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bowhunter education course?
Contributors to this thread:
bigbuckhunter 03-Apr-10
Gator 04-Apr-10
Bowboy 04-Apr-10
milnrick 06-Apr-10
bigguy 06-Apr-10
bigbuckhunter 07-Apr-10
grape 26-Nov-20
Jack Whitmrie jr 26-Nov-20
does anyone know if bowhunter education class is needed to hunt saskatchewan?

thanks mike

From: Gator
I would say no. Hunted there many time, never been asked. Rob Nye could answer.

From: Bowboy
I've hunted Saskatchewan numerous times and never been asked. I completed mine quite sometime ago and always have my card available just in case. If your going with an outfitter ask them they'll know.

From: milnrick
Bowhunter Education is required in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec. It's considered Voluntary in All other Provinces. The attached link will bring you to a list of all States and Provinces and tells whether or not Bowhunter Ed is required.


From: bigguy
I am from Saskatchewan and no, you don't need the course. It is available and the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association has quite a number of qualified instructors. Unfortunately, very few people actually take it. Having said that, the SBA will not ask that it become mandatory unless they at some point in time feel that they do have enough instructors to service the entire province properly.

thanks all

From: grape
Manitoba requires hunter safety certification.

I wish it was required world wide, especially some of the shots I see these pro bowhunters I see take!

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