Lion Relocation
Contributors to this thread:Wild Sheep
From: DL
DL's Link
Time to relocate them to the farralon islands to feed on sea lions.
From: RK
Predators are awesome. We travel 1000s of miles to kill those sheep. Peas in a pod. LOL!!
From: elkmtngear
"The agency’s response to the sheep-eating lions used to be lethal removal, but the state’s fish and game code was recently revised to require that non-lethal methods be attempted first".
Imagine that !
From: GF
I ‘d wonder how many times they’re going to be required to relocate the Specialist lions before they acknowledge that it doesn’t work and that it’d be more cost effective to turn lethal control over to people who would cheerfully pay for the privilege...
Except California....
Are these people really willing to allow the sheep to be extirpated in order to preserve individual lions??
I guess they’re morally opposed to farmers thinning seedlings in order to ensure a productive crop as well???
From: grizz
For the first time ever, and trust me I find it deeply disturbing, I have to agree with GF.
From: DL
Maybe you could say that you identify as a lion so you could go hunt sheep. It might work here in California.
From: DanaC
"... the state’s fish and game code was recently revised to require that non-lethal methods be attempted first". "
Ewe! Did you take your pill this morning!
From: buckeye
Doesn't California game and fish kill 600 to 800 problem lions a year , now that they outlawed hunting them? That's alot of hungry cats
From: standswittaknife
these people are so damned dumb it's painful...
From: LTG 11
I believe the number of problem lions killed in California is around a hundred. But the number of permits they used to issue was about a hundred.
Instead of getting $1000 per lion in license fees, they pay $10k per lion for a state shooting, biologists, and necrospy etc.
From: RK
Nothing stranger than Liberal logic except maybe California Liberal Logic
From: GF
Don’t take it too hard, Grizz...
I disagree with myself all the time, so....
From: steve
Huh, I didn't know the same moron's running the Montana FWP also run the California Fish and Game !!! LOL
From: traditional archery
LTG11 it sounds like the same thing they do here in Montana with the Grizzley Bears !! Big thing is I bet it's a lot more than $1000 per animal !!
From: Drnaln
Watch your Kitties if you have any?
From: GF
Is that lion walking off with Protein or Progeny?