Still letting her adjust to the house and household right now, all is good, and hope to start blood trail training later this week...
Lost my best friend a few weeks ago after 14 years of loyal friendship and pointing birds. Every time I see or hear about somebody getting a new puppy I get that 'Smile and a Tear' thing going at the same time. I see a lot of fun and blood trails in your future, enjoy each other!
During my Yeager training while stationed in Germany I learned Dach is the European Badger- smaller than NA variety. 'Badger dogs' are used to chase them out of their dens. If they are anywhere near as tough as the NA Badger when confronted- a dog has got to be tough to do that.
Interesting history- glad my memory of info from 30 + years in intact. ;)
Yeah Buffalo1, she's got some big feet...8^)
Am told both parents are around 20 pounds as adults, so she is not going to be a miniature by any means...
Charlie - Been a dog man all my life, but this is my first blood trailer to be, I'll take all the good training information I can get... Got a email or contact for "Clutch"... Don't remember that handle... My email is: [email protected]... Thanks
Thing is though, been laid off since February and was looking forward to spending a lot of time training her but just today secured a new job and start Wednesday... Go figure... I'll still make the time training her though...
Thanks again folks, will post progress...
This here is Master Seargent Buster K. Brown ( K is for Killer ) He's a natural blood trailer too.
She will be awesome!
I got a German Jagd Terrier back in September, she found 14 deer last fall, and i have been hammering obedience this summer - she is doing great and i expect her to do very well this fall / winter.
She’s a smart cookie with a heck of a nose… She knows her name and is now blood trailing out to 75 paces in different terrain such as dirt short grass, high weeds, etc. with slight turns and angles, although I haven’t done a sharp 90 degree on her yet but am sure she’d figure it out and I know she can trail much further… It seems natural to her… Am impressed… Years ago I tried blood trail training one of my lap dogs as a pup, but was a waste of time, they had no drive such as this pup… Bloodlines are amazing; this pup has it…
She’s had a big week so far with the Vet check and got microchipped…
The week of the 4th, the neighborhood fire crackers seem to get her attention and didn’t like them, so thought I try to nip gun shyness in the bud before it appeared, so I took her to the trap range Friday and as I pulled up they were shooting 50-60 yards or so away… The gunfire got her attention while in the car, and eventually I slowly started working toward the trap line… She was a big hit with the spectators, and by the time we left she was socializing with all the strangers and romping around just a few yards behind the trap shooting line guns a blazing… The gunfire didn’t bother her… She did great and is doing great…
Elsa is now 6-years old and weighs around 20 pounds depending on the day... Had her to the vet last week and she weighed in at 19.2 pounds but I've had her on scales at 22 pounds, but her fighting weight is right around 20 pounds... She is such a sweetheart and great dog with a strong prey drive... I've never had her bred but am now looking for stud dog for a spring breeding... Black and tan, smooth coat standard male Dachshund/Teckels from European working dog bloodlines are hard to come by... There are so few of them over here with European conformation in which they are bred to be built to hunt are slight longer legged with a slightly shorter backs than the American conformation... I'm staying away from wire hairs (there are a few of them out there) and longhairs am looking for a black and tan or chocolate and tan smooth coat... The American show dachshund is too long, too low and too heavy to be of much use in the fields and forests for any amount of time. I'm trying now to start networking with the field trailers for contact of stud dogs, so thought I'd also post here in case somebody might know of one...
If so please send me a PM or email me: [email protected]...
Thanks for any info...
Good looking pup!
She is such a socialite and likes everybody she meets and they all luv her back, yet hell on critters though...8^)
She is such a party animal...8^)
She has a bucket full of toys at home and never plays with them, but take her to the 4th of July party at the in-laws, what's she do, steals one of the dog's toy and wouldn't let it down... Go figure...8^)
Dang drycreek - I can tell just by looking at that little dude he's a handful of tornados...8^)
Research over, I had a meet and greet Saturday with the nice young lady owner of the potential mate for Elsa... This is Simon from hunting stock with a great pedigree, he is a field champion with field champions everywhere, even his sire and dame are field champions...
What youenz think?
Cool Sam, great to hear, thanks for sharing...
You have a good looking pup there and looks like he's doing great!
I assume he is one of the pups in the photo from the litter you posted a while back? I remember conversing with you at the time...
Curious Sam, do you field trial? I've never been to a Dachshund/Teckel field trial but plan on attending one this year.
Am not counting my chickens before they hatch, but hoping for a successful mating come around May...
He is a bit bigger than her and hope it'll happen naturally without using a reproduction veterinarian
If successful, just hope she'll throw a female pup I can keep...
"nothing could have ever prepared me for how attached I got to those little buggers when we had our litter"
Yeah, it's rough... Have whelped 12 litters of other breeds through years and know the emotions of letting them go... It's tough,,, but what was tougher was I had a female Morkie-Poo lapdog in which I was there at her conception and her birth and personally doc her tail and removed her dew claws when she was just minutes old and after 12 years I was holding her in my arms when the vet had to put her down last year... Talk about a tear jerker...8^(((
I actually had amazing success field trialing, I had a wire hair male “Argos” that won absolute at his first field trial, my wife then about a year later ran him over in our side by side, that nearly ended in divorce. I haven’t field trialed Vanna yet because I don’t have her AKC registration, her Russian site “Vadim” is such a recent immigrant that shortly after he arrived on US soil the Ukrainian, Russian war broke out and the AKC in their infinant wisdom put a moratorium on Russian dogs. I have no doubt she also would win the title of absolute at her first FT.
Can't even imagine the red tape and paper work trying to immigrate a dog from a foreign country with a foreign dog registration trying to get AKC to register it....
If I remember right your litter was from a red male and black and tan female with Russian bloodlines?
"AKC Dachshund Field trialing is a different animal"
In these AKC field trials I understand the earthdog events, but the tracking events on their website are confusing because it seems Dachshunds are tracking/trailing rabbits, and not blood tracking/trailing: "In Dachshund field trials braces of dogs are put on the scent line of a rabbit or hare and judged on the quality of their work on the scent line."
I've raised and run beagles as a kid so understand that, but are there strictly blood trailing events at these AKC field trials or are the blood trailing events outside the the realm of the AKC and unaffiliated? Don't want to travel a couple hundred miles to a field trial just to learn they are just running rabbits...
Why I asked is I also see on their website: "Tracking Events TR/TX/VST/TDU", whatever those mean, can only assume "TR/TX" is track and trail or visa versa, but their website really doesn't explain what scent are they tracking , human scent for like search and rescue, or maybe bird or small game scent, or is this where the AKC blood tracking/trailing may come in?
Then there is this organization: which seems only blood trailing but nothing close to me, and assume they haven't any association with AKC?
Forgive me I'm a little ignorant on this field trial stuff, the only time I was ever at a field trial was a retriever trial back in the day when a buddy and I were gunners... That was fun though, we actually shot a bunch of live ducks out of the air...8^)
Thanks for any info for those in the know...
Like you found, UBT’rs is where you get different levels of certification on actual mock blood trails. While it is a good organization and I wholeheartedly support what they are doing I also have never participated as they seem to never be near me.
My wife has done the earth dog a few times with our bitch, they both really enjoy it. I’m on board with pretty much anything that stimulates prey drive in the dog.
Was also looking into the German Versatility Test for Dachshunds, (DTK VSwP blood track testing) but can't find any events in U.S. for 2024 yet from the North American Teckel Club (NATC) website since it has not been updated...
"look up Yury Yury on FB and YouTube" - I will do so sir... I appreciate the info...
Waiting on a call to try artificial insemination today...
Elsa is/was ready as can be seen in photo she would stand and flag for him, but the poor guy was all over the place...8^))) It's kinda embarrassing watching and trying to assist with a lady there...8^)))
The dogs tried for a long time until they both got tired, and Simon actually kinda collapsed in the owners arms like he needed a cigarette...8^) He actually made it in once but for only about 3 or 4 seconds and "slipped"...8^) But don't think there was any fertilizing, there was no lockup, but ya never know...8^( Well should say will know in 63 days...
We're gonna try again tomorrow afternoon and if Simon can't get it done, we now have an insemination kit and gonna give that a try...
I hope Simon can get it done, don't want to watch the lady collect his seamen...8^)))
She did Simon's collection and I did the semen insertion/injection...8^) The young lady works as a veterinarian assistant and supplied the first artificial insemination kit of pipelet/straw and syringe/plunger, and I ordered more from amazon that arrived today...
I learned the procedure via youtube videos...8^) Should says hours and hours of videos... Hey, I give my dogs vaccinations, have whelped over a dozen litter of pups through the years, doc some of their tails and removed declaws at birth, so why not learn how to artificial inseminate...8^)
Yesterday we didn't have semen extender which kinda helps juice the swimmers, so we did so without and she ordered some extender which arrived today and we are going to try insemination with extender tomorrow...
First breeding attempt naturally happened on Elsa's day 9 after first spotting and first artificial insemination without extender was on day 11 and this last artificial insemination tomorrow with extender will be on day 13...
As of this night she is still flagging so hopefully Elsa will give us a chance tomorrow... This will likely be our last shot so to speak...8^)
Keep us posted,
As said, it was high drama for a while, about lost them all, thank goodness for youtube...
Elsa got huge gaining over 18 pounds... She was only 19.4 pounds in February the last time I had her at the Vet's and 37.8 pounds on my scales when I weighed her Sunday morning, so I was concerned prior about her delivering and didn't know the exact date of expectancy since there were 3 breeding attempts... Sunday was the 9-week date for the first breeding attempt, and today would have been 9-weeks from first artificial insemination, so basically she was trying to have these pups a day late or a day early...
While she labored Sunday night through early Monday morning and struggling, I went to youtube and found a video of when to have C-Sections and learned if discharge turns dark green and then at around 6AM she spotted that color so I immediately bundled her in a blanket laden tote and off towards the Vet 40 minutes away we went and was waiting at their door when they opened at 7:30AM... Even though I didn't have an appointment that day, when I told them about the green spotting, they said that is an indication of one or more of the pups are in distress and they immediately took her back and preformed a cesarean... When signing the paper work they asked me if needed, do they want me to allow resuscitation... I about freaked...8^((( Of course I said yes, but it was a tough time waiting the hour and half on the outcome...
Afterwards, the Vet said she could not have whelped them naturally, but now all is good and she is nursing them and they are latching on nipples...
As seen in photos above there are 3 males, 1 Black & Tan, 2 Chocolate & Tan, and 2 females, one of each color...
Imagine my surprise when they brought the boxes with the pups to me and seeing those Chocolates... Both myself and Simon's owner assumed all or most would be Black & Tans since both parents of Simon and Elsa were Black & Tan... I was kinda shocked she threw 3 Chocolates...
This journey to get a pup has been quite the adventure...8^) Now decisions, decisions as to choose what female pup to keep... 8^)
Yeah, it's gonna be cool to have a mother, daughter team...
Pups are growing like bad weeds but am worried about the little black&tan female, she's struggling to keep up as can be seen in photos taken yesterday morning... She actually looks skinny, the others keep pushing her out and I think Elsa's front 2 teats are dry, so when they all are sleeping I've been picking the pup up and placing her on a nipple but that wakes the others and it doesn't last long, and if I seperate the others keeping them away, Elsa doesn't like it and won't say still with their whimpering,,, so I have decided to supplement feed her... I'm trying to get her through this critical time...
I have a can of Esbilac puppy milk replacer powder for a situation like this but learned it has long been expired and shelf life is only a couple months, so decided to try a little on Elsa's food, but she wouldn't touch it, so I don't trust it... Was going to go get another can but did research on Esbilac and it's basically dried goat's milk that can cause constipation...
So yesterday afternoon went and bought ingredients to make a puppy formula... (thank you internet) There are a few different recipes (most with almost the same ingredients) but what I could find in my local stores is: Plan whole yogurt, evaporated milk, mayo, Karo syrup, and eggs... Would like to add a drop or two of infant/baby liquid vitamins, but couldn't find any at the local drug store, grocery store, nor dollar store...
Hopefully I can get her through this critical time, if I can just get her through a week or so...
Here's the formula recipe I made:
Plan whole yogurt - 1 cup
Evaporated milk - 1, 12oz can
Egg yokes (yokes only) - 2
Real mayo - 1-1/2 table spoon
Karo syrup - 1-1/2 table spoon
Thoroughly mixed with a wisk and the condensity seems right for the new baby bottles I bought...
Any advise 4nolz?
BTW, all the pups have been reserved for new owner placement except 1 chocolate male...
"Keep us posted on the pup you’re having to feed"
The little girl seemed to be a little weak and skinny last Wednesday so I gave her just one little dose from a bottle of the homemade formula that night and it really did seem to help her, it seemed to get her over the hump that night and she seemed to be much stronger the following morning and since then she keeps fighting... She is now holding her own and doing good and I haven't had to give her a bottle since... She learned a little trick of sliding under her mates and getting nipple on the bottom side...8^)
As can be seen in attached photo taken today, (she's at the top) she is still a bit smaller than her mates, but healthy... Thanks for asking drycreek...
He's got that look, "I didn't do anything wrong"....8^))) Here is what the sire's owner said:
""Why?! Why skunks?! 2 tonight! 2! Pick anything else, not skunks! That makes 6 in the last 2 months! I’ve bought more hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in last 2 months than my entire life!!"
They're 9 days old and doing great... Attached photo today shows a couple faces, so far no eyes open that I can tell... Elsa doesn't like me handling them... She doesn't growl but she whines if I pick them up so I try not to and only pet them from above... It's kinda hard to get a good look at their faces without flustering her...
Notice the little girl is getting a nipple while the others sleep...8^)
Second photo shows size difference between largest to smallest...
They are starting to play a little with each other and even tugging a little on their mom's ears, which by the way their ears and noses are growing a little longer and beginning to look like little Dachshunds with their little Roman noses...8^)
I kinda got a thing for the black&tan runt since I bottle fed her when days old, and she looks a lot like her mother except for a little more black on her muzzle and feet, but boy that chocolate&tan female sure is awful pretty...
The runt will likely mature small, maybe her mother's size or smaller, but she is scrappy keeping up with her bigger mates, and the chocolate female is second biggest pup in the litter and second dominate and will likely be closer to her father's size...
I prefer a smaller dog Elsa's size, just wish I knew what their size will be as adults...
Simon's owner knew I wanted a female and the reason for the breeding, but she joked at one of the breeding sessions "If she has one of each color you're gonna have a tough decision"... Boy, was she right...8^)
BTW, I can feel the pups teeth starting to protrude and they are eating the puppy mix pretty good now... They are advancing daily, now playing a lot with each other...
They're 4 weeks old now and today was their first time outside and photos are screen shots from video clip... It's hard to get a decent photo of them all up and about at the same time, it's like herding cats...8^)
I took these photos last night at my feet, they took over this old dog bed I've was using cushion for my feet (sore all the time)... Once they found it a couple days ago, they now won't nest in their box, they prefer this old bed... They are such characters right now, their personalities are coming out and they're always trying to climb my legs so I will pick them up and hold them... Awww the joys of puppies, luv their puppy breath...8^) They like to chew on my hands and feet but too young to realize how hard they're biting, their teeth are like needles and hurt...8^)
Next time my girl comes over I'm gonna take them out in the grass when she can help me keep them corralled and maybe drag a piece of liver around and see how they react...
Photo is of the two girls I'll choose from... The chocolate is now the biggest of the litter, she was 2nd largest at birth but now she's biggest and dominate...
My little black girl is still the smallest,,, well the runt...8^) But boy she is scrappy, I guess she had to be to always having to fight for a nibble...8^)
Decisions, decisions...
He had ZERO blood tracking training at all. Buddy of mine double lunged a buck and didn’t pursue until I was there. The little (huge) Feller immediately found his arrow that my buddy had spent 30 minutes looking for, and once he hit the trail he worked it directly to the deer, 150-200 yards or so away. It was incredible. You’ll be happy with whichever pup you choose. God already knows which pup is yours! Once you realize that, it takes a lot of the stress out of choosing.
I kinda have a special bond with the runt since her birth and like her solid attitude and my lady wants me to keep her, BUT as said, the chocolate female sure is pretty and she really likes me always crawling up wanting attention to pick her up, she's a sweetheart like her mother... I luv the chocolates blue eyes, but assume they'll turn brown like their fathers and that means something too, the lighter colored eyes are easier to determine their expressions than darker eyes (almost black in low light) like Elsa's... Right now I'm kinda inkling towards the chocolate female but a happy wife is a happy life, but she didn't want me to breed Elsa to begin with...8^) It's kinda like some of the memes we see in the funnies threads...8^) I just hope she doesn't grow as big as her father as an adult...
Also having one of each color as a female brace would be cool too...
Vet appointment scheduled for Thursday for first shots, inspection and airline certificate...
I picked up a tote today and will line it with blankets to contain them for their Vet visit...
If this thread doesn't put a smile on your face, you may not have a soul.
Had them to the Vet on Thursday where they received health checks, their first shots and I had them all micro chipped and they have also been dewormed at 4 and 6 weeks... They are ornery and a handful right now...8^) Didn't mean too but they are spoiled, when they're awake I can't leave their presence without them howling and whining for me... I have them gated off in my TV room and they sleep at my feet and I have to be quiet and tip toe around just to move out of the room...8^)
I was hoping new owners would pick them up this week, but they can't fly commercial until 8 weeks old...
I gave them a taste of beef liver the other day and made a scent line around the deck... They luved it, they all got involved and each one of them had their own little tracking experience, that is until play kept breaking out...8^)
After the early demand I thought about maybe breeding Elsa another time, but it's tough being isolated with them the past few weeks, my lady hasn't been to the house since they started walking around for fear of tripping and falling on one, so I'm gonna keep another breeding idea on the back burner for a while, they've worn me out...8^)
I'm happy to say the pups are now gone to all their new families and everybody is extremely happy ... Was texting with one owner today, and she said her pup is fabulous, she got the little fireball runt...8^) I wanted to keep that little peanut Gib, but wanted the chocolate color...
Yeah Gib and Sam, youenz are right it was tough giving up the pups, although now I am finally getting some good sleep...8^) They were a lot of work the past couple weeks, ran me ragged, I'm too old and fat to take care of that many at that age...8^) If ever another litter, new owners will have to pick them up between 7 and 8 weeks... The last two pups weren't taken until Monday which was the day they turned 9-weeks...
Attached photos are of the little girl I kept... Being the biggest of the litter she was dominate and always rambunctious but since losing her mates she's been moping around searching for them, but today she finally kinda snapped out of it a little... No playmates and being kenneled when I leave to house is a big change for her so I'm going to let her settle into a normal for a while and start her on some liver drags in a few days...
Here's the text I received:
"We did a few liver drags this week and he did well so we thought what better than to use a real deer. He's a natural!
First find!! Not really because we knew where the deer was but he actually tracked it from where it was shot a short ways. Bad picture since it was dark.
We probably shoot 15 deer every season so he will get lots of practice. He slept good last night that's for sure!"
Heres Mikee takin the high ground.
It's hard for me to believe that coyote was that aggressive to try and attack my dog with me that close yelling and screaming... When it turned and started running straight towards us, it gave me the willies... This coyote was big, looked the size of a German Shepard and there is no doubt in my mind had I not been there it would have torn Elsa apart or grabbed the pup right off the porch...
Finally, I have them both in, grab a shotgun and shells of buckshot but it disappeared somewhere by the time I went back out... I got out a varmint call but to no avail...
Now seems I'm going to have to be outside with them day and/or night because during the day there's a young red-tailed hawk that hangs around that buzzes Elsa every once in a while and afraid it'll try to grab the pup...
I put out a cellular trail-cam in the field today...
Have always been fearful of something like that happening here since I first heard these coyotes at night close to the house years ago and never took my eyes off my grandchildren when they were little playing in the yard... I think they have an annual den raising pups over on a hill across from me because I hear them singing at night quite a bit during the summer... They caught me off guard one night last summer in my sleeping shorts walking off the deck to retrieve something from my vehicle when they started sounding off barking and yapping what sounded like mere yards away and me froze without a weapon of any kind in hand... Talk about feeling naked, it actually scared me, I felt very vulnerable with a pack like that knowing they seen me walk off the deck and I took their yapping as warning... It was spooky in the dead of the night without a light...
Am kinda wondering once the pup gets bigger and there are 2 Teckels together whether this yotes will be so aggressive...
Well, I never trusted them before and now I really don't trust them... Battlelines have been drawn, buckshot loaded shotgun is now next to the door... This is gonna be war...
Look at the size of these things...
Am planning on doing a liver drag today...
Little Sage did really well with her first liver drag, she's a natural...
She is also doing pretty good with the house training...
Except for one short liver drag when they were 6-weeks old, I had no part in his training, but he makes me feel proud...
Sage will be 5-months old on Sunday... About a week or two ago she's realized there are sometimes deer back there...8^) Now when she goes out she's always scanning the field for them and while watching her the other day, she got low to the ground like in a craw slowly putting a stalk on them like a cat... Don't know where she learn that, hadn't seen Elsa show her I know of, guess it must come on instinct...
After she gets them moving, she stops and watches... She's like "I can't catch them and I'm too far from the house"...8^) Where she stops is about her limit without her mother... There is a little dip there by my licking rope and if she goes over she likely can't see the porch... The fawn stops about 10 or 12 paces in front of one of my treestands directly behind... So, I call her back, and 10 minutes later, the deer are back...8^)
She's gaining her independence not always tagging along behind her mother and now wanting to go outside and stuff without her mother...
Pictured is the black & tan male pup with blue collar taken on Jan 5th (the other is his doggie girlfriend) he's a fine looking pup... All the pups are doing great in their new homes... The new owners keep in touch periodically with texts or emails... The pictured male that went to Beverly Hills survived the fires so far and the owner is okay... The chocolate male in MN is tracking and finding deer, and the chocolate male in KY is doing great as the family pet...
The runt female pup (that was such a character) went to a AKC judge who travels the country judging field trials and confirmation dogs whom I have been communicating with her often since my search for a stud... Her information has been priceless to me, I've learned a lot from her... She flew from the west coast to pick up her pup and the Hollywood pup and she's a serious Teckel breeder and here's an email reply from the other day:
"Before I forget, how's that Pistol Polly's conformation?"
Her reply: "Polly is stunning! I really think she's lovely from her head to her toes. I've yet to put her on any kind of rabbit but we'll see what happens when we do she will be just too young to compete in the California field trial so she'll have to wait till April to play"
I'm thinking about breeding Elsa one more time, and now DNA testing Elsa's Chondrodystrophy via UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory for a compatible male overseas, likely a Danish male because Danes are breeding for the preferred Chondrodystrophy...
Funny how things evolve... All I wanted was a pup out of Elsa, now I'm testing, researching, and studying scientific data and preforming artificial insemination and possibly ordering frozen semem from foreign overseas stud dogs... Go figure...
Her mother is due to come into season any day now and I've located another stud male... He's a standard size smooth coat of Black & Tan color, with what is called a dark dapple pattern... I guess he's a super deer tracking dog and field trial champion and has a Hunting Hound title along with Earthdog titles and Barn Hunt and AKC scentwork titles... His mother was imported from Germany with both AKC and DTK registration, and her father was 2016 Austrian Blood Tracking champion... His father is a field trial champion imported from Russia before the Ukraine war... Only thing is, I'm traveling 8 hours one way for Elsa's breeding sessions...