Sitka Gear
What do you call a guy ....
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
greenmountain 17-Apr-20
nvgoat 17-Apr-20
midwest 17-Apr-20
MichaelArnette 17-Apr-20
Medicinemann 17-Apr-20
JohnMC 17-Apr-20
Scrappy 17-Apr-20
lawdy 17-Apr-20
PECO 17-Apr-20
greenmountain 17-Apr-20
Woods Walker 17-Apr-20
bfisherman11 17-Apr-20
nvgoat 17-Apr-20
Bowfreak 17-Apr-20
Brotsky 17-Apr-20
Woods Walker 17-Apr-20
Mr.C 17-Apr-20
cnelk 17-Apr-20
Bou'bound 17-Apr-20
GhostBird 17-Apr-20
ALovely 17-Apr-20
WV Mountaineer 17-Apr-20
4nolz@work 17-Apr-20
Buffalo1 17-Apr-20
Ucsdryder 17-Apr-20
MarkU 17-Apr-20
EmbryOklahoma 18-Apr-20
writer 23-Apr-20
KSflatlander 23-Apr-20
t-roy 23-Apr-20
Vonfoust 23-Apr-20
What do you call a guy/gal with a different skin tone an a uncommon name? In my case I call him/ her a prospective hunting partner. I had the opportunity to hunt with a young person last fall. We are quite different in physical characteristics. I was pleased to find how similar we are. We both braved an ice storm to hunt together. We both came home empty handed on this particular hunt but we had a great time walking out of the woods after dark relating the high points of the day. Now more than ever we need to find common ground with our neighbors. This virus has led to division. I hope we can all find a way to band together.

From: nvgoat
Good for you. Great idea.

From: midwest
I don't see color.

I actually think this virus will bring us together more

From: Medicinemann
Usually call them by their given name.

From: JohnMC
Kind of weird to me that you would think that going hunting with a guy that has "different skin tone" is a big enough deal to start a thread about it.

From: Scrappy
I hope the op is trolling. If not definitely has some issues.

From: lawdy
I have coached for 45 years. All I care about is how fast you run, how strong you are, how far can you throw, how high you jump, and how bad do you want to win, male or female. A heavy kid setting PR’s in Cross Country while finishing in the back of the pack makes me as happy as watching my top runner win. My world is technicolor.

From: PECO
At least give the OP credit for a new topic.

In an attempt to say we hunters are a diverse lot I may have offended some . That was not my intention. Stay well and take a person interested on hunting fishing out for a new experience. It will be good for you and good anyone you take out.

From: Woods Walker
A, "Stay In Place" symptom? ;-)

From: bfisherman11
When I see things on TV about how people have been discriminated against and treated just because of skin color it's hard to understand. Embarrassing actually. I saw some news clip from the 50's or 60's and a white guy (I'll say redneck) was screaming at some black kids. I thought he looked pathetic and his hatred diminished him.

I'm going to be 61yrs old this year. I know the color of ones skin doesn't matter to me. I also know a person can be good or bad regardless of ethnicity. I choose to let the nature of the person determine my interactions. That is all that matters. Also being at my age I figure if someone isn't a person I want to be around I just choose not to. I am in no place to judge others. Who they are is who they are.

I doubt the OP was looking for a pat on the back. Just his way of saying what I hope is a cultural change in our society.


From: nvgoat
Look at the DNA. We all came from the same place. Evolution has changed the appearance of our skin related to where we have lived for many generations. Awfully tired of the us vs them concept.

From: Bowfreak

That is troublesome when blood trailing. :)

From: Brotsky
People who like being offended find ways to be offended. Those that try to be positive and see the good in folks will see the good in folks. I took it to mean the OP was simply pointing out that you never know who a good hunting buddy may be, always have an open mind. If you took it to be anything other than that then you likely get offended by quite a bit every day.

From: Woods Walker
Not offended, just puzzled because what he stated was so obvious, or at least it is to me.

If race/color doesn't matter, then why bring it up?

There's people, some are good people and some are bad people. I prefer the good people. Case closed.

From: Mr.C
100% of the African Americans I know and work with look at me like I'm crazy for spending the night in the woods let alone two weeks ...ahhh HELL no! lmao...yall be good to each other! that's what matters ,together we stand

From: cnelk
Just because you're offended , doesnt mean you're right

From: Bou'bound
Good job green. Life gets better when you live on the edge and get out of you comfort zone.

From: GhostBird
OK... sounds good. Glad you made a connection.

From: ALovely

I think that way to much thinking was going on concerning the OP's post. You want to see people of different color enjoy hunting and fishing together, everyday life together, people simply loving people because they are good, move to the south. My Christmas's are spent with family. Many of which are black. Blood line doesn't define it. Love does. Watching the young 'ins run to the door when someone they love comes in, for hugs and kisses, regardless of color, makes you kind of loose sight of ethnicity. Family is family.

From: 4nolz@work
I took it to mean the OP was changing with the times.People improve.

From: Buffalo1

Buffalo1's embedded Photo
Buffalo1's embedded Photo
I honestly don’t remember where I was when I took this photo- but it has always led me to think about people when you get pass the skin to the bone !

From: Ucsdryder
Man, if you ever wondered when we were at level critical and it was time for everyone to go back to work this thread should be the sign.

From: MarkU
Buff, I blew beer out of my nose when I got to pirate.

Green, good post.

One thing I've never heard... "He/She was a great (insert race) hunter". People are people. Hunters are hunters. Live life. It's not a novelty.

From: writer
"Just because you're offended , doesn't mean you're right". consider that line stolen.

Man, is that ever true in these overly sensitive days!

From: KSflatlander
Great post Green. It's good to hear there are so many good humans around the bowsite.

Buffalo1- I'm going to have to steal that photo.

From: t-roy
Where’s the eye patch, Buffalo1??

From: Vonfoust
Explains the Pittsburgh Pirates

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