The implant is specifically designed to be injected in the forehead.
When properly installed, it will instantly allow the terrorist to speak to God.
It comes in various sizes: Generally from .223 to .50 cal.
The exact size of the implant will be selected by a well-trained and highly skilled technician, who will also make the injection.
No Anesthetic is required.
The implant is likely to be painless. Side effects, like headaches, nausea, aches or pains are extremely temporary.
Some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site. In most cases, you won't even notice it.
Like our government does!
It Is up to us to arrange the meeting.
Terrorism is evil. The actions of terrorists have killed many thousands of innocent people, and terrorists want to kill more, Including Oak Walker, sundowner, and our families.
You can choose to defend yourself with the Bible, and that would be an honorable.way to die for sure.
For me and my family, I choose Colt. I will pray for terrorists AFTER they are rendered harmless.
I could agree with you that the situation isn't funny, however, the de-humanizing of the enemy is a process which is aimed at what those people stand for, not the individual themselves. I have no problem with those troops who pissed on the bodies of those they just killed. The battlefield is no place to talk people out of their beliefs. War is never funny. When Jesus declared we should love our enemies, he wasn't talking about the heat of battle with arms, but more likely, pre-conflict discussion.
The consequences of loss are enormous on those remaining. That's why on field antics are being squelched by the ball games.
I guess it is ok to win, just don't gloat. I find that abnormal, when dealing with people who cut off heads for allah.
And as far as the Islamo-Loonies go as long as they stay on their own turf and destroy each other then that's between them and their god. But when they cross that line and start killing us, then they've just sealed their fate.
When you find you have a nest of vipers in your backyard where you children play you don't pray that they leave you alone. You seek them out and destroy them and pray that you don't get bit. God helps those that help themselves.
It became OUR problem at 8:46am, September 11, 2001.
The only thing they do understand, is violence at their level. Pure, unbridled, unceasing, until it is destroyed, violence.
Radical Islam may not be our biggest threat, but it is one of our bigger threats. Islam and the Koran is at complete odds with our Constitution and America.
"Their(There)is a fine line between a terrorist and a patriot."
That's wrong thinking. There is a vast difference. Like their and there, definitions established long ago made the distinction. Only in the world today where doublespeak and spin have been polluting the language we speak, can you consider a patriot to be even close to a terrorist. That's the same mindset that calls all our veterans returning from assigned combat, potential terrorists. You are lowering their noble service to the evil and cruel fanaticism they protect us from. There are no Queensbury Rules in war. The Geneva Convention and Hague Convention are products of the powers trying to establish a one government world.
Mixing the carnage of abortion with the horrors of war is not a like comparison, and uncalled for.
Like all wars, WWII had atrocities, but not all warriers on either side were involved.
War is never good, but it is sometimes necessary. We are told to "turn the other cheek," but nations are to defend righteousness.
Those in power always consider anyone who opposes them to be in the wrong. Sometimes the nation is in the right, and sometimes those who oppose the nation are in the right.
islamic jihadists are never in the right.