Alaska Wild Cow Hunt
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Alaskan Wild Cow
Alaskan Wild Cow
Adak Caribou's Link
For those that have done and seen everything......or maybe you haven't....... Here is something a little different. Wild Cow hunting!! Please excuse the rifle as we are now offering these for bow hunters.
Adak Caribou's Link
We would like to see if there is any interest. We have been hunting these wild cows for a few years now on our own but have been given permission to bring some other hunters in. These are wild cows that have been left on remote islands to fend for themselves. Some since the Russians owned Alaska. They are known to have a bit of a temper and don't mind taking out people. It's not for the light hearted!
Adak Caribou's Link
They are hard to reach but with our large boat we have been able to do it. They want the biggest oldest bulls taken out. These bulls are very large and a good chance they will try to take you out. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks
Looks like a great trip. Can you PM the details?
That’s a lot of hamburger! How do they taste?
Adak Caribou's Link
They taste really good, all grass fed, doesn't get anymore organic than that. Of course we are being asked to take the largest older bulls so it's tough. We are working closely with the local native village and they would like to receive meat from hunters that do not care to fly it home. It's a lot of meat!!!
Good Lord.... I can hear it now. "30th P&Y species???" Ed F
Holy crap. That's the closest thing this country has to cape buffalo. Can't imagine the adrenaline trying to poke one of those with my recurve or longbow. That's a whole lot of animal with attitude and no trees to climb. Sounds like fun. I'm definitely gonna look into this. Price???
I’m SO interested in that!
Please PM details....
Steve are you thinking what I’m thinking?
I gotta say that looks like fun.
Since they are not classified as game animals I assume there is no hunting licenses or tag fees associated. Hawaii has similar opportunity with “Vancouver” bulls, but the adventure to the Aluetian’s in and of itself is worth a lot. Will be interesting to see your price point and logistics for clients . Has potential for a fun “off season” hunting adventure...
Adak Caribou's Link
We are at $6800 pp for a 1 week hunt. This covers lodging and food while on the boat, and trespass fees associated with getting the exclusive rights. No hunting license is required as they are claimed, so considered private herd. We do these like we do our Adak caribou hunts. Hunters get picked up when they fly in to the village and then we transport them via boat, some call it a ship, to the island. The boat is base camp. We are doing one hunt, for 6 hunters. November 9th to the 16th. I strongly recommend having a good friend along with a rifle for back up! :) It is an adrenaline rush as you don't know if it will run away or charge. I want to make it clear, they are not your normal cattle, they are as wild as any wild animal but with attitude. There are many stories of poachers from passing vessels getting run off the beach by the bulls.
The one on the hoist looks like one big, mean bugger!! Do they have to deal with predators?
Adak Caribou's Link
There are no predators. The only predators they know are man. It's a bit strange to pull up with the boat and watch these things take off like wild buffalo. They know what boats mean and they know what the two legged creature means.
Don't let anybody tell you that hunting "cows" is not fun! Built tough!
Ok, how did the dead bull get on to the boat?? You have tractors??
Can’t be that tough, Rod, if you’re shooting them with flu flu arrows!
Do they run in herds, or are they more solitary animals?
Why doesn’t the local tribe hunt them for food?
Adak Caribou's Link
No tractors. :) This is as wild and remote as you can get. The island is designated wildlife refuge, no motorized vehicles allowed, of any sort. The way we get them whole to the boat is to get lucky and get them closer to the beach. When we do that then 4 or 5 guys can roll it, yes....roll the waters edge where we then hook a line to it and tow it out to the boat with our skiff and then we crane it onboard whole. The locals do take some on their own but they choose to take the smaller more tender ones. The ones that won't try to kill you basically.
Adak Caribou's Link
This is what the locals like to get. The big ones grind up just great though so they are excited to get that meat as well.
The meat locker!
The meat locker!
Adak Caribou's Link
Adak Caribou's Link
A meat cow for the crew. Perfect size and near the beach. This is not the size we are targeting however, we are looking for the biggest ones on the island.
The landscape.
The landscape.
Adak Caribou's Link
Sorry, missed the question about herds or solitary. They are both. The biggest oldest bulls, past their prime, are usually on their own or with a old friend. The herd bulls do a good job of protecting their cows and that can be anywhere from 20 to 50+. The bull to cow ratio is way to high, this is the reason for being allowed to hunt, they need some bulls thinned out.
This would be a blast! I actually had my bow out to hunt a crazy cow once. She broke fence, broke gates, rammed the feed truck, and sprinted to the neighbors pasture every time a trailer showed up. The day before I was going to hunt her she calmly loaded onto the trailer with the rest of the cows. It was the first time in 6 months that she had stayed with the herd. To be honest I was a little disappointed...
This looks Crazy Fun!!
What a unique mount one of those Wild Bulls would make
Thanks for sharing this option.
Good luck, Robb
The only draw back I see is Mid-November, that’s prime whitetail rut ...
Some of those "wild cows" have an impressive pecker on them....
Ya same thing I was thinking looks like an awesome hunt too bad it's mid november
I was heading out to Adak for this hunt this morning and my neighbors cow tried to stop me.
Looks like you ran into a little hump in the road shug :)
I know this would be fun! Just like the scrub bulls we hunt in Australia! Only visible difference I can see is we at least have trees to climb in Australia!
Adak Caribou's Link
If you had your choice of month to do this hunt, what would it be. It seems November is reserved for deer. :)
Shug, That "cow" humping the Chevy looks more like a bull based on the sack he is carrying. Kurt
How many cows are on the island? I agree with the July/fishing proposal....
This looks like a hell of an adventure! It sounds like they behave a little like bison from your description of them. Gotta agree with Nick on the date, July would be a good time frame. Weather would be good and not much going on at that time to compete.
I've hunted bison here in Alaska 3 different times and never had one try to take me out. So if the bison in the States are more aggressive, then yes. July is not a month we can do it as our boats are usually under contract exploring the ocean somewhere extremely remote. The fishing part has been good through November for us. The best guess on the number of cows is 200ish. I appreciate the input. This is the first time it's been able to be offered to the public so there is a learning curve as far as timing goes.
So what months would be available? Apart from November.
I don’t get it. $6,800 to kill a cow that is technically owned by someone roaming an island they can’t get off?
I love beef and I love to hunt but it doesn’t seem like my idea of a good time.
Well.....GED..... it's like hunting Cape Buffalo in a high fence in Africa where someone owns them and they can't escape. These are as wild as any wild animal. If they see the boat pull up, they take off running.
Other months we are considering are September or October. Due to our Adak caribou schedule we either have to do them on the way to Adak or on the return trip. We have also considered doing less days for the wild cows and then heading to Kodiak island to get some deer hunting in. We do this with our crew for fun but it is something we could offer up. Again, thank you for the input.
What Island are these cows on? So many islands off the chain.
I would love to do that! Any info would be appreciated.
What's the cost? Is this going to be like a cape hunt, 10k plus?
I doubt that much, but we're talking remote Alaska, lots of travel/logistics involved with just getting there with gear, so it's not going to be cheap.
Gotta figure that between Sep-Nov, October would be the best month to run that hunt. Considering that Sep is usually elk, and November is whitetails and those are the two big draws in NA. Normally Oct can be a nasty time to fly small planes in the north, so good thing you're using a boat :) Spring isn't an option? April or something?
Y'all realize this was a 2019 thread right?
Once we can time travel it won't matter when the thread was.
I'll be living in AK after April 28th so I can travel out there anytime.
Except today..... today a volcano out there is belching noxious fumes and planes aren't flying!
I saw that. Dang Russians!
The title implied you could take cows only. Bulls are not cows they are male bovines. On the other hand the meat tastes good. In my teenage years I got a day job skinning a cow. It was not an easy job in the pasture where it died. The farmer didn't want the meat but he wanted the hide.
I discussed this with Dave in 2019 before covid restrictions hit. To my knowledge he has not run this hunt and I do not know if he intends to. Cost was reasonable considering AK logistics. I'm sure he can be reached easily enough.
That's a TON (literally) of hamburger. Definitely high adrenaline. Do you have (smaller) 'management' bulls? Love to get something that isn't too big, tough, and (maybe) stinky.