Mathews Inc.
Iguana & Hunting Florida
Contributors to this thread:
rhoggman 22-Jan-21
JohnMC 22-Jan-21
t-roy 22-Jan-21
huntinelk 22-Jan-21
Bigpizzaman 23-Jan-21
Zbone 23-Jan-21
bghunter 23-Jan-21
JTreeman 23-Jan-21
JL 23-Jan-21
Swampbuck 23-Jan-21
bigswivle 23-Jan-21
Zbone 26-Jan-21
Kattlet56 26-Jan-21
bb 28-Jan-21
JerryCordova 11-Apr-23
mattandersen 11-Apr-23
Vaquero 45 11-Apr-23
Swampbuck 11-Apr-23
From: rhoggman

rhoggman's Link
Anyone take up the trade on state land in FL? No license necessary. Looks fun:)

From: JohnMC
Someone post a thread last year where they hunted them in Flordia it looked fun.

From: t-roy
JTreeman and Krieger are a couple of guys on here, that have hunted them.

From: huntinelk

huntinelk's embedded Photo
huntinelk's embedded Photo
huntinelk's embedded Photo
huntinelk's embedded Photo
huntinelk's embedded Photo
Even blow gunned a few
huntinelk's embedded Photo
Even blow gunned a few
Definitely a good time. Both the guys listed above were good sources of information.

From: Bigpizzaman

Bigpizzaman's embedded Photo
Bigpizzaman's embedded Photo
It’s a blast and a target rich environment!

From: Zbone
Cool stuff, thanks for sharing... I'd skin one and try to tan the hide...

From: bghunter
I don't like to push time, but I can't wait until dec 2022 when I can retire, move to Florida and hopefully live that dream everyday. Way to go guys looks like a blast

From: JTreeman

JTreeman's embedded Photo
JTreeman's embedded Photo
BPM. That is a good pic, can I get the name of your photographer? ;)


From: JL
Wasn't someone posting pics of eating them??

From: Swampbuck
I hunt those nuisance bastards in my own yard. Hate um!!

From: bigswivle
To many rednecks in my part of the state, they won’t make it here

From: Zbone
Cool pic with them lined up, neat to see the different color phases... Thanks for sharing...

From: Kattlet56
[url=][/url] [url=""]google[/url] [url:google|] [url label="google"]"]google[/url] [link: | google] [link: google] [link url=]google[/link] [ google] []( [[ google]] [URL=""]google[/URL] [L=]google[/L] google "google":

From: bb
When I was a kid, we lived in Panama, they would eat them regularly there. I had them, I remember them being ok, resembled chicken but not exactly.

From: JerryCordova
I'm new to this forum, and I'm excited to join the conversation. I've never hunted iguanas in Florida, but I've heard that it can be a fun activity on state land. However, I want to remind everyone that just because you don't need a license to hunt iguanas in Florida, it doesn't mean you should be reckless. I recently learned the answer to the question: "do iguanas bite humans?" the answer is yes, they can. Iguanas are not naturally aggressive towards humans, but they can become defensive if they feel threatened. It's important to approach them with caution and give them plenty of space.

From: mattandersen
I just visited Sarasota in early March...not sure if they are in that part of Florida? Anyone know? Saw lots of small lizards...they do sound fun to hunt!

From: Vaquero 45
Seen aheap of them near the Miami area and also on different occasions ran up close and personal with a at least 15' and over Python easiy 180 lbs , an believe it or not a Komodo Dragon [ large] that obviously had escaped from a reptile business or smuggler and had its thoughts on eating me or at least take in a good bite out of me . Lots of exotic stuff over there . Lose monkeys, parrots, giant " Pacu " fish in fresh and brackish waterways you name it . And that's no horse manure either ! ....

From: Swampbuck
Kill at least 1 a day in my backyard, nasty F’ers. They eat everything and crap everywhere

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