Mathews Inc.
What have you added to your pack?
Contributors to this thread:
Ucsdryder 21-Aug-19
PoudreCanyon 21-Aug-19
Elkoholic 22-Aug-19
standswittaknife 22-Aug-19
Red Sparky 22-Aug-19
WapitiBob 22-Aug-19
'Ike' (Phone) 22-Aug-19
cnelk 22-Aug-19
Deertick 22-Aug-19
oake 22-Aug-19
goelk 22-Aug-19
fubar racin 22-Aug-19
nmwapiti 22-Aug-19
GF 22-Aug-19
GF 22-Aug-19
Grey Ghost 22-Aug-19
elkstabber 22-Aug-19
JohnMC 22-Aug-19
0hndycp 22-Aug-19
Bake 22-Aug-19
SmokedTrout 22-Aug-19
Surfbow 22-Aug-19
LINK 22-Aug-19
Scrappy 22-Aug-19
jordanathome 22-Aug-19
Z Barebow 22-Aug-19
elkmtngear 22-Aug-19
jordanathome 22-Aug-19
Outdoorsdude 22-Aug-19
Sivart 22-Aug-19
Bowboy 22-Aug-19
midwest 22-Aug-19
Gator 22-Aug-19
Royboy 23-Aug-19
elkstabber 23-Aug-19
hoyt-6190 23-Aug-19
'Ike' (Phone) 23-Aug-19
GF 23-Aug-19
brewski 23-Aug-19
Surfbow 24-Aug-19
Dirty D 24-Aug-19
orionsbrother 24-Aug-19
From: Ucsdryder
What’s new this year?

I added a cut resistant glove, Allen back country reusable game bags and subscribed to the onxmaps iPhone gps. I’m still not sold on it vs my garmin.

From: PoudreCanyon
Bought a phelp’s Amp and an elk 101 diaphragm - not sold on either... probably will stick with my Primos Imperial plate.

From: Elkoholic
Cut resistant glove. Great idea! I used an outdoor edge replaceable blade knife on my elk last year. I never felt it touch my off hand yet I had 3 or 4 nicks when I was done. Wouldn’t take much to get a nasty cut.

I have a custom little pillow case that i always pack in to stuff my puffy jacket into for a pillow.. can’t sleep without a formed pillow..

From: Red Sparky
Nothing added but several items taken out. Thought I would need them but don't, like kill kit......They don't call me "Hikes with a bow" for no reason.

From: WapitiBob
custom bag from rugged stitching on the stone glacier frame and a bend-able bugle tube holder

Better first aid kit with tourniquet...

From: cnelk
Trekking poles and a Bend-able bugle tube holder

From: Deertick
Hey, Cnelk, mine resemble yours. Also, a patch of the flag of Wyoming.

From: oake
This year it will be a portable power charger (RAV power) and bear spray - likely more important than the power charger

From: goelk
New elk 101 call Champion and onxmap phone

From: fubar racin
I’m not sure Iv added much of anything but I am going stoveless this year, also replaced my small pulley with a small carabiner to hang my bear bag.

From: nmwapiti
1 pound Helios chair. Totally worth it to be able to kick back.

From: GF
I’m leaning toward adding a clot kit and a latex tubing tourniquet (which I might just wear around my neck, at least while dealing with a carcass) in case of a catastrophic cut.

Bear/Lion defense sounds good, too.

And after my last hike, how about a small tube of ShoeGoo, a few yards of Gorilla Tape and some small-diameter Kevlar or Dyneema climbing accessory cord?

From: GF

GF's embedded Photo
GF's embedded Photo
Just sayin’!

From: Grey Ghost
A sous vide. ;-)

Actually, I've hesitantly swapped one of my trusty Randall knives for an Outdoor Edge, just for weight savings. I hope I don't regret that decision.


From: elkstabber
I can't think of anything that I've added to my pack this season. I'm hunting elk in WY so I'll be carrying a Glock in a chest holster for the first time.

From: JohnMC
Piece of Tyvek. Emergency shelter, throw over in a rain storm, and also worked great to put meat on when breaking down. Weighs next to nothing.

From: 0hndycp
After a near fatal fall for a relative in Alaska bush, I’ve added a true wound care kit.....quickclot gauze, tourniquet, and some cleaning solution.

Thank goodness for inreach or my BOL might not be here today!

From: Bake
I actually added several things this year. I took out the Havalon, and added a Bark River Little Creek, in the hope I'll have to cape something.

I bought a solar charger, and another battery pack. Since I intend to use OnX this year, I'm taking in two battery packs. I intend to leave the solar charger in camp, charging a battery pack. And have the other battery pack with me in case I need a boost to charge.

I'm also giving serious thought to packing in a treestand 3 miles this year. . . .

From: SmokedTrout
Added a new headlamp, and fresh fire-starter.

And a bunch of shiny new 2019 game tags!

From: Surfbow
Swat-T tourniquet

From: LINK
I’m trying to take stuff out, lol.

From: Scrappy
Way to much junk, I'm gonna have to call an uber to come haul it up the mountain.

From: jordanathome
Sore subject.....I added an entire pack. Finally bucked up for a new to me used Kifaru duplex frame and Fulcrum pack. Love it. So much better than anything I've owned before.

Of course had to add a couple pockets on the belt. Then I had room for a spotter so got a used Nikon Prostaff 5.

'spensive year but I am much better prepared gear wise than ever before.

From: Z Barebow
Gaia, SteriPen and an updated first aid kit. Tossed out dried up mini band aids and added leuko tape and quick clot. Sawyer was tossed because it plugged and I could not flush it out enough for reliable flow. (And refreshed supply of Aquamira due to Sawyer debacle)

From: elkmtngear
A phone battery charger...and a portable camp toilet!

From: jordanathome
Um.....yer carrying a toilet in your pack???? Interesting.

I forgot to add my Lifestraw gravity water filter.......excited for that upgrade. I hate pumping water, breaking pumps, etc. Of course turns out I won't need it this year most likely. LOL

From: Outdoorsdude
New pack, 2800 Killik... now nothing is in the 'right place'. Bottle of liquid skin.

From: Sivart
Will the big phelps tube squeeze into the med sized bendable bugle holder? I hate to buy two, I use the bully bull extreme tube as well.

From: Bowboy
NMWapiti 2x. That chair is nice!

From: midwest
Well, I guess I'll be adding a Bend-able bugle holder. You guys keep costing me money!

From: Gator
After spending a week in a totally new area last month and seeing signs I really didn't want to see. Packing my usual bear spray plus a Springfield 10mm. Hope a waste of time but should make me feel some better.

From: Royboy
Tourniquet kit, hope I never have to use

From: elkstabber
Dangit! Now I might need a bend-able bugle holder.

From: hoyt-6190
Added a portable charger, Leukotape, and will be using Nalgene bottles this year instead of a bladder. Also, will try out trekking poles for packing. Overall my pack is 9.7 pounds with no water in it ready to roll.

Oh yeah, Pyro Putty also...

.30-06 with collapsible stock for those extra long shots. I know how the CPW feels about taking long shots with a bow

From: GF
John - where do you buy your tyvek?

Sure wish I could get a roll of the stuff they used to use to make CO hunting licenses!

From: brewski
Powdered creamer. Try it. Great fire starter. Hold a match under it over the sink if you don't believe it.FLAMES!!! Saves weight.

From: Surfbow
^and as an added bonus, you can put it in your coffee!

From: Dirty D

Dirty D's embedded Photo
Dirty D's embedded Photo
Worlds largest supply of Mountain House.

I was paddling, fishing and camping in with my ten year old a little over a month ago. We were having a great time outside of cell service up in the Chequamegon in Northyern WI.

I think it ended up locking up when I tried to get a last text message out that didn't go through and I put the phone into airplane mode.

While we were having a great time, to the South of us, tornadoes, derechos, insane hail and crazy thunderstorms swept across the state of WI from MN out into Lake Michigan.

We were driving back and during a gas stop I realized that my phone wasn't doing anything. I powered it down and restarted it. It blew up with a few dozen texts from my wife, more from friends and family and a long string of voicemails requesting immediate contact to verify that we were OK. All were concerned that we had gotten caught in the storms and had been injured or worse.

We were completely oblivious and having a great time.

I may be adding an InReach or similar to my pack.

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