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Guy gets shot archery elk hunting
Contributors to this thread:
Inshart 19-Apr-18
IdyllwildArcher 19-Apr-18
BTM 19-Apr-18
LINK 19-Apr-18
Xbowdoctor95 19-Apr-18
LINK 19-Apr-18
BIG BEAR 19-Apr-18
lawdy 19-Apr-18
Topgun 30-06 19-Apr-18
Jaquomo 19-Apr-18
ColoBull 19-Apr-18
LKH 19-Apr-18
Panhandle Bob 19-Apr-18
Dyjack 19-Apr-18
M.Pauls 19-Apr-18
IdyllwildArcher 19-Apr-18
Grunter 19-Apr-18
M.Pauls 19-Apr-18
Ron Niziolek 19-Apr-18
Tonybear61 19-Apr-18
Surfbow 19-Apr-18
WapitiBob 20-Apr-18
Jaquomo 20-Apr-18
Rut Nut 20-Apr-18
12yards 20-Apr-18
ELKMAN 20-Apr-18
Ucsdryder 20-Apr-18
LKH 20-Apr-18
PO Cedar 20-Apr-18
Beendare 20-Apr-18
TXHunter 20-Apr-18
hunting dad 22-Apr-18
Boris 22-Apr-18
Tonybear61 22-Apr-18
Ermine 23-Apr-18
PECO 23-Apr-18
From: Inshart
Check this out - a guy gets shot by another bow hunter while chasing elk. Although he is EXTREMELY LUCKY, the wound in his shoulder looks nasty.

Bow arm wound. Get patched up and keep hunting.

From: BTM
Very sobering reminder to always ID your target, but I still liked the wisecrack comment about how it must've been a Rage because they always deflect.

From: LINK

LINK's Link

From: Xbowdoctor95
That looks brutal! Always practice safety in the field!

From: LINK
If you shoot a human with a bow on purpose for any reason, you should own nothing more lethal than a butter knife. Wow

Some of the new hand held decoys they have on the market..... guys are crazy for using on public land.

From: lawdy

From: Topgun 30-06
The guy that shot him should never be allowed to hunt with any kind of an instrument for the rest of his life!

From: Jaquomo
About 20 years ago here in NoCO a bowhunter was shot in the leg by another bowhunter. The shooter ran and was never caught. Fortunately the guy survived.

I feel 1000x safer using my Heads Up and Ultimate Predator elk decoys in the woods than I do driving to the grocery in town.

From: ColoBull
I swapped my guns for bows, years ago, for this very reason. 'Sad to see the idiots have finally followed. 'Glad it took so long.

From: LKH
Many years ago in OR a fellow shot at an elk and killed a guy over the ridge who was not in sight. His brother. A horrible thing both ways.


Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Anyone remember this one? I think these came from here many years ago...looks like a thunderhead.

From: Dyjack
Morbid. Makes you think twice about loosing an arrow.

From: M.Pauls
Poor penetration, learn to tune your bow. LOL all seriousness that guy is LUCKY

He needed that like a hole in the head.

From: Grunter
Bob-i remember that. Just amazes me this can happen. Great reminder to know your target and what's beyond it. Just goes to show that anything that can happen.....will happen eventually.

I also remember a few years back when i think it was a guide and his client. Client had a arrow knocked and were stalking elk. As they were walking the guide stopped and the hunter kept walking. The client ran his arrow right into the guides back. Pretty sure he died. Tried finding a link but didn't

From: M.Pauls
Do they just perform a California patch on that guys head?

From: Ron Niziolek
Idly. Holy crap that made me laugh.

From: Tonybear61
Panhandle if I remember correctly this series of pics was from a botched robbery (the guy had a lot of cash on the trip), not an accidental "shot my buddy who stood up just as I shot at an elk." Any one else remember that one that way??

My wife and daughter's gun safety instructor was shot by a turkey hunter a number of years back. He was wearing a black jacket, scouting on his own land. The trespasser (he wasn't letting anyone else on), did a movement in the bushes shot and almost killed him with the pellets. The instructor was a local sheriff too. Another story from the archery club was about a guy shot TWICE, during turkey season. Neither of these guys had beards as I recall ( the standard in MN, must have a visible beard to be legal)

From: Surfbow
Ike, I laughed out loud at that...

From: WapitiBob
"Many years ago in OR a fellow shot at an elk and killed a guy over the ridge who was not in sight. His brother. A horrible thing both ways."

That fellow was a friend of mine. He told me the story on our way to an elk hunt. Sad deal watching your brother die in your arms from your own arrow.

From: Jaquomo
Can't imagine. My friend's son shot his dad, her husband, and killed him in a hunting accident. I can't fathom how you'd process and live with something like that.

From: Rut Nut
The guy said he heard the other guy coming and was going to wave to him, but got shot before he had the chance to.

They always say to speak in a normal voice- don't wave or yell out. Just say in a firm voice: STOP! Better to blow your chance on an ELK, than to end up like this guy! I always have a blaze orange vest with me, even when I don't need one legally, for just this scenario. If I see or hear someone coming, I simply pull the vest out and display it in the direction of the hunter. If he continues toward me, I say STOP! Only had to do that once- usually when I pull the blaze vest out, they turn and go in a different direction.

From: 12yards
This is what kind of scares me about crossbows. Guys sitting cocked and locked and ready to shoot.

I know a guy that got shot with an arrow elk hunting here in MT a few years back...

From: Ucsdryder
Seems impossible during archery season. Unless you take the stance that any arrow in an elk will kill it, no matter where you hit it.

From: LKH
Before Blaze Orange changed things, MN used to have several fatalities each year in rifle season.

Research has shown that some of the shootings had the shooter swearing they had seen a deer walk out. Snow proved there was only the victim. Apparently the expectation of a deer walking out after hearing it for a while causes the shooter to see what he/she wants.

From: PO Cedar
I was in CO archery elk hunting, Unit 76, back in '82...had a bowhunter kill his brother-in-law up on the Continental Divide..split up, ....circled a herd of elk...shot across and struck the guy...died before they got him out...

From: Beendare
So there isn't a "Rest of the story here" the guy was bonking his wife or something?

It sure seems fishy.....

From: TXHunter
He’s extremely lucky.

From: hunting dad
The guy with the thunderhead, the way I heard it, was some kind of initiation. They were trying to shoot a beer can off his head. I can picture the "Here, hold my sign" clearly. LOL

From: Boris
There was an incident in NY many years ago. An if I remember it right, the dad saw what he thought was a deer jump over a fence. He shot, went an saw it was his son. It was later reported that the father laid down next to his son. sad

From: Tonybear61
The beer can on the head is a different story, I had an X-ray of that one. The quote" I really feel stupid" was given by the victim who lost and eye (but not his life).

From: Ermine
Blows my mind that people can shoot people with guns while Hunting let alone bows.

From: PECO
Then there was the kid who got shot during muzzle loading season here in Colorado a few years ago.

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