Sitka Gear
drslyr - May-05 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Contributors to this thread:
drslyr 05-May-21
drslyr 05-May-21
drslyr 05-May-21
From: drslyr
9:01 AM LIVE from Ma*
Was supposed to be a washout and as usual weather people wrong again ....SURPRISE!!!! Out at an ol favorite after getting a gobbler to come from 400 yds screamin at first lite. I was callin from the truck. I just caught him in the mirror runnin behind the truck at 50yds. At a different spot now

From: drslyr
The different spot is becoming a bust. Zero zip zilch!

From: drslyr
Ok datz it.... No aneemuls were skunned whacked bloodied or kilt during the scope of this hunt!

Seeya tumarra!

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