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Live from Kansas - Discuss Here
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bigpizzaman 07-Nov-12
Chip T. 07-Nov-12
XMan 07-Nov-12
edge1771 07-Nov-12
loesshillsarcher 07-Nov-12
travis@work 07-Nov-12
Bou'bound 07-Nov-12
Pyrannah 07-Nov-12
Matt Rehor 07-Nov-12
standswittaknife 08-Nov-12
LWood 08-Nov-12
standswittaknife 08-Nov-12
Medicinemann 08-Nov-12
Medicinemann 08-Nov-12
LWood 08-Nov-12
woodswise 08-Nov-12
standswittaknife 08-Nov-12
Clutch 08-Nov-12
Florida Mike 08-Nov-12
bowriter 08-Nov-12
Chip T. 08-Nov-12
sitO 08-Nov-12
Mad Trapper 08-Nov-12
Charlie Rehor 08-Nov-12
Charlie Rehor 08-Nov-12
Clutch 08-Nov-12
Medicinemann 08-Nov-12
Medicinemann 09-Nov-12
travis@work 09-Nov-12
travis@work 09-Nov-12
travis@work 09-Nov-12
AZBUGLER 09-Nov-12
travis@work 09-Nov-12
AZBUGLER 09-Nov-12
LWood 10-Nov-12
Charlie Rehor 10-Nov-12
travis@work 10-Nov-12
Pyrannah 10-Nov-12
SCKS_Bowhunter 10-Nov-12
Stickthrower 10-Nov-12
boothill 10-Nov-12
Nick Muche 10-Nov-12
bigswivle 10-Nov-12
travis@work 10-Nov-12
Bigpizzaman 10-Nov-12
Kicker Point 10-Nov-12
Treefarm 10-Nov-12
JusPassin 10-Nov-12
Gaur 10-Nov-12
Gaur 10-Nov-12
AZBUGLER 11-Nov-12
Dr. Deer 11-Nov-12
writer 11-Nov-12
boothill 11-Nov-12
Bou'bound 11-Nov-12
boothill 11-Nov-12
INbowdude 11-Nov-12
Bill in MI 11-Nov-12
boothill 11-Nov-12
AZBUGLER 11-Nov-12
clattin 12-Nov-12
jax2009r 12-Nov-12
JD1983 12-Nov-12
Gray Ghost 12-Nov-12
hntnfool 12-Nov-12
loprofile 12-Nov-12
Mad Trapper 12-Nov-12
Mad Trapper 12-Nov-12
Matt Rehor 12-Nov-12
Deacon Dave 12-Nov-12
Bou'bound 12-Nov-12
Gray Ghost 12-Nov-12
Candor 12-Nov-12
ryanrc 12-Nov-12
stealthycat 12-Nov-12
AZBUGLER 12-Nov-12
DonSchultz 12-Nov-12
straightshooter 12-Nov-12
Medicinemann 12-Nov-12
werner ranch 12-Nov-12
elmer@laptop 13-Nov-12
INbowdude 13-Nov-12
Rick M 13-Nov-12
Charlie Rehor 13-Nov-12
richie bland 13-Nov-12
wolfgang510 13-Nov-12
Will 13-Nov-12
Medicinemann 13-Nov-12
Medicinemann 13-Nov-12
LWood 13-Nov-12
DonSchultz 14-Nov-12
Medicinemann 14-Nov-12
travis@work 14-Nov-12
Medicinemann 14-Nov-12
loprofile 14-Nov-12
heartshot 14-Nov-12
heartshot 14-Nov-12
heartshot 14-Nov-12
Bou'bound 14-Nov-12
Jimbob 14-Nov-12
Medicinemann 15-Nov-12
Medicinemann 15-Nov-12
Gray Ghost 15-Nov-12
JB 15-Nov-12
Charlie Rehor 15-Nov-12
LWood 15-Nov-12
Clutch 15-Nov-12
Clutch 15-Nov-12
Larv 15-Nov-12
TD 16-Nov-12
Bou'bound 16-Nov-12
Gray Ghost 16-Nov-12
Bigpizzaman 16-Nov-12
Gray Ghost 16-Nov-12
Bigpizzaman 16-Nov-12
kj 16-Nov-12
Thornton 16-Nov-12
TD 16-Nov-12
kj 16-Nov-12
kj 16-Nov-12
arrow 16-Nov-12
travis@work 16-Nov-12
Thornton 17-Nov-12
Boris 20-Nov-12
Good Luck Pat! Curious to know what your observations are about the health of the herd.

From: Bigpizzaman
Saw a pic of a nice 160" 10 pt taken there 3 days ago, looks like they're on the move. Good Luck and keep Jake out of trouble!! LOL

From: Chip T.
Have a great hunt guys and if Snookie shows up this year with her little "Guido" tell her NJ is getting hammered again.

From: XMan
Good luck Pat, I am leaving on Friday for Kansas. Will be posting a live mobile hunt and checking out your hunt while in the stand.

From: edge1771
Good Luck Guys!

Hope u guys have some fruit punch gatorade in camp. Jake knows what I am talkin bout! LOL It will make for some gooood laughs.

From: travis@work
11 years already? Wow time week will be great hunting on the backside of this low pressure sat. Good luck

From: Bou'bound
don't shoot anyting the first day!

From: Pyrannah
"don't shoot anyting the first day!" LOL!!! I made this mistake this year..... just funny to see it posted, where was this a couple weeks ago!?!?!

From: Matt Rehor
Good luck guys!!!!!

Why isn't this showing up as the feature on the home page?

From: LWood

I just see the treestand challenge.. I must be looking in the wrong spot?

From: Medicinemann
It has been rather warm until now. We are anticipating VERY warm weather again tomorrow (88 degrees).....BUT the weather is expected to change over the weekend. One of last weeks hunters showed us some video of some great bucks.....and I can hardly wait. The new moon starts next week.....good things seem to be lining up for the next few days!!!

From: Medicinemann
I just went out and shot about a dozen arrows..... anything inside of 40 yards is in some pretty serious trouble.

From: LWood

I can't wait to follow along. I always enjoy this hunt. Have fun and good luck!!!!


From: woodswise
It's on the home page when click on it but it isn't on the landing page where you land when you firswt hit the website.

My home page just updated to the new format, now I get it..I'm using Chrome... could this be the reason it was delayed?

From: Clutch
You guys knock-um dead---BPM and myself won't be to far away, so we will be monitoring this thread--Jake, make sure you crank up your bow to 120# of pull, cuz Ks has some big deer-- :^)--good luck guys

From: Florida Mike
"Jake, make sure you crank up your bow to 120# of pull, Clutch"

Hahahahahahaha! Classic. Mike

From: bowriter
Is baiting legal in KS?

From: Chip T.

From: sitO
"Is baiting legal in KS?"

Not on Public or WIHA land as of this year...hopefully not at all next year!

Clutch, did you actually get another tag for KS?

From: Mad Trapper
It sure is lonely here in PA.... Good Luck boys!

Decoys will be illegal too next year. Bout time! Water holes? Don't even go there!

Anyone want to bet who shoots first!?? By next weekend there should be some "bombers" down all over Kansas! Get er done!!

From: Clutch
Charlie-- I know who will probably shoot last for sure--time will tell-- g-luc to all in Ks

From: Medicinemann
I actually saw seven does, a coyote, and a REAL nice eight point tonight..... but I believe that I will see bigger, so I just watched him walk by. I tried to get a photo of the guy, but it didn't turn out, or I would have posted it.

From: Medicinemann
0730 friday.....I have seen five deer this am......all bucks. First was a button buck, then a five pt, then two 16" thin horned 8 pts, and then a 3 pt. One of the 8 Pts was "teaching" the 3 pt how to spar......right under my tree. Pretty cool!

I finally got a pair of Cabelas game ear "muffs". These didn't have that great of a review, but my hearing is so poor, I figured what the heck.... so far, I am just painfully aware of many sounds I have been missing in the woods over the past few years. They also keep your ears warm.

From: travis@work
Just shoot him with your camera Pat...this cold front is gonna get the big boys going

From: travis@work
Cool..nice picture...just curious--did your "register now" and secure your 5 year warranty...just a friendly reminder...;)

From: travis@work
How about an update?? I can't access the hunt from my phone


That buck is a really tough one to pass up. I'm not sure what I would have done. However, I agree that the hunting from Sunday on should be great. I get to Kansas tomorrow afternoon and am starting to think my timing will be perfect! Good luck!

From: travis@work
Az....what part of the state are ya we have a lot of bowsiters in ks this next week..would be good to meet some of ya all..I'm just south of wichita 15 miles

Ellsworth area in unit 4.

From: LWood
Good luck, Pat. Go get him.

Watch for the doe! GL

From: travis@work
Good luck AZ....

And good luck on the stalk...definately one of the toughest things to do on a big whitetail...would make a great story...

From: Pyrannah

I had to get down for the morning. Call me a puss but 40 mph wind howling when tree rats aren't even moving is not fun. Oh well I gotta go help a buddy move and then back at it tonight hopefully the wind settles down a little bit. Good Luck guys. I'm pullin for ya.

From: Stickthrower
This wind is nuts!!!! Good luck on the stalk.....

From: boothill
Big wind blowing in SW Kansas right now also. If it lays down like it did yesterday evening it should be good. Going out with my nephew this afternoon. Hoping he tags his buck and I can fill my doe tag.

From: Nick Muche
Nice Photo! That is awesome!

From: bigswivle
That is awesome

From: travis@work
well by gawd I think its awesome too. He least ya know you did outsmart him...very cool

From: Bigpizzaman
Very cool windy here in Eastern Kansas also, passed a 140" 10pt 4 yr old. Back on stand now. Good Luck to all.

From: Kicker Point
What a huge bodied deer! Cool footage.

From: Treefarm
I don't care who you are...that stalk was cool to watch. Thanks Pat.

From: JusPassin
Seriously, The horns weren't nice enough.

From: Gaur
Pat, You are becoming the master of passing up nice bucks. That 8 pointer looked awful nice to me and not this big boy.

Nice job on the stalk. Lucky he was facing the other way as you just about stepped on him.

From: Gaur
suppose to say "now this big boy"

What a storm tonight huh? We got absolutely walloped here in Central Kansas. Those deer had to hunker down hard all night. Me thinks tomorrow will be crazy! Good luck.

From: Dr. Deer
You gotta be careful, drawing on a buck you have not intention of shooting. Being at full draw has a way of creating a debate in your head about shoot/don't shoot. I have killed a deer that I just drew on for fun. The opportunity was perfect, I just got thinking about it and the next thing I knew the arrow was on it's way. No regrets.

From: writer

From: boothill
So no updates from this morning or anything....wonder what is going on down there?

From: Bou'bound
they may be out draggin and skinnin

From: boothill
Wind was blowing hard and cold first thing this morning in this area just about an hour NW from them. It laid down middle of the afternoon here and was pretty decent out.

From: INbowdude
With ya Boothill, no updates usually mean tracking, taking pictures and celebrating. At least I hope.

From: Bill in MI
tic toc

From: boothill
I'm guessing the cell tower blew down or something. Im thinking they could of at least thrown is a quick update sometime during the day. How inconsiderate....I mean they know we are all waiting.

It was a really nice evening out today and from what I saw, the deer were up and moving. Hopefully they took advantage of the situation..

From: clattin
Hmmmm......must be a long track........


From: jax2009r
Internet must be down from the storm

From: JD1983
Update is there. Nice bucks for both. Personally, I would've killed that buck on the stalk yesterday but can't discredit Pat's patience and resolve. I hope to see something nearly as good in the next couple days.

From: Gray Ghost
Nice work, Pat.

At least you didn't have to fire up the helicopter to find your buck this year. ;-)


Nice follow up and great call on the 100 yd shot!

From: hntnfool
A couple really nice bucks congrats to both of you, and thanks for the story.

Now if Jake can put the final piece in the puzzle.

From: loprofile
Pat, how do you cut away to yourself drawing the bow and then get back on the deer when you are filming yourself?

From: Mad Trapper
Some guys could fall into a bucket of crap and still crawl out smelling like a rose?????????? :-O


From: Mad Trapper
Some guys could fall into a bucket of crap and still crawl out smelling like a rose?????????? :-O


From: Matt Rehor
Nice buck Pat!!! Congrats!!!!!

From: Deacon Dave
Congratulaitons Pat!

Jake, lets have a report. Best of luck!

From: Bou'bound
great deer..........again. You have a real honey hole there in KS.

Curious, now that the hunt is over looking back are you still glad you passed the 5.5 year old spot and stalk buck for the one you took. I'm sure you'll take a lot of big deer in the next 20 years but I don't know if you'll ever have a chance to take a mature deer on the ground in the way you could have the other day.

From: Gray Ghost

I was wondering the same thing. There's no bigger thrill than killing a mature buck in a spot and stock situation, in my book.

I can't imagine passing on that opportunity, just because of a few broken tines.

That may not be a popular opinion, here, but it's mine, and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm curious what inspires a different opinion.


From: Candor
congrats on a great buck.

I'd be curious if you have any theories on the buck's reaction to the shot (laying down so quickly and putting his head down)?

I'd guess it is the traumatic pain of a liver hit but that's a unique reaction to a shot that far back for sure....

Here's my take:

You got to like a guy when he brings it to you just like it is, no fluff, no promo, just cut and dry. He even admits he didn't like the shot, felt it was bad on release, doesn't like to shoot far distance. This is hunting in its purest form, well done and great hunt, all of it!

Xtreme Hunts, Bowsite Sponsor

From: ryanrc
Candor- my guess is that it hurt something fierce and the deer just had to lay down from the pain.

side note: i think chip shots, asside from longer range shots wound the most deer, i speak from experience unfortunately:( My theory is we simply take them for granted thinking there is no way we won't hit where we're aiming and just shoot without picking a hair. i know i have been guilty of that now and then. all you're thinking is, "he is gonna look great on the wall" or "this was a quick hunt" or "man the heater in the truck is gonna feel great".

From: stealthycat
I'm guessing the liver was hit

fine buck Pat

Nice job Pat. Beautiful buck and great job with the follow up. That second one is a Toad!

From: DonSchultz
"but I don't know if you'll ever have a chance to take a mature deer on the ground in the way you could have the other day."

Right on 'Bou. I've never stalked a whitetail. Had one walk by at 10' from the bush I was sitting in. Never been another kill like that one.

Lots of wind in Kansas. Maybe it could happen again. But on a buck like that?

Awesome hunt as always. Really like how we always get the truth. At least thats what I believe.Any thoughts on what the first arrow hit? Paunch? Liver? Congrats Pat! ss

From: Medicinemann
Jake here. Since Pat and Ron both tagged out yesterday, I will continue the updates until I can fill my tag or until my time runs out. I have until Wednesday evening.

Yesterday morning I hunted Ken's tree stand. It is an outstanding stand in that you are well hidden in some cedar trees. I had a great morning, and with the wind and the cover, I could have done jumping jacks on that stand and not have been detected. I saw several bucks, including some eight pointers, but none that I felt would make P&Y.

Sunday evening, I hunted at the Barbie stand. I knew from speaking with one of last weeks hunters, that there was a VERY large ten point in that general vicinity, as well as a very nice nine point. I saw several small bucks and does, and around 4:45pm I got picked off by a very tall eight point. The tree is a big cottonwood, and I was about 25 feet in the air. How that buck caught me remains a mystery.

With about fifteen minutes of daylight remaining, I watched a doe and nice 8 point buck close within 30 yards of me. Suddenly the buck starts walking directly towards me in the tree....and then I hear it....grunting....BEHIND me. The eight point was closing on another buck behind my back. I ever so slowly turned my head and saw a BIG nine point coming around the tree. This was clearly one of the bucks that I had been told about.

Ordinarily, this is a no brainer for me. A buck of this caliber is a shooter....period. However, this is the very first day that the weather had finally broken, and the activity is just finally starting to show. My hunt isn't even half over, and Nancy and I have already filled my freezer back home with some NY venison.

I kept thinking about how early we seem to be in the rut, as well as that big ten point, and I decided to let this guy least for today. You can't kill the buck of your dreams, if you kill the first nice buck that walks in front of you. If my freezer had been empty, I would have shot the nine point.

Fast forward to today (Monday, November 12th). I spent the morning at the Maple tree stand. I had a dozen does and several small eights milling around me from 6:45am to 9:00am.

Around 9:15 am, I had a very large bodied eight point walk behind me and check on the scrape line. He was close enough to shoot, but he was behind me and to my right. With the does under the tree, and NO wind, I was afraid that if I tried to stand or twist (in case I wanted to shoot), that I would be busted. Instead, I sat tight, and if the buck veered towards a doe that was watching him approach, I would get a shot. He never checked her out....he just kept following the scrape line. That was the last deer I saw in the morning.

This evening, I hunted at the Kill Tree. THIS is the stand where the BIG ten point has been seen. I got into the tree around 1:30pm and it was an absolutely spectacular day. Fourty four degrees, NO wind, and the possibility of a MONSTER buck in the area. I was on cloud nine.

I sat in that stand for two and a half hours, and never saw a deer. Around four PM, I picked up my binoculars and started to glass the approximate area where the ten point had been seen. I eventually spotted a doe, then another doe, and then a third doe....and they kept looking back.

Every couple minutes I kept looking back in that area, and sure enough, after about 10 minutes, I spotted a fourth deer. When I put the glasses on him, I felt justified in passing on the nine point last night.

I have probably done more than my fair share of bowhunting....especially in the past eight years....and with all of the adventures that I have had, when I saw the rack on this bad boy, I was in awe.

He was 1,000 yards away and with binoculars I could clearly tell that he was 3-4 inches outside of his ears and his beam length is staggering. I felt privileged just to have laid eyes on him. What a magnificent animal!! The does and big guy were quartering away, and I eventually lost them in the brush and plum thickets.

Fast forward to thirty minutes before last shooting light.....I now have several does in front of me, and a couple 100" - 110" eight points and a badly busted up ten point in front of me. I look to my right, and here comes a pretty darn good looking buck. As he gets closer, I can tell that it is not the same nine point as last night, because this one has a broken G1 on his right antler, which has also has three very good tines on it. The left side has an eyeguard and two tines plus the main beam. His mass was very respectable, but I would estimate that he was slightly smaller than the one that I saw last night.

When this guy came into the bait, all of the deer scattered. Anytime that a doe got near the corn, he would snort wheeze and chase them away. Forget about romance, this guy wanted food. For the next fifteen minutes I debated about whether to shoot him, especially after seeing that BIG ten quartering away from me.

After fifteen minutes of debate, I got into position to shoot, and I even got to full draw of him....twenty yards away. Then it happened, I was probably 2-3 seconds away from releasing my arrow when my peripheral vision caught movement out in the distance.

RIGHT on the same bearing as where the BIG guy was seen, two or three hours earlier, I spotted three does..... and a buck behind them. I now have my pin on the nine point, but it hasn't "settled in" yet. I let down the bow.

Sure enough, these deer are headed right towards the Kill Tree. When they closed to about 150 yards, the nine point that I had drawn on, spots the buck and heads out towards him. The does continued to close on my position.

Pretty soon, the two bucks are "posturing" with each other, just like bull moose!! Suddenly, it's game on....these guys lock horns and even from 150 yards away, the fighting even SOUNDED vicious. These are big mature deer, and they are throwing each other around with such force that they are leaving their feet. After ten minutes of this absolute battle, the really nice nine point that I had just drawn on, is defeated. He circles the area, and eventually leaves.

The buck is now approaching my stand and I am perfectly set-up and ready for whatever the next few minutes brings. When the buck finally closes to within forty yards, he goes behind a huge limb of the cottonwood that I am sitting in. I can hardly wait to finally get a good look at this guy, especially after he conquered a really decent nine point buck that I was seconds away from shooting.

When the buck cleared the limb, I was astounded..... it was a gnarly, badly broken up eight point that had both eye guards, the G2 on his right antler, and half of his G3 on the left antler!! THIS is the buck that thumped that big nine?!! I had to chuckle. I watched that guy come into the corn, and he was gasping for air. Thirty minutes later, his breathing was STILL labored.

Just like the nine point that he had whooped, he wouldn't let any deer near the corn while he fed. He would wheeze, snort wheeze, chase, and even made clicking sounds at them.... but no one was going near HIS corn. Several young bucks came in started to chase the does around..... and the battler just kept eating corn. He never chased any of the young bucks away, unless they came near the corn, and even then, he tolerated them better than the does.

So, I got to see the buck of a lifetime, got to draw on a great nine point, watched one hell of a fight between two bucks, and while tomorrow may be a little bit windy, I have two days of hunting left and things are JUST getting interesting. I am having a blast!!!

From: werner ranch
Good luck Jake !!

JJ and Connie

From: elmer@laptop
Wow....sounds like a great time Jake. Looking forward to the next couple reports and the success photos!

From: INbowdude
Pretty cool action. I gotta say that was a whole season of action packed into 1 day. Best of luck.

From: Rick M
Jake, I was just going to send a text to see if you were going to keep this thread going. Good luck!!!

Rick M

Way to go Pat! Beautiful deer! So hard to get a good one with so little time! Congrats! GL Jake

From: richie bland
Hey Jake, I start my hunt on the Cimarron River on Wednesday afternoon. If you are still around give me a shout midday and i may can stop by and say hello. Scare a few of them big ones down my way!! I will be glad to shoot some of those you are passing up. Good luck. Congrats to Pat as well. richie

From: wolfgang510
when are the answers to the tree stand feature going to be revealed?

From: Will
Way to go Pat. Heck of a buck... and, you can now say your "effective range" is 100yds just to get people fired up :)

From: Medicinemann
Jake here. I hunted the kill tree again this morning. I planned on staying all day, but I had a wicked headache and I only lasted until 10:30 am. I saw three small bucks and seven does. I went back and took a nap, got a bite to eat, and took some acetaminophen. I went back to the kill tree for the evening hunt as well....just hoping to see that big guy again......let alone getting a shot at him.

It wasn't meant to be, though, as I only saw about a dozen does and one badly broken up ten point which I had at twelve yards for about twenty minutes. Tomorrow is my last day of hunting....and I think that tomorrow morning, if the weather permits, I may try to hunt a place called Calvary Creek. Kent saw a nice ten point cross the road in that general vicinity this morning.....crunch time is approaching.

From: Medicinemann
Jake here. I hunted the kill tree again this morning. I planned on staying all day, but I had a wicked headache and I only lasted until 10:30 am. I saw three small bucks and seven does. I went back and took a nap, got a bite to eat, and took some acetaminophen. I went back to the kill tree for the evening hunt as well....just hoping to see that big guy again......let alone getting a shot at him.

It wasn't meant to be, though, as I only saw about a dozen does and one badly broken up ten point which I had at twelve yards for about twenty minutes. Tomorrow is my last day of hunting....and I think that tomorrow morning, if the weather permits, I may try to hunt a place called Calvary Creek. Kent saw a nice ten point cross the road in that general vicinity this morning.....crunch time is approaching.

From: LWood
Good luck Jake.

Congrats men!

From: DonSchultz
RE Pat's looong shot; I'd say the hold over was instinctive. The "down the middle" nature of the shot is skill, practice, and good tuning.

Great decision to throw one at him in a difficult situation.

From: Medicinemann
I hunted Calvary Creek this morning. The stand is in a 16" catalpa tree about 23 feet in the air. At that height, the tree has about an eight in diameter. Needless to say, I stuck out like a sore thumb,, but the deer still came in. However, their eyes were always on me until the sun got reasonably high in the sky.....then I was able to move my head slowly without attracting attention.

I probably saw twelve to fifteen does and five or six small or half racked hucks. I also saw six turkeys, fifteen quail, one male pheasant and his two hens, several fox squirrels, and around ten AM, a coyote.

Since the action had died diwn by the time he came in, I took a shot at him. He was preoccupied with a squirrel that was about eight feet up a tree scolding him. His head was left, and his hutt was to the right.

When I released the arrow, at first I thought that I had hammered him. A second or two later, I realized that my shot was high. I an guessing that I clipped the top of the near side shoulder and exited through the center of the far side shoulder.

He ran about two uundred yards (and I don't kkow how) and when he turned to his right, I could see a pretty significant exit hole and most of the front shoulder was bloody. I tried to locate him to finish him off, when I got out of the tree, but I could not find him.

That leaves tonight as my final chance at a Kansas whitetail. I am hunting the Barbie stand. It was dead xalm from 12:30 until 3 pm. Now there is a good breeze from the south. I just got a photo of Lonny Travis's buck....what a dandy. I hope he left one over here for me

ave between two and two and a half hours of daylight remaining.....I will keep you posted.

From: travis@work
Last day success...I hope..been nice chating with ya on text this isn't over till its over...just takes about 5 seconds for it to all come together..good luck brutha

From: Medicinemann
I hunted Calvary Creek this morning. The stand is in a 16" catalpa tree about 23 feet in the air. At that height, the tree has about an eight in diameter. Needless to say, I stuck out like a sore thumb,, but the deer still came in. However, their eyes were always on me until the sun got reasonably high in the sky.....then I was able to move my head slowly without attracting attention.

I probably saw twelve to fifteen does and five or six small or half racked hucks. I also saw six turkeys, fifteen quail, one male pheasant and his two hens, several fox squirrels, and around ten AM, a coyote.

Since the action had died diwn by the time he came in, I took a shot at him. He was preoccupied with a squirrel that was about eight feet up a tree scolding him. His head was left, and his hutt was to the right.

When I released the arrow, at first I thought that I had hammered him. A second or two later, I realized that my shot was high. I an guessing that I clipped the top of the near side shoulder and exited through the center of the far side shoulder.

He ran about two uundred yards (and I don't kkow how) and when he turned to his right, I could see a pretty significant exit hole and most of the front shoulder was bloody. I tried to locate him to finish him off, when I got out of the tree, but I could not find him.

That leaves tonight as my final chance at a Kansas whitetail. I am hunting the Barbie stand. It was dead xalm from 12:30 until 3 pm. Now there is a good breeze from the south. I just got a photo of Lonny Travis's buck....what a dandy. I hope he left one over here for me

ave between two and two and a half hours of daylight remaining.....I will keep you posted.

From: loprofile
Still hope to here from Pat on "Pat, how do you cut away to yourself drawing the bow and then get back on the deer when you are filming yourself?" Pretty impressive camera work.

From: heartshot
its called a cut away. He drew before or after he killed the deer and the edited it in.

From: heartshot
its called a cut away. He drew before or after he killed the deer and the edited it in.

From: heartshot
its called a cut away. He drew before or after he killed the deer and the edited it in.

From: Bou'bound
Still hope to here from Pat on now that the hunt is over looking back are you still glad you passed the 5.5 year old spot and stalk buck for the one you took. I'm sure you'll take a lot of big deer in the next 20 years but I don't know if you'll ever have a chance to take a mature deer on the ground in the way you could have the other day.

From: Jimbob
Everyone has their own goals when hunting so I cannot say what someone else should have done. BUT Pat your nuts for not shooting that bedded deer. I think stalking a mature whitetail and shooting it in its bed from 5 yds has to be one of the biggest accomplishments when it comes to deer hunting.

In many parts of my life i have put the process ahead of the outcome when it comes to determining success.

Good work on the 100 yd + shot though, that's just plain cool (for a follow up shot of course)

From: Medicinemann
I saw seven does and one badly broken up nine or ten point. I never even picked up the bow. That's why it's called hunting.....we' will get'em next year.

From: Medicinemann
I saw seven does and one badly broken up nine or ten point. I never even picked up the bow. That's why it's called hunting.....we' will get'em next year.

From: Gray Ghost
"Everyone has their own goals when hunting so I cannot say what someone else should have done. BUT Pat your nuts for not shooting that bedded deer. I think stalking a mature whitetail and shooting it in its bed from 5 yds has to be one of the biggest accomplishments when it comes to deer hunting."

A mature, massive bodied 5.5 yr. old, with a few broken tines, from the ground in a spot and stalk situation...


A 3.5 yr. old, with a nice rack, killed over a bait pile.

Hmm...I know which one I would choose. But as you said, everyone hunts for his own reasons.


From: JB
"Pat, how do you cut away to yourself drawing the bow and then get back on the deer when you are filming yourself?"

I am fairly sure Pat has two camera's. One small camera that is always focused on him and one to film the deer (the one he dropped.)

JB: See heartshots post! It's that or "magic" take your pick:)

From: LWood
Jake, Sorry it didn't work out. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Pat and Ron, Congratulations to both of you. Great looking deer.

From: Clutch
Congrats Pat and Ron--super deer-- "If you like him shoot him, if you shoot him love him"

From: Clutch

From: Larv
Pat, congrats on your deer. Glad it worked out!

I'm not even sure I can see 100 yds! LOL


From: TD
In that filming situation I think they would call that a "duct tape away".....

Jake, as with many things in this world, several deer don't know what they owe others for their earlier sacrifice to your freezer. =D

Good fun. Many thanks for bringin' us along.

From: Bou'bound
What they really don't know is that the secret to a long life is a calcuim deficiency that leads to broken antler tines. More bucks are given a pass on that than they know.

From: Gray Ghost

Ain't it the truth. I wonder if those older bucks break a few off intentionally, every year. ;-)

The bucks in Pat's area do seem to suffer from an abnormally high rate of broken antlers. Even the young buck Pat shot had a broken G2.

There must be some sort of deficiency in their diet. I wonder if a straight diet of corn has anything to do with that. I've hunted KS, further east of Pat's spot, for nearly 20 years. We've never baited....ever. We don't see nearly as many busted racks as Pat does.


From: Bigpizzaman
Matt, I was east of them also and we saw a much higher rate of "Broken" deer also, was told the drought was the culprit??

From: Gray Ghost

Told by who?

Colorado was hit by the same drought. I haven't noticed any more broken antlers than normal around here. In fact, Its rather rare to see a busted rack in these parts.

I am concerned about the winter, however. In general, the deer don't seem to be carrying the body fat they normally would.

I hope they bulk up a little before the cold weather hits.


From: Bigpizzaman
Outfitter at Lil Toledo said he has seen a much higher rate of broken bucks this year, I saw several, large and small. The buck I killed was very healthy and fat.

I have been fortunate enough to witness a couple of chases such as your video.

Both time it came from a band of lesser bucks getting a doe away from the stud.

Don't know if that is what happened here but the chases is consistent to what I have seen.

First time the little guys got the doe run off from him. The second time was last winter and the last I saw of it he had her away from them and was headed over the hill while they were trying to figure out what was going on

Pretty darn amazing when it happens, and a great video...

From: kj
Our bucks out here have always had broken up racks. They may be a bit worse this year, which I to believe is from the drought. The antlers are probably more brittle. Bucks get broken up because of all the fighting, which is caused from a high buck to doe ratio. No fighting, no broken racks. We have many hunters who witness violent fights as Jake did earlier in the week. Another hunter this morning had a fight going on near his treestand. The bucks we have taken this year, all are healthy and carrying normal fat. Last year our fawn crop appeared to be lower than normal. This year we seem to have alot of fawns.

From: Thornton
I have read multiple accounts on this live hunt about 180" or bigger deer being sighted from stands. If I were in this position, I would have bailed out of the stand and attempted a stalk when I realized he wasn't coming my way. After all, you have nothing to lose. Your hunt ends soon and the chances of seeing him come under your stand are very slim.

From: TD
I'm not sure the outfitters want folks sneaking all over the property, possibly messing up current and future hunts.

From what I gather thats how most outfits run things. Pat had permission from the outfitter to go after that buck, in fact he was filming the stalk for him.

From: kj
Thornton, I understand what your saying, but we have a rule "No getting out of your stand". For many reasons which I won't go into here, but come from things we've experienced. But I'm sure you can imagine. Kent Jarnagin

From: kj
Thornton, I understand what your saying, but we have a rule "No getting out of your stand". For many reasons which I won't go into here, but come from things we've experienced. But I'm sure you can imagine. Kent Jarnagin

From: arrow
Great deer Pat, congrats on a great deer and especially for the persistence in finishing the job. Marginal hits happen to all who hunt eventually. I too am curious as to what organs were hit with the first arrow? Some recommend waiting 5 or 6 hrs after a paunch shot. If that were the case here obviously thats not enough time.

From: travis@work
What people have to remember is the day Pat stalked that buck it was windier than hell..not knocking Pats hunting skills but just making the point if the wind wasn't giving a man the advantage I doubt the outfitter would have let him stalk it..stalking a mature buck or just any buck is not an easy task and normally doesn't pan out...If I was an outfitter I would keep my clients in the stands was cool to watch the stalk no doubt...

Broken racks in ks...what's new? The answer is nothing. I'm a taxidermists and believe me finding the perfect rack in ks after the rut has started is tough..

From: Thornton
Dang, when I outfitted, I let my clients do what they could within the limits of the law to get their buck. What I hated was when they would move my deerstands because they saw a big one just out of range. If I ever return to outfitting after school, I will remember to lock the stands and nickname the tree they are on " The Kill Stand" , "Coup de Grace" or something of the sort lol.

From: Boris
Pat, who won the treestand. What was the correct answer.

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