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Packing anxiety ?
Contributors to this thread:
HUNT MAN 01-Aug-18
Bill Obeid 01-Aug-18
Shawn 01-Aug-18
BOWUNTR 01-Aug-18
Charlie Rehor 01-Aug-18
HUNT MAN 01-Aug-18
JTreeman 01-Aug-18
TXHunter 01-Aug-18
caribou77 01-Aug-18
Dwitt2n 01-Aug-18
wkochevar 01-Aug-18
mgmicky 01-Aug-18
M.Pauls 01-Aug-18
32Timbers 01-Aug-18
Stekewood 01-Aug-18
pointingdogs 01-Aug-18
Scar Finga 01-Aug-18
Ambush 01-Aug-18
Dale06 01-Aug-18
HUNT MAN 01-Aug-18
TXHunter 01-Aug-18
TravisScott 01-Aug-18
midwest 01-Aug-18
Nick Muche 02-Aug-18
TEmbry 02-Aug-18
IdyllwildArcher 02-Aug-18
HUNT MAN 02-Aug-18
MQQSE 02-Aug-18
ACB 02-Aug-18
Treeline 02-Aug-18
iceman 02-Aug-18
Mark Watkins 02-Aug-18
APauls 02-Aug-18
OFFHNTN 02-Aug-18
EmbryOklahoma 02-Aug-18
BigOk 02-Aug-18
Jason Stafford 02-Aug-18
Ned 02-Aug-18
HUNT MAN 02-Aug-18
Glunt@work 02-Aug-18
Whocares 04-Aug-18
ELKMAN 04-Aug-18
ELKMAN 04-Aug-18
ahunter76 10-Apr-23
Catscratch 10-Apr-23
Fields 10-Apr-23
Rut Nut 11-Apr-23
elkmtngear 11-Apr-23
Matt 11-Apr-23
Teeton 12-Apr-23
So as the time comes and bags are packed and ready. Who panics and repacks? I do ever time. Hunt

From: Bill Obeid
Never hurts to repack! I wouldn’t call it panic..... more like just being judicious .

From: Shawn
I guess it would depend what type of hunt. I have been packing for DIY whitetail hunts from Ohio to Kansas for quite a while so I know what I need and never re-pack. Shawn

I usually pack the night before I leave... no time to repack. Good luck on your hunt Hunter. Your biggest fear should be not having enough beer for your group... Ed F

I leave 8/14 for around 40 days so it’s becomming real. I drive so I can bring back-ups of everything:)

I never take it for granted. So blessed. I hope you all have great hunts.

Rocky that’s a great idea . Thanks .

Ed we are taking a trailer and 2 trucks. We will be fine. Thanks guys .

From: JTreeman
I’m kinda like Ed, I generally pack night before even for long trips. We are flying in for 2 weeks AK moose this year, so a little stress on this one, but don’t know why really, taking basically same stuff...

Antelope in 2 weeks, might not even pack till the morning I’m leaving ;)


From: TXHunter
I do what Rocky says. It’s a big stress reliever. The stress is all in getting your list right.

From: caribou77
I usually pack several times before a hunt.

From: Dwitt2n
X2 Luke.....pack...unpack....pack....unpack.....and it starts about a month before......

From: wkochevar
Last year before a 14 day BC hunt I bet I packed and re-packed 10 times the week before I left....anxiety, maybe...overwhelming excitement more like

From: mgmicky
Great tip Rocky. I’m an EC flatlander going on my first elk trip to CO in 3 weeks and these packing/food list posts can be overwhelming!

From: M.Pauls
X2 on the list thing. I’m a list guy and I’m very systematic. But if something isn’t on the list, it will be forgotten!

From: 32Timbers
I am a list guy. I usually only pack and repack to look for ways to loose weight, because I’m just as much a weight guy.

From: Stekewood
I do the same thing Rocky does. And I still have moments of panic that what I checked off isn’t actually in the bag........haha

Even worse is when you’re on the way to the airport with the bag in the back of the truck and you start thinking about what you might have forgotten.

From: pointingdogs
list…. pack.... cross it off.

From: Scar Finga
Rocky D X 10!! I have a list I go by for every hunt... I go through it 4, maybe 5 times. I do this every hunt, every time, so I am not anxious about my pack, gear or the hunt!

From: Ambush
I have a list, on my computer with most everything I’ve ever taken. I print off the list, put a check mark beside any item I want. I put an X when I have confirmed I have it. Then I put a another check when it’s packed in the bag or vehicle.

I have another “to do” list that works the same. Wax boots, fletch arrows, learn to shoot better, etc. I’ve done it so many times I don’t panic anymore. I know I’ll forget something, I just don’t know what it is yet.

From: Dale06
I never re pack. But I always have a list of what to take on each hunt. I start that list weeks or months ahead and I’ll be thinking about the hunt, and I’ll remember to add something to the list. I’m leaving for a grizz hunt in Alaska in three weeks. I’ve had a list for that hunt for at least a month. As I pack, I cross off each item. Hasn’t failed me yet.

Oh I have a list and have checked it twice. Just never know what you mite need. Thanks for so ideas. Best of Luck guys . It’s game Time once again. Hunt

From: TXHunter
Main thing about a list is to put EVERYTHING on it. First thing that goes on mine is the license/tag. Second thing is passport/ID Third thing is wallet. Fourth thing is cell phone. Bow, arrows, then on and on down the line.

From: TravisScott
Calling Coldfoot and warning them might need to be on someone’s list! You guys are going to have a ball, good luck, I can’t wait to hear about it!

From: midwest
Good luck, Hunter! Looking forward to the story!

From: Nick Muche
Hunt is in good hands, my wife is driving!

I get more anxious than anything. Not sure I pack but once, usually the night before no matter how long I'm going for. I've learned to be happy with far less than most so if I forget something it doesn't bother me.

There are some bulls out there now that have no idea the boogieman is coming for them.

From: TEmbry
Good luck man, hate that I’m Missing this one. I’ll just have to dump a ram early on and head up to Squarebanks to see ya before you head out. Shoot straight fellas

I'm packing this weekend and head out Wednesday. Most everything is ready, but I had a lot of stuff shipped straight to the transporter so I'll have to repack when I get there. I got a serious adrenaline rush to the stomach this AM the first time I looked at my phone and saw: August 1 (It's still the 1st here in AK).

Waiting for flight now. TSA was a Breeze and that’s always nice . Hope I have everything :) Hunt

I always have a list on a spreadsheet and usually weigh everything too. Have been doing it for years and would feel empty packing without working off the list. I have already shipped most of my gear to Alaska for my September Moose hunt. Knowing most of my stuff is waiting at the air taxi before I even leave home is a good feeling.

From: ACB
Wish I had not seen this thread. My stuff is setting in AK and I am now second guessing if I put everything in despite using a list .

From: Treeline
Heck, I was thinking this thread was about the anxiety people get thinking about packing elk or moose...

The older I get, the more anxious I get about all that pain and misery!

Hope you guys have a blast and kill lots of critters! Good thing Trevor has other commitments! Thinking he might have been a bad influence on last year’s debacle;^)

From: iceman
Good thread. I get anxious packing every time. Of course the trips when you fly, backpack hunts, etc. require more thought than the driving trips. This year, we are driving, so like Charlie - just bring everything in duplicate. ha.

Good luck Hunt.

From: Mark Watkins
HUNT and Nick,

Are we in for a "semi live" Bowsite Classic?!

Have a blast!


From: APauls
Go get em fellas.

I’m a list guy, but I also leave everything spread out on the floor up until the night before so I can see it all. The. It’s in the bags and only gets crossed off the list when it gets zipped in. I can believe my wife doesn’t complain more about “the spread.” Lol

Then at the end of it all I go “got my Bow? Got arrows? Tags? Warm enough clothes to survive plus a few food items? OK, all good, the rest is fluff.”

Kinda like Rocky, during the days and weeks prior to a big hunt, I keep laying things out as I think of them. I pack them away the night before I leave. If I do it too much in advance, I always wonder "Hmm, did I pack that?" If I do it the night before, everything is fresh.

I'm a list(s) type of person. My mind goes crazy two weeks prior. Sometimes I'll have multiple lists in my truck, table at home or next to my computer at work.

Good luck fellas!

From: BigOk
Good luck!!

Have fun guys and keep us posted on how the hunt turns out.

From: Ned
I lay it all out, check it off, and pack a couple days before we leave. That’s it.


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
Final leg and the anxiety is long gone. Hunt

From: Glunt@work
Nope. Toss what I need in a duffel the night before. It usually takes longer to find the duffel. I have a mental list but it's the same for most hunts unless I'm backpacking. I have stressed a bit trying to remember where I put a GPS or my good binos. My wife usually bails me out.

From: Whocares
Gloves! Been doing this enough years that its fairly routine but I do need a list and check it twice. Have everything stored right where I no it is. Mostly in one room. But gloves. Must have too many. Various light ones, and on up. Some with Goretex. some with Thinsulate, on up to choppers. Gotta be ready for warm, cold, wet. In camp and on the day hunt. So there... I've let it out and shared. Now I'm ready to finish packing.

It will be okay Hunter... Just calm down and breath. ;-) (There will be blood)

And: Oh yeah of course I do that too... LOL!

From: ahunter76

ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
Rocky D method.. Done it for years. Colorado elk at least 30xs. Canada, Bear 15 & Caribou twice. These are the tricky ones because of the "weight" restrictions.. Anything else is a breeze.

From: Catscratch
Lol, I lay stuff out the night before and pack right before leaving. But, sometimes I don't do anything until right before leaving. As long as I have the most important stuff and my wallet I should be ok.

From: Fields
How I missed this thread five years ago is beyond me.... but I make lists for every animal and what is needed for each one. Detailed enough that anyone could come into my house and pack for me, without me being there. I update them yearly, as I get new gear, as needed.

From: Rut Nut
I thought you meant like MEAT PACKING................................LOL! ;-)

Like ahunter mentions only time I ever had packing anxiety was with a fly-in hunt where there was a weight restriction!

From: elkmtngear
Don't know why I got a Prison image in my head, when I saw the thread title...I need help !

From: Matt
Pack off a list, no need to re-pack.

From: Teeton
I make a list for everything I'm taking. with two columns to check off. First column is the ready column. I put everything I'm taking in a box or three and check that it's ready. That way I know it's in one or the boxes. Theres not to much of an order to stuff in box, other than I know its in one of the boxes. When I pack it I check the packed column so I know it's packed.

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