I took mine apart (careful some small parts to keep track of)and basically just blew out the parts with air. Put it back together and it works like new. Not exactly expert advice, but it worked.
it's a deal like the disposable razors. the unit itself is a bragain the replacement blades get ya.
thermacells are one of the few things that are actually BETTER than advertised.
does that mean it lights up then goes out or it is not lighting at all?
once you switch it to "on", wait 10-15 seconds then push ignition(look in sight glass to make sure there's spark)
if no spark and no ignition, take Boubound's advice
My name is Josh and I work for ThermaCELL. I came upon this forum and these messages, so I wanted to reply to some of the concerns expressed. We certainly stand behind our products and are happy to repair or replace any malfunctioning units that you have.
Many times if you let the gas flow for two minutes before igniting this will ‘clean out’ the unit and fix the problem. We would urge you to try this on your ThermaCELLs first. If the units are still not working, please send it to: ThermaCELL, 26 Crosby Drive, Bedford MA 01730. Do not include any cartridges or repellent mats. Please fill out the return form (http://www.thermacell.com/sites/default/files/thermacell_return_repair_form.pdf) and include this in your package. Make sure you include your return address. We'll either fix your ThermaCELL and send it back, or send a new one.
Also, in regards to the elevation questions, Most ThermaCELL appliances and lanterns will not work well at higher elevations. At altitudes above 4,500 feet, most units become difficult to start and run. The lower air density causes the problem. If you are having trouble using your ThermaCELL at high elevation, it is probably not a defective appliance, but just a limitation of the product at high elevation. If you plan to use your ThermaCELL only at high elevations, you may be interested in the Mini Mosquito Repellent Lantern – 2006 Model (http://www.thermacell.com/mosquito-repellent/specials/mini-mosquito-repellent-lantern-2006-model). It functions well at higher altitudes, and must be lit with a match.
If you are affected by this altitude product limitation and have no use for your ThermaCELL at lower elevations, you may return the product for a full refund. Email [email protected] or call toll free 1-866-753-3837 for instructions.
I apologize for the inconvenience and I want to stress that we value all customer feedback and that we stand behind our product. We look forward to getting you some working ThermaCELLs.
Any questions or concerns - please private message me.
I've found I have to light it as soon as its turned on or else there is too much fuel for the amount of oxygen and it won't burn.
still happy with it, just would be better if there was a way to light it with a match. debated removing the little window but figured that might cause other problems.
I used mine last year at about 8,500 feet in a light mist and it worked great. The bugs were so bad it was either light it or go back to camp.
Thanks Josh, great product!
Here is a clip to save you some money. This is not me but I use the same method. I also have a way to refill the pads that works great. I plan to do a video of my own very soon that shows both how to refill the fuel cells and the pads as well.
I can refill a fuel cell about 4-5 times for around $3.00 and refill a pad well over 100 times for around $5.00
Scotty's Link
Above is a link to what I use to refill the pads. I just mix it 6 parts distilled water to one part Permathrin and then put the mix in an eye dropper bottle and put a few drops on my pads whenever they “run out”. This works great at only pennies per application.