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For those of you who like to gun hunt...
Contributors to this thread:
Bowfreak 05-Apr-21
IdyllwildArcher 05-Apr-21
JRABQ 05-Apr-21
Brotsky 05-Apr-21
Bowfreak 05-Apr-21
midwest 05-Apr-21
SIP 05-Apr-21
petedrummond 05-Apr-21
petedrummond 05-Apr-21
wytex 05-Apr-21
LKH 05-Apr-21
Scar Finga 05-Apr-21
thedude 05-Apr-21
Glunt@work 05-Apr-21
DanaC 05-Apr-21
Bowfreak 05-Apr-21
drycreek 05-Apr-21
Old School 05-Apr-21
4nolz@work 05-Apr-21
Grunt-N-Gobble 05-Apr-21
Dale06 06-Apr-21
Bowfreak 06-Apr-21
WV Mountaineer 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
Woods Walker 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
WV Mountaineer 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
Orion 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
WV Mountaineer 06-Apr-21
Missouribreaks 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
JL 06-Apr-21
WV Mountaineer 06-Apr-21
Panther Bone 06-Apr-21
4nolz@work 06-Apr-21
BigOzzie 06-Apr-21
Bowfreak 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
DanaC 06-Apr-21
BigOzzie 06-Apr-21
4nolz@work 06-Apr-21
Old School 06-Apr-21
Thornton 06-Apr-21
Basil 06-Apr-21
MarkU 06-Apr-21
JL 06-Apr-21
Panther Bone 06-Apr-21
grizzly63 06-Apr-21
Hawkarcher 06-Apr-21
Hawkarcher 06-Apr-21
Hawkarcher 06-Apr-21
EMB 09-Apr-21
midwest 09-Apr-21
krieger 09-Apr-21
Live2Hunt 09-Apr-21
Boris 11-Apr-21
Will 12-Apr-21
Shuteye 13-Apr-21
spike78 13-Apr-21
spike78 13-Apr-21
Cornpone 13-Apr-21
wyobullshooter 13-Apr-21
Thornton 15-Apr-21
Jaquomo 15-Apr-21
DanaC 15-Apr-21
Jaquomo 15-Apr-21
DanaC 15-Apr-21
Wayjames 15-Apr-21
Lawdy 16-Apr-21
spike78 17-Apr-21
JL 17-Apr-21
montnatom 17-Apr-21
PECO 18-Apr-21
From: Bowfreak
I hope you are strong enough to throw your shotgun at them because ammo is like hen's teeth. Good luck to you all!

I order ammo that I don't need just specifically because I can never get it when I need it so I keep way more than I need.

It is crazy, only thing I saw today was 28g, good thing I've got a stockpile from last year.

From: Brotsky
Shotgun ammo is readily available here, pretty much anything you want. Now any kind of centerfire rifle or pistol ammo...you'd have better luck finding a unicorn.

From: Bowfreak
I never buy ammo but was looking online to order a choke for my daughter's shotgun. No turkey loads anywhere that I could find. I texted the owner of my local archery pro shop who sells tons of guns and ammo and he said he has had Winchester Longbeard on order since October. LOL!

From: midwest
I saw 5 and 6 shot 3" turk loads at Walmart yesterday. Was surprised.

From: SIP
We just got a delivery of longbeard at the archery shop i work at...good ta go!

From: petedrummond

petedrummond's embedded Photo
petedrummond's embedded Photo
Jerry Costellos daughter graduating from Alabama starts law school this fall at SIU bags her gobbler in 20 minutes of opening day. Jerry formerly an Illinois representative is now Director of Idnr CPOs in Illinois. She has migrated to turkeys from deer after her monster buck last fall.

From: petedrummond

petedrummond's embedded Photo
petedrummond's embedded Photo

From: wytex
I load my own and have plenty of bullets, brass and powder set aside .

From: LKH
Guess who's to blame for this????? Us! Every time an election comes around we have the hoarders go on a "The Dems Are Coming" buying binge. Anyone know what else is causing this?

From: Scar Finga
^^^^ WHAT HE SAID!^^^^ and Nothing But Greed!!!

From: thedude
Ordered my ammo back in feb, I knew it would be dumb once season started. Even then longbeard xr loads I liked were extinct. Picked up 10 rounds of tss on clearance.

From: Glunt@work
The Dems are coming. They are always coming but they don't always have the Presidency and both sides of Congress. They are a likely a long ways away from outlawing turkey loads but threats to parts of the market have a ripple effect on manufacturers that spread throughout the product line. I'm not a fan of hoarding but I can't say stocking up is a bad idea.

From: DanaC
Let's not forget that the entire Remington ammo line was shut down for several months while they sorted out bankruptcy proceedings. That increased demand for all other brands. Vista (who bought Remington's ammo business) is working hard to get them back on line.

Meanwhile, the people who insist on living in freaked-out mode won't be happy no matter how much ammo they have on hand.

From: Bowfreak

I haven't bought a round of ammo in 2 years. My naivete of the ammo glut assumed that something as ubiquitous as shotgun shells would have not been impacted as greatly.

From: drycreek
I overstocked after the last “shortage”. I’m good.

From: Old School
Turkey loads are something I’m well stocked on.

From: 4nolz@work
If you're just now looking for ammunition that's poor preparedness.

I'm good on 12ga cause I roll my own and have components, but could use some pre-primed 20ga hulls. Anyone willing to hook me up?

From: Dale06
I have shot some with a 12 ga, but not in a long time. Much prefer to arrow them. FWIW, you don’t need 3 or 3.5” with buffered tungsten shot and an extended ported extra full choke. Get them inside 40 yards and use a 2.75” load of # 5 or 6 shot through a mod or full choke. I load my own ammo so not experiencing a shortage.

From: Bowfreak
4 nolz,

You don't know what you are talking about. This is my kids' gun and we shoot federal high brass #6s. We were going to buy actual turkey loads to give them a try but we don't need them to hunt.

Also....I have all of the turkey ammo I need in 100 gr mechanicals.

Yep. Ammo being scarce for 8-9 years. It’s never came back in these parts since Obama’s time. It has very little to do with guarding. There’s got to be enough to hoard to start with. And, the riots did more for gun and ammo sakes then any one thing. Brought out millions of first time gun owners.

People call others greedy for buying up ammo. I think that is stupid. No o e is buying cases of it. And, a little bit of plinking takes a decent amount of ammo.

So, You fellas just keep on living life with your head in the sand. Acting as if the threats to the 2nd amendment aren’t going to affect your ability to just ease on down and buy a box of 50 rounds to last you another 31 years. Common sense folk have been getting ready for this for decades. The writings been on the wall.

From: DanaC
WVMountaineer, do you know how much ammo is being hoarded? I suspect not. Go on Youtube and search for 'ammo stash'. The results might scare you.

From: Woods Walker
It's quite simple really, the forked tongue illegitimate offspring of female dogs have figured out that until they can fully disarm us (which will take a while due the what's left of the Constitution and the fact that the number of firearms already in possession make it almost impossible). the second best way is to make ammo unavailable. Same end result. A firearm without ammo is basically a club. And they will use ANY means necessary. Truth, the Constitution and serving the public have nothing to do with it. It comes down to one word......

P O W E R !

From: DanaC

Dana, nothing about stock piling ammo scares me. Nothing about the shortages surprises me. However, What does do both is otherwise common sense people complaining they’ve been dubbed because they can’t go to the store and buy the ammo they want right now.

Of course your political beliefs require you stand against the idea there is indeed a concerted effort to control guns by means other then coming and taking them. I don’t share your sentiments. Nor have I. And, I shoot a lot compared to most. So, I did what I needed to in order to ensure I wasn’t complaining about ammo shortages.

This has been going on since the 90’s. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone it’s gotten here. That’s how it works. Things escalate when theirs pressure to make them.

Blame the bubbas, the hoarders, whoever makes you happy. But, don’t look in the mirror whatever you do.

From: DanaC
"Of course your political beliefs require you stand ..."

Come again? You have no idea what my political beliefs are.

"the idea there is indeed a concerted effort to control guns by means other then coming and taking them."

I've been watching that for decades, same as most. And yet I still have all the guns and ammo I want. Remember how Bill Clinton was going to take our guns? All he did was stampede AR shooters into hoarding magazines and 223 ammo. And they're STILL being stampeded. The funniest thing is, the hoarders think everyone else is 'sheep'.

If the S really does HTF, most of these closet commandos will never get their second magazine into their gun before a swat team or a smart missile takes their asses out. No? Ask the badasses at Waco.

From: Orion
Sure tell that to the taliban we've certainly taken them all out over the last 20 years??? DanaC how many rounds were fired to take over the capitol?

From: DanaC
Orion, I've noticed that the talibangers don't post videos of their ammo caches. Whereas the preppers don't understand 'omerta'.

Dana, I’ve got a real good idea what your political beliefs are. Your hatred for Trump allowed you to express them. Unless your words from the past mean nothing.

What you and others like you, can’t grasp with that pea of yours is, every step that’s been taken by any legislature that infringes on the 2nd amendment, was twisted by politicians as an attempt to keep you and I from owning firearms. Every single time it’s a grasp at straws. And, they’ve grabbed a few along the way. Instead of stopping, they intensify the push. The idea everything is going to continue down the ok trail is absurd. Almost as dumb as thinking ammo should be stockpiled on store shelves for our leisure purchase. Especially in the light of the political climate the last 20 years.

I don’t buy the assumption of sheep. That’s your political punchline. Not the truth of it. I see people I consider great friends posting on this thread that are far from sheep. So, don’t try that with me. I know better.

Get your hackles up by my declaration. Gloat about having plenty of ammo. Keep insinuating this is going to fix itself with time. Do whatever makes you happy. But, none of that changes reality. Ammo is harder to find today then it was last year. People been saying that since the 90’s. And, it’s been true.

Perhaps the government is trying to force gun hunters to switch to the scoped crossbow and hunt during archery seasons.

From: DanaC
I make no bones about hating Trump. That doesn't make me a 'liberal' or 'communist' or 'democrat' or whatever you like.

" every step that’s been taken by any legislature that infringes on the 2nd amendment, was twisted by politicians as an attempt to keep you and I from owning firearms."

And that's why we HAVE the 2nd Amendment, and a court system where we can appeal these attempts to infringe upon our rights. (A court which has affirmed and re-affirmed our rights.)

From: JL
I have plenty of turkey ammo from years past that didn't get much use :-(

I'm taking up reloading and have been buying reloading stuff the last 3 months or so. I have been watching what is going on out there. The virus shutdown hurt many ammo company's production. I believe it is slowly catching up though.

The local BPS where I was at in Florida was slowly getting ammo in. However.....the problem I experienced there is ammo scalpers. You had to get there early, before they opened and get in line. There was a clique of 3-4 the same scalpers who were there everytime the delivery truck delivered. They would tell you where your place in line was....they tried to do that to me twice. At 0900....they would go up to the gun counter and use their BPS card to buy 8 boxes of pistol ammo each....however much BPS got in that morning. They would then go re-sell it for an inflated price. They were doing this anytime the truck delivered. If you do the math....that is a lot of ammo they were cleaning out. Often times they bought all the pistol ammo before anyone else in line could get any. BPS knows what they're doing yet would not (or could not??) stop these 3-4 scalpers. The local police and intel folks know they're scalping and word on the street is they're being watched and have vids/pics of them. I'm sure they have or will get their credit card purchase records from BPS as evidence. Hopefully they get popped for commercial reselling without a license and tax evasion. The last time I was there to get reloading stuff last week....I almost had a throw down with 2 of them. These scalpers are stealing the ammo buying opportunity from others who need some ammo for legit personal use. Unscrupulous ammo scalpers are not highly thought of in these times. Go to longrangehunting.com and see what others think about ammo scalpers.

Dana, if you think I’m hanging that assumption only on your outspoken feelings of Trump, you are mistaken.

And, fundamentally there should be no fight for a US citizen concerning their rights. The courts don’t decide right and wrong. Only law as they define it. Which is ok until it’s not applied with the same prejudice.

I’ll never understand a person hanging on supreme court rulings as a goal post. As if they posses something so noble. For goodness sakes, murder is illegal in every state. But, aborting human beings isn’t. Yep. That sounds like rational decision making. And, exactly the type of people I want deciding how the Bill of rights applies to us individually.

I’ve got 4 Turkey loads. Limit is 3 in TN. I’m not worried about it; you shoot at them once they can tell the color of your eyes anyway.

From: 4nolz@work
well I DO know better than waiting until just before season to look for ammo.Maybe you havent been paying attention to current events.

From: BigOzzie
I waited for this thread to wane a little before I hijacked it by asking a question, but this may save me from doing research elsewhere.

My father is a retired LEO, I borrowed his 12 ga. this winter for a hunt, he insisted on giving me all the ammo and reloading equipment associated with it. (the back end of my wifes 4runner was squatting on the way home). Anyways: I have never bird hunted or reloaded or whatnot and therefore am a little ignorant. I only bow hunt, I pull out a rifle if I get hungry and haven't filled a tag yet.

question: I have several boxed of #4 00 buckshot. I see in the thread people discussing #5 #6 etc. I am sure #4 was an LEO thing, Will it work for Turkey? what would be the disadvantages, advantages?

thanks for educating the shotgun ignorant.


From: Bowfreak
Did you read what I wrote? I don't need ammo to hunt. We have done just fine already with high brass #6. I wanted to try an actual turkey load in my kid's gun and it has nothing to do with this season. Considering I struck out on turkey loads I started this thread to warn others who actually might need ammo to hunt. Considering many of us only bowhunt or mostly bowhunt it would be easy for someone to get caught with their pants down. If those guys exist maybe they will chime in so you can tell them how unprepared they are.

From: DanaC
Big Ozzie, I'm not sure if you're referring to #4 buckshot or #00 buckshot. I doubt that either is legal for turkey.

Many states set an upper limit of #2 shot (which is NOT #2 BUCKshot.)

(#4 is .25" diameter, 00 is .33" diameter.)

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo
oops #4 is .024, shouldn't be working from memory...

From: BigOzzie
It is #4 there was a bunch of 00 also didn't mean to combine those two. thanks.

I will go check state regs, don't plan on hunting with the shotgun, but -------never know I guess.


From: 4nolz@work
thanks for the warning I hope your kid smokes one

From: Old School
#4 Buckshot or #4 shot - 2 completely different things. One is legal for turkeys and one is not...

From: Thornton
I have enough ammo to get me through this administration and the next. Got these yesterday for regular price. The sign said "Limit two boxes per customer" so I bought the biggest box

From: Basil
My dad owns a gun shop. His 2 box ammo limit even applies to me. I guess blood is not thicker than lead. Crazy times

From: MarkU
I bought a 28 gauge semiauto this winter for chukar hunting and sporting clays. Lucked out, plenty of ammo for it.

From: JL
FWIW.....I noticed over the winter our local, northern box stores seemed to have a good supply of shotgun ammo. I suspect there is not much shotgunning in the winter time up here so the availability goes up. Whereas my buddy in Florida said cheap shotgun ammo was hard to come by there.

I’ve got 4 Turkey loads. Limit is 3 in TN. I’m not worried about it; you shoot at them once they can tell the color of your eyes anyway.

From: grizzly63
If you look at some of the overpriced sellers on Gun Broker and note they started selling in oct 20.and then go ahead and tell me they are not scalpers. I've got some land I can sell you.

From: Hawkarcher
In 1998 I was in a buddy’s wedding and since his wife told him he had to get his groomsmen gifts he headed to Walmart. Gave me five boxes of three inch turkey loads. Haven’t had to buy any since. I think the price tag said $3.99

From: Hawkarcher
In 1998 I was in a buddy’s wedding and since his wife told him he had to get his groomsmen gifts he headed to Walmart. Gave me five boxes of three inch turkey loads. Haven’t had to buy any since. I think the price tag said $3.99

From: Hawkarcher
Of course I’ve mostly bow hunted since 2001. But it’s still fun to blast turkeys.

From: EMB
Shotgun is about the only thing that I don't reload. I got caught short of rifle and pistol components in 2008 (guess why) and short of primers in 2012 (guess why). I promised that I would not be caught short of any component again. When it was obvious that Hillary would became a candidate in 2016, I became "Hillary Compliant". With the exception of .22, I have not bought a factory round in over a decade. I've bought enough turkey loads over the years that I'm not concerned. But I'm getting low on my favorite that I'll get more of after turkey season. I won't tell you what "Hillary Compliant" means as I find that the answer to that question disturbs some folks.

From: midwest
Got a turkey tag last night at Walmart. They still had several boxes of 4 and 5 shot turkey loads.

Federal Ammo and Hornaday are both accounts I take care of. They cant work enough hours, they cant build enough machinery and they cant make enough rounds to satisfy demand. Haven't been able to in several years. Its conspiring hoarders creating these issues. The mfg'ers supply the biggest buyers first and every other small business follows. Its been the trend for many years.

From: krieger
The guys on here complaining about availability, will be the same ones next time, because they won't buy what they need WHEN it does become available.

From: Live2Hunt
Well, I am in the should have bought over winter boat. Trap shooting league is starting the end of April. Been looking for shells the past 2 weeks in WI and nothing. A few should have been here's? Goofy is all I can say. I have a reloader sitting in the garage, a bag of 7-1/2 shot, some primers for my ML, but no powder!!! unless I use my loose black powder?

From: Boris
Question: Yes, I have 5 boxes of turkey loads. But, I have about 10 boxes of steel shot duck and goose loads. Have never used steel shot on turkey. Good idea or bad idea.

From: Will
Looks through the shells at a local shop recently.

You could have bought 18 packs of charmin ultra soft last April easier than shotgun ammo right now ha ha ha!

Literally they had like 1 box of 12 gauge, 3.5" steel (I think) and 1 box of 28gauge. The shelves were basically empty.

From: Shuteye
I have enough ammo to last the rest of my life. My county finally allowed straight wall cartridge handguns and rifles for deer. I bought a Ruger Ranch Rifle 350 Legend. That ammo got real hard to get but I now have plenty. I can hit a quarter at 50 yards, from a bench rest. Zeroed in with Federal ammo but have Winchester and Hornady ammo on the shelf. 150 grain, 160 grain and 170 grain bullets so I am set for the rest of my days.

From: spike78
I’ve got some Longbeard ammo left will sell for 1k per shell ha! Here in MA my 6 shells should get me through 3 seasons if I got my limit and did not miss!

From: spike78
Dana, are you implying that Supreme Court judges make rulings based on law and not their personal thoughts and feelings? Wow, I guess you really have more faith in the Government then we do. If this were true it wouldn’t matter if the justice elected was liberal or conservative.

From: Cornpone
I imagine all the ammo hoarders also have a pallet or two of toilet paper stashed away as well. I totally understand "stocking up" but having enough turkey ammo to last three lifetimes...as many have...is totally ridiculous.

The local Sportsman’s Warehouse had plenty of turkey shells for both 12 and 20ga in 4,5, and 6 shot when I was in there a week ago. I have twenty-two 3” 12ga, 1 3/4oz copper coated lead in 5 shot. More than likely they’ll last me to the end of my turkey hunting.

From: Thornton
I've killed turkeys with every thing from dove loads to steel shot waterfowl loads.

From: Jaquomo
Spike, so far Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have voted with the Left-leaning justices more than the Lefties have voted the other way.

Dana, what an interesting post above. I hate the stinking, rotten guts of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and too many other Dem legislators to list. But that doesn't make me a republican or a conservative. Just an American who values freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government intrusion into our lives.

From: DanaC
Lou, that list makes a powerful argument for term limits. (Add Ed Markey, the imbecile I _get_ to call my other Senator.)

From: Jaquomo
Term limits would be great, and will never happen. None of them will ever vote to fire themselves from the cushiest jobs with the greatest perks.

From: DanaC
It would have to be done by Amendment

From: Wayjames
If it helps the discussion any, I am so mad I’m about to launch an investigation!

From: Lawdy
The only shotgun I own is an old Winchester single barrel 12 I keep for a house gun. I reload. My go to shotgun is an original 62 caliber Tulle de Chasse smoothbore flinter I had rebarreled years ago. I kept the original barrel in case my kids decide to sell it after I die. I have plenty of black powder for my flinters and about a good stash of sulfur and salt Peter for making my own. A flintlock is about as simple as you can get and very effective when used enough to get proficient.

From: spike78
It must be a cushy job hell you can have dimentia and be 100 years old and still do it.

From: JL

JL's Link
FWIW.....the states can by-pass Congress and hold a convention for Congressional term limits. As I recall...there are 3 or 4 ways to do term limits. Here is where the state convention plan currently stands. It looks like it is slowly gaining steam.

From: montnatom
I reload all my own and have been collecting powder and bullets for a long time, only because everytime I go into a store I buy a couple of things I don't need haha. Have about 5000 rounds of .22 shells, two muzzleloaders, lots of round balls and black powder and more arrows then I can ever lose. I do feel for my gunhunter buddies who can't find a box of 30.06 factory loads.

From: PECO
You don't need a special shotgun, or special ammo for turkey.

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