Sitka Gear
Education exercise
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
nutritionist 17-Dec-16
RTJ1980 19-Dec-16
nutritionist 25-Dec-16
juliamaribell 31-Oct-23
Screwball 31-Oct-23
From: nutritionist

nutritionist's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
nutritionist's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

I attached a picture i shared with all my field staff as part of an education and teaching tool piece. The picture is of 1 core area where i have a gun stand and a few bow stands. I marked ditches and some other inportant info.

Note this property has food plots on it and i know like the back of my hand. What i'd love for everyone to do is act like your a habitat manager or property consultant. Ask me questions to help you give me recommendations on what to plant and where to put stands and other tidbits to improve this property. There is no right or wrong answers and i'd love to get some other perspectives on how others would handle what i have to work with.

Side note, there is limitations based on this being an active dairy and beef farm. Corn and soybean crop rotations along with some winter wheat plantings happen in this general area.

It's about 80 acres what you see on the map and the woods is an 18 acre woods.

Let's make this fun. Ask me questions to give me a solid recommendation.

From: RTJ1980
Which side of the photo do you access the property on? Is the photo oriented N/S? Where is the bedding area? I am assuming it is in WI with a prevailing wind with a predominate west to it. The area that interests me is on the plan NE side where the corner of the wood lot intersects the beans/corn from the pasture. That looks like a good pinch point and may be a good spot for a kill plot. Also that skinny strip of field on the photo NW side looks like a good spot for a plot of some sort with a screen where the woodline runs photo east/west at the pasture. I was thinking a good stand of some high protein forage on the N side of the 600 acres of CRP. Although that chunk of field looks to be about 10-15 acres which may be a little large for a clover/alfalfa plot so you could break it up.

From: nutritionist
the east side. the photo runs north and south they bed to the south, to the west and in the large woods

note that corn and soybeans are flip flopped every year so i have no need to plant soybeans.

it might be a tad blurry but if people look close you should see the natural travel corridors.

Note ive hunted this my whole life and have had food plots on it 25 years but yet i learn something new ever year and because i made 1 change it almost lead to me harvesting one of my 3 hitlist bucks because of putting back up a backup plan stand that i only hunted 2x.

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From: Screwball
Primarily, food and transition? Any bedding areas? Good to see you back!

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