Sitka Gear
Help with track ID please?
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
SteveB 22-Dec-19
Kodiak 22-Dec-19
sticksender 22-Dec-19
WV Mountaineer 22-Dec-19
Wv hillbilly 22-Dec-19
trakman 22-Dec-19
JL 22-Dec-19
Buckeye 22-Dec-19
GF 22-Dec-19
Bou'bound 22-Dec-19
Zbone 22-Dec-19
RK 22-Dec-19
SteveB 22-Dec-19
SteveB 22-Dec-19
Teeton 22-Dec-19
GF 22-Dec-19
SteveB 22-Dec-19
Elite 1 23-Dec-19
SteveB 24-Dec-19
Boris 24-Dec-19
Smtn10PT 24-Dec-19
WV Mountaineer 24-Dec-19
KsRancher 24-Dec-19
Michael12lv 25-Dec-19
Michael12lv 25-Dec-19
trakman 25-Dec-19
N-idaho 25-Dec-19
N-idaho 25-Dec-19
SteveB 25-Dec-19
LarryMorgan 22-Sep-22
From: SteveB

SteveB's embedded Photo
SteveB's embedded Photo
Yesterday here in NE Ohio. A long string of these we’ve not seen before. Seems too big for a bobcat (which we have never seen here). Too small for a bear which we don’t have here either. Maybe a cougar (which we don’t have here either)? Photo doesn’t show well but it clearly has 4+ a pad. Claws above the fingers?

From: Kodiak
Looks like a coon.

From: sticksender
Picture looks like superimposed raccoon tracks. Although they usually hate to walk in snow.

Well, it’s definitely going to be anyone’s guess. Is that the only picture of the track you have?

Can you see claws or toe nails in the prints? How far apart were the tracks? Do you have anymore pics?

From: trakman
If you can see claws it is not a cat.

From: JL
Could that be where a squirrel sat down. The "pad" is actually his butt/tail and the claws are his feet?

From: Buckeye
While the odnr says there's no cougar I know a few people who have seen them. Probably young males that are traveling to a new home range would be my best guess. I've not heard of any that far north however. Post more / better pics?

From: GF
I’d say not nearly big enough to be a lion track.

Since you said there was a long string of these… Were they in a straight line? Side-by-side?

Any chance they could be otter?

From: Bou'bound

From: Zbone
What county of NE Ohio.... Have heard possibly Fishers and porcupines have been seen in Ashtabula county... From what I've read Fishers travel far and the are resurgent in NY, PA and WV now...

From: RK
Otter, fisher would have claw marks. Depending on age porcupine the same

From: SteveB
Slightly staggered pattern approx 2 feet apart In a pine thicket.. I’ve never heard of a fisher in our part of the country but that sure is a possibility. Our land is near a big creek that runs for miles into the Ohio river eventually which follows alongside a 50-60 acre swamp. It’s not a coon as my son is a trapper and has seen many thousands of coon tracks. I’m leaning more towards a small bear maybe that got kicked out this year? Or a fisher that has never been spotted around her prior.

From: SteveB

SteveB's embedded Photo
SteveB's embedded Photo
The rear track is clearly K9 likely a Big coyote. Front track does not match coyote at all.

From: Teeton
Not the best pic. Can't really see it well or if it has claws.. So if it don't have claw marks my guess is it's a bobcat or a fisher. Fisher are really hard to see their claw marks as they are very small/short when not extended outward.. so if you don't think you got fisher I'd say bobcat. Ed

From: GF
2 feet apart is a helluva long stride for a mustelid, so I’m withdrawing Otter and would say the same for Fisher.

Definitely not a porky, either - not with a 2-foot stride.

If you’re certain it’s not canine, it’d have to be feline. Nothing else has legs that long.

From: SteveB
The more I think about it I’m thinking either fisher or big bobcat. Bobcat rare around here and fisher I’ve never heard of one around. I did just go on and search and Ohio DNR has verified fishers now seen in Ohio counties bordering Pennsylvania and that is is.

From: Elite 1

Elite 1's embedded Photo
Elite 1's embedded Photo

From: SteveB
Thanks for all of the input! Leaning toward a very rare fisher at this point and will keep our eyes open for one!

From: Boris
Those are bobcat tracks. I see them every year in N.W. Pa. I live near the state line of Oh. and Pa. I even saw a fisher last year, just east of rt. 7 and south of 90. We are getting all kinds of interesting cridders here. Now that they did about 2-3 years ago, clearcutting. These areas are thicker than a jungle.

From: Smtn10PT
A giant fisher is 15 pounds, a small bear is 4 times that size. That said it is impossible to say with any certainty what those tracks are. If you get another snow event with a little more accumulation and come across the tracks again please repost!

It’s not a bear. A bears tear foot isn’t a roundish paw. It looks more like a humans foot. What it is truly unknown. But, it ain’t a bear from the pics you’ve posted.

From: KsRancher
Looks like a bobcat for me. But I never seen a fisher, so I have no experience with their track.

From: Michael12lv

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From: Michael12lv

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From: trakman
You will never see the claws on a bob cat

From: N-idaho
I run hounds and look at cat tracks all the time absolutely not cat of any kind. Maybe fisher or wolverine can’t tell for sure.

From: N-idaho
I run hounds and look at cat tracks all the time absolutely not cat of any kind. Maybe fisher or wolverine can’t tell for sure.

From: SteveB
Consensus seems to be a fisher which is pretty cool as I’ve been here my whole life and have never seen one. Maybe that will change now. Thanks for all of the input!

From: LarryMorgan

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