Is CO unit 65 any good?
Contributors to this thread:Elk
From: PAHunter
Is the elk hunting in Colorado unit 65 any good? I am going on my first elk hunt this year with an older friend who has been going to 65/66 for 40 years or so. I'm looking forward to a great leaning experience and great time over all (elk or no elk). Being my first elk hunt I'm willing to shoot the first legal elk, either sex, that comes in my sights. However, I'm focused on the long term also and realize I'd like to chase bigger bulls eventually. The bull to cow ratio seems very low in 65 if I'm reading the CO outdoor book correctly. I'm trying to set my expectations for what I may see on this trip and to understand if it will pay to explore other units on future hunts. Note I am starting to get preference points also to eventually hunt 66 or another PP unit. Any input is appreciated!
From: midwest
That 40 years of knowledge of a unit is worth a LOT despite what the stats say.
From: razorsharp
I will hopefully be headed to 66 this year with a friend who has hunted it several times. I have 3 points.
From: Oldhunter
Have hunted 65 several years and you can find Elk there but you will also find lots of hunters. The area gets a lot of NR hunters and if you are not ready to make walk in a min of 2 hours you will not see much action. You may think a 2 hour walk is no big deal but 65 has some rough country and if your not in the rough parts you will not find Elk. Good luck, Oldhunter
From: PAHunter
@Midwest for sure, I am fortunate to have such a friend @razor Cool beans, it looks like 3 is what it will take. I'd love to hear how it goes. @OldHunter We are planning on setting up base camp 5 miles from the nearest drivable road. Hopefully we get a little away from the crowd. I'm working hard on my conditioning and taking it very seriously.
thanks all.
From: Bearclaw
hunted 65 5 yrs w a group of 5 we did fairly well. tried first season and third. we always did better in the first. killed a bull every year in the group and 4 bulls one yr most of your bulls are going to be 4 or 5 bys have seen a few studs 320 330. as mentioned area is rough w lots of elevation change. you have to get in tough areas or you will run in others. depends on the yr some yrs lots of guys others none at all. you will love hunting out west wont want to come home I didn't enjoy and hunt slow and hard. been bow hunting other public land in co and there are better spots. your friends 40yrs will help good luck
From: PAHunter
@Bearclaw It's promising to hear about your success. I think we are going first week of archery. Hopefully the bulls will be nice and calm still. I'll be sure to look into other public areas in the future. Hopefully we get lucky with the other hunter situation. Can't be worse than public land here in PA. ;) thanks!
From: Swamp Buck
Has your buddy been successful?
From: toad
@razorsharp, I hunted 66 two years ago, it took 4 pts. Hopefully 3 pts. will get you in?
From: PAHunter
@swampbuck ya the guys at my sportsman's club have taken elk in 65 and 66 but more so in 66. It seems the guys that cover more ground (younger guys) have more success. What I'm reading seems to suggest it pays to be more aggressive than whitetail hunting.
From: Sean D.
I hunt 65 every year! The last couple years there have not been very many hunters. There are plenty of good areas with good bulls. Ralph Lorens ranch is loaded with nice bulls and many get killed coming off of it but there can be alot of hunters there. When I hunted that area i seen plenty of elk and only seen 1 hunter though! I called a bull in for my buddy 2 years ago on the last day of the season that he hit high and we never found him, on the first day of rifle season a guy killed him on the ranch right beside us about 500yds from where my buddy shot him, he scored 372!
From: Bearclaw
pa hunter didn't know you are bowhunting , my buddies went out 2 yr ago first week didn't hear a bull and this was directly behind laurens double l ranch 4 miles in on dallas divide trail, the bulls are there I know that but were quiet, tough hunting. may want to wait a couple more wks. said guys everywhere in first wk bow . a couple wks later I was in wilderness and bulls where bugling all night and most of day saw 8 bulls within 60 in 6 days . I know bulls are in 65 but first wk is tough for bowhunting 65 more condusive to gun hunting compared to other areas
From: KBhillHunter
This is an old thread but hoping some of you guys would be willing share any info you have on unit 65 with me! A friend and I are first time DIY hunters and are heading to 65 for first rifle in October.
We have been using OnX, Colorado Atlas, and Google Earth and think we have a few spots picked out in the Uncompaghre Wilderness and National Forest. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions or tips that has been there in the past, or recently. Any assistance would be appreciated! We are hoping to get there with at least 1-1.5 days of scouting beforehand. Thanks!!
From: Cheesehead Mike
Might not get much rifle hunting advice on the Bowsite...
From: Tdiesel
have no idea about the unit I will put in a plug on something I see out of state guys do every year. I am a huge proponent of scouting, but 1-2 days before season is not true scouting. I see every year guys show up and start hitting every road or trail they can and then when opening morning gets there they cant understand why elk aren't where they spooked them two days ago. Elk are not stupid and when within a day or two they go from hearing smelling people once a week maybe to all of a sudden 300 people marching around they know what's coming. If your wanting to just see the lay of the land that's different but just tread light ok rant over and my 1/2 cent of advice.