

Actually, my papa taught me when I was young, to look both ways before crossing the road.

Heart attack? I watch what I eat, I excersise, and I keep my cholesterol level down by taking Lipitor.

Dr. Phil does indeed want to interview me, but I think the audience would think I'm just his good friend Oprah.

From: TXHunter

From: wvkruk
Hey Big guy. I just turned the channel and National Geographic is doing a special on you right now. Seems they have a lot of info on you.

From: Sixby
Yep I remember that thread and been wondering why KFoster hasn't jumped into this one. He had some really interesting stuff about Montana and Colorado and some DFG officers that tracked a bigfoot or something like that.

From: FlatbowMB
No doubt Eichler has been reading this thread laughing his butt off, while thinking to himself that the gillie suit must have been the best $200 he ever spent!

Kudos to Fred on one of the most brilliant and funny hunting show pranks ever perpetrated.

From: wild1
After viewing the Zapruder film, I concur that it was not Bigfoot who shot Kennedy. Also, it was really Bigfoot who landed in Capricorn One on the moon,not Neil Amstrong. And since O.J. was in Capricorn One, it was probably Bigfoot who murdered Nicole and Ronald. Do you agree ME/Sanctum....?

From: HCAshooter
MultipleEncounters; After 9 days of posting 54/311+ posts why have you stopped?

Have you developed CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME??????

Or maybe you're coming back tomorrow to write us more fictional BF dung.

From: TD
ME and you other folks with the real low down on the Big Foot, I gotta know, inquiring minds and all that...

Any truth to what they say or is it all just an urban legend? You know, what I hear about what having big feet usually means...

Tired this evening but let me see what ground I can cover. But first and foremost I gotta say this to Big Foot. Elmer Fudd? I was thinking someone more like Kevin Costner. :)

HCAshooter, had you read the second to last post of mine, you would know that I had to leave for the day. Been trying to catch up with the following for the last hour between other things.

I do feel we are going in circles however because the real evidence is in the field that you guys have an opportunity to see for yourself if you knew about it. And REALLY, the only way to understand what I am talking about is in the field, not here. And that is the value of being able to take someone into the field to see it there, not here with pictures that never reveal proper dimension or depth.

DDR324, you realize what your talking about in your above paragraph costs lots of money? There sure won't be any help from the government either. The position of agencies like the USFS is that they have no position. They don't say they don't exist. Similar with the USF&W and in fact they wrote a publication on the subject years ago on what they'd do if one day sasquatch were proven to exist. Any idea how much it is to rent satellite time, yet alone one with thermal capability? I believe that is military/homeland security level access only.

Anyway, a few of the organizations have invested in thermal imaging gear. A few have had results too that shows an upright human-looking silhouette of yellows, reds, greens, etc. But colors that don't match a normal human wearing clothes. Basically it was trying to hide behind a tree. One has to be willing to trust the reports. The footprints found afterwards. The ruling out of an unaccounted person in the vicinity. That nobody is out there playing a prank deep in the woods. Etc. These imagers also have their limits. They fog easy, they get hot fast, they have limited battery. They often emit a glow that can be seen. Then you have to hook it up to a camera too, which for many of the early versions, made simultaneous viewing almost impossible. The are improving them however as long as you have the $$. I don't. Same with helicopter time. I've rented a chopper a few times for non-related investigative work, but the pilot was a friend of mine so I only needed to pay for flying time for the copter itself. It was my own SLR cameras too. No FLIR, for that your talking Huey scale and Huey dollars. Few have the kind of funds needed for that. Heavily forested areas also provide lots of concealment from the air, so to hide isn't difficult, even using FLIR. Two hundred foot tall trees provide near complete coverage of the ground from the air.

They are indeed ahead of us in their backyard. Yes, in respect to the wilds, they are smarter then us. In reading a newspaper, no. Its different measurements of intelligence. And yes they may also have places underground to hide. I don't know. There are thousands of miles of caves (lava tubes) under the earth's surface that are unmapped. This could fit with the description made by many of them smelling like sulphur. I've never smelled that however. The only one I was close enough to smell was more like a wet elk.

They do leave sign, lots of sign. One thing I've been trying to say, and you guys would start seeing it too out in the woods if you knew what to look for. Its been there in front of you but you didn't know what caused it. They are called Tree Breaks or Tree Twists. They consist of young live saplings that are broken off somewhere between 5-8' up. The diameters are anywhere from 2" to 6". Were talking about clean breaks here. No evidence of antler rub from elk. No evidence of claw marks from bears. No snow load indicators like bending of a large segment of the tree. No trees having fallen on it. No similar damage to other closely adjacent saplings. Bark is torn, indicating tree was alive during assault. Dead tree bark simply cracks not tears. Deep in the woods to rule out human caused. Not wind because there was good protection by other trees. Bigfoot sign. There are also smaller saplings that are damaged similarly, but the bigger stuff is most impressive.

Generally if a sasquatch is seen by a human, it doesn't stick around to wait for a 'team' to show up. There is no way to catch up or surround one anyhow unless you maybe had a hundred men, and even then there are areas that couldn't be covered. Literally thousands of tracks have been found all over the country. Eighteen inch long footprints found deep in the woods is evidence. I have found a few prints myself but not the best quality. I didn't even cast them because they were pretty shallow in the soil.

A number of people here are open minded and I appreciate that. It is a mystery however that has not yet been solved. You guys know how difficult it can be stalking an already alert animal, well quadruple it with these guys. I mean that.

Herdmanager, you took the context of "its their livingroom' from my stating they are smarter. They know how to survive in the wild without guns, knives, fire, clothing, etc. They have an ability to evade we do not with strength we do no. Their 'taking over our jobs' is fodder not worthy a response. But we humans are not as adept as they are in the wild. I assume that you can understand that something born and raised in the wild with the description given may just have more physical capacity then by our measures?

No indoctrination desired here. Owl recognizes this. I was only trying to 'enable' people here to be able to recognize things in the field you have overlooked for so many years. And to be able to discuss it without being ridiculed.

Striker, most of the people who find tracks are just regular people who don't know what to do. They don't know who to contact. Some eventually contact the groups but this can be days later 'after' their backcountry trip is done. The few tracks I have found, I have only photographed. Besides, my research is mine except for what I choose to share. Expending vast financial resources trying to track it after someone makes a report is easier said than done. Maybe someday you will understand this. It's only after becoming more familiar with evidence in the field, and heard them near you, that you will understand how they move. But you can't know this yet because you don't have a basic understanding of their behavior. Something that probably isn't achievable in a forum either. They are FAR more elusive and evasive then you can imagine. I don't want you to surrender to anything Striker. However I'd like for you to be able to truly consider the possibility that there may be something out there. That way your peers who have seen em, can speak freely here. It is after dark that they move around more freely too. Pull out a spotlight and they are gone. An easy thing to do and I have done so myself.

And yes Striker, I know the general vicinity where a few of them live, during Summer/Fall months anyhow. Too much snow up there now and I don't have a snowmobile. However I do work the area with a few limited capability hidden cameras and audio recorders. No luck with vid yet but have gotten some audio. Looking forward to more this Spring after the thaw. I don't take anybody up to that spot so as to minimize impact to research by outside factors. I wouldn't take you there either, but there are other places. And while you may not see one, you would likely hear some stuff close to you that would scare the hell out of you. No spotlight allowed but a moonlit night.

Bowsniper, if you believe that the footprints are real, then obviously 'something' made them. Something BIG. For those who think someone is running around the wilderness faking different sizes and shapes of footprints, well then there must be a vast conspiracy out there. If they are wearing hairy outfits during hunting season, well they are some very foolish conspirators as well.

Re Breeding If a species has the ability to locate one another after dark using various methods of communication that can be heard over a few mile distance, then a male and female finding one another isn't that difficult to comprehend. Similar to a wolf that can hear another from several miles away. Sanctum covered it well.

Horn Donkey, to answer your questions. 1) Because we have researched in the field enough to know the sign they leave. Most here don't know what the sign even consists of. Other then Tree Breaks, that information is best viewed in the field not on the net. 2) More like reverse psychology. The request is to be open minded about the possibility of something that has been seen by the proposer of the theory. 3) Not if we have seen them and you haven't.

When people encounter something they don't understand, and they know their peers and others in society would only ridicule them for making such a claim, well who wants to be stigmatized in that way? So its easier to just keep it to oneself. Look at this thread.

Apology accepted and appreciated.

Bowsniper, this kid is tired, thread getting convoluted, but your latest questions won't be ignored, but maybe tomorrow, still it won't answer all your doubts either because all footage is being debated. And some of the posts here just aren't worth responding to.

Herdmanager, I said that round did not penetrate the spine. It went through the backstrap. So either a poor Super X round, not likely, or some other unknown factors. There was nothing in the way either.

NOW I have carpal tunnel. Dave

From: antarcher
One thing in this thread that has stunk since I read it a while back, was the "fact" that people have stated that Gorillas were not discovered until the 1950's. What a crock and a load of pure ignorance. Were there not humans wlaking around that joint for the past 30 or 40000 years? Do you honestly think that they were totally oblivious of the Gorillas presence.Who actually guided the first great white hunters onto these beasts and knew where to find them so they could be placed in the annals of natural history? This is like telling a native Peruvian that some spaniard discovered the Llama. Bigfoot is a non entity and this is a waste of time. Just curious though, what broadhead would be best to use on one? Anyone for a three blade

From: mizzoukispot
I was channel surfing last night, and low and behold, there it was- a show on BIGFOOT! NO WAY! So, I watched some of it. It was about this guy named Wallace. It seems that he was pretty obsessive about making fake bf feet and walking around in them. He took hours to complete each set of feet. And there were MANY. For 3 decades he walked around various areas of the pacific northwest with these plaster feet, and his kids had no idea. When his job moved him from washington to oregon, the hobby went with him. Pretty secretive guy. But it was his hobby. Then there was an expert that came on that testified that certain cracks in the tracks were so exact that there were no way that they could be fake....then another guy came on to show how to make the plaster molds with cracks.... Maybe there are one, or two, guys on here, that are purposefully trying to perpetuate, what they know is a hoax. As a hobby. Just a thought.

From: Big Foot

Yes! :) Why else do you think Mrs. Big Foot smiles all the time. Kinda like that ZZ Top song, "Every girl's crazy 'bout a Big Foot man"

I'm beginning to understand why none of you guys have asked the infamous Bowsite question "what will he score".........JEALOUSY!!!!


Sorry buddy, I don't pick the cast. I just help with the script. Right now the writers and producers are debating whether or not to have you catch me in the end. We are currently leaning towards a NO leaving the storyline open for a sequel.

From: HerdManager
The PA Game Commission hired a firm to do aerial thermal imaging to do deer counts. I'm sure with all the BF funding it can be paid for.

Oh, and by the way, they did not find any BF in PA.

ME, those thermal images were probably youngsters naked in the woods. Of course they were trying to hide. I bet they were all hopping on one foot trying to get their jeans on too........You'd probably interpret that as a secret Yeti dance they do.

From: HerdManager

HerdManager's Link

Here is the firm that did the survey in PA.

"ME, those thermal images were probably youngsters naked in the woods. Of course they were trying to hide. I bet they were all hopping on one foot trying to get their jeans on too........You'd probably interpret that as a secret Yeti dance they do."

Really, what do comments like these accomplish when you weren't there to analyze the imagery or the site?

From: HerdManager
If they exist, this imaging firm will find them. They are completely impartial and will find them if they are there. If BF exists, they are used to airplanes. They have no way to know this airplane has thermal imaging, so they will not "hide".

The proof is at your fingertips. Go get it, and become famous for the most amazing discovery in history.

From: txhunter58
I wonder where the winter range for bigfoots is? I doubt they hibernate and probably need more food and water than can be stored in the high country? Even the most elusive huge bull elk get seen in the winter.....

From: Big Foot

Have you not noticed that I currently reside in Arizona?

As spring arrives, I will migrate north.....along with all of the Mexicans.


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo

Native Americans and First Nations people have known of sasquatch for thousands of years. You find it in their cave paintings. In their totems. In their language. Even in carvings. They are the native Peruvian you speak of. An issue that has been covered earlier in thread.

Others, Here is the paper I was referring to from the USF&W. It is from the 1970's however. Some of it may seem in jest, but it is a formal document similar to others of their nature.

There are also many in government who will talk privately about sasquatch, and every once in a while some make public reference. There are private discussions going on with law enforcement & biologist. One thread was sent to me by someone in law enforcement but unfortunately I would betray their trust in posting it here.

I've included a photo of a tree break from my research site. The break is only about 40 feet from where I had my major encounter 4 years ago. This particular break appears to be more territorial in nature. Most breaks (or twists), the top is still attached. This one has been broken clean off and there is a downward gouge at the top of the stalk, like from a finger nail. All the branches from the remaining stalk were also broken off downwards. There were what appear to be some antler rub marks but they were made years before. All possible natural causes were ruled out as referenced above. When I found the sapling, it was only a month old based on the green that was still evident on the broken off top. You can see it is well protected by other vegetation that exhibited no similar damage.

For those who are interested, I will post one of the more common type of tree breaks that are seen a little later.


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Here is a close-up of the stalk and the gouge. Note that the gouge is from a downward wide object motion. Fairly sharp to be able to peel bark like this. The break itself is about 7' high and diameter at break is 3". Tree is Douglas Fir. Total original height about 15 feet.


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Here is a close-up of one of the more common types of twists. This one of a Maple however. The diameter here is over 5" at over 6' height at break. While there appears to have been some dead wood inside, tree was still alive and there was green as well. Bark demonstrated some elasticity and next photo of other side shows much more splintering of wood.

Hard to argue that enough snow can pile up on top of a tree all at once and remain there long enough to bring down such pressure to twist a tree 90°.


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Backside of same Tree Twist.

From: HerdManager
I see trees of all size with breaks like that here in PA.

They are caused by small micro-burts (miniature tornadoes if you will). They can rip/twist a 15" diameter tree in half like a toothpick. Pines are very soft so it wouldn't take much to do it.

See, I have an explanation for everything also...................


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Wait, not maple above but can't recall proper name. Not important to central issue I suppose.

Here is another twist, this one of a Doug Fir. This one was only a few weeks if not days old. These type of twists can often be found right along logging roads but in back-country as well. This was a good 4" diameter at break. When found along logging roads, a corresponding twist can often be found on the exact opposite side of road, which is very interesting. Reading twists are still somewhat of a mystery itself, but are most suspected of being directional in nature.

HerdManager, boy your microbursts must be tiny in order to miss trees even touching.

From: HerdManager
The weakest trees are the ones that twist/rip. Usually it does happen to only one or two trees in a forest of many. There is a huge oak tree ripped in half where I hunt. None of the adjacent trees are damaged.

Was it a giant bigfoot?

I can imagine how it would be hard to "read" a twist, since it is nothing other than mother nature at work.


Do you have any pictures of these micro-bursts?


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Herdmanager, you are surely a wise, mature and analytical one to throw in a huge oak damaged by winds into the issue so as to muddy matters.

The many breaks that can be found are NOT weak trees as you would like to believe in order to support your silly answers. Or maybe these microbursts break the tops off, leaving them undamaged otherwise, then focus on the stalks where they break off all the branches, then they focus all their energy and gouge out a piece just to leave a sort of signature, while leaving adjacent WEAKER trees alone. You have some intelligent blowhard winds there in PA ya know?

Like I said, these are NOT weak trees and Doug Fir is used for home construction. I suspect that some of you are now recalling seeing trees like these in the woods but couldn't figure out the cause. Well guess what they were caused by?

Anyway, this is a SOLID 5" (EMPHASIZE: SOLID) twist from LIVE Douglas Fir. They can be found deep in the woods. And anyone here who lives in the PNW knows just how difficult it would be to do this to a 3" tree yet alone a 5" one. That is, unless someone is running around the woods with some machinery too doing something that most of the population are aware of.

From: wild1
I'm not sure which is weaker: the trees or your BF evidence.

From: TD
This sounds to me like when somebody sees the Virgin Mary in a piece of moldy bread or a potato or something.

"It's a sign!"

Folks will see what the want to see.

From: txhunter58
How about my question? Where do they go in the winter?

From: HerdManager
Compared to other trees, pines and firs are some of the softest (and weakest) woods out there. That's why they are not called hardwoods. They are softwoods.

You cannot tell which trees are weak by looking at them. Every piece of wood/steel/concrete has different strength. Anyone who has done load testing in a lab knows this.

It is not hard for wind to damage trees. The oak I was referring to earlier is about 15" in diamater. Absolutely sheared in half. Oak is MUCH stronger than fir. No comparison. Wind can rip small pines/fir trees with no problem. I hunt some Doug Fir stands here in PA, and there are dead/damaged firs littering the ground. They are not hardy or long-lasting trees.

Where are the photos of the broken lower limbs and "gouging"?

Go try duplicating that without leaving any marks on the bark there HerdManager. Broken lower limbs were in the first two photos. You see, you didn't even pick up the points I was making when you read them. Nothing will open your mind to the possibility HM so why do I bother?

txhunter58, good question, sorry missed it amongst the . I don't know. :) Nobody really does for sure but we suspect there may be some limited migration depending on region of the country. Places like Oregon & Washington, they likely just move to lower elevations when snows get deep. We've got a lot of lower-elevation secluded forest here. Very low human population densities too. There is plenty of food in the forests that we don't fully appreciate like mushrooms, lichen, grubs, rodents, birds, etc. Not to mention the ungulates which are a reliable food source for them.

Look guys, they CAN'T be analyzed on the net. That's the nature of pictures. I was trying to offer information, not debate the pics on a level that you can't be present to look at yourself. I offered them so next time you see similar phenomenon, you'll ask more questions about it yourself while there. That's all.

To those who understood this in the first place, I appreciate it.

From: BowSniper
I am disappointed to see that my request for the BEST bigfoot pictures ever taken since the advent of the camera came back with nothing more than some broken tree branches.

We have big tree limbs break here all the time, often taking down power lines. Must be a giant bigfoot who also hates technology. Turning our lights out so we can't see him in the dark! He's not concerned about magnum rifles but hates those damn spot lights.

But seriously, what would you BF efficionados say are the 3 best images of the bigfoot ever captured on film. I am presuming that the Patterson video is one. And that was 50 years ago. With all this tree twisting and migrating and feeding on ungulates, there must have been some other pictures taken over the next 50 year period. What would you recommend as the best images of a bigfoot that we should all look at with open minds so that we may become less clueless?

BigFoot, please break open the family album if your fans can't come up with anything on their own.

From: BowSniper
For those that asked about deploying night vision from a helicopter, here is how good it can work and how bigfoot can be found and stopped for identification if he were real.

Sorry bigfoot, but your clever woodsman skills and tree twisting leave us no other choice.

The problem with what you ask BowSniper is that there is no ABSOLUTE CONSENSUS. I don't know Mercury or Sanctum or PoconoSteve other then a few threads over on BFRO. They may have their own favorites. I have mine. THAT won't be good enough though will it? Why? Because due to the nature of the topic anyhow, all footage is being debated. So since you are asking for proof of existence with film, you won't be satisfied, right? Besides, I cannot speak for everyone in the field just like you can't.

If you want to hear my favorite 4 then I will gather some links.

ME - Can you post any pictures of BF tracks that you have personally taken during your research? That would be interesting to see.

Yeah Boiwsniper, but they can't see what's behind the truck can they? Well guess how dense 100'to 300' tall trees and all their foliage are in at least this part of the country are. Just how would a helicopter be able to differentiate between any animal on the forest floor when only tiny glimpses of heat are seen through the branches? They could be chasing anything.

FLIR has its limitations, especially when something or someone wants to hide behind large solid objects, like trees. Your video only proves that FLIR can see in the open well. Saw that vid previously too. A good one from that standpoint.

They are not the greatest images Buckeye. Unfortunately you often don't know what you get until you get home and look on the computer. Hindsight tells me I should of held the camera at a lower angle since the tracks were so shallow in the hard soil. But will post a few later this eve OK?

From: Big Foot

If it will help your cause by having a DNA sample, I can send you some poop.

Just gimme your address. Hurry though, I feel a good one brewing.

From: Big Foot
Does it matter that I had Mexican for lunch?

From: HerdManager
How do you get the re-fried beans out of your fur?

LOL, naw thanks tho. Too many other pathogens in your excrement.

From: Sixby
Big Foot they already have your dna and hair and scat samples. Multiple Encounters I have seen tons of trees done just like you are showing. anyone that thinks some mini toronado did it doesn;t know what they are talking about. I have wondered many times how in the world it happened and what did it. I cannot even imagine an animal strong enough to break a 5 in doug fir. Again anyone that thinks doug fir is easy to break never tried to break a 2 inch one for a shelter lol. When they are green it can't be done. I really have doubt about bigfoot if they exist being able to break a big tree like that, However the ones I have seen were broken off about 7 to 8 feet and no antler marks. I think its interesting stuff. Also if bigfoot is doing it there should be some hair evidence left at the site. I examined the trees I have found over the years trying to determine what caused it. I have seen the scratch too but its not done by an elk antler. I do know from what I'm reading that the guys that are making fun of you do not know what they are talking about. Big foot or no big foot you are wasting time/

From: rdrake18
Bigfoot, that is the funniest thing I have ever read here!

From: HerdManager
"I have seen the scratch too"

You are right. We don't know what we are talking about. We are talking about something that is fictional, so no one knows anything about it. We all know as much about unicorns and the tooth fairy (who came to my house last night) as we do BF.

Funny, that tooth fairy looked just like me............................

Imagine the BF tooth fairy!! Yikes. Wonder if even the BF tooth fairy can find BF?

Thanks for the post Sixby. I don't feel its wasting time though. I know there are some here who don't have room for anything they have never seen. Maybe that is their life and its unfortunate for them. There are too many wonders out there that can't be seen with blinders on.

So despite those few here who won't open their eyes, there may be three times as many who are following this thread intently.

From: Sixby
I know my wife and I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was breaking the trees down at that height. Very interesting stuff. I will definately be looking for some other sign now.

From: Bobbinhood
Its my X-wife tracking me down!

From: Big Foot

I don't :(


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Buckeye, here's one print that I found close to the tree break. It was about 3 days after a rain. It is a little hard to make out, but you should be able to see it to the right of my foot. To the left of the ball of his foot near the toes, are a few pieces of crumbled soil that were pushed aside while still wet. Something odd also protruded near his heel, or he kicked up a rock, or its some form of pressure ridge. I couldn't be sure.

But you can also see what I meant by having my camera at the wrong angle. It should have been closer to the ground from the side. But I was alone so that wouldn't have been easy and to keep my boot in there for perspective too.

From: mizzoukispot
"So despite those few here who won't open their eyes, there may be three times as many who are following this thread intently." I doubt that.

ME- Thanks for the pic. How long was the track? It doesn't look like there's an arch in the foot...just flat all over. I can see what you are talking about on the heel but it's hard to guess what would cause that.

From: Labdad
OMG; Just checked the edge of a wooded 40 and bigfoot has been here. TWO trees with twists/breaks since early March....and NO other trees touched!!!

HURRY and get to WI. bigfoot must be using the central migration corridor!

Bigfoot, you move fast. The cuddyback caught the tree going down but you weren't in the pic.

Over 300 posts and it's starting to read better than a Marvel comic book.

(aside: ME, the "excuses" for a bad photo are a hoot. You're the long-lived, experienced BF hunter and can't take a good pic.? The boot wouldn't come off your foot for a minute to take a pic.? This is the first time you've taken a pic and didn't know the "correct angle" to make it look more like a foot print? Also note: IF you know anything about anatomy you would know that the "thing" that left your print could hardly walk upright and in a straight line. The "print" is so narrow - vs.- length as to render the "individual" VERY wobbly.

But hey; whatever floats your boat :)

Another Bowsite classic in the making!

From: HerdManager
Look how the heel looks EXACTLY like a boot imprint.

Maybe BF shops in town?

Very narrow. Why not go out AFTER the rain to find one with great detail?

From: deadhorse
MultipleEncounters........ yax --is that you??/

From: MF
I am following this thread intently. Again, I ask all you guys givin' ME a hard time, how many days have you spent in the western wilderness. Not campsites, but remote wilderness, just for perspective. I am skeptical when it comes to bigfoot, especially east of the Mississippi. I hunt in north central PA. I have seen the damage caused by the mini tornados, but I don't ever recall seeing a single tree broken. There is always alot more damage evident.

From: FlatbowMB
ME said: "But you can also see what I meant by having my camera at the wrong angle. It should have been closer to the ground from the side. But I was alone so that wouldn't have been easy and to keep my boot in there for perspective too."

I realize there may be some funding and technology limitations imposed on the BSI-O offices (Bigfoot Scene Investigations - Oregon), but would a few tape measures really break the budget?

From: HerdManager
Look, this can all be cleared up quickly.

He's posting on here! Contact Pat to get his e-mail address, have the cops track down the ISP, then hunt down his remote connection (assuming he is wireless).


A couple of days in the clink and he'll give up all his buds. They always do.


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
HerdManager I didn't get these posted last night as I had to search for them and frankly, a woman simply took priority over your request. Some of your contributions to the thread really have become worth ignoring, you know that? Maybe one day you will come face to face with a sasquatch and piss your pants. Maybe then you will wish you didn't laugh at the subject.

I've included links for those who aren't familiar with the footage. When viewing any of these videos, it must be remembered that these are compressed for web viewing and therefore not high quality. Kind of like Fred Eichler's images are right now. There are actually two others that I wanted to post but am having trouble finding them on youtube now. Will keep looking. Again, they won't satisfy you HM, nor are they THE evidence to end all evidence you desire. They are just the ones I like and provide compelling evidence.

Of course the Patterson/Gimlin video of 1967 in California

Freeman Footage taken in 1994 in Blue Mountains of Washington

Here's a newly posted one that I hadn't seen before. Interesting.

Here's an interesting interview of a BC Scientist about hunters and sasquatch. Of course a few here will only pick up one thing from this vid, but the vid is balanced in that respect.

Here's your measurement there Flatbow. Satisfied? But like I said, I didn't realize bad angle until I got home. I've only started researching two years ago and you learn as you go. A crime I realize. If you want to contribute to fund for some needed equipment, you are welcome to and I will buy a few new cameras too. ANYWAY, same print but even less visible in this image w/o shadow of my body. You could also have asked what size boot I had to determine length Flatbow, it is 10.5. I've got another track pic but trying to remember which file it is stored in.

Labdad, re this comment, you are the one who is ill-informed. : "IF you know anything about anatomy you would know that the "thing" that left your print could hardly walk upright and in a straight line. The "print" is so narrow - vs.- length as to render the "individual" VERY wobbly." What do you know about bipedal locomotion of a large muscular animal yet alone characteristic differences of individuals; ie, females or adolescents? Please elaborate.

Deadhorse, nope, not yax.

Buckeye, yes they do tend to be flatfooted. Guess that comes from going barefoot, which displaces weight throughout foot, whereas our shoes are designed to raise arch. There are differences too with age as a younger one or a female seem to have more narrow feet then big males. This print isn't all that big of one compared to prints found by others.

From: HerdManager
Why is the person's footprint deeper into the soil than the 800-pound yeti's?

From: HerdManager
Maybe it was made by a Pokemon. My son thinks they are real. And no one can tell him different.

He has proof. We found a Pokemon footprint in the backyard yesterday. I will post. It has about as much detail as that "footprint" just posted.

I am also waiting for Pokemon research funding so I can prove to the world they exist. They are SO good at hiding, but they are there........


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
Here is another treebreak but smaller. Top is not usually broken off on these. Again, no way of knowing their actual meaning. Could be directional, could be territory? This one was very fresh when I found it and was only about 100' from my feed station.

A clean break of healthy sapling. No antler marks. No bending. No trees fell on it. Adjacent trees untouched. etc. No sign of those dang micro-bursts that HerdManager has been tracking either.

From: Labdad
My PhD against your ?? (BS)

Bring it on!!

The same reason why a deer's hooves are deeper. Sharp edges and less area to contact ground focus more weight in those areas.

Not to mention, he probably passed through there when hard soil was damp and therefore somewhat compacted. I came though when it was dried and loosened up.

HerdManager, why do you insist on ruining the discussion for others? Skepticism and asking legitimate questions is one thing, but its like you just can't deal with something that doesn't fit the mold of the way you view the world.

There are people here who want to discuss it without the continued mockery ya know.

From: Big Foot


Are you implying that there are smarta$$ on this forum?


I like my secret lifestyle, please don't try getting the damn FBI,DEA,CIA,or any search and rescue unit ideas.......thank you very much.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to get these refried beans out of my a$$ fur.

Big Foot, I am really enjoying your intermittent comments here. I am also sorry for saying that your excrement has pathogens. Just don't send me any OK?

From: elkherder
you guys crack me up...bigfoot your days are numbered my furry elusive friend.keep it going this is taking on a life of its own...who the hell needs tv ? RFLMFAO

From: Labdad
ME; His point being, the photographic "evidence" you have so far put forth (i.e. the "footprint") could easily have been made by a 6'4" male (or female) with a size 14 moccasin on his/her foot.

I have an old college friend who went into forensic anthropology after grad.'s some "IMPORTANT" information from a research project for 'ya: (ps it's posted on the web somewhere too) In short:

Methods/Materials A sample of 22 individuals (11 male, 11 female) was used to draw inferences about the general population. Measurements of foot length, height, and shoe size were evaluated. The "best-fit" line was drawn through the scatter plot (foot length versus height) to determine if a correlation between foot size and height was observed. Shoe impressions in the soil were made, and plaster of paris molds prepared.

Results: The predicted percent for the ratio between foot size and height was 15%. The actual range for the percent foot size/height was 13.9 to 16.7% (variation range of -1.1 to +1.7). The equation from the plot of foot length versus height (y = 60.424 + 4.246*x) found that the relationship was 15.2%. The equation from the plot of shoe size versus height (y = 137.096 + 3.761*x) found the relationship was 17.5%.

Conclusions/Discussion: The foot measurement yielded important predictive information about the individual's height. Valuable assistance in solving crimes is gained through comparing shoe impression casts with actual shoes. Identifying marks and wear patterns can be used to match the shoe with the print to the exclusion of all others. Bones, and impressions left by foot bones, are key in solving many crime cases.

FYI: Unless something has interrupted normal patterns of growth the length of the foot from heel to tip of the big toe is exactly the length of the forearm from inside of the elbow to the bend of the wrist. This has to do with how limb growth is genetically "balanced".

Limb growth is related to overall body length in a slightly more complicated fashion.

One always has to be careful about which sandbox you play in.

From: elkherder
snapped saplings are from a bear i'm afraid to say seen it happen several times watching blackbears when they treed pokemons

From: Labdad

Labdad's Link
oops, forgot a link for you to cruise around on. Don't know how much they'll let you see, but it's got some good information for you to add to your research.

Big Foot: You owe me a new keyboard! Refried beans in your...ROTFLMAO!! Gotta love it!!

From: Sixby
Multiple, The Pic you just posted of the broken tree is exactly like the ones I have seen. I have never seen the bigger trees like you were talking about. A 5 in tree at 8 feet would be like 35 feet tall. The one like you just posted is what I have seen.

I can understand sceptasism about the existence of a bigfoot. I have that too. What I cannot understand is the bad manners some of you have, especially those from Wisconsin. I think your water must be bad up there or something. You evidently were not raised to have respect for other people.

Something I do not understand at all and perhaps some of you could enlighten me. Why does this upset you that a man believes this when he claims to have actually seen a bigfoot. Even if he didn't and saw something else it should not upset you so badly. As for the broken trees , how about a real plausable explanation? Something besides non existant mini-tornados that only break one tree and leave the ones next to it. LOL

Yes Labdad, and that sounds like the Homo Sapien sapiens' sandbox your friend did his paper on.

From: deadhorse
so -i take it you know who yax is??

From: Labdad
...especially those from Wisconsin.....You evidently were not raised to have respect for other people.

coming from our in house "christian"


MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo
MultipleEncounters's embedded Photo

MultipleEncounters's Link
Sixby, here's another type of sign they leave we call a 'stick structure' but this is a fairly simple one. Much more difficult to find because it can be right in front of a person and it can look like just a bunch of branches. But when you inspect the weaving that has taken place, you realize there is no way it can possibly have been naturally created.

In this one, while not very visible in this photo, a 12' long live fir bough was run lengthwise through the middle of the structure, UNDER much older dead branches, then with a live one also weaved through the upper structure. Then on the outer edges there were these 3 single branches just hanging upright on small nubs and not even touching the ground. Somehow they were adhered to the structure branch with sap or something. I've included red arrows to two of them. There is no way this could have occurred naturally and yet these precarious branches withstood an entire Winter.

They were found not this Winter but last at a secondary site I found. At that time it was fresh. Now it has been abandoned and dilapidated. I had left a small bag of dog foot in the plastic bag. My interference on finding it likely scared them off. It may have been some form of shelter or even a blind. It was well in the woods on top of a very small ridgeline. Of course pictures don't allow any kind of proof here nor do I intend it for that purpose. While not everyone here would be willing to analyze such a structure objectively, I post it is simply so those here who are interested and can be on the lookout for similar ones when in the field.

I've included a link to a paper of two scientists and written by USFS Archeologist Kathy Moskowitz, who are all involved in the mystery. This is a slightly different type of stick structure. The weaving that took place cannot be fully appreciated with mere pictures however.

From: HerdManager

HerdManager's embedded Photo
HerdManager's embedded Photo
Behold the footprint of the dreaded MewTwo. Obviously it was in my backyard last night. Notice the obvious placement of the toes and heel as well as the path it took when walking through the yard. It is extremely intelligent and impossible to photograph. I would put out trail cameras, but MewTwo would steal them and use them to track me. I cannot outsmart this creature!

And if you disagree, you are just close-minded to the obvious.


From: HerdManager

HerdManager's embedded Photo
HerdManager's embedded Photo
The beast...........

From: HerdManager
ME, imagine that, when dead branches fall from above, they land ON TOP OF live branches below.

You must have something better than that?

From: Butternut40
Maybe Eichler's image is a fake. Than again, maybe not. I personally have an open mind to bigfoot and think it could be possible. Unlikely, but possible.

Oh did I mention I saw a lochness monster in the Mississippi river once. Had a buddy with me to verify it. We both saw the same thing and to this day cannot figure out what we saw. It was near St. Cloud and we were fishing walleyes below the dam. This huge serpent like creature broke the surface and went back down. Just like you see in the movies, first the back, followed by a long tail. Had triangle like plates on its back and tail. It was not a quick sighting as it broke surface a couple of times and we watched this blob makes its way down the river.

Real? Yes. Lochness? No. MississippiNess? Maybe.

No deadhorse, no idea who yax is.

From: elkherder
16-Mar-08're killin me herdmanager....that mewtwo track was a male i take it ? i could see the inverted testicle trail dragging low and to the left

HerdManager, how old are you?

From: elkherder
on the serious side ...i grew up in the pacific northwest been a forestry worker,guide,hiked and hunted all my life in the woods of oregon...never seen,smelled,heard, found a track,or met face to face a bigfoot...yeti...shadow monkey or whatever this thing'd think i'd of at least found a track by now in my 46 years of practically living in the forests.i will say one thing .i was guiding a hunter in the eaglecap wilderness two years ago,stopped on a small ridge to bugle and got a response out of something that was quite spooky to me and believe me brothers i don't scare a roar or close to it,very deep long freeky sound,not elk...not idea what it was, we headed down towards it and we heard large rocks landing on others three seperate times came to river and saw freshly wet rocks about 100 pound boulders that you could tell were thrown,found rock beds where they had been it was a hot day so you know the rocks were just placed there who or what i have no clue but i looked all over for bear tracks and found no tracks at all.can't say if bf is real or myth seems to be a myth for now but you run across things like that it really makes you think about it eh

From: FlatbowMB
Butternut 40, Maybe it was a mutated carp that spent it's formative years downstream of Minneapolis. ;)

From: HerdManager

I can't believe no one else noticed the obvious testicular disorder present in this male Mewtwo. It became inverted in one of his many Pokemon battles.

A big "duh" to all you others who failed to comment.

From his track I have determined he is 22 years old, enjoys swimming, reading, botany, and hopping on one foot while holding his breath. Some days he is just sad for no reason, yet he finds in the inner strength to get up every day and run through my yard.

He left a sign in my yard last week that read "only nimrods believe in bigfoot".


old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
Here is some sign I found today.Snapped clean about 15 ft from the ground.Gouge marks and everything.I was stunned.I DO BELIEVE-that the wind snapped this tree.

From: Sixby
LabDad:...especially those from Wisconsin.....You evidently were not raised to have respect for other people.

coming from our in house "christian"

Exactly: I do respect others unless they are spouting anti-Christ or Anti-America garbage. This subject is neither.

Its very obvious that some people in here are juveniles in either age or mind. A person that has actually spent years in the wilderness like elkherder and I have , have seen and heard things that are not explainable. Those things make our minds open to possibilities that neophites that cannot take a hunting trip without a guide to help them believe impossible., What I'm saying is that we know we don't know it all. Usually people that know it all aren't seasoned enough to know better.


old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
Here is another.Whoulda thunkit.Bigfoot.Alive and well in the suburbs of NY.


old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
I think I am hot on the trail.My cams are set up all over the area as we speak.I should have pics,hair samples,footprints,etc.As soon as I pinpoint his bedding area I am going to move in for the trapping.I am going to haul this sucker in for analysis.I am going to be the one that tamed the mighty beast.I think I will name him Louis.He shall be my freind.Stay tuned.

From: Butternut40
Flatbow you're probably right. Might also have been a giant sturgeon but lochness sounded better at the time. I don't think we had that many beers either.

From: deadhorse
old ghost -i understand those ny-bigfeet like that cheape genasee beer -- take a case -just incase its lady bigfeet--oh and take a bag-or 2

From: HerdManager
What have I been thinking? I am such an idiot. Bigfoot used to be on the Six Million Dolllar Man with Lee Majors. Of course he exists.

I learn new stuff every day (mostly from my kids), so I don't purport to know it all. Far from it. But this goes so far beyond the realm of reality it is silly. Hence, my silly comments.

Old smokey ghost, YEAH, looks like wind damage to me too. Problem is, you obviously wouldn't know the difference if it fell on you.

Yes Sixby, I think maybe the problem plaguing this discussion can be attributed to a few young kids. And if they aren't that, well I guess they just never grew up into adults in other ways.

Big Foot, would you mind scaring the crap out of them the next time they go into the backyard after dark?

HerdManager, at least you can admit this; "Hence, my silly comments.".

Maybe there is hope for you yet.


MultipleEncounters's Link
Now, for those here who have an open mind and are interested while we ignore those in the peanut gallery.

A short statement from world renowned Primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall

When I was younger the Easter Bunny,the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus would always leave evidence that they existed.Should we start an all out search for them also.Of course not- because like Bigfoot they are nothing more than imaginative folklore.When I see either a carcass or a real live bigfoot then I will believe the fairy tale.


old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
old smoky ghost's embedded Photo
I found him

From: HerdManager
Peanut gallery?

At least most on here are open to the possibility BF exists.

Are you open to the possibility they don't exist?

old smoky ghost, only begin looking if you can't differentiate the difference between the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause, from a primate species that there is plenty of fossil evidence to support the existence of at one time. Was that too complicated?

Who are you to say that remnant populations of one proven species or another are not still amongst us?

"At least most on here are open to the possibility BF exists."

I see you are evolving your position there HerdManager. Beginning to see the light or just realigning your position because the evidence is overwhelming you?

Have a good listen to Dr. Goodall on the link above. There is no primatologist in the world with a more solid reputation then her. She has a little more knowledge of the subject then you, don't you think? That is, if you have ever heard of her.

From: Slay
So many hunters, so many trail cameras....only 1 bad video produced and 1 mangy bear like creature. What are the odds?

From: Big Foot
WOW! I go out for an afternoon to snap some trees in half only to come back to my den in this giant redwood and to see there are now over 400 posts on this thread. LOL!!!!!


Santa Claus is going to be jealous!!!!

From: BowSniper
"Plenty of fossil evidence"... FOR ANY APE-LIKE CREATURES IN FORTH AMERICA?

Finally real verifiable facts to discuss!!! MultipleE please direct us to the reports of fossils that would be appplicable to this subject ever found in North America.

To presume that they could be "still" among us you would have to know that they were EVER among us.

Its a big difference to say there are things we have seen that we cannot yet explain... to jumping the huge intellectual void to name that mystery and give it magical power and human characteristics. Its been that way since time immortal. Think of the terror after the first solar eclipse. Angry gods, the work of the mighty bigfoot, or just a natural phenomenon that took years to unravel??

From: wild1
ME, I have not only heard of Dr. Goodall, I have also met her - have you....? If you actually listen to your own post, she only says that she's believes they exist - so what. She also says "....I'm a romantic so I always wanted them to exist." Not exactly science. You also seemed to have forgotten that in Sept. of 2003 she cancelled a scheduled appearance at the International BF Symposium at the Willow Creek-China Flat Museum in California. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of BF to cancel.

From: Big Foot
You people talk like I'm not even here.


MultipleEncounters's Link
Thank you for bringing that up Slay, been meaning to address that along with a bunch of other stuff as it becomes pertinent.

There are actually numerous other captures on game cams, from various researchers and hunters alike, across the country. But I can understand why you wouldn't know that.

Here's the deal. Most of these trailcams, like your digital cameras, utilize an infrared beam to detect motion or distance for focusing purposes. The first thing to realize is that the red glow of the IR lens itself can be seen by even us. Remember, sasquatch are 'self aware', maybe like we are. Not that hard to understand if they are indeed a primitive hominid species right? Should make sense that a red glow might be very out of place in the woods, like in your home.

The beam itself however is merely measurable light along the spectrum. Just like you and I can see a laser when operating at the visible spectrum. Well, different animals can see different levels of light along the spectrum as well. We suspect that they are able to see much of the IR spectrum. The do after all see very well in complete darkness.

That is a big reason why we suspect more haven't been captured in this fashion. But, these creatures make mistakes also. Maybe if Eichler captured one, it is because the Sun was out and overwhelming the IR beam from the camera? Did you notice on the top of the frame, the rays of sunlight coming down? Combine that with an unaware approach, some brush, and hence they make the occasional mistake.

There is another plausible reason for the occasional mistake, although still not quality results. It is as I have mentioned early in the thread, they often know when humans are in the area. Our trucks can be heard approaching a mile or more away. Our smells permeate. When we are 'up to something', like putting up cameras, we make a little noise. Our scent lingers. Some of these cameras even make barely detectable noise. If an area seems suspicious, wouldn't you stay away?

Anyway yes, there are other captures on these cameras, but none have offered 100% proof.

Wild1, nice for you that you have met here. No I haven't, what does that prove? On the other point, she has done a lot more research into the subject in order to substantiate her short statement for a radio interview. Scientists don't admit to things like that without doing so. I assume you would give her enough credit for doing research on a matter as controversial as this? Scroll down the link.

Getting to you Bowsniper.

From: BowSniper
While you are getting to me, lets also talk about another basic fact of life for all living mammals... they have kids who are curious and reckless!! For those who hunt deer you know for certain that you see FAR more yearlings and 1-1/2 yr old bucks than the older mature deer. So if there were enough bigfeet to be in an area, enough to reproduce and keep the species alive in all these various regions of the country, and all of them had a bunch of kids at various ages in the cycle of life... then WHERE ARE THE KIDS ?? You would have small bare footprints in the snow more often than big ones, more personal sightings of kid-feet in lieu of bigfeet, more kid-feet getting run over by cars and caught by the humans for being too curious and getting too close.

I guess if you can believe in bigfoot and deny the obvious science and credibility gaps within the "evidence", its just as easy to think they pop into life as giants and live for hundreds of years.

BIGFOOT - you are seriously funny, dude! If this thread goes on much longer, I see you getting an appearance on the Late Show!!

From: BowSniper

BowSniper's embedded Photo
BowSniper's embedded Photo
Guess what !?!?!? I took some aerial photos over an area where I had found mysterious trees breaks and twists.


Bigfoot was writing a message :-)


MultipleEncounters's Link
The accepted theory by scientists involved in this mystery is that they, like us, came across the land bridge long ago. The 'they' that I am referring to is Gigantopithicus blacki. But as I have also said earlier, I do not personally believe sasquatch is Giganto, mainly because of the intelligence I have seen exhibited on a few occasions that seems well above ape intelligence. Also because there is not enough to link Giganto to sasquatch based on the teeth and jaw bones found in China. Many however do find this as an acceptable explanation. That part of the debate won't be solved here.

The problem specific to your question Bowsniper, is that we don't yet know if sasquatch is hominid or pongid, because there is no body to examine. So a definite link to assert giant ape you cannot be provided other then the hotlink I offered here and one somewhere above.

There is however evidence of giants in North America. I previously linked a few sites of fossilized tracks. Here are a few others, but I haven't researched them thoroughly.

LOOK, once again, I'm not here to PROVE the existence of sasquatch to some of you who are unable to reach a basic plane of simple accepting it is possible and therefore maybe it would be worth looking for certain things when in the field. If you can't get there at least, well then you will simply be left behind.

To answer your follow up Q there Bowsniper. Do adult humans not keep their kids close in sight to keep them out of trouble? Don't mothers protect their young of many species? These aren't bears who run off to get into trouble. Mom also probably carries them around until they are old enough. The older they get however, I am sure the leash so-to-speak is lessened. But moms usually do this as they have taught their offspring about the dangers around them. In fact, adults are likely fiercely defensive of their young and keep them very close. To compare with Gorillas who do the same. Stop thinking of sasquatch as something with the mind equal to a coyote or deer. They aren't!

BTW, the Jabob's photos caught on game cam by a hunter are likely just what you are looking for. An adolescent bigfoot. Few can say that the final photo is a mangy bear either. What do you think Big Foot?

And I agree with you on this point, Big Foot is a welcome addition to this thread. :)


From: chip
Biggie-Keep basking in all this attention cause it will come to an end real soon. Or then again maybe you will appear on Larry King!!

From: BowSniper
MultipleE - I am starting to look into your response to my request for what you would personally consider the best images ever taken showing a bigfoot. Now, I don't expect perfection or the mystery would have been solved. But are you kidding me when you included this one as "interesting"....

C'mon now. You can't possibly be serious with this one!! What happened to the magnificent strides? That fluffy monkey suit at the end was so anticlimactic!!

So far the Patterson and Freeman films are the only things worth talking about unless you know of better, and you'd think that with 120 years of cameras out there, someone, ANYONE, would have something decent caught on film. That alone should be telling you something, if the pages and pages of ridicule above are not.

From: BowSniper
OK, there are lot of bow hunters here writing and reading to this thread. Please take a look at the Jacob's photos from Pennsylvania 2007 and chime in to say if you see a bear or a bigfoot. Lets stick with hunters here who are not already card carrying members of the bigfoot fan club. But guys and gals who are seeing these pictures for the first time.

Note the little black bears in the first photo and the time/date stamp.

Then the appearance of a different looking animal in the next two pictures, at the same tree, only a half hour later.

1 vote for mangy bear.

No Bowsniper, as I said, I just came across it. The guy can't even say animal right. But it is a new video that I felt worth mentioning, because it is obviously NOT professionally done. Make of the video what you wish. Welcome to the mystery.

There are more videos out there. Researching videos is not my interest by the way but many are worth watching. I'd rather spend my time in the field. I assume you can appreciate that?

AGAIN, I am not here to prove the existence of sasquatch to you guys, but I have held my ground against with a few very closed minded individuals here. Others I am sure would like to move on with some constructive discussion. Will you and a few other people here whose names I will refrain from mentioning, allow this in a 'mature' manner?


From: FlatbowMB
"Biggie-Keep basking in all this attention cause it will come to an end real soon. Or then again maybe you will appear on Larry King!!"

Not going to happen. Apparently Larry King is a major Sasquaphobe. Just out of spite, he's got Chewbacca slotted in as Friday's guest. Just goes to show that ewok blondes DO have more fun.

Sorry Biggie!

From: HerdManager
Wow, the BF actually keep their kids in line! Amazing. It just keeps getting better. And more insane.

Now they are better parents than all of us? They are the most amazing (imaginary) creatures on the planet. They must be, to have never lost a young-un to a car accident. Never hit by a train. Never froze to death in the dead of winter where people go. Never drowned and popped up in a lake or river (they must take swimming lesson at the Y). Never died anywhere a human being goes. Maybe they bury their dead, since there is not a shred of evidence of a body. No fossils either. Amazing at hiding, they are. Almost sounds impossible......

And now we know the mothers carry the young around...yeah, right.

This is the most ludicrous thread ever. I cannot believe it is still going. It's been fun, but I must go the window now to look for MewTwo. I know I will see him tonight......................

From: Sixby
Multiple a couple of years ago there was a big thing in Grants Pass Or, about a doctor and his family that saw a bigfoot at Oregon CAves when they were hiking. Do you know anything about that and was that supposedly a real sighting or just a hoax? I know it was all over in the papers and on tv and then nothing . It just went away in one day.

HerdManager, I do not believe you are a full grown adult. There is just not sufficient evidence in existence to support this hypothesis. Therefore it must be a myth. Oh and EVERY primate on earth carries their young with them when they are in a situation of risk. Any adult with kids would know that.

And yes, they may even bury their dead too. If they are along the hominid line, with large brains and want to continue their elusive lives from modern humans, why not?

Sixby, I remember something about him but don't know him. However I recalled enough to come up with some results on him.

So he appears to still be active but it may be that he just does his research quietly like I do. OK, I guess I haven't been too quiet for the last week, but you know what I mean. :) Lots of people just find it is more productive to do their own thing instead of mess with the politics in the field. This thread is a good example. Still I feel it is worthwhile having this conversation despite the stuff we could have less of.


From: Big Foot
Actually guys, it's Jimmy Kimmel who called. He wants me on the same night as Jessica Alba........oh baby, I feel a spank is in order!

Anyway, I have to go to work this morning. Been out for the last few days......drunk......again. Yep, back to the grindstone, snapping trees in half, leaving one footprint at a time, scaring the Jesus out of campers, screwing with know, typical Sasquatch stuff.

I'll see you boys later today, maybe we can top 500 posts! LOL

From: BowSniper
Multiple-E - I think I am taking your ridiculous assertions more seriously than anyone else. Who else is looking into your crappy "evidence" and giving example after example of real scientific reasoning why the existance of bigfoot in North America does not hold up??? As fast as I can look up the nonsense you are passing around as "research", I am finding it all a sad waste of time.

When you presented the Jacobs pictures you added that "Few" could say this is a mangy bear. Are you kidding? Everyone not sleeping in Bigfoot pajamas everynight says its just a mangy bear. The PA game commission offically ruled its a mangy bear. Its like arguing with a Hari-Krishna in the airport, and I want my damn flower !!

When you were happily throwing around the idea of "fossils" in North America that might be related to a bigfoot creature, I asked for the examples. You should at least read down to the "CONCLUSIONS" in your own articles you send. (I am sure you will try to slip out of this by saying you didn't research these thoroughly, but we have been asking for your BEST stuff.) "Conclusions - Claims that human footprints occur in Paleozoic rocks of Kentucky are without foundation. The relatively few such prints documented with photos show very unnatural shapes and lack the usual features of authentic human prints. They were probably made by native Americas--not with their feet in soft mud, but with their hands and sharp tools." "CONCLUSION - The Glen Rose region of the Paluxy River does not provide good evidence for the past existence of giant men. Nor does it provide evidence for the co-existence of such man (or other large mammals) and the giant dinosaurs. It seems likely in retrospect that the rumors of giant-man tracks had their origin in the discovery of tracks similar to the elongate tracks of Series 2."

At one time I thought you might have really seen some amazing creature in the forest, and were just desperate to find scientific validation. Now I gotta think you are just a kook.

From: mizzoukispot
He is laughing that this thread has so many hits....kind of teasing everyone like that drunk uncle that would not let up. Jokes on us for arguing...

From: Owl

IF BF is so secretive, why do so many supposed encounters involve a BF engaging humans with rock throwing. Granted these encounters always seem to happen at night. Still, that seems counterintuitive. Thanks

From: Labdad
Bowsniper; Not a kook, just a guy who will use any explanation to support his beliefs. If one looks long and hard enough, they can rationalize just about anything to an acceptable level to suit their bias. Kinda like folks who can't accept evolution.

Nearing 500: This is now officially eligible for Bowsite History!!

Big Foot: HURRY HOME from snapping trees!! You've built a true fan club here on the Bowsite!!

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper wrote:

"When you presented the Jacobs pictures you added that "Few" could say this is a mangy bear. Are you kidding? Everyone not sleeping in Bigfoot pajamas everynight says its just a mangy bear. The PA game commission offically ruled its a mangy bear. Its like arguing with a Hari-Krishna in the airport, and I want my damn flower !!"

I'm not in the camp that believes, without a doubt, that the Jacob's creature is a Bigfoot. Even Bigfoot enthusiast can't agree on that one. I do know you can't trust the word of the PA game commission on the subject though. They also, flat out, denied for years that Cougers/Mountain Lions lived in PA. Recently they have gotten so much flack on that "official" statement that they retracted it and started a study in 2007.

"Release #023-07


HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe today announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is beginning a review of scientific and commercial information to determine the status of the endangered eastern cougar, the first review the Service has done since publishing a recovery plan in 1982."

Maybe you should be asking the question: Why would the Pennsylvania Game Commission - State Wildlife Management Agency not want it known that an large endangered creature is roaming around in prime hunting areas? What stance would they have on an even more rare species? I have my own theory but I'll leave it up to you guys to speculate on that one.

Anyone bow hunters form PA have anything to add?

From: mizzoukispot
cougars and bf are two different subjects....what does PA think about alien life forms of game? You may as well compare cougars to that...... This thread is more about arguing logic vs logic than anything else. Im gonna try and stay off, as it is one of the more popular, yet stupid, threads I have joined. Im going to quit. Kind of like beatin your privates with a hammmer......feels gooooood when youre done.

From: Bowhunt302
Just my .02

Fred Eichler has built his living off of his crediblity. His guide service is based off his credibility, his sponsors sponsor him based on his credibility. Why would Mr. Eichler go out of his way to play a joke on the public with the potential of being known for ever as the guy who faked out the hunting world with a stealthcam and an ape suit?

I don't feel he would jepoardize his reputation just to play a joke. I think he believes that the critter on his camera was not normal, and felt that he needed to share what he captured.

I think as hunter's, we should be well aware of how stealthy critters can be. How many people hear black bears coming? I called an 881 lb. (dressed) moose with a 51" spread this season. He slipped trhough a patch of Balsam fir and maple and made it to within 30 yds of us befor ehe gave away his presence with a grunt.

Now think about a small population of organisms that have soft feet, OBVIOUSLY PEOPLE DON'T SEE THEM but sporadically (If they do exist).

I imagine you would have to be pretty dense, to not even entertain the idea that there could be critters that we have not discovered yet. Even in the U.S. of A.

From: Sanctum
Well said Bowhunt302! Those are points we have been trying to make all along.

Mizzoukispot Wrote: "cougars and bf are two different subjects....what does PA think about alien life forms of game? You may as well compare cougars to that...... This thread is more about arguing logic vs logic than anything else."

And if they are willing to deny something as mundane as a cougar I think that says something about their creditablity in general. Of course they are going to deny Bigfoot. I don't know their stance on alien life forms of game? What might those be?

From: Sanctum
I believe it was Bowsniper that asked for the best video evidence that BF exists.

Photographic evidence is, by far, the weakest type of evidence. There are however, some compelling pieces. You can Google them but will probably not see anything of quality online. High definition versions of the original films are available if you know where to look. I have a copy of each of the below.

1) We have already discussed, at length, the world famous Patterson-Gimlin Film. That is the most studied piece of 16mm film on earth and has stood the test of time. No expert has ever been able to positively refute its authenticity and it has been put to the test by many. The few scientists that have dismissed it did so after a cursory glance at the film. The scientist that studied it at length were very impressed and offered that it either could not be faked or that someone with very specific knowledge in a variety of fields, to numerous to mention was involved.

2) The Memorial Day video is very compelling also. In that video a 6 and a half foot creature sprints at 7 miles an hour across several hundred yards of treacherous, rocky terrain. This creature appears to have been carrying a juvenile on its back. This was caught on film and also witnessed by several people who were vacationing in the area. The sight remains, largely, the same as the day the video was taken. Teams of experts with hi-tech scientific measuring equipment and 3-D modeling software have recreated that footage with a world class athlete tracing the exact path. The athlete is no where near the bulk of the creature in the film after comparing the frames side by side.

3) The Freeman film, while easily dismissed by skeptics, is considered a top pick among BF enthusiasts because it is taken by a researcher after who chased BF for many decades. I’m not as up to speed on the analysis of this video and only offer it because of it is an often used source.

There are literally thousands of other pieces of photographic evidence. A lot of them, (perhaps the majority) are hoaxes and can usually be ruled out right away. The character of the people taking the shot is always a subject of consideration as well as corroborating evidence and witnesses. That still leaves hundreds of creditable witnesses with pictures of blobsquatch and an incredible story that they get ridiculed for. I’m sure there are hundreds more pieces of video graphic evidence that never even get released to the public. As seen by the Fred E film…even the smallest piece of footage is looked at and debated within the community.

From: heartshot
"Kinda like folks who can't accept evolution."

Interesting. Why do you accept it? are you the only person it has been PROVEN to?

From: Sanctum
Some people on here want solid evidence. I'm all for that. I'll be happy to support ME in his endeavors.

On Bigfoot prints and casts.

I’ve already stated that footprints are the most compelling evidence we have for the existence of Bigfoot. To those that say that the footprints are the work of a couple of guys tromping through the woods in wood or plaster feet I would like to submit the following:

Dr. Grover Krantz ( ) changed his position from skeptic to supporter after studying suspected Bigfoot prints. Dr. Krantz specialized in primate evolution and especially primate locomotion, he was considered one of the top men in his area of academia. He was able to reconstruct from footprints the probable skeletal structure of whatever made the prints. Surprising to him, the reconstruction suggested the exact architecture needed to leverage a bulky bipedal Primate through harsh terrain. He stated that it would take a greater expert than him to know in advance what to include in a footprint to fool him. The consensus among his peers is that there is no greater expert.

Even if someone could create one footprint requiring counterfeiting skills of astronomical proportions how did they create hundreds of different individual footprints for the same creature and place them in wilderness areas miles apart. Not just one creature with a track line of individual footprints…but many creatures with similar track lines of individual appearing footprints. In a track line, the footprints show variability, which would be expected as a living foot encountered different obstacles and grades. The anatomy is not simply an exaggerated human foot, but there are significant differences (in length ratios of different parts, for example). Dr. Jeff Meldrum argues that the relatively flat (but not rigid) foot is similar to ape feet and to fossil human (but not homo sapiens) feet. It has also been claimed that individual Bigfoot can be recognized by their tracks.

Statistical analysis of these footprints further supports the evidence. If a statistical analysis of adult human heights was performed, a bell-shaped curve would appear. Most people would fall into the same somewhat central range, and then there would be fewer numbers that were very tall or especially short. This bell-shaped curve is common in nature. Bigfoot track-lengths also show this bell-shaped curve. It is also typical that animals tend to be taller as measurements are taken going North from the equator. It has been stated that Alaskan reports average out taller than Canadian reports which average out taller than California reports.

This is know as Bergmann’s rule.

Berg•mann's rule: The principle holding that in a warm-blooded, polytypic, wide-ranging animal species, the body size of the members of each geographic group varies with the average environmental temperature. According to this principle, warm-blooded animals living in cold climates tend to be larger than animals of the same species living in warm climates


Jeffrey Meldrum, also a scientist held in high regard by his peers also makes the case with Footprint evidence.

D. Jeffrey Meldrum (born 1958) is a tenured Associate Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and Adjunct Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum is also Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy and Affiliate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Idaho Museum of Natural History. Meldrum is considered to be among the world's foremost experts on the Sasquatch.

Meldrum’s interest in the Sasquatch took off after being shown 15-inch footprints by Paul Freeman, in a plowed field near Walla Walla, Washington. Although initially believing the tracks to be forgeries, upon further examination noticed what he believes is evidence of a high degree of flexibility in the print and a mid-tarsal break, traits he has come to believe belong to Bigfoot. Meldrum has published several academic papers ranging from vertebrate evolutionary morphology, the emergence of bipedal locomotion in modern humans and Sasquatch and is a co-editor of a series of books on paleontology. Meldrum is the author of the 2006 book Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (ISBN 0-7653-1216-6), a companion volume to the Discovery Channel documentary of the same name.

Here is a paper of academia written by Meldrum.

Midfoot Flexibility, Fossil Footprints, and Sasquatch Steps: New Perspectives on the Evolution of Bipedalism D. JEFFREY MELDRUM Dept. of Biological Sciences Idaho State University Pocatello, ID 83209-8007 [email protected]

And another:


Notice the remarkable differences between human and sasquatch footprints in the Author’s reconstruction. This model supports Krantz’s discoveries.


I’ve already touched on Jimmy Chilcutt earlier in the thread. If you recall, Chilcutt is the worlds formost expert on primate fingerprints and Dermal Ridges.

Chilcutt was never a believer in bigfoot, and after watching a tv program where Jeff Meldrum, associate professor of anatomy at Idaho State University, was displaying a bigfoot casting showing dermal ridges, Chilcutt decided that he wanted to examine these prints in order to prove they were fake. After getting a hold of Meldrum and examining his collection he was quit surprised. Not only could he not dubunk the casts but he found that the dermal ridge patterns were unlike humans or apes. The patterns were very consitent throughout Meldrum's collection even though they were made by different indivduals at different times and found at different locations. Officer Jimmy Chilcutt now believes that there is an animal in the Pacific Northwest that we have never documented.

I could go on and on…

The picture of the Loch Ness monster withstood the test of time also.

Until the owner confessed it was a hoax.

Why did they do it? Same reason people are tromping around in hairy suits and walking in made-up big feet. It's a goof.

Can you imagine these hoaxsters watching all the serious tv shows about bigfoot? They must get quite a chuckle.

From: Sanctum
The evidence for Lockness is much less compelling than the evidence for Bigfoot. I'm no subject matter expert but I believe there is ZERO physical evidence for Lockness. The Lockness hoax picture was not accompanied by both multiple witnesses and physical evidence. The Patterson-Gimlin footage had both. There were two witnesses, and physical footprints left behind that were authenticated by experts. The footprints matched the stride and gate of the creature in film. The prints and the stride were much larger than a humans.

Since you brought up Lockness as a counter arguement however let's get our facts straight. Here is a fact:

The guy that took the photo " Ian Wetherell", never admitted it was a hoax. After Ians death, his stepbrother "Christian Spurling", then 90, claimed he was approached to make the fake Nessie out of a toy submarine which has never been recovered.

I'm inclined to believe that particular photo was a hoax but that doesn't invalidate the tons of solid evidence for Bigfoot.

I'm surprised you only had that weak argument! Are you running out of steam?

Since you are the expert on both Bigfoot and Lockness...perhaps you can explain away the physical expert testemonies given on the Bigfoot prints and contrast that with the physical evidence of Lockness?

My mind is open...

From: Believer

Believer's Link
Sasquatch DNA has already been analyzed by The History Channel. This is no joke for anyone with an open mind, and you can watch the entire episode for background info in parts.

From: Believer

Believer's Link
In addition, here is the account of one of the film crew members on location at the Snelgrove Lake site. Rock throwing? The cabin was accessible only by air, hundreds of miles from the nearest town. It wasn't any prankster and no bear I've ever seen can throw rocks.

From: Sanctum
Sixby Wrote:

Multiple a couple of years ago there was a big thing in Grants Pass Or, about a doctor and his family that saw a bigfoot at Oregon CAves when they were hiking. Do you know anything about that and was that supposedly a real sighting or just a hoax? I know it was all over in the papers and on tv and then nothing . It just went away in one day.

Is this what you were looking for?

Oregon pyschologist, Dr. Matthew A. Johnson, observes a creature resembling Bigfoot about 60 feet away while hiking on a trail with his family.

From: BowSniper
"According to the BBC, Jimmy Chilcutt of the Conroe Texas Police Department, a forensics expert who specializes in finger and footprints, is certain around six found footprints claimed to have been made by Bigfoot are genuine."

That's it. Just 6. Then when looking into who Jimmy Chilcutt is and why he believes those 6 sets of prints are real, I found this as explanation on the "physical expert testemonies" regarding Bigfootprints.

and here

Wild1, one thing I want to add. I envy you for having met Dr. Goodall, that would truly be an honor. Were you able to speak with her personally or was it just in a Hall type setting? Clearly not one person here will DARE question her credibility, and yet there she is, holding a cast of the subject being discussed here that some cannot deal with maturely. Jane Goodall, holding a cast of a sasquatch sitting next to another reputable scientist in the field. Now how 'bout that! I suspect you can now appreciate the significance of this knowing who she is and of her prestige in her field?

Bowsniper, as Sanctum stated above, you are only looking at web versions of videos, you in all your uncompromising wisdom, are only looking at pixellated video and images. I made the point that I WAS NOT intending to provide you the proof you seek, but you are acting almost like HerdManager here, who himself has sufficiently demonstrated to his peers here how immature he can be. Others recognize this and have pointed it out. Don't you see this and that maybe you are the ones being unreasonable and literally OBSTINATE.

Does it not make sense to you why a DNR would not admit that the subject in the Jacob's photos was something as controversial as sasquatch. That is one of the major fronts under way within the field today, erasing the fear of stigma surrounding the subject and convincing other agencies to freely talk about it. A stigma most perpetrated by individuals like yourself. And yet, there are more and more officials within agencies who have come forward attesting to their belief that these creatures exist. Take for example the US Forest Service Archeologist Kathy Moskowitz Strain as referenced above. You both conveniently avoid recognizing the significance of when credentialed professionals put their reputation on the line. Maybe try accepting that it is YOU who DO NOT have the background knowledge here in the first place. Then accept that maybe there is room within your own self to grow and learn about it. That's what normal people do in life every day. I would not presume to know more about bow hunting then you. Can you offer the same courtesy with subjects well outside your area of expertise?

One stark reality within this thread is becoming strikingly clear. There ARE a small handful of individuals here who have been plain immature, whose intentions are to undermine a mature discussion no matter what. They ignore the fact that there are thousands of pieces of evidence to support existence of these creatures and sightings, experienced by people from all walks of life. They counter with little more then hyperbole. They conveniently ignore the fact that some highly respected scientists (most who entered the subject as skeptics) have changed their minds and put their reputation on the line after researching the evidence themselves. You Bowsniper and you HerdManager do NOT have the qualifications to accomplish any such arguable skepticism, yet alone be able to adequately investigate & analyze the evidence. Are you not concerned that maybe you are appearing foolish with your misinformed, often immature retorts, and doing so in front of a lot of peers who you want to take you seriously in other threads? The limelight appears to be shining upon you and HerdManager as much as the topic itself. There are members here who would like to be able to discuss the subject without your continued attempts to inflame the topic. You do not seem to understand the principle behind being 'open minded'. You cannot even realign your position when faced with the STARK fact that there are a number of expert scientists who themselves have put their reputations on the line after becoming convinced. Go on, ignore it, you've done a good job of it so far.

Hi Owl, there are probably a few reasons for that behavior that many have experienced. The two most reasonable ones, and depending on the size of rocks being thrown in the incidents you are referring to, are as follows. You see, some have had pebbles and small pinecones thrown at them, which does not indicate aggression, but may be play or teasing us instead. As for those who have had larger rocks, sticks, and even logs thrown 'towards' them, it is likely intended to scare off the human intruders. This could be because there are young in an area, it could be due to an injured or old bigfoot nearby, it could simply be territorial. I have not read one incident myself where anybody was actually hit by an object that could hurt them, but many have been hit by smaller pebbles and cones. It is believed that sasquatch have excellent throwing aim and the variety of reports support this. Last year I found a NEAT little pile of feathers from a Blue Jay on the ground. I know of no other animal in the forest who piles the feathers neatly. Others have found such piles as well as including picked bones. Anyway, there are many instances where sasquatch have seemingly intended to reveal themselves to humans. But they are often like a kid hiding behind a tree and peeking out. Some encounters happen in daylight too. Our behavior also seems to dictate their response many times. When we run scared, they often lose interest. But sometimes they will literally 'escort' a person or persons completely out of an area, and the humans do not argue with them or stick around for a photo op. They are literally scared for their lives and the only thing on their minds is safety. There are just a variety of responses and behavior to these encounters. Anyway, they are curious about us and that is a characteristic that some of us can attempt to use to try and understand them.

Thank you Sanctum for your input here because there are plenty of issues I have not investigated and you fill in some important gaps.

Please BowSniper and HerdManager, think about how others view some of your retorts.


Bowsniper, the above is the first good example you've come up with. But even there, those skeptics are only examining casts and duplicating what they can second hand. They did not examine the original tracks in the field where the casts originated. They did not 'see' the creature that the witnesses saw that created them. They are on the outside.

You are relying on skeptics who themselves have published stuff that they twist to suit their needs. And the 6 prints Chilcutt examined are only pertaining to that story. Figure it out BowSniper and read between the lines. He has become an expert, that involves a little more then 6 casts don't ya think?

From: Believer
"Please BowSniper and HerdManager, think about how others view some of your retorts."

I've been following this thread for days and only now have felt like creating an account and posting. Some of the posts are amusing but most are just ignorant. I don't have the experience of seeing what you saw ME, but am 46 years old and have been traipsing through the Oregon wilderness since I was very young.

I haven't seen a sasquatch, but I am CONVINCED that I heard one bellowing one night a long time ago. Since I have lived in the Oregon woods my entire life, I'm pretty sure I can say unequivocally that I have spent more time in those woods than any person on here and can say with absolute certainty that it was no KNOWN animal making those utterances and I've heard them all.

Before you ask MultipleEncounters, I have spoken with Dr. Fahrenbach about those vocalizations and he agrees as to their origin. They were 150% primate.

As for HerdManager, if that's really your backyard might I suggest a few applications by TruGreen Chemlawn? That looks more like the fields my horses graze in.

From: Blaise
ME, I briefly talked with her - more like hall-type talking, but I've spoke to her a couple of other times - all briefly. But here's the thing: she is held in high esteem, but none of that has anything to do with BF. In addition, she simply "hopes" that it exist - she has no evidence, and she concedes that there is NO evidence that proves such a creature exist, she simpy "hopes" that it does. One last thing for Sanctum: Jeffrey Mildrum IS NOT held in high regard by his peers, anyone that says anything to the contray simply doesn't know him or the facutly at Idaho State. He is a PhD and he is a scientist with an interest in BF, and it ends there. He may be a nice guy, but on the Idaho campus, and in the world of academia, he is widely considered an embarrassment.

From: Blaise
Sorry ME that last post was from Wild1 (using a friends computer).

From: BowSniper
MultipleE - I think given the subject matter I have been greatly restrained in my responses. I would also point out again that the condescending attidude of BF fans versus the regular hunting crowd (exhibited on the bigfoot forums) would be the kooky pot calling the kettle black.

I like the quality of the information and presentation by Sanctum much better. I thank you for your contributions and will try to look into them as time allows. No one is expecting you to suddenly prove what has never been proven, but rather I'd like to see what you guys think is credible evidence so we can take a gander at the best the BF community has to offer. Heck, we are on the front lines out there and I'd like to think a bowhunter will bring one in if there is such a thing. Maybe with those cool dynamite arrows from the Dukes of Hazard :-)

The patterson video is held as the irrefutable BF evidence and best video ever. It hard to say it has never been proven to be a hoax, depending on what level of proof you are looking for. Here is a good article from

I think its significant that the guy who wore the suit confessed and passed two lie detector tests. While I would admit that those lie detector tests are hardly perfect, it is very telling that Gimlin (the only surviving member of the two guys who made the video) has refused to take the same lie detector test himself.

There is plenty to dispute in the Patterson story on both sides of the coin, but I think a truly open mind will find that the bulk of the evidence presents the greater liklihood of a hoax.

That isn't trying to make the argument that BigFoot can't be out there. Heck, he writes in all the time and is brilliant!! I just happen to think all of the "evidence" I have looked into so far doesn't even make a dent against sound reasoning and modern science.

BowSniper, these skeptics fail miserably with their attempts at duplicating dermal ridges and prints and here is why. Their little molds they create, could NEVER be applied in the field where skin tightens and stretches, the foot contorts, terrain changes constantly, toes splay or sometimes dig deeper, rocks stick up, strides change, etc. They could never touch such detail in their counterclaims and IN THE FIELD with a 10 foot pole.

Blaise, maybe she did not feel entirely comfortable speaking freely with you either? How many books did she say she has on the subject in that interview? It is only the outspoken few skeptics who consider Meldrum an embarrassment. Others are just fine with it.

Well, will check in later guys...


Now I understand Blaise, I did think you were someone else.

Bowsniper, the proof isn't here or even on the net. It's in the field if you are open minded enough to look at what we've been trying to point out. That is the point of being open minded if you are indeed an outdoorsman at heart.

I am also, as much, if not more of a hunter as you. And there seems to be a number of other hunters here, who being "kooky", have admitted to seeing and hearing things in the field that fit the descriptions of what is being discussed. It is hunters after all who comprise a great deal of encounters that you want to refuse accepting as possible.

I'll let Sanctum address Gimlin.

Believer, did those howls sound anything like these? It is important to listen to these using only quality headphones or good speakers. The stock speakers of your desktop or laptop will not allow you to differentiate the coyotes from the main vocalist. The coyotes actually start up after the loud one. Turn up the volume! I have also heard these howls, very large with massive lungs. Scary when you are near it.

From: Believer

There is a problem with my sound card which won't allow thos MP3 files to play on my computer. I will have to do some digging to see if I can rectify the problem.

If you've listened to the "Sierra Sounds" CDs recorded by Ron Morehead and Alan Berry, then you've got a pretty accurate discription of what I listened to for what seemed like hours one night, and yes I was scared. Whatever was outside my tent was a lot bigger than I, didn't sound real happy, and like I said, sounded 100% primate in origin.

For you skeptics out there, I suggest you get your hands on those CDs. They are often overlooked as evidence but in my mind are some of the best evidence out there, as they have been studied and no evidence of a hoax has ever been forwarded.

On the contrary, sound experts at the Univerity of Wyoming determined that using testing in pitch and vocal tract length, one of the creatures heard on the recordings was in the neighborhood of 8 feet tall.

These tapes were made in the early 1970's and Morehead and Berry have always made them available to any reputable scientific institution that wants to study them using today's advanced methods. So far there haven't been any takers. Hmmmm, I wonder why....

Because if they did study them and come to the same conclusion that the U. of Wyoming did, they might suffer some of the same ridicule that plagues guys like MultipleEncounters perhaps?

Just a thought, since they've been open for study for over 30 years now and only ONE university has had the balls to take a look at them...

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper Wrote: "According to the BBC, Jimmy Chilcutt of the Conroe Texas Police Department, a forensics expert who specializes in finger and footprints, is certain around six found footprints claimed to have been made by Bigfoot are genuine."

That's it. Just 6. Then when looking into who Jimmy Chilcutt is and why he believes those 6 sets of prints are real, I found this as explanation on the "physical expert testemonies" regarding Bigfootprints."

It only takes 1 print with dermal ridges. Your physical “expert” is a pharmacist turned artist and I’ll name him later? Exactly what area of expertise does he have? He examined 1 cast. Just 1. And based his conclusion on 1 case under very ideal circumstances that do not hold true for all prints with dermal ridges. I do admit that Jeffrey Meldrum and Jimmy Chilcutt were impressed enough with is work to check their results again.

Bowsnipers Supporting link:

This site (Skeptical Inquirer) is not known as the most um...reliable source for debunking and is often compared to the national magazine that with a similar name. The sole purpose of this organization is to debunk anything they consider fringe or paranormal and they often use preliminary and incomplete sources. I'm highly skeptical (Pardon the pun) of the statements they attribute to the parties involved. It's hard to believe that some artifact of casting will produce dermal ridges complete with sweat pores realistic enough to fool a fingerprint expert. After seeing this report Jimmy Chilcutt stands by his reputation.

and here

Bowsnipers Supporting Link:

Still sticking to your pattern, it is still a "Skeptical Inquirer" article" It references the same research done in the previous article. The person conducting the experiments is not named but I’ll supply that later. This guy does go to a lot of trouble to show artifacting in a somewhat dermal ridge pattern... It does fall short in a couple of areas though.

1) This guy has a specific gripe with the Onion Mountain print (the only print he examined). He claims that BF tracks do not show flexion creases but there are clearly a major flexion crease in that particular print. I've seen countless other casts that exhibit these same "nonexistent" flexion creases.

2) In addition to dermal ridges the BF prints Chilcutt examined showed sweat pores that could not be mistaken for air bubbles. These are present in all primates and break the dermal ridges in predictable patterns. There is no mention of sweat pores in the article.

3) Also present are indications of healed scars in many prints. Any primate with somewhat soft soles would naturally get cuts on the bottom of it's feet. These scars heal in predictable and consistant patterns that have been present in the prints. How does the author of this article account for that? No mention there but to be fair…I did find a response from the author of the article which I will put in print at the conclusion of this post!

4) Would the artifacting in left and right examples form the same creature produce mirror images of each other as they would be expected to do if they were dermal ridges? I think not! Benny Kling, Law Enforcement Academy Instructor, Douglas, Wyoming, has examined and inked latex lifts and original casts and drew the conclusion that "...breakdown and smoothing of the ridges under weight-bearing areas, as might be expected of a living foot, are near mirror images; some dysplasia is indicated where it could be expected, smoothing by wear shows on the weight-bearing areas."

5) A quote from Dr. Meldrums book (Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science)...Two consecutive paragraphs word for word with no breaks.

"Questions still remain concerning the possible occurrence of pouring artifact under hot, exceptionally dry conditions and further experimentation is needed. This challenge has been taken on by an amateur investigator, Matt Crowley, whose preliminary results raise questions specifically about interpretation of the Onion Mountain cast features as dermatoglyphics.

Chilcutt spent another couple of days scrutinizing the casts and comparing them with representative ape and human inked prints that he had brought along from his collection. During a break for lunch, Chilcutt broke a reflective moment of silence by turning to me and emphatically declaring, "Jeff, these animals REALLY exists! What do you plan to do about it?"

Yep…I verified that Crowley is our guy!

Chilcutt still stands by his analysis even after Crowleys preliminary results are made known to him.


I later some posts by Crowley on a forum he frequents:

Question from a poster: "That is some awsome work, tube!

Have you noticed any casting artifacts that resembled scars? I remember Mr. Chilcutt mentioning scars found within some "dermal ridges" on track casts. He said the scars tend to turn inwards within the ridges. Anything like that?"

Crowley wrote: “Good question. As far as I know Mr. Chilcutt was refering to Paul Freeman's "Wrinkle Foot" cast. I'm not completely sure of this so please refer to Mr. Chilcutt's work directly. The ridge artifacts I am seeing on my tests are significantly different than the ridges on the Wrinkle Foot cast. First of all, the wrinkle foot cast was made in mud and so I believe this artifact process was not involved. Secondly, the ridges on Wrinkle Foot are much more "dendritic" or branched than those produced by the ridge artifact process. Dr. Meldrum agrees with the interpretation that the ridges are dendritic.

Beyond that I offer no opinion. Clearly this footprint cast is controversial as to whether it was made by a Sasquatch or was a hoax. Dahinden's position seemed to be that it was a hoax and therefore any surface features are irrelevant. I disagree. I believe that even if it was a hoax that it is worthwhile to try and figure out how the surface features got there. If one guy could engage in a profoundly subtle and sophisticated hoax, someone else could too.

It is certainly possible that Mr. Chilcutt is right on the money with this one and if so we all better listen up.

I'm not qualified to recognise what would constitute a scar on a footprint cast."

Straight from the horses mouth. He has examined exactly one cast…and does not believe the artifact process was involved in at least one other print showing dermal ridges.

From: Eric Krewson
I haven't read this whole thread as it is pretty redundant. Perhaps someone has entered this trail cam video before but I found it interesting.

From: Believer
Looks like a guy in a monkey suit to me, and the videographer can't even stay on the subject (I suspect by design). I think it's a hoax.

From: Believer
Looks like a guy in a monkey suit to me, and the videographer can't even stay on the subject (I suspect by design). I think it's a hoax.

From: Sixby
I just watched the vidio: It really seemed contrived until the pics of the animal. Whatever that was was wayyyyyyy to big to be a human. It moved awfully natural to be a man in a suit but who knows. Like I said the whole vidio seemed to be contrived to arrive at finding the bigfoot. Still. The animal looked real to me.

From: Believer
Sixby, I have no way of knowing what the subject in the video is because the guy can't stay on it with his camera. i also can't guage size because I don't have a measurement of anything else in the frames to give it scale.

BUT, I have talked with enough credible people that have seen the real deal and gathered what I THINK would be a fair knowledge of what to look for. I don't see any of it in this video. For one thing, if this primate exists and I believe it does, it has hair not fur. That looks like fur on the subject in the video to me, and that spells monkey suit.

From: Owl
"That looks like fur on the subject in the video to me, and that spells monkey suit."


From: Big Foot

That photo with Michael Waddel is my neighbor Frank. He lives two redwoods down from me with his "life partner", Danny. Yes, even us Sasquatches have those kind too.

Any photos of a Sasquatch with the "Getting Close" couple, Lee and Tiffany?

I tell ya, if I ever find them in the woods, I'm gonna snap that Lee's neck like a twig and take Tiffany back to the redwood with me.

Big Foot LIKE Tiffany.......rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

From: Big Foot
Where did everybody go?

Are you guys watching Dancing With The Stars? A bunch of big burley outdoorsmen and you're watching that girly boy crap.

From: Big Foot
Wait! I just turned Dancing With The Stars on my tv. Some of those women dancers........WOW! Now I know why you guys are watching that show! Those women just might trigger the Sasquatch rut!

From: BowSniper
And it comes full circle.

In all cases its either a hoax or simple misidentification, based on wishful thinking and fantasy, then wrapped in kooky hysteria and delusion. With a furry little bow on top.

Its entertaining for a while and then becomes redundant and annoying. Now I understand why these posts eventually get deleted, and why these bigfoot believers and self proclaimed experts are eventually shunned to their own little world of dedicated bigfoot forums and conspiracy chatrooms. Main stream science and education has long since given up on these people. I should as well.

Its all a big Zen riddle... if Bigfoot makes a tree fall in the forest, does anyone really believe it??

From: Big Foot
Okay, I just watched the dancer named "Cheryl". Big Foot now deep into rut!


From: foot_chase
I personally think Cotman wins this discussion hands down.. with his 2 picture

From: foot_chase
I personally think Cotman wins this discussion hands down.. with his 2 picture

From: Eric Krewson
OOPS! posted the wrong link. The one I posted is obviously a fake.

Hope I got the right one this time, supposed to be from a trail cam.

From: chip
Biggie-Calm down man and take a deep breath!

From: Ton
There has been many sitings of the so called bigfoot in our area of Ontario.

30 years ago a found tracks in the bush and followed them to a cave type thing in a rock hill which was adjacent to a huge cedar bog.

The tracks lead me to a perfect, flattened out bed in the moss.

Never seen any creature.

There is no dought that something exicts that hunmans have not fully dicovered.

Hi Eric,

Actually that's Oliver the chimp. He was a fascinating chimpanzee who was very human-like and walked around like a human too. They just boosted a section of video from archived footage trying to get away with hoaxing a sasquatch.

Big Foot, I also want you to know you are welcome over at the place where we talk about you all the time. You are already well loved there and we know you are real. No talk of hunting you is even allowed there (even though many there are hunters). Maybe some day you will even be presented ambassadorship between those who know you exist and those who don't.

You might be asked to wear a suit to some dinner parties, and occasionally wash however. A bath might even turn Tiffany on.


From: Big Foot
Mrs. Big Foot not happy with me right now. Last night (because I was in rut) we made Sasquatch luv and during I called her both Tiffany...rrrrrrrrrrr, and Cheryl...rrrrrrr-o-o-o-rrrrrrr.

She thinks I don't love her anymore and that there is no romance left in our marriage. But if the fat cow would just loose some weight and get a Brazalian. Oh my God! Does she ever need a Brazalian!


Yes, a bath might turn Tiffany on, but do you think my shoe size will, too?

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper Wrote: “I like the quality of the information and presentation by Sanctum much better. I thank you for your contributions and will try to look into them as time allows. No one is expecting you to suddenly prove what has never been proven, but rather I'd like to see what you guys think is credible evidence so we can take a gander at the best the BF community has to offer. Heck, we are on the front lines out there and I'd like to think a bowhunter will bring one in if there is such a thing. Maybe with those cool dynamite arrows from the Dukes of Hazard :-)”

Thanks for the compliment. I surely hope Bigfoot isn’t brought in by a bowhunter but it would, surely, solve the mystery once and for all. I’m of the live and let live persuasion when it comes to intelligent bipedal primates.

Bowsniper supporting link:

We discussed most of that already but I give you credit for using a link not related to “Skeptical Inquirer” this time.

This article bases it’s conclusions on the findings of Seattle-based author Greg Long. Greg Long reveals details of the “hoax” also clandestinely involved author Kal Korff. They were promoting their book when this article was written. The details of the witnesses are convoluted, inconsistent and ever changing.

Star witness form this article: Bob Heironimus claims he was the man behind the mask. He has told an ever evolving story with many contradictions since 2004. He is looking for money…he states he is entitled to it. Sounds like a reason to make up a lie to me. “Heironimus claims that the Bigfoot costume was made of synthetic fur and bits of leather from a horse's hide. Patterson had added "breasts" to the chest of the Bigfoot creature. Heironimus also remembers that it contained football shoulder pads inside it to "bulk it up," and that the head piece was, in fact, a dressed-up football helmet that had a mask attached to the front of it with two slits to look through. "Because the eyeholes were a little more than an inch away from my face, it was hard to see in that mask."”

Originally…Bob claimed it was a horse hide costume. Later he changed it to mostly synthetic with bits of horse so his story would “fit” the next witness. How were natural looking breasts added to a synthetic costume? The Morris’ said they didn’t do it. Were two hick cowboys capable of including that believable detail? In the film the shoulders show natural muscle movement. I used to play football…I don’t remember anything natural about the movement of football shoulder pads. Also Bob says the head was a dressed up football helmet. It doesn’t look anything like a helmet to me. In fact…when Morris later produced a facsimile of the suit he says was used in the Patterson-Gimlin film it contained no helmet and no way to put a helmet inside it. Additionally, recent enhancements have revealed natural jaw movement in the subject. How is that accomplished in a helmet?

Supporting Witnesses: “Philip Morris, the man who actually made and sold a gorilla suit to Roger Patterson the one later used (with modifications) in his famous film.” Morris recalls, "So I took one of my gorilla suits and shipped it to him. Parcel post, if I remember, it was a standard suit we sold to all our customers. Then, not long after he would have received the suit, I got a call from him. He said he had received the suit, and that it seemed okay, but, he said, 'I can see the zipper in the back.' I told him, 'Just brush the fur down over the zipper.' The fur on the suit was a material called Dynel. It was a nylon fiber, a popular material back then. It was used on lots of things, like plush toys, bathroom rugs, toilet seats. I bought it from my supplier in only two colors, black and brown. Then Roger wanted to know how to make the arms longer. I said, 'Find a shovel handle or a stick and slip it in the sleeves. Then attach the gloves to the stick.' That's how to extend the arms in a costume. You screw the gloves onto the stick. Then he said he wanted to make the shoulders more massive. I told him to go down to a local high school and get some old football pads--the coaches would probably be happy to get rid of some old, cracked ones--and put them in the shoulders."

Hold on! The whole suit was Dynel? Have you ever seen Dynel? It is the most unnatural looking fur-like material imaginable. BBC used Brown Dynel in their pitiful recreation of the Patterson-Gimlin Film. It didn’t show wear patterns, the light shown through it and lit it up like a fire. The brown Dynel looks like a bright orange clown suit in natural lighting. There is no way a Dynel suit would even come close to fooling anyone. The whole episode was a high dollar disaster. Besides the material used, there were many other inconsistencies in the appearance of the suit…how it was donned and how many parts it had. These inconsistent storied between Morris and Heironimus are not mentioned.

BBC with a huge budget could not duplicate the costume, or make a reasonable recreation of the Patterson-Gimlin footage. Look for yourself!

Side by side comparison:

Bowsniper Wrote: I think its significant that the guy who wore the suit confessed and passed two lie detector tests. While I would admit that those lie detector tests are hardly perfect, it is very telling that Gimlin (the only surviving member of the two guys who made the video) has refused to take the same lie detector test himself.

I don’t think it is significant at all that a known pathological liar can pass a lie detector test depending on who administers the test. This is significant however... Heironimus and Morris describing ape suits that are in many respects quite different:

• Heironimus says he was told by his brother Howard that the suit was manufactured by Patterson from a "real dark brown" horse hide (Long, 344). This point is repeated several times: "It stunk: Roger skinned out a dead, red horse" (ibid). • Morris reports that the suit was a rather expensive ($450) dark brown model with fur made of Dynel, a synthetic material. Long writes that Morris "used Dynel solely in the sixties--and was using brown Dynel in 1967".(Long, 449) • Heironimus described the suit as having no metal pieces and an upper "torso part" that he donned "like putting on a T-shirt" (Long, 344–45). At Bluff Creek he put on "the top" (Long, 349). Asked about the "bottom portion," he guessed it was cinched with a drawstring. • Morris made a one-piece union suit with a metal zipper up the back and into which one stepped (Long, 449). • Heironimus described the suit as having hands and feet that were attached to the arms and legs. • Morris made a suit whose hands and feet were separate pieces. Long speculates that Patterson riveted or glued these parts to the suit.

People that know Hieronymus characterize him as a huckster. Here is a statement from a former student of his:

“Bob Hieronymus taught me art at Rosedale elementary school back in the 1960's in Baltimore. Him and his wife are the biggest jokes in the world. He tried to get all us kids to give all our "old" comic books to him. He must have known they would be worth something one day. Thats nice trying to make money by stealing kids comic books. We called him Mr. Hippopotamus.”

But Tell you what…I’ll let you look at the best footage of Mr. Hieronymus in a suit. This is the best Morris could come up with after almost 40 years? He says this is an exact replica of the original suit. Nothing at all looks realistic in these clips. Nice try Mr. Morris.

Here is a really good link that discusses various things about the Patterson-Gimlin including the many ways it has been “exposed”:

From: elkherder
bigfoot quit tossin rocks at my house you freek,my old lady's not coming out and you ate all my cookies last time

From: chip
Just a thought about this entire thread. This thread started under the premise that Fred Eichler spotted "something" on a trail cam that he could not identify. From then on it just escalated, experts coming on touting their thoughts on Bigfoot, those opposed to it who laughed and ridiculed such ideas and others who just came on with one stupid comment after another. It just kept going on and on and then to really make matters worse we have Bigfoot come on and he chimes in about all this talk about himself. Now he starts ranting on about Dancing With the Stars and one of the gorgeous dancers Cheryl and then starts in about Tiffany. He is getting out of control as is this thread. Now to put the icing on the cake he devulges to us his sex life with Mrs. Bigfoot. Do we really need this? Will this ever end? So I say to all , what do we do if we find out that this was just a prank by Fred? Do we have one of us book a hunt with him and beat the hell out of him? What do we do?????

Idahobowhunter, an outfitter friend of mine who has taken 60 elk himself between Oregon and Idaho has never seen a bigfoot either. Another hunter friend who has only taken a small handful of elk in as many years, has seen one. There are even a number of bigfoot researchers who have been searching 30 years and have never seen one. They have heard them and seen their signs & tracks, so they know they exist. That is simply the nature of the beast. No explanation why, the odds of chance we will say. But some people also have a stronger connection to the earth and the animals, and this may have some correlation. An immeasurable issue to gauge.

Anyway, it was only 6 months ago that this guide and I began having a few discussions about these creatures and some of the sign in the woods. He admitted he has seen some of this sign but like Sixby, he just never had an explanation for it. Now that we have talked, and he has read a little more on the subject, he is open minded, especially since he knows other woodsman who have claimed in the past of encountering some things.

Next time deep in the woods Idahobowhunter, look for the sign we have discussed throughout this thread. Examine it closely. Make sure some of those explanations above of possible causes, did not have an influence.

Eric, here is a short clip on Oliver the chimp. Many called him a Humanzee. A truly fascinating enigma. There are six parts for anyone truly interested.

Chip, got to read your last comment before pushing the submit button. One thing this thread will accomplish is that bowhunters in general will be able to discuss the subject with a little more insight and open mindedness. Highly unlikely that the host of a show would perpetrate any such hoax as it would be seen as a betrayal by his viewers. More likely he was truly unaware of 'what' crossed his game-cam's path. Maybe they also found tracks there when they returned, maybe not? But at least if there is an evolution here and elsewhere on the subject, then Fred E. will find it easier to step forward and talk about it. It would really help us all however, if he would share his highest quality video with the public. Unless they have some absolutely amazing additional footage that hasn't been released, the existing frames won't conclude the mystery and aren't a source of financial gain, but better quality will help the public.

From: Owl
"So I say to all , what do we do if we find out that this was just a prank by Fred? Do we have one of us book a hunt with him and beat the hell out of him? What do we do?????"

- That's hilarious.:)

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - My biggest issue with the defense of the Patterson film , is that the bigfoot supporters are pretending that only the "other" side of the story has inconsistencies. You've got to admit that the idea of a couple of guys forming a movie company and then going out with a camera to find bigfoot actually pull it off their first try is a cazier premise than Bob H saying he was the guy in the suit. And you did not address at all the part of the story on where they had witnesses saying Patterson was making mockups of bigfoot prints prior to their reported discovery. I'd like to see your same open-minded skeptical analysis put towards why the Patterson film could very well be a hoax. Don;t jsut pick and choose which side of the story and which parts of each story to agree with and defend. Its selective science for predetermined outcomes that hurts bigfoot credibility.

And you didn't address why Gimlin won't take a similar lie detector test. If they both pass the test, I would be totally fine with ruling both lie detector tests as a draw.

The references to the BBC as having spent the "most money" put towards trying to duplicate this are weak. What did they spend... a few quid and sixpence?? Their efforts were worse than those highschool kids on the other Youtube video passed around here as "interesting". That other video would be better described as Laughable. Getting back to the Patterson video, Hollywood has pulled this off hundreds of times with far better success. King Kong movies go back to 1933, all the way up to Harry and the Hendersons.

If the BBC effort was such a professional job that pretends to show that the Patterson films cannot be duplicated, then why does your other video clips of Bob H. in his monkey suit trying to repeat the performance look so much better? Analysis of the Patterson film sets the creature to be a little over 6 feet (same as Bob H.). Hardly the 8 ft giant !!

I'd like to see decent images (video or still) that are not tied to someone in the business of making money off their story or having been caught previously trying to run around with fake footprints of bigfoot. That knocks off the Patterson film and the Freeman film, if you ask me.

The problem with the Jacob's pictures are that it looks like a mangy bear. The first picture a half hour earlier is clearly a bear. And the second two pics are taken moments apart, so they are both the same animal and either picture can be used to draw a conclusion. And #2 is a mangy bear! Now if this is supposed to be a young bigfoot, where are its big feet? They don't look like anything at all like anything ever presented as bigfoot prints. None of the pics even have it up on two legs. It is NOT doing anything that would match any other evidence ever presented for bigfoot, other than looking like a bear with long legs and bear feet. I'd like to agree that this is NOT a sasquatch so we can keep ruling out the bad evidence one after another until we can see what good evidence remains in the end.

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - along with full disclosure, here is a story I found from the Associated Press talking about one of the foremost experts in bigfoot 'science', Jeff Meldrum (often quoted or sourced above). This guy is clearly one of the bigfoot fan club, funded by the bigfoot fan club... and the reaction he gets from the other professors at the university where he holds his day job goes along with national sentiment and the bulk of the postings here.


By JESSE HARLAN ALDERMAN The Associated Press Saturday, November 4, 2006; 5:26 AM

POCATELLO, Idaho -- Jeffrey Meldrum holds a Ph.D. in anatomical sciences and is a tenured professor of anatomy at Idaho State University. He is also one of the world's foremost authorities on Bigfoot, the mythical smelly ape-man of the Northwest woods. And Meldrum firmly believes the lumbering, shaggy brute exists.

That makes him an outcast _ a solitary, Sasquatch-like figure himself _ on the 12,700-student campus, where many scientists are embarrassed by what they call Meldrum's "pseudo-academic" pursuits and have called on the university to review his work with an eye toward revoking his tenure. One physics professor, D.P. Wells, wonders whether Meldrum plans to research Santa Claus, too.

Jeffrey Meldrum displays what he describes as a casting of a footprint from a 'Bigfoot' creature, taken in the Blue Mountains of eastern Washington, in his laboratory at Idaho State University in Pocatello in a Sept. 19, 2006 file photo. Meldrum holds a Ph.D. in anatomical sciences and is a tenured professor of anatomy at the school, and also one of the world's foremost expert on Bigfoot,the mythical smelly ape-man of the Northwest woods. Many scientists at the school are embarrassed by what they call Meldrum's "pseudo-academic" pursuits and have called on the university to review his work with an eye toward revoking his tenure.

Meldrum, 48, spends most of his days in his laboratory in the Life Sciences Building, analyzing more than 200 jumbo plaster casts of what he contends are Bigfoot footprints.

For the past 10 years, he has added his scholarly sounding research to a field full of sham videos and supermarket tabloid exposes. And he is convinced he has produced a body of evidence that proves there is a Bigfoot.

"It used to be you went to a bookstore and asked for a book on Bigfoot and you'd be directed to the occult section, right between the Bermuda Triangle and UFOs," Meldrum said. "Now you can find some in the natural science section."

Martin Hackworth, a senior lecturer in the physics department, called Meldrum's research a "joke."

"Do I cringe when I see the Discovery Channel and I see Idaho State University, Jeff Meldrum? Yes, I do," Hackworth said. "He believes he's taken up the cause of people who have been shut out by the scientific community. He's lionized there. He's worshipped. He walks on water. It's embarrassing."

John Kijinski, dean of arts and sciences, said there have been "grumblings" about Meldrum's tenure, but no formal request for a review.

"He's a bona fide scientist," Kijinski said. "I think he helps this university. He provides a form of open discussion and dissenting viewpoints that may not be popular with the scientific community, but that's what academics all about."

On campus, Meldrum _ himself a hulking figure, with a mop of brown hair, a bristly silver mustache, and a black T-shirt with a silhouette of a hunchbacked, lurking Bigfoot _ gets funny looks and the silent treatment from other scientists, and is not invited to share coffee with the other science professors.

Over the summer, more than 30 professors signed a petition criticizing the university for hosting a Bigfoot symposium where Meldrum was the keynote speaker.

He pays for his research with a $30,000 donation from a Bigfoot believer.

Still, Meldrum has a distinguished supporter in Jane Goodall, the world-famous authority on African chimpanzees. Her blurb on the jacket of Meldrum's new book, "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science," lauds him for bringing "a much-needed level of scientific analysis" to the Bigfoot debate.

"As a scientist, she's very curious and she keeps an open mind," said Goodall spokeswoman Nona Gandelman. "She's fascinated by it."

Bigfoot is sort of the Loch Ness Monster of the Pacific Northwest. The legend dates back centuries. Indian folklore includes murmurs of a man-ape that roams the hidden hollows. Sasquatch is a Salish Indian word meaning woodland wildman.

Newspapers began recording sightings of Bigfoot in the backwoods during the 1920s. But skeptics have challenged the accounts, and practical jokers have staged elaborate hoaxes, including grainy film footage of someone in a monkey suit and phony footprints stamped into the ground with giant molded feet.

Meldrum said it was a decade ago in Walla Walla, Wash., that he first discovered flat 15-inch footprints in the woods. He said he thought initially that they were a hoax, but noticed locked joints and a narrow arch _ traits he came to believe could only belong to Bigfoot.

"That's what set the hook," Meldrum said. "I resolved at this point, this was a question I'd get to the bottom of."

When not in the lab, he loads his Chevy Suburban with tents and forensic gear and heads for the woods of Washington state and Northern California, where he has collected what he says are footprints, hair and feces from the ape-man. He tests hair samples and uses physics to produce charts that purport to show how Bigfoot would walk.

Meldrum wonders aloud how much longer he will be on the faculty. But he said he also dreams of one day bringing back a bone or a tooth or some skin, and silencing the "stuffy academics."

"Is the theory of exploration dead?" he asked. "I'm not out to proselytize that Bigfoot exists. I place legend under scrutiny and my conclusion is, absolutely, Bigfoot exists."

From: MF
If this turns out to be a prank by Fred E., I say we take him to Bigfoot's redwood and let BF lay some rut down on him!!

From: Believer

I would put myself in the side of 'believers' in a North American Great Ape, and I have looked at both arguments by both camps. In the end in my mind it becomes a he-said/he-said argument that is going to be tough either way. Both sides have problems in their cases. So for me, it boils down to what do I see when I look at stills of the film.

As the film has been digitized, enhanced and enlarged using technologies that Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin would have had now way to fathom were coming, and I see the result of those techniques, I don't see a monkey mask over a football helmet.

When you look at this photo, do you?

From: Believer

Believer's Link
Well, the photo didn't embed in my previous post so here is a link to the photo.

From: Sixby
Hmmmmm So much for real science when scientist reject and shun a man for being open minded and actually researching instead of going with the flow. Sounds like this man is a real explorer and if bigfoot is real and found I hope someone like him is the one to do it and throw it in his critics scholerly faces/

From: Believer
I agree Sixby. When Meldrum's colleagues shun him not because of his scientific methods but because of the subject matter, I see a bunch of guys doing nothing more than a collective CYA.

Many of those same people's eyebrows raised when Dr. Daris Swindler from the University of Washington came down as saying there is a most definite possibility of the existence of sasquatch. Several said, "Daris said that???" and then just left it alone, because they know Dr. Swindler is EXTREMELY respected in his field, and is considered one of the world's foremost experts on primates. His opinion is a little tougher for them to criticize.

BowSniper, it is you who seem to be hanging your evidence on a few issues you question, while you ignore the rest. There are more and more people here admitting to there being something out there. There are thousands of witness reports of sasquatch that you ignore. There is evidence in the field you will probably find your next time out, that you may have trouble ignoring. But of course if you walk around with blinders on in the brush, maybe not. That will be up to you and only you.

Yes, there are peers of Dr. Meldrum, who critizise him, all issues of controversy have skeptics. This is true throughout history with almost every great discovery there have been. From the solar system to gravity. Meldrum is also praised for having the guts to stick to his guns. All great discoveries are made in the face of doubters and their criticism. Happens time and time again. What is the point being made about receiving criticism? We all face it when we pursue something new and different. Good for Meldrum for bucking the stupid system of closed minded sheep which society has too many of in the first place. That's what the pursuit of knowledge is all about BowSniper!

The figure in the Jacob's photos is likely a juvenile, not an adult with mature physical characteristics like giant feet you seek to see. Baby bears are not born with feet the size of adults. Same with human children. What is the mystery there?

It is only the second photo that skeptics try to claim is a mangy bear. But then address the third photo with that question, they cannot do the same. No bear stands like that. Both photos must be viewed in context because of their timing, not what one discounts from one photo and then cannot be discounted from the second.

The tide is turning on this issue being discussed here. There are a few holdouts but it is becoming more possible to the rest that something is probably out there. I know there are many open minded people on this list because some have posted here and others have contacted me privately. Many of them have apologized for the behavior of a few and I appreciate their sentiments. There are a lot of good people here who know that our world is not so simple as what we learned about in school books growing up. These people are still expanding their minds and know that our wonderful planet is not just about us.

From: Sanctum

It is nice spar back and forth with someone that is willing to look stuff up for a change. You have some valid points but still some not so valid points.

Bowsniper Wrote: "Sanctum - My biggest issue with the defense of the Patterson film , is that the bigfoot supporters are pretending that only the "other" side of the story has inconsistencies. You've got to admit that the idea of a couple of guys forming a movie company and then going out with a camera to find bigfoot actually pull it off their first try is a cazier premise than Bob H saying he was the guy in the suit."

Patterson had the Bigfoot bug. He was making a documentary. He visited an out of the way area where his research showed BF sightings had often occurred, just as anyone making a documentary would do. He did not expect to see Bigfoot. He just happened to run into one. I presume he HOPED to film one. Still, it is a pretty big coincidence that one showed up after only two days in the field but not beyond the realm of possibilities. What is more improbable to me is that he had ability to pull off one of the greatest hoaxes of all time without having a clue about basic primate anatomy and locomotion. If Someone from BFRO...who is actually looking for Bigfoot finds him the world will say the same thing. It is a circular argument and one we can't win.

Bowsniper Wrote: "And you did not address at all the part of the story on where they had witnesses saying Patterson was making mockups of bigfoot prints prior to their reported discovery. I'd like to see your same open-minded skeptical analysis put towards why the Patterson film could very well be a hoax. Don;t jsut pick and choose which side of the story and which parts of each story to agree with and defend. Its selective science for predetermined outcomes that hurts bigfoot credibility."

There is no proof Patterson was creating mockups. Why is it that a few people looking for money or fame come forward 40 years later to claim all this stuff rather than expose the hoax when they first found out about it? Even if Patterson was making mockup prints, that is not uncommon when creating a documentary. Bowsniper Wrote: "And you didn't address why Gimlin won't take a similar lie detector test. If they both pass the test, I would be totally fine with ruling both lie detector tests as a draw."

I haven't found any credible link saying that Gimlin wouldn't take a polygraph test. I might have missed something. Please provide your link and I'll look into it. I personally don't find polygraph tests credible and wouldn't want to take one either. I was interviewed for the "White House Communications Agency" back in the mid 90's and the stress alone from an interview like that can invalidate the results. I passed that polygraph but even if I hadn't those tests is not the sole basis for hiring anyone to work for the President. I know of several people who have claimed to have been abducted by aliens that HAVE passed a lie detector test though.

Bowsniper Wrote: "The references to the BBC as having spent the "most money" put towards trying to duplicate this are weak. What did they spend... a few quid and sixpence?? Their efforts were worse than those highschool kids on the other Youtube video passed around here as "interesting". That other video would be better described as Laughable."

I don't know the exact amount but BBC has a pretty good budget. Certainly more than Roger Patterson had. The suit was supposedly made of the same material that Morris said he made the "Patty" suit out of and created with 1967 technology. Also the recreation was in the exact spot that "Patty" was filmed.

Bowsniper Wrote: "Getting back to the Patterson video, Hollywood has pulled this off hundreds of times with far better success. King Kong movies go back to 1933, all the way up to Harry and the Hendersons."

I disagree entirely. The 1933 King Kong was a doll and did not look real at all. No one has implied that the Patterson Creature was a doll. It's height is measurable. The 1987 movie Harry and the Henderson’s, used animatronics and other technology that was ultimately more sophisticated than anything in 1967. Still...I doubt if anyone dressed up in that suit and tromped around in the woods it wouldn’t be recognized for what it is. Currently movies use CGI and other special effects to create much more realistic looking monsters. Today's technology only makes it that much more difficult to prove the creatures existence because any digital photo or film can be altered so easily.

Bowsniper Wrote: "If the BBC effort was such a professional job that pretends to show that the Patterson films cannot be duplicated, then why does your other video clips of Bob H. in his monkey suit trying to repeat the performance look so much better?"

I actually agree with part of this statement. The Morris Costume (made with today’s technology by a professional costume maker with 40+ years of experience) does more closely resemble the "Patty Creature." But it still is an obvious costume. Bob H. has trouble walking in it and it does not fit or piece like he says the original did. Also the proportions are all wrong. It doesn't do much for Bob's case.

Bowsniper Wrote: "Analysis of the Patterson film sets the creature to be a little over 6 feet (same as Bob H.). Hardly the 8 ft giant !!"

Correct again. The creature in the film is probably around 6'7". Even so she is still a giant. Experts estimate the creature’s weight to be between 450lbs and 800lbs. As a female of a species that exhibits gender dimorphism similar to great apes, that is a reasonable size for an adult creature. Those statistics are spot on for other sightings of Sasquatch in the 6' to 7' range.

Bob is 6'2" or 6'3"I believe. He certainly is a large man. It's not beyond the possibility that he could fit in the suit. That is...if his arms were 15% longer, his foot was 14 to 16 inches, his (graceful) stride over 3 long, and his body about 250% to 400% more massive. From what I see in those recreations he couldn’t pull it off.

Bowsniper Wrote: "I'd like to see decent images (video or still) that are not tied to someone in the business of making money off their story or having been caught previously trying to run around with fake footprints of bigfoot. That knocks off the Patterson film and the Freeman film, if you ask me."

I couldn't agree with you more. Even if we get that video from an impeccable witness (and there are many) and it is perfectly clear...with today’s technology, there will always be doubt.

Bowstriker Wrote: "The problem with the Jacob's pictures are that it looks like a mangy bear. The first picture a half hour earlier is clearly a bear. And the second two pics are taken moments apart, so they are both the same animal and either picture can be used to draw a conclusion." And #2 is a mangy bear!

There are several conclusions that can be drawn actually. You came to the conclusion that it is a bear. Others have come to the conclusion that it is a juvenile primate. Still, others have come to the conclusion that it is a hoax. I, personally, have not drawn a conclusion to the Jacobs Pictures.

Bowsniper Wrote: "Now if this is supposed to be a young bigfoot, where are its big feet? They don't look like anything at all like anything ever presented as bigfoot prints."

I already stated I am not convinced this particular photo is of a sasquatch but I can see why others do. In the daytime photos posted of this site you can see a lot of leaves on the ground. I don't know about you but when I walk in leaves you can't see my feet either. Also that would make the legs look shorter than they actually are.

Bowsniper Wrote: "None of the pics even have it up on two legs. It is NOT doing anything that would match any other evidence ever presented for bigfoot, other than looking like a bear with long legs and bear feet."

I don't think you have looked at all of the evidence so you probably are not qualified to make that statement. I have seen multiple reports stating that juvenile sasquatch use Quadra pedal locomotion. I've also seen reports that adult sasquatch use it from time to time and that they are quite fast on all fours. I've also seen reports about juvenile sasquatch being brachiates (swinging in trees). the 11 year old twin daughters move around on all fours once in a while.

Bowsniper Wrote: "I'd like to agree that this is NOT a sasquatch so we can keep ruling out the bad evidence one after another until we can see what good evidence remains in the end."

Why don't we just agree that you don't see a sasquatch and some others do. I'll agree that the Jacobs pictures are inconclusive.

Bowsniper Wrote: "Sanctum - along with full disclosure, here is a story I found from the Associated Press talking about one of the foremost experts in bigfoot 'science', Jeff Meldrum (often quoted or sourced above). This guy is clearly one of the bigfoot fan club, funded by the bigfoot fan club... and the reaction he gets from the other professors at the university where he holds his day job goes along with national sentiment and the bulk of the postings here."

Correction: Some uninformed faculty at the university think just like some of the uninformed people on this thread. Other peers that have taken the time to examine the evidence back him. Also...his peers that accredit him hold him high regard and his credentials in his areas of expertise are impeccable or he would have a hard time keeping his position don’t you think?

Sixby Wrote: "Hmmmmm So much for real science when scientist reject and shun a man for being open minded and actually researching instead of going with the flow. Sounds like this man is a real explorer and if bigfoot is real and found I hope someone like him is the one to do it and throw it in his critics scholerly faces/"


I'm on you with this one. Meldrum is getting the exact same kind of treatment from SOME of his peers Fred would get if he openly supported the Bigfoot Camp. From the comments made in the article I would say there is a bit of closet jealousy evident from those peers. He is a bit of celebrity on campus after all. If you are interested in Dr. Meldrums research on Sasquatch you should read the book "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science." There is a companion CD that is also very good. It has higher quality pictures and video from several of the sources mentioned in this thread.

From: bullelkklr
I want to believe, but......

What about MudWhomps and Sidehill Gougers?

If they exist and live close to people (as proposed here), what are the odds of these following things NEVER happening:

- BF hit and killed by car/truck

- BF hit and killed by train

- BF drowns in a flood or crossing a river and washes up near humanity

- BF gets very sick, disoriented, and wanders into humanity

- BF dies of natural causes and is found by a person

- BF accidentally shot by hunter (gun hunters accidentally shoot LOTS of stuff every year) and found

- BF killed by rockslide or mudslide and found by people

- BF killed by bear or mountain lion and remains found

- BF killed by another BF and remains found

- BF killed by lightning and remains found

- BF freezes to death and remains found

- BF slips and impales self on tree (or hits head on rock) and remains found

Wild animals live hard, short lives in an incredibly harsh and dangerous environment. What are the odds that NOT ONE of these has EVER happened? EVER! And they have never died anywhere and been fossilized?

It's almost as though they are not, and never have been, here.....................................

From: razor
I can't believe this thread is still alive let alone big foot.

From: Sanctum
Glad you asked those questions Herdmanager. Just when I thought you had stopped paying attention. I'll get back to you tomorrow for your lesson. I've got more important things to do tonight.

From: Joey Ward

Butt, as far as I know, there could be Klingon's circling Uranus, as we speak.

Warp speed 9, Mr. Sulu!

From: BowSniper
Herdmanager - let me be the first to guess at what is coming. The BF you see, has uncanny abilities. That is what makes him so special. If he COULD be found then he wouldn't have bigfoot powers. See? The mere fact that he can't be found and can't be proven is what makes him so totally real. So when we say there have never been ape creature ever of any type in north america, that PROVES there is a bigfoot here because he is so crafty in woodsmanship that he knows what we would be looking for to hide it and protect his species. If you can prove nothing was ever here, then it proves bigfoot was here the whole time!

Plus he is self aware, so knows to hide his dead so that we can't discover the secret subculture of giant apeas he has maintained for hundreds of thousands of years right under our noses. And there are no juvenille bigfeet doing stupid stuff and getting caught/killed like every other species because the BF are not just some other species. If they never get killed it totally PROVES there is a bigfoot because only he would be different enough to do what every animal and human has been unable to do in controllign juvenille behavior. They are so special as to have a reason we cannot possibly understand to explain away any reasonable challenge. Its the impenetrable "get-out-of-jail-free" card.

Here is the most appropriate video to explain the bigfoot phenomenon

Listen close, listen loud, and substitute "bigfoot" where appropriate!! :-)

HerdManager, thank you for asking in this way. I will address what I can in CAPS:

"If they exist and live close to people (as proposed here), what are the odds of these following things NEVER happening:

- BF hit and killed by car/truck



- BF hit and killed by train


- BF drowns in a flood or crossing a river and washes up near humanity


- BF gets very sick, disoriented, and wanders into humanity


- BF dies of natural causes and is found by a person


- BF accidentally shot by hunter (gun hunters accidentally shoot LOTS of stuff every year) and found



- BF killed by rockslide or mudslide and found by people


- BF killed by bear or mountain lion and remains found


- BF killed by another BF and remains found


- BF killed by lightning and remains found


- BF freezes to death and remains found


- BF slips and impales self on tree (or hits head on rock) and remains found


Wild animals live hard, short lives in an incredibly harsh and dangerous environment. What are the odds that NOT ONE of these has EVER happened? EVER! And they have never died anywhere and been fossilized?


It's almost as though they are not, and never have been, here.....................................



I don't know if these answers will be enough for you HerdManager? There are a lot of variables in all your questions, and there is much you are not familiar with regarding them, but I hope it gives you something to think about.

I'm sure Sanctum will have more to add.

Thanks HerdManager,


From: BowSniper

BowSniper's embedded Photo
BowSniper's embedded Photo
ME - you saw something scary in the woods and it appears to have pushed you over the edge. That could mean it was that incredible of a sight, or that you were already too close to the edge. But I can't say what you saw, other than to note that so many eyewitness reports with so little useable evidence leads most rational people to conclude error on the human side, not on the science side.

I will continue to look at both sides of the issue, and keep my eyes open in the woods. Not sure if maryland has bigfeet but you never know. I am merely recognizing that the conjecture presented as fact is terribly weak and unconvincing thus far. Maybe we even have broken tree branches here, too!

I am fine with Dr. Meldrum sticking to his guns, and can appreciate that many great discoveries are made against skeptical adversity. But you love to jump the gun and rush to the happy bigfoot ending. He HAS NOT made any great discovery yet. When he proves something that mainstream science accepts (lets call national-geographic the "standard" for this topic) then we can talk. If the other scientists stop laughing at his work, you can have the podium for a huge "I told you so". But right now he is a joke among his own peers at his own university, so the "I told you so" still belongs to me. Accept that for now at least.

The second and third Jacobs pictures are 30 seconds apart. You are certifably nuts if you think its too different animals. To say that baby feet aren't like adult feet is silly. I am not talking about size, I am talking about shape. Human feet are the same baby to adult. And there is nothing in the jacob's picture that indicates these feet have ANYTHING in common with the footprints paraded around by bigfoot fans as real. Yeah, a mangy bear is a strange looking critter, but notice the arched back like in this picture of a mangy bear right off the bigfoot web pages. Furthermore, what would be the precedent for a primate in the wild in north america? In the history of the world there have never been primates in north america other than in a zoo. If you were to say its an ape escaped from the zoo, I would have more respect for your opinion. To actually believe its a sasquatch I have to say you've lost your grip on reality. And don't start with the Bearing Land Bridge stuff. Just because there was once a bridge doesn't mean ape creatures actually ever used it. If you could find one set of ape bones here, ONLY THEN could you suggest there might possibly have been more.

The "tide is not turning" on this forum for belief in bigfoot. You just have a greater number of your comrades from the dedicated bigfoot fan club forums coming here to agree with you. Regular hunters might say there is a chance, and that they have heard and seen things they cannot yet explain. But only you and your bigfoot pals take the blind running leap to decide that bigfoot is real and that bigfoot is that explanation they are going to find in the end.

You are the only one here that says you saw one in person. In fact, you wear the "multiple" encounters badge in such as way as to make people think you are desperately looking for attention riding the bigfoot bandwagon. Here you are totally willing to accept the chance that bigfoot is real, but not at all willing to accept the greater chance that you might just happen to be wrong. Personally, I think you are fishing for the Tom Cruise role in "Mission Impossible 4 - Bigfoot Lives".

From: TXHunter
Big Foot-

I'm still worried about Little Foot Johnny. Is he still harassing Girl Scouts and generally out of control? Or have you and the missus been able to talk some sense into him?

I'm no Oprah or Dr. Phil, but perhaps he senses the conflict that you and his mama are going through at the moment.Maybe both of you can go on a Papa/son trip where you can break a few trees together, weave some branches, and whup some tree trunks with limbs while you tell him it's not his fault...

From: Labdad
O.K. after reading the last ME post I change my mind.

BowSniper you are correct: KOOK was the right descriptive!

BowSniper, can you recognize that with various species within the animal kingdom that there are physical changes that take place on occasion? Polliwogs turn into frogs and develop legs. Orangutans develop facial disks when they mature. Your feet and legs straighten from the previously curled shape they used to have. There are all sorts of strange changes with hundreds/thousands of animals on this earth doing this right under your eyes.

Now, do you remember in Meldrum's page about MidTarsal Breaks in the foot? DId you do your homework?

Well, there are plenty of reports of sasquatch walking around on all fours, Sanctum also mentioned it above. There are even some of young ones seen in this posture. Could you possibly consider that when sasquatch are young, these Midtarsal Breaks may have implications to their anatomy? Maybe something to do with this particular bipedal movement? Is it possible for you to consider that if the Jacob's photos are indeed a young one, that is why you may not see the foot you want to see? Maybe there is actually an upward bend there of the foot? And if not, how big were your feet at the age of say 7 or so? Or as someone also mentioned, maybe the feet were partially covered by leaves? Aside from feet, look at the position of that final photo. Clearly it is one odd body posture for any man or ape. But if a child, then that is a lot of hair. If Ape, then the DNR there has some issues to resolve in Wildlife Management. And DEFINITELY NOT any bear based on the last photo.

Its too bad you must resort to innuendoes about one's mental state as a means of casting doubt. I guess I could say the same about you in some ways. I guess the fact is some people will always follow the status quo not matter what. Acting like sheep and only accepting what they grew up being taught. Few of them contribute much to humanity however in the end. I hope you are different in this respect BowSniper, but that is entirely up to you. If you will now be open minded while in the field, well good for you. If you ever find some of what I have said to be true, you are always welcome to contact me. That may not mean much to you now, but if one day you face one of these creatures, well I guess I could expect a call.


Real mature retort there Labdad. Try growing up yourself.

From: Labdad
Who said anything about growing up? (Although your mental maturity level is starting to show through your prose)

Did you actually READ what you posted above IN CAPS??

You give your BF more brain power, compassion and resourcefulness than humans. You "almost" started putting forth believable (although far-fetched) explanations. Now we have and un-killable, peaceful, "Apex-predators", with MD's in the fold (and morticians) with an IQ approaching 150. According to you on the other hand, humans approach blithering idiot status by being hit by cars, trains, drowning, freezing to death, etc.

You see; KOOK it must stay.

You certainly seem to be getting awfully touchy for somebody who's come to play in a bowhunting forum. I'm sure your 3 supporters will come to your defense, the rest of us are really here for the "hook line and sinker" BowSniper is laying out for you (and you haven't realized it yet) and the absolute hilarity of BIG FOOT himself!

Let me guess; You believe in UFO's and extraterrestrials too. If so, then there we may have common ground. Big Foot; sorry, NOPE!

From: stan420

stan420's Link
Here you go guys.....undisputed proof. NON-BELIEVERS MUST WATCH THIS:

From: stan420
GUYS, GUYS....C'mon, everyone can have their opinion, but personal attacks and 1st grade name calling is NOT COOL.

From: Labdad
kook [Usenet; originally and more formally, `net.kook'] Term used to describe a regular poster who continually posts messages with no apparent grounding in reality. Different from a troll, which implies a sort of sly wink on the part of a poster who knows better, kooks really believe what they write, to the extent that they believe anything.

kook (n) : someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group

From: Sixby
labdad:You certainly seem to be getting awfully touchy for somebody who's come to play in a bowhunting forum. I'm sure your 3 supporters will come to your defense, the rest of us are really here for the "hook line and sinker" BowSniper is laying out for you (and you haven't realized it yet) and the absolute hilarity of BIG FOOT himself!

Pretty broad brush you are painting with. Speak for yourself and let other people speak for themselves. Not all bowhunters are jerks.

From: Labdad
Sixby; no comment on BF being your "ancestor from long ago"? It certainly doesn't seem to abide by any of your other biblical based comments on such things.

Sticks and stones........

Maybe you didn't pay attention to what I posted earlier Labdad. Maybe the word ancestor was too much for you. You kind of have to think in terms of hundreds of thousands of years. When Modern Home Sapien sapiens had not fully entered the picture. We had ancestors, or if you prefer our predecessors. There are bones for these early species of man or the entire scientific community would not agree that they existed.

Do you argue this point Labdad? Here are a couple of timelines which show these early humans. Some were very large. Who is to say even one line does not live on today? Surely nobody here.

This timeline provides any doubter here with photos of skulls. I'm sure a few here can do with pictures. Oh and they've got other bones too. Some were very robust. All of modern science accepts that we had ancestors on this planet.

Oh look, and they even use the term Human Ancestry:

Homo erectus. Homo heidelbergensis. Homo neanderthalensis. They are not really that far apart from us are they? Two of them, less than one hundred thousand years, a blink of the eye as far as time goes. The rest of them, nearly a dozen known so far, go back further. We also really don't know what they looked like beyond what the bones tell us as far as body mass. We (modern anthropology) do believe that many were covered in hair and that some were large. There are even a few renditions of what they were expected to look like for your viewing pleasure.

Come on guys, the world is not all wrapped up in a neat little bow where unknown species cannot live without our knowing everything.


Maybe you didn't pay attention to what I posted earlier Labdad. Maybe the word ancestor was too much for you. You kind of have to think in terms of hundreds of thousands of years. When Modern Home Sapien sapiens had not fully entered the picture. We had ancestors, or if you prefer our predecessors. There are bones for these early species of man or the entire scientific community would not agree that they existed.

Do you argue this point Labdad? Here are a couple of timelines which show these early humans. Some were very large. Who is to say even one line does not live on today? Surely nobody here.

This timeline provides any doubter here with photos of skulls. I'm sure a few here can do with pictures. Oh and they've got other bones too. Some were very robust. All of modern science accepts that we had ancestors on this planet.

Oh look, and they even use the term Human Ancestry:

Homo erectus. Homo heidelbergensis. Homo neanderthalensis. They are not really that far apart from us are they? Two of them, less than one hundred thousand years, a blink of the eye as far as time goes. The rest of them, nearly a dozen known so far, go back further. We also really don't know what they looked like beyond what the bones tell us as far as body mass. We (modern anthropology) do believe that many were covered in hair and that some were large. There are even a few renditions of what they were expected to look like for your viewing pleasure.

Come on guys, the world is not all wrapped up in a neat little bow where unknown species cannot live without our knowing everything.


From: Labdad
You'll hear no voice of dissent from me concerning evolutionary development. However, your "evidence" for the existence of this particular "link" in the evolutionary chain just doesn't hold together. As BowSniper has so cunningly been attempting to point out; rational thought, based on even the simplest of scientific standards, lends little possibility to the existence of this "being" without it EVER having left a discernible, verifiable piece of evidence of it's existence.

A neat little bow won't hide the fact that a creature, animal, being; whatever you chose to call it....cannot exist on the most highly populated continents on earth and NEVER leave even a spec trace evidence that can be scientifically verified.

Your evidence to date has not measured up to even high school biology standards (no offense intended, just a reference point). Then, you describe your being as "better than human". We've discovered fossil remains thousands and 10's of thousands of years old on every continent; man has killed the largest, mightiest and meanest animals on earth including the Woolly Mammoth, elephant and cape buffalo (all with spears and or archery equipment); scientists have fossil evidence of the tiniest of phytoplankton; yet there is NO evidence for a living, breathing, (car/train dodging, bulletproof) bigfoot? Where is the rational explanation for that?

From: HerdManager
You summed it up perfectly:

"All of modern science accepts that we HAD ancestors on this planet."

They are gone. Long gone.

And you completely missed the point of my last post. The odds of NOT ONE of those things EVER happening is astronomical, to the point where it is beyond the realm of possibility.

From: Sixby
I do not buy into the evolutionary thing at all. If bigfoot exists they are not homosaphiens. As far as ancestors go I trace mine to Adam and Eve , not some monkey that evolved from a slime and then evolved into homo erectus ect/ I am a believer in devolvment not evolution. I believe that mankind is actually deteroriating since the point of creation. So

Multiple when you say no one here would argue. You are borrowing LabDad's big brush. I am fairly confident that I am not the only person on this site that does not have a monkey for a relative. The rest of you seem to be Hell bent on proving that you are relatives of apes. Fine. That is your perogative. However remember that evolution is not a fact it is a theory. A theory without one more bit of evidence to back it up than some of you claim Bigfoot does not have. LOL In fact I am kind of laughing that you accept being a decendent of a monkey but vehemently deny the possibility of Bigfoot.

On the other hand I believe that God created man and that if Bigfoot exists that God created Bigfoot as an individual species. When you start tying Bigfoot into the human evolutionary chain then we part company.

However , whatever you believe it has nothing to do with whether such a creature actually exists or not. I do believe that it is possible.

Labdad, unfortunately you view things within the only envelope you know. Can't accept that there is more we don't know. Can't accept something might be smarter then you in the woods. Can't accept that Native Americans knew about these creatures for thousands of years. Can't accept that science you know, has not yet pieced together all the parts.

The point of these ancestors once existing, only demonstrates that it is 'possible' that one of them could be the sasquatch of today. We don't know. We, nor you, can say without a doubt, that this is not possible.

And how do we know HerdManager that they are all gone? Because that is what our schools taught us? There could indeed be relic species. The late Dr. Grover Krantz, Professor of Anthropology at Washington State University, believed as much. However he believed that sasquatch was in the Pongid (ape) line of species. He never seen a sasquatch however, but his wife has. He never got to interact with one, but he knew they existed. He didn't just research in his lab, he went out into the field and found tracks and cast them himself. In fact, he cast some tracks not 15 miles from where I had an encounter four years ago. Guess it was the same guy walking around in a monkey suit making tracks in the wilderness during rifle season.

Labdad, this discussion has survived hundreds of immature comments that frankly they have ruined it for the rest. As long as there are immature comments, I will continue to point it out. I appreciate that other long time members here also recognize how immature some can be.

Anyway, some here keep saying that there is no proof, and yet they have DNA that continues to be analyzed. DNA that does not match any known human or primate DNA. How do you so easily ignore this? How are the literally 'thousands' of footprints and subsequent casts from all across the country written off so easily? Maybe Bob Heironimus' ghost is hitting every forest across the country? How are reports of sightings by people in every profession, who had no affiliation or interest in the subject previously, selectively ignored by you? How is the Skookum Cast ignored? Oh wait, we didn't cover that did we. Well, look it up if you have an open mind.

The problem is, a few here have very selective reasoning that chooses to ignore some of the evidence they claim doesn't exist. And some even call people names instead, yes, how immature that is LabDad.

Sixby, I raise the evolutionary tree because that followed the science based thread

There are also 80 references to Giants in the Bible and I too believe that God Created Man. But of course not everyone here will agree on which one was right. These predecessors are not believed to be Homo sapiens either. They are Hominid however in that they walked on two feet. How close their DNA is to ours, I don't know. I don't know how to come to terms with the fact that chimpanzee DNA is not too different from ours, but the answer may be something we do not expect.

What we do know is that bones of these predecessors existed because the bones exist. Their bones were similar to ours. Some larger, some smaller. How Bible and Evolution will come to terms with these conflicts, I don't know. I don't mean to paint only one view on this subject, but I have mentioned somewhere up up up in this thread, what the Bible stated about Giants.

Many scientists believe that we were here when some of the earlier members were also around. They speculate that we fought with them. I don't know?

"What we do know is that bones of these predecessors existed because the bones exist. "

Oops, meant to say: " What we do know is that these predecessors existed because the bones exist."

From: TXHunter

Even though I am on the other side of the fence from you and will only believe BF exists when I see one (or its remains), I applaud your passion,energy, and dignity in presenting the other side of this subject.

I feel very strongly about a couple of issues discussed on this site but my stamina is not nearly as great as yours....I usually wear down after the thread gets to a couple hundred posts or so.

Hang in there...

From: deadhorse
i have a question-- how long are you guys going to let -2many encounters pull your leg-- if there ever was a phony this guy is it--

besides -bigfoot posted on this thread -so he must be real--

TXHunter, thank you. I appreciate the sentiment. A tough crowd here. :) But I've taken on one of the most powerful companies in this country in a protracted fight, this is fun.

Unfortunately some cannot distinguish that I want nothing from anyone here other then for those who care to watch for various sign in the field. I guess I don't mind either if you want to share more with me off list, maybe i can help direct you to more information. I also appreciate those who have contacted me via PM's either wanting to know more or sharing experiences. It is unfortunate that such issues cannot be discussed openly on this forum, which is another point I was trying to make. Some refuse to even believe this possible though, but look at the thread above as proof.

deadhorse, I will ignore your comment because I doubt you have much of an open mind either.

From: stan420
ME, In truth, I want BF to exisist, and I'm not saying he's not out there,I'm not saying he's not; but we do need more compelling evidence. Maybe one day we will get it! Hell, it was only 2 years ago they finally got footage of a live giant squid. In this crazy world anything is possible. And I do believe that. And besides, no matter what, the subject alone is interesting as hell! I just don't lean either way.

From: Big Foot

Thank you for your concern of my Little Foot Johnny. I do know for a fact that he has been harrassing Girl Scouts, but not in a mean or harmful way.......he's just trying to "get some". Can't blame him for that.

This coming weekend we are going to go on a papa/son outing. We don't plan on snapping trees though, as you suggested. Instead, we are going bar hoping and maybe hit a few strip clubs.......yeah baby! That will turn him from a Little Foot to a Big Foot!

Speaking of Oprah, my wife actually resembles her. Except Oprah has more hair and uglier.

I hope I have answered all of your's awful hard to keep up with this thread. LOL.

From: Owl

Above, you alluded to the relative lack of physical evidence as, possibly, the result of BF's ability to communicate. To me, effective communication would require an implied population density - a density that would undermine the claim that BF is a very rare critter.

Regarding the Skookum cast, are the investigators "positioning" the body according to dermal ridges from the supposed heel prints?

From: gahuntnut
530 Posts!Bla Bla Bla, when will it end?

From: BowSniper
MultipleE - First of all, no more writing in all caps. Its as if you are shouting. Saying it louder does not make it any more true. Secondly, I started by listening to your story about a personal sighting with great interest. Really, how can you I begin to question what you saw first hand??! The woods are big, and though unlikely, your personal sightings make it possible. So I started to do my homework, and along the way ask what else you believe. The more I look at the evidence that you personally believe is valid, the less I think you have both oars in the water. To be clear, I am not saying you should not legally be allowed to own a boat, or that water does not exist, or that a bigfoot (if real) doesn't drink water. I am saying, however, that your blind belief in anything even remotely connected to bigfoot, and your absolute refusal to accept any reasoning or science or witness that would ever lead away from that possibility, makes you a completely unreliable witness. If bigfoot is real, and if you REALLY care about anyone taking that possibility seriously, you need to let it go. You are doing your cause more harm than good. Leave it to someone else.

In parting words I say to you, may the force be with you... live long and prosper... and Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

From: BowSniper
Now HERE is real proof of a young bigfoot.

Its a young bigfoot (obviously because its walking on all four legs). And it has to be a bigfoot because its making a sound like no other animal in the forest. NOTE - I called this one first guys. He's mine!! I shall now be called FirstEncounter !! :-)

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - If there is going to be a continued dialogue on Bigfoot, I hope its through you! But you don't have to paste in both Q&A in your responses. Its making the messages far too long. The originals are just a few clicks up each page. :-)

In regards to the Patterson film, we are just stuck with some basic differences. This video is the only one ever since the invention of movie cameras to get a clear view of the "thing" up close. That alone says something to me. And while some people see muscles moving in the back, I do not see muscles moving in the hind quarters as it walks. Strange. I just happen to think the story of a guy in a suit holds up better than the story of some guys looking to make a documentary on bigfoot actually finding the elusive bigfoot and getting good footage that quickly, in broad daylight. The size and shape of the "thing" in the video is also exactly what you would get from Bob H in a monkey suit. If it was a 7-8ft bigfoot on film, I would be more prone to believe. The bigfoot in the video is very much on the "ape" side of things, and I tend to think that if there is a bigfoot, he would be more on the human side of things. The footprints used as proof of bigfoot, if real, look very human. So why is the animal connected to them look so much like an ape?

If its a factor of evolution of man then the bigfoot in the Patterson video is an example in the wrong direction. And this creature is so ape-like that it brings you back to never finding a fossil record or bones or any history in North America of there ever being any ape-like creature here ever. Another big problem for me with this video is that the bigfoot in this film does not "run" away or try to flee. Not what you would expect from a creature so intelligent and 'self aware' as to purposely conceal its tracks and sign to prevent being discovered.

On the topic of lie detectors, its an absolute fact that Bob H. took the lie detector test claiming he wore the suit, and he passed the test (for what that is worth). I can't prove Gimlin did not, but its easy to conclude that with all work bigfoot fans do to try and 'disprove' things, if there actually WERE an example of Gimlin also passing a lie detector test, the bigfoot community would have it gold plated and posted everywhere! In this case the burden of proof is on you guys. If people claim to have been abducted by aliens and they pass a lie detector, I'd be willing to hear what else they have to say. There is certainly more evidence for that possibility, than there is for bigfoot to exist.

The reason I think the jacobs pictures are relevant, is in the 'timing' of the photos. If there was only the 3rd picture, we could banter back and forth about what that image might show. I see a bear nursing a cub. Whatever. But the critical point is that the 2nd picture was taken just 30 seconds prior, and it shows a long legged bear. And the first picture shows bear cubs. If you take only one picture and work hard, you can imagine a sasquatch. Same for all the bigfoot "evidence". If a person happily accepts all the things the support their predetermined beliefs, and totally ignores any ideas that might challenge their predetermined beliefs, that person will never reach an unbiased conclusion. That would simply be denial of the BIG picture, and thus the reason we debate this topic here.

Remember that Meldrum has tenure and could keep his DAY-job as long as he did that particular job well, and even if all his bigfoot pseudoscience was junk. Remember the article said his bigfoot work was funded by bigfoot believers, and NOT the university. So here Meldrum is running around in a bigfoot t-shirt and you presume that his peers are jealous. I think they are embarrassed. To each his own.

Lastly - if the Skookum Cast is to be discussed. Why put bait out, make bigfoot noises, and lure in the creature... and not set out a trail camera at that spot? If he is out there, I hope they find him.

Which should open up a new discussion.

If real, we need one of these beasts brought in dead or alive. What would you bring to that fight? I am not thinking a Rage broadhead is enough!! Are there bigfeet in Maryland??? I just converted my AR-15 to shoot the new .458 socom cartridge, with 10 rounds semi-auto. I think I am ready !!!

From: Sanctum
Be prepared for long explanations. In general, your questions can all be answered with one statement. Think of BF as an extremely rare and elusive creature with superior survival skills in his own backyard. Most of those questions, then, make little since. Some of the better questions have been addressed time and time again so I’ll refer to BFRO for those.

Also BFRO makes a distinction between physical evidence and physical remains.

“Tracks, hairs, scat, and tree damage are all "physical evidence." People tend to misuse this phrase when they really mean "physical remains."

For an updated overview of the scope of evidence, please refer to the Wikipedia article about bigfoot evidence: Evidence vs. Remains

The assertion that there is absolutely no physical evidence is absolutely false. There is more physical evidence than most people realize. Physical evidence is found every month in various areas across the country. Distinct tracks that do not match other animal tracks, hairs that match each other but no known wild animals, and large scats that could not be made by any known species, are all "physical evidence."

The presence or absence of "physical remains" is a wholly different matter. "Physical remains" means body parts, or fossils of body parts. Though mammals may leave tracks, scats and hairs behind, they do not leave body parts behind very often. Body parts of mammals are only available when they die. Thus availability of physical remains is initially determined by population size and lifespan. A rare species with a long lifespan will leave very little physical remains, collectively, for humans to find. The probability of humans actually finding and collecting and identifying those remains before they are completely reabsorbed into the biomass complicates the "physical remains as evidence" equation dramatically.

The sections below address scenarios such as natural deaths, road kills, and hunter kills.”

Herdmanager Wrote: “If they exist and live close to people (as proposed here), what are the odds of these following things NEVER happening:

I don't think the majority of BF live anywhere near people. They are most often sighted in wilderness or where human developments have encroached on a natural wilderness.

Herdmanager Wrote: - BF hit and killed by car/truck

First…there are reports of BF being hit by cars and trucks and then limping away. I just happened to read about two accounts last night in the 1978 classic “The Apes Among Us” by John Green. However, BF are not deer. They do not get bedazzled by lights and far more likely to be encountered on a narrow dirt road then on a busy city highway. I suspect there are far less incidents of people turning into road kill on country roads than there are in the city. Look how many people there are! Here is the Official response from the BFRO.

“The short answer: Bigfoots are extremely rare and extremely cautious--so much so that the odds of a roadkill have not caught up with any yet.

The Roadkill Potential

Only a very small fraction of the thousands of credible sighting reports describe near-misses with vehicles. No substantiated reports describe a collision with a bigfoot.

Every other large mammal in North America is far more abundant than bigfoots. Hundreds of near-misses happen with other animals before an animal is hit. Some species are hit more often than others. Deer often get "dazzled in the headlights" and stand paralyzed in the paths of trucks. Bigfoots seem to be far more intelligent than that.

Those who have gotten closest to bigfoots say an analogy of "intelligent ape" is not as accurate as "hair-covered aboriginal man." Around humans their typical behavior is to flee or hide. They try to stay out of view or at least in the shadows when near people or moving vehicles.

Many roadside sightings describe them hanging back in the shadows of a tree line and waiting for a vehicle to pass before crossing the road. In almost all of those sightings a passenger spotted the figure first. Because of that, it's reasonable to extrapolate that a whole lot more lone drivers never notice when this behavior occurs, because a driver's attention is usually on the road ahead.

Waiting for a vehicle to pass before stepping out of the shadows to cross, merely demonstrates the same pattern of cautious behavior they exhibit in other encounters with humans.”

Heardmanager Wrote: - BF hit and killed by train

See above! I’m pretty sure BF would hear and feel a train coming long before it hit him. How many other animals (Even dumb ones) are hit by trains?

Heardmanager Wrote: - BF drowns in a flood or crossing a river and washes up near humanity

BF is a good swimmer. There are literally dozens of reports of BF swimming in lakes, rivers and even the ocean. Like most wild animals, BF probably knows his limits in the water. How may animals have you seen drown naturally?

Heardmanager Wrote: - BF gets very sick, disoriented, and wanders into humanity

Most animals that are sick don’t wander around. They hide. Also consider that BF might just have a high constitution and get sick rarely. If BF does get sick, it is not uncommon for animals to take care of their sick and wounded. Even rodents have been known to do that.

Heardmanager Wrote: - BF dies of natural causes and is found by a person

Perhaps they have. Even if someone stumbled upon the remains of a BF would the remains be recognizable at all? Perhaps all that is left is a handful of deteriorated bones? Actually…The environment that BF habituates is not generally conducive to preservation of animal remains. Also we have to consider that they do carry off their dead for whatever reason. Some animals (like elephants) morn their dead…others (like monkeys) eat their dead.

The official response from BFRO is: “The short answer: Because "we" have never looked for these kinds of remains.

Nobody Looks for Bigfoot Remains

No serious work has ever been done to look for remains of surviving wood apes in areas where they are rumored to reside. No one should expect remains of such an elusive species to be found, collected and identified without some effort.

Very few remains of ancient wood apes have ever been found in Asia, where they were much more abundant. Millions of gigantos (a branch of the wood ape line) lived and died in Asia over the ages. All the remaining physical evidence we have of them could fit into a few shoe boxes. Fossils of any land animal are very rare.

Remains do not become fossilized very often, but unless that happens, all the remains will, in time, become completely reabsorbed into the ecosystem. There would be remains of animals everywhere if remains were not naturally recycled, including bones and teeth.

Fossils or preserved bones of wood apes may exist in the Americas, but they will be exceedingly rare, because these animals are rare to begin with, and only a tiny fraction of that population will die in locations and soils that will preserve bones somehow. Odds are slim at best that any bones (which are normally fragmentary) will be found, collected and identified unless a focused effort is made to look for them. Until efforts are made in many places, over a long period of time, no one should be scratching their head wondering why "we" don't have any physical remains.”

Heardmanager Wrote: - BF accidentally shot by hunter (gun hunters accidentally shoot LOTS of stuff every year) and found

Oh…glad you asked this question since this is a hunting forum. You are a hunter right? Would you shoot BF? Consider this statement from the BFRO:

“The short answer: Because hunters don't hunt for these animals.

Hunter Behavior

The counter to the short answer is often:

"The woods are full of hunters who'll shoot at anything. If something like a bigfoot were really out there, a hunter would have definitely shot one by now."

That line is intended to conclude the discussion, and usually does so in most urban conversations. The argument usually goes unrebutted, because most urban folks aren't very familiar with hunting patterns in North America. If you were to go out and examine: a) how hunters hunt, b) where hunters hunt, c) what laws they have to observe, d) the actual statistics on poaching, and e) all the factors making it unlikely that a hunter will ever see a bigfoot, you'd discover the basic erroneousness of that argument.

Most non-hunters believe that hunters will shoot any animal they come across while hunting. This is one of the more glaring misperceptions about rural behavior. In reality most hunters focus their efforts and carry the proper equipment for only one type of animal on a given day. A hunter's choice of game animals is always restricted by law to particular animals at particular times of year. Thus the season usually determines the type of animal a hunter can fire upon. Between the equipment limitations and legal restrictions, a hunter is limited to only a handful of choices most of the year, and only a few more at other times of the year.

Most non-hunters also have a very skewed perception regarding the degree of saturation of hunters in rural areas. A majority of Americans who own guns do not hunt at all. Another way to look at that equation is to say a minority of gun owners ever hunt. Of that minority describing themselves as hunters, the majority of those men hunt no more than two weekends per year. Hunters, who hunt often and year round, are hard to find these days. Unless you head out into public hunting areas in October or November you'll probably never come across a hunter. If you stay away from maintained trails in national and state parks you probably won't see anybody at all. In almost every state and province from coast to coast there are thousands and thousands of acres of forest, some more remote than others, that never see any human traffic at any time of year. To say "the woods are full of hunters" is to confess one's inexperience with North American forests.

Poaching is hunting in disregard of hunting laws. Poaching is more common in some states than in others, but it's always the exception rather than the rule. Most poaching incidents are roadside occurrences involving opportunistic motorists who'll shoot deer from vehicles at night. Even poachers are selective about what they shoot. Arrests of professional poachers tend to make headlines whenever they happen. This has the effect of magnifying its perceived frequency compared to lawful hunting. The vast majority of people who hunt do so for relaxation and recreation. They obey state hunting laws and observe local hunting regulations.

In most states a hunter can be arrested and prosecuted for poaching merely for being equipped to hunt animals not specifically permitted in that season. They can't always carry the largest caliber rifles with them. A hunter will pass on shooting a large dangerous looking animal if the hunter feels inadequately armed. Those few who hunt bear or mountain lion want to feel safe themselves, and adequately armed when shooting an animal that could turn and attack. In most circumstances the only time a hunter will be carrying a very large caliber rifle will be in deer-gun or elk-gun season. Deer-gun season lasts only a few weeks in fall, and elk-gun season lasts only a few weeks in winter. In most areas high caliber rifles are restricted to shooting ranges at all other times of year. In states like Ohio hunting with high caliber rifles is completely forbidden. Hunters may only use short range firearms such as shotguns to hunt deer.

There are a few factors actually making it less likely for a deer/elk hunter, as opposed to a hiker or a camper, to see or encounter a bigfoot. A sighting or encounter is more likely to happen when the person sees a bigfoot before the bigfoot sees the person. A bigfoot is more likely to see the person first when the person is wearing a bright fluorescent orange ("hunter orange") hat and jacket. These extremely conspicuous garments are worn by deer/elk hunters to make them more visible to other hunters. They are invisible to deer because of the eyesight physiology of deer. One could assume that the eyesight physiology of a bigfoot would be closer to primates than deer, so bigfoots would probably see hunter orange as distinctly as humans can. Also, for safety reasons deer/elk hunters cannot legally hunt deer at night (except by special permission for crop damage control purposes, and then only in open fields). Coon hunters can hunt in forests at night (when bigfoots are believed to be most active) but they are required to carry lit lamps with them, for the same reason deer/elk hunters must wear hunter orange -- to prevent hunting accidents. With or without lit lamps, coon hunters are even more noticeable than deer/elk hunters because of the loud hounds they employ to sniff out coons. Even in the thickest forests coon hunters and their dogs can be heard, literally, a mile away. This gives bigfoots plenty of warning to leave the area before a confrontation can occur.

Another widespread presumption is that coon dogs and bloodhounds can be used to hunt anything and everything. The fact is, hunting dogs have to be rigorously trained to follow a particular scent and ignore all others. The typical training involves exposing them to body parts of the particular game species from the time they're puppies. It would be difficult to train a pack of dogs to all consistently follow the scent of a bigfoot if the dogs have never smelled a bigfoot before. Bloodhounds can follow the scent of a human that they've never smelled before, but it's always the same species they're after -- humans. ***

If you were to try to put some faces on the term "bigfoot hunters" you'd steadily discover that there aren't many people who regularly, or even occasionally hunt for bigfoots with the intent to kill one. I've asked around for many years now trying to find people who actually hunt for bigfoots. I've met several people who have large enough rifles to do the job, and who are not philosophically opposed to it, but they meet only the most basic requirements. I have yet to meet anyone who consistently pursues sighting reports in order to hunt and kill a bigfoot. There were situations in the 70's where car loads of rural hunters would patrol a vicinity following a flap of sightings, but those were always localized situations and they never lasted more than a week or two. The occasional solo commando bigfoot hunter usually doesn't get very far on his own. Those who are lured by the fantasy of slaying the great monster for the sake of science ... tend to get frustrated after a while and throw in the towel. The few weekend profiteers who stick with it eventually switch from rifles to camcorders. There are a few reasons for this eventual change of equipment and goals.

Anyone who actually carries a high caliber rifle while looking for a bigfoot gradually realizes how unlawful it is to merely carry a rifle in most forests during most seasons of the year. Even patrolling backcountry roads with a rifle in a vehicle can lead to some stiff fines and/or jail time. The fantasies of an aspiring bigfoot assassin will eventually mature from visions of scientific glory to visions of big money. Once that transition is made the fantasizer gradually comes to realize that a quantity of stunning, clear, close-range video footage could be worth as much, if not more, than a carcass. After all, unlike video footage, the body of bigfoot does not have an established market value. It might actually be worth less than nothing if confiscated by the government as part of a criminal investigation. A body would certainly be much more difficult to transport, store and preserve than a videotape. And no government authority would ever challenge someone's right to sell the footage or collect continuing royalties from it. A videotape would not be worth as much to science, but a body may, in the end, only advance the careers of the scientists who study it, and not bring anything to the hunter other than some dubious notoriety. The hunter's notoriety might only generate a relatively paltry amount of cash from interviews immediately after the incident, but intriguing video footage would bring notoriety as well as commercial licensing fees and royalties for use of the footage. These are the realities that help diehard bigfoot field researchers to favor cameras over guns.

The diehards are probably correct in assuming that the hearts and minds of the general public can be won over with compelling video footage. When that happens one can expect that the scientific community will not at first admit any embarrassment, but will probably be more inclined to investigate recent eyewitness reports for themselves. Some will probably obtain the funding and support to conduct systematic searches of remote North American caves to look specifically for giganto bones. Most caves and deep overhangs in Canada and the United States are not marked on any maps. There may be thousands of "undiscovered" caves and deep overhangs in our remote forests and mountain ranges. These mini-frontiers could be suddenly appreciated as fertile ground for biological and archeological exploration. At the moment, the idea of searching for "bigfoot bones" is still politically risky in academic institutions. But an earthshaking videotape could change that quickly. A clear close range video with good audio would capture the public's imagination in an unprecedented way. Sudden popular interest and political pressure would inevitably "enlighten" institutional attitudes. The media and legal community will begin to ask more pertinent questions and demand better answers from the scientific community and the government. Unlike the U.F.O. phenomenon, the "bigfoot phenomena" will be seen as something native, and within our reach, and therefore more practical to study.

Some suggest that the credibility of any video footage would be questionable because of the capabilities of high-tech Hollywood special effects. This is a rather naive argument because even the best computerized special effects, when used to create living creatures, can be immediately distinguished from reality by the trained eye, and by the untrained eye in most cases. Real footage of real animals has qualities that still cannot be duplicated by computers. Real footage of a bigfoot up close in daylight would be extraordinarily powerful and captivating to most people, and therein lies its power and commercial value. The owner of the footage does not have to convince every last stubborn skeptic before he can market his tape for public consumption or create media interest. A good tape would create a lot of public interest, even if it did not provide immediate "scientific proof."

Let's examine hunting laws in the United States. Most states have hunting laws beginning with blanket prohibitions against killing any member of a few classes of animals, including any "fur bearing animal." Then the hunting laws go on to spell out the exceptions to the blanket rule. These exceptions form the bulk of a state's hunting laws. They specify which type of animals can be considered "game" animals at specific times of year (e.g. deer in deer season, squirrels in squirrel season, etc.). It is important to understand that general hunting laws do not specify which animals cannot be hunted. They specify which animals can be hunted.

No state provides an exception for an "undiscovered" fur bearing animal. Therefore a successful bigfoot hunter would be, by definition, a poacher. A bigfoot poacher and his transferees would face several legal and societal risks: Confiscation and prosecution by the government, and villainization by the public and the media, regardless of the "discovery" factor.

Among the factors making a discovery by a hunter unlikely, the importance of a more common obstacle shouldn't be underestimated. That obstacle is the average hunter's basic decency and civility toward other humans, and things that might appear to be humans when viewed from a distance. The few casual hunters who've reported random encounters with bigfoots typically claim they didn't know what the things were at first and they didn't want to shoot them because they seemed so humanlike. A good example is a 1970 incident involving three hunters in Routt County, Colorado. A more recent report from Pike County, Kentucky demonstrates the natural shock and uncertainty following a sighting by a truck-load of rural hunters. An article in "Alabama Fish and Game Magazine" documents how well-armed rural hunters will abandon a sighting area, and be disinclined from even discussing their encounters, rather pursue these animals. A third report from Jefferson County, Washington, shows a hunter's reaction of surprise and wonder when observing a bigfoot -- a reaction that supplants any thoughts of shooting or pursuing the specimen. You'd have to picture these situations and appreciate that a bigfoot / sasquatch looks a lot like a primitive man. Without even considering the influence of hunter safety courses (which everyone must take before getting a hunting license), it is simply not realistic to expect that a hunter's natural reaction will be to shoot a primitive manlike figure in the back as it runs away.

The understandably 'human' reactions of surprised hunters, and the other above mentioned factors, tend to decrease the likelihood that a hunter will kill a bigfoot, yet these factors do not even touch upon the geographic and legal restrictions related to where hunters can go hunting. The geographic restrictions alone reduce the odds substantially.

Other odds-reducing factors are related to bigfoot behavior: Nomadism, nocturnal feeding, nocturnal migration, intelligent strategic behavior (see the article "Deer Kills and Bigfoots"), dense forest habitats, a tendency to avoid areas where humans are afoot, the absence of predatory behavior toward humans in all cases, the lack of aggressive or territorial behavior toward humans in almost all confrontation cases, and the apparent habit of at least temporarily abandoning a habitation area when there is some degree of human intrusion.

The rarity of these animals combined with their own elusive habits make the odds of a random sighting drastically lower than the odds of sighting any other type of large mammal with a comparable geographic range. On top of the poor odds of a sighting there is a whole series of events that would have to precede a "discovery" by a hunter. Each one of these events has its own debatable odds, which have to be compounded mathematically in a string to evaluate the overall odds of a discovery by a random hunter. The odds are not very good to start with that a hunter will ever see a bigfoot, especially in daylight hours. If the opportunity arises a surprised hunter must then 1) overcome his immediate shock, fear and awe in order to have the presence of mind to quickly deliberate and assure himself with absolute certainty that this hairy manlike figure is not a man in a costume, 2) be absolutely certain that his unprecedented decision to kill this non-human, seemingly intelligent, powerfully built whatever-it-is will have no negative legal, moral, or supernatural consequences for him and his family either now or in the future, 3) have enough time to get a clear shot before the figure dashes back into the treeline, and 4) hit the figure in a vital organ so it falls down quickly. If these events fall into place then the location of the kill will have to be close enough to a road or vehicle to make retrieval of the body feasible and inconspicuous. The body will then have to remain with, or end up in the hands of, an individual or institution willing to display the body to the public and the media. The individual or institution must then manage to hang on to it so it can be examined and reexamined to the satisfaction of the scientific community.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of unique and unusual factors to consider when evaluating the likelihood of a bigfoot "discovery" by a hunter.”

Herdmanager Wrote: - BF killed by rockslide or mudslide and found by people

See Answer above bout why we don’t find remains.

Herdmanager Wrote: - BF killed by bear or mountain lion and remains found

ME is right on this one…Apex predator. BF is as big as a Grizzly and very elusive. Creatures in the wild do not usually fight other creatures unless they are prey. A mountain lion will seldom attack a full grown person…to a fully grown sasquatch it would seem like a large housecat. I suspect that if a bear and a BF were to encounter one another they would shrug and move on because neither would want to risk injury.

Even if one was killed...remains would, likely, not be found for reasons stated above. (The bear, and other animals, would eat him.)

Herdmanager Wrote: - BF killed by another BF and remains found

Are you serious? BF are not people. Unlike people, most animals are not in the habit of killing each other.

Herdmanager Wrote: - BF killed by lightning and remains found

Again…Most animals seek shelter in bad weather. The only animals I know that are stupid enough to stand around in a lightening storm are people and turkeys and I’m not sure about turkeys. How may turkeys have you seen struck by lightening? People get struck but unless you hear about it on the news I doubt you would know about that either.

- BF freezes to death and remains found

Like most animals…BF is well adapted to his environment. Ever find a frozen Polar Bear? Sightings of BF follow Bergman’s Rule. The further North (or South) you go from the equator the bigger the creature is. Bigger creatures conserve heat better than small creatures. Also, Bigfoot hair is hollow, making it a good insulater. Incendently, that also makes it hard to extrct DNA because of the lack of a medula.

Herdmanager Wrote: - BF slips and impales self on tree (or hits head on rock) and remains found

I like ME’s response to this. Have you ever slipped and impaled yourself?

Actually…I would have said that BF is as surefooted as a mountain goat. Physical evidence and witness reports indicate that BF is a very nimble and well suited to climbing.

There is one story that I would like to relate though: There was actually a very famous story about a juvenile BF named Jacko that was supposedly stunned falling off a cliff and captured by a train crew before many witnesses (A whole train full). I don’t know if it is true or not but you could look that one up in your spare time.

Herdmanager Wrote: Wild animals live hard, short lives in an incredibly harsh and dangerous environment. What are the odds that NOT ONE of these has EVER happened? EVER! And they have never died anywhere and been fossilized? Well…if BF is a descendent of Gigantopithecus, and many people believe that to be the case, then we do have fossil Evidence. It’s in China though. There were probably tens of thousands of these 10 foot tall apelike creatures that weighed 1,200 lbs or more. All that remains are a handful of teeth and some large jawbones.

Here is a link if you want to research why your last statement is false.

Herdmanager Wrote: “It's almost as though they are not, and never have been, here.....................................”

Almost…but not quite. As you can are mistaken.

From: stan420
I dont care who you are or what you believe. The above post is some of the most thought out and intelligent in this entire discussion; regardless of point of view. Great post Sanctum. That is obviously a well tuned brain in that noggin of yours.

Wow, wake up & have to have to read a novel, and once again must read rude demeaning comments by BowSniper. BowSniper, post after post throughout this thread has been filled with rudeness and immaturity towards me and the subject matter. Now that I have guts to point out this behavior, you wish to not hear from me. Too bad. I do however wish I had not used CAPs in that SINGLE reply, it was intended only to separate HerdManager's multiple questions from my responses, I overlooked that you might see it as yelling at you or that once again try to exploit anything you can.

Its not about believing they exist BowSniper, its about knowing they exist because of direct encounters. Of course until you go out into the field and find out for yourself, it is you who may remain in state of denial. I do hope you have an open mind as you now elude to, but only you will affirm for yourself whether this is true or not.

Well said Sanctum. I do want to add however that there are a few groups in the south who are actively attempting to 'harvest' a sasquatch. I have conversed with several individuals in these groups over the last few years and been trying to document the accounts where possible. Some of the stuff that they report has happened is really sad. Ironically, these groups are also of the school that bigfoot is Giganto and not of hominid origin. I believe it is ONLY because they view them as a descendent of apes that they are able to accept killing one. I doubt they would feel the same if they were known as some form of ancient primitive man.

Hi Owl, the Skookum Cast was made during a BFRO expedition accompanied by some fairly intelligent dedicated researchers. Their original intent however at the eventual cast site was placing fruit in center of a mud patch, intending to get some fresh footprints. The body imprint that was discovered there instead was almost overlooked. In fact, one person partially stepped in the location as it was large, and they were looking for easily distinguishable footprints. What they discovered was that the sasquatch seems to have intentionally avoided leaving footprints by laying on its side instead on the edge of the mud patch and reaching for the fruit. But as a result, he left the most powerful impression of its kind for research. It also did show sasquatch to not be infallible, in that it left a full body impression rather than footprints. Details of the evidence and participants involved can be found on the links within.

Here is plenty to read on the Skookum Cast:

As for sasquatch communication, being they are often nocturnal, and likely the howls and screams heard by witnesses are a means of locating one another in the wilds, they probably are amongst their own kind more then it seems. As Sanctum pointed out, there is vast areas of untouched forests that few people ever enter.

There are some fascinating audio recordings of what are believed to be sasquatch. I will relocate some of them if you are interested.


From: BowSniper
Sanctum - a quick response to the long message.

You said - "First…there are reports of BF being hit by cars and trucks and then limping away. I just happened to read about two accounts last night in the 1978 classic “The Apes Among Us” by John Green. "

But moments later you say, "Only a very small fraction of the thousands of credible sighting reports describe near-misses with vehicles. No substantiated reports describe a collision with a bigfoot."

So are you saying the events in the John Green book are not credible and unsubstantiated? This is what I meant about selective evidence only use to argue for the least likely possibility.

And as for the Gigantopithecus... you said the evidence was found in Asia. I keep saying that no bones of any type of ape have ever been found in North America ever. You can't just "poof" the big ape here to explain why people see and hear scary things in the dark! Gigantopithecus also died off 100,000 years ago. How did they, or any relative, not die off? And what would the lifespan be? Bears don't live real long, and people only lived until the 30's-40's a few hundred years ago. And Gorillas live to 30 years ro so in the wild.

From: Horn Donkey
Tickled to see we're in the same spot I left off at Post #301.


From: Sanctum

Sanctum's Link
Bowsniper...this is the image #2 that you claim is obviosly a bear. I am curious as to what others here see.

From: Sanctum

John Green was one of the fathers of BF research and he happens to have detailed reports of BF being hit by cars. The reports were written down in John Greens book 40 years ago.

I didn't say "Only a very small fraction of the thousands of credible sighting reports describe near-misses with vehicles. No substantiated reports describe a collision with a bigfoot."

I quoted that from the BFRO website. If you read more carefully you will see I gave full credit for the quote.

The BFRO wasn't even around then. I doubt they have interviewed the witnesses to an event that happened 25 years before the organization formed. Creditable information, to the BFRO, is information that the BFRO researchers have followed up on personally. If I were them I would state the same thing.

This is a good example of how information can be misinterpreted and used against an organization or person. You argue that I use selective evidence but if I include sources that, in your mind, conflict I am contradicting myself. It's a double edged sword.

The Gigantopithecus theory is just that. I never said I subscribed to it. I was merely pointing out that Herdmanager was wrong in his assumption, and I quote: "And they have never died anywhere and been fossilized?"

It is possible that BF is a descendent of Gigantopithecus and if he is then that statement is totally false.

Gigantopithecus certainly did live, die and scant remains have been fossilized in areas conducive to preservation. If Man, and other creatures, crossed the land bridge from Asia to North America, that leaves reasonable room to speculate that Giganto could also have done so.

Unfortunately, there have been no confirmed fossilized remains of Giganto found in North America. Fossilized remains of man found in North America go back how far? And what percentage of these was not preserved artificially by some means? Is Giganto expected to go to elaborate lengths to preserve its dead. It’s more likely that Giganto ate their dead.

Some scientist believed that Gigantopithecus had all the physical characteristics of modern day sasquatch. Others believe, that sasquatch is more like various forms of pongoid (of which there are also fossil records). Still some others believe there are huge gaps in the fossil record and that BF belongs on a branch by himself. I don't know where Bigfoot fits in relation to apes but I do know that there are plenty of scenarios that could lead to Sasquatch in North America.

Here is a link for those interested in discussion on the Where did they come from? and How did they not die off? topic.

I think your guess is probably as good as mine on life expectancy. You seem to place them with life expectancies equivelent to apes and primative man. I think an average age of 30-40 years is not unreasonable with certain individuals approaching 60 or so. There have been reports of the same identifiable creature (footprints or distinquishing marks in the hair) in some areas for 20 years or more.

From: Owl

I am familiar with the BFRO video and audio links but, if you have anything else, please provide include it/them in a future post.

Regarding the often report "stench" of a bigfoot, has there been any research or seasonal indexing for such reports? It seems some folks say the beast smells while others say it doesn't. Could this be a function of BF estrus?

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - I stand corrected. You did not say those things. You merely quoted two sources who are saying very different things. In fact, every where I push and probe the plot becomes mysterious or was never really there at all. BF Fans are making a case, until we point out reasons it makes no sense, and then THEY never really supported that position at all.

The bigfoot crowd seem to be full of IFs and BUTs, and some of them nuts (Sorry, I could not resist the rhyme!!)

Your guy John Green says bigfoot has been hit by cars, but then you and some others go on for pages about how smart they are as the reason they DO NOT get hit by cars. However, it happens to bear, and deer, and even people.

All the sources contradict themselves, especially in the world of mythical creatures.

If man crossed the land bridge it DOES NOT serve as any evidence or even slim premise that another creature did as well. COULD have is very very different than should have, would have, or did. You don't see asian tigers running around North America either, right?? Let me guess... scary Apex predator beat them to it, right? Wow, this 'making up scenarios' game you guys play is fun and real easy, too!

You say some scientists believe this about bigfoot, some scientists believe that about bigfoot... but you fail to mention that the other 99% of scientists don't believe ANY of this at all. You keep leaving out that part.

BowSniper, for one thing, I was personally not aware of them being hit by cars. There is a lot of reports out there and i surely haven't read them all just as Sanctum was not aware of those who are actively hunting them. There is a vast amount of information out there. Some even conflicts with one another just like anything in life.

Owl, will have to leave here for part of the day so maybe later.

Re their smells however. The only time I was downwind and close enough to absolutely know the source by viewing/hearing him breathe, was the encounter I had 4 years ago at a distance of 22'. He didn't smell bad at all. He merely smelled like a wet elk, kind of musky.

There are a few different schools of thought on the different bad smells being reported however. Some believe they may have a gland where they can emit a powerful scent when threatened or when they want to appear aggressive. Apparently some ape species have this ability too. Some think it may be from their environment, never washing, rolling in a specific type of vegetation (ie, Skunk Cabbage). The purpose could be to repel mosquitos, which in fact, may correlate with seasonal variations in reported scents. So you raise a good question.

Like with many issues surrounding them, this one we do not yet have all the answers for either. If there is specific research/reports as far as seasonal indexing, I am not aware of it. There are now dozens of groups and hundreds/thousands of researchers across the country, all doing different things. All with different approaches and personal interests. Like any topic of research, the results are kept to themselves until formally released. I'm just not aware of prior research, does not mean it doesn't exist however.


From: Sanctum
Fact: Two different versions of the same story can both be true. One is just truer than the other.

Some BF fans are nuts. (I prefer passionate) I'll give you that. Some hunters are passionate too!

Just because something is smart doesn't mean it doesn't make mistakes. The odds of BF getting hit by a car are far less than the odds of a person, deer or even a bear getting hit by a car. I can’t say it has or hasn’t happened but some would say it has. No one knows for sure that it hasn’t.

In a world of has to glean what he can from available sources. You have concluded that information that is contradictory makes a case that all the information is false. Others may not feel that way.

Two negatives do not necessarily equate to a positive. I understand your thinking. The land bridge is a theory that COULD be true. It is still a reasonable possibility. Again...I don't necessarily hold to that theory but I don't discount it either. Open mind and all. ;-)

I wouldn't say that 99% don't believe in BF. Many scientists that give the subject more than a passing glance have changed their minds. Those that do give it a second look risk criticism and ostrication by their peers. Just like the hunters on this forum, many scientists are unwilling to risk reputation in a field that opposes change. Most scientists just don't care and know little about the subject in general and as a whole, they are comfortable with the status quo.

Still, there are more and more scientists coming forward every day that are taking the possibility of a living bipedal primate seriously. These brave scientists across the world are willing to go out on a limb and actually research the possibilities. The paradigm is shifting slowly toward the realization that these creatures might exist. Those people are the modern day Galileos, Darwins and Columbus'.

From: Sixby
Bowsniper you sure seem to have a weird agenda. Working so hard to disprive something you do not believe in. what a waste of time for you!!!

As to the last pic posted. I see a chimp that has excaped from someone's home or facility. Whatever it is it is not a bear. I have seen hundreds of bears and never seen a bear that remotely looked anything like that. It is a chimp. Look at the earlier pic of the mangy ,emaciated bear and there is no comparison in the two animals. Especially the front arm structure.

From: Blaise
I'm still waiting for some VALID "evidence." So far, I haven't seen or heard any LEGITIMATE "evidence." Maybe that's why 99.9% of the human population doesn't believe in BF - no VALID evidence, simple as that.

DNA evidence does exist Blaise, just not yet the entire sequence. That is changing. Still, what does exist doesn't match any known animal.

That is evidence that something un-catalogued exists!

Time to go...

From: Sanctum
Blaise? What exactly is VALID and LEGITIMATE evidence?

I had Federal Jury duty last year. We convicted three gang members of drug trafficing and they were convicted of three counts of murder in a separate state trial based on less evidence. DNA from blood and hair samples, footprint casts and eyewitness testimony is some of the strongest evidence accepted in a court of law. Hell...that type of evidence is REQUIRED in most cases.

Should we tap Bigfoots phone and submit him to a polygraph. Wait...that might not work...that kind of evidence is not usually accepted by the court. I think a good lawyer could get him off.

And you say 99.9% of the human population does not belive in Bigfoot.

Oh realy? Let's see your statistics and sources.

Various polls have various results but I found about 250,000 people who voted on polls.

On average more than 40% of us belive Bigfoot Exists.

Here are my sources:

AOL Poll for Bigfoot and Jeff Meldrum: Do you think Bigfoot exists? Yes 58% No 42% Total Votes: 243,057

Do you think Jeffrey Meldrum’s tenure should be revoked? No 88% Yes 12% Total Votes: 232,938

View Poll Results: Bigfoot: Real or Fake? Real 2 13.33% Fake 9 60.00% Undecided 2 13.33% Mistaken Identity: probably just Homer Simpson or Robin Williams 2 13.33%

Only 15 people voted. =(

Is Bigfoot Real? "no" 64% Bragsters that chose this outcome:

"yes" 36% Bragsters that chose this outcome:

Only 3 people voted. =( (Biased forum and this question specifically deals with Fouke Monster - from Legend of Boggy Creek)

I’m wondering how many of you still hold (generally), LOBC (and monster) in high esteem and serious BF consideration.

Believe there was a living Fouke Monster. [ 30 ] [71.43%] Never a “monster”, all made up for whatever purpose. [ 6 ] [14.29%] Was a monster - have some inside knowledge. [ 1 ] [2.38%] No monster – have inside knowledge [ 1 ] [2.38%] Have no interest at all. [ 4 ] [9.52%] (Scientific forum) Does Big Foot Exist?

Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest absolutely does not exist 20 45.45% Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest may exist, there may be some valid evidence 19 43.18% Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest absolutely exists, some of the evidence is undeniable 0 0% (History Forum) View Poll Results: Is Bigfoot real? Yes 3 37.50% No 5 62.50% View Poll Results: Is Bigfoot real? Yes, It DOES 13 52.00% No, It DOES NOT 12 48.00% View Poll Results: Do you think bigfoot is real? Yes 23 40.35% No 21 36.84% Don't Care 13 22.81%

I'm sure you can base your conclusions on VALID and LEGITIMATE research so I'm willing to give you a chance at rebuttle.

From: Sanctum

Sanctum's embedded Photo
Sanctum's embedded Photo
What do you see?



Juvinile Sasquatch:


Sixby (A Chimp) Owl (Undecided)

From: mist-a-hog
Just caught a blurb of a show on PBS the other night. 4 guys are in the Himilaya's, some group is funding them to prove or disprove the existence of the yeti. They showed video footage they had from several hundred yards away (maybe 1/2 mile) of a creature traversing a rocky hillside, upright and on all fours. Reminded me of a gorilla. They had maybe 10 minutes of footage. They then hiked over there, and found several tracks. They made plaster casts, they appear to be 18" or so long, 8" wide at the 5 toes, and 3" wide at the heel. Sorry I can't provide more details, but I was in and out and only caught about 10 minutes of the show. Anyone else see it? Personally I lean to doubting the existence of BF, but who knows?

From: Believer
Excellent post Sanctum regarding the odds of a hunter ever 'harvesting' a sasquatch. In the Kingdome in 1978 I stood courtside next to Daryl Dawkins. He stood 7' tall and I stood 6'1". He was MASSIVE. His thighs were as large as my waist and I was in absolute AWE and this is another human being we're talking about. I know that if I were in the woods and saw something even bigger than that, possibly a LOT bigger, that I had never seen before, before taking any kind of shot (I'm anti-kill anyway) I would think self-preservation first.

I would ask myself (After coming out of shock and back to my senses):

1. Do I have enough firepower to bring that thing down?

2. What if he's not the only one around here?

Not having an answer to either of those questions would certainly dissuade me (and probably most people)from firing.

From: Owl
Until proven otherwise, I see a bear. Strange? Yes, but I've skinned enough bear to know they look eerily human in certain (extended) positions.

As for "VALID" proof, there exists tracks that defy the limits and capabilities(sophistication) of a "hoax". While I am naturally skeptical and a non-believer, at some point, one must acknowledge, where there is smoke there is fire. There is simply too much to say this is a hoax phenomenom. Having said that, BF, himself will have to rip out my guts and dine on them before I acknowledge his existence.

From: Big Foot

You make mention of the "stench" and ask if it is a form of estrus. No....not at all. It's just that most female Sasquatches don't douche. Lord knows Mrs. Big Foot could use one.

From: Believer
That photo, in conjunction with the third photo, leads me away from bear as the third photo looks like it's smelling the ground where the deer scent was applied but it's not definitive by any means. To tell you the truth I'm not sure what it is. That shot could be a mangy bear but the third shot certainly doesn't look like one, so I'm on the fence regarding the Jacobs photos.

From: BowSniper
Sixby - Curious that you put the notion of "agenda" on me and not on the Bigfoot guys. An agenda would be to gather a bunch of bigfoot fans from one forum to come over here and try to convince bowhunters that the snake oil they are selling is real. It was worthwhile talking about what Fred Eichler may have seen with his trail camera... but since then the bigfoot guys have tried to take over this forum. Don't they have enough dedicated forums already? Do a google search on MultipleEncounters and see how many web sites he is contaminating, and then talk about who has an agenda! Its really more of a cry for help.

As for polls, more people believe in the Loch Ness Monster than in Bigfoot. Numbers mean nothing when presented out of context! Take for an example giving Nessie Yes Real at 44% and Not Real at 55% with 373 votes.

Sacntum - I hardly think two (2) university professors equates to a paradigm shift in scientists accepting bigfoot as real. And of those two, one of them is dead (Krantz). Meldrum is going at it solo for gusy with University credentials from what I can research on line. Clearly those who accept bigfoot as real are the vast minority.

If one day they bring in a Bigfoot dead or alive with universally accepted proof , then you might be able to one day equate their thinking to Galileos, Darwins and Columbus'. But waaaaaay too soon. Right now they are more accurately compared to Larry, Curly, and Moe.

From: BowSniper
Sixby - Curious that you put the notion of "agenda" on me and not on the Bigfoot guys. An agenda would be to gather a bunch of bigfoot fans from one forum to come over here and try to convince bowhunters that the snake oil they are selling is real. It was worthwhile talking about what Fred Eichler may have seen with his trail camera... but since then the bigfoot guys have tried to take over this forum. Don't they have enough dedicated forums already? Do a google search on MultipleEncounters and see how many web sites he is contaminating, and then talk about who has an agenda! Its really more of a cry for help.

As for polls, more people believe in the Loch Ness Monster than in Bigfoot. Numbers mean nothing when presented out of context! Take for an example giving Nessie Yes Real at 44% and Not Real at 55% with 373 votes.

Sacntum - I hardly think two (2) university professors equates to a paradigm shift in scientists accepting bigfoot as real. And of those two, one of them is dead (Krantz). Meldrum is going at it solo for gusy with University credentials from what I can research on line. Clearly those who accept bigfoot as real are the vast minority.

If one day they bring in a Bigfoot dead or alive with universally accepted proof , then you might be able to one day equate their thinking to Galileos, Darwins and Columbus'. But waaaaaay too soon. Right now they are more accurately compared to Larry, Curly, and Moe.

From: Big Foot

You mentioned from a post of yours, yesterday, that you didn't want to hear about my sex life. one time.......I.....uh.......well, I had E.D., then I discovered Cialis. The Sasquatch dosage is much larger than the human dosage.....for obvious reasons. And though I have not had to call my doctor because of a 4 hour erection, I am proud to say that I did entertain Mrs. Big Foot last night to a two hour marathon.

I also hope that I did not make you uncomfortable with the mention of my neighbors Frank and Danny. If it turns out that you are one of their "friends"......well, who am I to judge. You can hang out with us Sasquatches in the redwoods anytime. Just know upfront that Big Foot only like girls.

From: Owl
"Clearly those who accept bigfoot as real are the vast minority."

-Given the climate in absence of a carcass, what is the number of those who consider BF a possibilitiy? Given the current environment, only a fool would conjecture BF does not exist.

From: Believer
LOL Bowsniper, your replies crack me up. In all truthfulness though I've never posted on the BFRO forums. I'm more of a PAC-10 football forum kinda guy. I'm waiting to hear about MultipleEncounters...well... multiple encounters...just like you are. I am a believer in sassy though, for various reasons.

From: Big Foot
Yeah, okay, back to Frank and Danny. Actually, Frank isn't a bad guy. He is divorced with three kids. It wasn't untill a couple of years ago he discovered that he "is". The truth be told, if you didn't know that he "is", you wouldn't know.

Danny, on the other hand.......100% KaWeer!!!!!! He's always coming over to the redwood and asking Mrs. Big Foot in that high girly voice, "Oh my God! Mrs. Big Foot, where did you get those shoes"?, "Oh my God! Mrs. Big Foot, I just love that blouse"!, "Oh my God! Mrs. Big Foot, that dress is to die for"!.......I just want to bitch slap the little fruitcake!

Thought I'd get an afternoon dose of BowSniper during break.

Wow BowSniper, google MultipleEncounters what do you get, millions upon millions of hits? NOT. Gee, I have posted on less than 1/2 dozen bigfoot sites and here, yes I can see why you would be worried. Such proliferation. Such contamination to talk about bigfoot on bigfoot forums. OMG!

In addition, last week just after this thread started, I posted over at BFRO asking that people NOT come over here to post. I felt YOU guys would appreciate not having too many others here. You're Welcome Bowsniper! HOWEVER, there were some that I knew would be helpful in this discussion like Mercury, Pocono, and of course Sanctum. They have only provided a wealth of information I could not.

So before you reach, you should look where you place your hands. It is obvious that something really bothers you about people being able to discuss what you have no room for and that is sad. You have attempted to use various forms of character assassination, regardless of how uncool or derogatory it is. Your colors are however coming through for others to see as you attempt to paint people when you can't win an argument hands down. Why do you oppose people simply talking about something you do not believe in, without having to turn it into something about agenda. Maybe as said above, it is you who has the agenda here. If you don't want to have an open mind, to investigate things we've talked about here while you are in the field, so be it. But maybe others would like to. Is that OK with you?


From: HerdManager
So BF has never had an accident?

We all have accidents. All animals have accidents and we have all seen evidence of it in the woods. Animals with broken necks. Animals stuck on ice or fallen through ice. Animals stuck in man-made fences. Animals fallen into wells or pits. Animals (and many people) hit by cars and trains. By the way, people can also hear cars and trains coming and they still get hit.

Why? Because all animals make incorrect judgements from time to time that cost them a severe injury or death. We've all done it. Jump over something and misjudge. Take a step or a handhold and a rock is loose rather than solid. Misjudge the speed of an object and get hit by it. Step on a sharp object and get an infected wound. Tooth infections. Broken bones that don't heal properly and cause death.

For an animal (regardless of intelligence) to be completely accident-free is just not possible. It has never happened and will never happen. If they existed, sometime in the last 200-300 years one would have had a fatal accident and been found.

I am not a huge fan of statistics, but it is just not statistically possible for a wild animal to live accident-free. In fact, wild animals are incredibly accident-prone. I've killed plenty of deer and seen firsthand the broken bones, missing eyes, bullets embedded in them, broadheads embedded in them, missing legs entirely, the list goes on and on.....

Back to the original post, Fred saw a buddy pulling a prank on him. People perpetuate myths, which is exactly what they are doing. Just look at this thread. We are discussing a myth.

From: Owl
It isn't that BF are "accident-free". Just, perhaps, that when they are, they aren't discovered in their gaff.

From: Sixby
HerdManager: You say Fred saw someone pulling a prank on him. HMMMMMMM an extremely dangerous prank I would say considering how many have stated that they would stick a bigfoot or shoot on sight. I think any human being with just half his breakfast flakes would be smart enough to not dress in a bigfoot costume and go into the woods. That would be like dressing in a world record buck costume and standing by a highway in Arkansas. Not buying that scenario for one second. In fact I would bet Fred would stick one if he had a chance for the fame.

Bowsniper you do have an agenda. You have an unnatural hate thing going on for people that believe in bigfoot. I am not one of those people but I can sure see that you are going to great lengths to try to discredit them and that the people that are name calling ect on here are just plain out of line. It is one thing to not believe something exists and another to work hard at discrediting those that do. Multiple Encounters claims to have personally seen bigfoot several times. You are calling him a liar and you have no proof that he is lying. No reasonable or halfway decent person would do that. Perhaps he saw bigfoot and perhaps not but you have absolutely no reason to be casting stones here. He is not polluting this site and the discussion has been about what Fred saw.

We have all looked at the pictures and only three conclusions can be made. Its a hoax that Fred is perpetrating. Its a bigfoot. Its a gorilla that escaped. Thats it. I dont' think its a hoax because its too dangerous. Its not good for the show. Its not something that Fred would do. IMHO. Second its doubtful that its an escaped gorilla because most gorillas are accounted for. Third option is that he caught a bigfoot on the camera./ I am leaning to the third.

Question? Where was the film taken? does anyone know? State Province?

From: razor
I was in the golf store the other day and they had a golf shoe for a professional basketball player, forgot his name. Anyhow it was a size 22. That's a pretty damn big foot.

From: Big Foot
Not to change the subject, but do you guys have the same problem that I have?......You boobs? How do I get rid of the damn things?

From: razor
I suggest plastic surgery. If they can make them bigger they can make them smaller. You'll have to use wax for the hair though, sorry.

From: Big Foot
You see, they kinda are just hanging out there for EVERYONE to see. It's sorta embarrassing. Mrs. Big Foot has suggested that I wear a bra. Well Big Foot ain't wearing no bra. That little fruitcake Danny, now he wears a bra.

From: Big Foot
The hardest part about having these man boobs, they get in the way of shooting my longbow. I don't know how women shoot with those things. Theirs are even bigger! You know, like Tiffany.....rrrrrrrrrrrr.

From: timberghost
I have friends that are scared half to death of being in the woods after dark. One guy in particular refuses to be alone on our annual Bear hunt in Quebec. Many a camp fire discussion has focused on BF and things that go bump in the night. One thing that really gets the discussion going is my opinion on the subject. I have told my friends that I don’t believe in BF However, If I was to be proven wrong someday and I found myself face to face with the elusive BF I would shoot Him or her ultimately bringing the legend of BF to an end. Fact is …… I never will because he does not exist. Sorry but It just will never happen and I can guarantee that my buddies will never dress up in a BF suit and walk by my hunting stand like they did to Fred Eichler’s Camera.


From: Big Foot
And the hemmoroids! They just won't go away. Am I the only one? And mine are gigantic!

From: BowSniper
Sixby - Not sure why you wish to take unfounded swipes at me. Hardly appropriate for a god fearing man like yourself. Perhaps since you don't believe in evolution you were not able to partake in it??

Here's the deal. I don't hate these people. I feel sad for their delusional and childlike fantasies. Its not OK to pretend what they are saying makes sense to 'normal' people. I am not out to discredit them as much as to discredit the ridiculous assertions they are making as if they were even remotely plausible. I never said ME was a liar. Its all written in neat little typed messages above. Take a look. I said he was a "kook". That comes from saying kooky things, each one crazier than the next, and as if each were totally true and that its the REST of us that are the "clueless" ones. His quote.

I have enjoyed talking about the possibility that there could be bigfeet running around, and the one that posts here is a true comic genius!! Lots of people think there might be a slim chance that all the stories are true. That's charming! But its patently offensive to have someone basically say its definately true, you are clueless for not understanding it, and how dare you challenge my unsubstantiated claims and waaay-out there magical solutions to explain away every possible doubt. I am SHOCKED that you name three possible conclusions to the Fred mystery, and get the most obvious one wrong. You are not seeing the forest for all the [magically broken] trees!! Sure it could be a hoax played agsint Fred or even with Fred's consent, but with his professional reputation I doubt it. There is a gazillion to one chance its a real bigfoot, and that would be cool. But how can you just skip right by the likelihood that its another hunter in a full camo suit... ya know, since its hunting season, at a hunting location, where people are trying to hunt??!?!?

The gorilla idea could only come from that ME guy, where bigfoot with his incredible strength and intelligence purposely captured a gorilla from africa and kept him as a pet (apex predator and all) to use as a stunt-double to prevent any positive identification. The real bigfoot could force the gorilla to walk in his tracks, thus changing their appearance because the 'Foot KNOWS we would be onto him if we saw his genuine tracks. See? Its easy to play that game and declare you can't possibly prove that it could NEVER happen.

From: BowSniper
The late great bigfoot expert Dr. Krantz wanted a hunter to bring in a bigfoot dead, recommending taking his head (or at least the lower jawbone) in for positive identification. Can we have a contest and a prize? Did he leave a Will to reward the guy who makes the impossible happen?

And if so, what would you think it takes to bring one down?

From: dougfoot
To all the naysayers, Did it ever occur to you that bow hunters might not be the most cunning and stealthy creatures in the forest? Bears can smell carrion from miles away and mountain lions are like ghosts in the woods. The remains of bears, mountain lions, wolverines and lynx are rarely seen, so does this mean that they don't exist either?

It's really easy to be a hardcore skeptic, just deny everything and let others do the work... pretty pathetic. I'm very skeptical about all of the bigfoot evidence, but that doesn't mean that I'm so close-minded that I say that they definitely exist or do not exist. Why do you all find so much comfort in believing that you know for certain that bigfoot doesn't exist? Why? Because it's easy and doesn't take any thought.

Of all people, bow hunters should realize just how much remote and untraveled land exists in the US, even close to our metro areas.

Maybe before you dismiss bigfoot as a hoax, you should spend some time doing the necessary research to defend your skepticism. No great discovery has ever been made by a bunch of close-minded skeptics that only pay attention to tabloid reports.

Keep up the good work MultipleEncounters, as well as the others that have chimed in with their support. I have reached the point where it's more ridiculous to ignore all of the evidence than to believe that there's a bunch of hoaxers out there leaving footprints and dressing up in gorilla suits in remote areas, hoping that someone will stumble upon them.


From: BowSniper
German Shepard it by train

Moose hit by train

Deer impaled on fence

Polar Bears drown

From: dougfoot
This page left intentionally blank.

(to represent Pig Doc's brain)

From: Sixby
Dougfoot that was the best!!!!!!!!

I would imagine that if bigfoot exist the their existence is very extreme and hard. They would be an apex predator and life would be extremely difficult. Animals have to have a certain degree of fat in the female before they can conceive. This would in itself limit reproduction. Its natures way of limiting a species to the food supply. I am thinking right now if bigfoot exists that they are haveing an extremely difficult existence with the new apex predator that has been introduced/ The Grey Wolf. There are no indicators that if a bigfoot exists that they are tool makers or users. I believe that they lack the cognitive ability of humanoids and are more apelike. They would kill by strength and biting. I doubt very much that they know how to use even fire. I even doubt that they have chimp ability of reasoning. Just my own thoughts. I'm sure there would be a lot of disagreement considering that ME has stated that they have language. Well So does my dog . Elk have an extensive language and communicate quite well. Higher animals concieve of balancing objects but if you make it impossible to balance they just keep trying to balance it. Even a 2 year old baby human will look to see why. They figure out why it will not balance. Animals do not do that. Bigfoot shows no progress . They show nothing past being an animal/ I do not believe that they are some form of human because none of the human attributes are there beyond walking upright , having hands and feet/ JMHO. they are (if they exist) a wild animal.

From: dougfoot
LOL... Pig Doc just sent me a PM saying that he wants to "F" me. I guess that expains why he's interested in knowing if bigfoot is primarily gay. Getting a little lonely in your tree stand huh Pig Doc.

From: dougfoot
Sixby, If they do exist, we don't know enough about them to say how close they are to humans or other primates. We need a much more complete picture of their DNA and behaviors before we can determine their place in the animal kingdom.

Had a date, you guys were lower priority, sorry. No Big Foot, she's mine.


What you think is important to me. I'm glad you took the time to go into field but give it even more time. Are you willing to go to those same places where sign is seen and stay after dark? Also take a baseball bat with you. Make sure it is a place where there are no other people around. End of road, with only mountains farther up. Find a dead upright tree about 1 foot diameter, and hit it as hard as you can with the bat twice to make very loud bangs. Stay very quiet and listen for a while. If you hear some very loud woodknocks in reply far away, then hit tree twice again loud. If you get more knocks in return, only hit tree one more time then sit down on ground and remain quiet for a while. But if it is real close, don't hit tree again. Keep your eyes and ears open. Do not move around. Listen for movement near you, maybe you will get lucky and see something, maybe not. Sounds will not be like woodpecker and again make sure there are no people chopping wood or anything.

Rome was not built in a day KaThunk. Don't expect to see proof in field right away, it can take long time to become familiar or see. I understand you were a guide for a long time. That gives you lots of experience in woods but you have always seen certain things without giving it much more thought as to other possible cause. It may take more then a day or two of looking at things or hearing sounds before something different happens. What you also need to know now is that these sasquatch are very good at mimicry of many sounds. So you must question natural sounds like never before. If you hear a raven in bushes near you, go see if there is a raven there. If you hear raccoons chatter or coyotes yipping, go see if there is a raccoon or coyote there. If you hear what sounds like a person whistle, see if there is a person there. They can whistle like us.

I know that is something that one or two people here will once again attempt to make into what they will say as fallacy, but some like them may never get it anyhow. There are a number of things we know about sasquatch that haven't been talked about here. KaThunk, take more time. If you want to know, there are things you should try in woods that has not been talked about here. OK? Go try the wood knocking a few different times at different places.

KaThunk, the talk on the link you posted is mostly us joking around. We know there is no bigfoot on Mars. It is a joke. OK? But there is a strange shape that NASA Rover did take pictures of that people jokingly say is bigfoot. It is joking around but the images by NASA are real.

BowSniper, good luck to you.

Sixby, ya got a good open mind there and I appreciate that you know. There have been many reports of sas using some tools like clubs. They have been seen 'playing' with fire like at campsites, but no reports I know of them 'making' fire. There have been reports of them wearing things to keep them warm like discarded blankets or crudely weaved ones. There is an awesome interview by Robert W. Morgan, of Nino Cochise, who is the grandson of the real Cochise. Nino was a true indian as well who fought with whites when a young man. In this interview he tells of seeing a bigfoot in the desert and that this bigfoot carried an animal bladder around its neck filled with water. Unfortunately this interview is not yet up at their new website. There are various reports of basic tool use here and there. Same with making crude shelters, but of course some apes make shelters too. Sasquatch however know how to weave things together to strengthen structure.

I do doubt that wolves would be much of a threat or competition to sasquatch. As for their cognitive ability, it would not necessarily be the 'same' as our, but 'different'. They are wild yes, but they also act as benevolent creatures towards us. How do we come to terms with a creature fitting both those descriptions? It is a tough compromise I know. Some people have found the term Manimal to apply well. I will still try to gather some of the audio recordings made of them pointing to language.

KaThunk, you want to use a wood bat or wood axe handle. Hit the tree as hard as you can with maybe 2 seconds between each wack of the tree. You want a tree that will make a lot of noise when you hit it.


From: Big Foot
Okay, get this, I'm mowing the front yard last night, and that fruitcake Danny comes walking by. He says to me in that high pitched girly voice, "Oh my God!, Mr. Big Foot, looking good! Love the man boobs!" I tell ya, I really want bitch slap the KaWeer.

The question I have for you guys is, is it wrong of me to....uh......well, to feel flattered?

From: Big Foot
Later in the evening, I'm watching tv with Mrs. Big surfing, and come accross "Getting Close With Lee and Tiffany". It's the one they try to shoot flying carp with thier bows. Then Tiffany takes off her shirt and KACHING!!!!! In a bikini top, there they are. Big Foot starts getting excited and grunts a few times. Mrs. Big Foot got REAL UPSET. Yep, Big Foot spent last night on couch.

From: Big Foot
Now Big foot has to go to work. Big Foot's boss always on my a$$. "Snap those trees, faster, faster"! Big Foot ready to snap one of those trees on boss's head. You guys want a body to examine, I'll give you one!

From: Sanctum

You assert that only two scientists (Meldrum and Krantz) have ever been involved in BF research and one is dead. I think that is unfair. I don’t know exact numbers but I know I have read scientific reports of dozens (perhaps over 100) of scientists that have been involved and many times that number of other non-scientific experts are also hot on the trail. I’d provide a list but hell…it wouldn’t do any good to a closed mind. Just keep on understating every assertion you make. People can come to their own conclusions.

I'll state the obvious on the links you provided.

German Shepard it by train

1) It is much smaller than a Sasquatch

2) It is not as smart as a Sasquatch

3) That dog was not killed. Had it been a Sasquatch it would probably not have been caught after being hit.

Moose hit by train

Can’t comment specifically…Unable to view video.

But Moose are not known for their intelligence. Moose will charge a car. If they are that dumb I bet they will charge a train too.

Deer impaled on fence

1) That was one dumb deer.

2) I’ve seen pictures of people impaled like that too

3) How many BF have fences like that around their house?

Polar Bears drown

1) Global warming is causing the ice shelf to melt and polar bears have to swim more than 60 miles across open seas to get food. They are good swimmers but are adapted to swimming close to shore. Not swimming in rough seas.

2) As far as we know, Sasquatch doesn’t live on an ice shelf.

3) I don’t think BF has a desire to swim to or from the Arctic Circle

And you think my posts are preposterous!

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - You are paraphrasing me incorrectly. Here is EXACTLY what I said:

"I hardly think two (2) university professors equates to a paradigm shift in scientists accepting bigfoot as real. And of those two, one of them is dead (Krantz). Meldrum is going at it solo for guys with University credentials from what I can research on line. Clearly those who accept bigfoot as real are the vast minority."

You then take a quick leap of faith to go from two, to dozens, to perhaps over a hundred [scientists]. I clearly said 'guys with University credentials'. If you can't follow what is clearly written, then perhaps it is you who is close minded. And if you read things wrong all the time, how are we going to take any of the things you repeat from your 'reaserch' very seriosuly. I am trying to be open minded, but the way you conduct these Q&A sessions makes it nearly impossible.

For example, its was YOU who said on March 19th, "How many other animals (Even dumb ones) are hit by trains?" So I give a few quick examples to show how misleading you can be in your path of reasoning, and I am the close-minded one?!?!? If the assumptions that you use to come up with your bigfoot conclusion are BAD, then this is all very relevant. And every time I catch you guys in these misrepresentations you either claim you never said that at all, or invent some even WILDER magic bigfoot power that defies science or logical reasoning.

Now correct me if I am wrong, I don't want to misquote the craziness... but are you saying above that a train can't kill a bigfoot? Or are you saying that it has somehow never happening in the 160 years we have had trains? Or that there is likely no such thing as bigfoot? People get killed by trains all the time, so are you claiming bigfoot is smarter than people?? (excluding MultipleE and some others)

Bigfoot would not need a metal fence to impale itself. How very close minded of you! He could simply fall onto one of those broken tree stumps. Some jerkoff keeps leaving these dangerous things all over the forest!!

You also said "BF is a good swimmer. There are literally dozens of reports of BF swimming in lakes, rivers and even the ocean. Like most wild animals, BF probably knows his limits in the water. How many animals have you seen drown naturally?" So the polar bear reference is perfect. You just happen to spout so much garbage that you can't keep up with it all.

From: BowSniper
Gorilla drowns at zoo

Chimpanzee drowns

Sloth bear in zoo nearly drowns in ice res=9801E5D71E3DEE32A25757C1A9649D946397D6CF

Cow dies. Drowns himself.

Horse drowns in front of spectators

And of course there are all the whales (professional swimmers) that wash up on the beach!!!

From: BowSniper
Man impaled by tree branch,23599,22737139-1248,00.html

Snowboarder impaled by tree branch

Here is a TWO'FER. Boy impaled after being hit by train !!

Note - I left off all the impalings after a motor vehicle accident. BIGFOOT would never be caught dead driving an ATV.

From: BowSniper
You need to confirm your age to see some of these, but c'mon... how many other animals are hit by trains. Right?? (and these are just the ones caught on video!!)

Camel hit by train

Moose hit by train

Deer hit by train (decent buck, too!)

Woman hit by train

Marathon runner hit by train

From: Believer

Believer's Link
"Here is a TWO'FER. Boy impaled after being hit by train !!"

Now THAT was funny.

Nicely done Bowsniper.

You guys in the skeptics camp have provided some very convincing arguments, ones that I am WAY too lazy to try and refute. I'm still in the believers camp, but watching the debate rage on between the two sides is FASCINATING!

You never did respond to the link I provided of the close up still of "Patty's" face. Did that look like a monkey mask to you?

BowSniper, I feel sorry for you. All these examples you try to present are not Sasquatch and most only muddle the thread. Drawing your comparisons of why those things happened to certain animals and not sasquatch is stretching common sense. Sasquatch is NOT a dumb like a moose or a cow or even some people. All your examples do not even deserve response, but consider the woman hit AT A CROSSING. OK, some people not to smart and she didn't think of looking both ways after first train passed. If I were a sasquatch who wanted to cross the tracks, I would wait until there are no train sounds at all, and make sure it is safe before coming out in the open, not with foreign noises of locomotive still present. Or take the snowboarder impaled by tree branch. I wonder how many bigfoot snowboard uncontrollably? (Well, maybe there is one exception who is reading this thread). But sasquatch are very agile and powerful animals. How many grizzly have been found naturally killed by being impaled on a branch? The fact is, you know little to nothing about these creatures and that is why you throw in your remote examples. Unless you had a death wish, would you purposefully walk in front of a train? You try to make an issue of whether they would be killed by a train, but fail to understand they are not dumb enough to walk into the path of a loud rumbling locomotive. It is you who cannot wrap your mind around the possibility of something out there you do not understand. Maybe it is actually your mind that is small and bigfoot does have the bigger brain of the two?

So maybe it is bigfoot who are smarter then you in the wild and you cannot deal with that possibility? Maybe you think you have conquered the forest but this idea of another primate being more intelligent then you is insulting to you? You appear to be losing your temper here as well, as is being made evident in your posts. True to your own nature I suppose, you have resorted to these insults of character as a means of trying to bolster your points, but in so doing, you actually enlighten others about your own character. Maybe you have a few issues of your own, I don't know. Maybe you need to go spend a few days deep in the wilderness to get in touch with your inner self there BowSniper. Maybe go somewhere near where there have been bigfoot sightings. No car camping either, but pack in alone, it is good for the soul. Kind of like a Vision Quest. Find a little peace with yourself there, you sound like you need to cleanse the spirit. Have you ever camped alone deep in the woods? When you begin hearing noises in the night that scare you, don't break out the spotlight or start firing off shots. Try real hard to have an open mind there, of course maybe the truth will throw some rocks at you or scare the hell out of you with a loud growl above your tent at night, enough to make you lose control of your bladder in your fear of these imaginary creatures. Many a grown man has admitted that this happened to them, they would not admit to such a thing without there being truth to their story. Maybe someday you will do the same and try to tell people who only laugh at you. That may be a little poetic justice since you are one who can only scoff and insult today.


From: Believer
Lots of people in Portland close to where I live get hit by the commuter trains called "MAX" (Acronym for Metro Area Express). I'd say about 10 a year. Usually they are pushing a shopping cart full of all their worldly possessions and a jug isn't far away though.

Maybe sassy hasn't been hit by a train because he doesn't get into 'grandpa's cough medicine' on a regular basis? That could be one possibility. I'm just sayin'...

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper Wrote: "Sanctum - You are paraphrasing me incorrectly. Here is EXACTLY what I said:"

Bowsniper...I am sorry if what I said was taken as paraphrasing you incorrectly. I still don't see it as incorrect. I started paraphrasing after you critisezed me for direct quotes. Again...damned if I do...damned if I don't. I'll go back to my original format and you will just have to deal with it.

"I hardly think two (2) university professors equates to a paradigm shift in scientists accepting bigfoot as real. And of those two, one of them is dead (Krantz). Meldrum is going at it solo for guys with University credentials from what I can research on line. Clearly those who accept bigfoot as real are the vast minority."

You mention 2 university professors and infer that they do not equate to a paradigm shift but fail to mention any of the hundreds of scientiest and other experts. I stand by my original paraphrase.

"You then take a quick leap of faith to go from two, to dozens, to perhaps over a hundred [scientists]. I clearly said 'guys with University credentials'. If you can't follow what is clearly written, then perhaps it is you who is close minded. And if you read things wrong all the time, how are we going to take any of the things you repeat from your 'reaserch' very seriosuly. I am trying to be open minded, but the way you conduct these Q&A sessions makes it nearly impossible."

Most scientists have university credentials. It kinda comes with the territory when you get a dregree in a scientific field. Maybe it is you, with your narrow definition and distinction between "university credentials" and "scientist" that needs to be more open minded. I have "university credintials" for isntance...but I'm not a scientist. I would think that scientist would hold more sway. Strike 2.

Bowsniper Wrote: "For example, its was YOU who said on March 19th, "How many other animals (Even dumb ones) are hit by trains?" So I give a few quick examples to show how misleading you can be in your path of reasoning, and I am the close-minded one?!?!? If the assumptions and you use to come up with your bigfoot conclusion are BAD, then this is all very relevant. And every time I catch you guys in these misrepresentations you either claim you never said that at all, or invent some even WILDER magic bigfoot power that defies science or logical reasoning."

"Thank you for supplying examples...but you didn't supply the statistics which is what I asked for. So you post a few examples of VERY COMMON animals that get hit by trains VERY INFREQUENTLY. Compared to the populations of these animals an encounter with a train is VERY Uncommon. That is the point you can't seem to get through your skull. It's not my fault you can't follow the reasoning. I don't see anyone else arguing with my statistics. I feel like I am beating my head against a tree with you. I feel that the majority that are still interested in this thread have gotten the point."

Bowsniper Wrote: "Now correct me if I am wrong, I don't want to misquote the craziness... but are you saying above that a train can't kill a bigfoot?"

Nope..never said that. I inplied that it would be an unlikely scenario given the intelligence, habitat and scarcity of the creature that one would ever be in that situation. Now you can quote it.

Bowsniper Wrote: "Or are you saying that it has somehow never happening in the 160 years we have had trains?"

I believe it was Herdmanager that said that. I am not, personally, aware if this situation has occurred or not and you can quote me on that.

Bowsniper Wrote: “Or that there is likely no such thing as bigfoot?”

I think, and others will agree with me, that is more likely a statement from you that it is from me.

Bowsniper Wrote: “People get killed by trains all the time, so are you claiming bigfoot is smarter than people?? (exclusing MultipleE and some others)”

Well…I’ve never heard Sasquatch belittle anyone or call them names because they have differing opinions…Does that make them smarter than people?

Seriously though…I don’t think the fact that Sasquatch can, or could or has avoided trains makes them more intelligent than man. People get hit by trains for a lot of reasons. Some people commit suicide by laying on train tracks. Suicide is virtually unknown amongst the Sasquatch population and I think Mr. Bigfoot that posts here will back me up on that one. The point here is that the opportunity for Sasquatch to get hit by a train is limited that the odds of one every being hit by a train (and killed and found afterwards) are miniscule.

Bowsniper Wrote: “Bigfoot would not need a metal fence to impale itself. How very close minded of you! He could simply fall onto one of those broken tree stumps. Some jerkoff keeps leaving these dangerous things all over the forest!! “

I can’t tell if you are joking or not. I suspect you are, but just in case you are not…I’d like to see pictures of bears impaled on a broken tree stumps. And…just in case you find one…Remember that there are around 200,000 brown bears alone and many other types of bears. There are an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 Sasquatch. So for every Sasquatch impaled on a broken tree stump I expect to see 40 pictures of the brown bear variety impaled and several pictures of each of the other types of impaled bears. See how silly that sounds?

Bowsniper Wrote: “You also said "BF is a good swimmer. There are literally dozens of reports of BF swimming in lakes, rivers and even the ocean. Like most wild animals, BF probably knows his limits in the water. How many animals have you seen drown naturally?" So the polar bear reference is perfect.”

It’s perfect if you want to take an extreme example and make it appear the norm. I wouldn’t say those were natural deaths if a bear has to swim 60 miles to get food when it is adapted to shorter distances. I’m a strong swimmer too but I’d have difficulty swimming 60 miles. Good thing don’t have too. And good thing Sasquatch doesn’t have too either.

Bowsniper Wrote: “You just happen to spout so much garbage that you can't keep up with it all.”

Just when I thought we were getting to be friends you have to go and hurt my feelings. Whatever “garbage” I post has been backed by solid evidence where possible. If I commented on something that was an opinion or a second hand source, I so stated and provided reference if I had them. I purposely avoided the fringe sights for reference even when it would have been so easy to use them (When you stated you had more belief in UFOs than Bigfoot for example.) Your counter arguments have been lacking if anything. You constantly misquote and misdirect the conversation to go your way with weak or offbeat references if you have any at all. I’ll give you credit for not resorting to the silly one liners that some others have posted as comic relief. Still my “garbage” is piling up and it is becoming harder and harder to ignore.

Your arrogance and stubbornness, shown in your style of rebuttal, are becoming quite taxing as I feel we are covering the same old ground. Please try to come up with something new…I actually appreciated Herdmanagers post in that respect. Although it showed incredible naivety on his part and I was glad to point out the fallacy of his logic it was something new. I think most people appreciated the effort I put into answering that post but you had to continue along the same lines as Herdmanager and show your lack of understanding about how rare, intelligent and well adapted to its environment these creatures are.

You call us “Bigfoot Researchers” kooks because we make fantastic claims about an unkown creature. It is you that ascribe supernatural powers to a creature that some people already know are all too real. While you and many still doubt the possibility that these creatures exist others have moved beyond the phase of wondering if they exist and are really trying to study them. They are trying to figure out what are they, how they survive, what we can do to protect them, and why isit so hard for the general public to believe in them. Thanks for you contribution have added to my personal knowlege on the subject.

From: BowSniper
Dear Multiple-Cries-For-Attention: You have proven to me at least, that you are a fool. I thought we agreed not to waste any more time on each other. Take your silly campfire stories somewhere else. And don't knock on that tree three times instead of two, or Tony Orlando will show up ! Now shooo.

Believer - Sorry that I have not had time to respond to your post. Its just that there has been this annoying little dog barking in my ear for attention. HA! But I do want to give your question a fair answer. I would not say that face looks like a monkey mask you typically see at a store. However, the thing it does have in common with a mask it that the lips appear pursed tight together. Its hard to see in the pixelated video whether it changes expression in any appreciable way. I guess my single biggest problem with the Patterson video is that the creature does not run, or even scamper away. You would think that a reclusive smart self-aware creature that is "surefooted as a mountain goat" would be able to run away. The difference is that a man in a big heavy suit could not run. Thank you for the exchange of ideas. I welcome your participation!!

This is funny: "The fact is, you know little to nothing about these creatures"

We ALL know NOTHING about this imaginary creature.

And for the record, I might be scared of bears in bear country, but that's it. No fear of a made-up creatures. I'd camp alone and have no fear of BF. They have never actually hurt a person, right? Why would we be scared of them?

Maybe they would let us attend BigFoot Univ. (BigFU), where we would learn to become bullet-proof, invisible, amazing swimmers, disease-free, stupendous parents, incredible tree-breakers, and avoid accidents of ALL kinds.

The only thing smaller than the chances of BF existing are the brains of those who believe this nonsense.

From: Bou'bound
sanctum -

where do you find the time................

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper...You are starting to show the distress this thread is causing you by resorting to name-calling. I would caution you against that. I much preferred sparing with you in the beginning of the thread. I won't want to continue if you resort to that.

Thanks for your input Herdmanager. It's nice to hear your expert opinion. Your posts are always so short and concise yet we all get the point. I find it highly enlightening!

From: Believer
Bowsniper, thanks for the welcome. The pursed lips that you mention are one of the things that intrigue me about this mystery. Primatologists will say that it is extremely common behavior for apes to purse their lips or show their teeth when they feel threatened.

I've listened to all the people that claim the video is a hoax and that Bob Hieronimous was the guy in the suit. They are valid arguments worth looking at. I think it's also valid to consider that at the time the film was made, Patterson and Gimlin weren't experts in ape behavior, probably didn't have enough knowledge of it to have a subject purse it's lips, and even if they did, I certainly doubt that they ever imagined that decades later they would be able to zoom in on the face and clean the still up enough to even see that the lips are pursed. The still is pixilated but it looks to me like the face is more human than ape, yet with simian characteristics. Not like a mask over a football helmet. Could be I suppose, but I just don't see it.

I'm not 100% certain that the film isn't a hoax, but I'm also very uncertain that it is. It just seems like those two cowboys would have had to have a lot more expertise than anyone has ever credited them with to pull if off. Especially after all the years of scrutiny with advancing technologies that the film has received. And Herdmanager?

"The only thing smaller than the chances of BF existing are the brains of those who believe this nonsense."

You have no idea of what you speak.

And I bet I make more money than you too, so there. (LOL)

From: Sanctum

It doesn't take much time at all if you know where to look. Most of the big posts I type in to word during my lunch break and then transfer here when I have the time. A lot of the research is from sources I have already bookmarked. Although I prefer fresh questions that require me to dig a little, the questions are rarely new.

From: wild1
Sactum, you're right, it should have read: 99.9% of rational people do not beleive in BF. And 100% of wanna-be scientist believe in BF. sorry. Go about your quasi/pseudo science and make-beleive and maybe the fairy godmother will give birth to an easter bunny-nessie-yeti-BF and all your DREAMS will come true.

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - perhaps 'spouting garbage' is too harsh. I guess it depends what definition you use for "backed by solid evidence"! But it is frustrating when we try to exchange ideas, and you write for pages arguing against things I am not even saying. In this way, you are like Baghdad Bob. Remember him? The spokesman for Iraq who made ridiculous denials that America was losing even as we rolled into Baghdad?? Here is a funny clip to lighten the mood.

By University credentials, I mean people who work at a University. Do you really not know what I mean, or are you just trying to dodge the question? I mean like the two scientists we have been talking about all this time, Krantz and Meldrum, upon which you base so many claims. How did you miss that obvious connection? Or are there really no other similar people still on your team?

I totally win on the accidental death of animals topic. HerdManager made a great point, and your only defense was that bigfoot is too smart (as if YOU know) or that it rarely happens to animals at all. I was quickly able to find many examples among all different kinds of animals (including apes) and even humans. Point by point, from impaling, to trains, to drowning I had you covered. But now you pretend there are not enough examples, which is totally disingenuous because many of these examples were recorded on film! How often does something have to happen for each time it is captured on tape?? Heck, your whole fanclub can't get bigfoot that clearly on tape even once!!

Believer - I didn't mean 'pursed' as if I thought it was intnetional like an ape. I was just describing them being shown tight together. Could very well be glue like in a mask. Not sure either way on that one.

From: Believer

Believer's Link
THIS dude claims to ahve shot and killed TWO bigfoots in Texas.

Then again, listening to his story, I'm wondering if it wasn't just Burt Reynolds and Ned Beatty...

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper Wrote: "Sanctum - perhaps 'spouting garbage' is too harsh. I guess it depends what definition you use for "backed by solid evidence"! But it is frustrating when we try to exchange ideas, and you write for pages arguing against things I am not even saying."

You are not the only person I am addressing in my posts. I try to address all the arguements between my last post and the next.

Bowsniper Wrote: "In this way, you are like Baghdad Bob. Remember him? The spokesman for Iraq who made ridiculous denials that America was losing even as we rolled into Baghdad?? Here is a funny clip to lighten the mood."

Enjoyed the video. I was in the Navy when he gave that speach. I still have a set of the standard issue playing cards that was issued to all the troops to help them identify the 52 most wanted people in Iraq.

At the time, Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf was considered harmless and he didn't even merit a card. The funny thing is...a lot of the stuff he said came to pass. Like America getting stuck in the quagmire that Iraq has become. The battle was short but did we really win the war? Maybe Al-Sahaf was a prophet?

I'm sure that is what you are implying! ;-)

From: Sixby
Bowsniper:Dear Multiple-Cries-For-Attention: You have proven to me at least, that you are a fool

you got three fingers pointing right back at ya. Any person that has ever debated any subject knows that when one party involved in the debate resorts to personal attacks and name calling that they are not mentally able to cope with the other debater. Auto LOss on your part. You have won nothing except to your own followers/ Kind of like Obama.

From: dougfoot
All, including Pig Doc - I apologize for the way I treated Pig Doc. He and everyone else have the right to their own opinions.

Bowsniper - Krantz and Meldrum are two very courageous academics that have staked their scientific reputations and university tenure on the possible existence of bigfoot. They are not crazy, they are conducting scientific research the way it should be. Their peers chastise them and they have apparently been passed over many times for promotions and been threatened with loss of tenure because they are challenging the scientific dogma.

Science is not just looking at what exists, it's looking at what might exist... ie, making discoveries. I'm not trying to make comparisons, but what if Galileo, Einstein, Edison, Darwin, etc hadn't gone against the crowd with their theories? All great discoveries are made by those who are brave enough to challenge accepted thought, not skeptics who just take the easy route by denying everything that is outside their comfort zone. JMO.

From: Sanctum
Bowsniper...just for you!

Prominent Acedemics who study or accept Sasquatch

George Schaller

Russell Mittermeier

Daris Swindler

Esteban Sarmiento

Carleton S. Coon

Prominent anthropologist Carleton S. Coon's posthumously published essay Why the Sasquatch Must Exist

Wow..this guys wouldn’t publish until he died. What does that say about what peer pressure he thought he might face?

John Green

John Napier

I don’t have time to provide links to them all. Here follows a list of other notable researchers and writers in the field of cryptozoology: (How many more study Sasquatch from shut up in a dark closet? We don't many more study Sasquatch peripherally but are never mentioned? We don't know.)

• Dmitri Bayanov, Hominologist

• Erik Beckjord, controversial Bigfoot researcher

• Matthew Bille, author of Rumors of Existence

• John Bindernagel, Bigfoot researcher; author of North America's Great Ape: the Sasquatch

• Tom Biscardi, Bigfoot researcher

• Peter Byrne, Bigfoot researcher

• Mark Chorvinsky, creator of Strange Magazine - deceased

• Jerome Clark, co-author of Cryptozoology A to Z

• Ronan Coghlan, author Dictionary of Cryptozoology and Cryptosup. • Jerry D. Coleman, author of Strange Highways

• Loren Coleman, author of Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America. • Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology, Mysterious America, Mothman and Other Curious Encounters; coauthor of Cryptozoology A to Z, The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide, and other books

• William R. Corliss, general anomalist; has collected reports of unknown hominds and other cryptids

• Scott Corrales, Chupacabras researcher

• Cliff Crook, Bigfoot Reports Investigator since 1956. America's First Bigfoot Investigator.*

• Paul Cropper, Australia co-author of Out of the Shadows, The Yowie: In Search of Australia's Bigfoot

• René Dahinden, Bigfoot researcher -deceased

• Jonathan Downes, founder of Centre for Fortean Zoology

• Paul Freeman, Bigfoot researcher - deceased

• Richard Freeman, researcher affiliated with Centre for Fortean Zoology

• Bob Gimlin, with Roger Patterson, allegedly filmed Bigfoot in 1967

• Rex Gilroy, Australian cryptozoologist focused on the Megalania and the Yowie.

• Linda S. Godfrey, Beast of Bray Road researcher

• John Green, Bigfoot researcher

• J. Richard Greenwell, secretary of the International Society for Cryptozoology - deceased

• Tony Healy, Australia co-author of Out of the Shadows, The Yowie: In Search of Australia's Bigfoot

• Bernard Heuvelmans, author of On the Track of Unknown Animals; "father of cryptozoology" - deceased

• Fredrick William Holiday, Loch Ness Monster researcher - deceased • Patrick Huyghe, co-author of The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide

• John Keel, Mothman researcher

• John Kirk, president of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club; author of In the Domain of Lake Monsters

• Grover Krantz, mainstream physical anthropologist known for his interest in Bigfoot - deceased

• Willy Ley, author of Exotic Zoology - deceased

• Scott Marlowe, Swamp Ape researcher and founder of Pangea Institute

• Jeff Meldrum, Idaho State University anatomy professor; Bigfoot researcher

• Reinhold Messner, mountaineer; author of My Quest for the Yeti - skeptic

• Marc Wolfgang Miller, explorer, author of Chasing Legends & The Legend Continues

• Darren Naish, University of Portsmouth, vertebrate palaeontologist, researcher on aquatic cryptids

• John Napier, primatologist and Bigfoot researcher - deceased

• Rick Noll, researcher

• Daniel Perez, Bigfoot researcher

• Robert Michael Pyle, author of Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide

• Ivan T. Sanderson, celebrity zoologist/anomalist; author of Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life - deceased

• Esteban Sarmiento, Bigfoot researcher

• Karl Shuker, author of Mystery Cats of the World, Dragons: A Natural History, In Search of Prehistoric Survivors, From Flying Toads To Snakes With Wings, Mysteries of Planet Earth, The New Zoo: New and Rediscovered Animals of the Twentieth Century, The Beasts That Hide From Man, Extraordinary Animals Revisited, and other books

• Tom Slick, adventurer who funded searches for Bigfoot and other cryptids - deceased

• Roderick Sprague, Bigfoot researcher

• Bob Titmus, Bigfoot researcher - deceased

• Autumn Williams, Bigfoot researcher in Oregon

From: Big Foot
Okay, so I'm driving to work this morning in my crappy Ford, when suddenly, a tire blew.

So I pull over to the side of the road to change it and almost got hit by a logging truck. As the truck roared by, I heard the horn then the driver screaming, "get a haircut you freakin' hippie"!

Hippie? Big Foot ain't no fraekin' hippie. Big Foot vote Republican.

From: Big Foot
Okay, so now I'm home from work.....tired. Big Foot want to take nap, but NOOOOO! Little cupcake Danny two redwoods down has his windows open blasting the Barry Manilow. "Copa, Copacabana....." I tell ya, a Sasquatch can only listen to that for so long before somebody get hurt.

From: Big Foot
Oh my God! The hemeroids have really flared up today guys. To make matters worse, Big Foot really need to poop.

From: Big Foot
Did I tell you guys I used to be a porn star. Yep, I was in such movies as, "Sasquatch Luv", "Secret Desires On Redwood Lane", "The Big Harry", and "Bear Sows Go Wild, Parts I, II, and IV".

Those were the good ol' days. Then Big Foot get old and develope E.D. :(

From: Big Foot
Mrs. Big Foot not happy with Big Foot's past. But she has no room to talk.....she was a slut in high school.

She was known as The Sasquatch Slut.

From: Big Foot

You gotta be KIDDING ME !!!! Almost 600 posts about this ....

Fred, you're a freakin genius !!!!!


BowSniper, your colors are all to clear for everyone to see. You and I have agreed to nothing here actually.

You also never answered my question. "Have you ever camped alone deep in the woods?" That is, ALONE deep in the wild where few others go except for the occasional hiker. No vehicle, but I will allow you a dog. Somehow I doubt it by what your posts say about your view of the world.

In an attempt to ignore BowSniper's rhetoric, I wanted to share a few good stories (not mine) about encounters with sasquatch. These are considered classics.

The first was told by late Teddy Roosevelt just before becoming President of the United States, in his book The Wilderness Hunter. And yes, some sasquatch will harm a person, but most won't and only wish to live peacefully. When you try to harm them, then all bets are off. In this incident, who knows what might have caused the aggression, maybe bigfoot have beaver as pets and didn't like seeing his little buddies killed. What you say Big Foot, you like beavers? :)

The second is another good story of a trapper who was abducted by a sasquatch.

Here also is a good rendering of a very large sasquatch as directed by a member of the military who had the encounter. Of the few sasquatch I have seen, none were this big. I could not fathom such an experience and I have seen 8' ones before.

The fact of the matter is, we don't know what Eichler captured or not. In fact, that may be irrelevant to the larger issue of the existence of these creatures. If the Eichler video isn't legit, or turns out to be a hunter, so be it. If it turns out a hoax, then it is a hoax, there have been hoaxes in the past and there will be in the future. If it remains unexplained and there is no better images, so be it. It does not change the fact that these creatures exist.

From: Big Foot
Mrs. Big Foot was a looker when we first got married. She even used to do things to Big Foot she don't do no more. Now when I wake up in the morning I think to myself,"My God! What did I do"?

From: Big Foot
I like to drink. Who else here likes to drink.


From: Big Foot
Big Foot hurt back.

Doctor gave Big Foot pills.

Big Foot on meds.........WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

From: Believer
Message to bigfoot:

Go to Nevada and RENT IT next time. It's cheaper in the long run.

From: Big Foot

Last time Big Foot "rented it". He needed meds of another kind. :(

From: Labdad

Labdad's Link
PICTURE OF BIG FOOT, OR NOT???? Found on the WI forum!

SAID IN HUMOR!!, but take a look at these two pics posted on the WI forum. I guess ANYTHING can happen in mother nature!

From: mizzoukispot
I can see that a couple of bf supporters have their favorite beer before coming on here.....and I bet I can guess their favorite beer.....its the 12th one!

From: Bou'bound
"You gotta be KIDDING ME !!!! Almost 600 posts about this ....

Fred, you're a freakin genius !!!!! "


From: HerdManager
ME, how about posting a FIRST-HAND account, rather than second-hand stories/folklore.

In court they nicely call it hearsay, the polite term for bs (because 99.9% of the time it is lies). Second-hand encounters are not encounters. They mean NOTHING.

Post something directly from a person who was abducted and it might mean something.

How about this? I am telling you right now I am an alien from a far away world. I came here in a saucer and will leave in a few hundred earth years. Do you believe me? You should. Millions of people on earth have seen our ships and seen us. Thousands of earthlings have been abducted by us and studied. There is MUCH more evidence that I am an alien than there is that bigfoot exists (by the way, and we aliens know this, it is nothing more than a hoax). So thank you for believing in me. You have no reason not to. And mountains of evidence that we do exist.

Signing Off, Alien (also known as HM)

(doing secret handshake that you can't's a secret)

Take your pick there HerdManager. Too bad you pay such little credibility to an ex President of the United States for telling a story that was told to him by a survivor. As for the guy that was abducted, that is HIS story that has been retold! How do you figure that is "second hand"? If a newspaper publishes your words, is that "second hand"?

Well, to give you something to overwhelm you of you did pay attention, here ya go!

Here is the BFRO Database of first hand accounts they took in from people who filed their reports:

Oh, and here is another organization's Sighting Database:

Oh, and here is another organization's Sighting Database:

Oh, and here is another organization's Sighting Database: (top right)

Oh, and here is another organization's Sighting Database:

Oh, and here is a sworn Affidavit by someone who had an encounter, also republished:

etc. etc. etc. But why bother with you, you won't get thru em anyhow.

Oh and HerdManager, try looking through the archives here in Bowsite, some of your own peers have shared their encounters. Or maybe you would consider that "second hand" too since they are published here?

Oh, and here is a Google Map so you can see how close some sightings have been close to you.

I'd share with you the link to Ape Canyon battle told by one of the prospectors, but there are some things in there you might find difficult to swallow. Like we don't have enough of that.


From: chip
Guys and BF- Have first hand info that Fred is in sunny Florida hunting. When he returns on April 1st he may have something to say. Isn't it fitting that he is returning on Aprils Fools Day.

From: HerdManager
Sorry, but the woods of PA is INUNDATED every year with about 1,000,000 gun hunters. They shoot anything that is brown and hairy, especially now that doe/buck seasons run concurrent. If it is brown, it gets shot. Not much makes it out alive.

BF would be dead on soemone's hood by now if he was here. It's funny, the first "sighting" I read was from right where I hunt now. Maybe BF got out of Mayberry, because I have never heard of a credible sighting in this area. Imagine that, they migrate and cross all those roads and never get hit.........

Alien HM out...

From: HerdManager
I am off to Iowa tomorrow to hopefully find land to hunt this fall (3 preference point, yeah!).

I will brazenly walk right through the living room of BF and FEEL NO FEAR!! I will not carry a gun. I will not quiver at every broken branch or strange noise. I am, as they say, "da man".

If I make it back alive I will post my findings (which will consist of deer tracks and deer poop).

Alien HM out...

Now you are an alien, I suppose there was something to my inference about a few things huh HM? Guess all those posts I provided pass in one and out the other too.

Well, anyway, you don't really have to worry about a bigfoot harming you, but we can hope. lol

From: BowSniper
Sanctum - I can't understand why you post things as if they prove your point, when they do just the opposite. Maybe that works on the bigfoot forums where you and ME have milked this scam into some kind of celebrity status, but HERE it makes you come across as a joke. And I hope you are not trying to impress me with time in the Navy, as I served in the Marine Corps (what we refer to as the heterosexual branch of the Navy!)

So at least 3 times now I have asked you to present names of other scientists/professors who work at the University level like Krantz and Meldrum, and who believe that bigfoot is real. I don't know if there are any more or not, that is why I was asking you. Then true to form, you give some long manifesto most of which has nothing to do with the question. Didn't bigfoot ever teach you anything about brevity !?!?!? Do you think that by droning on in with long and boring diatribes that I would be less likely to check your facts?

Your 1st guy, George Schaller is listed by the L.A.Times as a SKEPTIC, and he was also "troubled... that no feces samples have been found to allow DNA testing"

Your 2nd guy, Russell Mittermeir is "notable as one of relatively few scientists to argue in favor of serious study of the North American Bigfoot phenomenon." Note that serious study is a far cry from stating he believes it is real.

Your 3rd guy, Daris Swindler (funny name considering the topic!) is "a longtime skeptic of Bigfoot" and "was one of the few experts willing to examine evidence cited in support of the creature's existence." Examining evidence does not mean he believes it is real. In fact, he describes the Skookum cast as "not conclusive".

Your 4th guy, Esteban Sarmiento is the same guy who makes gigantic fake feet, complete with dermals to prove Meldrum could be wrong. See "Behind the Mysteries - Bigfoot" on the national geographic channel.

Carleton Coon must not have been much a believer if he did not write anything in support while alive. And John Green is just a retired canadian journalist.

You most humorous listing in support of bigfoot is #7, John Napier (primatologist). "His investigations included screening the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film (and concluding it was a clever hoax), interviewing amateur investigators and purported eyewitnesses, visiting alleged Bigfoot sighting areas, and studying the scant physical evidence. In his 1973 book on the subject, Napier ultimately judged the evidence to be inconclusive: there was not enough hard proof to confirm to Napier that Bigfoot was a real creature..."

Along the way you throw in a bunch of crackpots who call themselves researchers (like famous bigfoot hoaxer Paul Freeman), pseudoscientists, and cryptozoologtists to make your list seem impressive.

In summary, if your list is any indication of the quality of your research, and the so-called "experts" that you constantly lean to as a source for "facts", then both YOU and your list are equally unimpressive.

Basically, I was looking for real university experts like Russell Ciochon, a prominent paleoanthropologist and professor at the University of Iowa who said, "I still don't think Bigfoot exists in any form."

From: dougfoot
ME, I think your work is done here. You will never be able to convince anyone until one of these "stealthy" bowhunters has definitive proof, whatever that means. Until then, they will skulk around the woods in camo trying to prove their manhood, thinking that no other animals recognize their presense.

People like us do the dirty work and take their "shots" to prove that other species might exist and then they say "golly gee I guess they are real". If one of them does try to "deflate the lungs" of one of them, he better reload, because his bow will be shoved so far up his ass, by another one that he didn't see, that he'll be able to floss with it.

I doubt it

From: HerdManager
I think other man-like species do exist.

They are posting on here, obviously not capable of human-level reasoning or human thought process. Love to see IQ levels of the some of the characters in this thread (not regular Bowsiters). And please don't try to impress me with what you make (like it matters, look at Britney). And I also served in the military, Marine Corps, also Master's degree in civil engineering and a 140 IQ.

And I always was an alien. Strange you didn't pick up on it, being "super-aware" like you are and all...........maybe you guys need to take some classes at BFU?

Alien HM out...taking the saucer to IA tomorrow.

Dear Bowhunters,

I first came to this site to help give you guys a little insight into these creatures so that when you are in the field, you would be able to better identify sign and sounds made by these creatures. Unfortunately you have two people here who are the epitome of OBSTINANCE. They have slung every loose fitting flagrant insult, and blinder restrained opinion they can to deny something that thousands of people have witnessed.

These two individuals may never grow into maturity even though their years may move ahead. They have prevented you from having what could of been an intellectual discussion into a fascinating topic. All the energy that could have gone into a productive conversation was ruined by a few people. If they lived in the time when scientists told the people that the world was flat, they would have been the keepers of the gate.

A number of you have PM'd me to apologize for their childish behavior. More of you have remarked as such in this thread. But it seems nothing, and I mean NOTHING on this earth except for them being carried off and being made a love toy by a big lonesome sasquatch will change their minds.

Sanctum and I have provided case after case, report after report, expert after expert, database after database, but these two individuals can only pick apart little pieces that don't fit their comfy little expectations. Provide them what they want and then they jump to another tangent. They have disregarded Dr. Jane Goodall's confidence that these creatures exist. They have insulted those who provide worthwhile material. Even when a scientist is named like Darris Swindler, BowSniper insults him by making a reference to his name. Swindler was a prominent primate expert with sufficient academic background from a variety of universities. BowSniper then tries to twist Swindler's prior skepticism about the existence of sasquatch in his favor, when really, Swindler's change from being Skeptic to Believer is what is significant!

The fact is, many scientists began as skeptics until they look at the evidence, and then they become believers. So whenever BowSniper references how a scientist was a Skeptic, now you can see how he ploys his wares.

In any other forum, those who insult one's character as he has are usually given warnings or even banned. But I did realize one thing that may explain something about his behavior, the acronym for BowSniper just happens to be BS.


From: Sixby
They are posting on here, obviously not capable of human-level reasoning or human thought process. Love to see IQ levels of the some of the characters in this thread (not regular Bowsiters). And please don't try to impress me with what you make (like it matters, look at Britney). And I also served in the military, Marine Corps, also Master's degree in civil engineering and a 140 IQ.

My MY its such a privledge to know you sir. I feel like bowing down in worshiping. You must be your own God. There is a great book you have not read. Its called how to win friends and influence people. There is an ex Governor of a State who actually has a higher IQ than you have. He is an ex governor because he is better than everyone else. Including the law. Have you ever heard pride goes before a fall??? Oh well! For sure you don't need anyone to pump your ego up anymore.

From: Joe D
About 10 years ago I was hunting moose in British Columbia. We were spike camped 8 hours up a drainage from the main camp. I was hunting with Sikani River Outfitters. A super nice guy named Daryl was guiding me and he made it a point to keep my butt safe.

We were riding these huge Belgian-like horses that were great in the mountains and man were they smart. We decided to head up this one saddle where a rifle hunter killed a moose several days earlier. Daryl said that there may be Grizzly on the kill and just hold on to the horse. They won't get you in trouble. Sure enough, we got within a couple hundred yards of the kill and Daryl spotted the bears. A female and 2 cubs. The horses got real jumpy and you could sense they were uncomfortable. We took a wide berth and within 10 minutes they were fine.

Later in the hunt I shot a moose and we were on our second trip up the mountain to pack the rest of the meat and cape out. As we were making our way up the trail the horses stopped and would go no further. Daryl spurred his horse and it wouldn't budge. My horse did the same thing. Daryl turned to me and said, they won't go another step in this direction, we will have to take another route. The horses would only go back on the trail we walked. 2 hours later we made it to the kill site and finished the packing and headed to the cabin.

When we ate dinner that night, I asked Daryl why the horses stopped and wouldn't go any further. If it was a bear they would have just walked around it like they did a couple days earlier. Jokingly, I said, it was probably a bigfoot. Both Daryl and the camp cook looked up at me with eyes as big as pie-plates and said, What did you see? I didn't see anything I was just guessing.

Daryl said to me "Joe you may think I am a wacko but that is exactly what it was" He then told me of a few encounters and what it was like living in the mountains as much as he does. You had to be in that cabin to understand how I felt. They weren't trying to scare me because I was going home the next morning. They were dead serious and acted like it was just part of the job working in the mountains. They made a believer out of me.

From: NEsportsman

whether bigfoot exists or not is an argument.

outside of logic there can be no absolutes.

consider the classic following arguments; ~all swans are white. ~if unicorns existed they would appear in the fossil record ~you know where i live so you have no excuse not to visit.

argument. All.

Logical answers?

all swans that I have SEEN are white. even black swans may not be in fact swans, only related...or dyed black to fool us.

perhaps unicorns are made up of a form of cartilage, or a unknown substance that does not fossilize. perhaps we simply have not looked everywhere for unicorn fossils yet.

ofcourse, there are many reasons why you might not visit me. simply by knowing my home location does not neccesarily follow that you must or will visit. sadly.


Lance Armstrong rides his bike 100 miles a week Lance Armstrong has won 7 tour de France I ride my bike 100 miles a week therefore I will win the tour de france 7 times.

illogical. its called the fallacy of the undistributed middle term.

i prefer inductive argument to deductive, proving a non-existence is much harder than proving an existance.. sometimes... or never.

All swans are white all non-white things are non-swans

if bigfoot existed we would have a dead body by now if we do not have a dead body a thing does not exist

if bigfoot existed we would have a fossil record of it if we do not have a fossil record of it it does not exist

all bigfoot that i have never observed are non white.

A + B = C C - B = .5B

Correct answer; 1. A = 1 2. A = B/2 3. B does not exist because it does not appear in the fossil record 4. All B are mass halucination

personally I vote for #4 if all B are white.

From: Sixby
Joe , now that is an interesting story.

From: Labdad
No ME it's referred to as TENACIOUS. AS IN; tenaciously refuting the absolutely ridiculous statements, evidence, data, and photos with which you've demeaned your arguments.

Herdmanager has postulated an excellent scenario, what say you? Oh, that's right, you obfuscate and then claim some other far fetched ideology, ramble for a while and then come in with "you're all just juveniles" when your specious statements are outed.

I guess the entertainment is coming to an end.......the supporters have not found enough gullible folks to join the fold.

But hey, I wish you the best, I hope for you a world of fame and riches beyond belief when you walk BF out of his super-kingdom of invisibility and invincibility and present him to the world!

From: BowSniper
Joe D - I appreciated hearing a reason for believing, as told by a real hunter. Thanks.

MultipleE - You started with an interesting story, so I took the time to find out what else you believed. Turns out you are a kook who believes everything he sees, and happily jumps through every hoop and twists every conceivable fact, in an embarrasingly overt effort to support your own goofy agenda. You pretend to speak for the bigfoot like the Lorax speaks for the trees, and you are every bit as believable as that Dr. Suess book. Take your green eggs and ham, and crawl back to the bigfoot forum from whence you came. Better yet, take your whole Karny-show back to the 'secret research camp' in the mountains that you like to brag about on the bigfoot forums, and promise not to come back until you capture the monster.

Sanctum - you are another one who came from the bigfoot forums trying to peddle your wares. Your approach was more research driven and I have enjoyed the attempts at an intellectual debate. However, in when I looked into the "experts" you put out as bigfoot supporters, it convinced me more than ever that this whole thing is a big ruse based on piecing together only the rare possibilities, with complete disregard for the much greater evidence AGAINST. Your own primatologist expert says the Patterson film is a hoax, and your own biologist expert says there is no DNA to examine. Yet, when convenient to your agenda, you choose to ignore their opinions and proclaim the Patterson film as the greatest video proof, and claim that scientists are working on extracting DNA from poop this very minute! Its a classic fraud based on selective interpretation of bad data to try and reach a predetermined outcome. In short, bad science.

Dougfoot - I am guessing you are "dogfoot" from the bigfoot forums who just appeared here to help argue this nonsense with ME and sanctum. Who knows.

HOWEVER, there is always a chance. And some day one of the 5000-6000 bigfeet you think exist may be found.

Here is the best video proof I have found that there is a chance that bigfoot might really exist:

So in conclusion, you Bigfoot guys have wasted a lot of our time presenting opinion and hyperbole as fact. In response, I think the best revenge would be to have us REAL hunters find the bigfoot that you love so much, and kill it. Prior to this debate, If I had seen a bigfoot I would have tried to get it on film. But now, since you guys are so sure there are thousands (MUST be if they have bred and maintained the species across so many states!!) I will not hesitate to shoot the bigfoot. I will do as your beloved Dr. Krantz suggested, and cut off its head as proof. You have provided the secret knocking code, and favorite foods and habits of the bigfoot, so that I have a better chance of finding one to kill for sport. :-)

But just to show there are no hard feelings, I will send some tenderloin or a roast to each bigfoot fanclub!! Bon Appetit ~!!

From: BowSniper
PS - The tooth fairy came to my house last night. I have proof !! My kid put a tooth under his pillow, and this morning the tooth was gone, and a dollar was there in its place.

From: Sanctum

I'm glad you are up to date on all your facts about the gentlemen you decided to look up. You wanted references from academia. I supplied some. Many of those people Graduated and worked in university settings. Harvard, Yale...etc... but you do not acknowledge that.

You also infer that once a skeptic always a skeptic. Has it never occurred to you that even though you were able to dig up quotes from 1973 about lack of evidence does not mean that these gentlemen are still skeptics. Krantz and Meldrum were also both skeptics at one time. Krantz was vehement about his skepticism. You might as well add those two to your list of skeptics while you are at it.

I think I am done debating with you. Your purposeful embellishments of minor details to override the major ones are just getting old. You criticize me for lack of brevity but in your "brevity" you pick only the information that YOU want to see and ignore the rest.

Is there anyone else that would like to continue a civil and purposeful discussion on the topic? I'll respond to PM's if you are uncomfortable posting here like I know many of you are.

To Bowsniper and Herdmanager, I say good day!

From: Owl
For those who believe BF proponents fools, I'll remind you of an old axiom: "It takes a fool to argue with a fool." Good day.

From: BowSniper
Owl - I did not mean to imply that anyone who believes in bigfoot is a fool. Just these two (or three) guys, and only based on their own reasoning and "evidence". Thus the long and arduous journey to find out what makes them (and them alone) tick.

If hunters and woodsmen hear and see things they can't explain, and think that bigfoot is the best explanation, then that is wonderful. Nothing to fault in that approach at all. I am totally on board with that.

Its when the bigfoot fan club comes rolling into town with all their bigfoot bumper stickers, wearing bigfoot pajamas, and fact checking with only the bigfoot decoder ring.. just so darn sure that THEY are the only open minded ones and that WE are so "clueless", that I have a problem.

Sorry for all the muss and fuss. I hope with their departure that we can get back to the regularly scheduled program... of BOWHUNTING !! Season opens here in 177 days. Got food plots to plant, and trees to prep for new stands!! :-)

From: Big Foot
OHHHHH! Big Foot head hurt this morning. The result of booze and pills.

Oh my God! I can hear it! "Copa, Copacabana"! ARGH!!!! You have got to be kidding me! I can hear that KaWeer Danny signing along!

Great! I can see how this day is going to turn out. You guys just might might a Sasquatch body afterall.

From: Big Foot

You asked if us Sasquatches keep beavers as pets. The answer is no. We eat beaver.

When I was younger, beaver was a main staple of my diet. I gorged myself actually.......just couldn't get enough.

Now beaver can be iffy. It all depends on how it has been "prepared". One thing for sure, you don't ever want to eat beaver that's been well done. The rarer, the better.

Mrs. Big Foot said she's eaten beaver before when she was in college, but I just can't get her to eat it anymore.

When I was single, I went to a "restuarant" once were you could order all kinds of beaver. I was having beaver with a young "lady" named "Kristen" when another unnamed "lady" joined us. That may have been the best beaver Big Foot ever have.

From: Big Foot
So last night my neighbor Frank (Danny's life partner I told you guys about) and I were having a few beers in the garage with the door open.

Now remember, I told you guys that Frank was married and has three kids, so he hasn't always been KaWeer. Well, our new neighbor Nikki accross the stream was doing yard work in her front yard. Nikki is pretty damn tight looking too. Yeah, I caught ol' Frank checking her out (although she's no Tiffany....rrrrrrr). I'm thinking to myself, "Come on Frank, you can do it. Come on back to "our side". Forget about Danny boy."

Then I realized, if Frank were to leave his little cupcake friend, I'm sure Danny would come crying to Mrs. Big Foot and somehow Big Foot would be accused for encouraging Frank to leave him. Mrs. Big Foot would be very mad at Big Foot for not minding own business, etc.......Big Foot end up on couch again.

From: Big Foot
Big Foot back hurt again.......time for happy pills.....WEEEEEEEEE!

From: Believer
So the discussion is over? I still haven't got to hear about ME's multiple encounters dammit!

Herdmanager, I was JOKING when I said I probably made more money than you. You could be Bill frigging GATES for all I know. Then again, so could I for all you know. I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm not Bill Gates.

I'm richer.

And better looking.

I'm kidding about the richer part.

Definitely not kidding about the better looking part.

Is it beer-thirty yet?

From: Labdad
Believer: It's that darn 15" ruler he was using.....he forgot to bring it along on the OTHER encounters.

p.s. BIG FOOT is better looking than Bill Gates! I know ME and crew will defend that he is richer too, but that I'd have to wholeheartedly disagree with!

BIG FOOT, I suspect you may have been slipped a "mickey" by Danny, why else the Copa memories??

Now you too are a KA WE.....Nah, I can't do it, your existence is hard enough! The Happy pills are just a means of denial.

From: Believer
Hey Big Foot?

I figured out something while you were working late last night. You know that stench that witnesses talk about? It's coming from Mrs. Big Foot.

Two words.

Vinegar and Water.

From: Big Foot
That's what I've been telling her!!!!

I wish she'd trim that thing also!!

Way to go Big Foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Joe D, thank you for stepping forward with your encounter. Your guides knew from experience what was going on. They have likely seen sasquatch as they told you. It would be fascinating if they could tell their stories here too, although one or two might have a fit. The horses always know just as dogs often do, we just have to pay better attention. Some here do not know these things. I was right, some are indeed clueless and learn only from their weekend hunts to the edges of civilization. Thank you for breaking the ice and sharing your encounter even though you did not get to actually see one, you probably experienced one nonetheless.

Sorry Bowsniper, but you will not get your way with your feeble arguments. I also see no moderator's badge under your name. Why don't you just walk away and post in another thread yourself? You can't though can you? You must control what people here think. You are indeed gaining high respect for this from many here. Protect them from being able to think for themselves.

One of your own has now posted about his experience with bigfoot. You have no room to pay heed to his story or that of others, and no desire to hear more. The milestone is, he was willing to share his story DESPITE YOU and HerdManager's close minded USELESS rhetoric. Maybe others will come forward now. They have in PM's to me, and from day one that I posted here, I knew of people like yourself who were the problem and why many are afraid to talk openly. You see, it is like that elsewhere until someone speaks the truth of their own experiences and confronts the uncompromising ones like yourself. It goes back to the old adage of the 'King who wore no clothes' BowSniper. You are the play King who will not let his townspeople discuss what they want. You spew the poison in this respect regardless of your hunting knowledge. You are THE PROBLEM, the naked King, the truth about sasquatch will some day hit you in the head my friend. And if you go out to try and kill a sasquatch, which you do not believe exists, maybe some of us will read about one more missing hunter someday.

I find it amazing how you twist stuff. Like re the experts that you call Skeptics as a way to convince others here to disregard these scientists. You try to pretend in your little mind what you want, but these once skeptics became believers AFTER examining the evidence! That remains what is significant! It is becoming more and more apparent that there is something broken in your logic, or an overall agenda of control, I can't tell which. I can only hope more hunters here will now be willing to share their stories openly despite people like you. You are actually losing ground BS, but you attempt these last pitiful tries to manipulate people here.

You twist the facts about DNA. There IS DNA, just not the entire strain. Existing DNA DOES NOT match any known primate or non-human. (We are primates BTW). There is hair evidence. There is blood evidence. There are thousands of footprints. There is lots more but you only strategically find little morsels of doubt to attempt to twist and exploit. Your mind is small BowSniper, please go yourself because I am here to chat with those who have an open mind and want to discuss. There are many here and when you stop spouting your rhetoric, they will come forward more and more.

Labdad, HerdManager said so much childish junk that I don't know which could be considered excellent scenario he postulated. Sorry, please point it out.

This is just a single editorial about the DNA status of sasquatch. One that demonstrates that there is 'something' in North America that does not match any known animal. NOTHING you can say BowSniper can refute the main point that it matches no known animal!

“On Nov. 7, the History Channel reported that a DNA sample from a Sasquatch has been analyzed from a board of sharp, threaded, protruding screws placed in front of a cabin in remote Canada. Dr. Curt Nelson, senior scientist and biologist from the University of Minnesota, and anthropologist Dr. Jeff Meldrum from the University of Idaho found a bloody footprint and collected hair, small portions of foot tissue and blood from the bottom of the foot from the ‘screw board’ for DNA sequencing.

The hair sample looked human, but human hair has a medulla, a spongy mass of material in the center of the hair’s core. According to the program, the hair sample matched no known primate and nothing living known to science, certainly not bear. The DNA from the tissue found on the bloody screws was identical to human DNA, except it had one nucleotide polymorphism. The nucleotide that was different, was one shared with chimpanzees. It was primate DNA. They knew they were looking at the DNA structure of a sasquatch. The DNA said ‘primate’ but not quite human and not-quite nonhuman primate … just one of the base pairs is deviated from ours! Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t that pretty much cinch the case for Sasquatches being classified in the genus Homo, probably with little difference from us?”

Above editorial by from quotes within actual program by Dr. Meldrum and Dr. Nelson.

And the continued analysis of this DNA sample will take another year to hopefully result in a full sequence.

Here is an older result of a Yeti sample, which is believed to be similar species as sasquatch.

Let people discuss this subject freely BowSniper, stop trying to control what they think OK!

From: BowSniper
Bigfoot - maybe your back hurts from the bad posture, and walking around with nothign on your feet. Might I suggest some decent hiking shoes and a set of gravity boots? You can hang upside down in the forest from a tree branch and relieve some of that back pain.

As long as no one sees you and decides there are now Big-Bats in the woods!! :-)

From: BowSniper
Hey Bigfoot, keep an eye out in the woods for these two chicks. Might be good for a little crossbreeding??

From: BowSniper
Multiple - everything you spew is crap. Anyone who has been reading along can see that. You are a sad lonely man craving attention. You fish this phony "multiple encounters" story line all over the internet hoping someone will pay attention to you. There is a big empty void in your pathetic life that you are trying to fill with an imaginary friend named bigfoot. Seek professional help from someone NOT wearing an I LUV BIGFOOT t-shirt.

You are doing your cause more harm than good. Its sad really that you can't see this, but why should I expect much more from someone who thinks broken trees in a forest is something magical. When you give ridiculous answers to even simple bigfoot questions, and attribute all these personality traits as if YOU somehow know, you become a laughing stock.

And I will now go out of my way to kill a bigfoot, just to make you cry. Another Zen riddle - if a lonely loser in the woods cries, does bigfoot hear him?? And don't think I am unfamilar with the woods. Unlike you I am a REAL hunter and a REAL Marine (including night land-nav training in the woods of Washington state... oooooh scary!) and I am all too willing to teach bigfoot who the REAL apex predator out there is.

So think long and hard in your lonely tent at your 'secret research camp' (HA!) what you really accomplished here. Understand that you are alone in a tent because with all your delirious bigfoot talk no one can stand to be around you; that your ridiculous answers to even simple questions makes no one want to take bigfoot seriously; and maybe more than just a few of us are going to want to kill your furry little friend just for kicks. Oooo rah!!

From: BowSniper
Hey Bigfoot (the funny one that posts here)

Why is this MultipleE character picturing me with no clothes?? I think we found another KaWeeer to introduce to your friends Frank and Danny !! Funny thing is I bet he would jump right in the sack with ANY bigfoot. I bet he would be the "bottom", too!! HA!

From: Big Foot

Big Foot think he'll pass hanging upside down. Just incase real bats decide to hang from Big Foot's "you know what".

Big Foot stay clear of the Cox sisters. They might hurt Big Foot......and not in good way.

As far as ME being a KaWeer......Big Foot don't ask, Big Foot don't judge. But if Frank should leave Danny Boy for Nikki....rrrrrrrrrr, Big Foot happy to introduce ME to Danny, that is if ME's door swings that way.

From: Big Foot
Big Foot take nap now....happy pills make Big Foot sleeeeeeeeeepy.

No Big Foot, have my own female gal to which I find my enjoyment. Give Danny to BS. Maybe that's what is bothering him.

And so here is an interview of Fred Beck, one of 5 miners who battled numerous sasquatch in Ape Canyon Washington near Mt. St Helens in the 1920's Interview by Roger Patterson

There is also a live interview of Beck before he died but I cannot relocate the full interview right now.

From: mizzoukispot
Joe D- neat campfire story, but I am not sure that you will convert many here... Read the fred beck story. Kind of had a hard time believing that the guy was able to put 3 shots, off hand, into a big foots head, quickly, at 100 yards. Also having a hard time believing that the bf would keep going after even one shot to the head, considering how many elephant have fallen to a brain shot with a 7x57 mauser. Go get em herdmanager!

From: BowSniper
Uh, oh. Bigfoot, prepare to share the limelight.

WE NOW HAVE SIGHTINGS OF LEPRECHAUNS CAUGHT ON TAPE real TV news coverage. Dozens of eye witnesses.

Coupled with page after page of first hand eyewitness accounts. Notify the LFRO to start a new forum.

BowSniper , you and another here are truly immature for your years.

A peer of yours here has informed me that he believes you only have one buck deer under your belt. Is this true? If so, I suspect that is why you never answered my question of whether you have ever spent the night in the wilderness alone. It must be because you haven't.

Thoust is the mighty hunter he is.

CU Later


From: Blaise
I try to be polite on here but I think there are some real intellectual midgets on this thread, and without naming names, I think this "dougfoot" loser is just pathetic.

From: Big Foot
Okay, so there are three Sasquatch ladies who are waiting the OB/GYN clinic. One is a brunette, one is a redhead, and the other is a blonde.

As they are waiting, the brunette Sasquatch comments to the other lady Sasquatches, "I think I'm going to have a boy". The other two lady Sasquatches happily reply, "How do you know?"

The brunette Sasquatch answeres, "When my husband and I mad Sasquatch luv, I was on top."

Moments later, the redheaded Sasquatch replies,"I think I'm going to have a girl." The other two lady Sasquatches happily reply,"How do you know?"

The redheaded Sasquatch answers,"When my husband and I made Sasquatch luv, I was on the bottom."

Moments pass and suddenly the blonde Sasquatch starts to cry. "What's wrong ask the other two lady Sasquatches?"

The blonde Sasquatch looks up with teary eyes and cries, "I think I'm going to have puppies!"

From: Labdad

This Topic has been locked. Thank you.

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