Shooting with pack on….
Contributors to this thread:Caribou
From: Jasper
I’ve been shooting daily with my pack on as well as my bino harness with holster and Glock. How many of you ditch the pack when getting close or does it just depend on the circumstances? I’m running a SG Sky 5900 but it compresses down pretty small with just my day gear. Thanks!
From: WV Mountaineer
I shoot eitherway. But, I never take it off just to shoot. If it’s not too hot, I rarely take the pack off unless I’m going to set for a while.
From: Tilzbow
I’ll take it off nearly 100% of the time if setting up for an ambush. If I’m on a stalk I don’t take it off. Too many times in my early days I’d drop the pack the last 100 yards and either have a hell of a time finding it (and my boots) or the animal would move off and I’d have to decide whether to pursue or go back and get the pack. So, while stalking I leave it on unless I’m nearly 100% certain the stalk will either end in a shot or a blown out animal.
Given how much caribou move I can’t see dropping my pack when pursuing them but I could when setting up an ambush.
Regardless of the situation, if you drop your pack, always mark the spot with your GPS, and I mean always!
From: smarba
Agree with Tilz: mark that pack if you drop it! I sometimes take mine off if conditions warrant (e.g. thick brush & too noisy, or sitting an ambush) but have shot many animals while wearing my pack. Doesn't seem to affect my shooting in the least.
From: Nick Muche
I do my best to ditch mine when I get in close enough where I can sneak the last 50 or so yards and plan to shoot. If I can't remove it without the animals spooking, I will happily shoot with it on. I can just move and sneak better with it off.
Also, there are TONS of caribou moving into the area you are headed as of this week, you're in for a real treat!!
From: APauls
I can shoot with it on, but prefer it off for being sneaky. I did one time spend about an hour looking for my pack caribou hunting in a glassing location. Was in a field of boulders. Always make sure you can find it again.
From: bigeasygator
Pretty much what Nick says is my approach. I'm ditching the pack when I feel like there's an opportunity. With that said, my binos and rangefinder are always with me (so is my Glock in bear country as my holster is part of my bino pack). My bino pack also includes some basic emergency equipment (knife, bandaids, headlamp, small GPS, etc) so if somehow I get separated from my pack I generally have some stuff to keep me going or get me home if need be.
From: Jasper
Great stuff gentlemen, thanks!
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Not out west but a few years ago I dropped my pack on a stone wall to go sneak into a doe bedding area in PA doe season. We shoot one, runs straight down the mountain. Go down get her take. Care of amd say shit where’s my pack. Oh on the wall. I never marked it. There’s 15 walls on that mountain side lol. Took a couple hours to find it with a phone flashlight …. Not my proudest moment. I have a dedicated pocket stream light flashlight now. And always mark my gear if I drop it lol
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Not out west but a few years ago I dropped my pack on a stone wall to go sneak into a doe bedding area in PA doe season. We shoot one, runs straight down the mountain. Go down get her take. Care of amd say shit where’s my pack. Oh on the wall. I never marked it. There’s 15 walls on that mountain side lol. Took a couple hours to find it with a phone flashlight …. Not my proudest moment. I have a dedicated pocket stream light flashlight now. And always mark my gear if I drop it lol
From: scndwfstlhntng
A couple of pieces of orange surveyor tape on some of my tools, and other stuff like a pack makes for a great visual cue. I have some small flashlights that I have found here and there, which are designed for things like dog collars or a key chain and weight nothing. I have them on my packs and could be easily turned on when leaving the pack.
From: bigeasygator
bigeasygator's Link
I keep something like this in my pack as well for those times I need to drop it. This and learning to stick your pack somewhere visible (on a tree, fence, etc, if possible) will go a long way in not misplacing your stuff if you have to drop it quick and don't mark it on a GPS.
From: BTM
"Too many times in my early days I’d drop the pack the last 100 yards and either have a hell of a time finding it (and my boots) or the animal would move off and I’d have to decide whether to pursue or go back and get the pack." Been there, done that!