Donnie Vincent
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Charlie Rehor 24-Jul-14
Nick Muche 24-Jul-14
Russell 24-Jul-14
Bowfreak 24-Jul-14
otcWill 24-Jul-14
Nick Muche 24-Jul-14
Medicinemann 24-Jul-14
Bowfreak 24-Jul-14
T Mac 24-Jul-14
loopmtz 24-Jul-14
kickstand 24-Jul-14
Charlie Rehor 24-Jul-14
Mark Watkins 24-Jul-14
Charlie Rehor 24-Jul-14
Nick Muche 24-Jul-14
Shug 24-Jul-14
dihardhunter 24-Jul-14
Chad429 24-Jul-14
Chad429 24-Jul-14
Grubby 24-Jul-14
smarba 24-Jul-14
Big Fin 24-Jul-14
Hawkeye 24-Jul-14
W8N4RUT 24-Jul-14
Mad Trapper 24-Jul-14
Mt. man 24-Jul-14
HUNT MAN 24-Jul-14
Greg Kush 24-Jul-14
Yellowjacket 24-Jul-14
Zackman 25-Jul-14
smarba 25-Jul-14
Panhandle Bob 25-Jul-14
Kawabunga 25-Jul-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
kota-man 29-Dec-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
Bou'bound 29-Dec-14
Trial153 29-Dec-14
APauls 03-Oct-22
Badger_16 03-Oct-22
Thornton 03-Oct-22
Shaft2Long 04-Oct-22
Gotta Hunt 04-Oct-22
APauls 04-Oct-22
Bou'bound 16-Jan-25
drycreek 16-Jan-25
JakeBrake 17-Jan-25
Shug 17-Jan-25
scent 17-Jan-25
bigswivle 17-Jan-25
Scoot 17-Jan-25
Bou'bound 18-Jan-25
Kurt 26-Jan-25
Scoot 27-Jan-25

Charlie Rehor's Link
I watch a lot of bow hunting shows on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman's Channel and this new Adventure Series with Donnie Vincent is the best I have ever seen. The shows are an hour long instead of the usual 30 minutes and are documentaries.

The cinematography is amazing. So far I have seen the "The Rivers Divide" and "Terra Nova" hunts. Rivers Divide is about chasing a North Dakota Whitetail for two years and Terra Nova is about hunting Woodland Caribou in Newfoundland. I can't wait for the next shows and my DVR is set to record all new episodes.

Here is a trailer which gives you an idea of the amazing videography and story telling. C

From: Nick Muche

Charlie, have you watched any of the trailers for the Hunting Film Tour? Looks to be a great show this summer.

From: Russell
Yes, watched the show too. Set my DVR to record all first-run episodes too.

Thanks for the tip.

From: Bowfreak

Is this on any of the hunting channels yet? If so....when and where would we find it?

From: otcWill
See him on the Full draw film tour next year! Next level bow hunting videography

From: Nick Muche

Tera Nova has been on the Sportsman's channel several times already.

From: Medicinemann
If the videos are as good at the teaser, we are in for a treat.....great footage!! His Woodland Caribou is a gorgeous looking stag!!

From: Bowfreak
Thanks Nick.

From: T Mac
Awesome look forward to watching.

From: loopmtz

From: kickstand
I am not able to find this on Direct TV, Can some one point me in the right direction?

When you see the footage of the Woodland Stags and Does in the Newfoundland bogs you will book a hunt immediately. There is one scene with a Woody Stag and his does running through a watery bog in High Def that is incredible. By far the best videography I've ever seen. Having done a little video hunting I can see the effort here is intense. Beautiful!

Show is appearing on the Sportsman's Channel.

Nick: I have seen all the trailors for that film tour and they all look great.

From: Mark Watkins
That teaser was incredible!



Charlie Rehor's Link
Here's the trailer for the Newfoundland Hunt.

From: Nick Muche

I saw The Rivers Divide at the Full Draw Film Tour a few years ago. One of the best whitetail hunts I've ever seen.

From: Shug
I watched it for the first time this week...very well done. Not the fist pumping ...putting the smack down junk thats everywhere else..

From: dihardhunter
Anyone know if there is a way to watch the full length versions without having the cable TV outdoor channels or being able to attend the Full Draw Film tours?

From: Chad429
Very high quality, way better then most of the stuff that's out there! Move over Tom Miranda!! LOL!!

From: Chad429
Shug I'm with ya on the fist pumping smack down crap that's out there on most of the shows that are put out today! Its actually kinda sickening how some of these people act on their shows!

Donnie Vincent as definitely got it figured out!! Awesome material!

From: Grubby
He never once made reference to what make bow he was shooting..... Refreshing!

From: smarba
Thanks for heads up, looks incredible!

From: Big Fin
Donnie and his crew are great at telling stories via the video platform. The production values of his vids are beyond anything that you will find in outdoor TV. How he is able to make the numbers work for that level/cost of production is a mystery to me, but I hope he keeps it up.

Spent a week with Donnie and some other guys back at Gore HQ in 2012. He is a really good guy and you quickly realize he doesn't do anything half-baked, these episodes being proof. He has a passion for hunting that comes across in person and on screen.

If you get a chance to watch his stuff, you will enjoy it.

From: Hawkeye
Good stuff!

From: W8N4RUT
pretty cool...thanks for heads up.

Now, if we could just get rid of the commercial giving the choice of shooting freak nasty or big daddy...


From: Mad Trapper
Very Nice! Makes me want to go back to the island. I once had a videographer with me on the island...

From: Mt. man
I believe the one on this years is called 3 days on the island. It WAS GOOD!

To boot, Donnie is on FB and Instagram and is happy to respond when he can. Seems very down to earth.

I enjoy his shows and films.

He has got it figured out thats for sure. My wife was even impressed. HUNT

From: Greg Kush

Greg Kush's Link
A couple of weeks ago, I went to and bought the DVD for "The River's Divide". I thought it was worth it so I could have the extra features and I want to encourage more of these types of hunting films in the future, so I am willing to put my money towards it. Also, I have already lent it to a few friends who have mostly only watched the crap hunting shows that make up most of what is on TV these days. Their eyes were opened big time and now understand why I criticize those shows. They had never seen what is possible in a hunting show until watching something like this (and the Primal Dreams videos put out by the Wensels and Mitten). I plan to purchase the DVD's for the other Donnie Vincent films when they are available.

From: Yellowjacket
Yep, that woodland caribou flick has me wanting to go like right now!

From: Zackman
The Kodiak trailer has had me pumped about my trip for the past month since he posted it online. Very good production

From: smarba
I tried searching both channels and couldn't pull up any showings.

Anybody know the actual title of his shows?

On Comcast the search function looks for title (for instance "Donnie" and "Vincent" don't find anything).


25-Jul-14 are the shows but could find no schedule.

From: Kawabunga
Wow, lots of hard work im sure. Great stuff.

From: Bou'bound
Both Terra Nova and Rivers Divide are spectacular. Working on a couple others (Kodiak for deer) and North of 62nd Parallel for Grizzly.

even the short clips are inspirational.

those looking for the standard snuff films will not appreciate these.

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link
Grizzly Trailer

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link
The consolidated Who We Are trailer

From: kota-man
These are GREAT videos. I bought both the Whitetail movie and the Woodland Caribou movie. The cinematography is unreal.

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link
The Rivers Divide - Deer Hunt

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link
Kodiak for Blacktail

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link
Another consolidated trailer

From: Trial153
I got his newest "three days on the Island" last week....super good. well worth the 20 bucks.

Donnie is class act and his work is the best there is right now.

From: APauls
I've bought his DVD's in years past. Such good stuff.

From: Badger_16
I have watched all of Donnie's movies and they are all excellent. I am fortunate enough to know Donnie through family, I have never met such a good, down to earth man.

Here is a movie he did you can watch for free on YouTube. If the link doesn't work just search winds of adak.

From: Thornton
I like his productions. Never endorses any camo that I've seen or gimmicks. Once in a while he'll review his gear that he's tried and found to be well made. He's one of the guys that's there for the experience, and the kill is sometimes an after thought.

From: Shaft2Long
Wow, almost 8 years old.

From: Gotta Hunt
No question that Donnie is the real deal. Him and his production team have certainly been able to capture the energy of the hunt and the connection we have to these great animals and the majestic places they inhabit

From: APauls
I have no idea how that old thread was at the top, but I never got past the 1st page on bowsite and somehow I brought an 8 year old thread to the top. Maybe Donnie has some kind of internet guru on staff! lol

From: Bou'bound

From: drycreek
The fist pumping and smackdown crap is why I stopped watching hunting shows. Gimme a minute !

From: JakeBrake
Ever since Donnie told his story about trying to shoot a grizzly and hitting the limb at like 7 yards or whatever…I lost every last ounce (all that was left) of respect for him…not impressed

From: Shug
A good friend of mine made high end back packs. He would make custom ones as well. DV contacted him and ordered 2 custom packs of his own design. After month of going back and forth with him with design ideas and the shop worker’s making patterns the packs were made and shipped.

DV refused to pay for a while after being billed then took just one leaving Angelo with a bill for the sewing and pattern work…

I guess he expected them for free

From: scent
Never heard of Donnie till now, I'm a Nuge fan! ;0)

From: bigswivle
lol. I’ve been around him a couple times, that was enough.

From: Scoot
Everything Donnie does is great!

From: Bou'bound
What makes The grizzly miss so bad

From: Kurt
I wonder how many grizzlies JakeBrake has arrowed? Intense pressure being close to an apex predator with a bow in hand.


Altitude Sickness 's Link
The production and editing is high quality. And that is from his partner Kyle.

I’m sure Kyle could even make many of the whitetail “Pro-staffer” TV Dbags look good. Ok maybe not.

This is definitely refreshing after swearing off most TV hunting shows. The issue is, the hunting show market is so competitive that people will do it for little if no money just to get sponsorships and be on TV.

That’s why every swinging D!(k with a $5000 camera has a TV show.

From: Scoot
JakeBrake- I don't understand your criticism regarding hitting a limb when trying to arrow a grizz. Please explain. I hit a tree limb when shooting at a deer- do the same criticisms apply to me?

I think the videography in his stuff is second-to-none! I also like the way he talks and obviously thinks about things. Hearing some of the info above, it reminds me of the fact that humans tend to make poor heros. We're all fallible and flawed...

I seldom watch any hunting shows but I did read the book "The Comfort Crisis". Author spent a month on the tundra hunting with Donnie Vincent. It's a great read, referring back and forth from the hunt and from how soft our way of life has become in just the past 100 or so years.

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