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Drone vs. Antelope
Contributors to this thread:
cnelk 24-Feb-16
brettpsu 24-Feb-16
Blakes 24-Feb-16
HH1 24-Feb-16
Zbone 24-Feb-16
Striker@home 24-Feb-16
Topgun 30-06 24-Feb-16
Kevin Dill 24-Feb-16
Woods Walker 24-Feb-16
cnelk 24-Feb-16
Cazador 24-Feb-16
John Haeberle 24-Feb-16
Jodie 24-Feb-16
Jaquomo 24-Feb-16
Woods Walker 24-Feb-16
IdyllwildArcher 24-Feb-16
Cazador 24-Feb-16
Woods Walker 24-Feb-16
WV Mountaineer 24-Feb-16
tradmt 24-Feb-16
Cazador 24-Feb-16
Kevin Dill 25-Feb-16
Zbone 25-Feb-16
John Haeberle 25-Feb-16
Jodie 25-Feb-16
Zbone 25-Feb-16
From: cnelk
What a knucklehead...

From: brettpsu
Drones scare the crap out of me. In the wrong hands these things could be used for all sorts of evil. Poaching, terrorism and invasion of privacy just to name a few things.

From: Blakes
Glad that guy lost his drone...!

From: HH1
Yep, chalk one up to the goat!! Hopefully whoever made the video lost his or her drone AND gets a ticket for harassing wildlife.

From: Zbone
Just the tip of the iceberg with wildlife harassment and drones... Sad it will become a major issue in the future...

From: Striker@home
Once again, a classic example of one idiot who will ruin it for everyone. I like drones. I use them appropriately and they are a powerful tool of documentary when used appropriately.

Check out the thread "If you like Wyoming, check this out" to see a drone used as it could/should be.

I hope game officials in the state where this was captured, if it can be proven, ticket this idiot.

From: Topgun 30-06
I hope that was an expensive lesson in how not to bother the wildlife!

From: Kevin Dill
KO'd in the second round. Antelope is the undisputed winner.

From: Woods Walker
It crap like this that will turn the non-hunting public against us, rightly or wrongly.

Drones are worst plague of the techno age. I know we can't go back but they will be the plague of the century.

The only good thing about them IMO is that now I have a use for all the old lead goose loads I still have.

They should be illegal for public use. It's only a matter of time before the camel jockeys figure out a way to arm them.

From: cnelk
Camel Jockeys?

Hell, High School kids have done that already

From: Cazador
And guns should be banned too, as many people are killed day in and day out in this F'd up country.

What does this have to do with hunting and the non-hunting public? Some jackass with a $500.00 drone chasing a pronghorn around is all I see.

Some of you guys need to get out more instead of watching Fox news all day. The world is a nice place you know!

There was a guy last year harassing a nesting hawk by my place. Game and Fish caught him and confiscated the drone and fined him big time ... can't remember how much.

Harassing wildlife, with or without a drone, ought to be illegal.

From: Jodie
Drones are the best tool for locating and documenting trespassers. Not good to harass wildlife, although guns and hunters harass many an animal.

From: Jaquomo
My rancher buddy in North Park has flown pretty high over pronghorns and elk, and they run away from it, even at a distance.

From: Woods Walker
You have a constitutional right to have guns. I must have missed the part about drones.

If you think you have a right to fly one over me on my ground then I have the right to shoot the SOB out of the sky....and I will. Promise.

Wouldn't take a ton of detective work for F&G to get this guy a ticket. That's not legal anywhere there's PH.

From: Cazador

Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo

From: Woods Walker
Go ahead, make your jokes. There were 2 people from my hometown in New Jersey ,who never came home on 9-11, and 16 from the town where my parents were living in NJ on that day, so forgive me for being a tad concerned.

Cazador, The analogy trying to connect gun ownership rights to drone ownership goes down in history as the dumbest thing I have ever read. DUMB I say.

Bravo to the antelope. That was funny

From: tradmt
Cazador is just taking advantage of legal pot.

I would have done the same as the antelope.

From: Cazador
How so WV? Should guns be fall under the same "They should be illegal for public use." See where I'm going with this? If not, I regress......

Ban this, Ban, that......... Where does this all end?

Its about as bad as arriving in an airport and listening to the constant broadcast that the "Emergency doors are for emergencies only, violators will be prosecuted, stripped, shot on sight"

The fact is some person harassed wildlife with a drone. It's been done a thousand times with cars, planes, etc.

From: Kevin Dill
I still can't completely decide how I feel about drones. Wildlife harassment? I can grab a bow, gun or camera and legally go harass wildlife as hard as I want. Logic tells me a drone hovering above an animal is a lot less invasive or traumatic than a couple men on foot. There's probably nothing ethically wrong with droning to/above an animal and filming as long as distance is maintained and no chasing occurs. But heck, the dogs around here chase deer any day they want and it is no big deal. I would love to drone-harass a trespasser, but would likely get shot down in flames.

I live in the perfect place to own and fly a drone. Extremely rural. Scenic. Few homes and fewer powerlines. High hills with long views. If I was a younger man I'm pretty sure I'd already own one. I might own one anyway, just to understand them and play on my farm. Hey seriously...would you bust me for chasing a coyote out of my field with one?

From: Zbone
Slippery slope what can and can not be harassed with a drone...

Slippery slope? Not really.

Harassing wildlife, especially in the winter, is and ought to be a crime. I look at animals as a resource no different than a rancher looks at his cattle as a resource ... and if someone did this to my cattle, they'd pay for it.

As for dogs, perhaps it's "no big deal" elsewhere, but I just read yesterday:

"Saratoga Game Warden Biff Burton received three complaints of dogs chasing and killing deer in the towns of Saratoga and Encampment. Police departments in those towns assisted in the investigation and prosecution of dog owners who allowed their dogs to run at large and attack big game animals."

That pronghorn didn't look like he was in the best winter-range ... there's a reason that we don't hunt this time of year. It's because that would be too stressful on the resource.

From: Jodie
Drones are great for surveillance of the guy that sits on your property line and shoots onto your private land. He probably needs a little surveillance, or harassment if you want to call it that.

Drones are one of the greatest trespass patrol tools ever invented. Sure you can monitor livestock with one and check coyote traps on your own property, drones are simply a tool, just like an ATV or weapon. Watch the video on the Wyoming thread, the potential applications will make your mind wonder.

From: Zbone
John Haeberle - Coyote and dogs okay, but not antelope and deer. I'd say that's pretty slippery...

Wonder what the wolf people have to say about that...8^)))

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