stupid is as stupid does
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
DaleT 05-Dec-14
IdyllwildArcher 05-Dec-14
Jaquomo 05-Dec-14
sticksender 05-Dec-14
Jack Harris 05-Dec-14
Limb Bender 05-Dec-14
orionsbrother 05-Dec-14
non-typical 05-Dec-14
Wayne Helmick 05-Dec-14
APauls 05-Dec-14
drycreek 05-Dec-14
SB 05-Dec-14
SB 05-Dec-14
zipper 05-Dec-14
Vermonster 06-Dec-14
GhostBird 06-Dec-14
Bou'bound 06-Dec-14
Woodsman416 06-Dec-14
zeeker35 06-Dec-14
SteveB 06-Dec-14
Cazador 06-Dec-14
Genesis 06-Dec-14
jjb4900 06-Dec-14
Surfbow 06-Dec-14
From: DaleT

DaleT's embedded Photo
DaleT's embedded Photo
this was parked just outside the door of the local Applebee's tonight.

Why would you eat at Applebees when you have venison?

Why would you eat at Applebees period?

Better cut the backstraps out before they go bad.

From: Jaquomo
That's really a bad deal. What a tool!

From: sticksender
Probably won't be much of an issue in PA. As best I understand, nearly every resident of the state is a deer hunter ;-)

Looks like the crossbow bolt didn't get much penetration.

From: Jack Harris

From: Limb Bender
that's funny...but tasteless

I was driving back home from a hunt. It was a fairly warm day early in the fall. I woke up my buddy who was asleep in the passenger seat.

The two of us just shook our heads at the two deer on top of a mini van heading down the highway.

They hadn't even been field dressed and were bloating in the sun.

From: non-typical
Looks like it coulda been a rage...

That is pretty stupid.

From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo

From: drycreek
Some people's kids.......

From: SB
Obviously an animal rights activist!

From: SB
Looks like they had to try 3 times to get it to stick where it would give the effect they were after! Then BACK it up to the window and leave the arrow in! That's not the work of a Hunter!

From: zipper
Agreed. Thats a set up from an anti!

From: Vermonster
Thats what I was thinking. Thats a set up. What hunter Would really do that??? Something doesnt seem right. You should have called the gw.

From: GhostBird
The "hunter" was probably sitting in a booth at the window so he could admire his "handy work" while enjoying a delicious meal.

Idiots are everywhere...

From: Bou'bound
yes there are jackasses who feel because the yave the right doing it is right. people parade their bloody carcasses around in the open all the time and then hang it in the front yard for the kids across the street to see whether they want to or not...............most of the time though it is the guys first kill so he is just excited about finally having taken game.

From: Woodsman416
Why is the license plate and the end of the rack photoshopped out?

From: zeeker35
Limb bender

FUNNY - When did we start to lose respect for the animals we hunt.

That person will for sure turn an undecided to an anti .

Very foolish and stupid

I would guess they don't respect much else in life

From: SteveB
One of the most tasteless things I've seen in awhile. It really could be a setup.

From: Cazador
I dont see a tag. Smells like a setup call the GW

From: Genesis
Alabama Plates ???.....:)

From: jjb4900
not even close to being funny...disgusting at best.

From: Surfbow
It's Applebees, that's about status quo for there, they probably think they were going out to a nice restaurant after the successful hunt too...

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