Sitka Gear
Discuss our LIVE Kansas Whitetail Hunt
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
samman 03-Nov-15
Brotsky 03-Nov-15
T Mac 03-Nov-15
Medicinemann 03-Nov-15
Mad Trapper 03-Nov-15
Matte 03-Nov-15
loesshillsarcher 03-Nov-15
SmoothieJonez 03-Nov-15
Bake 03-Nov-15
Bou'bound 03-Nov-15
Paul 03-Nov-15
Buffalo1 03-Nov-15
Hawkeye 03-Nov-15
Bow junkie 03-Nov-15
Duke 03-Nov-15
Jack Harris 03-Nov-15
stealthycat 03-Nov-15
Fields 03-Nov-15
Stekewood 03-Nov-15
Medicinemann 03-Nov-15
Mad Trapper 04-Nov-15
Stekewood 04-Nov-15
loesshillsarcher 04-Nov-15
Mark Watkins 04-Nov-15
Medicinemann 04-Nov-15
Chip T. 04-Nov-15
Wapitidung 04-Nov-15
Mad Trapper 04-Nov-15
jeffnvegas 04-Nov-15
Julius K 04-Nov-15
HerdManager 04-Nov-15
Gene 04-Nov-15
Bou'bound 04-Nov-15
Medicinemann 04-Nov-15
Clutch 04-Nov-15
Medicinemann 04-Nov-15
Quinn @work 04-Nov-15
Medicinemann 04-Nov-15
LINK 04-Nov-15
Quinn @work 04-Nov-15
writer 04-Nov-15
Medicinemann 04-Nov-15
KTH 04-Nov-15
Quinn @work 04-Nov-15
Nick Muche 04-Nov-15
Medicinemann 04-Nov-15
Nick Muche 05-Nov-15
Jimbo 05-Nov-15
CAS_HNTR 05-Nov-15
Charlie Rehor 05-Nov-15
loesshillsarcher 05-Nov-15
Medicinemann 05-Nov-15
Medicinemann 05-Nov-15
SmoothieJonez 05-Nov-15
Medicinemann 05-Nov-15
Mad Trapper 05-Nov-15
Medicinemann 05-Nov-15
writer 05-Nov-15
Medicinemann 05-Nov-15
kota-man 05-Nov-15
LC Archer 05-Nov-15
Thornton 05-Nov-15
EmbryOklahoma 06-Nov-15
Rick M 06-Nov-15
SmoothieJonez 06-Nov-15
writer 06-Nov-15
SmoothieJonez 06-Nov-15
writer 06-Nov-15
XMan 06-Nov-15
bdfrd24v 06-Nov-15
Will 06-Nov-15
Reflex 06-Nov-15
Forest bows 06-Nov-15
nijimasu 06-Nov-15
Bou'bound 08-Nov-15
Pope125 08-Nov-15
Thornton 08-Nov-15
Thornton 08-Nov-15
INbowdude 08-Nov-15
Nctrapper 08-Nov-15
Brotsky 09-Nov-15
Trophy8 09-Nov-15
Chip T. 09-Nov-15
LINK 09-Nov-15
Brotsky 09-Nov-15
Ace of Spades 09-Nov-15
Sage Buffalo 09-Nov-15
tjsna 09-Nov-15
Charlie Rehor 09-Nov-15
Bake 09-Nov-15
Mark Watkins 09-Nov-15
T Mac 09-Nov-15
Thornton 09-Nov-15
AZBUGLER 09-Nov-15
Griz34 09-Nov-15
loesshillsarcher 09-Nov-15
bdfrd24v 09-Nov-15
Bou'bound 09-Nov-15
hmaxims 09-Nov-15
Matte 09-Nov-15
DAVE EWERT 09-Nov-15
XMan 09-Nov-15
NvaGvUp 09-Nov-15
hmaxims 09-Nov-15
Sage Buffalo 09-Nov-15
lewis 09-Nov-15
deerman406 09-Nov-15
Ace of Spades 09-Nov-15
Trophy8 09-Nov-15
Steve Leffler 09-Nov-15
writer 09-Nov-15
Mark Watkins 09-Nov-15
Medicinemann 09-Nov-15
Kicker Point 09-Nov-15
Buffalo1 09-Nov-15
LC Archer 09-Nov-15
Matte 09-Nov-15
travis@work 10-Nov-15
Gene 10-Nov-15
Bou'bound 10-Nov-15
Medicinemann 10-Nov-15
cassman 10-Nov-15
Medicinemann 10-Nov-15
Medicinemann 10-Nov-15
TD 11-Nov-15
Medicinemann 11-Nov-15
cassman 11-Nov-15
Bou'bound 12-Nov-15
Mark Watkins 12-Nov-15
Bou'bound 12-Nov-15
Buffalo1 12-Nov-15
Jack Harris 13-Nov-15
Mark Watkins 13-Nov-15
Mad_Angler 13-Nov-15
Stekewood 13-Nov-15
LUNG$HOT 13-Nov-15
Heat 13-Nov-15
sureshot 13-Nov-15
Will 13-Nov-15
Gene 13-Nov-15
Clutch 13-Nov-15
TD 13-Nov-15
Hawkeye 13-Nov-15
Charlie Rehor 13-Nov-15
Bou'bound 13-Nov-15
Tall 1 13-Nov-15
Hawkeye 13-Nov-15
wkochevar 15-Nov-15
stealthycat 16-Nov-15
wkochevar 16-Nov-15
TwoDogs@work 16-Nov-15
Gaur 16-Nov-15
Florida Mike 17-Nov-15
Bou'bound 27-Dec-15
SmoothieJonez 27-Dec-15
From: samman
Just in time before I head out next week to eastern Colorado.

From: Brotsky
Good luck Pat! Should be perfect timing this year, they are really starting to run.

From: T Mac
I love this hunt! What did Jake's buck score from last year? Good luck guys!

From: Medicinemann
Looking forward to your updates until I can get there in person......!!!!

From: Mad Trapper
Keep the kitchen table clean. I don't want to be climbing into tree stands that smell like mustard and salami. GOOD LUCK! See you in a couple of days. Respectfully, FNG.

From: Matte
Good luck Pat. i know of a couple dozen bruisers who have been taken seems like a great year for some antler growth.

Hunt the standing corn when possible

Good luck Pat. Do you have any photos of hit list for this outing?

From: Bake
Good luck fellas! Hope to see some big bucks on the ground

From: Bou'bound
yes hunt the corn!

From: Paul
Good luck guys

From: Buffalo1
A annual feature that I always enjoy. Best of luck to you fellas. Safe hunting !!!!

From: Hawkeye
Good luck boys!

From: Bow junkie
Leaving to go to kansas next Friday!!! I can't wait!! Good luck pat , just had a buddy come back and said they were just starting to do some chasing. Should be perfect timing!!!!

From: Duke
Good luck, Pat. Always entertaining...

PS- Your #1 would be my #5. We all have our preferences!

From: Jack Harris
Best of luck - have fun!

From: stealthycat
how'd you get a tag ?


I didn't for the 1st time in .... 10 or 11 years? missing Kansas 2015 :(

hold out for 200" Pat !!

From: Fields
Good luck.. I think you have your number 1 picture confused with another... LOL... Some awesome looking buck on those pics....

From: Stekewood
Always look forward to this one. Good luck guys!

From: Medicinemann
It's kinda scary when the founder of the website (and IT guru extraordinaire) inserts a SIDEWAYS photo of a droptine buck.....I mean, come on, man, can't you give us 3-d holograms or something?!! ...let the pre-camp banter begin!!!! This is one of my favorite weeks of the year!!!

From: Mad Trapper
Dinks! Pat doesn't know this, but our great outfitter Kent has assured me that he has an even bigger one saved for me. Ha!

From: Stekewood
Laxative in the oatmeal will straighten them out. . At least you have a good excuse why you're not eating it.

Tom and Pat will prolly not hunt on Sundays cause they are not used to it.

From: Mark Watkins
A great annual tradition!!!

Good luck guys!!!

Who has the horseshoe?!


From: Medicinemann
It's at least 11 AM where you are, and I am hoping for one of your mid-day updates. After all, you wouldn't want to disappoint all of your Bowsiters now, would you?

Set down the chicken salad, move away from the Bratwurst, and give us a Wednesday AM update.....

From: Chip T.
Have a great time guys!!!

From: Wapitidung
Perfect. I'm hunting Kansas next week. Can't wait!!

From: Mad Trapper
The condo is a great stand. What do you guys think that nine would score? I bet that he would make a great meal for the local coyote population :-)

From: jeffnvegas
Been hunting five days out of glen elder and have seen exactly one buck. Was a shooter, but had about 35 seconds to try and shoot backwards in a treestand. He busted me when I tried to turn enough to get off a shot. That's the ONLY buck i've seen.. damn few does as well. Hot and windy. The worst conditions. The front mention gives a 20% chance of rain and temp of 61. It's colder in Las Vegas where i'm from. I have bug bites. This is November right???

From: Julius K
I can't believe you didn't consider that first one that didn't come in a shooter!

From: HerdManager
If that 9-point had a matching right side, I think he might be a shooter.

From: Gene
Pat, Great photo in the tree with the camo that you have on. That stuff blends right in with the tree. Good luck. I will be following your hunt.

From: Bou'bound
its just a matter time you know they are going to come in

From: Medicinemann
Kent's tree belt?

From: Clutch
Good luck guys--you have me fired up--I will be very close to y'all next week--if I can, I might swing by and drop off some debone chicken stuffed with crawfish etouffe or shrimp-- yum yum-- "get it done"

From: Medicinemann
I am surprised that they got you in that stand....for years, you felt that you were cursed in that stand, and it has great memories for me.....That's the very stand where Tom fed the Coyotes......

Gene X 2 ....that Sitka pattern really does blend in nicely with that Cottonwood tree......

From: Quinn @work
Where's the evening update? Looking forward to the report. Good luck guys.

Just noticed on the 2014 video posted for the hunt that the pile of corn is almost as big as Kansas. Do you guys have to haul the 200#'s of corn to the stand or does the outfitter do that before he drops you off?

From: Medicinemann
It was two five gallon pails.....both about 3/4 full. That stand may be one of the most southern stands at CRO last year. When I hunt one of the more remote stands, I sometimes take an extra pail of corn. That way, it lasts case it is a while before it gets refreshed. Most of the time, I would estimate that one pail of corn is used at the stands that use bait. The stands that have bait aren't rebaited every day or every couple days....we just take bait out with us when we are going to hunt that particular stand. If a stand hasn't been hunted for several days, it won't have any bait when we arrive. A modest amount of baiting is probably done for a week or two before hunters arrive, too....

Baiting is not legal where I live. it really is a different experience using bait. Decoying is fun too (remember the "Baruck" decoy a few years back?).....but using a 100% Polystyrene foam target is less "organic" for some people....whereas others aren't in favor of corn. I try not to get hung up on other peoples foibles.

From: LINK
If it doesn't look like a school bus exploded, your not trying. :)

From: Quinn @work
LOL. Good luck guys!

From: writer
..that would be a tad more than 50#, if they were heaping. :-)

Just trying to help. :-)

Things are starting to pop. I saw more fresh roadkills this morning than the previous week.

Pat's in one of the best areas of the state, the upcoming cool front should help, if it doesn't get too windy.

Are the "feed the coyotes" a reference to a lost buck?

From: Medicinemann

Both pails were about 3/4 full (about 15#-20# apiece). Read the 2013 thread for the explanation regarding the feed the coyotes comment.

From: KTH
Hey Watkins, that horseshoe is about to be very very cold. Good luck Pat. I hate that I'm missing my Kansas hunt this year. I'll be here living vicariously.

From: Quinn @work
Do they put those piles of "yellow acorns" out there all fall or just while you're in the stand? Why don't they use feeders or maybe they do and they are just not in any pictures? Do these piles of corn work well when there's hundreds of acres of corn in close proximity? Just curious.

We're heading to KS Friday. Good luck guys!

From: Nick Muche
The horseshoe is going to CANMORE!

That's my guess ;)

Good luck to the folks headed to Kansas.

From: Medicinemann

Regarding corn, read my previous two posts.....

From: Nick Muche
Yeah Quinn, many agree, not much hunting going on. Just sitting and waiting. Like any other guided whitetail hunt.

None the less, they are bowhunters and I do wish them luck.

From: Jimbo
Absolutely my favorite live hunt every year! Good luck, Pat.

Pat......why cant I get to the feature on Bowsite mobile?

Have fun and get a good one! C

Tom may be able to hunt with his crocs after all if it doesn't cool down.

From: Medicinemann

Nick brings up a salient point. Years ago, when I was younger and more focused, this type of adventure would have been low on my list of considerations. After chasing the big game animals on this continent, I feel comfortable stating that after chasing sheep, goats, etc, that by comparison, this is not a difficult hunt....but darned if it isn't fun!!

For me personally, I get to share a camp with a couple very good friends. The outfitter is a great guy. The area is a target rich, and for those that have never hunted the midwest, the number and size of deer sometimes blows my mind.

I sense that as I age, my hunting has evolved. I don't train physically like I did. Instead, I seem to be more about the fellowship of being with good friends, sharing a hunting lodge and cooked meals prepared by us in a kitchen, rather than sleeping in a tent and living on trail mix and Mountain House. My previous experiences have given me a profound sense of appreciation.

However, despite the fact that the accomodations are comfortable, despite the fact that I see people everyday on this hunt, despite the fact that the food is not freeze dried, and despite the generous hunting regulations of this area, when I see antlers approaching my effective bow range, fortunately, I can STILL hear my pulse in my ears. For the moments that I switch into "kill mode", all of the compromises that occurred previously, are gone. I hope that Bowriter can recover his (see the thread "Is it gone?")

...and like Nick said, in those moments, it's not about guided versus DIY, it's not about compound versus recurve, and it's not about baited or decoyed versus spot and's about this passion that we call bowhunting.

So Pat.....what stand are you hunting in this morning?

From: Medicinemann
Only if you don't tell me where the heck you are hunting this am...and what you are's the weather?

CAS_HNTR, when on Mobile Bowsite, click on Big Game forum and scroll down to Discuss our LIVE Kansas Whitetail Hunt thread.

From: Medicinemann
Irrigation? Is that fog or is the dust kicking up a bit? If it is fog, then things must finally be a little cooler.....!!! leaves and trees aren't moving....gotta be fog!!

From: Mad Trapper
I have never hunted that one. I have the truck running in the garage and I don't leave for the airport until tomorrow morning. And yes Nedly I have packed the Crocs. Not sure I am comfortable with all of this "evolved" BS. I had better pack a ball bat as well.

From: Medicinemann
It promises to be a fun week.....Calvary Creek?....damn, missed that one.....any song dogs? Isn't that where you filmed the bobcat "sparring" with a spike a few years back?

From: writer
I've had some great duck and turkey hunts along Calvary Creek near Coldwater. Great area...major envy heading your way.

From: Medicinemann
Thanks for the mid-day update on the feature!!

From: kota-man
Awesome guys. Have a great week. Jake, I for one LOVE your new sensitive side. :)

From: LC Archer
Jake Great post. You certainly have nothing to prove to anyone. Even without those accomplishments, it is indeed about the sport we share called bow hunting.

Good luck out there guys. Hope you all have a great hunt Dave

From: Thornton
Cool front just hit this evening here in KS. Should start to get good anytime now...

Good luck!

From: Rick M
Jake, hope the rest of the trip goes smooth. I saw 20 plus deer on my way to camp tonight! Be careful.

Good luck and hope you kill one bigger than my yard buck!

Oh and tell Pat I am better looking than he is:)

What's the expected weather conditions today Pat?

From: writer
I could tell you, Smoothie, but I'm not Pat.

Ditto Thorton observations.

Thanks for the heads up, writer. Good to know.

From: writer
No prob, Smooth...

Gotten some good rut reports from yesterday afternoon and this morning.

Things are starting to crank. Bad winds early next week, even for Kansas.

From: XMan
come one Pat, get a mobile hunt going so we can see realtime pics of your boots! FYI, you are not missing much at home, slow here with this extreme heat.

From: bdfrd24v
excited for the updates

From: Will
"One down"... And no updates on the page for today. C'mon Pat... Your leaving us hanging like a chad ;)

Whatcha get a crack at?

Hope the trail was smooth and quick!

From: Reflex
Excited to hear the updates!

From: Forest bows
Someone fell out of the stand?

From: nijimasu
that last entry (evening of 11/6) even got me excited- and I've never even hunted whitetails on purpose-

From: Bou'bound
it's just a matter of time you know something will visit. you normally wait until the end anyway.

From: Pope125
Is Pat hunting with a Outfitter or on a lease ?

From: Thornton
He is hunting with CRO

From: Thornton
Pat needs to hurry up and shoot a big one. I had more excitement eating my blueberry coffee crumbcake this morning than following this thread

From: INbowdude
No update today, they must be tracking or dragging.

From: Nctrapper
Good luck tom

From: Brotsky
Good luck today Pat!

From: Trophy8
Ok Pat, I'll play. Did you or didn't you shoot the buck?

I say you did?

From: Chip T.
Me thinks you did also.

From: LINK
Yep that's a last chance buck.

From: Brotsky
I'm looking forward to the blood trail challenge.....

C'mon, please tell me you shot him!?!

From: Sage Buffalo
I bet he passed.

From: tjsna

Good luck Pat. Hoping for a last day kill! C

From: Bake
My bet is a dead buck

From: Mark Watkins
4th quarter and 3 minutes left in the game!

We are counting on you studs to make it happen and keep us entertained! Im in the office today and my ADDHD is kicking in real bad....

Somehow I just cant picture 7' 5" Jake in a blind!

You out there Tom?

Good luck guys!


From: T Mac
Dead buck!

From: Thornton
Looks identical to a buck I encountered on my farm last week

Making me miss Kansas this year! Bummer about the weather though. Hope to see you gitter done today Pat.

From: Griz34
He hit it in the "void". Expect an I can't find my buck thread.

2 of the 3 hunters has had possession of the golden horse shoe. the third doesn't require its magical powers. I predict success

From: bdfrd24v
Hope Pat did too.

Weather says its just a touch Breezy out there today. Wouldn't want to be in a tree gusting over 30mph. That gets me puckered.

From: Bou'bound
Great deer. He passed. Has many better last day or not.

From: hmaxims
Dumb question. The link to learn more about the "oval office" brings me tona Summit treestand page. Or is it supposed to? I was expecting a story about a previous hunt.

From: Matte
I think Pat shot this deer or someone else in camp shot a deer and either party now maybe having a tough tracking job. No updates since this morning I am hoping for a happy ending for Pat's hunt.

That buck he passed will be a beauty next year if everyone thinks like Pat did. Good Move !

From: XMan
I am guessing he passed and shot a giant an hour later!

From: NvaGvUp
I hunted south of Topeka last week and the weather was exactly as what Pat's experienced. The last morning, it was 63 degrees at 5:00 AM!! 63 degrees at 5:00 in the morning on the 4th of November! 63 degrees! Not surprisingly, nothing was moving.

There were lots of deer on the trail cams, including some great bucks, but every single one of the photos was taken in the middle of the night. None during the day.

Wednesday was my last day and about :45 before dark, two young bucks appeared behind a bushy tree about 30-35 yards away. They were pushing and shoving each other playfully until it was almost completely dark.

They finally emerged from behind the tree and I decided I wanted some great venison to take home. I couldn't see the color of my pins, but I could make out my pins, if just barely. In another minute or two, that would not have been possible.

I took the shot and heard the hit, but it was too dark to see the arrow or where it hit. He took off like a shot, but piled up very quickly. The arrow hit him where you dream of hitting when you drop the string, so I'll have some great eating as a result.

I'll be back next year, only later in the month.

From: hmaxims
Dumb question. The link to learn more about the "oval office" brings me tona Summit treestand page. Or is it supposed to? I was expecting a story about a previous hunt.

From: Sage Buffalo
Bummer Pat. Been there. Done that.

I appreciate your honesty bringing great hunts to us with great outcomes most of the time and once in a while things don't work out how we like.

Last year we had the artic blast, this year the toaster - what will next year bring?

From: lewis
Ouch it happens time for an adult beverage and regroup for next year Lewis

From: deerman406
I am hunting public walk in right now, I would not of passed that deer on public. On private I would of had to think about it, all of about two seconds and I would of shot him on private too. He is still a 150" buck. I blew a chance at a 150" buck Friday evening but I have been into bucks everyday. I am hunting far NW Kansas. I have another 10 days to get it done. Talked to a local who missed a 170" deer yesterday afternoon and he was on a doe. It is starting up good and hopefully the big guys get into the action soon. Shawn

Thanks for bringing us the hunt, so close.

From: Trophy8
That's tough Pat. Better luck next year.

Thanks for sharing your hunt Pat. I always appreciate that your hunts are "real". You tell it like it is. Hot, cold, great shot, heart break. That is real bowhunting and it is so much better than the TV hunts. Thank you.

From: writer
Greatly appreciate the "I blew it," honest, Pat.

Unlike many, you didn't blame it on the deer jumping the string, the deer suddenly bolting, a freak 13.6 magnitude earthquake hitting just as you released the string so you "shaved hair" over the buck's back. gurantees what coming later in the month might do.

In November, we can have 80 degrees, 8-below windchill, searing drought, and Noah- like floods...and that's all before lunch! :-)

From: Mark Watkins
+2 Writer!!! Thanks for the factual account of your hunt Pat.

Jake, Tom, we need to hear from you guys.....I got so "bored" at the office, I just had to go hunt today:)


From: Medicinemann

I had a great morning. I hunted a stand called the pipeline. At 7:30am, I had a real nice 10 pt come in. I didn't have to ponder....definite shooter. He just never gave me a shot.....About 30 minutes later, I had a MASSIVE 8 pt at 42 yards. He was chasing does and never headed my way.

I saw two other big bucks, but they were far enough away that I wasn't certain if it was another buck or if it was one of the bucks that I had already seen.

Tomorrow is supposed to be SUPER windy...they have a high wind advisory in effect from 8 am to 4 pm. Hopefully, Tom and I get an opportunity before we have to nail ourselves to the tree!

From: Kicker Point
Sorry about the tough situation Pat. It's happened to all of us. Get back in the saddle.

From: Buffalo1
What a heartbreaker Pat. I really appreciate you candidness and honesty. I believe you will get redemption.

Waiting on Jake and Tom to settle some score for the team. Good luck fellows.

From: LC Archer
Pat thanks for the great live hunt. Appreciate your honesty. Not easy to hunt "on stage." Best of luck to you in CT this year too


From: Matte
Pat, You said the buck was directly below? That is a very tough shot for any Archer. Missed a deer clean like that and it deove me nuts. I found directly below I always shoot to far forward. It sounds from your article and by the looks of the blood that it was a forward in front of the shoulder shot. Tracked Two deer hit like that for friends and both got away with one to be killed three days later. Sorry to hear about the luck and thanks for the story.

From: travis@work
I've been rutting so hard I've forgot to watch this hunt. What have I told you guys in the past about hunting the first 2 weeks of Nov? Don't do it...3rd week, it's always the 3rd week when the weather turns colder for good..the big boys get of the home girls and start traveling...3rd week..GOT I've enjoyed reading the thread tonight. Bummer on the bad hit's a crappy feeling I know but I think he will live to. Tough wishes travels back home..THIRD WEEK next

From: Gene
Pat, Too bad about losing that buck. I clean missed one just like that last year.He was just yards away, quartering away and I missed him clean. My partner hit one last year that we tracked for over a mile and that buck (11 point dressed 185) died when we jumped him after running another 100 yards. It was a low hit that clipped one lung. I am not so sure the buck you hit will survive but I hope so. I know that you gave it your all.

From: Bou'bound
Maybe a December return is in the cards

From: Medicinemann
They are predicting some BIG wind tomorrow. Tonight is the last night that Tom can hunt. We're hoping that the deer are active tonight, because they can probably sense the front that is approaching. I am hunting the tree belt, across the road from the junkyard....and Tom is hunting the pipeline. It's rather warm, and wind is already picking up slightly, but we just need one good buck (apiece) to walk within range.

I saw five bucks this am. All were eight points in the 90"-120" range. The 120"-er intercepted some does that were under my tree....I could hear him grunting from quite a ways away.

Tom had some small bucks come in, but no shooters. Around 10:15 he saw a large racked buck moving through the woods at the pipeline, but he never got a better look at the buck. That's all for now....will post more after dark.

From: cassman
Pat, I am sorry that you lost that nice buck. As everyone knows you haven't done much deer hunting if something like that happens every once in a while.

From: Medicinemann
I hunted the tree belt tonight. Never saw a deer. Tom hunted the pipeline stand. He saw a seven pt and several does. Well after legal shooting light had passed, Tom saw a very large 8 pt that is definitely a shooter. I would guess him to be a 140-ish buck. It is supposed to be REALLY windy tomorrow...but when the wind dies down, things may be very active.

From: Medicinemann
Double post

From: TD
"Tonight is the last night that Tom can hunt."

Tell him take the next plane to AK or... wherever.... this is just getting good.... =D

Buckle up tomorrow boys....

From: Medicinemann
Hunting the oval office this morning. Wind direction is a bit "iffy" right now, but when it switches to the NW like it is supposed to, we'll be golden.

This stand is probably 25'-30' in the it is quite the rodeo from time to time. Have seen four does as of 8:45 antlers yet.

Smoking fresh scrape at my seven o'clock....5 yards.

From: cassman
Happy Veterans day Jake.

From: Bou'bound
did Jake or Tom get anything.

From: Mark Watkins
Those windy "rodeo" days in the trees are always a treat!:)....especially the all dayers!

Good luck in Alaska Tom! Got horseshoe???

Thanks for documenting and taking us along you guys!


From: Bou'bound
You guys gave it a great shot in tough conditions. Way to hang in there.

From: Buffalo1

Thanks for keeping us on board after Pat's departure. Sorry ya'll's hunt was a wash this year, but what a record ya'll have there !!

Best of luck to Tom in Alaska. Looking forward to his future posts.

From: Jack Harris
That buck had a death wish I guess the allure of free corn was stronger than his survival instinct. I know in NJ a buck that old would never even come to bait the first time let alone after being shot over bait. Wow. Where did the kill shot hit I done see any holes through vitals???

From: Mark Watkins
Good closure on a great buck!

Pat, do you think you hit one lung or all brisket?


From: Mad_Angler
Also, how did the wound look? Were there signs of infection?

From: Stekewood
Tough critter. No wonder there was such a good blood trail initially! I'm with Mark, would love to see a picture of the inside of the chest cavity.

Wow! Looks like Mr. Andrew deployed the ole hamblaster on that buck. If you look in the hero shot you can see blood coming off of the rear quarter. Glad someone took him.

From: Heat
Close but no cigar there Pat! Sorry about the tough luck. Glad another hunter got him instead of the coyotes. Thanks for sharing these Kansas hunts!

From: sureshot
Possibly nicked the bottom of 1 lung or the back of the heart? By the angle it looks like it would have penetrated the chest cavity but exited behind the brisket, be interesting to know if the diaphragm was hit too.

From: Will
Pat did the outfitter let you know if it slid down the rib's and over the brisket just under the skin? that's what it looks like to me, just curious. Amazing to think that even a half inch higher and you may have gone into the chest and had yourself a heck of a deer.

Very cool to see it out and about - and that someone had the honor of taking it.

From: Gene
I'm guessing that arrow slid along the rib cage and never penetrated the body cavity. As someone else said "Two inches higher and dead deer!" Glad there is closure.

From: Clutch
Tough hunt guys -- I went and dropped off some food but you (Pat) had just left and Jake was still in his stand on that windy day--until next year -- I will wrap up my hunt this weekend-- I am in a tree now waiting on a good one -- lots of chasing by young bucks -- fingers cross

From: TD
I don't see any other wounds to the chest cavity? But obviously buck bled out the mouth, even a puddle where it would seem his mouth was where he went down. Maybe hunter hit the far side we can't see in the pics? Maybe an over the hip shot quartering away shot with no exit?

Interesting. Cool story. Tough critters. I'd like to know about the shot that kilt him almost as much as the one that almost did.....

From: Hawkeye
If there was ever a "void" on whitetails that is it. They bleed like crazy but keep going when shot just behind the leg and low like that. Just not much there vitak wise. Lost one in 2010 to exact same shot and Winke had one on video almost a carbon copy of that this week. Didn't recover either. Fascinating to see how tough they are. Glad he was recovered and a cool story. Thanks for sharing.

Hawkeye: I have hit all kinds of "voids" on deer:) They are simply amazingly tough beasts. Always good to have some closure. Pat, Good luck in NY!! C

From: Bou'bound
andrew should thank you. you were just softening that old boy up so the next guy could polish him off.

From: Tall 1
Good to have the closure Pat. It's a matter of inches and it's amazing how it can be the difference between killing him or just piercing him. He's a beautiful tall buck and I'm glad we know the outcome.

From: Hawkeye
"I have hit all kinds of "voids" on deer:)

Ha ha ha. Amen Charlie. Me too:(

From: wkochevar
Part of this story poses a very interesting question for me. How do you effectively stop cruising bucks for a shot? I am a relative newbie at this whitetail hunting and had a few opportunities at nice deer this week but could not get them to stop when I needed them to. Is there a secret or what? Very frustrating! Thx

From: stealthycat
a verbal "meh" works - sometimes

a whistle will

I like to place a scent rag where I expect the deer to stop - a strong scent and that will work

sometimes they just won't stop too

From: wkochevar
I tried the "Meh" thing, I mean it works every time on TV right? Not!! I finally did yell "Hey!!" at one but of course he stopped behind a tree....It's amazing how transfixed they are on a hot does trail!

From: TwoDogs@work
I have found that if I simply yell "whoa" they usually stop long enough for a shot. Some bucks simply will not stop.

From: Gaur
Nice ending to the story. Glad Kent got him. Amazing indeed he came back. How many pints of blood do you think he lost on your hit?

From: Florida Mike
My Kansas hunt was tough this year also, just too hot and a public land hunt. I'm impressed that Pat was as forthright about his mistake, it happens. Nice to have closure. Mike

From: Bou'bound
what was the score on that buck?

Unless you are a passionate, ethical hunter, nobody can understand the heartfelt compassion and demoralizing emotional rollarcoaster of wounding a deer. At that point it has nothing to do with what the buck would've scored or lost venison, but everything to do with not having the deer suffer in any way. Glad to hear the buck was taken within a day of being wounded and although it's a tough pill to swallow, we all know you are too Pat. Thanks again for sharing your experience. Always learning on this site.

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