Mathews Inc.
South Africa on no fly list
Contributors to this thread:
Too many bows Bob 25-Jan-21
Ken Moody Safaris 25-Jan-21
JohnMC 26-Jan-21
WYOelker 26-Jan-21
Ken Moody Safaris 26-Jan-21
scndwfstlhntng 26-Jan-21
StickFlicker 26-Jan-21
TEmbry 26-Jan-21
Brotsky 26-Jan-21
Guardian hunter 26-Jan-21
drycreek 26-Jan-21
JohnMC 26-Jan-21
BIGHORN 11-Feb-21
Skippy 11-Feb-21
Spiral Horn 12-Feb-21
Ken Moody Safaris 12-Feb-21
altitude sick 12-Feb-21
Ken Moody Safaris 12-Feb-21
jstephens61 12-Feb-21
midwest 12-Feb-21
Woods Walker 12-Feb-21
Spiral Horn 12-Feb-21
huntinelk 13-Feb-21
Zebrakiller 13-Feb-21
Pete In Fairbanks 13-Feb-21
Ken Moody Safaris 13-Feb-21
Highlife 13-Feb-21
Highlife 13-Feb-21
llamapacker 14-Feb-21
Skippy 21-Feb-21
Pete In Fairbanks 21-Feb-21
BIGHORN 21-Feb-21
It seems that the Biden administration has put South Africa on the no fly list due to the unique form of C-19 that they have there. We'll see how this unfolds, but anyone planning a trip should check this out thoroughly. TMBB

Travel ban affects non US citizens wishing to travel to the US. The UK, Brazil, SA, and 26 other countries on the list. There is no ban on US citizens entering SA.

From: JohnMC
Biden’s travel ban sure is, hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering can’t believe he doing that.

From: WYOelker
The way I read it was that US citizens had to have a negative test prior to return and if the test was positive that they had to remain in the country until they had a medical professional sign off they were over and safe?

Also does anyone know if there is in fact a 14 day quarantine upon return?

Right now it’s a request to self impose upon return.

What does 400,00 deaths, unmentionable healthcare costs not yet tabulated, dramatic impact on the world economy, more virulent strains naturally developing around the world , and perfectly reasonable efforts to slow it down so that we can get ahead of Covid, got to do with hysteria, and xenophobia, and fear mongering? At least someone is trying.

From: StickFlicker
I believe he was being sarcastic, since the Left accused Trump of all of those things when he placed restrictions on incoming travel...but now that they're doing the same they're saviors in the media...

From: TEmbry
Could be mistaken but I think it was tongue in cheek bringing up exactly what was said about these travel restriction attempts last spring. Lol

From: Brotsky
You guys know that the most viral and contagious epidemic to our country was mean tweets right? All this stuff is ok now! Get with the program! :)

I agree with that last comment Brotsky. Stop fueling the fire and let's make common sense the medium to work with

From: drycreek
Common sense ? You gotta be joking !

From: JohnMC
scndwfstlhntng - those were Biden's exact words used for Trump when he introduced travel bans to stop the spread of the China Virus. Bet you did not hear that in the left wing media when Biden stopped travel did ya?

Things may change but now you have to have a COVID test 72 hours before you leave the US and 72 hours before you leave SA.

From: Skippy
The most deadly virus in the United States is the main stream media!

From: Spiral Horn

Spiral Horn's Link
CDC Order (effective January 26, 2021) requires ALL passengers boarding flights inbound to the USA to present documentation of a negative COVID-19 test taken with 72 hours of the flight - this includes US Citizens. So, until something eventually changes, folks traveling internationally need to make arrangements to have a COVID-19 test during their trip. The travel industry, including outfitters, would do us all a great service by identifying how clients can reliably get that done in order to safely return to the USA. Not happy about this as I’d like to travel and hunt - but that’s just the way it is.

We have drive thru testing within 25 minutes of all our camps. We make the appointment and take the clients thru over lunch 72 hours before their scheduled departure. Test results available that day. Quick and simple. Cost is R850 (around $60). We can also arrange for an on-site test if needed. We also have a testing site that’s just 5 miles from our recommended guest house in Johannesburg and have a shuttle set up for clients that may be staying over after their hunts to test there if needed. Everything possible has been done to ensure an easy experience. I am sure most every quality operator has seen to this requirement.

Ken Moody

Trust me, If you go with Ken you will be taken care of. He is very organized.

Well, you know how us old army officers are...

From: jstephens61
Only issue I can see is the cost of the 14 day stay in RSA if you test positive.

Wife is going to Cancun next month and if she tests positive, the resort puts her up for free for the 14 days.

From: midwest
Wonder when it will change to where you can just show you've had the vax.

From: Woods Walker
If it were here all you'd have to do is tell them your an illegal alien and you're golden.

"C'MON IN!!!"

From: Spiral Horn
Thanks Ken, that info on availability of quick-turn COVID testing in RSA is very useful and up to this point not widely known. Will let folks in my channels know.

From: huntinelk
For anybody that is planning to go over this year, what flights are you booking? Any time that I went in the past I flew nonstop from JFK to Johburg. That flight is 5k now, so I'm looking at other options. Are there certain airlines and layover airports to avoid when traveling as a bowhunter?

From: Zebrakiller
Right now my work has quarantin 14 day if you trave international. So thats a downer

C'mon man...

Don't go through all that BS to get back into the US. Just sneak back in across the Southern border with Mexico and you'll be fine. No Covid test necessary...

This is the Biden administration. Everything will be OK, because you will not be exposed to mean tweets anymore!


$1200 from Nashville to Johannesburg round trip. Lufthansa thru Frankfurt. Long layover but nice option.

From: Highlife
Avoid Effing Air France

From: Highlife

From: llamapacker
Consider using Ethiopian Airlines. The service is on par or better than Delta / United, and the routing has been decent. I used them last October with very good results. Bill

From: Skippy
The most deadly virus in the United States is the main stream media!

What Skippy said....!

Well, they are going to open it up for me this fall.

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