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Tule Elk
Contributors to this thread:
bghunter 13-Jun-08
Matt 13-Jun-08
bghunter 13-Jun-08
Matt 13-Jun-08
Hollywood 14-Jun-08
bghunter 14-Jun-08
Dan 18-Jun-08
BOWUNTR 18-Jun-08
bghunter 19-Jun-08
medicinemann 19-Jun-08
Matt 19-Jun-08
Waterfowler 19-Jun-08
Matt 19-Jun-08
Hollywood 19-Jun-08
BOWUNTR 19-Jun-08
Matt 19-Jun-08
Hollywood 19-Jun-08
Matt 19-Jun-08
BOWUNTR 19-Jun-08
Hollywood 19-Jun-08
Matt 20-Jun-08
bghunter 20-Jun-08
Hollywood 20-Jun-08
Hollywood 21-Jun-08
adanner 15-Aug-23
From: bghunter
I have never hunted Elk before, but I found a spot where I can hunt a spike Tule elk for around 1,600.00 Now since this is one of the rarest elk in the world and god knows I could never afford a trophy hunt for a tule what would you guys think for the a first elk hunt with a bow

From: Matt
It really depends on the terrain, but would be a really cool hunt if it works out. Usually tules hang in really flat, open areas which are anything but conducive to bowhunting (think antelope country).

To add to that point, make sure you ask a lot of questions about the areas the elk typically hang out and make sure it is bowhuntable.

From: bghunter

From my research thats what I have found also which as you said is not very conducive to archery hunting

From: Matt
If it is the Twisselman's or one of the other ranches in the California Valley area, I wouldn't try it with a bow. Some of the ranches near Salinas and east of San Jose are more bowhunter friendly.

From: Hollywood
Matt's on the money, as usual. La Panza(Twissleman's) is not bowhunter friendly. I drew it twice and I barely got it done with a rifle the 2nd go around.

From: bghunter

Thanks for the info thats exactly who I was looking at, but after this info and the fact he raised his prices to 2800 for a spike hunt I won't be looking any further.

From: Dan
Grizzly Island might be next to impossible to draw, but you could definitely get one with a bow. My friend drew it last year and took his rifle. He wished he had his bow. He did get a good bull, a 7x8.

I'm pretty sure Chuck Adams shot his Tule bull on Twissleman's. You can hunt a trophy bull there for only 11.5k !!! That makes 2.8k for a spike sound like a deal. OUCH. Most of the Tule elk live out in the wide open anyways. It's kinda like hunting antelope. It can be done.

Ca Desert Sheep odds are better than drawing a Grizzly Island bull tag. The largest Tule elk taken with a bow was from Grizzly Island and will be the P&Y world record. You could buy a Grizzly Island auction tag for 24k-27k (2007)!!!! The Owens Valley auction tag went for 7k (2007). A bull was taken from the Owens Valley that ties the P&Y world record, but still has to be panel scored.

If you haven't heard, P&Y just recognized Tule elk as a separtate species, starting next month. Just a little Tule elk trivia for you guys. Ed F

From: bghunter
Can a NR apply for a tule elk tag in CA?? I have looked at CA web site, but honestly not to in depth


From: medicinemann
Does the state auction off the tags?....or do they donate the tags to the conservation organizations of the state, so the proceeds can help conservation efforts? When and where are these types of auctions held? in the Spring?

Aren't there Rocky Mt. Elk in the eastern portions of California? If so, how do they differentiate the two species.....if there an area of "no elk" in between to help identify which species someone has killed?

From: Matt
No. Yes, and no. Conservation groups auction the tags, but all proceeds go back to the state. The auctions are typically in the late winter or early spring.

Yes. There are huge gaps between the rockies and tules/roosies, although the tules an roosies mix from time to time on the northern fringe of tule range (much of which is "artificial, as there are tules in areas now that I understand were not historic tule range).

From: Waterfowler

From: Matt
The Twisslemans are good folks, and if they think you stand a good chance I would take them at their word. I have seen a bunch of their property (and the have a BUNCH), but I haven't seen all of it. The elk we saw were in cut barley fields - very little cover or contour.

Good luck at Richard's - this is turning out to be an excellent antler year, but they are so fat and healthy the movement will probably be light and the hunting may be a bit tougher than usual. Holler if you have any questions - I would be happy to walk you through some maps if that would be helpful. I leave the 13th and am not scheduled back until the 24th.

From: Hollywood
Twisselman's do get to hunt the rut though!

...and because it's private, you could sit a waterhole and get one killed, instead of having an endless parade of jeeps and quadrunners driving right up to the waterhole to check for elk.

Sitting a waterhole and hunting the rut are not options for the public tags, plus the bulk of the elk are on private after first light opening day.

"Sitting a waterhole and hunting the rut are not options for the public tags"

I killed my bull in Prime rut, on a public land hunt. Ed F

From: Matt
I believe Hollywood is referring to the La Panza hunt, which is a public land hunt in the same area (and possibly of the same elk) where the Twisslemans are located.

From: Hollywood
Matt's right, I wasn't referring to those Eastern hunt units. ...which of course are the ones I've been putting in for ever since they established an archery-only hunt during the rut.

I'm sorry I should've been more specific, it would be near impossible to take a bull with a bow during the general-season public hunt on public land in the La Panza unit. Very few bulls are taken on public ground with rifles and those are usually period 1 hunters, opening day.

I think Twisselman's do own some ground outside of the La Panza Unit, North of the 58, and those elk may be low-pressure elk that never see anyone except a PLM tag-holder. That's something else to consider.

From: Matt
All of their property that I have seen is north of 58.

Gotcha! Sorry for jumping the gun. Ed F

From: Hollywood
It's totaly cool Ed. You've got lots of leeway as you have actually killed a tule elk with a bow. Most of us just dream about doing it! I boom-sticked mine and then wept, I'd be a basketcase if I stuck an arrow in one.(...and don't listen to Matt, he'll suggest I'm a basketcase anways.)


So there ya go! Twisselman's North of 58, go for it! let us know how it goes!!!!

From: Matt
"Most of us just dream about doing it! I boom-sticked mine and then wept, I'd be a basketcase if I stuck an arrow in one.(...and don't listen to Matt, he'll suggest I'm a basketcase anways.)"

Although you are the only person I know to have had a debilitating injury inflicted upon you from your undergarments, I would never suggest such a thing. ;-)

From: bghunter
Thanks for all the help guys, but with the prices there is probably no way I will ever hunt Tule elk, but what the heck maybe I will start applying for some tags.

From: Hollywood
...you always gotta take it there.

From: Hollywood

Fish & Game has widely expanded the La Panza Unit to include coastal elk all the way up to San benito County.

My opinion is based on the unit as it used to be from Hwy 166 north to the 58.


From: adanner

adanner's embedded Photo
This was one of the bulls they took. Monster!!
adanner's embedded Photo
This was one of the bulls they took. Monster!!

adanner's Link
Hey guys if anyone is looking for a really good spot to Tule Elk hunt, I would check out huntcgm.com. I have heard really good things about them from friends and they have very high success rates.

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