Shooting rough fish is racist
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Pat Lefemine's Link
I give up. This article says that labeling carp, gar and suckers as trash or rough fish is an example of systemic racism.
Somehow I think this may be our most popular bowfishing post in the history of Bowsite, LOL!!
I guess " invasive specie " is now racist too, think about it.
You can’t make this stuff up - well, I guess on second thought we can, as it’s done daily.
Here's a question - if labeling these fish 'trash' is racism, who is it directed at?
We've been dealing with invasive species on our club grounds for two years. Yanked out *acres* of Autumn Olive, Bittersweet, etc. We actually get grant money to do so, ironically from the same government that once encouraged planting these 'ornamentals' for erosion control etc. And all we've done is hardly a drop in a bucket. I see these plants everywhere along roadsides. Miles of 'em. Just wish the deer would develop a taste for 'em, I got a few spots...
The government wanted us to plant things that would actually grow, imagine that.
Yeah, they grow like the bleeping weeds they are. ;-)
(Remember the gov't used to encourage the growing of 'hemp' too)
Calling everyone and everything racist is part of the plan. The only way dems keep power is by dividing, never uniting. Race, class, even biology. Obama laid it out years ago…”we must fundamentally change America”.
This is an easy one... white men obviously should have done NOTHING in the last 100 years.
Sad that people will eagerly believe this article. It was written because there are people out there who want to believe this is true. Crazy!
Do Olive trees help the carbon footprint of the eroded lands and abandon farm fields they now largely occupy? Maybe one could get carbon credits.
And now rocks are even racist as well so they will be removed.
From the article above:
"In offering lifestyle alternatives — since the study insinuates fish are moral beings — there are six outlined ideas. This includes telling people to use the term “native fish,” to “correct misinformation” through education and outreach, and to “integrate Indigenous perspectives into fisheries management.”
All the white mans fault bla bla bla.
USFWS changed the name of the Asian Carp to “Invasive Carp”, too, for obvious reasons.
Thank goodness they didn’t use the term “illegals” in the moniker!…
Huntcell 's Link
Raciest rock removal is not cheap.
“ It cost an estimated $50,000, covered by private donations, to remove.”
So what is it called when Parks and Wildlife (state government) uses rotenone to remove "rough or undesirable" fish from specific drainages or lakes?
Or is fish genocide acceptable in the eyes of this group since it's the government.
Omg Huntcell I gotta get into the racist rock removal business. Hell I’m gonna remove anything racist for a few rocks, birds, fish, statues, flags, mammals, etc. My business motto going to be “For a rate I will remove the hate”.
Don't look now but this is just the beginning.
One day this will come to a head and it will not be pretty good luck Lewis
"Removing the rock as a monument in a prominent location prevents further harm to our community while preserving the rock’s educational research value for our current and future students,” said Gary Brown, the university’s director of campus planning and landscape architecture.
Sadly, those who have nothing to do or accomplish in life make everything racist or negative. AND, much of it starts "in our schools"..
ROTFL What a bunch of TRASH this all is!
This is actually a good thing, and needs to be amplified in the mainstream media. But they won't cover it because they know it trivializes the perceived importance of wokeness (by the far Left) to the huge majority of Americans. The more people see wokeness as a big joke, the less credibility the movement will have.
Wokeness is ruining professional sports, do not watch it!!
"I guess " invasive specie " is now racist too, think about it."
YUP! Just like all the invasive species now over running our southern border at the behest of our American "leaders".
How is it the rocks fault someone used a derogatory name for Black people in a Wisconsin State Journal story in 1925. Does it not deserve the right to be a moral being? Could they have not just referred to the rock as a cracker rock once in a newspaper and call it good?
I keep hearing the media and liberals talk about white serpremisists and yet they never show any. The true racisists are the liberals themselves, and they accuse others of being what they are, Joe biden beong one of the top in Washington. Review his racist comments over the years and his friendship with senate Byrd from W Virginia, a bonafide clansman. Also, the liberal media is up in arms about S. Dakota holding the annual bike week and calling it a super spreader event, and yet the media is silent about the president shipping illegals throughout the country who have corona virus, but not an issue. You can't write this stuff and it will eventually backfire on the left.
black bass, black crappie, blue catfish, black grouper, red snapper, black bear, blacktail deer, red stag, etc, etc, etc. where will the racism end?
I’m going to tell my nephews to become taxonomists, as the renaming business will be booming over the next decade or so. Of course they are white males, so there is that….
In one of the stimulus spending sprees the dumbocrats allocated 25 million for Asian Carp eradication. That, to me, seems racist.
T-Roy, this is why I call Asian food "Invasive food now" so I don't get labeled racist. It drives the liberals insane. "Hey you all want to get some invasive food tonight?"
"In one of the stimulus spending sprees the dumbocrats allocated 25 million for Asian Carp eradication. That, to me, seems racist".
That's way beyond racist's Genocide!
Screw em' I'd laugh in their face if they objected to me
Kentuckbowhunter that’s hilarious! I got a few people I could use that on and get em all jacked up! Haha
Funny because the colored folks are always the ones that take the carp from me when I get back to the ramp
"The Black Student Union....... blah blah blah....." (from the Wisconsin rock article)
I wonder what kind of uproar there would be if there was a "White Student Union "?
When the Olympic and professional athletes disrespect the country they represent and entertain, do not expect your countryman and audience to support you. Do you support wokeness by tuning into sports programming? If so, you too are part of the problem. Might be time to reconsider your supportive actions for wokeness.
"Don't look now but this is just the beginning."
Yep - trying to introduce Critical Race Theory or a version of it - in our schools, unbelievable!
Literally every perceived problem in the US and for that matter the world can be attributed to 3 things from the Left perspective:
1.) RACE
2.) Climate Change
3.) The Unvaccinated
Just wait until they pass the "Infrastructure" Bill. Then the fun will REALLY start!
How can so many voters be blind to the issues ?
About says it all.
About says it all.
Whats amazes me is that every country on earth came about as the strongest group settled and created laws and borders. Whites and various other groups came here and through wars and land deals the greatest country on earth was created. People from all over the world fight to get in here. Now instead of being grateful to God and forefathers for their sacrifice we are demonized. I always ask my radical black friends "then what country in Africa do you want us to emulate"? There is zero government there worth 2 cents. People are so self centered now that they don't realize what is happening to this country. Just my 2 cents
"USFWS changed the name of the Asian Carp to “Invasive Carp”, too, for obvious reasons."
They can call it what they want and I'll continue to call it by its rightful name describing its place of origin...
The stupid liberal democrat Madison asshats tore down a statue of a man who was a leader in the abolitionist movement to help free the slaves too. Not a leap to think they would hate a freaking rock. 70 miles surrounded by reality.
I notice the Leftist stooges on Bowsite have yet to pontificate on our ignorance of such an immediate imperative threat to life on Earth.
Dr. King's dream has come true. People are being judged by the content of their characters. The tragedy is that so many are found lacking. "Wokeness" is nothing but a scapegoating movement with a double helping of self-absolution.
Leftists/Socialists/Marxists voted for the anti hunting Biden administration. Yes, the exact same administration fully supported by the anti hunting groups PETA, HSUS and the ASPCA. No voter for this leftist administration should be on a pro hunting forum, unless they are totally clueless and ignorant.
Ambush, its "bears of color" hmmkay. Also, theres a reasonable expectation that the "brown" bear will not be looked as favorably since its obviously "white adjacent."
"When the Olympic and professional athletes disrespect the country they represent and entertain, do not expect your countryman and audience to support you. Do you support wokeness by tuning into sports programming? If so, you too are part of the problem. Might be time to reconsider your supportive actions for wokeness."
I was the BIGGEST football goon ever! The NFL is the ONLY time I would make time for TV. NFL Sunday ticket subscriber for 18 years. Sirius XM football channel was being streamed 24-7. I kept thinking the NFL was going to wake up after watching what woke was doing to the NBA and MLB. Nope, they didn't. Pro sports missed a brilliant opportunity to use their platform to show just what diversity looks like. Commercials could have been done showing the teams, all the different backgrounds and ethnicities working together, the fans in the same capacity coming together. But, no. They chose against the very people that support them. I no longer watch or listen to anything anymore.
Feel sorry for the lefty’s they have forgotten history and/or tried to re write it. The pendulum always swings back to the other side but much more drastic. They are the minority not only in the US but in the world. History shows us that what is coming for them won’t be pretty. Two off the largest populations on earth China and Islam would prefer to exterminate them. It’s starting to take place in Europe with Islam.
Owl-actually if it continues people will be judged not by the content of their character but by the color of their skin.White cops already are.
I gave a 36 pound carp to a colored old folks home. The biggest one I ever caught. The cook there was a retired head chef from a big restaurant in Philadelphia. He said, tonight we will all have crab cakes. I questioned he meant. He said he would boil the carp to remove all the bones. He would then season the meat with his special blend and make crab cakes. He said the people that used to order some kind of special chicken dish in Philly were actually eating pigeon meat. He said he had sold lots of crab cakes and no one knew the difference. He always wanted the carp alive which was no problem since wrapped in a wet burlap bag the would be alive when I got there.
No people that lost their character kept their liberties. - Lawrence W. Reed
Everything is racist.
Case in point:
A popular grocery store here in the north east (Wegmans) cant use the word "picnic" in any marketing material anymore because a pre-made meal for parties which they called "chicken BBQ picnic" caused a store employee to feel offended since it reminded them of chicken BBQ picnics they apparently had in (predominately) black neighborhoods.
My privileged white family had picnics on the farm growing up. Didn't know picnics were exclusive to black folks....
The other crazy part.... the company's diversity team (for real) is hot to jump on anything that keeps their department "relevant", including calling out coworkers for anything they say that can be misconstrued as racist. Also coming soon, the stores won't use "Thanksgiving" either, since it's not inclusive for all cultures who don't celebrate it.
It's never gonna stop.
And, Christmas is on the chopping block.
Rock lives matter!
Saddle: So all cultures don't celebrate Thanksgiving. I guess they will have to eliminate all holidays as none are celebrated by all cultures.
Hard times make strong people.
Strong people make good times.
Good times make weak people.
Weak people make hard times. We are clearly in the weak people cycle.
The "race card" is played because the natural reaction is to defend yourself from such an allegation, defending a false negative being near impossible after the accusation..... "when did you stop beating your wife?". A tactic needing zero mental acuity or knowledge to deploy. The person can pretty much be dumber than a rock. Classic when all reason and logic has been abandoned. Or in so many cases not even a viable option.
While the natural reaction is attempting to defending yourself, the best response is to respond in like with a similarly hard to defend statement. "You? You're just an asshole." and leave it at that. What they are after is an argument they begin with what they see as the upper hand, the moral high ground. It is credibility and moral superiority they crave like a drug. Simply refuse to lend any credibility by arguing anything with anyone who is clearly an asshole. JUST an asshole. Being relegated to irrelevance is the worst of tortures for them. (credit to Ben Shapiro on how to respond to the race card)
Things needed to be relegated into irrelevance:
A) Weak people.
B) Assholes.
If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas, no need to have a paid day off...
Fellow hunters on this board actually voted for this nonsense.
Keith that's so true. Just cancel everything and start over. We need a big reset anyways!
TD I've heard those first 4 sentences before, not sure if it was Ben or another youtube channel but it seems to make perfect sense. There is very little struggle for most people today thus giving them time to conjure up complaints about insignificant bullshit, ultimately redirecting society in not so good ways. Thanks smart phones for giving every 'victim' a voice.
I firmly believe we need to go hungry as a country, even if for a short few weeks, to help reprioritize what really matters.
Smarba... gotta be a working citizen to get those holidays off! But I get your point!
Calling "Invasive fish" Native Fish is wrong. They are not native fish, that is misleading and a lie. Common carp, Asian carp are NON Native and a huge expensive nuisance.
Thank you liberals! Sadly, we've only began to see the stupidity that is gonna take place. Sad! My department just hired a diversity officer.... This should be interesting!
Big Racist?
Big Racist?
White shirt, white arrow, oh yeah waaay racist
wow. That's Jurassic BPM......
We used to call Carp and Buffalo "Ophras" or "big butt uglies" cause they looked like, well you know.... a couple of anti-hunting celebrities with big mouths and big butts.
People used to be able to joke about things like that.
But...but....what if that fish "dindu nuffin'"?
If you want to ruin a city just put a university there. I lived in a nice coastal area and they built one there. Now it’s one big socialist think tank. I can’t stand to even visit there.
Carp are a prized Holiday meal in parts of Europe. I saw one place that offered vacation carp fishing. In the Midwest there are commercial carp fisherman. Has anyone tried eating carp? Maybe we are missing something here.
JB's Link
A whole lot of racism hangin here
DL, we used to eat carp. Canned (jarred) it. Was really good. Also tried gar a few times. It was good scooped out in balls, rolled in flour, and fried.
The traditional Gefilte fish appetizer of Jewish culture is very often made with carp.
I would have no problem trying carp as long as it came from clean water, or was kept in clean water for a while to "flush" it. They are bottom feeders after all.