Mathews Inc.
NY bill introduced to ban
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
spike78 20-Mar-19
Franklin 20-Mar-19
jdee 20-Mar-19
Vonfoust 21-Mar-19
TrapperKayak 21-Mar-19
ground hunter 21-Mar-19
Franklin 21-Mar-19
Ace 21-Mar-19
HDE 21-Mar-19
3under 21-Mar-19
3under 21-Mar-19
Bou'bound 21-Mar-19
Spider2 21-Mar-19
ground hunter 21-Mar-19
76aggie 22-Mar-19
From: spike78

spike78's Link
A bill is being introduced in NY to ban all organized hunts including coyote contests, deer contests, even dog field trials! Unreal

From: Franklin
This is going on in all states. They use the guise of these "killing contests" to sneak other issues in. The original proposal was to attack contests that used the contest as the sole reason to kill an animal.

Then they snuck in big buck contests.....heaviest deer....heaviest turkey...longest beard etc . Now the latest "sneak in", is the field trials. I guarantee you bird guys know nothing about this.

From: jdee
As soon as the liberals took over New Mexico this year one of the first things the new liberal land commissioner did was ban all coyote hunting contest on state lands .

From: Vonfoust
Franklin bird guys know about this. It's been discussed, along with the Australian ban on just about anything dog trial related.

From: TrapperKayak
We're moving... But I feel it's a 'You can run, but you cannot hide' situation now. Unless we revolt. That's what it going to take.

You have to understand, they are energizing their base, and they are good at it,,,,, Wisconsin is now a big target, for many reasons, and I would not have a lot of faith on our legislature,,,,,,

When the far left takes over the Wis Supreme Court, cases will be brought, and the sportsmen will lose,,,,,, elections matter, get off you a.. and vote

Call and write your representatives, and make some noise, or we will lose

I believe in 30 years, and I will be gone by then, what we know of and have today, will all be over with, except for strict control, or those with the money

From: Franklin
I agree Ground.....the latest push is all this "predator" nonsense. Everywhere you turn there is either a call to ban a predator season or reintroducing a predator to an area.

From: Ace
“Any person or organization caught participating in, organizing or promoting a contest, competition, tournament or derby that has the objective of taking wildlife for prizes or entertainment will face a year of jail time and/or a fine of not less than $500 and possibly as much as $2,000.“

I bet they’d make a case for including Fish as “wildlife” and then Bass Tournaments and Fishing Derbies would be illegal too.

From: HDE
Ignore them and do it anyway.

From: 3under
NY is a LIberal Dump.. they ruin everything they put their hands on. The Republicans are just as bad,they are spineless and never push back. Can't wait to retire from this sh!TH%le state.

From: 3under
So true ground hunter.

From: Bou'bound
Will never happen

From: Spider2
Just a matter of time before were all screwed. Every day is like a WTF moment. When will it end? Politicians have to go.

Bou'bound,,,, says it will never happen,,,,, really,,,, I will predict the wolves will be introduced in Colorado,,,, lets see, that place already restricts trapping, got rid of their spring bear seasons, and they keep chipping away

Other states have lost and keeps getting chipped away at...........

we argue about a stick bow and compound and xbow and lots of nonsense, but they the antis keep at it in the state Capitols.....

Boubound it will never happen, if we keep up the fight,,,, but I do not see the urgency from the rank and file,,,,,

From: 76aggie
Brought to you by the same fine folks who have declared war on unborn babies and infants who survive abortions.

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