Alaskan Bowhunters Mountain Goat Raffle
Mountain Goat
Contributors to this thread:
Nick Muche's Link
The Alaskan Bowhunter Association is excited to offer this incredible opportunity to someone! We’ve secured one of the very best Mountain Goat hunts available and the hunt will take place in September of 2021!
Primo Expeditions owner, Ed Toribio has been hunting and guiding hunters for goats for 30 years in the Ketchikan area. This area is known to produce some exceptionally large Billy’s where record book horns are not uncommon. In fact, Ed’s crew harvests numerous goats exceeding the Boone and Crocket minimum each season. With very few exceptions, there is not a better location to harvest a trophy Mountain Goat than Ed’s area.
This hunt is 10 days, to include 2 travel days. In 2020 Ed’s guides produced two archery mountain goats for their clients. This is a true wilderness adventure in areas that get very few human visitors (on foot). South East Alaska can be rugged and the weather can be relentless, which is why the hunter will have 8 days. That allows ample time to traverse into goat country and also mitigate lost days due to inclement weather.
The ABA wishes you the best of luck in winning this offering and we thank you in advance for your support!
Is the guide a bowhunter? Sounds like a good deal.
Good call Hunt! Almost forgot to mention, the person that will be guiding this hunt is one hell of a Bowhunter!
Is the hunt transferrable to another hunter if one is lucky enough to win it? Asking this cause I love supporting the Alaskan Bow hunters and buy a ticket every time I see a raffle. Dream hunt for me but I know for a fact my knees could not handle the mountains as we speak. (Need knee surgery). Regardless I'll still be buying a ticket.
I’m in, thanks to all the guys at the ABA for putting this together and good luck to all the bowsiters. Hope one of us can win and document this adventure
I’d buy one but goats would be well out of my comfort range when traversing that ground
Good luck to everyone!
Absolutely this would be transferable.
Awesome! I’ve been waiting for another one of these! I’m in:)
Bucket list hunt, Im in!!!!
I can’t wait to pass the torch and no longer be the one running these raffles so that I can buy tickets myself. This will be an absolutely amazing hunt for whoever wins.
In for the win!
Good luck every one!
Great hunt and great organization!
Here is an 11 3/8" Billy taken with Ed a few years ago to spike up some more interest!
As you can tell from the pics, it’s always sunny in Southeast! :)
Is it September yet??
Can you bring a non-shooter friend along with? If so would there be a fee?
Have never won a hunt in my lifetime and I have been in a pile of raffles etc. I have another chance now.
"Can you bring a non-shooter friend along with? If so would there be a fee?"
That would have to be worked out with the outfitter, but I am sure some type of agreement could be made.
"Who one last year?" - Which one are you interested in hearing who won?
I never win anything so you guys are welcome to my donation :)
I’m in, glad to support this organization
Didn't get in the raffle but did sign up for membership to the ABA. Good luck, fellas!
Here's another fantastic 11" Billy taken with Ed Toribio! Thanks in advance for your support!
I'm in, sucker for raffles.
Is this sold out yet or what :)
Beautiful country to be hunting goats in!
Nick, is the ABA doing a brown bear raffle this year too?
Matt, we don't have a Brown Bear raffle planned for this year, but as soon as this one sells out we have something special in the works for the next one!
I tried to resist, but I am weak. I'm in!
Doing well folks! Thanks for the support thus far, let’s get the rest of these sold so we can draw a winner!
Some beautiful pics, but a tip to future photos. Remember the third rule when shooting photos, and if Nick were to put his ram pic back up it would make more sense to all on the third rule. Don't center yourself in the pic, put yourself in 1/3 with your backround in 2/3 of the pic, makes for a much better photo.
LBShooter x2. Nick’s photos are some of the best.
TTT for anyone who may have missed it! We would love to draw this hunt at our Banquet in April, hopefully we can sell the remaining 100 or so tickets before then! Thank you to everyone thus far, it's very much appreciated.
If anyone was on the fence due to the dates of this hunt, the outfitter is flexible and will work with the winner to establish dates that are acceptable to both parties!
I’m again. Whoever wins you’re welcome!
How are you coming on tickets? I’m sure I can talk my buddy into another. And pry myself.
Haha! We seem to have hit a lull in sales, but with any luck over the next month or so we can get this thing sold out and drawn. Thank you to all that have supported us thus far, it's really appreciated!
I put my name in the hat, nothing better than helping out a bowhunting organization.
Thank you all for your help & generosity so far! There are less than 70 tickets remaining, with any luck we can get this drawn soon! Hopefully we can sell some at our Banquet next weekend to finish it out.
There is a Alaska 7 raffle that ends today. Got my tickets for the Kodiak Bear and Muskox hunts.
Thanks Merle! Hope you are doing well!
Nick- Make that 69....I'm a winner either way!!!! lol
Bighorn- it is NOT a Kodiak bear on that raffle. It’s on Unimak island off the peninsula. Yes still big bear potential but the logistics of the hunt are huge, and weather could be a big factor. Very limited guide selection for NR and very limited transportation options for Residents.
In for the third time. Can we just end this already so I do have to buy more. Plus I’m excited to donate to the next raffle, I’m thinking it’s a sheep hunt....
We are trying! Not too many left at this point but if they don't sell by July 1, we will draw with what we have sold. Thank you to everyone so far, hope we can get past the finish line soon!
Just giving you guys flack Nick. I don’t mind the donation at all and it’s fun hoping and dreaming. Just hope a good photographer and storyteller wins and shares with us all at home cheering for them.
Hope you can sell them all and I’ll be crossing my fingers
We are about 80% there on ticket sales. I doubt it makes it until July 1st but if it does I’ll be calling someone then either way!
There are 50 tickets left, let's sell this thing out and draw a winner!
Not at the top of my list to do again but always up to support the Alaska Bowhunters.
Jeeze some people need to jump on this! Hope a great person gets it...or me...that would be cool too
Jeeze some people need to jump on this! Hope a great person gets it...or me...that would be cool too
FOUR tickets left!!! You guys have been awesome and I hope one of you win's this hunt!
Last chance, literally! One left!
Sold out! Thanks to everyone for their support!
I was in on this early! Lets hope it goes to a bowsiter
I’ll just go ahead and start booking my plane tickets.
Thanks for putting this on ABA.
Awesome! Good luck everyone! Gonna be a hell of a hunt!
Make sure and leave a voicemail Nick because I don't always answer unknown numbers.. LOL
I’ll be ready for the call!
Trevor will be working out the details to get this drawn in the near future, good luck to everyone!
Bring it. After you guys kill a couple bears.
Do it in bear camp... I'll bring the bottle. Ed F
Tag Nazi "No tag for you KB"... Ed F
Nick Muche's Link
We will be drawing for this hunt on Thursday, 20 May @ 9am! It'll be on our Facebook page if you'd like to tune in!
Awesome! I’ll already have my WY elk tag by then! :)
Congrats Luke Anderson! Give me a call to go over the details and can’t wait to hear all about your hunt later this year! Thanks again to everyone who bought tickets and helped make this a reality!
Luke Anderson was the winner, congrats man!
He's gonna be happy as shit! Congrats Caribou77!!!
I thought he was a Bowsiter! That's awesome! Congrats Luke!
Congrats Luke! Should be a good one!
Heck, yeah, Luke....congrats!!!! Iowa boy!
Nice, congrats Luke, and thanks for the opportunity fellas!
Congrats Luke! A full trip report with pictures would be greatly appreciated by all of us here. Best of luck on your hunt.
Thanks guys! I’ll be sure to do the best write up I can! Shook for an hour straight at work when I found out.
Hell yea, Luke! Get it done man!
That's awesome! Congrats Caribou77!
I just told my girlfriend yesterday I was gonna start Next Level Extreme Fitness June 1st. I used to do them all the time and covid put the breaks on a lot of my working out. This definitely gives me a damn good reason to push harder on all my workouts. First order of business when I got home (after babbling to my dad for an hour) 3mile 70# pack hike.
A few at 50 in the yard
A few at 50 in the yard
We decided yesterday to start shooting again daily. We’ve been busy chasing turkey for her and have slacked a bit. I have a Total Archery Challenge in Lead South Dakota this June. Little did I know I had more to prepare for
Awesome... congratulations. Can't wait to follow this... Ed F
Luke, shoot me a message, I’ll also be at TAC in June. Love to grab a beer with you!
Glad a Bowsiter got it. Congratulations man and good for all of you that supported the ABA. Can’t wait to see the results of the hunt.
Awesomeness! Congratulations Luke! Gonna be a great hunt!
Congrats Luke! Glad to see a well known Bowsiter get lucky! Best of luck on the hunt!!!
Good Luck Luke! Work hard... and stay dry!
Congrats Luke your going to have an epic hunt!
Congrats man! Doesn’t get much better than goats in the Mistys!
Congrats Luke!!! Can’t wait to hear about the hunt!!!!
Congrats Luke! So cool to see a Bowsiter win it!
Just a quick thank you to everyone that made this possible. Lotta help from family and friends. And a whole lot of people I don’t know that donated their $100 to the cause. Sitting in Minneapolis now, flying out at 8 am. Will land in Ketchikan at 4:30 tomorrow. I’ll do a separate thread when I get back. Talked with Ed Sunday. Cold and wet up there. He text me two nights ago and his first bow hunter tagged out quickly. Hoping for similar results! I’ve trained pretty hard this last 4 months. Dropped 25 pounds. And shot a ton. Ran a 1/2 marathon a week ago for fun after work. Only thing that will hold me back is my cold hands and I’ve got plenty of hand warmers for those!
Best of Luck man!!!! Can’t wait to hear the story!!
Good luck. Take plenty of pictures.
Very excited for you! Tell Bertek I say hey! Shoot straight and enjoy the journey.
Have fun and get a good one!!!
Good luck Luke! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Good luck, Luke!….Looking forward to the recap!
What kinda update you looking for Nick? Lol I can tell you it doesn’t take long to miss Alaska…
Let’s hear how it went, caribou!!
Silhouette looks like a cape hanging off a pack!!
Gentlemen I promise I’ll do my story soon. Before I ever write anything I want everyone to know that Ed Toribio, TJ. Bertek and Cole Greene are some of the best hunters, outdoorsmen and just plain genuine guys I’ve ever had the chance to know. I will never forget the times we had and the laughs we shared. Anyone looking for an incredible goat adventure in an unforgettable, unforgiving rugged place with monster goats, needs to get ahold of Ed.
Ambush, honestly there is no cape hanging off that pack. though that woulda been a great pic. It’s just me the 1st day we get up top.
I hoped you would post your adventure. Looking forward to reading your story Luke. Tuned in!
Great suspenseful picture. Sure looks like a goat hide hanging.
Looking forward to your hunt recap.