Retirement Turkey Tour
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I’m leaving Friday morning for an adventure I’ve wanted to do for years. Georgia to OK to KS to NE to SD and close it out in WY. Hoping to kill a Rio and Merriam toward my slam attempt. I have Easterns. For those who are Believers I would appreciate a prayer or two. I have PTSD and have been so off kilter mentally that I had called it off as recently as a week ago. Doc has changed my meds and I’m feeling good enough to give it a go....determined that Satan isn’t going to steal my joy! I’ll keep y’all posted. Retired from DOD 6 weeks ago and have dubbed it the Retirement Turkey Tour, lol. Thanks and God bless! Chief ~
Good luck Chief! Prayers for a safe and fruitful journey!
Best of luck and congrats on your retirement, Jasper! Prayers for a safe and successful trip!
Prayers and good thoughts you way, Jasper! I’m definitely looking forward to following along on your Retirement Turkey Tour. Hope you have a blast and fill all of your tags!
Kill em all good luck ?? I hope you have a great venture stay safe Lewis Lewis
Jasper! Prayers for peace in your mind and in your soul. That you will enjoy this tour and find peace and joy at the end of it.
Perhaps tying into those here that are truly pulling for you by posting regular updates will help maintain focus and keep the bad man at bay. Consider us your emotional support animals. lol
Post pics and notes from the tour. We're with you
Have fun Jasper! Prayers your way for a safe, fun, turkey tour!
Good luck and keep it tight.
Prayers for you. Thanks for your service.
Please post a follow up. Might inspire my retirement.
I’m leaving Friday morning for an adventure I’ve wanted to do for years. Georgia to OK to KS to NE to SD and close it out in WY. Hoping to kill a Rio and Merriam toward my slam attempt. I have Easterns. For those who are Believers I would appreciate a prayer or two. I have PTSD and have been so off kilter mentally that I had called it off as recently as a week ago. Doc has changed my meds and I’m feeling good enough to give it a go....determined that Satan isn’t going to steal my joy! I’ll keep y’all posted. Retired from DOD 6 weeks ago and have dubbed it the Retirement Turkey Tour, lol. Thanks and God bless! Chief ~
Good for you! Retirement ISN'T overrated. Hopefully the weather in WY will cooperate for you in May. I've encountered 14" of snow on a turkey hunt then. Be safe!
Might I suggest naming it the "Retirement turkey hunting tour" lest some get the individual retiring confused with the goal of the hunt
Go get 'em, Jasper!
Keep us posted along the way whenever possible.
HIt the enter button to quick......of course I wish you the best of luck on the hunt and in retirement and many thanks for your service.
Sounds like a great plan - enjoy the journey.
Good luck Jasper! Sounds like a great time. Prayers for a safe and healing adventure.
Good luck on the turkey tour. I’ll be in Ne and Wy, but doubt our paths cross. Leave a bird or two for me.
Good luck! Enjoy the journey!
Good luck!! Have a lot of fun!
Prayer sent but with you sitting in God's great outdoors in the mornings you will have true peace... congrats on your retirement and thanks for your service!
Jasper hope you have a great time. It's been a good but windy opener here in Oklahoma.
Congrats, good luck and prayer sent. Will look back for updates.
I have a tour like that on my to do list. Congratulations to you on making it happen!!! I hope you have a great time.
Have fun and travel safe!
Good luck, Robb
Good luck man ,sounds like a great time, you should be dialed in pretty good with that much turkey hunting.The different landscapes and terrains will be cool to see, the diversity and changing scenery will be a challenge too. Post pics if you get time.
I'll keep you in prayer and look forward to your updates as I am not considering turkey hunting this season myself. Safe travels and take naps as needed.
Good luck, John! We will be waiting for updates.
Prayers and best of luck sent your way and congrats on your retirement!
Best of luck and travel safe
Congrats on your retirement and thanks for your service. Travel safe and have a great time. Good luck on your quest for a turkey grand slam. Stay safe and enjoy your hunts.
Thanks guys for the thoughts and prayers!
Good luck and enjoy yourself. Nothing like hunting the whole spring!
Sounds fun good luck and safe travels.
Best of luck dude. I'm sure if you keep people up to date on here, you'll have more than enough positive reinforcement daily to keep you motivated!
Go get them well you can. I did the same thing a few years ago when I retired. Florida, Georgia. Alabama, Texas, New Mexico, Then the next year Michigan, Kansas, Kentucky,Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana . What a blast. Glad I did because now the pandemic hit , diagnosed with cancer and several ops and radition now finally starting to feel better but border still closed so can't go . So like I said go for it now as you never know what the future holds !!
Best of luck to you and look forward to seeing how your trip goes!
Curious if you were in the Black Hills for yesterday's thick wet snow?
He hasn't even left the house yet. How the hell could he be in the Black Hills? Geez.
Go get em Jasper. Enjoy your retirement. I’m new at it too and so far so good.
I love traveling alone and hunting. Good luck.
Best of luck Jasper! There's a bunch of us pulling for your success. Remember what I told you about the bucket list. Keep us updated.
Make sure you take lots of pics, Jasper....We’re counting on ya! :-)
Thanks everyone!!! I’ll keep you updated!
Did the royal slam in one spring a few years back. One of my best memories. GOOD LUCK!
Congrats on retirement Jasper, and best of luck on the turkey tour. It’s a lot of fun to hunt those smart/dumb birds ain’t it ?
You having fun yet, Jasper?!
Hey John. Just saw this thread. Best of luck buddy! How'd the hunt go in OK with Murph?
Jon, congrats on a great Rio. I am silently watching your adventure on FB while locked away in FB JAIL (cry baby libs).
Whgen you get to WY let me know. I will drive across the state to help you out if needed. I am not going to get much turkey hunting in this year, which is making me sad. This weekend is 4H and Baseball, Next weekend is 4h and Shed hunting, etc.
There are no turkeys by my place in Lander, but if need a layover, hot meal or shower we have room. Heck maybe you tag out early and we can go shed hunt a few days...
Good luck and enjoy the much deserved time away...
He obviously didn’t update, like he said he would.
pirogue…… his recent “Prayer Request” thread. That should explain things a little.
He obviously didn’t update, like he said he would.
What is with the delayed double responses here the last little while. Ive has the doubletap and post bang bang but been seeing the delayed double posts lately.
Jasper, My Best to you Have a wonderful time and let it soak in all the outdoors holds for you !! Cant wait to hear how it went