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K114 Kife goes Barbary Sheep hunting
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
Sandbrew 14-Feb-20
Inshart 14-Feb-20
bowhunter24 15-Feb-20
JW 15-Feb-20
sticksender 15-Feb-20
t-roy 15-Feb-20
Brotsky 15-Feb-20
INbowdude 15-Feb-20
Quinn @work 15-Feb-20
T Mac 15-Feb-20
Brotsky 15-Feb-20
RJ Hunt 16-Feb-20
Scar Finga 16-Feb-20
Scar Finga 16-Feb-20
midwest 16-Feb-20
RJ Hunt 17-Feb-20
Jaquomo 17-Feb-20
Quinn @work 18-Feb-20
Scar Finga 18-Feb-20
buci 313 18-Feb-20
Quinn @work 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
Sandbrew 29-Feb-20
sticksender 01-Mar-20
Scar Finga 01-Mar-20
Quinn @work 01-Mar-20
From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
The K114 knife arrived in Colorado a couple weeks ago. I drank a beer for Kelly and read the stories. What an awesome tribute! He knife has been on some great adventures so far. I got little worried about the knife and journal traveling the world in a cardboard box so I gave it a new home. I hope nobody minds. More to come as I head for NM tomorrow. Sandbrew

From: Inshart
That'S really cool sandbrew.

Is there any way for the Journal to be published on here so the rest of us can read the "adventures of K114" ???????? Maybe even a few stories at a time?? Copy and scan then post up here??

From: bowhunter24
Nice job! Nothing against the mail carriers but those machines can be hard on cardboard!

From: JW
Best of luck John!

From: sticksender
Good luck man!

From: t-roy
Great idea for the case, John. Good on you. Good luck on the Aoudad hunt!

From: Brotsky
Very cool Sandbrew! Good luck on your hunt!

From: INbowdude
Way to go Sandbrew. Best of luck on your hunt!

From: Quinn @work
Looking forward to reading about your hunt. Please post it up here.

I’m anxiously awaiting my Barbary hunt the end of Feb in NM.

From: T Mac
Great idea sandbrew! Best of luck on your hunt.

From: Brotsky
I can’t believe you guys no longer trust my cardboard boxes! :)

From: RJ Hunt
As a knife maker this is on of the coolest things I have seen. I vaguely remember the story (from years ago if my memory serves me correct) but can someone post the details of how you are doing this? Would love to hear how all this got started/works. Very cool!

From: Scar Finga

You can Google "Kelly/ Morgan Harris- Bowsite Knife" that was the start, and then google "The Adventures of K114" and read the whole story...

Both threads are kind of long, but a good read with a bunch of great people!

Have a great day, and God Bless!

From: Scar Finga
Good Luck Sandbrew!!! Go get em!!!

Nice Case!!!!

From: midwest
Good luck Sandbrew!

From: RJ Hunt
Thanks scar!

From: Jaquomo
Do it proud, John!

From: Quinn @work
Where’s the update :)

From: Scar Finga
He is hunting until the 26th, so he may not do any "live" updates.

From: buci 313
Good luck Sandbrew,

Cool case

From: Quinn @work

Did you lose the knife or not tag out? Let's hear the story?

I could of used K114 buy my kill was not worthy as it was rifle kill. Looking forward to your story. Hopefully you were successful.

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sorry for the delayed reply. I was able to head down to Southern NM and hunt in the Guadalupe Mts for several days. What a great adventure! A good friend of mine, Jim was able to join me. He’s a recently infected sheep nut inflicted with sheep fever after killing his first Colorado bighorn with me in 2018. We arrived just at dark on Saturday after a 9+ hour drive from Colorado. Another friend, Jordan, who is a guide and outfitter in NM with a tag had already arrived and had a DELUX camp set up for us. All I had to do was bring the beer. We had a total of 4 hunters with tags in camp. I pulled out the knife and showed the group and shared he story of Kelly, and the Bowsite thread on the K114 knife. As I packed my backpack with the K114 knife felt it would bring me good luck.

Saturday – Day 1 Three of us Jim, Jordan and I decided to head out early in Jordan’s Jeep and scout/glass as much country as we could. The unit is VAST and covered with thousands of hills, cliffs, valleys and canyons. We saw 17 sheep the first day but only small rams. The day was clear bright and only a little windy.

Sunday – Day 2 clear cooler and more wind than the first day. We saw few sheep but spotted a decent ram 25-26 inches that appeared to be alone. He wasn’t really what I was looking for on day 2. We saw less sheep but at least we saw a decent ram in a good spot for stalk. Back at camp we heard tales of ram down and when I mean down - it as in the bottom of an 800 foot deep ravine. Recovery would have to wait until the next day.

Monday – Day 3 The air was damp and cool when I woke up at 4:30 take a leak. The headlamp outside my tent revealed a thick fog ad rolled in and blanketed the area. We waited a couple hours for the fog to lift but it never did. We decided to move to a lower area where we might be able to glass. We looked and looked but didn’t spot any sheep until 4:45 that afternoon and it was group of 6 lambs and ewes. After dark we arrived back at camp and heard how the recovery went on the ram dropped the night before. It was a 2 hour hike to the bottom of the ravine and the found the ram ½ eaten and covered with dirt by a mountain lion.

Tuesday Day 4 More of the same thick clouds and fog which hampered the glassing in the morning. We drove a far off canyon that was lower that Jordan said always held sheep. The wind was whipping at least 35-40 MPH most of the day. We hiked and glassed the rest of the day but did see any decent rams only a smaller rams and some ewes. We hoped the wind would push the fog out for the next day.

Wed Day 5 We set out early to see where the fog bank was stacked up and realized out first location was socked in and visibility was about 150 yards. We drove to some points hiked of the edges and glassed at several likely spots for most of the day. About 3 PM we spotted a decent ram and 2 ewes. This rams wasn’t the ram of my dreams but with only 1 more day to hunt I mulled it over. I finally decided “Lets go he’s not the ram for me.” When we returned to camp a 2nd hunter had filled his tag with a great 29 ½ ram.

Thursday Day 6 Hind sight is 20/20. The day dawned wetter (freezing drizzle actually) and even more foggy than the other days. I stuck around for a few more hours before calling it and heading for home.

I really think the lesson here is about the adventure and spreading the story of Kelly Harris and the K114 knife. I meet several new people on this trip. We drank beer and I will be happy to call them friends from now on. I’m sure Kelly would appreciate that.


From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo

From: sticksender
Good times! Thanks for the report & pics.

From: Scar Finga
Thanks for sharing the story, I sounds like a great adventure!!

From: Quinn @work
Looks like a good time! Thanks for sharing.

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