Idiot-Proof Bloodtrail Challenge 37
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
There was no "none of the above" choice for question 1 - that's what I would have chosen! Way too hard of a quartering angle for my taste. To each his own.
Bull crap that's in the leg
Not really a question of whether YOU would, more of a " if you would, where would you ? "
I would probably pass that shot, but I ain't that hungry yet !
I agree extremely poor choice Pat. I know we all make our own choices, but none of these are responsible choices. A slight deviation on B, the least bad choice, and you are into the scapula.
Personally, I think you would have to be an Idiot to take any of them, and the guy who did is one, IMHO.
Perfect angle for a hamblaster.
wow one question down, and the level of contention has never been higher.... This could get ugly fast :)
That is actually a shot I like, very high margin for error, even if you put it back a little further than correct answer.
Unfortunately, I WIFFED on that same shot yesterday, same distance same angle... My 30 yard pin was shooting 10" low, glad I discovered that now..
30 yards with head down = maximum squat with a small % of wheel. Need more info...high wind, hyway noise, plane flying over. All that affects how to aim. I assume this is where to aim and mittwhere you should hit???
I'm an idiot...LOL....c'mon guys let's calm down a bit!!!
Christ 1 question in and I'm an idiot. lol
Quartering away you gotta love that shot! I've had a lot of success with that shot, it's my favorite! Drill that Rage in the vitals, he/she will open up like a can of soup and he/she won't go far! I see way too many people take the quartering to you shots on the outdoor channels and it makes me sick! Now that's a low percentage shot!
Love the quartering away shot have not lost an animal with one.
Personally I thought another option would be fine too. But I got it right!
Sorry, I believe of the 4 choices, C is best, because it lines up with the opposite leg. The doe is not only quartering away sharply, her neck is contorted to the left sharply, so a shot where B is could result in an exit betweeh the shoulder and ribcage. I have witnessed arrow deflections on deer not quartering away that sharply. C will put the arrow between the ribcage, through the diaphram with minimal deflection. You will hit liver, lung and possibly the heart.
Agree, none of the choices are the best... I think if you were to draw a line between "A" and "B" and move the dot ever so slightly to the right you'd be in the money...
It's official, I'm an idiot as well though.
There is only one shot presented and that is a hard quartering away shot. No real clue as to wheather this was choices if best places to aim or best place to hit. 30 yard deer you never hit where you aim because they squat. A lot goes into it. At 30 you would have to predict which was she would turn to leave and shade the aiming point in that she would squat at least 6 inches in her front end. None if the high arrows would touch her.
What's wrong with A? I can see how B would be a pretty good shot, but A could hit the heart and the bottom of hte lungs, granted its going to go through the guts first. Plus it allows for the deer to duck and you still might hit them high versus shooting over their back.
Darn...I wanted to pick "B" but hit the button before selecting so got a "0"!
TBM: Did YOU get the question wrong? ;)
I got it wrong. I would never take that shot so I was looking for "none of the above". I chose "B" but didn't really like that answer either. BTW, the photo is pretty crappy and grainy. On my screen, it looks like shot "A" would have clipped the hip. Quartering away shots are fine but that one has a bit too sharp an angle for my taste... ESPECIALLY at 30 yards with traditional equipment. Heck, I won't shoot at a broadside deer at 30 yards!
I answered the question right, but 32 yards? 2 minutes before lights out? with that body posture? Not this boy, that shot is not worth the chance of spending half the night on my hands and knees in a race with the local coyote pack. But that's just me....
I agree with most post above. Not a shot present in the picture shown. Where was none of the above?
I agree, not a shot I would have taken, but of all the answers B is the best.
I agree, the idiot is whoever would take a shot like that.
A or B would do the job quickly , I picked B an would take that shot on any big game animal . Quarter away any day.!!
This is shaping up to be the best discussion ever. Its funny, if the deer's head was up, and she was looking to the right, everyone would be saying how its their favorite shot. Head down and all of a sudden its a no-no???????
I took this buck at a quartering away angle as well. He ran maybe 50 yards. Only drawback in my opinion is the pass thru, they're not too common in these type of shots, but they are 99.99% lethal when hit properly.
Well crap it submitted an answer and all I did was click on it to see my choices. I guess I would have got it right but no so lucky here.
Have used that shot when I shot a compound, like the fact they are facing away. Have not used that shot with my recurve, not to that confidence level yet. oz
I will pick A on question one and put it right in heart. as u can see in clue two placement B is to high deer almost ducked it
I always mess these games up over thinking things. Got this one correct. It's a sharp away angle, but if you feel good about your ability that works well.
Mama always said I was an idiot. Pat proved it !
Not only did i hit the button on accident, i would never take that shot, There is too much chance of wounding the deer and hitting guts, Poor choice of shooting to who ever did this, I know you would never be welcome to hunt on my property!!!! Nuff said, commence with the crap talking,
If she hadn't ducked, the arrow would have hit dot "A"
As it is, she dropped six inches and the arrow hit dot "B"
From an elevated position, I want my arrow to hit "B" too.... but I would have aimed a little lower. Not as low as "A", but lower than "B".
I got it right BTW. :)
This is the exit you get with the correct answer.
A is to low and behind the heart.
At 30 yards aiming at b in bama you would never kill a deer unless it raised its head and you hit it in the back if the head that the oly way. The best place to aim would be around 3 inches below a and still they might drop and go to the side enough to miss. 30 is a bad distance for high % kill shots. 40+ is better because they stand there and get tboned or get completely out if the way.
I would have chosen the correct answer but I went with what I thought Pat would choose. Bad choice.
Some of you guys make me laugh. Looking right, head down, tail shifted sideways, wind, noise, southern deer, etc, etc. Some of the same people that would take a frontal shot, the dreaded hamblaster or Texas heartshot and not even give it a thought. Gotta love this
Guys, it's not quartering away, it's quartering to.
Ok when I saw the video on step 2 it was quartering away. That confusion caused my previous answers. My computer only showed a fuzzy picture that made it easy to see the head, but not the tail.
95, I outsmarted myself on the second clue, thinking I was being a smart-ass, which is exactly what Pat set us up for. Worked on me !
A95 I agree, out of all the choices, there was only one even close for question 1... Pat - I knew based on the title, we are in for a bumpy flight!
#2, wrong. I be the idiot. Quartering away, great shot, this one, to much, would have passed.
# 2 in slow mo was perfect the deer hit the ground its tail was flickering like crazy dead .I wouldn't have taken the shot .
This type of information is what we have to sift through in the south all our life, so for the sake of young southern hunters I will say this...don't go by any of the choices or you will likely go home empty handed. It took slo mo video for me to understand just what out deer do at the shot and I can remember the first one I video taped. It was only 18 yards and I was shooting around 270 fps and when the arrow passed over her back her brisket was only 2 inches off the ground, plus she was leaned over almost on her side. In order to have hit her in the heart the arrow would have had to be directed between her knee and her dewclaws. This was the most extreme case I ever videoed but opened my eyes to what I thought I had been seeing.
After switching to a longbow and recurve I have actually seen fketching silhouetted against the ground underneath the deer only to have the deer drop at the last millisecond and the arrow pass through the vitals.
I shot another that was quartering to me knowing it was going to wheel around so I picked a spot a little high and when the arrow hit it she was quartering away.
Some hunters don't take the 25 to 35 yard shots because the deer move so much at those distances.
I would love my arrow to hit where b is but in order to do that you would have to aim lower than a at 30....a at 20 would be perfect with a fast bow
The hint for #2 is to IGNOR this instruction : Watch the shot on video and see if you can determine the next steps based solely on the immediate shot video.
I am afraid to begin an allegedly "idiot proof" anything, for fear I will bomb...
I know southern deer appear to be wired compared to northern deer, but I wonder, if both the northern and southern deer both react to the shot, why would the southern deer drop faster than the northern deer? I assume gravity is the same in the north as the south. Or is it because the deer are smaller and easier to miss if they drop 6 inches? Not trying to be a smart arse, just am curious.
The idiot is the guy who sits in the tree being bitten by the bugs while he watches his dead deer for a half hour "just to be safe". That is not "common sense".
Im with you Fuzzy, i am not playing this go around due to the insulting name. I always like the Blood Trail feature, but am not going to subject myself to idiocy.
Good question 12yards. I think it's because they are wired different and smaller. I know some of the high fence guys hate our deer...say they are idiots and how they make all the tamer deer act like idiots. They build a 80 acre fence and if they trap one wild deer inside when building it will be trying to kill itself on the fence trying to break out.
I answered through question 3 and got #2 wrong because I watched the shot a few times and zoomed in. I'm done with these challenges since I now must be an idiot according to the title.
Whew, we've got some very sensitive folks on this site. Quitting all Bloodtrail Challenges because one title has the word idiot in it? Even if you do miss a question, remember that your level of intelligence is not determined by your performance in a Bloodtrail Challenge.
Idiot proof implies there is only one way to do things. I believe everybody has different approaches to hunting and the ethics that go along with it. Having had previous experiences with good and bad results, many people may play it safe or more careless depending on those experiences. What is right for one person isn't necessarily right or wrong for another. The blood trail challenges are interesting, if nothing else to get others opinions, and potentially see a different way to do things.
I have to ask, just about every BtC has a question of shot placement, but how are the options determined? Where the actual hunter aimed during the hunt, where he/she should've aimed or where the arrow ended up? This is usually the one question that is most controversial, and either many people have the wrong opinion or the question is meant to be questionable/debatable.
Since the answer to clue 1 has already been disclosed I'll say my opinion.
Someone doesn't know definitively where they were aiming when this Doe was shot, it's all a blur! LOL. It's very obvious by the video that whoever was shooting had to be aiming for "Shot A" or at least that is where the arrow went because the Doe ducked and the arrow went in the "Shot B" spot, which is exactly why I choose "Shot A", if "Shot B" was the place the hunter was aiming the arrow would have entered high when the Doe ducked.
I just looked at the video again, it looks to me like the arrow hit at the same time the Doe bottomed out on her drop/duck so there was no way the hunter was aiming at "Shot B" although if he was aiming at B that is not where the arrow went because that would have resulted in a high shot when the Doe ducked.
Just my opinion and thanks for taking the time to give us something to discuss, good stuff!
It isn't nice to call us idiots, Patrick! Even if we are.
So since on #2 I said perfect shot and it was confirmed in #3, do I now get the credit for a correct answer on #2? ;-)
I would have never guessed that the first question was asking where is the best spot for arrow impact. We don't get a choice as to where our arrow will impact we only get a choice of shots presented and where to aim. Where to aim is a science in itself and has so many variables and that would lead to a lit of lively discussions.
I vividly remember 2 nice looking bucks I shot at in a matter of a couple days and made the wrong decision on where to aim on both. Both scenerios were different and I aimed low on the buck I should have held dead on and dead on the one I should have held low. Not a hindsight 20/20....I just didn't do what I knew to do. I will take that idiot but not the one on this thread.
This is awesome. I'm doing well on this one, but stink on the rest of them - always over thinking.
Give me nine points for question 2. I did not see the box for entering the question and hit the wrong button thinking it would open for the choices. I would have guessed right. Really, I know this is for fun but it was hard to see the options the way it was built.
Pat if you ever devised a BTC where nobody whined it would be too boring. Great job so far. Lots of ruffled feathers starting with the title.
I let it run off of me ^^^^^^^^. I'm two outa three now, so I feel better. Damn tears gonna ruin my iPad !
You give me a video for question #2. I revind it and play several times. Clearly, you can see it is a Lethal hit, and the lumenock did not appear to exit the deer. The deer immediately acted like it was hit hard. Very hard. Look at it again. I did not need more info! But I guess I could be wrong....guess I will have to wait and see. Anyone else see it like I did?
I would have them all right but I used my cell phone and accidently answered the first one before I even read the question.OOPS!!!!!!!!
I saw it the same way 300winmag.
All these are the canned answers that the old bowhunters like Glenn St Charles, Fred Bear, Ben Pearson and Lee Harvey Oswald would have advise doing. We are more advanced and next level now...I see my arrow impact like that my hand goes in my left pocket gramms my bow rope hook up bow and lower to the ground and climb down. No need to wait on hits like that. I knew when the arrow hit it was over. I could hear it.
I am feeling better, I thought I was seeing things in the video on #2. It sure looked good to me.
TBM I didn't know Lee Harvey Oswald was a bowhunter. Learn something new every day:-)
If LHO was bowhunting when JFK was shot, he would have a much better alibi....
I just seeing if you were paying attention...I know he discovered electricity.
^ just spit out my beer... thanks man
I'm officially an idiot. I watched the video, paused it just as the arrow connected with the deer. It was perfect placement. :/ If you know deer anatomy, then there's no questioning it. You, in fact, don't need more info. Clue three confirms it. The stupid answer to question 2 just made me change my answer to the rigged answer to question 3.
Stupid. Number 2 is clearly a great hit. Tail up, stumble.
Not complaining, got them all right so far, but you should not be able to pause and watch the video slow motion or a second time, as you probably would not have that same opertunity in a real hunting situation. Many might have got #2 right if they only watched the video once and at full speed. It is hard for your eyes to pick up on everything that happens right as you are looking through the peep and shoot, you have the bow in front of your face and the deer moves out before your bow clears your shooting (usually good) eye.
So the idiot proof-ness means Don't over think the answers! Still don't agree with the first 2 answers - but what's a BTC without controversy.
I think the point of question 2 was to see it from the hunters eye view and base your decision from what you would see from the stand.
Can I have my 9 points for missing #1? Because I would have aimed at A therefor impacting at B. Just sayin'.
Actually I don't care about the score I just don't want to be an "IDIOT". LOL
These are fun. Keep up the good work Pat.
Yep I agree Pat, question 1 should have read "what is the best POI" because if you took aim and "shot" at B like the question was asked you would be leaving the animal over night to die.
Aim and shot are one in the same, we are not shooting at a decoy or target, sooo according to how the question was asked the correct answer is A.
Answer number 2 is definitely wrong and I will be able to prove it. The deer is dead and will be found without much difficulty.
honestly guys? that's an awesome shot... more room for error than a dead broadside, honestly
Three for four now guys. If I can ace the rest, I'm only a little idiot !
I responded to Q2 based on the arrow path with the aid of the lighted nock and the tail swirl. If either of those weren't in play, then I would say wait for more clues. I figured the 100% positive was going to be the kicker. I think you can still be 100% positive, but have doubts later when you're a mile down the blood trail.
so number three wait 30 mins cuz the deer is staggering and it obviously is a lethal shot. What? my deer that I double lunged have fallen in 80 yds, about where it stopped before entering the brush, or less you mean to tell me the deer couldn't have been staggering if the left front leg was broken or the broadhead was in the scapula. such a severe quartering angle could have missed one of the lungs. and ended up breaking a leg or scapula I think your the idiot :)
I chose the wait 4 hours option just because the deer was obviously hit in the guts. Yes based on the angle I'm sure its dead but I'd rather give it some time.
These crack me up, they are for fun! relax.
Based on the video you do NOT see the deer go down, it sure looks like it will go down, but it doesn't. It also shows a humped up back indicating a possible gut shot.
Sheesh, if it's dead, it will still be dead in 30 minutes, 4 hours and tomorrow.
Now if the deer falls over in the next 10 seconds of the video, that's different, but from what we see, you still can't be 100% sure!
My question is, what's with the lip squeaks like Pat's trying to call his dog?
Ok… so far I'm not an idiot. There's still time to screw that up though!
This is my first time to participate. I missed the second question, although you can plainly see in the video where the arrow is in the doe and the angle at which it is penetrating indicating you got the liver, on side lung and just before exiting the chest cavity got the offside lung. In the second video the doe is running off hunched up indicating to me that you also hit either the paunch or intestine. Even though she looks to be stumbling with her being hunched up when she ran off I'll stick with this rule. When in doubt back out. This is fun.
You forgot to add another option for #5; the deer was shot with a crossbow bolt. Who puts wraps that far down the shaft?
Ok my time to whine and cry "foul" Who in their right mind considers that an "excellent" blood trail? It's an "ok" trail, but not like a good double-lung two hole trail. This doe is only lightly dripping out of one hole in the pics posted and probably from the neck since entrance was in the grass bag...
Oh well, so much for perfect score...
That's a pretty awesome sign for the BEGINNING of the blood trail. He said at impact sight. Blood trails tend to grow stronger as you go!
That's not a wrap. Those arrows come that way. The center section is red.
I got them all correct so far, but it is rather hard to tell what the whole bloodtrail is going to be like before you even start down the trail.
I say it again, I suck at Pat's blood trail games. Which is funny because I'm a better blood trailer than hunter :) This one, I'm killing though.
Pat - please do all future blood trailing games just like this one :)
All of these clues were
taken near the initial impact scene. Given that information, answer the question below.
"We have an excellent blood trail"
Since when does the blood near the initial impact scene mean you have an excellent blood trail? All the way to the deer?
I want my points!
The only idiots in these challenges get angry when they get an answer wrong. Although I disagree with some of the statements I do pretty well when I take the best answer offered.
Greenmountain - last thing I do is take anything on internet seriously. Especially a BTC! We whine in jest. It's all good. Relax.
LOL....Controversy, got to love it or hate the deer fell within eyesight, less than 10 seconds of time passed. Smoked, if you couldn't tell that at the impact you weren't an idiot you were blown...LOL...
Hello Jack, I know that. As my hunting buddy often says sometimes we all get wrapped up around the axle. I agree Whining is part of the entertainment. It is funny though there is some learning to be had in these adventures.
Bitch and moan, bitch and moan ! All in good fun !
Clue 5 should also have a "Challenge creator doesn't proofread" option.
There are two correct answers to clue 6 Pat.
Please look at the lower right section of "A" Clearly blood on the leaves.
I agree, x-man. I thought it was easier to define the blood you described, so I went with it. The other blood looked like it was possibly just discoloration on the leaves.
Did you fix our points? ;)
Take the challenge after the results are posted and you will never be an idiot.
This is harder than it looks. lol...
I only got partial credit on how long to wait because I always wait about 4 hours before tracking unless it is raining or I see it go down but we don't have yotes here eating every deer that's down either. Didn't consider that for shot area this deer was taken from.
Got #2 wrong on accident. Damn! Daddy always said you cant fix stupid! Can I change my answer? LOL
I'm afraid we've been hosed, x-man.
The thing im most proud of is my state of PA has a higher average then alabama. I mean, we all know that alabama hunters each shoot 250 deer a year(even though they are WAY harder to kill) and therefore are tracking geniuses, along with above-all-other hunting skills. I mean, getting that kind of shot opportunity and tracking experience in each year, they should be able to answer witout any clues!! TBM must be taking it easy on us, his score is 0!!!
"TBM must be taking it easy on us, his score is 0"!!!
But he's not your basic idiot...more of an "idiot savant"!
I got 6 points for Q 5. There is no such things as bigt blood. ;-)
Looks like a "follow it as fast as you can walk" trail to me... how much better does it have to be????
Good grief. Pat holds your hand through the whole thing and STILL folks will b, i, itch. LOL!
I sense a disturbance in the Force coming soon though...... like thousands of people screaming.....
Only thing I'm whining about is no help from my fellow Texans. Whatthehelliswrongwithy'all ?
I punched the trigger on 1 and 2 right but pat missed them.
"After switching to a longbow and recurve I have actually seen fketching silhouetted against the ground underneath the deer only to have the deer drop at the last millisecond and the arrow pass through the vitals."
That isn't just a southern thing, our northern deer do a pretty good job of that too.
I once took a broadside 27 yd shot at a really nice 10 point. The shot looked perfect to hit the heart.
At the last second the buck did a drop, turn, spin maneuver that was just a blur.
When the buck trotted off, my arrow was sticking out of the middle of his neck just above the spine, with the fletching on the opposite side from the direction of the shot!
I found some blood and chunks of meat and bone, but never recovered that deer.
A week later the exact same deal, except it was less than 10 yds and that buck wasn't so lucky. The arrow hit the back of his head and came out his mouth. He went 50 yds and laid down.
"After switching to a longbow and recurve I have actually seen fketching silhouetted against the ground underneath the deer only to have the deer drop at the last millisecond and the arrow pass through the vitals."
That isn't just a southern thing, our northern deer do a pretty good job of that too.
I once took a broadside 27 yd shot at a really nice 10 point. The shot looked perfect to hit the heart.
At the last second the buck did a drop, turn, spin maneuver that was just a blur.
When the buck trotted off, my arrow was sticking out of the middle of his neck just above the spine, with the fletching on the opposite side from the direction of the shot!
I found some blood and chunks of meat and bone, but never recovered that deer.
A week later the exact same deal, except it was less than 10 yds and that buck wasn't so lucky. The arrow hit the back of his head and came out his mouth. He went 50 yds and laid down.
Got them all right so far. And yet in the woods the deer still make me feel like an idiot...
Although I got a 72, and with those results clearly states I'm not an idiot, this will be argued by my Wife! ;-)
After 37 BtCs, it took the extra-dumb edition for me to pull off my first perfect score. Excellent shot, guys.
Got my first perfect score, an I am color blind! Never have been good at blood trailing but have a son an a few good friends who are very good at it. Also have a dog that's good on fresh blood. Great game , can't wait for the next.
My first perfect score on a BTC. They are all fun and I really enjoyed this one.
Only my second perfect score. But headed out for the real thing this weekend! Hope I get a perfect score on that one as well, cause that is the only one that counts!
No one is going to believe this: I'm not an idiot.
My first perfect score on a BTC too
first time non-idiot
went to an anatomy pic for last one though, not sure why
Always enjoy and look forward to the blood trail challenges. My only contention on this version was the answer to clue 5 (which, yes, I got wrong - only 6 points awarded). I selected, and I think the only correct answer should be, "A - we have an exit wound". This answer is definitely true because the broad-head is in hand near the initial impact scene. Choosing "all of the above" doesn't seem to be quite accurate in my opinion because declaring (at the site taken near the initial impact scene, as stated in the clue)"B - we have an excellent blood trail" seems a bit too presumptuous. I agree it may be very reasonable (and probable) to assume there will be a good blood trail down the line, but at the scene of the initial impact, I would never flat out make that conclusion until I have followed an "excellent blood trail" to the dead animal. Just IMHO. Still great fun and discussion.
Pat, you got me with clue 7. I was "scaning ahead into the forest" to see if I could spot the deer. I did not relize we were standing on top of the deer for the photo opp. I suppose if I even bothered to look down in the picture instead of ahead, I may have questioned that brown thing that was obviously sticking out in that picture.
I need to cry foul too. I blew my first perfect score on question 4, none of the choices supported the previous clues so I resorted to eliminating the ones that were not possible. A stomach entry with a neck exit was not possible based on the downward angle.
Come on now, where that arrow exited is NOT the neck. The neck ends where the backbone starts. The neck does not go down to the brisket/chest. If the answer had said brisket (or chest) I would have picked that answer in a heartbeat. 1st go at these...I screwed up the 1st 2 questions figuring out how to, yes...I guess I AM an idiot :-)