Easton Full Metal Jacket users
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I'm considering going to an Easton Full Metal Jacket, but have some questions.
1. I like a heavier arrow, around 450 grains. Is that possible with a FMJ? 2. How's the durability? 3. Do you really see an increase in penetration? 4. With a Mathews compound, at 58# 30" arrow, which one would I shoot? 5. I see that they now have a 4mm, 5mm, and 6mm arrow. Any advantages or disadvantages to each?
Bob, you'll easily hit 450 gr.
Durability for me has been excellent. I shoot A LOT and see no issues with bending or mushrooming.
Penetration is great, but I wouldn't say it's that much better or different than any other arrow of similar weight.
I like the 5mm, skinnier shaft but you can still use the standard HIT insert. 4mm you are getting into the deep six heads or using an outsert and the 6mm in my opinion you lose the skinny advantage.
I've been using since 2008 and still have no reason to change. I did shoot the axis shafts for one yr but went back to fmj. Durability has been good. As far as penetration I can't remember the last time I didn't have a pass Thur on deer or elk. With a fbh. I have 400 spine that come out to be 445 and 340s on another at 490 so weight shouldn't be a problem
I'd shoot the 400's. God Bless
My FMJ ARE 27 1/4 long and are 520 grains total weight with my 100 grain broadhead
They are the best arrows available IMO, I've been using them since they came out, won't be changing!
Very accurate arrows. 450 grains will be easy!
I still prefer Goldtip Pierce arrows over the FMjs
I shot FMJ's for many years because I liked the added weight they gave me. However, there was couple things I didn't like. First, they will bend. Normally not enough to effect field point flight, but certainly will with broadheads. Although I'm not a fan of EFOC, I do believe something in the area of 14% or so MAY be of some benefit. I found that hard to come up with when using an fmj, without making the total arrow weight way more than I wanted. I finally settled on an Axis 340 with a 50gr brass insert. Couldn't be happier.
I shot them for one season and then switched back to the Axis. They flew great and definitely carry the weight that is sometimes hard to get without adding it up front.
I had two shafts that were bent, obviously inadvertently by me, and unfortunately I shot one at a bear. I just got tired of spinning them all the time for peace of mind. The other issue that a couple of us found was mushrooming and the broadhead breaking out the side wall. That was only on impact with hard objects and glancing hits, but it was enough to convince me to go back to the Axis. Groundless fear perhaps.
And now that I am footing the Axis shafts to prevent the same thing, I can see that the FMJ shafts could benefit from the same footing and remove the main fault that I had with them.
Probably one of the main reasons that I experienced shaft end failures is because I use a very long broadhead, but I'm not going to change that anytime soon so prefer to mitigate by changing shafts. I would think that a short head or something like an Exodus would not experience the same issue.
But man, they sure were nice to pull from the 3D targets!!
One of the better shafts on the market, and the new autumn orange shafts are a nice change. I shoot them a lot from my stickbows and have no problems with arrow wright.
Footed Axis shaft. The FMJ could benefit from the same addition.
I like them but I agree with Ambush. Their weakest aspect is the insert. If you shoot a stainless steel head you likely won't have too much problem but aluminum will booger your insert end unless you have some type of footing as Ambush shows. Great hunting arrow IMO.
I've shot the 4mm (deep six), 5mm, and 6mm FMJ's. Currently using the 4mm deep six FMJ with my compound and the 5mm with my trad bow.
Like Brotsky said, you do loose some of the "skinny advantage" with the 6mm. They shot great but from my experience did not penetrate as well as the 5mm and 4mm.
I really like the 4mm shafts and use the Slick Trick deep six mags with mine. Excellent penetration and flight with this combination. I finally bent my first one last night after shooting quite a few animals with them. The arrow passed through the boar I shot and stuck deep in the mud while still in the pig. The shaft was slightly bent when he ran but a carbon arrow would have snapped.
Been using them since they came out on the market. There a great overall arrow and you can easily get them to 450 grains. Go the Easton website and use thier calculator to find out what size you'll need. Remember they have three sizes 4,5, and 6mm. If you get the 4mm you'll have to use deep six broadheads. I use the 5mm. They also just came out with a limited number in autumn orange in the 6mm. I have no complaints with them.
I shoot the Deep Six FMJs and love 'em. Penetration is excellent and they're the most accurate arrows I've shot. I use Slick Trick D6 Mags and Ramcat D6 broad heads.
easy to remove from ANY bow target - my axis shafts prior to that took some leverage to pull out of some target - aluminium smooth make my life easier. But yes - I had some split the sideson the insert after hard or angled hits
I use the 4 MM FMJ 280 but use the CTR Punch footed inserts from Rayzor-VPA. You can use regular broadheads and have the advantage of a footer. They spin true and have been very durable. They weigh about 5o grains in 7075 and about a 100 in SS. Combined with a 125 grain 1-1/4" cut 3 blade VPA at 30" mine weigh about 550 grains. I launch them at 275 FPS and they have been deadly.
Used them one year on elk and haven't seen any advantage over what I've been doing lately with a much lighter (carbon) arrow as far as penetration goes. But, I am shooting at a higher speed as in 305 fps with that lighter arrow.
Other than that, they do fly very well and pull out of 3-D targets easily.
At 30 " do not use the 400's. Get 340's or 300's. Good arrows. I personally like the larger diameter solely because they fletch easier, and penetration differences, if any, would be too small to measure in game animals. If the shaft is smaller than the head, and blood lubricates the wound channel, then diameter of the shaft means very little. The skinnier ones might be easier to get out of foam, and they might penetrate foam better.
I have 400 and 340's and shoot 60 pounds at 29 inch draw. The 340's shoot like darts with fixed blade heads. The 400's don't fly as well for me but with field points they work great.