2021 Unit S12
Contributors to this thread:Wild Sheep
From: Lone Bugle
FWIW, I was up in 12 Mile over the weekend and put eyes on 5 rams on the north side of the south drainage. All were legal. I don't have a tag but I thought I'd pass this on.
From: Lone Bugle
Apparently no one cares! ;-)
From: t-roy
I would care a lot more if I had drawn that tag! ;-)
But kudos to you for sharing that info, Eric! It’s stuff like that, that makes Bowsite such a great place.
From: sticksender
Will be following this thread.....might not comment much, but always enjoy hearing anything about sheep hunting in Colorado.Surely there's a bowsiter or two with a tag?
From: Surfbow
I'd love to hunt S12...
From: Treeline
Was up in the north end of 12 last weekend. Found some rams as well…
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
Always like this thread…
From: Quinn @work
Yeah Lone Bugle, can't believe that no bowsiters have posted here with a S12 tag? It's been a tradition for many years following their hunts.
Getting close to game time. Hopefully someone shows up with the tag as they should have lots of help from guys like you and past bowsiters that had the tag.
My hunting buddy drew G10 so we will be just north of S12 this fall.
From: Lone Bugle
Hopefully this activity will get some current tag holders to start jumping in. I sure hope so anyway. I love the unit and always enjoy hearing how its going.
From: LWood
Any Bowsiters draw sheep tags?
From: Bow Bullet
CO S06 archery
From: Shrewski
Man, S12 was the best month of my life even though I came away without a ram. Had some incredible luck in the sheep draws this year but I’m done chasing them with a stickbow. Or any bow. Just don’t have than dedication, financial or otherwise.
From: wildwilderness
Good luck on that Pikes Peak tag!
From: Bow Bullet
Thanks ww! The RMBS meet and greet is tomorrow. Too bad you don't live down here anymore. Trading emails is ok but would have been nice to meet and be able talk f2f about the unit.
From: LWood
Good luck, Brad. Keep us posted!
From: Bow Bullet
Thanks, will do!
From: drmike
Good luck to everyone with a tag!
From: elkfitness
Hey everyone, I drew one of the s12 archery tags and will be headed out friday for the first of 2 scheduled stints in the mountains. I actually got a call after someone didn't pay, so it was fun phone call to get. I've been up to the area quite a bit this summer and have hunted elk in the area as well. The sheep for me have been far and few between so far, but I have seen most every other animal:). It's been quite the solo effort so far, trying to balance softball and baseball so far. I feel good with the fitness and with the bow, and think I have a good lay of the land. I haven't scouted/looked at the river herd and have focused my energy from weston pass to horseshoe.
From: Lone Bugle
Elkfitness, that's like winning the lottery! Good for you! Happy to share what I know about the unit.
From: elkfitness
Lone Bugle, thanks! I sent you a message. Pretty excited and making all my final preparations.
From: Treeline
Good luck elkfitness! There are some solid rams in there!
From: kscowboy
Congrats on the tag! Get ahold of Tembry on here. He had the tag back in 2017 and pretty much covered the entire unit. I'm sure he can help.
From: elkfitness
Will do kscowboy!
From: elkfitness
Will do kscowboy!
From: Huntmaster
The search of older threads doesn’t work well on here, but a google search with “bow site s12 ram” will bring back threads with all the likely places to look in s12. There will be some great stories and tips in those threads. Good luck.
From: Shrewski
ElkFitness, PM me I can point you in a direction I spent a lot of time hunting one ram in S12, it would definitely be worth a look.
From: Liv2HntBigBullz
Well what are the rumors on how these boys did this year?!?