Season opened yesterday, couldn’t get out, but today I got lucky and had 3 big boys strutting with 6 hens and made a good shot at 30 yards walking straight away to get on the board! Good luck out there! Nebraska
Zach’s idea of growing a “strutstache” paid off in spades!
Zach’s idea of growing a “strutstache” paid off in spades!
Got our butts kicked by the birds on Friday and most of Saturday, but finally picked the right spot to set up late in the day on Saturday, and got the flock to commit to the decoys.
2 strutters and a half dozen hens were milling around approximately 30 yds from the blind. Another gobbler joined the party and the 3 gobblers started fighting with each other. One gobbler peeled off and attacked my jake decoy. 8 yd. chip shot.
This particular spot the birds have kicked our butts. This was the 11th time in two years we have hunted this spot and the first birds we have killed there. Persistence pays!
This particular spot the birds have kicked our butts. This was the 11th time in two years we have hunted this spot and the first birds we have killed there. Persistence pays!
I feel photographically challenged! I was all alone in the woods and camp and didn't think to arrange for "pretty pictures" So, here it is as is. Lake Panasoffkee, Florida. 10:00 am on the first morning of a four day hunt, I'm tagged out, and left for home shortly thereafter. 9 in beard and 1 1/14 spurs. Not a huge Osceola, but a nice bird nevertheless.
He was working with the 20 gauge and made a quick time of it. The rest of us struck out with stick and strings. Birds weren't super cooperative to come into the set ups. Seemed like whenever we went for a walk .....we got distracted..
I saw two big toms right outside the public archery range in North Metro Minnesota. Pretty brave but they are about 2 miles from the nearest hunting area.
Got my turkey 2nd day out. As I was calling him in a hen came in to cut him off. Unfortunately as the hen led him off she led him right past my window. Waited for him to turn towards me and a Wasp jackhammer put him down on the spot. He actually flopped closer to the blind. Easy tracking.
After losing their Mom to breast cancer in Feb. I knew being demoted to shooter #3 wasn't going to be an issue for me. I've harvested 40+ birds over the years. Both Archery and Gun. I prefer the gun anymore and my boys love it. With this being my youngest little guy's first official hunt I knew he was priority #1. He missed 2 shots the 1st trip out and his big brother backed him up with a quick shot on a nice 7" bird. Then 2 days later my little guy made it happen with his little .28 gauge. Just over an 8" beard and a smile for years to come. Was truly a blessed DAD experience. We know their Mom was looking down from heaven smiling at her boys.
Not sure why some of the pics aren't loading but hopefully this one comes up. He don't post as much but thought some of you would want to know he's still out there passing it down and sharing with others. It's always bad news for critters when Huntman's on the prowl. Thanks brotha!
Didn't think it was going to happen for me this year. My daughter's weighed more, had a better beard and longer spurs. She put it on me. Killed today 4/23/21.
My middle son, Jacob, had never shot a turkey and he blasted this 8.5 inch Tom the other day. His younger brother, Sam, is the bow hunter and has missed a Tom and hit one low through the feathers. We moved and set another blind and hopefully he'll take his first bow-kill turkey this weekend:)
DL congrats on a awesome bird!! Saw my first one a few years ago when a few people I know completed their bow slam of turkeys! They make beautiful full mounts!!!
I put it on and stood by a tree at camp with my arms out like a tree limbs. I was laughing and all the guides were talking in Spanish. The camp host said they were saying that’s the best jungle camo they’ve seen. These birds are not out in the open at all. I had to really plan out where to get an open head shot with a shotgun. Brush doesn’t begin to describe it. Some places they carry a machete to get through.
So many congrats to give I don’t know where to start. Let’s just say I’m impressed by all the kids, and by the trad guys, but DL has the most beautiful bird. Congrats to all who posted, thanks for sharing with us !
I put it on and stood by a tree at camp with my arms out like a tree limbs. I was laughing and all the guides were talking in Spanish. The camp host said they were saying that’s the best jungle camo they’ve seen. These birds are not out in the open at all. I had to really plan out where to get an open head shot with a shotgun. Brush doesn’t begin to describe it. Some places they carry a machete to get through.
Number two. Turned out to be a Jake. Couldn’t see his spurs but if they have a large crown on their heads it’s usually a mature bird. They don’t strut either. They say they are too smart for decoys.
Dare I say it, what about shooting a hen when legal??
In my state not legal in spring season but in the fall.
I have been dealing with one or two really old smart hens. Both cause a lot of trouble with afternoon set-ups, decoys and directing the flock away from hunting set-ups. Seems like she is always there, first one into the decoys, first one to come near the blind, give the all clear for roosting,etc. Are the hens fertile until the day(season) they die?? Just like that old doe that always busts you I am thinking success would be better if she wasn't around.
Today was the first day I saw a hen. They look almost identical to Tom’s. One was pumped up with her tail flared. Can’t shoot them here. The Tom’s come in through trees and brush and make a 15 - 50 yd inspection. We are in heavy brushed in blinds. If they see any movement or if they don’t like what they see they are gone. No strutting at all like our Tom’s so you can move when they turn away. I Cannot believe how quick they are to move out if spooked. I’ve been fortunate to take two this time of year. Earlier in the year they are in flocks and much easier. There’s three of us and three birds killed. I have two. Should have had three. The limit is how thick your wallet is.
Good job men. Glad to see some success. Spent the last two mornings not even hearing a gobble! Had two hens though come in separately and based on their behavior I think they were nesting already, which is great news.
I have never been one to get all excited over Turkey bowhunting though I have arrowed a few over the years. That being said, I have a close bowhunting friend from anothe state that is "NUTS" over bird hunting & bowhunting Turkeys. This year he went out of state (1000+ miles one way) to a PUBLIC area he had never been b/4. His 1st day opener was no hunting due to "SNOW" & not able to get into the area. 2nd day he arrows a Gobbler "in the snow" & then a day later with his 2nd tag, does it again. THEN he goes south to try for a RIO. New public area, nevere been b/4.. YEP, he gets a RIO. Then, opening day in his home state where he has never "arrowed" a Gobbler he gets his 1st with a bow at home. Yesterday, I get a text & he's tagged his FIFTH of the year. Over 20#s, huge beard & short IVORY spurs.. I now call him the Turkey Whisperer.
Nice! Last weekend coming up, been hot and windy, we'll see...One bird, I've been chasing in particular...See what happens! After seeing Blackbear's post, it may be Jake-a-licious....Lol