Large Russian Bear
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: DL
It was killed because it was eating people. There were three fellas pictures of their remains. It ate everything inside of them.
From: bigswivle
From: drycreek
From: JL
JL's Link
That's from a few years ago. The bear skin is huge. The alleged story and pics are at the link. Some pics are not for the kiddos.
From: GF
But.... but.... but.......
I saw it on the INTERNET! It HAS to be True!!
You can tell the pic of the guy standing in front of the truck/crane is faked, because (Duh.) the guy is standing WELL out IN FRONT of it.
At least the one with the hunter long-arming a bear is believable....
From: steve
saw that 2-3 years ago , huge bear.
From: Nick Muche
The original photo DL posted is from a Kodiak bear. One of the photos in the link that JL posted, guy holding paw, is from an Afognak hunt that my close friend guided and none of the photos are related. People will believe anything...
From: kentuckbowhnter
if only they were wearing Kuiu they may still be alive today.
From: RymanCat
Better get a heavier bow and firing squad back up.
From: LBshooter
When you see a bear that big a 44 mag or 10 mm doesn't seem like a good option lol
From: DL
Where the half eaten bodies from? Please tell me it wasn’t zombies.
From: Duke
Fake news. The pic of the paw is a Randall brother (Josh) on Afognak several years ago now.
From: DL
I shot this one at Costco last week.
From: Chief 419
DL - That’s a huge bear. I’m guessing he weighs about 15 lbs.
From: caribou77
Please….. that bear will go over 20 for sure…
From: wvfarrier
My taxidermist killed a huge Russian Coastal bear a couple years ago (i cant remember the name of the area). Its quite literally a terrifying animal, having only hunted black bear I was aghast at the size difference. They are an amazing creature.
Kamchatka i think is where it was
From: Pat Lefemine
I almost pulled the trigger on a Kamchatka brown bear hunt a decade ago. A friend from BS called and told me that the hunt is conducted so unethically that I should cancel. Plus you need to bribe people at every turn. Needless to say I never went to Kamchatka.
From: wvfarrier
He did say a lot of money exchanged hands