Cool Spain Article
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I really liked learning about bowhunting in Spain. Thanks for putting that up Pat! Quite an amazing list of species and interesting times of year to hunt as well.
I have always wanted to go visit Spain... my list of reasons got a little longer reading that article!
alimoche's Link
Thanks Will!!
I am Pedro Ampuero, nice to hear that you like the article!
I am going to give you a few more reasons to visit us! See more pics of what you can expect to see if you decide to come in the next link...
I am going to try to put them directly here though.
If any of you would like to know more about hunting in Spain, dont doubt to ask, it will be a pleasure to help you!
Goog luck in the woods,
Here is an Spanish Ibex taken by Ricardo Longoria with my friend Jose Mallo.
This is a female Ibex, also a nice challenge.
This pictures of the chamoix are thanks to Julien Dunand!
Now is turn to the mouflon sheep.
I wish Pat had not publicized hunting Spain, I have been wanting to go for some time now and can't afford it, but it isn't overly expensive - but with more information like this, it probably will be before too long.
After hunting South Africa and Scotland, I feel that this is one of the last places that I really want to go that is currently affordable.
Pedro, I watched the wild boar videos and they are very cool. The story on the Bowsite was very well done. What part of Spain do you like to hunt? I would like to try the hog hunting there sometime. Thanks for the story.
What parts of the country hold which species. I spent 2 weeks in Moron near Sevilla in 2000 and we drove a little mountain road down to the Med Sea and all I could think about was "what would it be like to hunt these hills and what animals call this area home".
Pedro I just sent you a pm.
One thing cool about Spain, is that you how such a variety of species in a little country.
For example, if you arrive to the capital of Spain, Madrid, you can be almost hunting in any place of the country in a four hours car drive. That I supposse for many of you it is quite close.
I remember the times I have been hunting in the US, when the outfitter tell you it is close, it is at least at 6 or 8 hours drive!!hehe
I will try to do a map of the areas and the distribution of species here. Although, just say that except for the chamois and the ibex that they are in the especific spanish ranges, the rest, you can almost find it everywhere.
Horaceman, you could have hunt red deer, wildboar, mouflon, fallow deer,... You missed something!!! Next time bring the bow!
INbowdude, I like to hunt everywhere! But mainly do it in the northen part that it is where I live. Mostly for roe deer and wildboars. No hogs here!hehe
I will put up some more pics..
One typical stand for wildboars.
Or maybe stalked them in the bait..
Another specie, the fallow buck!
Hello Pedro, I am from Belgium, where can I find info on private ranches in Spain? My Spanish is not to good so to find some on the web is difficult. Kind regards, Ivan.
Tell me about the roe deer hunts. That is a must do for me. I've been fascinated with those little deer for quite sometime but it seems 99% of the outfitters in Europe who have roe hunts only rifle hunt.
I have recive a few pms and emails. Please, give a few days to answer, I am leaving tomorrow for hunting roe deer and will be out for a few days. So I will answer you as soon as I can with info.
Also, I prefer if you write me to [email protected]
It easier for me to send you info.
You can see more videos and stories in my personal webpage
Celt, write me an email of what you would like to hunt here and where. I will put in contact with some outfitters and good friends here.
Some pics for you waterfowler! We could look something to do here, I supposse ther would be no problem, although, it is a very dificult deer.
Here in a stalk, you can see to heads...
I mean, two heads!
From this year..
Later I will keep with red deer pics, and more!...
Great pictures pedro. Thanks! maybe I'm not too old for a trip to Spain after all.
Heyy!!! Pedro, How are you?
Great article, you are the bests!
Bests regards and good luck in the woods
The red deer rut is awesome, quite a diferent sound between the red deer and the elk. Just the opossite!
This is a nice red deer from Gonzalo..
Love to spend some times in the woods alone looking for deer...
An this is the atlas sheep or aoudad...
Do you need more reasons to come???
Your killing me with those Roe deer pictures. Very nice.
Great job Pedro
Good luck from another Spanish hunter
I woud love to go one on one with a Miura bull in the ring in Madrid. Ole!
I am working to answer with info that you request me.
Now just show you more or less the season for each animal.
Chip, you could try also "San Fermin" run!!
Adam, no problem!
Pedro where in Spain? I have family in the Pyrenees.
I am from the northen par also, Bilbao!
Have you ever come to visit them?
By the way...
well here is some small game hunting
At a banquet I was at this past weekend, they had an ibex hunt for live auction (value of hunt was $5800) in Spain that went for only $700.
Quite a good deal for someone. I suspect it was a rifle hunt though.
Oh man you are killin me here....
Several years ago, a former bowsiter/wingnut named Fearless and I planned a Spain hunt quest... we were gonna hunt and then run with the bulls to celebrate his 50th.... plans fell through due to life...
I'm gonna go before my 50th.. got 6 more years to plan LOL
Vieranas's Link
Liked the picture of Joan Catala with the Fallow deer. My good friend and hunting partner.
Hello Roger! Nice to hear you in this web! As you know I am also a Spanish bowhunter and a good friend of Pedro. He is a very good bowhunter and has been hunting all around the world since was 6 years old!! In Spain has done a lot for the bowhunt and always has work not stoping, friendly, allways with a smile and humility.
I hope one of those days joins us in Vieranas and triews to beat my record on Steenbok!!! He will discover the paradise in Namibia.
Nice roe deer season! Know looking for the red deer rut!!
Will keep you informed!
Good luck all int the woods,
Pedro Ampuero
Ibex rut is over, but it was a good season!!
One of the most beautifull hunts for sure!!
Good luck all in the woods,
Right now is wildboar time. Been some very bad days,the weather has been miserable, but if you are in the woods...
Take care!,
Pedro Ampuero
Another one from this season! In the picture with my partner Jorge.
Pedro Ampuero
Awesome article!! My family is from the Valencia area. I go visit every year and go boar hunting. I haven't had a chance to bring my bow yet. One of these days!!