drying hunting clothes
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
harvester03 07-Nov-08
chief400 07-Nov-08
CAS_HNTR2 07-Nov-08
stagetek 07-Nov-08
broadside 07-Nov-08
thesquid 07-Nov-08
GAFFER1 07-Nov-08
Mathews Man 09-Nov-08
Pete In Fairbanks 09-Nov-08
addicted2elk 09-Nov-08
chief400 10-Nov-08
MI Bear 10-Nov-08
From: harvester03
I was all set to wash my hunting clothes, do to sweating and blood from a reason deer i had to drag out of the woods, but the weather just turned crappy here in mn. what is the best way to dry clothes in the dryer? baking soda? clean lint trap? spray inside with scent killer? all i can think of... any other ideas?

From: chief400
If someone used dryer sheets your screwed, that stuff stays in there forever. If not I have used our dryer after washing my clothes with no scent soap, spray the inside of the drum with scent killer also clean out and spray the lint trap. Watch out what is in the area of the dryer when in use. The air that is drawn into the dryer goes through the clothes and out the vent. So if the wife has just washed the floor with Mr. Clean your stuff will pick that up and you may not smell it but old mossy horns will. Even the smelly old dog in the back hall will stink up your clothes.

I have had decent luck hanging the cloths (over chairs, on hangers, or on a makeshift clothesline from my drop ceiling) in my basement near my dehumidifier and letting that suck the moisture out of them. This probobly wouldn't be a good idea if your house smells like dog, floor cleaner, or has some kind of glade smelly thingy in the room. I try and stay away from the drier if at all possible so I would do this method way before a clothes dryer...just leave a couple of days to dry if you have some heavy weight cloths.

From: stagetek
JTV, Hope you're wife doesn't find out you know what a French whore smells like...lol !

From: broadside
that is where a screened in back porch comes in handy......

From: thesquid
No Dryer - Always have two sets of hunting clothes. I hang them outside pierod. /// A friend always puts a branch from a cedar tree in the dryer with his but only after he uses the dryer twice with regular duds and washes it out with non scent stuff before he puts his hunting stuff in. He get a lot of deer so it must work.

I just use the dryer, med hi heat, no dryer sheets or anything, spray everything down when it comes out. store in plastic with some pine needles and dirt in an old sock. Stainless steel drum shouldn't transfer any scent. Don't know what is best this is just what I do. If my outer garments are not too wet from rain ect. I perfer to dry them outside. Took a buck the day after washing and drying all my gear, dead down wind at thirty yards, he knew something wasn't right but stuck around too long and I brought him home.

From: Mathews Man
I used to hang dry all of my gear. Now I just wash it all together in Scent Killer Soap and then throw it in the dryer until it is nearly dry.

I'm not a believer in scent-lok or cover scents. If the wind is good, you are probably going to be fine regardless of your camo or scent. If not, you may be lucky.

MM is spot on.

Scent Killer or just baking soda (the basic ingredient in most "scent killers) will get your gear as good as it is gonna get...... until you put your stinky body in it and walk a mile or two!

Air dry and store carefully seperated.

If you make a conscious decision to "forget the wind. Just hunt," you will be sorely disappointed most days.

A better creed might be: "Forget the marketing gimmicks and ALWAYS hunt into the wind!"


From: addicted2elk
how about storing your clothes with some pine or cedar boughs or some oak leaves in the bag where you keep your clothes? or better yet, how about a cedar lined chest or something like that?

From: chief400
I have tried the outdoor hanging method and my neighbor always lights up his trash barrel/pile and stinks up the whole neighborhood or someone will burn their leaf pile that day. Also what about all the other scents blowing through from your neighbors. I live in a rural area and even the next door farm smells make it to my place. When I head up north the deer in the north woods have never smelled a pig before. Unless you’re in a very remote area there has to be foreign smells in the air and you will have something stink up your clothes.

From: MI Bear
according to many of you the money i laid out for two sets (one heavy, the other light weight) of Scent Blocker camo was a waste of my money. that said however as i already have them, the drying directions state; air dry, then to activate the carbon, place in a dryer on medium heat for a half hour. read all the above posts concerning dryers, but can not help wondering why the washed garmets can not go directly from the washer to the dryer? any advice duane

The earth scented dryer sheets are the ticket for me but then again I am obsessive about scent control and I hate the static cling from not using any dryer sheets. I also believe in scent lok clothing so pehaps my opinion means nothing , success is certainly no measure for a product around here.

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